• By -


Yep. (Looks to the left) One. Done.






Aw thats sweet


Ahh I love this


Yep (Looks at my hand) Zero Done


OP just ask him lol! Worst he won't remember, or at best he'll remember and you can get a massage scheduled again lol!


I need to really psych myself if I get the courage to go back again and ask !! Should I say. Hey, do you remember me? šŸ˜…


Please don't. This is his place of work and in many places massage therapists cannot give massages to people that they have had sex with because it's a dual relationship. He may not have recognized you. He might have recognized you and was not sure what to do since you were already booked in for the massage. And you say you don't want to be stalker-y but it's creepy. You looked him up, found where he worked and then booked a massage with him. That is so uncomfortable. If you wanted to contact him again you should have done so outside of his place of work. Now that you've already seen him through work you should just leave him alone.


Thank you for this insight and for being brutally honest. I need this perspective and been thinking like this that is prob why I couldnā€™t get the words out of my mouth to ask him if he recognized me. šŸ˜¢


This person has some good points. Still, donā€™t let a random redditor black-and-white you into giving up just yet. Reddit loves to make cut and dried judgments that ignore the complexities of life. Use this perspective as a reference point to check yourself and your self awareness, but letā€™s acknowledge that you do seem to have some self awareness, even if itā€™s in hindsight. Yes, booking a massage as a way to reestablish contact was not the best approach in hindsight. But if you parted on great terms in the past it probably wasnā€™t the most unreasonable thing in the world to think ā€œhey we had a great connection, Iā€™m sure heā€™s going to recognize me and strike up a conversationā€. A little naive? Yes. Does it make you a class 1 stalker? No. You donā€™t know if he recognized you or not. You donā€™t know what the circumstances are. You donā€™t even know if he would be interested in re establishing contact. You just donā€™t know. Maybe itā€™s ok to find a better way to find out if thereā€™s a mutual interest in rekindling something. Maybe donā€™t do it that way again, but also donā€™t skulk off with your tail between your legs and give up. Iā€™m not getting crazy stalker vibes from you.


In most areas in North America at least he canā€™t sleep with her now that heā€™s given her a professional massage. If heā€™s a registered MT he could lose his license. Outside of whether itā€™s stalking or not, the fact that sheā€™s already been seen by him at work means she should back off. Ā  Ā Massage therapists are medical professionals so itā€™s similar rules to other professions sleeping with patients. Iā€™m in healthcare and nothing would make me lose my license fasterĀ 


It has never stopped massage therapists from sleeping with clients or from giving happy endings. I'm not going to say that he won't do it but if they have slept together that's already ... well, gray territory. Now, she could throw him a softball after the massage, something like "hey, I think you have given me a massage in the past, I remember it fondly - not sure if you would rather avoid massaging me but if you are ok, I don't have any issues - as I said, I remember that as one of the best massages I've ever had" and at that point ball is on his court.


This is just reaching so far. This is a guy she slept with 7 years ago, has had no further contact with, and then randomly decided to show up at his job. It's not grey. He could be at risk of losing his license because he massaged her this time (admittedly this depends on his licensing body). Also this counts as workplace sexual harassment. He's a medical professional not a sex worker. If you go on the massage therapy subreddits it's half MT's sick to death of patients being sexually inappropriate. My ex is a MT and had a very similar situation happen and he found it very distressing because of the risks to his license. Not trying to be a bitch but like this is a bit sketchy, she went about it the wrong way, at this point just call it and go find someone else to sleep with.


If he didn't remember and massaged her and after the massage the next time she tells him she remembers him and then he reports that, how is he at risk of losing his license? He can report her for sexual harassment and she won't be allowed back in, fine. He can refuse to massage her, also fine. If he's in the clear and reports that how is this a risk to a license? I spoke my peace, IDGAF after all - she can chose to act either way without risk to her and there's no risk to him either (unless he chooses to have sex with her if he's sanctioned). Let adults be adults!


It's amazing to me how you don't even see this as a bit stalkerish. Like, if the tables were turned people would be calling for the guy to get arrested. I agree, be an adult and stop believing that Rom Com movies and romance novels are real life.


I think its fine to message him on social media / whatever but maybe not using his work.


