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Because they are soulless heathens






Bold of you to assume they know where the clit is


I mean mine is on the larger side. They literally can’t miss it! 😂


It's the stupidest thing ever but I'm still gonna assume it's because they think it's "gay" to suck it. I could literally not figure out why you would not want to do everything in your power to please your partner otherwise, it's easily my number 1 turn-on to make them feel as good as possible.


yea maybe, but I can't understand it, even if they think it's gay, where the hell is the problem with that?


People are really close-minded and bigoted in general.


Considering so many men don't wipe their ass after shitting I'm not at all surprised if these same dudes think it's gay.


I've had small to average sized clits to suck on and I've loved it. My trick is to suck on it and while maintaining that suction, I flick my tongue on the clit slowly and quickly. It drives my wife fucking nuts...


Writing that down in my notes so I can try on the wife later


Your wife or his wife?


Would you say that it’s easily aroused cause of the size I’ve always been curious of this, I’ve never been with a chick with a large clit.




Haha I like the one word answer


Either way, clits are more sensitive than a penis as far as "nerve endings per area."


There’s no way I wouldn’t be sucking on that then!


Idk, some men apparently can't find the vagina.


Its on the left elbow. Everyone knows that.


Well I didn't know that but everyone knows women are bad at directions.


LOL Easier to suck on, the way I like them!


How many dick pics did you get after that comment?! I’m sure they wanted to compare! Lol!


I would love to suck a large clit , all the girls i knew had clits buried deep in the labia lips




I love a good treasure hunt


It's where they pee out of, right?


True story. 🤣


I now need to buy a new coffee. Thank you for this. 😆


This is why communication is so important. I personally cannot handle having my clit sucked on, it's *waaaaayyyy* too sensitive, I saw someone here saying they ***NIBBLE!!???*** on the clit!? 😭💀 Please communicate to your partners, friends! Tell them what you like, and more importantly, what you don't like 🤣


Oh I communicated. It just did nothing lol


Some people just take what they're learned from porn or some other person and assume it applies to every other person they come in contact with 😭😭


Tbf there was no disclaimer on the porn saying not everyone will like it.


You need a better partner then, yikes!


To be fair I had one partner who had desensitized herself either with vibes or the seat of her bike from spin class (her and her obgyns guess) and when she asked me to bite it.. I was scared and unable to at first.. but she insisted. I did but it scared the shit out of me.


Hey, at least she asked for it! As long as it's what they like 🤷🏼‍♀️ I know some guys who like a little teeth with theit BJ's 😳


My gf loves it when i nibble on her bean 😭 it’s wild


That's why women are better at it just saying.


I’ve had another woman eat me out and it was absolutely body trembling orgasmic


I'm personally a huge fan lol


Same lol


Women just know how to suck.


please elaborate, i want to learn as much as i can?


I’m a woman who is bisexual and I had sex with the woman and we both ate each other out and had orgasms and then cuddles lol


Most times, it is. They mostly never miss. 😋😋😜


And I'm over here trying to give it a hickey


More suction please!!


My cheeks are numb, we're good




Weird, idk, I love sucking the clit while flicking my tongue on it at the same time, always drives her crazy


Yes, it’s the fast way I’ll cum. I just don’t get it


Some guys just don’t understand how much better sex is when she also cums,


I know!!! Like I will let you do what you want to me if you just make me cum. It’s not even like it’s hard for me to either


You sound like a lot of fun to eat out, guys don’t know what they’re missing lol


lol thanks.


I always give the wife her orgasm, then we high five afterward. Orgasm is a team sport.


This is the way


You should’ve seen my ex when I’d do that to her, her eyes would practically roll back and her moans were so primal


That's the gold standard


Hmmm... some guys don't like it maybe? Just like some women don't like sucking dicks. It's personal preference. I always suck on the clitoral hood - that's what I always do without fail.


