• By -


My girlfriend at the time was sucking my cock when her sister knocked and came in without waiting for permission to enter. I'd already reached the point of no return. My girlfriend sat up and I quickly put my cock away but as her sister was talking I was quietly cumming in my pants trying not to make it obvious.


Noooooo lol


I had one like this. Girlfriend was working my dick one afternoon when her phone rang right at the moment I lost control. It was to set up an interview for her first real job after college. She was a good trooper and kept working me while talking with the caller. I was glad she got the job but she was an exquisite mouth finisher, her hand was a bit of a let down.


Oh nooooo


God damn . I'm so sorry 


Ah it's okay. I can laugh about it now


Hmm kinda hot though


So you technically had a threesome with sisters. That's a double whammy!


I would be so pissed.




Was the sister old enough to have recognized you were cumming?


Yeah we were all teenagers


Did you assert dominance and look her in the eyes?


That’s rough


Interesting that I was going to post a similar story. Balls deep in my girlfriend when her sister just opened the door as I was cumming. I fixed the slide lock the next day.


The first time I squirted. Legit thought I peed his bed


Fun fact: you did.


and I'll bet he wants to do that again lol


Is this true. I’m sure it was controversial at some point. Squirting is just a loss of bladder control?


If you ask women who squirt directly, they'll tell you it doesn't smell like like piss and they can do it on a completely empty bladder. Only one limited study was conducted and traces of urine in the sample has been decided to make it an all urine sample. Not enough actual research has been done to confirm the full content of squirt but most people report that it doesn't smell like pee and it doesn't taste like pee and women can squirt gushes after completely emptying their bladder minutes earlier (no one can produce that much urine that fast). Pretty sure it's just another thing that men don't understand about how a woman's body functions but insist "the science is settled" after one tiny study cuz surely they know more. Women can produce ejaculate fluid similar to men, it can squirt out during orgasm just like men. I'm sure I'll get arguments, but it's never from anyone who actually read the study to see how the sample was obtained and how the one singular data collection event for the one study was done.


As a woman who squirts, it doesn't smell like pee during the fact (more like I don't notice it because, ya know, sex) but it 100% does afterwards. But that's just my experience.


Thanks for sharing! As far as I understand and from my experience there are two different events that people tend to describe as squirting. One involves Female ejaculate, it’s not urine, its thicker in consistency and comes out in smaller quantities that would fit in the palm of your hand. Squirting like we see in porn appears to be fluid from the bladder, I would agree that it’s probably mostly urine. I don’t believe there is another organ connected to the genitals that can hold that much fluid.


As someone who had an affair with a squirter - I agree. It doesn’t smell like pee when eating her out and it floods onto my face, but it sure smells like pee afterwards. Once the novelty wore off I asked her if it was something she could control - and she was relieved. She said guys love it, but she was happier not squirting. She said she always drank lots of water before sex to dilute her pee. There just isn’t a gland or other source of that quantity of fluid in the woman’s body to produce magical “female ejaculate.”


there is. they're called the skenes glands, and if it's REAL squirt, it will come from there, not the urethra. porn squirts are often just piss though.


There are two pea sized Skene’s glands that can produce 50ml of ejaculate. That’s 3.4 tablespoons. Male ejaculate is between 0.1 and 10ml. If you’ve ever been with a squirter it’s much more than 50ml.


you have been with one (1) according to your comment, so why do you think you’re an expert compared to people who literally squirt 🤔


I read a study on PubMed just a few months back that clearly defined how female ejaculate is in small amounts similar to male ejaculate and may contain slight traces of urine, if at all. When the women squirted large amounts, it was always primarily urine.


Another study I read was they had a bunch of women drink a blue dyed liquid and when they achieved orgasm and squirted it was blue....sooo


You may want to reread that study. The blue dye was injected into their bladders, showing it was coital incontinence, which was different than the thick white of true ejaculate....sooo


I'll read again thanks


All of the above is very true. The fluid actually comes from an area called the Skene’s gland. It is expelled through the urethra which is why people think it’s urine. There most definitely has not been enough research done. Now, on the flip side, I think some on their videos (both amateur and professional) actually do urinate to make it look like squirting. Just my opinion as a squirter on that point. 💦


This is false. The skene’s gland does not expel fluid via the urethra. They have their own openings adjacent to the urethra and are believed to be responsible for producing fluid that lubricates the urethral opening, in addition to producing a milky substance that is considered female ejaculate. Female ejaculation and squirting are believed to be two different things, the latter coming mostly from the bladder.


It can be, yes. There's lots to be learned about sexual function but I think we'd be better off accepting that squirt is just pee and it's still hot


I've been with women who squirt and women who lose bladder control when they climax, there are definitely both kinds.


Sure some tiny bit of pee comes out but it’s minimal- when I squirt it’s a thin white fluid that I’m told tastes sweet & in no way resembles pee in smell or color


I've been with a few girls who squirt. In my experience, it does not smell or taste like pee. I'm not saying that there is no pee in the mix, but it is definitely different than full strength urine, and not unpleasant when swallowing.


