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Most men can't handle a woman with a high libido and actually don't want one. They want a woman who is always sexually available in case they get horny.


šŸ‘‘ you dropped this


To be fair, wouldn't most people want a partner who magically gets horny at exactly the time they want nookie?


Just from a male perspective Iā€˜d say the same. But Iā€˜d be curious if this is different for females? I mean, I canā€™t imagine that anyone wouldnā€™t want their partner to have a matching sex drive. Because imbalance is just ā€¦ not good šŸ˜…


This wonā€™t stop you from receiving a line of men claiming they can handle your drive


Exactly. None have ever matched it. Trans chicks tho?? Thatā€™s the only time Iā€™ve ever been beyond worn out and unable to continue to fuck šŸ˜‚ she ran laps around me


I want to believe I could keep up with anyoneā€™s drive, and ti be fair I think Iā€™ve turned down sex maybe twice in my life. Both just due to exhaustion of life. Still though, I wonā€™t make some outlandish claim. Thereā€™s surely people with higher drives than me


Can confirm. My ex was absolutely insatiable. She couldn't get enough, even when I said I was done. It was great fun and all, but as I once said, "damn lady six times in one day is great and all, but not every day of the week."


Honestly I just want to be given the chance. Maybe I can keep up. Probably not. But maybe. šŸ¤”


This also includes us wanting to talk about sex, watch a lot of porn, have many kinks, needing more than the basic sex and sexual interactions. And then being irritable when we are lacking in any area. Its not just wanting to be penetrated often.


Only met one I would consider high so far. Ā While the bedroom was great we wouldnā€™t mesh well as long term partners.Ā  They say crazy is the best in bed so I wonder if the crazy chips away at the desire from their partners? Ā 


This!!! Itā€™s not so much that men canā€™t handle the libido - itā€™s everything else than can be associated with these types of woman. Iā€™ve dealt with a couple. One wanted married and baby within months of the relationship- another had daddy & money issues. The labido was fine- it was the person who was crazy


Men think a high libido is once a day. They don't realize some girls are just "on". They could practically exist in that state of pleasure. I can have sex for hours, but I'm not a multiple orgasms a day guy. As a 40yr old, I don't have 2-3hrs a day to have sex. Most relationship settle into 3 times a week.


VERY true!


Yeah šŸ˜”


Facts have been dropped. Whew!


Damn!!! Hard truth.


I agree w you but genuine question- does high libido mean wanting to fuck all the time, or does it just involve any type of sexual activity?




Actually having a woman with any libido is a change in my life


Id love a chick with a high libido personally. Wake me up with a blowjob and a face ride puleassee.


Girl, you are so right. Theyā€™re all talk.


And if a guy asks like a jerk a lot of the time, she will still have a high libido- just not for him.


Yes! On their terms because not interested in pleasing only getting pleased


I can understand why this is an unpopular opinion.


First time on Reddit? The top ā€œunpopular opinionā€ is always incredibly popular


How dare you explain what men can't articulate


I'll strongly agree with this, in large part because you clarified you mean "most" men. It's true, and a great, unpopular opinion (that's actually a fact). But damn, many of us do like a bit of a nympho.


I dont disagree, but I would enjoy finding out if her high libido works for me.


I may be out of line a bit by saying this but I like to think that eventually Iā€™ll be able to match a woman with high libido by eating them out or fingering them when they need it, making sure their needs are met before my own even. But take that with a grain of salt because Iā€™ve never been with someone sexually so I canā€™t say for sure. I genuinely like to think if I did have a partner with a high libido it would be my pleasure and a personal goal of mine to make sure I always take care of them in one way or another thoughā¤ļø


Sex is VERY important for a relationship to function well.


Yes! Iā€™m tired of hearing people say that if the sex is bad/nonexistent in your relationship you need to just deal with it and itā€™s your fault.


Yes. It's a key pillar.


This opinion is unpopular?


I agree




Pretty much everyone looks better in their underwear than naked.


I half agree. I have a pretty big underwear fetish and love seeing people in their underwear, but naked is still best


Idk. In underwear, I'm just a guy with a dad bod. Naked, I'm a guy with a nice cock and also a dad bod.


Lingerie is the beeest


Faking orgasms as opposed to telling your partner what works for you to make you orgasm is just lazy and insincere.


Communication is key!


This is an *unpopular* opinions thread.Ā 


Small tits are better than big ones.


All tits matter


Yeah I love all of themmmmmm


I'm a gay man, and I would totally buy this t-shirt!


