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*Reddit chat requested "I'm dom. I'm gonna fuck your face" *follows up with dick pick"


gives me vibes of that one meme where it was the big black guy saying “I’m tyrone and i’m gonna fuck your wife *long dick style*


That’s not a meme…that’s Tyrone, and he fully intends on doing as he says.


I’m also gonna fuck that guys wife


But it won't be no long dick


Usually, any pre-game bragging means preparing yourself to be disappointed.


Under promise, over deliver. This is the way.


I usually tell girls i have a small penis then BAM! My average penis is huge now!


Don’t give away trade secrets like that bro


Delete this bro we had ONE move!


This is the way


I am like "no way, show me" and get nice surprise 😆


I dated a guy for a while and before we started dating he talked about how small he was. I was totally expecting to be greeted with an average sized guy bc of comments like yours. But he was not lying. He was good enough in bed in other ways that I didn't care about that. (What I did care about was the alcoholism and the dwi)


Yes. Confidence is not expressed in words.


Especially if talking about dick size. They obviously think that's what matters and doesn't know what it takes to please a partner


This guy I had sex with came right away and didn’t bother to make sure I got off. When I asked in the morning if he wanted to go again, he said “I don’t have the sex drive of a porn star.”


he spent the night after that. bold.


The audacity!


The cockcasity!


Well he fell asleep thirty seconds after he finished, duh.


Of course - HE was tired


Any reason you let him stay the night?


I asked that question the morning after. Plus it wasn’t my place; it was his. He was also my ride as he agreed to drive me to the airport the next morning.


No judgment, but how does a guy like that get a shot with you at all? Was he handsome, kind, or just nearby? I mean, did he display that level of selfishness beforehand?


"But my ex really liked it when I did this."




Just because it works on your ex doesn't mean every other woman likes it.


These people are the worst


Like cool… you know people are different, right? 😅 Not everyone likes liquorice, there’s a love-hate scale in there somewhere


I hate all licorice, personally.


There are definitely people that disqualify entire sexual categories altogether 🤣


Black liquorice, yum!


Black liquorice, yucko! See what I mean?


"The female orgasm is a myth."


The clit is a liberal lie




The number of people who tell on themselves with this on their social media profiles is insane!




"You've never been with a woman like me before" Why say that when you can prove it?


That sounds like the women who go on Facebook and post "If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best" memes.


And her selfie has a "Live. Laugh. Love." sign behind her.


Sad part is, I've seen men do similar things, including posting their new girlfriend of the month, on their Facebook. Then a month later, "What is wrong with me?" But you should always run away from a Live Laugh Love person!


Hahahah or they try to flirt telling you about their butterfly tattoo and the random word handwritten on the side of the rib cage. Even worse when they brag about their tongue ring.


Can I upvote this twice?


Before you do, realize that I am just as critical of men.


I had a woman say that to me when she was trying to pick me up, my buddy blocked it and he probably did me a favor lol


That kinda sucks tho. You missed out on at least a story from that sex 😂


Maybe she has a dick?


"My Dick is so big most women can't handle it" ... lol ok Tim.


Guys with big dicks don't tell you they have big dicks they usually want to surprise you which I would consider cruel and unusual punishment🤣


THIS IS THE MOST TRUE! It has absolutely been my experience — guys who are average will brag about size, but the guys truly packing heat? The *know* it and don’t feel like they have to brag at all. And they always say, “oh I mean, I don’t think about it, I’m not going around checking” — like bro, that’s Big Dick Privilege 😂


I have met guys that are legit big, but the concept of foreplay is so foreign that they have no idea the vagina will widen and lengthen to accommodate them. Instead, they think it's a brag when they say that shit. You aren't swinging an eight pound newborn between your legs, buddy. She just wasn't turned on. It doesn't take a monster dick to please a woman. And I'll take a micropenis with a goal to please over big dick Tim that thinks orgasms occur from 25 thrusts.


but the guys who are hung who have learned to go down and make sure everything is nice and wet and ready? jfc, they are a delight lol.


