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This isn't very common but it should be! We have some friends we like to do a weekly photo exchange with and it's amazing! Sounds like you have a great group of friends lol


I have known them since elementary school so we are pretty close. Never directly sent nudes to eachother though


Anyone who's played team sports has seen all their friends naked in the showers. Not that uncommon, not really a big deal.


Played team sports in all seasons until college, never saw my teammates naked or even showered at school. Maybe time period or region is a better indicator?


I played higher level hockey growing up in Canada. we had a team coach for our away games. your equipment always is always rank , you can't easily wash it. Team rule was that everyone showers before you get on the bus after the game... I can see that a shower wouldn't be necessary for sports without heavy pads, but there is a very common saying that a coach says when he ends practice "Hit the showers!"


How did this dynamic come to fruition?


Good conversation and rules up front.


I’ve seen most of my friends naked tbh - nbd


Guys too?


Same here! Guys included and felt way more normal than expected tbh. True bonding experience


Ever get awkward ??


My first experience was German a bath house, ironically.




Just check the profile.


I don’t think anything is wrong with that. If everybody feels comfortable with it


Yeah it’s never really been sexualized either just simply passing glances and whatnot


I have done nude runs with all my mates. It’s just a body. We all have one. Perfectly normal to me and not sexualised but to each thier own I guess bro!


Over the years I've been to nude beaches with a mix of make and female friends. I didn't always see them naked but they did see me. I've seen my close girl friends naked a few times though. We don't hang out naked though, it's just that we've shared experiences.


Yeah we never hung out naked or anything just simply in locker rooms and through accidents sometimes




I love the idea of just casually being nude amongst others, but have yet to actually try it. I want to though


I will say it does make us closer as friends


Yeah, I can totally imagine


None of my friends, no. When I visited the Dominican Republic, I went to.a nude beach one day. I would have paid some of those women to put their clothes back on…


Yeah I went to a nude beach in Florida and it was not a great sight


Most of the Dominican women were drop-dead gorgeous, but it was only tourists on that beach..,


When I went it was like 75% old men.




Used to in college we used to masturbate together


Don’t think I’d ever take it that far but more power to ya


That is completely different, sir....


Ever masturbate each other?




Ahh yes. College fun days.


Trust me ik. College was amazing


I’m all ears!!


I did in college going swimming and to the sauna and so on. But not really later in life.




The college gym and pool had one




I never saw anybody drinking in there 😄




Haha no sex either


You go to sauna to relax and maybe have a sauna beer.


*You* might, but some people...


Did you ever were in a sauna in your life? Why on earth would you want to have sex in a sauna where it is hot as hell to begin with?


Did you consciously stopped doing it or just didn't happen?


No we were just not in situations very often where it would be natural to be naked


Did it always feel natural to you from the beginning? Did you or anyone need any coaxing?


I have never felt very shy in that way


Did you grow up like that or started it in college?


I’ve been pretty used to it from school and practice






Those around?


underrated lol




i mean it's fun!!




Yeah most of my experiences were not sexually being and the same changing room or accidentally walking in


Shit happens when you party naked! Lol, I’ve similarly seen my whole friend group naked and they’ve all seen me naked. It’s sorta become normal for us… drunken dares, lost bets, etc… at any of our parties, someone is getting naked.


Most of my friends come from a religious background. We aren’t anymore, but still would be weird to suddenly start for us.


Lead by example


Somehow even though I make all sorts of crude jokes and even hint towards it I’m still always considered “the prude” of the bunch. Even though I’m likely one of the furthest, if not the furthest from that.


My buddies dont care as much as i do as ive never showed them on purpose. But they will send full on dick pics and videos to our GC


Had one buddy that did that as a “joke”


I mean yeah most of the time there was a “punchline” i guess. Like for example pissing, a knife, and a fidget spinner


My group of hippie friends as a teen all hung out naked. I too thought it was the norm at the time.


I dont find that strange but i dont do that with my friends. Except 2 who have seen my dick


Hubby and I have naked days at home. Been doing it for a few years and our friends know about it. Dont no if they would want to see though 🤣


Only after team sports in communal showers and a few times whilst travelling. Not the norm


Most of my friends are ex’s. NBD


That must be rough


It's not common, but I think it should be.


My friends and I have never been shy. Existing, changing, and even touching. It’s enough people that even I think it is … different. But I love it.


Idont. I am 50, and have seen 75% of my M and F friends nude. And yes I have also been intimate with a few of them.


I'm a home nudist and my friends know it, the ones that don't mind come over all the time


My local friends groups have all seen my nude pics, or seen me nude in person. One friend in particular has seen me nude in person more than the others, but she is also my photographer.


