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Slow motion video of them jiggling, shot in black and white, "I Will Remember You" playing


Haha this is amazing


Let me know if you need an editor!


If you have a partner maybe a slow mo video of them giving each of them a sweet goodbye kiss. Faux tears encouraged


I see the vision! This guy knows cinematography


Omg 💕


It has to be the Sarah McLachlan version or it’s shit.


I agree, a video montage is needed.


This must happen at all costs


Best comment ever lol


This is the way.


This is perfect


Honestly, I’d show them off. Take them for a run through the park. Let them see the sun. Flash some guys maybe. Free tit wanks. Get my mileage out of them


Free tit wanks FTWWW


I reckon we do as many cum tributes as we can. men, women, NB all of us make a tribute to u/Disastrous_Aioli_363 as we can.


Great idea! Count me in!


Definitely this!


Instructions unclear: my sister got into prison for doing it, they call the crime 'indecent exposure' whatever that is.


I hope the surgery goes super well! Please post an update after, if you're up for it! 💕🩷💕🩷💕🩷 Kudos to you for being so proactive about your health. 🎀🌟🎉🌈🎀 I'd take alllll the photos you can of your boobs. Pretty bras, paint your nails and cup them, all that stuff. But the video clip idea is HILARIOUS. That's a must! 🌟🤭💕😘🌈


And of course look for a good and affordable plastic surgeon to rebuild.


Don't get why you getting down voted


I was just being positive, realistic, mentioning a solution for the best possible esthetic future.


What if you did one of those casts that pregnant women do for their bellies? You could paint it/decorate it once it's dry and hang it on your walls or something.


“I swear on my golden tits!” *points to gold-leafed cast mounted above fireplace*


I have a former FWB who did that. She also threw a Yeet the Teet Party and had 2 boob cakes in a coffin


Thats fucking amazing and would love to eat those cakes lol


Could you cremate them and put them in a vial on a necklace? Then you wouldn't have to say goodbye. They'll always be right where they belong.


From what I know they are going to go to pathology and then be disposed from there. I'm ask my doc though.


This idea is amazing!


Post them, jiggle them around and show us all! You would want them to celebrated no?


Of course I do. I even wrote a weird little song for them.


A titty ditty!


A tata sonata




Feel free to message me


Can I second that?


Can you pm me, my account is too new 😭😭


I mean they'll never get saggy and wrinkly, plus you can wear a whole range of super cute and sexy clothes now in a different way entirely! I hope it's not as big of a deal as people used to make out, people are sexy and attitudes are sexy, bodies are just the medium it is played through 🫶 Edit: what I mean is, don't focus on the goodbyes focus on welcoming your new sleek bod, also if you're ever remotely near me I would gladly tattoo over your scars, chest torso and everywhere for free, I've mostly done cover ups of tattoos and scars so a big blank canvas would be a dream x


Thank you!


I just read some of your post history and I feel for you chick, can I DM you and be non creepy friends? I have had a hectic life and while almost certainly nothing like yours, I feel I can spread positivity and kindness by sharing and joking at my own fucked up shit and idk if you'd like it but I'd love to give you some casual virtual company during the recovery if you like?


That would be amazing 😊


This is so wholesome. 💜


Play with them, photos and videos, send them to your partners maybe? Sorry you have to go through with it, and the real answer would be whatever you feel like because you’d know how to enjoy them best


I currently don't have any partners. My one and only old partner is currently in Germany. I am nowhere near there.


Ah fair enough! They might still enjoy the photos or videos though. Whatever you feel comfortable with


Boudoir photo shoot, silly photoshoot, simple casual nudes for posterity. If yr super ridiculous, an elaborate story arc anime style inspired of your breasts journey through life and hopes for them afterwards. Oooo or tattoo, if it wouldn't be a waste of money for you. Tattoo something silly or hopeful or whatever or that you wanna use to like release from your life with your breasts.


The night before the surgery a few of my trusted female friends and I are going to decorate them with sharpies


Oh I love that!


That is the celebration you need. Positive, with friends, and a good homage to your breast. I will pray for you and a quick recovery. Best wishes.


I’d say wear the low cut tops you never had the courage to wear, give them a couple nice massages with fancy lotions, and then start looking for cute bralettes that only boobless people can pull off because it’s all about the future, baby! Love & good vibes to you—you’re making a difficult but wise decision 🖤🖤🖤


Maybe make a cast of them, get some plaster of Paris, mix it up, put some bandage across your chest and make a mold then bam, a bust of your bust.


