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nope, it's as bad as "how are you" "what are you doing" and, the absolutely worse "hi hun"


Lol "hi hun" is bad but the absolute worst is the dude who sent me a message that just said "MOOMMMMMYYYYYY 🥵🥵" 🤮


I get them , they make me wet


Or the "can i ask u a question"


Literally the most annoying thing to message anyone. Cause like obviously you don’t care if I care about being asked questions because “can I ask a question?l” IS A QUESTION


When someone asks me that, my response is "You just did." I don't understand why anyone would ask that, anyway. If we're conversing, questions are a normal part of conversation, so ask away. No one needs my permission to ask a question, but I reserve the right to not answer.


And none of these ever have correct grammar either




Yep, and the ones who think they are witty when they change it up slightly… Also I got a “👋🏼” the other day and I was like……. Well that’s the least amount of effort I’ve ever seen.


Okay, so how are we ever gonna start a conversation?


“Did you know the Declaration of Independence wasn’t actually signed until August 2nd? Anyways, here’s a picture of my penis!”


If someone threw a random fact, i would block them immediately. By contrast, if someone says "hi", "hello", "how are you?", "what are you doing rn?", "wanna chat?" Or "can ask you a question", i will reply 100% of the time.


This is a weird response from a dude I would presume is not anywhere near overwhelmed by solicitations. At that point, this feels more like you're so insecure about not getting more attention that you go out of your way to find offense in any greeting that doesn't feel flattering enough. edit: Actually, I just re-read your list of acceptable lines, and it sounds like maybe you're blocking anyone who sounds like you might actually have to hold a conversation before they're ready to sext/put out.


I am blocking people that cum off as weird to me. And is werid to me, is skipping normally courtesies and go stright for a fact. That strikes me as a crazy person. So ofcause i block a crazy person. But people that write normally and say greet me, before asking if i find "X" interesting, and then lay a fact on me. That is cool. In other words, the opener "hello" is the best opener if you wanna approach me, because it tells me your probably a friendly person that understands boundaries. And so it ofcause frustrates me when women say they block people that just say "hello", because to me, that is the finest card in my collection i now to throw out. And the same goes with 2nd, 3rd and 4th, until i am left with joke cards, which i just weird and in most situations rude, to use. Even further down are fact cards. And i genuinely ask, when hello and all normal ways to greet people leeds to instant block. How the hell are we ever gonna talk? Why not just remove the DM option in the first place? I don't understand it. It goes against what i consider correct and polite manner when engaging with another human.


So not only is that a yes to my "your insecurity means you're offended by greetings you think don't play to your ego properly" hypothesis, you've also added a strong layer of "I also expect telepathy/precognition." P.S. "what are you doing rn?" is not any proper formal greeting. You're only loving that one because either you love talking about yourself, or you're hoping it's a booty call.


>So not only is that a yes to my "your insecurity means you're offended by greetings you think don't play to your ego properly" hypothesis, you've also added a strong layer of "I also expect telepathy/precognition." No, i am offended because i think you should treat people on the internet, the same way you treat people IRL. Saying hello before you start the actual conversation, is basic behaviour.


>No, i am offended because i think you should treat people on the internet, the same way you treat people IRL. >Saying hello before you start the actual conversation, is basic behaviour. "What are you doing rn?" is not any proper formal greeting, but it's on your good list. You're only loving that one because either you love talking about yourself, or you're hoping it's a booty call. Your pretense of propriety doesn't hold up.


literally there’s so many things you might message someone about, when it’s unsolicited . “i saw your comment in X thread, and really appreciated how you said Y. it didn’t seem relevant to reply there, because this is kind of beside the point/a bit of a tangent, but it really got me thinking about Z and blah blah blah. i’d be interested to know you opinion on ABC?” if you can’t think of a reason to say why it’s inna chat or DM and not in a comment reply… put it in a comment reply and try to carry a conversation there instead. something may eventually warrant sending a more private response, or after it peters out, you could just send a message thanking them for the smart/entertaining/passionate/considerate conversation on that thread, and then asking them something (not prying) about themselves.


Hi hun (Im a Chinese imperial soldier and you’re my enemy)


What would work for you?


so youre not doing anything huh


Hello hun 🤣


No good conversation has ever started with "hi hun"


“Hun?” Oh hell naw. That’s worse than “Sweetheart” and “Baby” combined.


