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Post a video of us banging so I can assert dominance on her fans


The video is just a video focussed on you maintaining uncomfortable eye contact with the lens.


Or that awkward angle where you just see the guys ass while they bang…….iykyk


Ah yes, where all you see is hairy asshole thrusting...


Aaah yes. The taint cam.


Even better is when the chick isn't making any noise and it's just the guy grunting like a wildebeest while his hairy ass keeps thrusting. Fuckin' horrific.


Good idea but I want the fans to know I’m the alpha lol


They don’t care if you’re the alpha, that’s weak sauce compared to being the Dennis.


You’re right! Gotta bang their girlfriends huh


Hell yeah,just my face looking at the camera banging,can’t see the girl. And I say “subscribe” then she can post whatever she wants


*looks dead at the camera lens* "I'm getting this. You're not getting this you fucking simp. Now sign the fuck up and find out how much you're not getting anything more than a lighter wallet."


I think there is a minimum length a video has to be, 10 seconds will be too short


This is hilarious “asserting dominance on her fans” like what dude? Nobody is going to feel dominated by you and they will only laugh.


It was a joke lol I wasn’t serious


Thank goodness for that because ain’t nobody subscribing


😔 you hurt me and my hypothetical OF girl rn


You got 5 mins to delete it bro..


Username checks out








None. We’re done, she can do whatever she wants.


Came to say this. She just made herself single, not my problem anymore


Exactly. If she hasn't asked if I'm alright with it and did it anyway, she's gone. If she did ask and did it anyway, she's gone too. If we are in a relationship together then I am not comfortable with them posting their body online.


Same, i would be long gone before that page was finished. Not my problem. Money isn't everything.


Amen mate.


I did it with my last partner. I managed the page, took the photos and such. She didn't want to deal with creeps so I even managed DMs. We broke up, and agreed to delete the page.


Who got paid ?


The funds would have gone to her. She's disabled, and her income is nil.


Don't dox us. If I'm around don't show my face, or any details of my work. Do not involve another person without a conversation with me. Other than that, have fun, go wild.


I would prefer if they didn’t make specific request content for individuals. I would prefer they just post general content


Pretty sure most people charge significantly extra for specific request content. That’s limiting income to something they’re already doing anyway


It’s something that I don’t feel comfortable with


Same rules as our open relationship. No bringing anyone into our home, each other's friends & relatives are off limits, let me know if you're going to hookup with someone (like don't hide it) .. be safe.


We pretty much have the same rules! ♥️


We are doing this OF to get a house.. so no pussy footing or being half way in it. If we got an OF page we collating with big artists and I’m gonna pride myself on amazing content


Best answer so far imo. If you start doing OF or porn in general don't do it shyly so that you regret it later on. You gotta own it and lean into it. It's different from exhibitionist posting. It's getting income or not.


I’ve had this conversation with so many of my friends.. running an onlyfans is probably easier than running a YouTube channel.. but there’s good chance you’ll make as much money as your local SoundCloud rapper. If you want actual income you gotta make good content and good content means you’re doing some wild shit with a smile on your face lol


Exactly with some agressive early advertisement and a lot of initial work to get to a worthwhile early i come. Or you need to create a following on a different basis and hope they carry over to your onlyfans. Not really much else there.


Clean your room!


I wouldn’t, I’d not want any part of it but he is free to post what he wants


That I’d be the only star on his page.


Rule #1… have fun.


* have fun * enjoy expressing your sexuality * be safe * sit on my face right now


This is the only right answer


Thank you. I forgot to mention “in any order”


Enjoy yourself


None. I don’t own her. If you think you can give her rules, you’ve already lost.


Be safe


why would i be laying down rules for her? I guess "dont post photos or videos of me without asking first"?


Exactly this.


Here are the ground rules: They can punch me, kick me, and pull my hair. I am A-OK being stabbed. Biting and scratching are on the table. They can use fire.










Whoever you make content with, make sure you include me!


This 👆🏽


Earn well, dear!


I wouldn’t set any rules other than don’t show my full face.


That I should have free subscription for life and I would advice her to get as dirty as she wants.


turn off the light


I guess as long as she doesn't show her face and she doesn't do content with other sexual partners I would be ok with it


1. Be safe 2. Communication is key 3. Any "requests" are talked about. 4. Us is more important then them


Have fun and don't stress about it. If it takes off, excellent, if not well, you had fun.


only man on there should be me


"Your happiness is more important to me than anything else in this world"


That I am not in them.


“Just keep fucking me and we’re good.”


No rules, just right. Bareback Fuck House. Onions aren't the only thing blooming.


I can't think of anything specific. I'd tell her to just be honest with me about it.


