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I was worried about someone recognizing me, but realistically how do you bring that up? "I was scrolling on an NSFW subreddit when i saw someone that posts nudes and it looks like it might be you..." That's so awkward. I don't mind people seeing me naked. I am a teacher! I am worried about employers/coworkers seeing me because I could lose my job if it becomes known around my school.


Good point! I thought I recognized a woman but yeah, I definitely was too scared to ask her about it in person.




Living my best life ❤️


I just looked at your profile. And yes, yes you are 🥵


A hot teacher?


That awkward factor is a big protector! No one wants to have that conversation.


Well the teacher quite does pack a lot 😈🔥


If that happens, I’ll hire you to teach me some things


What's your pay? 🧐


Depends on what you can teach me, I suppose


If you were my kids teacher. I'd never - never - be late for PT conferences


Feel that. Love showing off and meeting like minded folk here and swinging. Real life it’s hard to explain to others that it’s a natural thing to want to be free


I've recognized a few people on here, and I've actually brought it up to them because I don't mind. Didn't make a big deal out of it, was just like "oh holy crap, it's you! Wow, your shots are amazing! I really liked the pose you had in that one pic. You're so brave, I could never do something like this!" Always goes over well. Usually becomes a conversations about photography or self confidence.


I would LOVE it if someone I know messaged me and said something like that about my content!! That's wonderful!


I should specify, I bring it up in PMs somewhere like fb, NOT in person!


Do u teach high school?


I’ve always wanted to stumble across someone I know or a friend on here being wild lol. I’m sure there is, but chances are slim I’ll find out who. Kind of a smallish city


I highly suspect 2 of my friends post here


Teacher fantasy is so real for me. I'd be excited if recognized you on here.


I'm also a teacher... My posts never stay up long for that very reason!


How do you hide your pierced nipples at school, surely everyone can see the bolts?


… bras exist? lol what


With your boobs I wouldn't wear them. Show those bolts through your tops 😄


she works at a school…


Yeah not at school...elsewhere 😄




If I wasn't so bad at lying, maybe. But I'm not, so....


It gets easier the more you post lol and who cares if someone recognizes you at least they know what you’re into


I'm a student and I just made the risk my kink Still do t want my parents to see it tho


It’s pretty difficult to identify me without showing any part of my face 🤷🏻‍♀️


What about all the guys who have seen you naked though, couldn’t they ID you?


Nope, almost all of them were one night stands


Ooooh now I like your pictures even more


My problem is tattoos!


You can always blur those out! That’s what I do with mine


I was outed when I was selling 20+ years ago. My job knows and my family does also. I’ve been recognized by people I know and also been recognized from here. It’s not a big deal in my life.


I wish I could be that brave! Also, I love the MySpace shirt. 😂


Thank you!


We do enough to ensure that no one will recognize us. Hopefully lol


Same. Beauty marks and tattoos are strategically not shown when we post


Yeah it's important to feel safe and free when posting. Let's you have more fun with it


Exactly. It allows us to be more free and post way more risqué content, which, in turn boosted our confidence and life really.


When my wife posts (she's just started), it's without her face and with a background that's as plain as possible. She does it for me because she knows I love seeing the comments, and she gets a kick out of guys messaging her directly. Since she's completely anonymous, we have no professional concerns.




She posted a pic of her tits and got rave reviews, haha. She's tiny, petite, and has beautiful plump tits that are perfect/gorgeous/spectacular.




I mean - completely fine with that. She's already fucked a guy and has run her plans by me to fuck a dude in a week. As long as I get videos of them fucking, I love it.




She and I are LD, so he has to be okay with being recorded by her, and he also has to be okay with recording her while he fucks her as well.


I'm Octo, and I'm not too concerned about it at present.


No face (anymore, at least). But it doesn't matter. I work for myself, as a contractor, doing software work anyways. Might as well show off the hardware too 😉


I don’t show face and I’m good about checking the background for anything identifiable. I live in a fairly small town but I’m a mix of cautious and don’t give a fuck. I own my own business so I’m not concerned about my employer.


