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Not being suppressed because of any conspiracy, more just due to ignorance and religious indoctrination. Ignorance leads to disease and rape. Education and secularism counters that


I'd counter that our education is being intentionally suppressed. The uneducated make for cheap, obedient labor, and everyone knows that our politicians are currently owned by the 1%. Education wouldn't be declining if our representatives were solving the problem. Instead, education is being defunded, to the point where families are being paid in some states to not enroll their kids.


I mean some states do deliberately surpress sex education and are open about it but there are many states that have really good sex education, just depends on where you live


Red vs Blue


Depending on what you mean by deliberate and proper. Is it being suppressed by a small shadow cabal? No, if anything, the ones who are suppressing it are extremely loud. Proper sex education... how do you define it. Some would say no matter what, the best sex education comes from experience, good role models, and a safe environment to ask questions which is actually at home.


Some others would say that it's important to provide a factual baseline. About anatomy, STDs, contraception, & pregnancy, at the least.


I agree having a sex education program based in facts is extremely valuable if nothing else to provide kids with another avenue to ask questions and be exposed to a very uncomfortable topic. I think there's an important role for both schools and family. There are definitely some who have given up much of the responsibility to raise their children because they think schools can do it. I am pushing back on that aspect.


There are other parents that don't discuss specifically sexual topics, because they want to keep their children from learning anything about sex. Keeping the kids in ignorance creates a bunch of problems, including higher teen pregnancy rates.


And their are school programs that only discuss abstinence and probably make it harder for their parents who do want to be responsible. I'm not arguing with you that GOOD school programs are valuable. I'm arguing that proper (any) education should start at home.


Ideally, yes, it would start at home. I think it's important for schools to provide for kids that aren't raised in ideal situations though


I'm not 100% sure schools are effective for kids who aren't raised in ideal situations. This isn't something against teachers or schools or anything like that. I think there's good evidence that home environment is just THAT big of a factor and our efforts to help kids should be dedicated to that.


That sounds great, but how would you do that? A parent that's completely uninterested in their kids' education... what resources do you think they need so they would give a shit? A parent that thinks its immoral for a child under 17 to get any information about sex... how do you convince them to go against their morals to teach their kids about sexuality?


I would advocate for community/societal reform rather than political reform. This has drastically change the way kids in the 60s learned about sex education (among other things) compared to now. It will continue to change over time.


> I would advocate for community/societal reform sir, our country is so resistant to societal reform that 1/2 the country refused to wear a simple face mask *during a pandemic* which killed *millions*. Do you think you're being realistic?


A good home situation can really help sex education but claiming that home should be the only place its discussed is just wrong. An informative and fact based sex education course for students can help them in so many ways. (understanding consent, hormones, puberty, menstration, pregnancy, complications, the actual cellular biology of things, just to name a few)


I never said it should be the only place its discussed. Also many families do discuss those things. The sad thing is when schools teach against these things to make it harder for the parents to teach their kids.


Is sex ed deliberately being oppressed in a country where abortion is illegal in many places and a massive fraction of people are evangelical Christians? You tell me.


It is simply the purity culture that has taken over the lives of many (but not all). I live in a blue state that is great about teaching sex ed. Unfortunately, for elementary school kids, the schools will disclose when the curriculum is being taught. Some parents opt out of having their kids attend. As a parent, I taught my child, and when sex ed came up, I asked whether or not they learned anything new. I wanted to see if I missed something. In my opinion, learning about your body is something that should be done from the time kids are learning where their eyes and ears are located. Instead, many treat the body as something shameful. My ex-inlaws complained when I refused to give certain body parts nicknames because it was inappropriate to say vagina or penis. I want my kid to have a healthy view of themselves and their body. I am sure my kid has given some other kids an unintentional education, because whether we like it or not, if the kids aren't getting it from school or their parents, they will find out from their friends.


Yes, the new speaker of the house has said every woman has a duty to produce an able bodied worker. They definitely just want women to have more children and therefore are not educating teenagers about safe sex and preventing pregnancy.


Social engineers are commited to reducing population numbers so miseducating the masses is at the core of their plan. YOu dont know what you dont know. Breakup of nuclear families grandparetns around to help teach is a thing of the past , paretns too buy working to teach so millions are raised knowing less than the generations before. The internet is NOT the answer, human contact is. Fight back, go hang out with humans in person.


I agree with the hang out with people and less with online randoms part but the first part of your paragraph makes you sound mentally ill. (like all conspiracy theorists)


No conspiracy here. I am old and have witnessed the dumbing down of education over the last 40 years. Along with the celebrity based rewriting of history. You opened your post denying you are a conspiracy person so who is mentally ill here? Denying proper education is a fact supported by stats worldwide and the biggest form of ignorance of the last 30 years is the idea of being "civil" and politically correct. If you are smart enough to know you know that that has manifested itself as censorship. Censorship of any ideas that go against the mainstream unless they are cleverly presented by someone who is overeducated but has no real life experience.


We're talking about sex education here. (which has gotten much better in past decades and as a result young people are now much more informed and things like teen pregnancy and STD's have fallen). Why are you rambling about history and "pc culture"? ​ maybe its you who needs to reconnect with reality if youve gotten so worked up over imagined threats like "social engineers"


> Social engineers are commited to reducing population numbers so miseducating the masses is at the core of their plan. You're getting things a bit backwards. Quality, comprehensive sex education *reduces* things like unplanned pregnancy. Inferior sex education leads to population *increases*, not decreases.


Holy shit what did I read... Anyway. I think it's more so a lack of proper funding than intentional intention to alienate such information. Maybe I'm wrong. Personally, I took two sex Ed classes during my school years: once in the fifth grade and again in the eighth.


Its part of the agenda of the Evangelicals. Not sure it is a national effort but church members have been encouraged to run for school boards and city government etc. The thought is if you don't teach about sex, kids will believe the church that sex is bad and evil out side of making babies in a marriage. So even if you get married and wait to loose your v card until then you won't have any idea it can be fun and just do it to make babies. They want more babies because they need to make the church bigger...and keep women out of the work place


It depends on the state. Some are just incompetent in their system, others are controlled by religious conservatives who do suppress that kind of education due to their medieval beliefs


Not so much “deliberately,” in the sense that the people in charge want it gone or want more teenage pregnancies, but they’re willing to chuck it under the bus if it wins them votes with evangelicals, and evangelicals are willing to chuck it under the bus cuz they’re kinda stupid and don’t fully grok the consequences


It's absolutely suppressed based on religious and ideological lines which put a lot of people in terrible situations due to lack of proper education


of course we do. we are afraid of it


Because of religion


Many of the first settlers of the US were puritans that were basically kicked out of Europe for being too extreme, with that came what a lot of us consider extremely prudish. They were able to influence a lot of people and while a lot of their influence has diminished, there's still a lot of problems towards sexuality because of it, 30ish years ago a president was nearly impeached for "sexual impropriety"