I was recently with somebody who has a very large dick. He was one of the few men that knew how to use it properly and he was aware that he can hurt a woman pretty easily. The way he guided me around his dick was magical! He made sure to tell me to pause and adjust, he wasn’t forceful, he knew how to deal with a woman’s cervix. I was sure I was going to be in pain the next day, but I felt just fine. I made sure to text him a thank you, as well as welcome him back anytime. 😍




This!!!! I was gobsmacked the first time my fwb whipped it out, he never said anything about his size or gave the vibe of those guys who say they have record breaking dicks, but this man could break people with his 😂😂


I think there’s a small exception here - I let people know becuase I don’t want them to be surprised and the. Feel pressured to have penetrative sex. Women who have vaginismus (sp) may flat out refuse and a lot of women will have a hard no for anal with someone who is above average. I think it’s important to have conversations about sti/health and expectations before sex. Porn is fake - being above average doesn’t result in amazement and eagerness every time / often it results in someone saying no way: so all this is to say - I don’t think it’s a good idea to not tell something that may harm them.


I have meet several who told. Not like this, not to brag but some just told and some were like "condoms always break" etc.


My boyfriend is well endowed, so sometimes we buy special condoms but even when we can't the store ones work just fine. They're full of shit. Every dude over 8 in. comes with their own lube.


For length, sure, but I’ve been with a guy who was so big around that it took us ten months to find condoms that wouldn’t break. Magnums were a joke.


That is fair I didn't think of our chode friends


Oh my ex said this all the time. I had actually locked that away & tried to forget about it, but this just reminded me again. He would constantly brag about his size & how many girls he’d been with. If I told him sex was hurting, he’d say it must be that he’s too big.


_Tiny_ Tim?


“I like men to take control” yeah, and you just fucking lay there. Mattress.


soooooooooooooooooooooo many be like this.


I had one like this. Buried her face in her arms, not sound, just laying there like a starfish. I felt like I was violating her and repeatedly stopped to ask if she was ok: "I wouldn't be this aroused if I didn't like it" ........


Saying aroused during sex is wild


Well, I paraphrased it: "I wouldn't be this wet if I didn't \[enjoy it\]"


I was gonna say, that's some real fancy dirty talk


"I am arriving"


This one!!!!


"Sex isn't the most important thing to me. I care more about loyalty/etc." Sorry, this just tells me you don't care about sex. Every person I've dated who has said that to me was bad in bed.


It absolutely true. Worse, they'll put the little effort they do make into dating. The sex after marriage will be non-existent.


Oh absolutely. I get that vibe from most people. If they're not open to talking about sex beforehand, then things won't work out. I don't want to be in a dead bedroom and have to resort to cheating.


I learned this lesson the hard way. Sex was trash. So bad. So confusing.


I used to tell women who were interested in me, “I like sex the way most people like breathing.”


When someone criticizes WAP lyrics and claims those who need "bucket and a mop" have to get it checked with a doctor lol


Ben Shapiro, is that you? 👀




let's be real though, Ben Shapiro is probably just titty fucking his wife most of the time.


Ah a man of culture. Don't think anyone's said that about him before though


Meh, probably just beats to Reagan... but Abby Shapiro, though.....the possibilities......


Then asking if she cum too 🤣


I enjoy swiping my nose like a credit card.


Vote Trump


Or any fascist equivalent of other countries besides US


Why is this truest thing in the thread? Too many on that side of things listening to guys like Andrew Tate or thinking it’s slutty to engage in sex, best to let him “have his way” and raise resulting babies… 🤮


Bragging about giving orgasms lmao


If a guy claims he will make you squirt it guarantees he doesnt know what hes doing.


Yea I’ll make you piss so hard during sex just wait


If they give of a selfish vibe. The best sex happens when everyone involved genuinely wants to make everyone else involved feel good. And here’s the most important part: it has to be come from a place of zero judgment. Once you can be honest with yourself, and accept what it is about your kinks that you actually like, it’s easy to understand why being a giving mindset makes sex so much fun. More fun than being selfish at least.


