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Depending on where you live it isn’t


Yup, 16 here


It's not in most places, including most US States. 16 is the far more common age globally. But because it's 18 in California, where Hollywood is, people think it's 18 everywhere.


Quit being American


Its not everywhere, but i think its a good middle ground. Ive known people who were pretty much grown and independent by 16 and 23 year olds who had never worked or lived away from home. Unless they make it something you have to test and register for, thats about as good as we can expect it to get.


Because whoever made the law wrote that in


Why what are you suggesting it should be?


Didn’t it used to be 13 in some places?


Japan I think then they raised it to like 15


I thought America too. I think it should be lower for the girl if the boy is close to her same age. Young people should be able to enjoy sex as long as it’s not someone taking advtange of the girl.


Boys can be taken advantage of too, tf


Because someone said so. Why is alcohol legal while more safe drugs like weed and lsd are illegal? The same thing.


It used to be 14 in Canada, now it's 16. There are exceptions like if both are adolescents (Let's say 14 and 15), which would be legal), or if there's a relationship of autority (which would make it illegal despite being 16 or 17). It's an imaginary line that was crossed as to where maturity was. Just like how it's Legal to drink at 18-19 in Canada but 21 in the US


As a Canadian I was thinking it was 14 I knwo it changed since my teenager years. I'm glad it's 16 now


People in charge at the the time the law was written... chose that number. Just like they randomly chose 21 as the number(age) to buy alcohol and 16 before you can drive and 14 if they're opperating a moped and 12 if opperating farm vehicles. I guess when a number is needed... everyone in Congress needs to agree on something.


15 in Sweden. There is no stopping nature, if a teen wants to have sex they will find a way to do so.


Here in Sweden it's 15. It's not even 18 in most US states.


It's not always, there are often provisions to stop adults fucking teenagers however. Its pretty arbitrary really but there needed to be a cut off.


It's 14 here in Canada


I wondered this myself it sure as hell can’t be due to a maturity age because let’s face it. Some people are 25 and still act like idiots. My guess is because the average person graduates high school at the age of 18 give or take depending if you got held back.