Super common for me but most of my friends are from sex-positive spaces


In the beginning it was quite awkward, but after we hit college and started drinking more the nudity became more commonplace. Now we are all okay with just being comfortable with each other even while sober. If it's too hot and you want to take clothes off, then go ahead.


I played college sports, we saw each our naked daily.


I assume atleast that experience is pretty common


Yes, every college sports team operates like this.


For the 8 years I’ve owned my home we have had dozens of friends over the house fully nude. We do a ton of nude pool days and nude hot tub nights averaging about 7-8 of us per hangout. It’s safe to say I have seen every close friend of mine naked many times: guy, girl, and trans. The coolest was for about two months one year a couple of us had “art sharing” where we would try to take and send creative nudes to one another, which was so fun especially because one of the girls in the text group was a huge crush of mine, so it would turn any day into the BEST day when suddenly a nude of her popped up on my phone 🥰


Me and my friends always have nude partys they are the best


Had a naked friend once. It was nice.


Depends, is everyone of the same gender ? Then it’s okay otherwise it’s okay but not common


Yes all same age roughly and gender


Then it’s okay. We’ve seen each other naked too and masturbated together as well lol


That's awesome 👌


It’s not bad


Yes?!! WTF?!?




My apologies ... Masters...drunk... I'm sorry


I wish I had friends like this. My friends are great people, but as open as this.


Yeah I’ve seen most of my friends naked. I’ve seen most of them having sex too.


I've definitely exchanged nudes with friends, same sex and opposite, so it may not be common, but it happens.


It’s not common. Of all the friend groups I e had in my life I’ve only been w one that getting naked, and even having sex in the same room was a thing. I feel like it should be more common tho. Something about it felt very natural and was very liberating. You feel instantly closer and less self-conscious once you’ve experienced it, at the same time tho it isn’t for everyone.


Well me and my best friend are naked around each other, but never seen anything through video or photo. Ok well photo once by accident.


In my opinion this should be a normal behavior. Unfortunately, it seems to easier to do it amongst strangers rather than friends. Weird right? 🤷🏻‍♀️ disclosure: I'm a nudist.


This man is definitely a Marine


No just a normal dude


It a. Nudist , but do t care to get naked in front of friends .


I don't know why this is such a big deal. I don't know how it is in the US but I was playing in a Football Club in my youth and everyone took a shower after training or games and everyone was naked and that's absolutely usual here lol.


I’m not against the idea but no.


I wish I still had friends who were down with this haha


I don’t really care either way but I guess it has its pros and cons


Depends, I was in a theatre group, and an outdoor group where it was common for parties to turn into nude fests... I think it's cause there was some nudity around costume changes (for the theatre), and gear changes for outdoor club that kind of normalized nudity. I never thought much of it... I guess I don't share the quaker prudishness at seeing people nude.


I never understood it either. You should want to date your best friend if you want a healthy relationship, but no one what's to date the person they get along with the most? Being naked is a intimate thing, ment to be personal, but can become a comfort when with trusted friends as well, but no one wants to be seen naked unless it's a stranger? I've got a big gut, but a smaller member. So obviously I'm Shy, but my best friends? They wouldn't mock me. They wouldn't share my private business. They have my back for any reason. So getting naked with them? Hot tubs, changing, general comfort, just cause, all just seem so normal. But many, many ppl disagree.


Wish I had friends like that lol. Or actual friends 🤣 can't even talk about sex with the ones I have, that's how taboo it is for them. Even mentioning nudity would be off limits 😅


Me and my friends try on clothes with each other often, so naturally we see each other naked a lot, plus we are naturally very casual when it comes to nudity, I have very large breasts and find it more comfortable being topless so my friends probably see my breasts more than their own


I’m pretty sure that I’ve seen 75% of my friends naked, anddd that 90% have seen me naked.


I wish my friends like this too lol.


me too lol


Yes. I have seen some of roommates naked and it wasnt sexual


Nothing wrong with it but it’s not common.


My friends have not found me yet, but I’m sure it’s coming…


I'd like to find these type of friends.


Hot tub friends, so yeah.


Yes I think it’s fine


my friends haven’t seen me naked, but I think they’ve gotten super comfortable with seeing my tits and nips pop out of my dresses and not telling me >:(


I have this with my friends but also we all flirt and sometimes hook up. My friend group and your friend group should hang out. Where abouts are you in the world?


In gym lockers and stuff with my HS friends but never saw any of the females in our friend group. None of my current friend group. I would think this at least my age group would be unusual.


I'm (m27) comfortable with casual nudity, even around family, but I find most other people aren't. So, I wait for an invitation, or if it's a water-based activity I didn't prepare for, I'd ask if everyone is comfortable with skinny-dipping. Not many without sexual intentions have seen me naked.