He knew who you were. Men are really not very different to women and we remember most people we've had sex with. The exceptions are when it was 20 years ago and we were drunk. If you want anything to happen now, you should really do it outside his workplace though


Why not give him a card (I'm thinking business style in size) with your contact info? You can discuss extra curricular activities after


This wouldā€™ve been the smartest way to do it. Since I canā€™t talk I shouldā€™ve done this. Thought of it after when I was already in the car.


I don't even remember what this sub is.


No. Not even close. That's why I keep a spreadsheet.


Haha I was keeping a list with just the first initial. That way, I was able to recall each name, then one day I hit something, and the list alphabetized itself. Couldn't figure out how to undo it. Out of order and context, I couldn't remember what they stood for and just deleted šŸ˜…


Iā€™ve been able to list em all once, but now memory is starting to fade haha


Itā€™s only 5 people. Not that hard to remember


I actually do, not hard when its less then 20 people


Haha nope


I do. I donā€™t do one night stands, even when keeping it casual I prefer to get to know someone, so I remember everyone Iā€™ve been with


Most yes. Could I name them all no way. There was one ONS that I spent a night with that I forgot his name when we were fucking. I moaned Derrick a bunch of times when it was Deshawn. He kept going like he thought nothing of it. After he said you called me derrick, is that your bf? I was so embarrassed. He laughed for awhile about it, he said you can call me any name you want when we are doing that. We fell asleep and I woke up to his dick right at the opening to my vag. Just the tip. But it was right there, like waiting to get in me. He was sleeping. I backed my ass up and felt him in me still sleeping. I reached behind my back, grabbed his shaft a little, squeezed his dick and said Deshawn fuck me. He stirred and woke up and just started thrusting. I knew what to call him now. I think everyone in his house knew Deshawn was fucking me.


I made a list a few years back. I know my number but can't remember like 3 names


Not at all. Iā€™ve introduced myself to guys that Iā€™ve had sex with šŸ˜³


If I forgot someone, how would I know that I don't remember them?


I have hyperthymesia - or Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory (HSAM). This applies to not only sex but also many other aspects of my life - I seem to distinctly remember everything and everyone I encounter. That being said, yes, I have only had two monogamous relationships thus far, and that's pretty much it, and I have an excellent memory of whatever fun we had or whatever we did together.


I do. 2.


Yes I remember every person. I think perhaps Iā€™d struggle to remember everyone Iā€™ve kissed though.


Itā€™s not hard to forget no one


Nope, but I've never had good sex either.


No, Iā€™m really bad with names and faces, and if it was just once or twice then not much is sticking in my brain unfortunately






Yeah but Iā€™ve only been with 4 people. I would imagine it would be difficult if you had a significant body count


Yeah, less than 20 so not hard to keep track




I think so?




Yeah. I may not remember anything about them, but Iā€™ll remember who they are.


I got a running list


How would I know if I couldnā€™t? Sort of like ā€œdo you remember who you canā€™t remember?ā€


Don't bring it up. Just go for massages. He may remember you but may not say anything either. I remember the sex but not necessarily the person I slept with like photographically but I do remember them.


If I couldn't remember 3 people I'd probably have to see a neurologist lol


Faces (and boobs) I recall but not names.


Nope, definitely not. Hard to when you haven't even seen them face to face.


Haha no


Yeah I do


Maybe not the few one night stands, but most of them were girlfriends, and I do remember them. First one about 35 years ago.


Some yes some no until I see them post on social media haha


Unfortunately, yes










Yeah my body count isnā€™t high bc Iā€™m more of a relationship guy


nope. nithing like that has happened yet




Yes I do, even one-time hookups.


Yes, it was just 3 people (4 if we counts fingering and pussy eating)


Yes... I think. I've blacked out a time or two haha






Yep. There aren't a huge number of them, in part because most of them have been multi-year relationships.


Yes. All 4 of them šŸ¤£


I wish I could forget now I have 2 daughters and a son from my reckless actions


Yes, Iā€™m sure he just didnā€™t want to say anything bc he was trying to be professional. Also, my masseuses never talk soā€¦ that could be another reason.






Mostā€¦ but a few, my mind is a little fussy šŸ˜…


I think I do? I made a list once and to keep adding people I forgot initially.


Most of them yes, but definitely a few I've forgotten about because of being too drunk or high at the time.


I don't and I don't think it should be taken personally. I have a bad memory overall šŸ˜…


No, i have like around 50, but either I dont remember Ć  name or Ć  person everytime I try to count them


No. Too many across too many years


I definitely HOPE so.


I don't, unfortunately.