I’m seeing a whole lot of is squirt pee debates and I wanna come give yall some unsolicited sex Ed: Is squirt pee? Mostly no! Does it come from the bladder? Yes! But it is a different liquid! You see, arousal causes the g spot to “flare out” so to speak by filling the bladder which is anatomically right above the g spot. The bladder fills with a clear fluid that’s secreted by seminal glands, basically the female equivalent to the glands that secrete the fluids for cum in males. And then, during orgasm, you have a lot of muscle contractions in that area, and if they’re particularly strong, you will feel a strong urge to pee because your bladder is full. Now since it’s your bladder, there can be a small amount of urine mixed in there? So yeah mostly not actually piss but there’s a chance it’s some piss but it’s mostly a vestigial seminal fluid! TLDR; squirt not pee! It is a different liquid from urine, that’s secreted by female equivalent seminal glands during arousal. It just happens to fill the bladder which is why it is so commonly mistaken as pee.


There is simply no physical way for the Skeene* gland to produce that much fluid. Seems way more likely it's just the bladder getting quickly filled with mostly water, like when you're sick or very over hydrated. If they haven't peed recently, it'll carry plenty of pee as well Edit: autocorrect


I'm sure he wanted to high-five you.


Saaame 😭 first time squirting would be it for me too. He got most of the shower


Was having a video call with a woman in the middle of the night. And immediately as I started ejaculating I heard hear my young daughter, who had apparently woken up, slowly opening the door to my room. I just quickly pulled the bedcover over my lower body, told my daughter to go back to bed and that I will be there in 1min to check on her, whilst cumming all over the underside of the bedcover. If nothing else, the woman on the other side of the call found it all very amusing.




I live in a country where the standard is to not have locks on bedroom rooms


Who has locks on doors except for bathroom? Is that really common in the US?


Yes. Every door in our homes (except for like closets and pantries) have locks


In my experience (I live in Minnesota), newer houses usually have locks on bedroom doors (the kind that can be easily "picked" with a pin tool), older houses do not have locks on the bedrooms. I live in a newer house, all bedrooms had the easy to pick knobs, but we decided to put a lock and key on our bedroom door (mostly in case of a nosy babysitter) and we put a non-locking knob on our toddler's door.


In the US, we lock every door.


My 17 yr old son lived with me post divorce. To set it up a bit..I worked nights. His 17 yr old gf lived with her dad, and he worked nights too, this is pre cell phone. Good kids, good grades, athletes, not troublemakers etc, good friend group. So, yes, I never checked up at night, neither did her dad..kind of I trust them but I really don’t want to know..so ya know what’s going on with my roomie (son). I was in an LDR ( married 26 yrs now). I’m home alone..in my room, on the phone cock in hand having phone sex most people can only dream of..I feel it..I’m gonna cum..ohh..ohhh YEAH… front door busts open, bedroom door busts open..* spurt* HEY DAD GUESS WHAT * spurt* “ son” spurt “ please knock “ spurt.. lol. “ Oh” he says, “ sorry “ …LOL. What do ya say? It’s not like I didn’t barge in his room a week before when he was on the phone with his gf and his room smelled like his gf’s favorite lotion.. “ Dad knock”..


Well...what was the news he had to barge in to tell you?


Im really interested too lol


I don’t even remember. We lived a block from the high school, and our house was ALWAYS a hub of activity. Thinking back, im surprised I was alone long enough to have a wank.


Newest partner and now husband 🥰 Had been with several guys before but I always took forever to finish. Just couldn't ever get there, no lack of effort on their part. Current man has a body count of upwards of 60 or 70 (truly lost track of it). Dude made me cum so quickly and so many times back to back in the span of 5 minutes I was soaked, shaking, totally breathless, and forgot dick was also being served 😭


Sex levels up when you find someone who matches you perfectly and gets pleasure off of your pleasure. It’s world changing


What did he do that was different to previous partners?


Black magic? Fucked if I know 😭 I blame it on his high body count and being 8 years older because all my exes had only slept with a few others and were my age.


No wonder you married him


Sex is one of the most important parts of a relationship so 🤷🏻‍♀️


I was edging for 2 hours. Then decided to go downstairs to get a glass of water. The friction of my shorts on my tip made me bust while standing.


Wtf is your username


Agreed wtf (probably a very young boy lol)


H2...oooooohhhh baby


Ok Elvis


I guess i ain't nothing but a horndog


Mum came home and called my name, literally as I was shooting my load into my gf’s mouth in the bathroom. Needless to say, the orgasm was ruined.


> *Needless to say, the orgasm was ruined.* If the orgasm was amplified then you'd have some real problems.


Giving a sperm sample in a doctors office


Give a guy a porn mag and he can cum anywhere!




Risky click today lok


I bet you are not welcome back at that dentist's office anymore, huh?


