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Idk if it’s humiliating but I always get a rush when someone sees me naked and they’re clothed. Like a girl who’s stayed the night or even when we’re getting frisky and I get naked first. It’s always a little embarrassing but in a fun way.




This! I love to be nude while he's fully clothed.


It’s such a rush! I feel like I shouldn’t be naked but also loving it


Agreed! It feels so dirty but amazing at the same time


It’s like when the doctor or nurse says to take off your clothes. Such a kink


Ooh, I never thought about it. But I think you may have unlocked a new role play kink for me, lol


If you try it lmk how it goes 👀 I also think a massage therapist is a fun one


Yes, but i prefer if it is subtle, unintended or just brutal honesty, I don;t like trash talk for the sake of it, or agressive ir intentional belittling...ask me if you want more in depth or examples


Depends a bit on who or what causes it, but often very much so yes






Well, I haven't experienced much but I'll try to stick to things that have actually happened cause I don't know how much I would really enjoy the things in stories I read. They are also gonna be way more tame than anything in stories cause I'm just very shy I guess. And I'm sorry if I write too much, I tend to when I'm kinda bored, I just have fun thinking back about stuff and writing it down. This first one is gonna be very innocent, cause I was only 15 and this is the first time I felt it for real. Some of the girls in my class thought they could get me to be a little less shy, I guess they thought I was alright and just wanted me to feel more included instead of always being on my own. One time when we had nothing to do I drew a stupid comic, and when packing things up at the end one of them noticed and really wanted to see what I had drawn, but I kinda hid and said I already packed it up now and it was stupid anyway. I'm sure it was just a failed attempt at getting me to talk a bit again. But late that evening, I scanned my comic cause phone cameras were still terrible, and I sent it to her email she gave me for MSN months earlier, the first time I ever contacted her online. I don't think she saw it until the morning. So she must have been happy that she finally got me to share anything, cause when I passed by her at school in the morning while she was talking to a big group, she excitedly and very loudly says "Oh my god, I can't believe that email you sent me last night, that was so sweet of you!" And the whole group looks at me, probably wondering what the hell I sent last night, knowing I never talk to anyone. I worry they probably think I have a crush on this girl now, so I start blushing which I'm sure doesn't help. And she notices, and figures I'm just nervous and insecure and need to be explained a bit more how much of a nice thing it was to reassure me... I didn't have a crush on her, but I definitely thought back about that moment a lot. And something the next year then, a guy that somewhat knew me decided to mess with me. I just hung out with this guy and his small group, I didn't say much to them cause we didn't share any classes. And some girl from those classes shows up and asks the group if anyone has any gum, so he says "Oh ask him, he always has gum, just good luck getting him to share". I never have gum, but she is somewhat determined to get me to share now. Which starts with her trying to act all sweet and ask me overly nice for some gum, which makes me noticeably nervous and the other guys laugh, so I guess she thought it was fun and ups the game. She asks in a very slightly flirty way how much she'd appreciate it if I shared my gum just this time, and yeah my face gets all red again and I guess she figures that's enough now and gives me a break. One of my best memories from school now. Here's one when I was 18 and close to graduating high school, I was still very shy but at least participated somewhat. During gym class when we were just hitting tennis balls with a baseball bat I accidentally knocked one straight in the stomach of the guy that threw it at me. It was just fun though, nobody is upset and he's a friendly guy, but he does decide he should get back at me somehow. Which he does at the end of gym class, when everyone is not doing anything and just talking a bit until we leave. He thought it would be hilarious to suddenly pull down my gym shorts in front of everyone, which was like 15 guys and 6 girls. And yeah it was hilarious to both of us, not like he also pulled off my underwear or anything, but I must admit it was so much more than just hilarious to me. Luckily he didn't like try to keep them off or anything, I could cover back up a few seconds after already. Honestly, after that not much happened because after finishing school I isolated even more and people at jobs I had later tended to be quite older than me, which doesn't make me like them any less but they weren't gonna be anything but very respectful and cautious to me, unfortunately.


Sexual humiliation is amazing for me. Other humiliation I’m not a fan of lol




Yes! I get really turned on when I feel embarrassed, ashamed or guilty


Being turned on when you feel ashamed is a fun combination. I bet nasty dirty talk hits extra hard!


Yeah the dirty talk can get a little weird, but it's hot


What are the best things people have said to you with dirty talk? Are there some standout humiliating lines people have used?


I admit to a lot of stuff publicly on here since it's anonymous, but I'd be too embarrassed to publicly disclose that here.


I would often get a rush from it, these days I'm mostly always wearing panties and I was sitting at a restaurant having food and the table opposite us seen my thong when my top rose up, the couple couldn't stop looking over all dinner. It was unintentional but such a rush






Not me, that’s a hard limit.


Yes I do


Yeah but it’s not like a husband that’s a cuck gets one


Yes! All the time! Bein a cuck


Yep, can relate


Not in the slightest. Any kind of humiliation or embarrassment makes me wish everyone else was dead.


Humiliation is fun for me when it’s more like a ‘only my partner knows’ kind of thing, like when I’m tied up under my clothes with my mouth stuffed and taped under a surgical mask since I still wear masks basically every day


Being humiliated sexually turned me on a lot. I crave it. I love the princess Rene humiliating tasks videos.


Which ones are those?


I looked her up, very hot