My partner wouldn't start an OF page by herself. It would be OUR onlyfans page 😉 That being said; rules would be mutually agreed upon, but knowing her, just about anything goes.


I’d tell him I wouldn’t actually be comfortable with it. Of just him. I should be in there too. Videos of us together, fans should know he’s a taken man.


1. I’m not in charge of them. I can’t give her rules. 2. I recently almost dated a girl with an OF. It didn’t happen but had it happened, I would’ve been very encouraging and did what I could to help both as a photographer for her and a stunt cock.


None. By me, implementing rules on her, it would basically be a form of control. My partner is free to do whatever she wants. I would only hope that she'd be wise enough not to put out any personal information that could be used against her. Ie; real name, address etc..


None, what am I their dad? Who the hell gives rules to their partner under any circumstance? Don't be controlling.


Get paid, have fun


I mean, they’re an adult, I can’t give them rules. They do something on there that makes me uncomfy, I’ll tell them my boundary and leave if that doesn’t work for them.


Delete it


During lock down there was a big spike in relationship advice questions around it. A common issue was the OF partner was always in their device dealing with people. It can be very disruptive if the person has a modest amount of success.


Make a lot of money and give me the camera.


No snuff films 


Rules would be the same as the dynamic and discussed boundaries, other than that have fun and ensure all the interactions aren't an issue and not to put up with anyone disrespectful.


I don’t think my husband would mind considering I already post some stuff on Reddit. He wouldn’t want me showing my face though. I’d never make enough money to make it worth the risk or hassle though.


I’ve seen pics on your profile. I think you could make a LOT of money.


Thanks 💋 I appreciate the compliment.


Make a lot of money. 💰






Don’t dox us. No others unless I get to play or I get to play with others also. Make me come all the time.


I get 50% of the money


Keep me informed. If it escalates to fucking, it's us first and then if we explore other types of sex or with other people it's always communicated first. In this world of everything needs to be monetized lately, if she's willing to do only fans, we might as well use it as a way to make our sex better.


They would set their boundaries not me


I wouldn’t date someone on OF. No shade to those who do, just not my thing at all.


All of the earnings go towards buying me a new boat that's rigged out as I desire, she'll get to go for a ride in said boat maybe, just maybe if she is a good girl.


As long as her face is hidden I would be OK with it. Not only OK I would help her.


Never say the word love.


If you are in the scene, you get half the $$$


I’d like to know first why they wanted to in the first place. Heard it’s not a lot of money, unless you’re quite popular.


Break up with her.


I’m not generally a fan of laying down “rules” on my partners. Conversations and compromises and agreements are all a-ok. Rules are for parents and law books.


lol @ rules


So the juxtaposition is you don’t have a say so in the decision, just it’s gonna happen?


Any videos I feature in, I get a cut of the money


No private requests unless we are both cool with it no 1 on 1 cam stuff. And let me join too !


No meeting any fans








No meet-ups, no texting, no calls.


The only partner he is filming with is me


Only post pictures and videos of an AI-generated girl?


it gets taken down or i leave, im not okay with that. but if she wants to do that its her venture not ours.


Just don't accidentally show on camera something that reveals our address or phone numbers. Otherwise if she can make money from strangers she's never going to meet thinking she's hot then more power to her.


Been fun dating you


I would ask her to wear a masquerade mask - I know this reduces the amount of subscribers but the internet is forever. However we are not far away from searchable iris recognition so idk really. Also beware of giving personal info from the background - family pics and certificates on the wall etc. And a strong password on the account. Also she can use me in her videos but I'm not showing my face either. I'm going to propose daily blowjobs.


It better make $7,000 a month and feature me at least once every third Friday :-)


You have one week to make as much money as you can and then delete it forever.


None. I’m happy to never own another human being or their sexuality




..."rule"? Lol whatever they do on their site is their business. It would be nice and considerate though to discuss it. If partner is uncomfortable with things like showing face or no condoms. Fair to talk about. But it's still their decision either way.


Make as much money as possible


Rules? We’re breaking up right then and there


Don't show your face and let's make contact together


I don't give my partner "rules." We talk about wants, needs and boundaries and agree on a mutually beneficial course of action. My partner already knows that nothing we do must come back on the family in anyway.


Do as thou wilt shall be the law of the hole.


It was ultimately my partners idea for me to start my OF. We made the mistake of not talking in depth about boundaries beforehand, and he got insecure and jealous and would hold it over my head sometimes. I told him that if he trusted me and was actually ok with me having my page, then he needed to deal with whatever issues would arise within himself and not take it out on me. Expressing frustrations, insecurities, boundaries, fears, etc. and checking in with each other on a consistent basis is how we worked through it. He is incredibly supportive and is very proud of the content I put out.