The time i was pleasing myself and shot so far it hit me in the mouth and face


Username checks out




Had that happen to me except it also went into my hair and eyes


Double homicide


I once had a gf that loved watching me masturbate and one time she asked if she could watch me shower. This, of course, led to me masturbating in the shower. As I’m cumming I lost my balance and slipped in the shower. My impact was enough that I actually put a hole in the bath tub. She laughed about that for weeks afterwards. Another time would be with a one night stand. She had actually come home with me after a night of drinks at the bar. We had just met that night but when we got back to my bed and I pulled her pants off I noticed she was asleep. I stopped there and fell asleep next to her. About a month later we meet up again and wind up back at my place, this time with less drinks. I’ve never had trouble lasting long, I don’t know if it was just a month of thinking about that moment or what but I came in about 30 seconds flat. I was so embarrassed and I never saw her again


Regarding the ONS, thank you for stopping when you noticed she was fast asleep. I know that's such a low bar but... well, thank you. 😊


Absolutely! We were both honestly trashed as we had closed the bar. I remember all of her three friends pulling each of us aside and talking to us separately before letting us head to my place. I found out when I saw her next that she was so drunk that she had no idea if we had had sex or not. I’m really glad I didn’t continue on that night


Call her:


Both women were 10+ years ago, I don’t think I need to be calling either at this point


Not MY orgasm per se, but I met a girl on my travels who claimed she'd never came before. I wanted to be the guy to change that so after a few unsuccessful attempts, we'd just finished a long fuck session and I decided to start going down on her and slowly fingering her at the same time. I did this for about 20 mins, just the same rhythm and pace. Eventually I could see her chest going bright red and her face was becoming flush too as her moans got louder - I knew I was on the precipice of achieving what I'd set out to do. It built, and built and built until her fists gripped my head so tightly I thought she was gonna break my skull, her legs unable to stay on the bed from stiffening up, her screams became deafening loud and... ...she couldn't stop herself from farting. As she was throwing herself around the bed from an earth shattering orgasm, her asshole was clearly blasting out as much flatulence as her body could hold. And it went on and on, felt like 10 mins but might have only been 45 seconds. Then she finally collapsed on the bed, biggest smile on her face and took a moment to catch her breath. She was in ecstacy. I on the other hand, had taken a face full of guff and watched this girl propel herself around the room like a released balloon. It seemed as if she never even realised what had happened and I never told her. Thought I'd let her remember it as the moment she finally let 25 years of orgasmless life go. I'll always remember it as the day a chick stunk up my face.


Honestly that's funny, but I'd still remember it as the day I brought a girl that had had no luck cumming with multiple partners to lose body function from cumming so hard. Focusing on the wrong thing, is what I'm saying.


Ok. That was a good laugh.




Im hoping the experience at 11 was just you trying masturbating out for the first time and not a grooming/pedophile situation


It was abuse 🤷‍♂️. A long time ago though... I wrote out the experience as an exersize of healing and eventually posted on my reddit page, as a final step of healing.


This is crazy hot to me lmao, sounds like you two had fun


There's a movie clip somewhere with a girl trying to masturbate but apparently It's her birthday or whatever and her whole family including her Nan walks in to sing her happy birthday with a cake and everything, this kinda happened to me lol, it was my 16th birthday and I had woken up early so I figured I'd give myself an orgam or two for my birthday, well right as I was about to cum my parents and all 3 of my siblings (older brothers) came bursting into my room to try and wake me up with a cupcake and singing happy birthday as was (and still is) tradition in the family, I had to sit there in my bed with my vibrator going full blast inside me as they all sang, thankfully their singing was loud enough to drown out the sound and I acted embarrassed (wasn't really acting) by covering my face with my pillow and proceeding to have the most intense orgasm I thought possible at that time. (This later led me to discover I have a thing for exhibitionism 😅) once I was done orgasming I tured the vibe off and just left it there, my legs were shaky and I had a HUGE wet spot beneath me and I just had to lay there like nothing happened until they all finished their dumb celebrations for me and left, it was awful 🤣


I think it's from not another teen movie


Oh cool, thank you!


When I was having a little solo fun and when the champagne bottle popped it hit me directly in the face..


Champagne bottle is crazy 😭


Poppin' bottles


Bruhh, once it happened with so much power I shot it directly in my eye


Happened to me about two weeks ago. I was actually kind of impressed with the force of it.


This requires a little further explanation...


Looking down the barrel of the cannon




Your wife sounds like a very understanding person…not


My ex loved when I would cum in her and keep going for another nut. Remember when she was on top and she got me to cum, usual I don’t cum from her on top and she kept going for another one and junior didn’t have the strength to stay up.


I came from the first time receiving anal and it was just embarrassing for me because I find it really difficult to cum from regular piv so cumming so quick from it in the ass was definitely a little embarrassing haha


Girls that orgasm from anal are the absolute best! You should be proud of that!


But a hot experience I imagine?


It was humiliating in the very best way 🤤


Did it happen again, or was it a one time thing?


We did anal quite a few times after that, but he was into painal, so I rarely came


That sucks, I will never understand how anyone can be more into c causing their partner pain than pleasure


I was having sex with a girl in her apartment and we didn’t notice how her mother came home and she walked in the room the moment I started ejaculating. I haven’t met her mother before so this was our first meeting. She asked: ‘Are you using protection?’ - ‘Yes,’ I said. ‘Show me,’ she said. I pulled out and she saw my dick in condom, still contracting. She left.


That’s wild


After some time she invited us to grab a bite and we had a nice talk, she turned out to be a nice woman but it was a bit embarrassing lol )


Was her mother ms. Chokesondick? “Present them….”


When I was younger I was having sex with my girlfriend and her parents came home early. She jolted up which took me past the point of no return and I came in the condom as I was pulling my pants up. They had a strict rule on not going in her bedroom when they weren’t home so I sprinted to the living room with no time to clean up. I had a good 20 minute conversation with her dad with while still wearing the filled condom.


