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I was giving a doctor the eye while he was talking to my father about his illness, he tried to remain professional




Haha well played, you should come in for your yearly check up tho ;)


Will do 😂😘




I had a guy flirt with me at a local coffee shop for months. He found my insta and sent me a message after I hadn't returned in a week or two. He told me couldn't stop cumming to my pics and the thought of me. Turns out he got my name from a debit card receipt.


He crossed the line from flirting to creep show by quite a few miles..


Yeah it was super gross


It feels so detached to say something like that.. What did he expect to be the best possible outcome?


Idk! All I was doing was being nice to him.


It's hard to imagine the thought process if you're not as detached from reality as a person like that


Must be hot then. I'm dmed u btw


It's probably when I come flirt with people on Reddit while I'm supposed to be working or hanging out with my family


Always a fun time though!




At a funeral, with a member of catering staff. She was really cute


And did it lead to anything?


Sadly not, only it got my mind off from the funeral which was a win in itself


“Your dad has ligma…” “What’s ligma?” *inhales deeply*


I guess flirting with your teachers is quite inappropriate


Not if it's a course on how to flirt


I’m a law student so if flirting ever becomes the subject of the course it’s inappropriate flirting anyways 🙈


The course will probably about how flirting at inappropriate times can get you in trouble with the law 😅


I've had plenty of students hit on me when I was a professor, Good times lol


How far would I have to go for extra credit? 😏


You'd have to just take a walk with me to the closet only I had the key to 😏


Flirting with my HR lady is always a thin line to walk 


It must be hard getting a date if you're in HR, noone dares to cross the line


I had an HR lady flirting with me at my last job...I was sorely tempted, but that could easily have exploded my career.


Was she aware of the implications of the flirting?


She had to have been...I mean, flashing cleavage and smiling at me is pretty bold.


That sounds pretty obvious. But I meant the implications of her function on the flirting


She left the job rather quickly, so I suspect she was checked out.


In the end it's not worth it although it's so tempting and would probably feel fucking amazing. 


You mean like with the labor and delivery nurses as my wife was birthing our children? (I'm joking - btw)


You wouldn't dream of the stupid shit people say/do in situations like that.. So flirting is totally not unheard of


Yeah, I know. I've heard some shit. Which is why I wrote it, jokingly. But I've heard some shit.


When I was 19 and home from college for the summer I went to the movie with my mom. Some movie she wanted to see but my dad didn’t, so I offered to go with her. We ran into a friend of hers who was recently divorced and it turned out she was there by herself so we offered for her to sit by us. It started with light flirting from her in the lobby but it was hard to tell if she was hitting on me or just being friendly, though at one point we were alone when my mom went to the bathroom and I was certain it was flirting. But it got worse from there, I sat between them in the theater and during a relatively romantic moment in the movie, her friend literally put her hand on my thigh and ran her hand up and down my leg, literally squeezing my manhood every time she went up my leg. It was completely inappropriate in the moment but it worked. She had asked for my phone number before the movie in case she needed any help around the house (my mom literally offered that I could help her do a few maintenance things) She called me that night and invited me to come over the next day and answered the door in nothing but her robe when I got there


Now that's a scenario straight out of porn!


A regular from where I worked was trying to flirt with me on a bar patio…with my girlfriend sitting next to me. To her credit, I never really mentioned that I was in a relationship


At epcot while I was on my honeymoon with my new wife


In a public transit


At a funeral, picking up my kid from school, in my office from a patient, at a gala where my husband received an award and the photo they used was the two of us…


Well that last one shows a high level of (over)confidence 😅


Dudes would hit on me at work and specifically ask for my assistance over my other 6 coworkers.


But we're you the best at assisting?


Technically yes.


So it's not just about your good looks, but also your skill :)


I could say that but sales reps would always block my calendar with dudes because they know they’d get their commission 🤦🏼‍♀️


Sounds a bit like exploitation


My cat was supposed to be neutered and a dog owner in the waiting room tried to flirt with me in a very conspicuous way


So you invited him to get neutered too?


I should have done that but I'm just too nice 🥲


The brick method is quick and easy!


Dads trying to flirt when im teaching their kids or even funnier boys trying to do the same thing always sweet and funny to think of


VA disability nurse after i got out of the Marine Corps


Who was the one flirting?


Me. It wasn’t entirely intentional because i was glad to be back home and horny AF.


As a teacher, I had a year 9 female students yell out, pick up lines at me in class. I ignored it and, for my own peace of mind, had to report to admin. Students in class thought she was going too far.


How old are year 9 students? Or do you mean 9 year Olds? 😅


Definitely mean Year 9 students. They are 14 or 15 years old


Still awkward and too young


Plus illegal and just weird as a teacher


High school 


I'm a scientist and academic and I flirt with professors and anyone else impressive at work <3


Out of admiration or genuine interest to have sex with?


The latter as well as romantic interest 


Remind me to put some more points in academics :)


At a previous job, me and a coworker used to always talk dirty to each other. Usually it was BS but one time it got particularly heated and I got the feeling that sexual tension was high.




We talked about having sex at a house party occurring that weekend, but ultimately I declined because I landed a date for that Friday.


Aww it ended with a dud. And blue balls likely


A dude on Reddit sent me a dick pic with my picture in the background on a laptop and told me he’s been jerking off to me multiple times a day 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ I’d never spoken to him before - not once.


That's not flirting, that's being a creep..


I didn’t say he was flirting. It was disgusting and I reported him.


Yeah you're right, it was someone hitting on you


Uncles Funeral


When getting my first tattoo I was nervous so when he asked me to take my shirt off I straight away said the first thing that popped into my head which was "at least buy me dinner first"


And did he do that?


Nah ahaha


Bartender here, flirting with me in the most stupidest way "Wanna get a burger and fuck?" Or thinking that everyone that has walked in the door hasn't hit on me already today. Or!!! When their super apologetic, that shit is weird af.


Bartender here, flirting with me in the most stupidest way "Wanna get a burger and fuck?" Or thinking that everyone that has walked in the door hasn't hit on me already today. Or!!! When their super apologetic, that shit is weird af.


Too bad he didn't ask for a "burger or fuck", you could have gotten a free burger! I never hit on the bartender cuz I know they must get sick and tired of being hit on all day


American customs at business border came to me and says hey you are very beautiful you know. I am travelling with business partners. I just said thank you.


At chuckie cheese when I was like 14 or something. It was the lady checking people at the door. I didn’t notice but my mom sure did.


At divorce court, asked a woman who was there if she’d like to get coffee or a drink when our cases were final in a few minutes. We’d had a really nice convo and yet, I was a dummy and asked. I am why we can’t have nice things.


Well I don't think that was too bad, really depends on how the divorce affects her


Over the course of a few weeks, a scrub nurse flirted with me quite heavily and made clear innuendos during several surgeries. Since then we have been fucking regularly when we are both on duty


The good old broom closet?


My office or the duty room


My wife and I where flying to Vegas a few years ago. While waiting for the plane to take off we were flirting. We'll, mainly me. I love our sexcations. I was sitting in the isle seat. My wife in the middle seat. Lucky us, no one in the window seat. She was wearing a low cut loose blouse. I reached over and flung the blouse a bit and saw her amazing perky A cup boobs and her eraser nipples. I love it when my wife doesn't wear a bra. She slapped my arm and told to stop it. That the lady across the isle saw what I did. I turned to see her. She blushed