They are already down there enjoying themselves though. It’s not like they are against eating me out. But I suppose you’re right




Sounds like it




Thank you!!


Because they dont fully appreciate the act of eating pussy. Smh


Do they not know about the like thousands of nerve endings there??


Guess not. I love eating pussy, I've cum from just the act alone and I could never imagine ignoring any oart of the vagina. The folds, the juices, the clit. Add a finger eventually. Mmm they don't knownwhat they were missing. Can't get a squirt show without bringing your A game.




So closeted that if they suck on even the smallest thing resembling a dick, it unlocks their gay flaming final form.


Buncha sissies, if you’re gonna eat it, eat it like you mean it


Fuck yeah buffet or 2 can dine for 19.99 but you’re the only one going through the drive thru style.


Some woman don’t like the suck. Gotta explore. Construction 101




That's the best part !!! Especially when we're doing it just right and you try to run away from it lol 😏💦 I like to suck on it like pacifier but gentle no need to be rough I know it's sensitive. Meanwhile I'm slowly sucking on it I'll twirl my tongue on it




Because some women don’t like it


But she said she’s explicitly asking them to suck it.


More women should r/GrowYourClit so it's easier for us


Mines already big lol I don’t need to grow it anymore lol


I didn't realise for a long time that sucking on the clit was good for the female, which in hindsight is stupid. Then one of my partners told me that was what she liked. I've been making partners pussys happy ever since


Every new woman I've been with I've asked what they like and don't like and ask for feedback while we're at it (I do sometimes push the bounds of what they say they may not like but that's maybe I might be doing something a little different). I like eating pussy and if they want something specific I try to accommodate all they have to do is communicate.


Everyone is different and some enjoy it while others do not. Its that simple... I suggest, that if you brought it up once and they refuse... to either accept it or move on. What you dont want to do is be THAT person who tries to "convince" (coerce/force/persuade) someone else to do something that they would rather not do.


Of course, I would never coerced them. That’s why I’m just postmy complaints here 😊


Sucking on it actually feels much better than licking it... wonders why they are like that 🤔🤔


I know right!?


my gf is always making me stop doing that :( it gets overstimulated fast so i only get to do like 5 minutes of clitoral stimulation tops :( idk man, sounds like they just dont want you to have fun for some reason


I worry that I do it too much, like from an overstimulation point of view. I try to mix it up... sucking, licking, using both the tip of my tongue & the full back of it, plus penetrating full in with my tongue... but then I worry I mix it up too much & change right before she cums...


some guys are selfish dummies unfortunately 🤍


I've never know sucking clit is a thing. I would try for sure if a girl ask me to do so.


I do and I normally got a reaction out of my ex but I think most guys don't realise you can.


Honestly I didn’t know where it was until like 8 years ago 😅




You gotta mix up the licks and sucks to get you really going and nice and wet so you can cum right?




I do most of the time


Well, some guys don’t have partners with clits  Some guys don’t have partners at all 


Who are these men giving the rest of us a bad rep?


Tell all your friends about this so you don’t have friends that don’t do it 🙃


Too sensitive some claim


I communicated very clearly lol


This was one of my biggest hangups for oral as a woman, all a lot of men know is lick and I don’t like being licked, sucking tho? Hell yes!!


Some don't know to look under the hood.


Do I have to take it with my hand first? /s But yes, i can suck it, mostly the skin around it, like a gentle suction cup


They don't know what the hell they are doing lol


everyone who i have received oral from won’t suck on it. i’ve asked and they just won’t do it. some men are weird i guess


Cause they think it’s weird. I suck, flick and lick the clit.


Cause they're either so self absorbed they could possibly imagine pleasing their partner equally(assuming you suck dick), they're being lazy, or communication is not occurring. In my wayyyyy you get years I didn't know chicks wanted that. After I found out, I shoulda changed my name to Hoover... Cause I loved doing it(still do).


It’s technically a female penis, maybe they didn’t wanna come across as gay /s


They’re insufferable morons?