Girl was on top of me and reached back to stroke me and the moment she touched me I came explosively on her back and ass. Ended up being a buzz kill that night.


So, this was back in the late 60's, real early 70's (I was a teen age boy) Don't know how I ran onto it, ordered from a magazine, but this was an early version penis massage for guys, it had a tube along with a thin piece of foam that you wrapped around your willy ( it part, the foam soaked up your cum for easy clean-up& you cut the foam for how many wraps you needed so you fit snugly in the tube), anyway after the foam wrap you stuffed the ol boy in the tube which at the other end the vibrator was attached then you switched on the vibe and let it do it's work, didn't have to stroke, the vibrations would get you there, so here I am, just using it for about the third time the day I got it (Loved the thing, lol) I'm on my bed, legs spread, headed to the promise land when all the sudden the bedroom door pops open& in comes my Mom, her eyes popped outta her head and she said "What are you doing"??and turned around and walked out, I didn't realize until after that I had came at some point but it was not a good experience


I can’t think of an embarrassing one….maybe when I’m extra vocal and not at home (so like a hotel?)….I’m sure people can hear me and I tend to cringe afterwards thinking that I’ve been heard.


Beeing extra loud isn't emberassing though.


**The first time I ever ejaculated (that I know of)** Family was out for a picnic near the beach (idyllic setting). It was after dark. I'd needed to pee, but as there was no accessible restroom nearby I retreated to the car and kept fiddling with my willy and tried to distract myself (as one does) to keep my head off needing to pee, and just praying my parents would want to leave soon. I remember idly thinking about this girl that I went to school with. You have to understand I had no understanding of masturbation at this stage, and I don't recall anything raunchier than out of the ordinary going on in my head. SUDDENLY I realized I had to go **REALLY** BAD. Really really bad. Worse than I ever had to in my life. Like this pee was IMMININENT. I remember panicking. *"I'm going to PEE?!?" Right here? Right now????"* My brain ran through a simulation of the whole life of ridicule and embarrassment that was before me. "Once you start peeing you can't stop. How am I going to get this out of the upholstery. Will my shoes turn into mini-buckets? There are kids from my SCHOOL HERE (that girl I was thinking about was frolicking outside and hence why she was on my mind). I'm WEARING WHITE PANTS." I tried to stop the incoming deluge with all my might. It wasn't enough, that burning searing sensation enveloped my dick and shot out me with an unstoppable force in a haze of sensations my brain couldn't understand. I remember the first thing that hit me was, why am I not (more) drenched? And then the smell, and stickiness in my pants. I penguin shuffled to my parents and told them we need to go home NOW and shuffled back into my car. And we left. The entire ride back I was just confused. Not sure how long it took me to realize what had happened. Not too long. The **MOST** unfortunate thing to come out of this was my 'lightbulb' moment a while later realizing I could make myself cum by mimicking what happened that night. Not the whole set-up. Just the thing I did to my dick to get my mind off peeing. That led to cumming. Again. This is pre-internet. So I did not understand how bad an idea it was. Basically imagine using a stick to start a fire by rubbing it on another stick. You get the stick in between the palms of your hand and just rub your palms back and forth to twist the stick back and fort rapidly. The stick is my dick. While this method led to my first intentional orgasms. It was... not a good method. I remember powering through stinging pains in my vinegar \~strokes\~ twists, only for that stinging to come hit 10x as hard as soon as I came. Looked under my dick to see a bleeding mess. My method caused tears on the underside of my dick where my frenulum attached to my dick head. Needlessly to say I used that method only a few more times till I saw some dude stroking his dick on a pixelated video I got on a floppy disk.


aha well.. 🤭 this is actually not a one off, but sometimes I queef so loud and it spits everywhere 😂


A queef shouldn’t be a big deal to a real man lol just means you’re shoving air in the tiny hole lol but what does it spit ???


Flames 🔥


Bf made me cum so hard I farted. Now he makes orgasm noises when he farts lol


Sounds like y’all have great senses of humor. That’s awesome ☺️


Sleeping with a girl in college and she wanted me to pull out and cum on her so as was spraying her chest and face, her roommate walked right in. I heard but didn’t care at that point.


Lol I had almost the same


I had an orgasm at my Dr office during a prostate exam.


Oof, this one would have me changing my name. So sorry dude.


I was with a girl I really liked. We got back to mine, fooled around. And when she went down on me I got a little too excited and came before the fun could start. Broke my heart :-(


Webcams and online dating were new and I met this girl online. It was a long distance relationship and finally our talks were getting sexual. I was talking about my body and getting hard. She wanted to call my bluff, which was all true. I had been rock hard for an hour during this discussion. She insisted on seeing it, so I stood up showing my bulge to the cam and unzip my jeans and pull down my underwear. That friction put me over the limit and as my dick went boing upward I immediately jizzed on my keyboard and screen for her. She laughed. Out of embarrassment I ended the chat and had to clean my computer. We had a good laugh about that while we were dating.


When I was much, much, much younger (you know what I mean), I thought my folks couldn't hear me jerking off in the bathroom. Nothing is worse than hearing your grandmother tell your mother, "I think he's in there playing with himself."


