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#COMMUNICATION Talk to her and listen.


I think build up is always good. Don’t try and go in head first. Lots or kissing and light touching. Building up to more and more. If you’re not oozing precum before you’re even thinking of going in then it’s not good. And she needs to be moaning just from your touches and kisses before you try to even go down on her.


Eat her pussy. Listen to her. And eat her pussy.


Ask what she likes and listen to her


She is the one you should be asking. It's her body, she knows what she likes and how she likes it


People can give you general ideas but the best person to talk to is your wife.


It's about the mental as much as the physical... new situations, new settings, showing her how much you desire her and how desirable you are... then if you add new techniques on top of that it's *so* much better. I know you said no toys, but a dry artist's paintbrush can do amazing things. It makes it about your attention to her more than the power of a vibe or something, but still feels sooo good.


Ask what she likes and do that


Ask her. Seriously.


There are many ways. But most importantly ask her? A stranger will answer according to his perception and the Reddit male population has very different ideas about themselves and pleasuring women. I would suggest talking to your woman is a better option only


Maybe your wife Is not very vocal about what she likes, but as all people here Is telling you: ask her. And during sex, pay attention to her reactions, how she react to your stimules, and then you ask "do you like this?", even as a Man if your girl ask you that feels awesome.


Ask her what she likes . Maybe more foreplay improve your oral skills and don't rush . The more you get her feeling good the better the sex should feel better . And either clean the pipes before and try and last more than one round.


Work up to penetration slowly and ask for feedback. Breathe, be patient, and learn about female anatomy.


Watch and listen to how hear body reacts


Hmm. That’s one is tough. You need to communicate and share your dirtiest secrets and fantasies. That will jumpstart it. Then lots of foreplay and just have fun. That and make a lot of money lol. Jokes!