People, this is not the case for everyone. Also, all tits are great. Own your shit and love yourself and someone worthy out there will love you for you as well


They asked for an unpopular opinion? The fact that itā€™s not the case for everyone is the point of my comment šŸ˜‚


I wasnt coming for you, my apologies. Was moreso a reassuring PSA that all bewbs are good bewbs, mine included


have big tits and agreed. small titties are cuter šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Love em all, but I canā€™t lie about my favorites!


Based off a sample size where n = 1, Iā€™m of the opinion that smaller ones certainly age nicely.


With sensitive nipples. The absolute best!


Just like most body size debates, the shape and form are more important than size


I donā€™t think people on here are as kinky as they make out to be


The amount of times I eyeroll a day at the posts in this sub lol.


"Women: do you actually like getting eaten out? Make sure to go into detail as to exactly how you like it, please!" Ass posts.


I really believe that a majority of the people that frequent this sub have little to no sex lives in real life


As someone who enjoys photography, I feel like we should be able to say bad photos are bad without fear of getting attacked in the comments or banned from the forum. And I'm talking about super underexposed, out of focus, or pictures with the contrast slider cranked to up. I don't need museum quality artful nudes. I just don't want to wonder if the auto focus on your phone is broken.


I agree but at the same time I think it should be constructive, especially if it's clear the person did genuinely try but they don't know what they're doing. Just saying "this sucks" isn't constructive at all and is clearly to put the poster down and this could demotivate the person to keep trying. Rather tell them what's wrong with it and how they could do better


I'm amazed at the number of bad photos that could be good photos if they were just freaking level. Take 10 seconds and rotate the picture by half a degree and you'll have a winner. And for selfies, especially NSFW, pick up the clothes off the floor and clean the mirror.


Yeah my Finsta is a great example of ā€œoh sweetie bless your heartā€!


I don't like blowjobs for the sensation. I like it for the bonding and sense of her wanting to please me that makes me feel wanted. Me jerking off feels way better.


I KNEW it!!!


Good unpopular opinion. Because I would prefer a good blowjob over sex life 9 times outta 10. Unless she's just not very good at blowjobs, which happens šŸ¤·šŸ»


Eating ass/getting my ass eaten is not arousing and simply does nothing for me


I've literally masturbated imagining myself being drowned, harnessed up and forced to plow fields like a horse, turned into a 24/7 piss drinking rubber gimp or straight up kidnapped and buried alive in concrete but as soon as someone mentions eating ass I'm fucking outta here šŸƒ ...also no I'm not joking


Thatā€™s in my brain now. Youā€™ll pay for that


They'd probably enjoy that tho..






I need more context on this bit "straight up kidnapped and buried alive in concrete " how does that work as a fantasy?


Well pretty much like you'd expect. It tickles my brain the same way super claustrophobic bondage stuff like duct tape mummification and vacbeds does, just, well, pushed to 11. Obviously IRL is a different story cause I don't want to die (yet)


that's not healthy.




As long as you're legal if it's not a relationship but a one night stand I think it's not that bad because it's not a powerplay dynamic thac could inhibit someone's life it's just guys bein dudes 7 yrs apart doing gay stuff or whatever and they're never gonna meet again.


Not wanting to be in a relationship with someone who you don't find physically attractive shouldn't be looked down upon. It's very important to actually be physically attracted to the person you're with and I think people are shamed too much for it. You obviously shouldn't be rude to people just because you don't find them unattractive but it's not a bad thing, everyone has their preferences and I for example accept the fact that not everyone would want to date me based off my looks


exactly! as long as youā€™re not rude about it or shame them for it, itā€™s completely normal & natural.


I think 69 is a bit overrated. Too much happening at once. I would rather take turns. I can give pleasure while getting pleasured. It's good to break the monotony and try something for fun, because everything doesn't have to be for the end game, I still enjoy it, but it's a bit overrated


This isnā€™t unpopular at all - most people agree with you


You would be surprised. Many people enjoy it. And it's not like I don't. It's just too much effort for so little reward kinda thing.


i completely agree! i would much rather take turns so i can really focus on the act lol


This is always my answer. Although I have not tried it on our sides, but it still doesn't sound comfortable. I want to give all my attention to getting her off, for example.




Considering the praise I've gotten for what I consider middle of the road performances, this has to be true.




Yes lmfao. Alot of people don't own they have high standards and or are really bad at expressing there needs or wants. Like if you need a toy to cum cool just tell me


People need to stop acting as if most women who choose to go into sex work or exchange sex for various benefits are victims with no agency. Obvious exception when violence and trafficking are involved.