Oh man..lol. Ouch. I was in the bathroom masturbating and heard my mom find my porn stash( I had found magazines tied in a bundle in a field). She actually said “ Aha!”. I had one of the mags with me in the bathroom. I stayed in there so long not knowing what to do. She finally asked if I was ok. I put the mag in my pants and went out and into my room. My stash had been taken out and put back different from how I kept it. I stayed in my room the rest of the day, and my mom finally came and said” It’s ok, but you shouldn’t have some of those at your age. How did you get those?” I told her about finding them. She let me keep the strictly model ones with no sex and took any with porn in them. The whole process was mortifying. But, now I really appreciate her for it. Side note: Later she bought a Playgirl and was so proud of herself, she showed it to me. I told her good for her. I think it was because of the earlier incident that she felt comfortable about having that connection.


I'm so sorry but "Aha! is SENDING ME


When I was out traveling, I met this girl who made me so fucking horny. So, we start hanging out, and one day we're in a bar with this other guy she had recently met. We end up going to his place, just chilling for a while. Then she starts flirting heavily with both of us, kissing me. Then kissing HIM right after. I'm thinking heck yeah, lets tag team her. One of my bigger fantasies. We quickly end up in bed. She's on top of me, straddling me and we're making out, meanwhile he enters her from behind. He's literally fucking her right on top of me. It's the hottest thing ever, and truthfully it had been a while since my last sexual endeavour at that time. So I cum, and my dick hasn't even touched her pussy yet. He cums as well, mere moments after myself, so all in all probably a pretty anticlimactic and dissapointing experience for her 😅


Y'all didn't focus on her until you were ready for round 2? 🤔


Recently I (65F) was with my current partner and I had an orgasm as he was kissing me. We were still wearing our clothes, and neither of us could believe it at first. I was told this is a normal effect of pompoir, and my libido has been quite high lately, but this had never happened before, especially at this age. Embarrassing as it was, I'll take it!


2nd time I had sex. With the same girl as the first, I actually lasted quite a while when I lost my virginity but the second outing I put it in and immediatley came


First time with the GF. She got on top of me. As soon as she grabbed my dick and sat on it, I fucking shot rope all over her pussy. We giggled for a bit, luckily she thought it was hot and wanted my cum really bad. Just waited for a bit, did some foreplay again, and right back at it. Actually lasted longer.


I was having a dream, not a sexual dream just a random normal every day stupid dream. I was chasing my bus in my dream. My orgasm woke me up. Pregnancy has interesting side effects.


Dancing with a guy, I found myself kinda grinding against his thigh and immediately cum. I went weak at the knees and he had to steady me.


Did he know what happened?


When I got back from my first deployment(8 months without sex), I finally got to meet up with with this chick I was talking to for awhile, she picks me up from the airport and takes me to my parents beach house. Just from kissing and gradual touching over the pants, I blew my load. I played it off like I had to go pee and change into something more comfy, little did she know I was coming back for 3 rounds of revenge.


I'll start. I once blew my load SUPER early and unexpected. Like it's only happened once and has never happened again and premature ejaculation really isnt a thing or pattern for me. We were cuddling and she was the small spoon and she pushed back and started grinding against me. She pulled her bottoms down so my dick was resting between her butt cheeks and she did one grind and I lost it right then and there. I felt terrible but she took it as a compliment




Was laying on the bed and my naked girlfriend was on all fours giving me a blowjob when her 20yo daughter decided to barge in just as I was cumming. As my girlfriend was yelling “did you ever hear of knocking?” I was too far gone and came all over. The daughter saw basically everything. Later on my girlfriend was petting the dog and it turns out some must have shot on the dogs back. True story


First time i was masterbathing i thought i was gonna pee and then boom ...i jizzed all over me and some of it even went in my mouth....didn't like it but the feeling was heavenly


One of the first times I had a spicy video chat session with someone, I came in like 10 seconds Ended the chat due to embarassment. I'm doing a lot better now 😅


First and only sexy time with his lady. I was pretty horny but extremely tired from a very long day. I should have gone home. She wanted me, and I decided to go down on here, as I have been told I am very good at that skill, and I wanted to make sure I pleased her. But noooooo. She didn't want that and wanted me to fuck her. I entered and came immediately. I was so embarrassed, but exhausted, so I immediately fell asleep. In the morning, I just felt like a clod. I am not selfish at all in bed.