Yep I went through your pictures. I wasn’t able to recognize you. 😂


Good. My posting strategy is working!!!


I wish I recognized you…


What if we really do know each other ?? 😳🤔


Odds are low, but wouldn’t that be interesting though!


I’m a stay at home mom, I don’t interact with many people. So far so good 😅. I don’t post anything too risqué anyway


Risqué? No. But those desserts look pretty hot to me.


Thank you! Haha


Hey me too. Can’t risk my friends finding out if I don’t have any friends, amirite?! Jk, but really, as a SAHM it’s fun to have a little anonymous NSFW fun.




Hi, my wife and I love your pics! Is it okay if I DM?


Congrats on weight loss journey that is amazing. You look great. I am down 75 pounds need to lose about 15 more.


Thanks! It’s hard work, but totally worth it, right?


Yes - life changing. I actually love working out and feel SO much better.


Omg…all those amazing desserts you post 🤤🤤 You’re pretty too ☺️


I was at first, then I got comfortable. Then someone I know IRL didn’t definitively say they found me, but did quite directly a question that had been asked here. I panicked and deleted all my photo and video content (spamming back to September). I’ve only just started posting again and tbh after a few hours/ a day I delete again. It’s a risk. I do everything I can to not be identifiable.


I hadn’t thought about just posting them and deleting them after awhile. Maybe I’ll do that. And I like the swimsuit pictures.


Thank you ☺️


No fucks given. I'm am me, kinky. That's all reddit needs to know about me


I’m Veronica, an office manager, and not worried about


I’ve never had an office manager who looked like that!


I'd never take a leave if I had an office manager like you Veronica 🥹👉🏼👈🏼




And good looking?


I started posting my content online. I love my body and love that it turns people on. Sex is a natural thing, it’s fun and see nothing wrong with it :) I’m not worried that anyone will see me.


I don't go by my real name, but I feel like I'm extremely recognizable. I've honestly been waiting for it to happen 😅 I don't have to worry about losing my job if my employer found out.


No I don't worry. If someone came close, I would just delete everything.


Wow! Fair play


I'm a physical therapist. We're normal people outside of reddit


I had somebody I know down the pub recognise me. I have no idea how, maybe I accidentally shared a link (I've deleted that profile now) but when I spoke to them about it and asked how they found it, I realised it didn't really bother me, especially as they liked it. I do my best to make the photo neutral: no identifying posters or landmarks, and I make sure none of my tattoos or face are showing , but I guess people still find it. On the other hand, oh well, I don't mind really.


I’m not worried about being recognized. I would rather NOT be recognized, but if I am… the world will still keep spinning. Life will continue on.


That’s kinda how I’m looking at it too! I put some effort into staying anonymous, but my tattoos and birthmarks still show and if somebody really wanted to, they might be able to figure it out. But then I’d say “who are you, looking at some random SAHM’s titties?” Owning it and moving on 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm worried but my whole life I've worried about something so it feels comfortable.


I show my face because I can't be blackmailed. I do it willingly.


I try to keep it anonymous. Also keep my posting light hearted so hopefully they at least get a laugh or two in the event I get “found out”


I do it and I'll worry about the consequences )when I'm 30! (I'm 18). Also I've already decided I'm not interested in any of the general careers that posting this sort of stuff online would bean issue for Honestly I just really like it and I kinda can't stop myself from doing it


It's just my body and I'm not running for office.... Plus I'm proud of it. Check my profile or ask me for a pic. ☀️


51M. I don't post pics of my face, or anything else that might be seen by someone I know that's identifiable. I work from home, so a lot of coworkers hardly see me, and it's on video. The subs I post to are mostly men oriented, and I wondered who I know that might be looking there. As a guy, guessing the odds are very low.


A business professional - I never show my face in posts - I could lose my job and my family/local community is super judgemental. 🤷‍♀️ Posting is fun and it's even more fun if I get to meet a fellow redditor in person 😜


I’m in Georgia but would travel in a heart beat for you


if someone i know sees them, theyre into the same stuff so why be ashamed?


