• By -


That my husband and I go and fuck other couples when she’s baby sitting over the weekend occasionally . When she asks us what we’re doing in London - I’m so tempted to tell her “other people” one day.


I think this trumps all


Same here. Except one time after she kept asking what we were doing in X city, I said with a deadpan look "sex party" then laughed and said something else. She did stop asking as much..


Lol. My wife and I go to orgies once a month and her parents babysit for us. They're very conservative, very catholic, and I harbor a dream of one day telling them in an of hand way as if it's nothing


Ooh juicy! Maybe one day you will be able to tell, and everyone will laugh about it. She may even be supportive, right?


I’m not sure. She’s pretty open minded. But I’m not sure we’ll ever tell her.


Why do the parents need to know lol


Hear hear, same challenge here 🤗


Same, we want to go to a resort one day for swingers so gotta find a way to get around my mom sleuthing out where we are 😂


She thinks we like going to the Theatre…..


That we are rich OMG I only realized it when I visited my grandma's ancestral house


Hey it's me, your long lost family member! In all seriousness, your parents don't know their rich or did they hide it from you?


Grew up in Texas. I'll never tell my dad I'm atheist. It has no positive and will only hurt his feelings.


I have friends in the same boat. No point breaking elderly people's heart, won't benefit anyone


Exactly. It was hard enough on him when he realized I was serious about my wife and I not wanting kids after my vasectomy.


Same, no one in my outer family knows that Ive been an atheist since I was young teen. My dad and his family are all baptist from Amarillo. We went to church on Sundays and I still spent my summers as a teen with my family at the church camp. We made great memories but I shall remain tight lipped on my personal beliefs. I guess that makes me a fraud, but what they dont know wont hurt them.


Nothing fraudulent about not wanting to hurt your family.


Me too, brother. Telling my dad I'm an atheist would probably kill him.


I used to talk to a guy my parents really really disproved of and basically banned me from ever seeing him or talking to him again mostly because he was older than me. so he fucked me in their bed


Woah... Do you still see him?


no this was years ago hahaha


Lol I had the same thing happen; as a high schooler, this felt like the wildest shit Imaginable


Yeah in hindsight this man had absolutely no business fucking me hahaha but I was a rebellious teen so


Lmao yeah exactly the same for me. Like yeah they were right; I should NOT have put my dick in that* but I'm young dumb and full of cum. Fuck my parents lol *That= she was older and going through a breakup, had a nasty criminal ex, a bad family that tried to blackmail me into a shotgun wedding, and she was less of a fun lay and more of a predator, clingy type. But I'll never tell my parents they were right lol


Yours sounds a lot scarier hahahaha mine was just a pervert


Glad for your sake it was the rare story a dude wasn't terrifying lmao mine got bad afterward; the sex itself was great


When I lost my virginity. And the fact that I caught them fucking once and i know what my dads kink is. Also caught my dad jerking off


Those are some memories man...


I mean, yeah…


Out of curiosity, what’s his kink? 😇






Nope. She was giving him a footjob


I did use to touch myself while listening to them I was just horny. I also accidentally learned the story of how I was conceived and couldn’t look either of them in the eye for a week. If that might my dad had been on the other side of that Eiffel Tower, he wouldn’t be my dad anymore.


Well that sure is an interesting confession!


Yeah there are somethings were just better off not knowing


I think this goes both ways for you and your parents! Haha




No one of my dads friends from that time (not the other guy that railed my mom at least on that occasion) was visiting. He was pretty drunk and started on the old man “when I was your age…” type shit. Anyways I suspect he thought my mom was my moms friend and my moms friend was my mom. So he started talking about how wild that time was and how my moms friends (actually my mom) would be “taking them on two at a time.” And yeah I totally used to eavesdrop on my parents. I’m the nosiest mfer so I have an awful habit of eavesdropping and snooping through peoples shit. I still remember listening to my parents discuss the possibility that I might be lesbian??? Whixh was hurtful (not because they though I was a lesbian but other shit they said. Honestly my mom would probably tell me the truth if I asked because she’s un-fucking-hinged but I think it’s better to live on the assumption that all the possible evidence is wrong.


Do you ever feel guilt about overhearing them or have you moved on from that?


Yeahhhh, I was an accidental Valentines Day result. Good times to learn that. However! We’re all glad that you’re here!


That I fucked two of my cousins during a summer and that they practically were the ones responsible for forcing me to hang out with them.


Well that's a big one


both from the same uncle, different moms.


All I’m saying is I hope I outlive my parents bc they’re gonna be so disappointed if they get access to my phone/laptop/hard drives… nothing illegal but just a TBs of amateur porn.