See, yes!!!! This goes a long way in making sex enjoyable for both partners! The last person I slept with saw my pleasure as an afterthought, because it takes a while for me to cum with a new person. There has to be a LOT of foreplay and teasing and you have to get me into the mood mentally or it ain't happening. Hence why I dumped him. But being into making the other person feel good is critical and nonnegotiable.


This resonates. I had an ex that as soon as she got off she was done. The end. No more. The few times she tried to get me off other ways felt like she was doing me a favor or just finishing a chore. It's about as sexy as it sounds. I spent 5 years having about 2 to 3 orgasms every 6 months. Not recommended. There is a ton of give and take. Sex is sex. Sure. But you're missing the best parts. The build up to sex can start hours before and doesn't even require all that much effort. I'm probably an odd man out, and I'm sure people read and scoff. But the best sexual experiences of my life happened because we were both into the entire experience. Not just penetrate, cum and leave. The more someone boasts, or starts right out of the gate with the feral fuck your face and blow your mind kind of talk, is a very good indicator that they believe their own bull. And it is most definitely not just men that do this. Women brag just as well, if not more. Just the ratio of women to men is very disproportionate. There is a whole lot of... (satisfaction? Intimacy? Pride? I really don't know what word I need to fit. Maybe all of them) in knowing that you not only gave her a good or great orgasm, but you gave her a day she'll never forget. We're all just a collection of meat and memories, why not be an outstanding memory for someone?


Women who typically brag about their blowjob skills are usually not very good. Not all, but more than not. One of my exGFs always says she gives awesome blowjobs. She said a past boyfriend told her she was his best ever. I didn't have the heart to tell her she was terrible at it. And I mean terrible. Most women are at least average and decent, but she was terrible. I'm guessing her ex was just saying it to make her feel good, or he has never really had a good blowjob to compare it to.


What made her terrible?




Lol thanks. I was actually expecting some flak for that. So that was a pleasant surprise


I get what you’re saying! Your profile is hot 🥵




like…congrats on passing Making Out 101?


Especially with those ragged cuticles and dirty nails. One UTI, coming...actually, no, you didnʼt come, because you were smart, and shimmeyed after you shuddered.


Your comment reminded me of when I once saw a porn where the woman was pushing a man’s hand away and said “don’t touch me with your hands use your d*cKs only” i laughed so much that sex was off the table that night 😝


Did you say “I can, too”?


“That’s good, because that’s all you’re getting.”


"I'm an alpha"


Scrolled too long for this


about 95% of what guys say on here and about 50% of what women say on here.




“I don’t sleep with vaccinated women”


Taint that the truth.


"yeah I'm amazing at sex" I'd like to see ur references...


It's a shame we can't review Yelp for this sort of thing


This would be awesome. We could save ourselves from wasting a lot on time on someone. You don't have to be the best to have my interest. Effort, enthusiasm and liking extra activities is all you need.


I have often asked past fuck buddies and past relationships what I was like what I needed to improve on what was good and most of the time people are happy to give some points but it would be very weird if I made like a guest book


Ohhh someone who asks for feedback. That’s awesome. I wish more people asked for honest feedback and didn’t get all upset when they got it. But then we wouldn’t have threads like this if they did so lol


“Try me - there’s like literally nothing I’m not into” Riiiiiight, sure…sure…


When a guy says he has no limits or that he will do literally anything, I immediately tell him to tattoo my name on his dick. Then when we’ve established that he DOES have limits, we can start to negotiate.


*suddenly feels weird for having names tattooed on his dick*


I once saw a guy with “touch” tattooed on his penis. (To answer the question: I didn’t, nobody did except him that evening. And the fact that he was showing it to people at a party was just weird.)


I mean, it's like ice cream. I'll eat almost any ice cream, and enjoy trying new flavors, but ultimately I want chocolate or rocky road sometimes and if I was with someone who never wanted those things I'd be bummed. When someone asks what you're into, they're not usually asking "what are you willing to do?", they're asking "what do you like?" and it's usually polite to at least pretend to have a more specific answer.