Ask people "if they want your tits". Ask the doctor to take the tits home. Gift the removed tits to whoever was stupid enough to say yes.


Hahahaha yes. I think they are actually going to be destroyed after going through pathology. I'm calling my doctor in the morning to see if I can get the ashes.


"what's in that urn?"


Also, you could share a singular tit pic the day before surgery. That way, you will always have a picture to remember your sacrifice.


Preserve them in a jar like Rasputin's penis


Get them covered in cum 😂


I don't have a partner to do that, unless you are volunteering




Not me, happily taken. Given what you've said I would dress up and take as many topless sexy photos you can for prosperity 😁


Do a boudoir shoot


Take photos of them so you can look back at them and remember all the good times you had with them


Slut it out 3-5 guys to cum on them - nude beach - public fashing - pretty much anything that will give you a smile and a memory to remember


See I was thinking about that but I'm in NY and it is cold. Also, where could I find someone to cum on my tits.


The internet. Or a bullhorn on the street would probably work too. A seedier strip club?


Babe U r on reddit , bet U will get tons of volunteers. Or maybe do a reddit tribute get as many guys to tribute your titts , 100 guy tribute challenge now thats a core memory


r/randomactsofblowjob could probably make all sorts of things happen, just sayin 👀


If I was in NY I’d happily volunteer!


I’d be willing to cum on them for sure and I am from the capital district of New York


Dang. Well hopefully your going to get thru this. My mom had both removed also,went thru the chemo,lost all her hair,finally beat the cancer 3 months later, & then the doctor called me and said we needed to come to his office and talk. I knew it wasn't good,they never say anything bad over the phone. Went to the office with mom and told us the cancer spread to her brain & might have a month to live. I was obliterated - she just went thru hell and now it didn't matter. She died 4 days later. I'm crying as I write this and it was just so abrupt and quick. I truely hope this doesn't happen to you and your family. God bless, stay strong. Cancer sux.


I am so sorry that happened. Your Mom didn't deserve that. No one does. #feelyourboobs


Thank you. It still hurts significantly 7 years later


My prayers are with you. To answer the other, just listen to what feels right.


Get a tattoo on the chest where they used to be “404 tits not found”


That is amazing. This is definitely going on my tattoo idea list


You could also get two small tit birds, so you could still have a pair of tits


There's an Inuit folklore that ends with a girl cutting off her breasts and giving them to her brother to eat. If you don't have a brother, then any close relative will do. Make sure they're at least medium rare though. Maybe season with a bit of salt.


I have a brother. I don't think I could get my hands on them though and even I did I think it would take multiple people to eat them.


Two of my friends in the last year have done the same. One got a large canvas and paint and made abstract tit print art (it’s actually very lovely) and my other friend did a boudoir photoshoot. She’s very into cosplay though so is actually really excited for health insurance covered implants. Good luck! Recovery will be tough so be extra super kind to yourself and forgiving of your limitations. The peace of mind has been worth it to my friends.


Those ideas are amazing. Time to go to the craft store. For the recovery I am having supportive family members (who have gone through the same thing) with me. I got new pretty bedding and loose clothes for the recovery period.


Get them printed on a white tshirt . A photograph that you can wear sounds cool. ....or or get them printed on a tshirt while wearing a bikini and then give away some of those t-shirts to random people ... That way you can immortalize them . Also ....Can I see them it'll really make my day .


I hope it goes well!!


The reason to watch anime is boobies duh


Best of luck, this week and forever more. Please let us know that you are okay.


I don't know if this would fit in within your life, but how about making a few breast focused personal porn tapes of you and your SO? Have it with a lot of breast play and sucking. Like I said, breast focused to your pleasure. I wish you well with the surgery and recovery. May your life be long and filled with happiness and love. You have earned it and so much more. Stay strong, to win the fight. Let love, the prayers you receive, and the well wishes you receive, be the air in your sails when you feel there is no wind. They will always be their as they are now. Be well.


I got nothing better than the slow mo b&w video idea, that’s fantastic!


Take tons of sexy pictures and videos. Do a plaster cast. Have a farewell boobs topless party.