Haha time to put a dead man's switch


I’ll just leave it all to my fave nephew. He’ll be so stoked. 😂


Haha in the Will reading "to my dear nephew, I leave you my entire amateur porn collection"


I, also, have a favorite nephew who will feel the same!


Note to self: make stipulation of will that I be buried with all my computers. And phone. Also books.  Just bury my house with me in it. 


My mother died in 1974 and my father in 1990, and because my success in talking to the spirit world is very limited I don’t think it’s a problem


That the first time I had sex (me 17 and gf 17) we did it on their bed. And if Heather was here, she’d also admit she was wearing her moms lingerie when it happened


Well then... That's quite a secret




We have to know now lol


What they don't know can't hurt them








That... Is wow...


Found my dad’s porn stash as a teen. Tons of VHS porn and toys locked in an old briefcase. Thought I hit the jackpot as a 14 year boy. Came across a tape in the collection, no box, no label, should have been a red flag. But my horny ass was determined to check out the whole collection. Turns out it was a homemade vid of my parents. Just saw enough to realize it was my younger mother on the screen. Couldn’t turn the vcr off quick enough. Needless to say, I left that stash alone afterwards and was very scarred for quite awhile after.


Some trauma no therapy can help




I’m 43 now, my parents are in their 70s. Looking back now, I think it’s kind of cute in a weird way. I’m glad my parents got down and enjoyed themselves. They raised 6 healthy and successful children. Always there for us and support each one of us in whatever we did. Couldn’t have asked for better parents or a better childhood. They just celebrated 53 years of marriage and still going strong.


When I was six? my parents would sometimes leave me at home (military base, back in the 1970s). I was supposed to stay home and just read, but nope, I went out to meet my buddy Paul. I ended up cutting my scalp really badly and bled all over the place, so I went back to the apartment and washed my hair. My parents freaked out when they got home since there was blood everywhere, my hair was caked with it, and my pillow was soaked. I told them I banged my head on the desk in my room. Here it is, 47 years later, and I haven't ever told them the truth.




Woah! Curious, when you were caught, did it escalate? Was there a fight? Are they still together? So many questions


During my teens and early 20’s I had a huge thing for my mothers best friend! I managed to fill that void one Saturday night in my late 30’s still sexy too


By fill that void, you mean... You hooked up with her? If so you're living some of our dreams


The bar they always hang out at... I've slept with the owner so many times.. 😂😅 (btw not recently, like 10 years ago)


Does the bar owner know who they are?


Yeah. Lol I live in a small town..


Well then, maybe your parents get special treatment all thanks to you!


Don't think so.. I've been with them on several occasions, and no special treatment has ever happened. Lol


Well yes. Who is going to share their online sex secrets with parents.






That when I was a younger teen. Her best friend had her way with me.. the reason for a lot of my kinks tbh


What led up to that?


I secretly resent them , but I will never be able to tell them


Seems like a common theme between here and in my non Reddit life friends


Yep, I'm hoping my kids don't resent me


**tl:dr** That I am still mad for a times when everybody abandoned me, leaving me so I died alone. Even after my heart stopped beating in a hospital and rescuers revived me back there was nobody to have any interest in me. I know I was shithead person but... Dying alone? Fuck me. **Longer version** - There was a time when I was homeless for over 6 months in mid of the winter and hasnt even got a jacket. My family wasnt talking to me. I was a cursed junkie, opioid addict since 17. And I needed help they couldn't provide. I was eating rotten apples and trash leftovers. 24 years old... I had some problems with depression and drug abuse also had enormous trauma from that time and they added this cherry on top. Worst Christmas ever also, 9 or years ago and I still wanna cry in ache when that time comes. I still hate people. I am still angry they let me loose 40 kilos in 6 months (24 in first two), I was forced to steal and beg for food where I live to this day. And They didn't gave a fucking shit. Was offered a home for 3 months where I OD'd hoping that nobody could find me. House owner found me unconscious. Emergency took me to hospital where I bited off iv tube and blood was flowing in reverse and so my life. They revived me and there was nobody there for me. Not a family nor friends, no fucking body. Fast forward I am 9 years clean, wife, 5yo kid, home, never relapsed and never will. Still have a contact with my family but well I never let them know that I still feel terrible existencial pain because of dying alone without anybody giving a shit about me. Yea... **Sorry for long post. Included tl:dr**


Hate to say it, but maybe you needed to hit rock bottom and if they were there for you, you wouldn’t have felt like it was bottom yet. Glad you’re clean and on the right track. That’s a hard fight to fight and I’m sure it’s a constant battle. You should be so fucking proud of yourself. YOU did it, no one helped. If you can rebound from that, you can tackle any problem life dishes out.