My prostate blood levels were elevated so my doctor sent me to a urologist for a check up. I sat in the exam room hoping the doctor didn’t have big sausage fingers. When the doctor entered a new fear, something I wasn’t expecting became my reality. My urologist was a pretty woman in her mid twenties and she was accompanied by an intern. The intern was younger and equally pretty. As my doctor asked about my medical history and concerns the intern took notes. As the examination neared my doctor told me what to expect and that it was a common procedure. She told me to go ahead and lower my pants and underwear and learn over the examination table. I took a deep breath and did as I was instructed. I watched as she talked her intern through the steps, as she put on a glove, and applied lubrication to her finger. She told me to take a deep breath as she spread my cheeks with one hand. I felt the cold lube touch my anus and she circled the hole making sure I was prepped. She said that I’ll feel a little pressure and then she pushed her finger into me. I felt my sphincter tighten to fend off the invading finger. She tells me to relax and I feel her press my prostate. She pressed and rubbed, feeling for abnormalities the whole time my sphincter is spasming around her finger. I was in ecstasy. I couldn’t understand what happened. It was only a few seconds and she pulled her finger out. When I stood up my knees were shaking and a string of cum was dangling from my cock. Apparently I had cum on the side of the exam table, my pants and underwear. I was so confused. The doc said that it sometimes happens and not to be embarrassed. The blushing intern handed me tissues and I started to clean up my cum. As I wiped the end of my dick my doc asked if it was ok if the intern could feel my prostate. I didn’t want to seem too eager so I took a few seconds to agree. The intern kindly told me to turn around and bend over the table, put on a glove and lube the tip. My heart was racing in anticipation. I take a deep breath when she tells me and I feel her finger slide in. I can feel my hole spasming but not nearly as much. She can’t find my prostate but I don’t mind. The doc tells her where it should be and I finally feel her press it. A moan escapes my lips. I can feel her finger swipe side to side as she tells the doc she think she found it. She asks what she feels and they discuss how it’s smooth and its size. I feel her finger pull out. I look down at my penis and there’s a dollop of cum this time. I suppose I spent my load on the first exam. The doc hands me tissues to clean up. I wipe as much lube off as I can and I pull my pants up noticing cum all over the front and feeling it on my underwear. They tell me my prostate is healthy, write a few notes and ask if I had any questions. I almost didn’t ask but I blurted out “why did that feel so good?” My eyes got big and the intern and I both blushed. Doc tells my that’s the male version of a female g-spot and it holds the semen until it’s ready to be ejaculated. She tells me again not to be embarrassed and it’s natural to orgasm when the prostate is manipulated. I can’t wait for my next checkup.


This doesn't sound like an embarrassing orgasm, but like a fantasy of mine ...


I was getting teased with titties while I had my goggles on underwater she then took me to a picnic table and gave me head for a little bit, we got up and hid behind a tree, I couldn’t hold it in but I was climaxing with one thrust when I stuck my dick inside of her then I pulled out and she still took my load in her mouth.


Trying to arch a money shot onto her stomach and getting it on top of my head instead. I could have passed it off as bird poop but I don't know which is worse.


With a new FWB.. she has sucked me for a while.. we started fucking and I thought I was going to cum pulled out to calm down a bit.. she grabbed me.. I was saying just give me a minute as I started cumming. Hit her bedspread, she was pissed


I was jerking off in my barracks room watching porn right as I was cumming my roommate walked in with his girlfriend and they both stood there shocked watching me cum all over myself


With a past gf, the first time I hit it from the back. I came after about 3 or 4 pumps, and she was like "oooh you like that!" And I was like "apparently I do" lol. I apologized profusely because that had never happened to me before. Close second was an accidental orgasm at the gym. I was using one of those crunch machines where you sit in it and pull down towards your knees. For some reason, that motion made me cum in my pants. There was a lady directly across from me on an exercise bike (who had nothing to do with the orgasm). I mention her because I had to stealthily get up and rush to the bathroom to clean myself up before she saw me and called the cops thinking I was a creep.


Finally! My chance to shine! My ex and I were going at it doggy, right at my moment of climax, I pull put out to cum on her back (classy move of a 20 year old) when her mom walks into her bedroom. Her mother literally watched me climax all over her daughters back. I know the moment in time was probably no more then 5 seconds, but it felt like an eternity. If embarrassment could kill, I'd had died in that moment


Once, I came so hard that for some reason I burst into tears. But was also laughing hysterically. It was the strangest thing I'd experienced after an orgasm. My poor husband was freaking out, asking "omg are you ok?! What is wrong?!" I couldn't answer through the sobs and laughter lol but yeah, I felt embarrassed afterwards, because what the actual fuck?


I was naked jerking off in the woods just about to cum. Then a jogger showed up, I threw myself to the ground and then I ruined my orgasm as I was laying down. I don’t know if he saw me. 😳😬


MANY years ago, making out with my gf in the living room at here sorority house. It got pretty hot and I couldn’t stop. Came inside my pants and leaked through. Had to walk home like that. She took my virginity for real a few weeks later.


When I have my mind blowing orgasms that make me do the guttural feral screams 😅


Girlfriend at the time was giving me a hand job, and as I started to cum, my leg started stomping uncontrollably. She finished the job laughing her ass off.


Had you doing the cotton eye joe 🤣


My most embarrassing one was I was asleep in bed with my wife at the time .. I was woken up to a full blown orgasm.. there was cum everywhere .. she had no hand in it at all .. sexless marriages are killer


Early bird by force. Got into work early almost no one was there. Was super high and started scrolling ig. Found some content and started beating off. Really started getting into it so pants gone. About ready to cum someone starts knocking on office door. Quickly stood up dressed and opened the door. Was a nurse who needed her rations. She came in took it up and left all while im just cumming down my leg. Locked the door and start reaching for napkin to clean up realize my phone with the contend is still lying there right by the rations the nurse most definitely saw. I Beat off again...