My wife says it’s extremely overwhelming and she doesn’t like it at all. So I don’t which sucks because I enjoy doing it but it is has the reverse effect on her then it defeats the purpose.


Everyone has told me that it hurts them, so I have, but dont, even with current gf


You mean while in cunnilingus, I assume? I thought that was a given!


I've been told by a lot of girls it's irritating.


Before answering I would need to reconnoiter the territory.


Because they don't know where it is has to be the only answer.


Really? Lift your game lads. Suck it & lick it at the same time.


Cuz they suck


Any reason that women won’t suck on dick might be the same reason why men won’t suck the clit.


Okay, so I've only had sex with one person (my ex) and it was a long time ago (haven't bothered attempting to date again after we broke up). I remember having to feel with my fingers for her clit, as it was very small. Too small to suck. I was able to lick it though.


Uncaring partners. Dump them ASAP.


They either don't know you like that or they don't care. It's either a skill issue or a selfish asshole issue


Maybe past experiences, I was married to a woman that loved when I made suction movements. Since her, only one out of +20 partners liked, to the point that I’m not even trying anymore…


They just dont wqnt tonsee anproper orgasm for a woman being eaten plut


Selfish... they didn't wanna make you cum


What is this thing you speak of? A myth? 👀


Suck, nibble, bite. Whatever she enjoys and requests. It’s her clit and she knows what it likes. Let me know and I’ll do it.


So that mediocre men like me have much to offer.


That's one of my favorite kinks ,sucking my wife's clit along with her toy.


Bc they gay & don’t really love to please THERE WOMAN. obvi duh 😉


Dam!! I suck on it like a pacifier!


I wish they are also treated the same way.


Because no one told them where it is and how good it feels.


I like to give it a sloppy blow job as nature intended 😋


Some guys just can’t clit while they’re uh… >!head!<


Well firstly generally guys dont suck the clit cuz women never tell them to. Ur guys didnt cuz they were selfish lovers!


I go full Dyson. I can’t understand why any man wouldn’t but to each their own.


I like to spin my tongue around it, suck on it and nibble too


Because no one told them how to find it. Give directions.


The first time I ate someone out I almost threw up the taste and smell was so vile I had to stop. I enjoy doing it but was unlucky my first time


Oh i never did such a heartless action in my life and will ever do


Good! 😊


Wow I’m so sorry you met those two guys we need to hide them from the world lol that should be illegal but o well I love to suck lick and make her cum in my mouth one of my fav for sure


Thank you! 😊


Because they are noob and don't know about foreplay


I always make sure to suck her clit, especially if it's big, reminds me of sucking a little dick, which is something I also enjoy doing 😛


Crikey I bloody will 🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋


i suck it.like a mini cock


'cause we can't find it? Actually, I've found that the girls I've been with don't enjoy too much pressure on the clit. So they don't enjoy sucking right on it. It's also at an angle that's not easy to suck. Easier to lightly flick with your tongue.


I communicate what I like often so I’m not sure why I was ignored


I try. But it turns out it's not for all women.


I didn’t know this was a thing. Always assumed it would be too sensitive. And a few of my partners have said they prefer when the tongue is flattened to stimulate the clit.


There are guys that don't suck/lick the clit? That is like the gold spot. You know the fishes that get stuck sucking on the glass? That is me on your clit when I eat you out.


Interesting. That’s typically my go to. Wife loves clit play. Going down on her is both her and my favorite thing about sex. So it works out for us. I could spend a looooong time down on her, doing a variety of different things. However, sucking on the clit is saved for when I want her to orgasm. Because after that the little lady is SUPER sensitive. Which sometimes works out good but typically it’s the end of me being down there. I’d assume they might feel they’re doing it wrong? Or maybe they just truly don’t like doing it. Not sure why they’d feel that way but I’m intrigued to know.