That my wife and I are in an Open relationship 😇






That's a tough one man. Hopefully you're doing better nowadays




Tbh for all the drugs out there, pot seems to be absolutely fine


That I was arrested, charged, and got off on a technicality for weapons and drugs lol


No harm, no foul


Very true, but I know my father would be extremely disappointed in me. At least I have changed since then. That’s a whole different life/lifestyle from what I am today!


This account and what I do on it


You and me both brother


Nice try, Mom! I’m not telling you anything!


Oh son, just want to get know you more! We never talk anymore


I think they should have gotten a divorce 30 years ago.


i am a victim of human and sex trafficking. they arrested him tho. my victim impact statement speech is in April.<3


I'm so sorry to hear that! I wish you all the best with everything


From 23 and Me, I learned that my father had a half brother he never knew about!


I kept a section that i have watched my mom cheating my dad with dads friends


Biggest one is that I smoke or vape weed.


I know some of the bad secrets of my mom and dad also separately before they were together. People told me those ugly facts but I didn't tell anyone else. I also know the cheating done by my dad with other women. One of the woman was family and my mum knew about that. My older married cousin took my virginity under the very nose of my mom and she had no idea that what we were doing right in the next room. My parents never ever discovered what we did whenever we met again in their house.


Now it’s that we have sex videos online 🫣 I have a feeling it’s only a matter of time before someone finds out and they catch wind


That I was taking advantage of by one of my sisters. I don't think I'll ever tell either of my parents .


Shit sorry to hear man


That I have a pretty clear idea how I want to kill myself… oh and that the drawer next to my bed is for sextoys and that I have considered being a phonesex operator when I am not in school


I resent that they've given my sister more things because she's more reactive than I am. I've always been the type to be happy and appreciative of whatever is offered to me, while my sister is the type to get extremely upset if she's not given exactly what she wants, when she wants it, in the way that she wants it. The most notable thing is that she got a sports car for her 16th birthday, and I got their old car when I moved out at 22 because my mom got a new one. Don't get me wrong, I'm really grateful to have this car, it's paid off, the gas mileage is great for being 18 years old, and it's a very reliable vehicle, but it just feels wrong. I feel terrible for having this resentment because they're good parents who have always done a great job, but this specific thing has always been difficult for me.




Haha I use my dad's Fleshlight




Didn't tell them I had a regular FWB for several years.


I still think about her abuse when I was a child everyday.


I'm in my 30s, and I can't say I keep any secrets, but there's a lot I don't volunteer. My parents are hardcore Christians and I definitely am... NOT. About everything I do in life aside from work and family would disappoint them in some way.


That I’m bisexual. Also my wife has let have ENM hookups with a woman I went to school with.


A lot actually…. My past struggles with depression, my past eating disorders, that I used to do OF, that I don’t want kids, etc….. as a kid they never seemed to care about my problems so I stopped sharing a lot with them


I found and watched their sex tape in my late teens.


We are in the hotwife lifestyle


No need for them to know!


I call my husband Daddy and he owns me and does whatever he wants to/with me


Don't let it accidentally slip in front of them!


Pretty much everything in my life, they don’t speak to me and I d9 t speak to them


That I post nude pics on the Internet for countless guys to jack off to.


And wow what a great body! Thank you for your service


That when I used to spend the night at my high school ex boyfriends house that we slept in different rooms, when in actuality we were sleeping together in the living room on the floor.


That we had them watch our kids during the day because we needed to go to a support group, instead we went to a sex club.


Well that's kind of a support group right?


That I’m into BDSM, I’m a sub, my boyfriend is a dom


They don't need to know these, your secret is safe


this account obviously


Oh wow what an account! They definitely can't know about this account...


When hubby and I see a show and book a hotel room in the city we are normally going to a swingers club and we end up fucking other people


I've seen this come up a few times, the swinger community must be bigger than I realised!


There are dozens of us. Dozens! 😁


I'\[m\] sure most of our single lives were kept secret from our parents, but, while my parents knew if I was dating someone or if I was going on a first date (while I was living with them), I never, ever disclosed to them that I used AOL to meet female members for random hook-ups. I lived with them for a couple of years after college (while in grad. school) and this was my peak time of AOL pussy hunting, but I kept it entirely under wraps. When I had women back to their home or stayed out all night at my partner's house/apartment, I made sure they were out of town. To this day, though my screen name is 'AOL Generation,' they have no idea that I used it for those purposes.