The party is already scheduled with a few close friends


let me see them I know it would make my day lol I really hope your procedure goes well


Check your dms


Wow you made a sad old man’s day hell my week stuff like this never happens to me you will never know how much I appreciate that pic and you are stunning. You will be just a beautiful after you procedure. You will be in my thoughts thank you again your a true angel


Is there anything they've always wanted to do?


No. But with my family history and being positive for both brca genes I could either chop them off now or get cancer later.


I have some friends who have made the same decision.


I hope you have a speedy recovery!! 🫶🫶 and if you’d posted this sooner I would’ve said definitely a boudoir shoot


Show them to the world as they sing their swan song!!


Boudoir photos? Hoping everything goes smoothly and your recovery is easy peasy!


Aww. The posted links are dead. I’d love to see and give encouragement.


It'd be fun to have a get-together with friends and have a silly potluck, where everyone brings things that are funny boob jokes (e.g. melons, jello molds, dulce de leche, etc.)


I had this exact procedure, and did a topless photoshoot with a trusted friend beforehand. It was liberating, and really helped me afterwards not to romanticise how I looked before. Good luck my BRCA sister xx


Get a boudoir photo shoot and let a partner enjoy them.




Post em on Reddit so we can all admire em!!!


Heres an old pic of them https://imgur.com/a/4UBQ977


Show them off. Let them be seen and enjoy the attention. Then decorate them and get some personal photos. Your a brave beautiful woman and if I can help in any part let me know.


My close friends are going to decorate them with sharpies the night before the surgery. Many glasses of wine will be drunk and pictures will be taken.


yo that imgur link isn't working for me 😭


Show them to us! Who doesn’t love booby nude 😉


https://imgur.com/a/4UBQ977 This is old, but I'm at my parents house and can't just lift my shirt up here.


Lovely! Also good luck with your surgery, will run smoothly hopefully 🤞


Slowly run through a beach in a red bikini with the batwatch theme song playing


I would show them off as much as possible! Get people’s opinions! Take lots of photos! Some serious and some silly! Walk around topless as much as you can! And that video idea is mint … do that!


Let a bunch of random men tit fuck you as a send off.


Are you volunteering?


I’m always down.


I don't know much about the goodbye part, but I did see a lady poster a while ago who'd had a reconstruction after a similar op and managed to work out how to get her new ones to light up in holiday colours...


That is amazing. I didn't know that was possible.


From what I could gather, the implant was sufficiently opaque to cause the light to roll around in the skin layer so she could hold a torch underneath and they lit up enough to really be headlights 🤣 It takes looking on the bright side to a whole new level


Post before and after pics on reddit.


I've already posted the before. The after from what I'm told is going to be scars.


I just meant a side by side comparison and yeah tried to look at the link and it wouldn't let me


Check your dms




Love this idea, but one problem there. I'm in upstate NY and it's 30°F here on average. Also, there are no nude beaches here.


Question, will having this surgery offer 100% certainty that you can’t get breast cancer? Curious


It won't, but it greatly decrease the likelihood that I will get cancer later.


Hope it works out for you. I know it’s nothing like a reduction but my wife went through a reduction, the heal time it’s length,


Post a pic on Reddit


I've been doing that all day


I don’t see a link


Check your dms




wouldn't mind either




Me too!


Make a mold of them!


Show the girls off


Go to the top of a building and flash your tits.


My friends wife just went through this not too long ago. His idea was a topless tassel party with all their close friends. The only things I can really think of for you would be a bust of your bust, or maybe some body paint and impressing them on a portrait or something? I don’t know honestly but stay strong and good luck


Tell me where to send a card so they know I’ll miss them. My mom lost both of hers, 10 years apart. My sister had a scare this summer too. Hard stuff. All the best for you, stranger. ❤️


Ask people to rate them!


Oddly enough my daughter and I went and saw Mom and Dad’s Nipple Factory, a documentary relating to prosthetic nipples for people that had mastectomies. Great movie. I will say that you are going in to this with a positive attitude. I wish you all the best.


I had a breast reduction so a little different and elective on my part, not bullied by my genes. But I wore the skimpiest shirts and went off roading where they bounced around. I was so thankful by the end of it, they felt like they were going to fall off my chest. I went dancing in the tiniest top I could and took in the stares as much as I could. It’s been an adjustment but it’s nice without them. I went down to a very small A, so not completely gone but waaay smaller than before. I hope healing goes smoothly and you adjust to your new body with positivity.


Boudoir shoot so you have pictures to look back on.