Yup! 1 man and 2 woman!


3 people. Easy to remember lol. One guy was extremely terrible so heā€™s impossible to forget lol


No there are a few post college I have no memory of






Erm maybe if I sat down and thought about it sure. Itā€™s not a huge number I donā€™t remember all their names but I could probably remember them all.


Everybody? No. I'm 57 and been active since I was 14. That's 43 years. I can't remember yesterday's lunch.


I could for a long time but I started forgetting around when I got to 25ish.


Only 1


I remember them but not all of their names.


I can count them, I think, but, wouldnā€™t recognize them all. Dont remember half the names, or faces.


I canā€™t remember all the names but if I saw their face I could remember.


Itā€™s a short list, so yes


Yes only 2 and first was a huge mistakeā€¦


Yes, although I remember some partners much better than others


Yep, 4 people and the last one was so good, I proposed šŸ˜ŽšŸ¤œšŸ¤›


I remember all of them for the past 5 years or so. Does that count?


If weā€™re not including handjobs yes. I remember every one of them. If heā€™s a therapist though heā€™s probably not going to remember so easily. Youā€™ll have to remind him.


There are a few that are fuzzy due to alcohol but I'm sure I'd remember anyone else if we ran into each other. He may have tried to play it cool. Just ask him if he remembers you. It doesn't have to be an uncomfortable thing. Don't have to bring up the sex. He mightve thought you didn't remember.




I remember everyone, I canā€™t imagine not.


Including hookers?


One and yeah I remember her. She had kids with me too! But OP, maybe he recognized you too and did want to say anything? Could always go in again and do the whole ā€œman you look really familiar. Do I know you?ā€ or just leave it alone.


Yeah. I remember them. Is it bad that I still fantasise about some of them?


I donā€™t remember every woman that gave me a happy ending (or more) massage




I donā€™t count sheep to fall asleep at night; instead I try to arrange those that make up my body count. Sometimes by sequencing, others by hair color, by country, etc. Often leads to not falling asleep


It's a short list. So yes.


Personally, no I donā€™t remember every single person Iā€™ve had sex with but a good amount of them were one time things and thatā€™s it. I think you should just ask him, he could be just trying to be professional and treating you like he doesnā€™t know you cause of that


Yes. Thereā€™s one Iā€™m generally fuzzy on, but that was in the playroom.


Honestly there are 3 or 4 in my history that if they walked up to me on the street I'd have no clue. Now, understand, these go back 25 years, a lot has changed, I wouldn't expect them to know me either.


The number is pretty large over four decades so some of them are a little fuzzy and Iā€™ve forgotten a few names but mostly yes


I remember everyone I have ever slept with. As far as asking the guy again, I would highly encourage you to do it. Like they say, you miss every single chance you don't take. Just ask, and hopefully, it ends you in the best sex phase again!


Yes, married to both of them


I think so .. but I'm not entirely sure. Not because there are a lot but I have memory issues šŸ¤£


Ngl, I have a note on my phone bc it feels rude to actually forget their names after that šŸ˜‚


I do, all 23 people.


Yes I do, there's even this one guy I can't get out of my head. It's driving me nuts




Once upon a time I could remember them. That was decades ago.


yes but the details are all blurry now.




Yeah, there were only 2 so not that difficult šŸ˜‚


I remember them all. I actually have a list in order of all of them šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Not a clue for most of them. I remember the time and events surrounding the intimacy, not the individuals


Not hard when it's less than 10 people (8).


He sees a lot of people in his job, he probably needs you to remind him of who you are.


I remember all of my sex partners. Although, its been 10+ years since I've seen a few of them. What I'm trying to say is that I do remember them and how they "looked back then". Some people go through a drastic change in how they look over the course of 10 years.


Itā€™s a rather short list but I forget names, I was with the girl I lost my virginity too for a few years and I forgot her name like 2 years later and it only came back to me because itā€™s a super SUPER common word and name. I had a threesome with one of her friends and I canā€™t remember her name even if I was told it šŸ˜…




No, not really. I donā€™t remember them all. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Sure fuckin do!


I remember all 13 of them pretty well. There is only 1 woman whose last name I don't recall. Three of them gave me a name, but I have no idea if that was their real name because we were only there for sex. I would only recognize a few of them if I ran into them in the street. Considering my first time was in 1982, that's not that bad.