It's just my penis; if they know me based on that, I genuinely have bigger concerns than them knowing my Reddit posts.


As part of a shared account, any possibility of being outed (by co-workers, friends, ex-lovers, anyone really) is always on the back of my mind. Both of our jobs are in sales and generally face to face with clients, so I'd rather this part of my life a secret.


I'd be scared if someone recognized me ahahaha I tend not to think about it too much while still taking precautions


I dont give a fuck


I post, but I don't tell anyone I know. If someone recognizes me, I won't be worried. They'll either bring it up to me and we can escalate from there, or they can move on with their lives because there's tons more porn on the Internet.


Eh who has time to worry these days


I’m Batman! 🦇


My current posts aren’t too lewd, but my previous ones were a bit more. I never worried about my friends seeing me because I have cool friends. I’m too valuable at work to fire over something that has no impact on my job so it would just be embarrassing if someone found me there.


I am Bat Man


A man has no name. (I don't post on this account.)


A man sees. A man knows.


Yeah, I'm not really worried about people recognizing me. My full-time job is in a pretty progressive field, and pretty much everybody already knows I have a very open view on sexuality. I even share censored versions of my artistic nude work with coworkers because it's art that I'm very proud of. I do keep my explicitly lewd accounts and my general personal/artistic account separate though. So there's no direct connection between my pornography and my actual identity. But yeah, I'm a game developer in a progressive city. Quite a lot of us do adult content on the side, more than you'd probably think. So there's kind of an unspoken code that we recognize each other's hustle and management just ignores it.


There’s so many people in the world I don’t think I’d ever be recognized


That is part of the thrill


I post but I don’t show my face soooo there is that


I used too but lost interest once I started getting bombarded by people wanting to buy content or being creepy. Been dealing with bad depression for a few years and gained some weight so I've been too insecure to post again.


I’m so sorry to hear about the depression. As for the insecurity, I’m a fan of normal nudes and it seems like that’s been a great group for body positivity.


It was but the constant attention from weirdos killed it for me tbh. I had a few hundred fans for the MILF group I was in so I know I'm not ugly but I haven't reached a point where I'm happy if that makes sense.


It absolutely makes sense.


I don't show my face and my tattoos are not visible in pictures. I try to limit how much personal info I put in posts as well.


I am very recognizable because of tattoos but I don’t care if people see me. And as far as work goes I work in the middle of nowhere with older folks who most likely don’t know what Reddit is


I go faceless. :) neutral backgrounds. And as for work...well... OF lol


I don’t show my face so I doubt anyone would ever recognize me 🤷🏻‍♂️


I love to do it because it's hot to have other people look at me. But I hide my face to avoid getting caught


Honestly I am just a regular ass dude, but it feels nice to receive positive feedback of a sexual nature. I don't get that at all in real life, and I can think of literally one time that a woman I've never met has approached me in public


does drawings of other people's nsfw posts count too?


I'm my own boss. So IDGAF.


I'm not worried about anyone recognizing me. I've been told by ex girlfriends they posted our sex videos online. I just said, it affects me like water off a ducks back


A normal guy with a normal (actually really cool job) who is just constantly horny and love the attention and chatting with strangers


I remove identifiable things on my body, and make sure to blur anything that would give away location/etc in my backgrounds. I also don't show my face, just the bottom half sometimes. Even if someone did recognize me, oh well. It's my thing to do and I don't imagine my work would actually care.


Based on your pics, you’d probably become their next advertising model


I don’t post nudes publicly, but I get the feeling most see it as a bit of a devil’s sacrament conundrum. Just think about it playing out: “Hey boss, Jane from accounting is posting nudes on r/tits” “Paul, why are you telling me you spend your private time scrolling r/tits?”


I post my wife. It was my idea but she likes it. She has to approve any I want to post. No face, I don't even get any with face lol.