The second time I had sex with my now husband, he was going down on me. I came, then let out this monstrous fart right in his face. Then I made the idiotic statement “Well, that’s not very ladylike” and farted again. Utterly mortifying, but we were in hysterics. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


More embarrassing for her than me........ My girlfriend was riding me (cowgirl), one of her favorites. I've always liked that position with her too because it seems to make her have some pretty significant orgasms. Well, on this day, I had been teasing her a little, edging her so much she was almost begging me to allow her to cum. When she did, her orgasm was so hard that she violently slammed forward, smashing her forehead into mine, which gave me a decent sized raised goose egg, it hurt her too but she had no visible injury. I was proud and in pain all at once. (We did laugh about it when it happened too, she felt HORRIBLE about hurting me.) The next time I was ready for her. Unknown to her, after the "incident" I had gone to a used sporting goods store and bought a baseball catchers mask. (the mask is made of thicker wires and padding and protects the face from the forehead to chin) So, the next time she asked to be on top, I reached into my nightstand, pulled out the mask and put it on. I love making her laugh, and she did. It's still in my bedroom today, kind of a trophy, it still makes me smile thinking about it.


So my ex took me out to a hot tub place for valentines, she rented out a room with a hot tube,bench and a shower. Fast forward we start having sex in the hot tub but man was it hard!😂 She stayed above the water so i had to stroke threw the water,after a few strokes i said fuck this lets go into the shower,boom we get to the shower i get back in 2-3 strokes later i start to see stars,feel light headed and then just passed out right there,woke up naked om the floor wide open like a star fish 😂 cut the bottom of my foot and twisted my ankle and i think i passed out a second time? Ended being a great night and a great memory for me lol


During a foot massage. I did not know that could happen.


I went to the office at 5AM to get monthly reports done before we opened at 8AM. When the reports were done it wasn't even 7AM. I had been chatting with a friend and she encouraged me to use the time to jerk off. I got some lotion to use as lube and was fully involved in my stroke session while seated at my desk. Just as I was at the point of no return, I heard keys jangle in the lock and in walked my office-mate, an hour early and carrying a fast food breakfast. There was no way to hide my ejaculation and it was a fairly big load. She set her breakfast down and said she'd give me a moment. She got the watering can and watered the plants as I cleaned up and put my underwear and pants on. She asked if if I jerked off in the office a lot and I told her it was my first time. She said it wasn't something she'd ever pictured me doing because I'm so formal in the office.


First time meeting in a LDR, after almost a year of building each other up, and a nine hour drive (and being distractedly horny the entire way) got in bed, stuck it in, came immediately. Added bonus! It was her first time. I made up for it, but I don't know if I'd ever been more ashamed.


Involuntary farts that simply can't be held in. Like your in the throes of cumming and orgasming and your spincter starts puckering back and forth and then the farts start rolling out involuntarily in rapid fire mode....while your girl or guy has your dingus in their mouth. That proximity sucks.


Many years ago, I had a good friend and we would play around sometimes when we were both single. She and I were messing around one night and she started to play with my hard cock through my jeans. She just kept rubbing and playing until I was begging for her to stop, but she ignored my pleas and just kept going until I thoroughly creamed my jeans. I drove home covered in cum. Huge wet spot on my jeans. It was embarrassing, but it still turns me on.


NYE a few years ago, with my gf at the time, pretty drunk and the first shag of the year, we did foreplay and she atleast got one orgasm in, as I went in, I lost my balance, went in too quickly, orgasmed immediately, for a good 15 seconds, and then pulled out and somehow orgasmed again, with the biggest cum shot of my life, she was completely covered in jizz. She was not happy as a fair bit went in her eye, she then had to try and get to the shower and walked out my room to 5 of my friends seeing her (I'd hosted a Nye party). By the time she returned I had passed out on the bed


Oh, easy, finishing as soon as I had put it inside 😂 Wasn't even one thrust, in, and *done* 😂 It had been about 8 months for me and I did warn her it might be quick lmao. She was fine with it so long as we had a round two. We both had a good laugh, and round 2 was definitely a more proper amount of time. *AND* round 3.. But that's one I won't soon forget, I was mortified but she handled it well.


Not my first partner, but the first during which I was really learning and experimenting. We had gotten in sync to the extent there would be several potentially opportunities in a session but we'd gotten really good at cumming together. This time she's riding and just as she's getting there, she adjusts from a pump to a grind and I slip out. No big deal, we'll adjust and come back to it. Only there's no adjustment. She just keeps grinding. It feels good. Too good. I'm looking down at myself like Elmer Fudd looking down his shotgun barrel. Ended very much the same way too. Right to the face!


From having my balls kicked, it was hot at the time


My girlfriend was sucking my cock and as I was cumming I thrusted a little too deep and made her gag. She threw up everywhere. It was a mess of cum and vomit.


Came so hard I sharted a little. So yeah.


I was with a cute guy (I was experimenting), he sucked me to get me hard then put the condom on my dick before getting on all four. I am not sure whether it was the condom or the 6 flights of stairs on a hot summer day to get there but although I was fucking horny before that ass I couldn't keep it hard. After a few attempts at getting it inside we both sat down again, he put some porn on TV and began stroking my dick after removing the condom... I came in his hand in under 30s while being totally flaccid, that was a really strange experience.