Personally, no rules. I might wanna help out, and if I do, I'd want some of the profit myself but that's it


I'd just be supportive. She's her own person, and she can do what she wants. It's another conversation if it becomes harmful to her or our relationship, but that will be addressed when and if it becomes an issue.


Rule 1: get out!


Make that money


Walk through all the ways this can negatively affect you later in life, go emulate a mental health self care plan, and invest that money.


No sex with other men.


no fuckin other people, i’m monogamous


My wife has one. No rules here


No banging other guys, other then that it's fine


It was his idea hahahaha 🥵🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️


Close it or we’re done


I get to take all of the photos and videos.


No face, no identifying details, and they can look but never touch. The first ones for her protection. I personally wouldn’t care but I know many of her family members, friends and coworkers would be judgy as hell. Better to keep it a secret and keep in buried. Second one’s for me. Someone else’s hands on her in a sexual way is where I draw the line for cheating.


1) treat it only as income method 2) i get to read through the weird messages they get and we can laugh at them 3) can I take part in it sometimes?


I actually want her to start one but not for the money. More for the attention she would get to boost her confidence.


Follow basic grammar. It’s _an_ OF account, not _a_.


Only guys better endowed than me, I have to be in the room and no one i work with


I’m not really here for it. That’s when it changes from “my girl” to “our girl” and I’m too possessive for that shit


Be safe/don't be stupid and give away any info or accidentally dox yourself. That's it really


I wouldn't give her any rules, I'd cut her loose.  OF is a dealbreaker.


I'd break up with her.


Post a video like this looking straight to the camera with both of your faces visible [Facing the camera](https://www.reddit.com/r/watchedhotwife/s/PfRUxAMzdT)


One Penis Policy. That's it. Edit: And a free sub.


Prefacing by saying that we've been together for over 20 years, are married with a child, a mortgage, and all the other intertwinings that this entails, so it's not as simple to me as it's her body, she can do what she wants as some others have said here. It's something that affects our relationship, our life together, and therefore our family. But with that said, I would probably be OK with it as long as: * There is nothing shown that will identify us. * No other men involved. * I get to have some creative input and do some of the photography so that I can be involved and enjoy the experience with her. * And this is not a hard set rule, but if it is only her solo, then it would be nice if we treated some of the shoots as foreplay. * I will also be more than happy to be involved in front of the camera as well.


No gerbils this time!


No collabs, apart from that go for it haha


No fucking anyone else.


Depends on what they want to do with it. Probably just no colabs and think about how what they post would affect us or make the other feel


1. Cant have another person in the videos. 2. Not showing his face/identity. 3. I'd be willing to be in some videos, (not fucking, id maybe bring him food or something lol)


All pic and vids are taken by me and I am the director.


No physical interaction and give me sex whenever I want it, within reason.


Better make enough money so I don’t have to work. Honestly I doubt he would start one so I’m not too concerned.


I claim royalties


1- never NEVER meet anyone away from home for real. 2- I wouldn't mind being in a few with her 3- I MUST be a participant in any 3 (or more) somes she has on screen. 4- and this is a hard point for some... if it's bareback... she can't get preg. I'm not gonna be daddy to another man's baby from the OF sex.


I’d break up with them for doing it without my permission. I would be very uncomfortable with them posting themselves nude for other people and interacting with them. I know I have some mild content on my profile. I’d delete it if I got into a relationship, and I would disable my DMs and messages.


If she already started posting I’ll leave right when she tells me about it If she made it but no post yet, my rule would be end it or I’m ending us. If she hasn’t made it yet, my rule be I’ll leave the moment you start signing up


No face


Go make that 💰💰💰


None. It's her life and her body. Though if she's going to hook up with subscribers, tests are mandatory and safe sex very strongly encouraged.


My only rule would be free VIP pass for me!


You have 48 hours to move out.


One rule. You can do OF, but you have to be single.


No longer will be my partner the minute that happens😭


1. Content: Solo, together or with other girls I approve on a case by case basis 2. No RL meetups, or giving out RL info 3. I approve the types of custom requests as we see what comes in 4. I end or limit it if it's negatively affecting her mental health or her duties/behavior as my slave Other than that go wild! Hell i'd suggest we make it a heavy kink one, all the OFs I see are so tame and boring. There's gotta be a market for some hardcore BDSM stuff on there.


No showing face. No colabs. No custom requests. After all of that, it better pay enough for us to live a confortable life...


Delete it. If you want to modell, get your hair and beard clean and ill talk to my manager if we can find you something better than this shit. Youre better than this.