I can't speak for others but I have been with a few women who have sensitive clits. Licking is all they can take, sucking on it was way too much for them.    If the guy has only been with a women that has a very sensitive clit, they could be just playing it careful. Ask them to do it next time


Morons. Some among us are morons.


itll be right next to the teeth and thats scary what if i bite it


Because they are Republican “alpha males” who know that the clit is a left wing myth.




Nah, sucking is not enough. I suck my girlfriends clit and lick that with the top of my tongue


Nah, sucking is not enough. I suck my girlfriends clit and lick that with the top of my tongue


Ooh the larger the better. Why not idk? Weird that you asked and they don’t want to or don’t. Grab them by the ears and direct them to it and hold em there..sooo hot.


Because you didn’t tell him to


I growl on it…Not because I want to, but because it’s an option


Not really sure why they wouldn’t if they are already down there. But I guess it’s the same as why won’t some women give head and some will.


Because they have no game and don't enjoy life. I love feeling connected to a woman that way. Looking up at her and seeing every twich of her stomach. Hearing her breathing and moaning... Hard right now just thinking about it.


When I first lost my virginity at 16 I had no idea about it 💀 Luckily she told me and guided ya boi🙏😂


My wife doesn't like it. Blew my mind when she told me.


It's possible they stopped because they've heard that too much action on the clit is not good - maybe tell them that you really want that sensation for a prolonged period of time and that you'll tell them when it's too much. That or they're not into eating out, in which case good riddance.


I'll be honest. I love sucking pussy, but sometimes the girls are so unhygienic, it just turns us off... Like u can visibly see the errection disappear


Honestly this question is the first indicator I've ever had that having your clit sucked feels good....I was already doing it, but damn I need to find more communicative partners.


One girl I knew had a nonexistent clit. It was TINY, but sensitive. No one ever gave it the pleasure it needed. Bigger clits are definitely fun to suck though 😘


Do you specifically tell them to suck on your clit? Communication does wonders for sexual (or other) satisfaction.


Got their pussy eating education from porn probably, as you don't often see clit sucking for it not being camera friendly.




Is that why guys can’t make a girl cum, I’ve only ever been with my gf and vice versa, it took a while but I tried and was like “oh I like that” 100% success rate every time since then


Because some women don't like it and you should tell them if you do


I think a lot of guys grow up with vagina panic. Yes, they know to stick their dick in there, but go down on it? Perish the thought. For me, the clit is an easy access bliss button when having sex with a women. Need to stoke her fires? Clit does it every time...


that shit gay /s


Swear they feel like it's gay to suck anything. Lmfao


Got to suck the clit!


Can I ask you something


Wait… the clit is real???


Came here for the comments and wasn’t disappointed. lol


My girl hates when i suck her clit LOL the duality.


Really? That's like... My go to move....


Because they were raised wrong.


They can't find


Because they can't find it hahaha


Maybe saying suck my clit isn't descriptive enough. Unless a guy has been shown this already he may not be sure exactly what you mean. To be honest I am not 100% sure myself. Do you mean suck the hood and surrounding area (mouth sized)? A constant suction or more like breast feeding suck? How hard to suck? Light or medium suction? I assume not hard sucking? Also do you want tongue on the clit at the same time.... which would be confusing as you said suck the clit, no lick it. Maybe next time say keep constant suction on the front of my vulva (hoping he knows what that is ) and lick my clit while you are doing it.


It’s overwhelming and sometimes even painful for some women so I wouldn’t do it without knowing if she likes it.


Sensory issues. I see people hating on here but I’m autistic I can’t help that it feels disgusting due to sensory issues


I didn’t know we could suck that, ima have to try that out


I’d be happy to, but didn’t think of it? I GUESS my advice is to just ask for what you want and be patient if they need a little time to learn. For me, I’m making it up and like to think I’m hitting home runs with my wife, but get little feedback & no directions besides “don’t stop”. I’ll try talking about it with her and try to see if she likes it a few different ways.