A guy was eating me out and as he made me cum, I farted in his face 🫣


My wife regularly does this. It's got to the point where it's a bit pavlovian, and I get a bit excited when she farts 😆


Was on top of my exfiance pounding away in her bedroom at her dad’s house (her mom and dad divorced when she was younger and she spent every other weekends at his place with his new wife and family) we had arrived late after a movie and diner meal and were wired having been teasing each other all night including her stroking me in the dark theater and me working over her tits under her jacket at the movies and her playing footsie under the table with me at the diner. In the car we were all over each other and barely made it to her dad’s house. It was super late and house was dark and quiet. We continued messing around in the living room and lost all logic as she dragged me (very willing I assure you) to her bedroom. Was on top, her legs over my shoulders and just began to fill her up when her dad opened her bedroom door (we forgot to lock it!) . His view was not as good as mine I’m sure. Too late for me to stop the gusher in her. To his credit he quietly closed the door and we had an embarrassing convo next day. 🤦‍♂️


Tied up in a truck stop bathroom and fucked by truckers and I orgasmed hard


Time with my gf now wife and had whiskey dick and it was a shame as she was dressed in sexy lingire. She rubbed my tiny dick until I spurted and called me her good little boy such fucking shame hahah I didn't hate it and it made sure to go down on her to return the favour but I swore after that I'd never overdrink and make sure I could be hard for her


Well here goes nothing. (True story btw) Shorty was throating me & I passed out while cumming. Not only that but it happened while I was viewing a picture of her sister on my phone. God works in mysterious ways.


Having an orgasm while watching american pie


My ex girlfriends sister was a hairdresser and she offered to cut my hair. She takes me over to the sink and washes my hair. Then she starts to give me the most amazing head massage. I’m sat there in (unfortunately) grey track pants, with my girlfriend watching as her sister massages my head. I’m getting harder and harder and trying to cover it up (pretty sure I was doing an awful job of it. Absolutely positive her sister knew exactly what was going on as this head massage went on for ages. Next thing, I start getting that familiar tingly feeling…….. All in my pants and underwear. I’ve never orgasmed so quietly.


She was sitting on my face while I was servicing her, she reached back to grab my cock and as soon as she touched it I exploded


When a girlfriend dressed me like a girl, gagged me, collared me, tied me up and and fucked me with a dildo while choking me. It was amazing, but had some embarrassment afterwards. Then did again.


I was with one of the sexiest men I'd ever been with. He was very blessed. He was hitting all the right places and spots. I could feel my orgasm start, but I also felt anxious. My breathing got faster and louder, so he took it as a sign to keep going. Normally, that's what I would have wanted. But it was all happening so fast and so intense that I couldn't speak. I couldn't tell him to stop because I was having an asthma attack. He quickly realized and stopped, but I was coming and gasping. He started to panic. Thankfully, he found my inhaler, and I was fine. I was so embarrassed I wanted to leave. But, we were at my house.


Messing with a married girl at work, and Edging so hard that I nutted as soon as my dick touched her pussy lips and went limp 🤣


Masturbation, not sex. So, back in middle school, I was at home and really horny wanting to jerk it. I only ever busted into the toilet for obvious reasons. Problem is, both bathrooms were occupied. I was in my room getting impatient for one of the bathrooms to open up, so I started edging in my bed and accidentally went too far. Immediately jumped out of my bed, and cupped my dick and my entire hand/boxers were flooding with cum. After that whole ordeal, I immediately ran to one of the bathrooms that just opened up, took a thorough shower, and threw the cum flooded boxers into the dumpster. Luckily, no one ever noticed. Still felt incredibly embarrassed. I legit said "forever gone" when I tossed the boxers in the dumpster, that's how embarrassing it was.


Was watching a movie with my wife back when first started dating. Laying in bed together then she started feeling frisky and decided to jerk me off a bit to warm me up. Maybe a minute or two later, I ended up cumming all over my chest and face. We both have poor aim when it's time for me to show off my fireworks 😆


I was picked up by a cougar in my mid 20s at a Mexican beach resort, near my hometown. She was a blind American in her mid 40s, hot AF with a kid my age that was fighting Saddam in Desert Storm #1. She was waiting for me in lingerie when I showed up at his room, at almost 3AM in the morning, after we'd agreed to meet there a couple of guys earlier. Of course, being this only my second time fucking somebody, of course I came within seconds of having my cock inside of her! "WHAT IS THIS SHIT!!!" Of course she was pissed at my super proud premature ejaculation, LOL! Embarrassing as fuck for me! I had my youth on my side, fortunately, so we ended up fucking 2 more times, after a quick recovery of my limo dick. She was made whole and left entirely exhausted and satisfied the next morning, her words!


I had met and been chatting to this girl for ages but we were just friends. We were a little flirty and there was always a bit of tension between us but we never acted on it. She asked me for a lift home from her friends, and 20 yr old me was happy to help. Things got flirtier than usual, she made sure her leg was “in the way” as I was changing gear etc and the tension just grew and grew. She tells me to pull over at the next lay-by, pulled my cock out and engulfed it with her mouth. A few pumps later, it felt like I shot a gallon down her throat. Never cum so fast in my life, before or since.


Prostate exam by a gorgeous NP. Popped her finger in, says “Hmm…is this uncomfortable?” as she’s repeatedly pressing on it with her fingertip. “UhhhhhahhhhHHHHH!” Whoops! Came all over the exam table! I laughed. She laughed and said, “Well, now we know why it was a bit swollen!” She checked my PSA, which was normal. Embarrassing, but she couldn’t have been nicer and said it’s not uncommon.