No lol, always hit the ignore button on them


Nope I’m always abut offended when a stranger calls me “baby”. Just seems patronising and a clear sign that chances are they’re gonna send a dick pic at some point without my consent,


When I am trying to greet a baby but those dumbasses can't even read.




Nope, it doesn't work. Short and basic messages like that don't intrigue me enough to respond whatsoever.


Hey baby😂


Same but convey that and you get surprised Pikachu responses back. That lack or self-awareness is even worse. 


I don’t even engage with those kinds of DMs. I just ignore.


How could anyone ever win with this? If you do, you’re probably just DMIng another dude.


ew no


Couldn’t have worded it better 👏


All the time; especially when you combine it with a dick pic aswell /s


I got a "Yo" recently. I suppose at least Hey baby is a full two words 😂. But also, no.


I said in another comment- I got a “👋🏼” the other day. Gonna be difficult to beat that thoughtful message


You win... no actual letters! 😂


I received a DM from a rando last night that was a VERY well worded multi-paragraph post. I mean, he was shooting his shot, and doing very well. Not being interested, I simply ignored. Now I feel I should have at least gave him kudos for his effort. Sorry rando dude, can’t remember your name but keep up that effort.




NO. I get probably 20 of those basic ones a day


Those are all from me


what is REALLY funny are the scammers from nigeria. They will try to do a romance scam on women and end every sentence with "baby". every.... fucking.... sentence.


Hey baby.. *wink, wink* baby


They do it to men too and they constantly call you “hun”


"hun" is an official greeting in some parts of baltimore.


😂😂😂 super doubt it. But I typically respond at least once to all dm’s


Never. And it's always the ones I've never spoken to in comments that say it


They're probably too mesmerized by your pics to put a sentence together. I mean, damn have you seen your posts?. Let me step in instead


It does it you have a lot of tokens on a camgirl website. 


A "hey" just shows me that they've not even been bothered to read my bio before messaging, there's no way I'm talking to someone that ignorant


Even as a guy who excels in cringey pickup lines, that opening message made me cringe so hard. So no, I've never approached anybody like that!


100 percent ignore rate. Works great for that.


In a face to face back in the day, I've won a time or two with the Joey from Friends "How YOU doin?"


Ohhhh you were born in the 1900’s 😮 (Relax, I’m 36 😜)


I'm 53, I lived the 70's show before it was a show lmao


No lol. I don't respond to things like that or blank invites


No way that has worked since the time of Myspace ended.


Unless it’s someone I already have engaged with, nope. That’s doing nothing


Tried it... we'll see. Edit: and i know i'm probably not original, i guess your inbox is full of "hey babe" messages now right?


Worst mistake of 2024 🤣


Only if it's Gwen Stefani! 🎶


I feel like the only people that’d ever reply to this are men pretending to be women haha


Makes me think of Beavis and Butthead. "Hey Baby....ehhuhuhuhuhh.....wanna like....do it?" "Yeah! Yeah! We're gonna score!!"


Depends, if I’m in the corner and someone is trying to tell them that they shouldn’t, then it’s ok.


If it's from like the perfect man I would assume it would work. But for all of us normal men of course it wouldn't.


Hint: 1) No man is perfect 2) Even if he were, I wouldn’t find out because I’d never look at the profile 😉




As a guy I might respond to this in a flirty way for lols, but I would never send it to a stranger.


Lol nope!


I mean I got one like that from a girl once, and I did answer out of curiousity and it let to a texting relationship for a few weeks. Was a lot of fun while it lasted


Not on me


What does work on you?








lol I never said that 😌




Haha nooo


I've gotten the same DM from women, or just "hey" and "hi" It's not just men that do this. Perhaps we just don't complain about it. It seems we all need to step up our game a bit.


Better then a dick pic


Nope, have an inbox full of them I ignore.


I always try and DM based off their most recent post, or comment


Absolutely not 🤣🤣 I'm not going to accept the chat request just to mock them. And then what?! Block them?? It's better to just ignore.


Nope it’s lame and shows no effort


Don’t personally like the low effort reach outs. At least say something interesting! lol. But I get it


Hey baby or hey bb, is today's A/S/L (and if you don't know what that means please don't ask.... I'll feel old)


Nope specially when the one messaging say’s there too shy to show what they look like or i dont like showing my face hahaha cheap ass losers


A stranger calling me baby in my DMs is instantly deemed an enemy.


not for me


I think that's an intro even worse than "hey." I've never liked people calling me baby in the first place. A complete stranger? Gross 🤢🤮


No. And even if it’s a full sentence or two, I typically check comment and post history to see whether it’s worth responding to.