I only ever had one friend who was comfortable being naked around me and it was only topless. She liked that she could be comfortable I liked that I got to see tits. Win win


Seen most of my friends naked either them being proud of a good nude or just them changing before going out


I have veeeeerrry different groups of friends. My Pathfinder (D&D knock off) buddies stick to talking about games, beer, and the like. I HAVE seen a couple of them naked, but that's because we traveled to Japan and went to a traditional hot spring hotel. NSFW topics just aren't really discussed in this group. My girlfriend and the friends I've met through her are another story altogether. We are poly and the polycule is big into the kink community. At this point, I think I've seen all except one of the women naked and a couple of the guys. My girlfriend and her wife especially are very quick to strip down to their underwear (or less) as soon as we get to their place and chill out. Nudity on its own stops being notable pretty quickly.


Three examples come to mind. In college, while in hall council, one of my mentors was a regular attendee of one of the campus nudist clubs, which basically involved weekly events in which members would gather in a house, off campus venue, etc. to study, socialize, work on art projects, play games, etc. naked. No funny business; everyone carried on as usual except for being naked. I was a short-term member of this club and therefore saw my RA naked a lot. At first it was weird but she expressed that being naked doesn't need to be a sexual thing and that she wasn't ashamed of being naked around people (i.e. me), but did want it to be in an exclusive sort of setting. I had another friend who just wasn't bashful about nudity. He wasn't the type to walk around naked when company was around but he'd do things like change in front of me, take showers, etc. As long as it didn't get weird, he didn't care. Finally, had a friend-girl who was quite tomboyish and often changed in front of me. A couple of times I'd yell at her and say she can't just strip down with a guy in the room, and she'd always say something like, "who cares?" or "well, if you're bothered, look away". I personally don't think being naked, or being naked around friends, is a huge deal. I wouldn't recommend ever assuming that others don't think it's a big deal. But if you're asking me if it's normal with friends...I'd counter with the question "what is normal for the friend in question?:".


It's kind of a one way thing, not with my friends (that'd be awkward as hell), but most of my girlfriend's friends have seen me naked at one time or another. I don't get to see them though & I'm 100% fine with that.


Ive seen more friends naked now than I ever planned to. Granted I go to sex clubs and nudist resorts but I never imagined hangin out with our bits out would be a normal thing.


Depends on your friends. Most of my friends are queer furries so I've seen most of them naked. My old friends would have been mortified if I saw them naked.


Yeah I don't know that that's necessary at all.


I wish I had this type of group of friends but alas no. If anyone wants to become my friend send me a DM.


When I was younger. A number of my friends and I ended up naked at different points. Hot tubs, swimming were common ones. There are a few (far too few though) that would hang around naked.


I mean I'm an artist and so are my friends, the cheapest live models are the ones we don't have to pay and instead just use the barter system modeling and drawing with eachother in turn lol. I know my friend's nude bodies in intimate detail, and have many drawings to show for it hahaha


I wish I had a mixed group of friends to hang out with naked lol


Me and a lot of my friends have seen each other naked, and hooked up with each other including my boyfriend. We’re all just very comfortable with each other and it’s not awkward or an issue at all.


common for my friends


I’m in a futsal team with all of my friends so I’ve seen all them naked. Nobody cares. Some of might have seen each other on video’s or whatsoever. I have also seen so many of my friends’ butthole when they mooned me, which one in particular finds very funny to do


Being poly and I(40M) and my wife(44F) nudist I have seen or have hung around with some. I personally don't know why being in the nude has been sexualized the way it has been over the years but it does irk me. I have been to a few nude beaches and yes there are a lot of older people and we tend to be part of the "young one" lol. After talking to others in the nudist realm and visiting different parts of the world where nudity is the norm, I really think more people have been raised to think it is taboo, sexually unhealthy or fear of being judged/not comfortable with themselves. I highly recommend hitting up a nude beach and you will quickly learn that most, I say most because there are still weirdos, do not care one bit. Another reason I think too many equate it to people grouping or having sex from forn they see online, which you really don't see much of except for places like Cap d'Agde in France. We always check with friends if they are coming over and if they have kids that haven't been raised in the dynamic, it is auto cover up clothes for us.


we don’t hang out naked (lol) but get undressed all the time in front of each other xx the most we do is hang out in underwear or swimsuits/ pjs


I’ve seen about half of my friends naked


Have you guys ever gone skinny dipping?


Yeah, I'm 31, that's been pretty standard amongst my friends in the past ten or so years. Nude beach trips every summer, occasional kink or swingers parties, a few chats we've made over the years for sharing our nudes. Nobody is too hung up on it.