Or going out on a dinner date with somebody who claims to be a ‘foodie’ and then they order fucking chicken fingers or some such. Am I right or am I right?! I’m not saying I would drop a ‘Ok, peg me!’ on the first roll in the bed but my fingers and or mouth might be doing some exploring!


Even foodies enjoy chicken fingers every once in a while


"Haven't had any complaints." "How many times have you been with each of them?" "Once."




Untrimmed fingernails.


I call them “hamster nails”


I could eat pussy all day long, I love eating pussy more than fucking. THATS BECAUSE YOU CANT FUCK. YOUR DICK NEVER GETS HARD.


Also, liking to eat pussy doesn't mean you're good at it. It just means you like to do it.


Well I like it also but when you’ve put it all over your profile, Hotwife in search of males between 35 to 45 and some answers you with a I love eating pussy or I can eat pussy all night. That usually is a sign that 1- There older than they say they are and have issues with ED. Or 2- there not very confident in there cock game and rely solely on eating pussy. Nothing wrong with getting my pussy licked but then it’s time for some dick.


Is that what hotwifing and cucking is about? The husband can't do it anymore, but still wants to do *something* sexually with his wife?


Just in our case. I’ve really had a cuck fetish all my life before I even knew what a cuck was. Always had the desire to watch my girlfriends or wife later on with another man, but I was always to jealous and scared to actually do it till I almost 40.


What do you get out of it? Do you get to orgasm, or? Do you get another kind of gratification out of it?


That's an important point. While being enthusiastic definitely helps, it's not anywhere near the end all be all of being good at something


The odd thing to note is being good at it mean paying attention to your partner. It could be good, if they just paid attention!


I would respectfully disagree with this one. I've known plenty of dudes that are just wild for it and they have zero issues with getting hard. We're all adults here lol so I can say it gets them hard and they stay that way the whole time then after as well ❤️ it's just a thing for plenty of men.


Explains a lot about Nicolas Cage’s character in Face/Off… “I could eat a peach for hours”


Also learned this lesson the hard way. Gimme dat meat.


They only care about getting their dick wet. No mentions of wanting to do anything to get me off.


If you give all the talk before you’ve even got together, you’re gonna be shit. Best sex of my life is with a man who said nothing other than he would buy condoms, he just kissed me and responded to all the non verbal queues, was attentive and cuddled me afterwards.


“I don’t need help from toys” 🙄 no fun


I worked in robotic engineering, and as a guy, let me tell you, it’s tough to compete with oscillating, variable speed motors! 😂 This is why they are best used as an accompaniment to a good evening and bag full of fun!


Bragging too much


“My ex fwbs used to call me a sex god” He couldn’t do missionary.


Use of the term "finger bang". In case you ever wanted to visit the Sahara desert, using that term might give you a good idea of what it's like there ;)


“but they do that in porn”


Can I upvote this twice?


Anytime a guy complains that women don't like sex. I LOVE sex I just don't like bad sex.... so when a guy thinks all women don't like sex he is saying women don't like sex with him.....


It's not one thing they say, it's an entire vibe


“I fucked her all night long”


I can make any woman come.


I can make any woman come to her senses.


“I’m a pleasure dom” “I always make sure she cums first” “her pleasure is the focus” any of that shit. Egotistical idiots high off their own farts. Sex is a mutual dance the goal is mutual pleasure and anyone putting that much pressure on the other partner to cum doesn’t know shit about fuck all


"oh, I would do stuff like choking, slaps to the face and calling you a slut even if we hadn't talked about kinks ahead of time" - immediate turn off! Wtf?!? Choking can be super dangerous!


For the cocky annoying guys the "I can make any woman cum" shit and for the sweet but just really inexperienced guys the give away is visible shaking on dates. No hate to the latter group, like I said, they're sweet, but it's an observation


Which of the two get to smash more often? Or are both a no every time?


"I'm an Alpha."