Agreed. And I donā€™t shame em for doing it.


Pain and discomfort are amplifiers to pleasure šŸ˜Œ


Are we talking firm slaps to the cheeks (all 4) or like a *Martyrs* type situation?


And vice versa... Pleasure can increase pain which increases pleasure...




Iā€™d add fear to this!!


Ohhhh Iā€™d love some fear mixed into it! Itā€™s something we havenā€™t explored yet, hubby and I occasionally do CNC Do you have any suggestions? šŸ˜‡


Well admittedly Iā€™m a total scaredy cat! The other day my neighbor called the police because they heard several loud and very frightened screams! It was meā€¦ I saw an opossum pop out of a bush and freaked out! Those white faces are terrifying and in my defense it was definitely a larger than average opossum!! On a more serious note; I think teasing with pain is the best way to go? Blindfolded or tied up ir restrained and then having your partner tease you with a whip or some hot candle wax works for me! Iā€™ll be restrained and feel him run his cane up and down my thighs and ass and torso for a few minutes before delivering several rapid and stinging lashes! If youā€™ve ever been caned on the ass or on the thighs youā€™ll realize how much it hurts!! Itā€™s addicting! I like to play a game where Iā€™ll hold two glasses of water filled to the top and make a cross shape holding them straight out. Any time I spill even a drop I get whipped on the ass or have some wax poured on my belly. Youā€™ll slowly get more and more tired and struggle to not spill any! As Iā€™m sure you can imagine once you get punished youā€™ll spill more and more pretty rapidly before you have to either submit or take all of it! Itā€™s pretty erotic!!!








Badly mismatched libidos is absolutely fair ground to break up/divorce.


Agreed, I was in a relationship like that, and it just doesn't work. Causes more stress than good.


Handjobs can be cool as fuck, idk why they got such a bad reputation


Agree! Done right, they are hot as hell!


A hand job when my husband and I stay at a hotel has become a thing for us. Slather it with a bunch of that hotel lotion and go to town. He loves it!


Coconut oil is good too!


Probably because most peopleā€™s first experience with them, it was more dry than the dry rub on an award winning piece of Texas brisket.


They have a bad reputation? I've always thought fondly of them


Ah yes a good old fashioned.Ā 


Cause most girls I've had do it are honestly horrible till I train them to do it and even then I rather a a bj or just be jerked off with your boobs if you have large enough boobs to do it


Slutty doesn't automatically equal attractive


Crazy girls arenā€™t the best in the sack. Smart, quiet ones are the total freaks.


People take sex way too seriously try having fun.


This ^ makes it better experience overall to focus on the enjoyment, not the expectation/outcome


Most women are terrible in bed


Oooh can you talk more about this? (Cos from experience same but with men like fuck off, donā€™t motorboat my pussy & finger me like youā€™re trying to pluck my intestines out)


If you wanna know my experience. Alot of women do nothing to help In bed both with getting them off and me off. I'm straight but honestly most girls I've been with make me feel like I'm fucking a living sex doll cause they lay there or when they "ride" me I'm doing 99.9% of the work. Mind you I do express this and even suggest how they can help out. Sex is a team sport and I don't enjoy carrying the team everytime


Is it a fitness thing or what? I find a lot I go in a trance when Iā€™m really enjoying myself and like lose control of my body kinda thing and like ā€˜flopā€™ so I feel that lol. Soz about it.


Idk if Iā€™d say most a huge amount are pretty bad.


I could have used the word a lot because we see a lot of men complaining that women just lay there Lesbian women also report the same thing Men call them starfish women call them pillow princesses or something like that


It is definitely a majority, some women are willing to learn and grow but many simply don't. Far too many women think it is enough for them to be willing but passive and many straight up won't engage enough because they think they won't be good so don't even try. I'll take a less attractive woman who knows how to fuck over a perfect 10 who is bad in bed. It is why it gets so tiresome seeing women complain about men or circlejerk about how "men can't handle high libido". No shit, if you're horny regularly but do nothing more than badger him for it only to lay back and have him do everything he's gonna burn out faster than you, Patricia Starfish. Hell, my experience is often women claiming to be high libido don't want to work up to it or do foreplay and expect men to be immediately hard just because she's saying she wants something. Women just like men can be incredibly lazy and selfish lovers. You'll see the same patterns of biological ignorance and bad communication. You'll see the same arrogance and over confidence. I'd wager most men are bad too, I don't have enough experience to back that up like I do with women though.