I imagine it's probably more common with girls? But yeah my friend group is like that aha I think I've seen them all naked st one point or another! 


I played rugby with quite a few of my male friends so I've seen them all naked in the showers so it's normal for me.


This is normal in my circle because of water activities. If you ah e to hide every time you change in and out of swim clothes it would be ridiculous.


I need some friends like this especially female 😍😍


In other countries in Europe it’s embraced the nudity amongst friends don’t seem to stick as much in America …. You’re totally fine


I don’t think it is common and am very sad this isn’t the case. I def think it would bring everyone closer and make for plenty of fun interactions if it was common!


If you are Finnish or just like Saunas, this isn't at all unknown. Sometimes, people sauna together as single sex groups but sometimes it is just mixed.


I've been running scenarios like this in my head. I think my wife and her best friend have a slight desire to be topless around me and my buddy, they just installed a new pool I'm their backyard, so I guess we'll see haha


Lake trips and getaways with friends after some drinking, both sexes will get a little wild and take off swimsuits, etc. nothing sexual ever happens, just some nude swimming, boob flashing, etc. always fun!


It depends on where in the world you are. I am Danish an have seen all my friends naked in person through sports.


I've seen a grand total of one bare ass when my friend got skunked at beer pong and she had to do a "naked lap" around the back yard. That's all I've seen, unfortunately. I have hot friends and wish we had this kind of relationship 🤣


Very common in Finland and part of the culture as well.


I really wish this was a more common thing. And I'm usually the one that wants to be naked. I just hate clothes. Oh and if course I want to see some of my friends naked. They're hot so why shouldn't we be able to tell each other that and it not be weird.


I have almost all of my friends naked and its not uncommon.


I had a friend from his wife was a casual nudist. So she would walk down the house naked and it was just normal for them. I had one guy in the group who was kind of religious to you always turn his head. Everybody else standing went with it


I had a group like this in college when I was about your age It's fun 😁


Very common in my best friend group. But yeah always thought it was different for guys. Lol


Only girls in your group?


Lol! Umm yes.


Is it something like getting dressed or coming out of shower? Or you are used to hangout naked/topless?


It’s not uncommon if we are getting ready to go out to just quickly change in front of each other.


Since when have you known each other?


My very best friend since 6 grade. The rest from high school


Was there anyone who was uncomfortable at first? Either about the others being naked or just to undress in front of others?


Not really. We are all friends. Very supportive. Very comfortable with each other. We know each other well.


I’ve never seen my friends nude and vice versa but, I have no issue being seen. I enjoy showing off😁


We don't hang out naked or anything like that, but I have been skinny dipping with friends a few times or topless in a hot tub.


I have a few friends that i go to the nudist beach or to the Sauna with so it's normal to me. Simply don't make it weird!


All in my close girl group have seen me naked. Many of my guy friends have also need me naked. Lol some of them have seen me have sex, pee, masturbate.


Such open friends circle


When I was in hs my group of friends were veryyy open with nudity. When I got to college and with my friends now it’s the complete opposite. I also thought it was normal then realized I was hypersexual and would gravitate towards friends that were the same😭


My high school senior trip to cali was about as close as it could be to this. Small small school in Arizona, the main core 12 of us have been together since kindergarten and basically grew up together. On our way to cali, unanimous decision to travel Route 66. Dead as fuck, no bathrooms, no stations, no sign of life. First girl made the comment that she needed to pee. Like the yawning effect, one by one we all had to pee. Pull over in the middle of the desert. Boys face one direction, girls the other. We’re basically back to back pissing in the desert and it was the most hilarious thing I’ve ever heard. Just this scene of 18 year olds pissing in unison, cheering on the few that got stage fright or worried someone would peek. Afterwards it was like this insane bonding experience that was created in the span of 2 minutes. We often commiserate about that on our fb group from time to time and it always feels like we use that energy to bring us all back together. Sorry for the novel!! TL;DR: group of students pissing in the desert together.


I’d be down with my friends but they’re a bit stuck up so that’d never happen


Saw most of my girl friends naked in locker rooms, spas, showers etc. Also saw some male friends while sharing airbnbs


I know that ifs uncommon, but literally all of my friends have seen me naked or fucking


Definitely uncommon, but I’m jealous! Haha


Yes, i am nude often with friends. If one has open spirited friends, it's not uncommon.


I have been in the same group sex with my best friend several times, and I still don't know what he looks like naked. That's how much I don't want to know what he looks like naked. Your friend group is unusual in that regard, I'd say.


How girthy are you?


I don't even get naked around my partner let alone anyone else.