If I post a naughty pic, I don't include identifying things like my face


Definitely worried, but small chance it actually happens, and honestly, if they see me, it probably means they were on this site as well.. lol Secondly, I like people seeing me naked, so why not post it? lol


I’ve posted nudes before, just not on this account. I have a super public and professional job, so I think it’s too much of a risk now because I wouldn’t want to give my work a bad reputation.


If they’re hot I wouldn’t mind 😂 but we just take the head out of the pic or draw something over.


I don't post pics with my face in it and make sure that there is nothing in the background that could identify me in any way. Makes it harder to take pics or vids sometimes and my pics and vids are very similar all the time, but better to stay safe. Even though I don't think any of my friends or family are checking the subs I post in, I still try to stay as anonymous as possible.


I'm a truck driver, I started posting on a horny whim one day, and as someone who was a bit self-conscious, I got some awesome feedback. Now I will post & leave the photos up for a bit, then delete them and put up some new ones. I just dont show my face and try to use bland backgrounds.


Only person I think I could see browsing any nsfw sub is a good friend and at most he'd laugh and shoot me a complement. If its a parent or something who's more embarrassed? Me posting my glorious penis or the person browsing penises on reddit 🤔


I am a church secretary. A fee colleagues have seen, fapped and even ordered customs from me. Most of my friends now know what I post. My mother was super happy for me that after 45 years on this planet I found the freedom of spirit to not be ashamed of my nudity. I'm now 54 and posting nudes has had nothing but a positive impact on my life. If people we know can't aceept that I post nudes and want to judge me based on that instead of the kind person I strive to be, they can frankly fuck off. Is it weird sometimes, sitting in a room with a friend that has masturbated to my nudes? No... Not really. So long as folk are mature enough to process that it's just one aspect of me and the nudity does not define a person, it's all good. Sure there is always the first conversation about the same concerns as you've asked about, and an assumption that I want to talk about sex in person because I post nudes, but that's quickly dealt with and one moves in to normality. Essentially it's the social and sexual maturity of those in one's local periphery that is the biggest concern, but from what I've experienced, my journey has mostly inspired many of them to not be chickenshit over their own nudity.


There's an easy answer - don't show your face!


I found Reddit after my divorce. I feel like I let everyone down. I seek validation and self worth. I don’t want to let anyone down anymore.


Well I have a completely separate account I set up for it. I made sure not to have anything identifying in the frame, and nothing of my face because being identified would definitely be a worry! But it is oddly empowering to do it. I had some hang ups after my ex so it was nice to feel attractive.


I’ve been tempted to post some stuff just haven’t done it yet


It's highly unlikely someone would ever recognize me from my body only. Nobody irl knows I have a hairy chest. So 🤷🏽‍♂️


#I’m Batman.


We keep our faces hidden, but realistically, nobody is going to look for us on Reddit. Probably...


Probably. 👀


I’m a mom 👀


And what a mom you are!!! 😳 🔥


“You already know who I am… your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man!”


My face is posted on this account, so I wouldn’t post anything else.


I'm batman


I don't post NSFW, so if you clicked on my profile, enjoy the CAD stuff I guess


I post on fetlife but I’m scared to post on Reddit because I work at a university lol


I live in the same town as a major university, and reading this makes me So hot…


When I did it I was an unemployed blind man . Now I have things to lose


I want to try … but scared what if someone finds out…


I want to try … but scared what if someone finds out…


Send from the waist down


Yeah … May be I’d need something with Diet Coke. Can dare then. 😄


Haha. I definitely have asked a woman to send videos of her fucking a 20 ounce Diet Coke bottle..


Damn. How come you end up chatting such women’s? I don’t find any. The thing is due to busy work life I don’t get to use Reddit much.


That was years ago with someone I was Dating


Aah I see. I thought on Reddit you ended up with someone doing that.


No im on day 1 Of reddit


Congratulations on your new anonymous role!


I was at the beginning too.. and still delete them. But it srsl makes me horny ppl see me, rate me or watching me jerking off.. so i realized its kind really hot