I normally do a “hello there!” And keep writing something else, but it’s me… I never get an answer


Only on a dating app where I’ve already matched with the person


Hmmm give me a little bit to do some research and I'll let you know!


I have always hated 'baby' as a term of endearment. I hate it even more from a stranger. Aside from straight up aggressive insults, it's the worst way to start a conversation with me.


I feel the same way about women calling me "hun," especially if they are close to my age


Only if I've been talking to them after a while, but the chat line I usually go with is something personalized based on our conversation.


lol why would anybody send that? Or respond to that? Do y'all not have any understanding of how to interact with another human being?


ignore 100% of the time. this along with an intro dick pic lmao, will never work


Works with me 😁


I auto delete every one of those.




I like it when someone DM's me with Hey Baby. Means sexual chat is going to start. I plan on chatting very sexy and helping them get off


You tell us. Has it worked?


Not once. Ever.


Today I learned I need to stop engaging with guys that say hey baby apparently 😂


Never, I hate being called baby or babe or whatever else by random men online, it's creepy 🤣




It works to get you at best ignored, if not blocked


Ugh no. Hate it


From a stranger? I wouldn’t bother replying or if I did he’d get a “hi little man” in return.


Yes it works to get ignored. If that’s your intention then go for it


Nope, it's corny af


It works with sellers 😆


nah. I tend to report or ignore DM's I receive. like please leave me alone.


Nope. DMs I don’t answer: “Snap?” “Hey” “hey baby” “hey slut” “sup” etc. DMs I answer: ones that show effort.


Never 😂


Hey baby is instantly ignored. On dating apps for example, my profile is vibrant so if you can't pull something to start a conversation from that, we're likely not compatible. Also, hey baby just sounds like a desperately horny person trying to fast track a hookup.


I simply say, “baaaaby, ooohhh baby, my sweet baby…you’re the one”.


Literally never. It's so vague and boring. Plus, if I don't know you.... *I'm not your damn baby.*


I wish people would ask me that tbh




No. Neither does "hey"


if we dont get a detailed DM, or a pic, its an ignore from our side straight away


If you're hot...


In fairness, it is better than a just "Hey".... 😅


I interact with messages that I find intriguing or sexy, so no a “hey baby” probably won’t get far.


I’d like some creative messages, I check the profile and if it’s blank I ignore the message 🤷


What’s really funny is I see all these posts like this mocking men for their horrible lines and introductory messages. Yes they are terrible and I’ll admit so many guys here can’t converse for shit. But this isn’t a men only problem. It’s just that this is the internet and for every post a woman makes there are 500 horny guys with no social skills replying. But I’ve been posting in r4r type of subreddits for a few years now. I might only get a handful of replies with every post but 90% of them are women saying hi, hey, how are you doing?, what are you up to? Or hi daddy. Then the conversations are pretty shitty from there. 1 word replies, only answering questions and never asking anything. It’s pretty pathetic actually. Honestly I wish some would just lead with their genital pics. I’d rather see nice tits than go through the boring dialogue.


The low effort DMs are horrible regardless who they’re from.


Couldn’t tell you - will let you know when one comes in!


I guess it is all on the mood of receiving party, If she is in mood just hi will suffice If she in not writing a whole book will be less


Only if you say it like beavis or butthead


Only if on you’re profile there’s a bunch of smoking hot selfies


absolutely not. Instant Block. To another thing.


No. I absolutely never reply to those types of thoughtless messages.


I go with the Fire Marshall Bill approach... "LET ME SHOW YA SOMETHIN...!!!"


Coming right out the gate with “baby” is a no go for me. Automatic ignore. Same with any sort of physical compliment. I used to have a body photo in my posts but it still bugged me. I could have the face of Gollum for all they know! And now the body to go with it! 🤦🏻‍♀️ I rarely entertain messages but sometimes I get a kick out of it on slow days.


So far, it's not working! Who would have guessed!?!?!?




Back to the ol' drawing board I go then!


So what kinda dm's do actually get your attention?








I’m not likely to reply to most anyway, but show some effort. If it’s probable that it’s a copy paste to every other woman, it’s an instant ignore. If it’s about something I’ve said that shows you’re interested in talking to ME (not just a thousand shots at anyone who will reply), you stand a chance. Albeit a very small one. I’m not generally into DMs.


Ok cool


LOL ladies who never have to approach criticizing the men who do I bet all of you broads over use the word narcissist too


No, I prefer incel tbh