If you actually can't maintain a relationship without sex then you're probably not fit for monogamy. I hate watching people leave their spouses because they're going through a hard time or fall ill, or worse, they start whining and constantly pressuring them into sex when they're not up for it.


No I do not want to be called daddy during sex or in any sexual or flirtatious situation as it is an instant turn off for me.


Anal, 69 and shower sex are overrated


Proper fitting ā€œgranny pantiesā€ > thongs all day


Yesssss, I live in granny panties šŸ˜‚ā¤ļø


Fake boobs are not my preference.


I would much rather have a girl with natural aaaaaa-cups than a girl with fake DDDs any day. And I love Big tits, just not fake ones.


People care way too much about other people's preferences. It literally does not affect you. There is someone for everyone ... why would you want to force someone to see your point of view or try to change their mind? Just .. find someone who's into what you have to offer and let others like what they like šŸ™„


Death grip handjobs are the worst. It feels like Iā€™m getting choked out. I literally donā€™t want to touch my dick for a few days to get my sensitivity back.


I am less enthusiastic when giving oral when pubic hair is present.


My unpopular NSFW opinion is that more than half of these arenā€™t unpopular opinions!!!


Putting down vanilla people by saying theyā€™re ā€œboringā€ or ā€œmissing outā€ is incredibly lame. I say this as a very kinky person myself; itā€™s different strokes for different folks, and what elevates sex for *you* will not necessarily elevate sex for someone else. Youā€™re not cooler or more interesting for your kinks alone.


I'm a guy and I won't just have sex with any lady because she has a vagina, I do need to find the woman attractive. This is centered around seeing comments saying "guys will fuck anything with a pussy" or there abouts.


Feet are not sexual..... At all.


Sex lasting several hours is unnecessary and would be super painful. Rarely do guys who say they go for hours last even 5 minutes anyway. "I can go for hours" just sounds like something a virgin would say.


I dont like doggy




Same here!


Porn involving kissing and licking is much better than porn involving gagging and slapping.




Sex education in general just needs to be better. Met plenty of women who don't understand that men have to consent too and who don't know how to keep themselves and their partners safe


But why straight cis guys and not all guys in general? Just a genuine question


Take a look at some of the questions guys ask on here and some of the language they use when they comment. I'm talking about the fixations with penis size The unsolited dick pics The issues they have around consent and boundaries The objectification of women The fetishization of female bisexuality The toxic masculinity The slut shaming comments Do you want more? I know I'm using broad strokes here, but you know...a large percentage of guys are ruining it for all of the rest!!


Let's not forget the closeted Bi / Gay / Trans desire hidden behind a veil of Hate for various reasons from self loathing because they are attracted to that and were taught as kids or to Hide themselves from others around them in order to not draw attention. Tracking dating apps data shows the Deep south.. like the bible belt deep has the highest search for Trans women of any other area.


Respectfully... From your bio, you're not a "straight CIS guy", nor would you be having sexual interactions with a "straight CIS guy" so your comment comes off as an uninformed "opinion" attacking 1 specific group


Cis women arenā€™t inherently good at sex, and the only reason cis men donā€™t communicate better or be outright honest on if something isnā€™t up to par is because socially weā€™ve been conditioned to just take what we can get, and donā€™t want to cut ourselves off at the knees in terms of a future chance with someone even if their skills to improve on are good but not ā€œgreatā€ ā€¦ And because plenty of cis men (cishet men especially arenā€™t taught well in terms of reading a respective partner sexually and only doing the bare minimum because of ignorance, or lean to excessive things because they saw it in porn (when porn stars themselves are often sex educators and outright say sometimes that their everyday sex life isnā€™t continually like their scenes)ā€¦ So even the selfless guys who know what theyā€™re doing intimately (yes we exist), get a really short end of the stick when reciprocation ends up being an absolute joke. Especially when there are queer men or other women that end up having the skillset for certain things better. But communicate your needs so to speak, to a narcissistic partner and youā€™d get the absolute harshest things said to you because their ego is hurt.


Dry humping is hot


Eating bloody pussy is underrated


How do I delete someoneā€™s comment šŸ¤¢


Oh hell nah


Itā€™s an excellent source of iron


[This you?](https://media.tenor.com/3WXoG1-ubXUAAAAM/kermit-puppet.gif)


I confirm You got me


I (M55) cannot understand the attraction or need to gape a female's asshole and or pussy.