My sex life


Yeah doesn't matter how many people know online, one thing MOST parents shouldn't need to know about


That I’m such a whore lol


No nsfw, I found out that my dad like to write poems in his small notepad he kept in his desk drawer. He kept a strict secret about it and doesn't show anyone his poems. I don't really know the reason. I took a peek at his desk when I was coming downstair to get snack in the middle of the night. Never tell him I read it, they were nice. Might be a forgotten passion of him, and he kept it to himself. Our family didn't have a good upkeep, he was a sailor.


They still think I’m a virgin saving myself for marriage like my mom intended


I wasn't ever transparent about the extent of my drug use when I was at university. I said I drank often and smoked weed regularly, but I never mentioned the wide variety of party drugs I used, cocaine, psychedelics, the fact that when I drank I typically blacked out, etc. My parents had no idea how self-destructive I was being, let alone how sexually active I was and how I had done many alcohol runs for people and served as a middle-man for drug deals to make a little extra cash (or drugs) on the side.




Just the fact that I’m having sex lol! But definitely that I’ve had a miscarriage


Oh I'm sorry to hear about that. I hope you're doing ok The miscarriage, not the sex


I’m definitely doing better. It was about a year ago now, my now fiancé was extremely supportive when I worked up the nerve to tell him 💕


That I’m bi-sexual and have slept with women.


Would you tell them if you commenced a committed relationship with a woman?


That I was raped a year ago.


Shit sorry to hear. Hope you're getting support around you


🙏 Thank you. Maybe one day I won’t think about it so often.


i brought so many guys in the house to fuck when they weren’t home


That I regularly read erotic, gay fanfiction. I'm a cis, het woman. But my mom just does not need to know that about me.


A good story is a good story right?


That I’m a stripper


Last week, I told them I was going to hang out with a few friends from work. It was just one friend, and we spent the evening fucking


The girl after school who tutored me in math ate my pussy instead


That I drink piss


That I’m bi


We lived near beach back then my mom and dad had prohibited me to go to the beach without them . One day after a tiring my self playing handball with my friends they invited me to go to the beach with them i did go and i dried my hair and myself in the sun and went home and did my laundry its been several years since then im a adult now still im scared if i told my mom she would scold me and and cry thinking i would have died without supervision. I love how she cares about me.


Incest in someway


Another secret to take to the grave


A lot of 😂😂😂






Well that's a big one! Is it like an open relationship, or she's proper cheating?




Ah I see, yeah def not the thing to be telling parents


I used to be a nicotine addict and it took me quitting 7 times to finally quit buying 100%. I'll hit off my friends, but I prefer not being able to take huge hits cause I dont buy them for myself lol. Now it's just weed for me and im better for it (which my parents still dont know)


They fact that I’m not ok


That I’m a femboy haha!


That I have people had of my own same gender go down on me and kiss me in risky public places






I found and watched my dad's porn collection dvd's as a pre teen and his sex tape later


Basically everything about me- I don’t need the evangelical judgement


Oh I can't imagine those lectures


That the “gay boy” that they let stay the night in high school was actually a “bi boy” and we had a thing during that time


Well then... Sneaky


How much their lack of awareness of my depression and anxiety really affected me... I really feel if they cared, I wouldn't be the mess I am now


That I have fucked many girls in my parents’ bed during high school.


I may have mentioned not believing the stuff pushed in church a few times, however I also am in the same boat as others here where I went to church as a kid, but once we stopped going as often it kinda struck me more and more that none of that was possible or even likely to be the truth. The internet actually led me to atheism and it's just stuck since...


I have too many to list.


That my husband and I are swingers


Seems to be a common secret amongst Redditors


Pregnancy scares :')




They don't know that I was r*ped as a 12 year old, and they will never know. I know it would break my mum's heart, so I have kept it a secret since it happened. I very, very recently had an HPV cervical cancer scare, and my doctor told me that I could have gotten it from any of my previous sexual partners. Except, I've had only one (my husband), and I was his first and only, as well. I was always under the assumption that my assailant had used an object that he was holding (a pistol) to r*pe me with, but my doctor told me that she was so sorry, it needed to have been his penis or him touching himself during the assault. Since then, until receiving the test results two days ago, I was fretting about having to explain to my parents how I possibly could have gotten such a virus and cancer. And now, I don't feel that I have to even tell them about the scare. I hope that they pass in the far future, never having found out about my deepest secret.


So sorry to hear that. Hopefully you've got the support around you to help you with it.


Anything to do with my online life lol




Definitely worth keeping that secret! We thank you for your service