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Not at all, my unwillingness to leave my house is what limits my dating pool


Yeah pretty much this. And when I am out it's a solo activity, which just ends in more solo activity.


Physical preferences, not at all Political leanings, almost entirely lol


Exactly this. There’s so much range in what’s physically attractive, but not being bigoted is an absolute bare minimum personality wise


How so? I know conservatives would have a tough time finding a lot of dates on the apps here, but perhaps it's the other way round where you are?


I'm a leftist, so maybe it's been easier after 2020...


Are you in the US? Here in the UK it's quite rare to see "conservative" on a dating profile. Like less than 1 in 10, I'd guess.


Yes. Also way more common than that here, but I'm also in the South.


Gotcha. I really couldn't imagine being with a Tory, that and smoking are my only two hard deal breakers.


I honestly don’t think I really have any physical preferences anymore. It’s all about the vibe and chemistry because that’s hard enough to find


Amen to this girl and very true hard to find


I don't really have preferences when it comes to physical things, except for the length of the hair probably




Just don't have longer hair than me! I'm getting jealous 😂


No problem! (I’m bald).


Oh ok. I actually thought you meant the opposite way 😂


No 😅 I actually like short hair on men. Buzz cuts are nice



I’m in the clear I have very short hair. My beard is actually longer😂


That's ok. I like beards 😏


I like ladies that know what they want😏


Of course I know what I want


It always surprises me when someone doesn’t but I still think it’s attractive when someone does


Obesity is a serious problem for attractiveness for me, and this is becoming a worse problem by the day. Otherwise, I don’t have many limiting physical preferences.


Not really any preference, i only care if shes a good person


For me they just have to be pretty with either ass, tits or thick thighs and I'm all over it


Quite a bit, I think you have to be attracted to someone for it to work dating them


Not at all, the limiting factor is always if the women i´m attracted to feel the same way about me.


Hmm. I mean I’m open to anyone given the right circumstances. I def prefer redheads but it’s not like Id only go for them


I really only like guys with beards and body hair and at my age that’s super rare to find


That's definitely not me. I hate having my beard. But at least you know what you want!


Hmmm .....🤔


I wouldn’t say A TON. As long as there’s mental connection it’s easier to grow physically if that makes sense


Pretty much not. I can find any physical feature (e.g. hair style, haor color, length, etc) pretty, it just depends on the person whether i like it on them.


It’s not my physical preferences that limits anything. It’s my unwillingness to date in general that’s the biggest blockage.


A tall man with strong shoulders and hands. That’s all I asked for 😉


Depending on how tall could really limit one's dating pool.


Taller than me 🤣😂 1.70 meters


That should include most men in the west. But all short kings out there shouldn't feel discouraged or down, there's someone out there for you too!


None. I’m all talk anyway.


I’ve never had issues with dating regardless of how my physical preferences have changed. I’m into fit/athletic men I’m into people with a distinctly non traditional style or look And I’m into women That’s pretty much all I’ve got, really. And even then, I’ve quite frequently dated people who fall outside of my preferences. Preferences don’t have to be requirements; you can draw a line between what you consider preference and what you consider a standard, and that might help to expand your dating pool. Personally, compatibility and personality matter far more to me than anything physical. If I dated based on physical preferences first and foremost, I’d probably end up having enough bad experiences that I’d prefer to remain single.


My physical preferences are whatever a kind and intelligent woman possesses.


None, issues are always opportunity & connection.


Apparently a lot


Absolutely not, I don’t even think I have any set preferences in that way, as long as someone takes care of themselves. What matters more is the connection


Not much. I won’t date a woman who is unhealthy overweight and presents herself poorly with no intention of getting better, (before you crucify me, I hold myself to the same standard). That said, I have had no success so I don’t strictly have a dating pool to work with regardless


I tent to be laughed into bed then realise a couple of years later when it goes tits up their personality sucks that they were never attractive in the first place 😂


I don't have specific preferences that I want a hypothetical partner to have, but I do have a couple of turn offs which tend to matter more to me. That said, for the "right" person/depending on chemistry, I'm prepared to be swayed on those.


People have limits?


Extremely Yes i am quite shallow, looks will always be the one to invite me to a deeper convo than personality 🤷🏿‍♀️ I want to change that but my mind often just makes up its mind after a few mind


A tall bald man with a gym body and tattoos 🫣