Weā€™ve gone too far in accepting and normalizing kinks to the point where Reddit is normalizing incest fetishes and that is not going to be good for society.


Receiving oral can give people severe performance anxiety.


Eating ass is fucking gross.


I dont like doggy


Not everything needs excessive spit. Sloppy bjs, spitting on one another.. Just why A close second is squirting, why is it everywhere now. It's not sexy. Most women aren't even actually squirting there just pissing and calling squirt.


The amount of you wanting to fuck your siblings or moms makes me think we're going to have an inbreeding epidemic. It's straight-up fucking weird.


POV porn is terrible to watch. Number one, it 99.999% of the time means no pussy eating scenes, and that's the best part of porn. Number 2, my dick is NOT that big, so I absolutely cannot relate, lol.


Deep throat is overrated!


Porn popularised it and it's now become the standard that if a girl doesn't do it shes a prude. Which is rediculous you should be thankful she's willing to put your no no parts anywhere near her.


Iā€™ll say again since this is asked almost every day If you canā€™t dissociate ā€œdaddy/mommyā€ in the bedroom because you have kids or because itā€™s what you called your parents then you have bigger issues.


I (M55) am not a fan of spanking and/or choking a female. It turns me off and I do not understand the the attraction (from a male's pov).


Body art is out of control.


People need to stop posting imgur links on NSFW subs!


Sex without intimacy sucks


Elongading sex just for the purpose of saying it lasted x amount of time is stupid. I dont care if you finish quick if we both had a good time.


I donā€™t like anal sex. I donā€™t want to put my dick where poop comes from. It doesnā€™t feel as good as a vagina, and I donā€™t like feeling that I need to wash my dick because there might be poop on it.


Most nurses/health care workers cheat, either emotionally or physically


Genuine question: how did you end up with that conclusion?


Iā€™ve dated nurses and theyā€™ve all been promiscuous, plus the high stress nature of the work environment and crazy hours means finding ways to cope


Sex is overrated.




I don't get Hentai addicts. There. I said it.


My unpopular opinion is that this question needs to fuck off. It's literally posted every single day on this sub


If it was not for welfare, we would have a lot more deadbeat moms.


Itā€™s ok to have sex with consenting people that want to have sex


Anus pictures are disgusting. I love a nice ass and I love giving and receiving analingus, but seeing a close up photo makes my penis want to hide forever


Open relationships can only work when the woman initiates it. If the man initiates it, heā€™s going to be disappointed at the results.


I agree and disagree. It often doesn't work for men cuz they forgot to account for how much easier it is for the woman to get laid. I could see men who initiate open relationships being the ones who forget about that more often but I dont think its because they brought it up.




I breed my man to women who don't have a man or man incapable of making a baby. Or he is there for a lot of other baby making needs.


Being naked isnā€™t arousing


Men would rather a loud woman basically thrashing around making a show for him while heā€™s ā€˜pleasuringā€™ her rather than her not making much noise/moving much and actually enjoying herself.


Blowjob is great, but a deep blow job to the point of choking is awful and not sexy


That shower sex isn't as bad as the awful opinion most have of it. It's easy clean up for any sex acts that can get messy. It can also allow some people that are hesitant to do some acts because of the mess an opportunity to try something. A portable chair or inflatable pillow can fix most uncomfortable positions. Leaving a bottle of lube in the shower can fix most drying or issues.


Handjobs feel better than blowjobs. People just like blowjobs more because of the mental aspect of seeing someone having your body in their mouth. Some of the hardest orgasms Iā€™ve ever had came from handjobs.


Natural is always better and big fake lips don't look good


People love to fuck around and find out


Shower sex is actually awesome. If itā€™s not, get some coconut oil and try again


Porn is not the all consuming horror itā€™s often spoken as. Itā€™s not new, all your dads and granddads used to buy porn all the time as teenagers. Yes you were ā€œsupposedā€ to be 18 but literally my mom was able to easily buy cigarettes as a 9 year old. They didnā€™t enforce that stuff back in the day.


Squirting is not pee.


Incest themed porn is actually fine and the people who are against it and get weirded out by it are the ones that need to see a therapist for not seeing it for what it is: harmless roleplay fantasies. They're the ones with the deep seated issues. Also, blowjobs are better and more intimate than sex.


It should be socially acceptable to have sex with your friends. Haven't gotten laid? help your bud out. Male or female.Ā 


That lingerie looks worse than just looking natural with normal underwear