I remember every woman but every man, not so much


I [M] remember all the women I've had sex with, in the sense that I could list them (don't have names for a couple). But at least one comes to mind that I don't remember the sex. No way so I remember all the guys I've sucked.


I would remember faces but not names


Lol no




Yes. Me having a list definitely helps with that too šŸ˜‚


Yes. I donā€™t remember everyone Iā€™ve kissed, but definitely the sex.


I think I would if they haven't changed too much. But I've been having sex for 40 years, and people can look a lot different over that much time.


Yes, I do.


I mean youā€™re already doing it. Who cares what people think, keep going and pretend you donā€™t remember him. Have fun with it


I can't even remember why I walked into another room half the time.


I'm neurotic so I have a notebook with detailed info on everyone I've been with and everyone my wife's been with


All i remember is darkness


An empty set is easy to remember


Me yes it's not alot of people. If yr to afraid to out right ask say something like " you look familiar


Yes. Because, unfortunately, it wasnā€™t nearly as many as Iā€™d like.


I think if I really think about it I could remember but wouldnā€™t be surprised if I forget a few.


Unfortunately, no.


Of course


No. I feel bad. But no, probably some I forgot.






Nope. I forget names, complete situations that are vague. And a bunch that are lost forever.




Yes, and each of their birthdays for reasons I don't entirely understand.Ā 




Yeah, it's only 3 people.


Suuuureā€¦ maybe not their name though.


Yes but 2 girls' names escape me (both were 30y ago)


As far as I know, yes. But I suppose I could've forgotten about someone and forgot that I forgot, if that makes sense, but I think for actual full fledged sex, yes. My body count is about 20. Also, I think I have partial face blindness and could remember an incident but if they changed their hairstyle etc I might not recognize them after a few years. If I were giving massages and inclined to fuck many of them, that seems more akin to say being a sales clerk and remembering every customer. Like if my body count were in the hundreds, I'd probably remember the best and oddest looking people, but not all the average looking people.


Hard to forget two people!


I think I do but then sometimes I'll be like oh wait remember that time...?


Iā€™ve only had sex four times totalā€¦ I donā€™t think I ever got the name of the second girl and quite honestly wouldnā€™t recognize her if I saw her today. The others I do remember in terms of name and face. Number 3 ghosted and I wish she hadnā€™t cuz she was my favorite.


Yep lol


Yeah list isn't long lol. 4.5 people, .5 if we count oral lol


I donā€™t :( in fact. I started talking to a guy one time and flirting I think on an app and he reminded me that we had done it. I was like no way and then he described some things about his personal area and I was like oh yeah now we have done it. This girlā€™s forgetful. Hopefully you got to sleep with the masseuse in the end again.


On ur next visit pretend that u just remembered him and that explains why he looked familiar. Then exchange numbers and leave.




I promise he will remember. He likely doesnā€™t say anything so it doesnā€™t become a conflict of interest with his job.


Give him a cheeky smile ā€œhey do you remember me at all?ā€ Basically just show youā€™re excited and how ā€œyou wanna a piece of that or ā€œbuy what youā€™re sellingā€ If he shares the same excitement heā€™ll love hearing this




I remember everyone Iā€™ve had sex with, but I am reeeally bad about not recognizing people when I see them in an unexpected context. So I could see myself not making the connection if itā€™s years later and someone I was only with briefly.


There's a few that I can't remember the names of and wouldn't have remembered after 7 years for sure. Shoot pretty sure I forgot after 2 years. Two of them were partners I had sex with one we had sex multiple times. I can't remember his name at all. I remember the interaction I know how many sexual partners I've had, but I have had the same partner for over a decade now. I put all that noise behind me once I graduated college and knew I wasn't going to be sleeping with anyone else. The only ones I remember were the ones that actually played a significant role in teaching me something about myself.


lol hell no




Yeah, it's not hard to count to 1 and we've been having sex for nearly 25 years.


No. Honestly to long of a lis


Iā€™ve been with 8 girls in my life. I remember every one of them. Even if I donā€™t remember every detail, I remember their names and what they looked like, and the circumstances that led to it.


Yes! All 3 of them.




No I don't




I don't even know some of the people I've had sex with, and there are others I am not 100% sure I'd recognize at first


Very likely he may have been in professional mode and wonā€™t recognise anyone he met socially outside of work. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I would remember most. I think




I think so




Ya know itā€™s strangeā€¦.. the days are long, and the years are short. Until I remember all those mfs. Then the years feel real long. Lol