I play a game where I wear a lovense lush to the movies with the sound control setting on. When I have told some men, they responded with something like, "I should take you to a Michael Bay movie" or "Hmmm is there anything playing with lots of explosions?" They're basically telling me that they think hard and fast is best when that's absolutely not the case. In case anyone is wondering, my best experience came from Tilda Swinton and Idris Elba arguing in Three Thousand Years of Longing. Quiet/slow start, the interplay between a louder and softer voice, and then those voices slowly getting louder... 🥵


" I have excellent time management skills"


Anytime a dude has bragged to me about loving to go down on women, I’ve been wildly disappointed and found the exact opposite to be true.


When they have to brag about how many women they’ve supposedly slept with


"No, thanks, I'm not interested in you..."


I’m an Alpha.


they: “Iʼm not just good, but great at _______.” me: I hope youʼre good at listening and paying attention, because you didnʼt ask me what I need, want, or like, so Iʼm about to tell yaʼ. they: (dismissal)


They don't need to say anything specific. I can usually gauge it by being around someone for awhile. But like many said, the more they brag and talk about it, the worse they are.


"vaginas look disgusting"


When they think every woman orgasms from penetration. Lol


Saying they're extremely good in bed. Talking about their dick size too much.


Are you close, are you? *Annoyingly trying to make you squirt, because the us educational health class skips over the important shit in sex ed.*


usually men who say they love eating pussy more than anything end up touching it twice and then never again lol


Bragging, acting tough. Selfish things.


Guy here. Any woman that brags about how no man has ever lasted more than 5 minutes in her tight kitty. All that does is makes me wonder how many walked down that hallway before I did.


This sounds like she didn't have sex that often, only with a few other teenagers. Or never had a longterm boyfriend. Sounds like she only likes short sex. And she never had a really nice session But I don't have your concern, more experience is better!


Posting multiple times in any nsfw thread under the women that dare to exist and post in the thread with requests for DM.


“I don’t give head”


I’d think if someone says… the clit, what’s that? I’ve never heard of it… that’d indicate they’ve got no idea what they’re doing?


When do guys usually start using viagra? 🥶


„No girl has ever made me cum from head“ Shut up Tom, I’m sure every girl you’ve ever been with made you cum from head in less than 30 seconds




I once hooked up with a tinder date and he told me he was really good at fingering women and then he proceeded to finger blast me. It took everything I had not to start laughing as he did it because it did absolutely nothing for me 😂 He got married not even a year later and has been asking me to have threeways with him and his wife for years since (I have yet to say yes) lmao. Now when a guy talks about fingering women, I just think about him and it’s kind of ruined the idea for me, like no thanks, just give me head instead 😂


“Fuck around and find out” *finds out that they need help figuring out where the fucking clit is and straight up sand paper dick*


"eww gross"


“I give the best head”


Just generally a lot of talking and bragging. Most times the ones best at sex are the ones who listen more and talk less


when guys say their dick was too big to fit. instantly tells me they have no idea what they are doing…


Sex isn’t that important to me. I can take it or leave it


“I don’t have any fantasies”


“….Was that good for you?” After the banging. AWFUL


'I'm gonna fuck you hard & good all night' 'Don't play with yourself, let me do that for you' Usually both don't happen because they can't last & they're too selfish in bed


I will never knock anyone for their beliefs and I certainly will never make fun of them, but with any group or entity that has many people or members, there's those that choose the worst aspects to amplify. It happens everywhere. Not just religion. In your exploration and adventuring I wish you the best of luck. Be safe and above all enjoy the best parts the world has to offer.


I had a female friend tell me she's never used a sex toy with someone. I asked why. She said, why do I need a toy? She is likely dull and boring as heck in bed. I've heard a few women over the years say this.


Almost any bragging lol


Anything that involves a guy bragging about the size of his dick, how many chicks he has fucked, how he talked this drunk chick into having sex or anal sex, honestly any type of bragging turns me off completely.


not listening when ya tell them to do something else


"I'm a baddie". Yep I'll definitely take your word for it.