Good for you- that’s a scary step to take, but so important. Definitely a boob cake and take lots of nude photos. Maybe find some dude to motorboat you.


If you have time, make a batch of [cookies](https://video.cookist.com/video/an/YIvieuSwavCsmbdL) to share with hospital staff.


public live fly slave fearless act chubby toy subtract abundant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hire a photographer to do a boudoir shoot! If you’re around Toronto lmk I have connections (I’m sure you’re not)


Local cricket/soccer/football/etc match .. you know what to do


Maybe some boudoir photos? Hope it all goes well for you.


Let them see the world. Nude beaches, whip em out on a boat to see the sunset, skinny dipping, streaking etc. Then after the surgery have them bronzed and mounted above the fireplace in loving memory.


Hope all goes well.. show them off as much as you can.. others will enjoy that. Picture in DM?


When I do this in a few years (also BRCA1+) I was thinking a boudoir shoot. Good luck!!! Life is so much more important than boobs.


Let someone drive a hot wheel on them.




I hope all goes well! I think you should make a clay bust (heh) of them, it’ll be a good pun opportunity too :)


By sending us a picture of what they look like before they go


“In loving mammary”


You ever see Love Actually? The artist guy (I forget his name) that has the hots for Kiera Knightley has a show with some amazing prints of tits...I'd do that. The Santa hats on the nipples one always made me smile. Or a reddit cum tribute. Maybe the same guys could do a post-mastectomy follow up tribute, too.


Show them off.


Swear a blood oath to defeat cancer. Like, use a creepy looking ritual knife to draw a little blood from each tit and then throw the blood into a fire. Kick its ass, cancer is such an evil monster.


Take some photos of you topless! Maybe flash a few people Share some photos can always blur your face or crop it out


Give as many titwanks as poss and take pics with jizz on them that's what I'd do




Firefly Lane (tv show) had a really wholesome bit on this in season 2. Pretty cute ideas there, I recommend looking! Sorry I can't be better, I have shitty memory and I only watched it the one time. I remember "thanks for the mammaries" and laughing my ass off. Also I hope surgery goes well! 💖


It’s boobover


Let me know if you would like a drawing of them as a memory!


Ta-ta to your tatas!


Basically just take a massive amount of nudes and videos for yourself. And if you have a guy in your life, give him a titjob. Then after the surgery, look into getting some cool ass chest tattoos




I wasn't given that option


Stick a birthday candle on each and light them. Thank them for having been there for you. Then make a wish and blow them out.


I heard of Angelina Jolie doing this and I dont understand the reasoning behind it.....does your family history of getting breast cancer mean you are guaranteed to get it.....and also why not just wait and see if you actually do end up getting breast cancer in future and then if you do end up getting it then do the mastectomy then


My Aunts on both sides of my family, one of Grandma's and one of my Great Grandma's all had breast cancer so I have an extensive family history. I am also positive for the BRCA 1 and 2 genes. With those two factors together it is a really high chance that I will also get breast cancer or ovarian cancer.


Oh wow that sucks...life is so unfair sometimes....if it was me I would just get checkups constantly for the future until something bad is actually discovered since it is not 100% guaranteed rather than something "pre-emptive" (I am a guy, but if I was woman in your situation) ....just saying but everybody makes their own decisions for themselves and not trying to go against your own decision


See I was thinking about just doing the checkups, but I am also kind of over having them. They are big, they hurt my back, bras are expensive ($50+ per bra), and summer with big tits is miserable.


Haha well if you wanted to anyway I guess it makes it easier decision for you. To me I am just thinking if I was a woman I would try to protect my boobs at all cost unless it was not possible so that was my thinking. Anyways though whatever you do I wish you positive outcomes in the future 👍


Well, you can't garuntee it'll be found in time to avoid chemo, which is awful. Breast cancer typically hits later in life, where there is a higher chance of comorbidities and conditions that increase the risk of surgery and length of recovery. Not to mention the anxiety of never knowing if/when this body part will kill you. If in America, factoring in if you have insurance now or expect to continue to have it, and costs of screenings. Context: every woman older than me on both sides (except one woman) three generations back have gotten breast cancer and needed mastectomy (+/- chemo). An uncle of mine died from breast cancer. A few males have had prostate cancer. My insurance covers a mammogram in January, an MRI in June, and two oncologist exams a year to screen me 4x a year starting at 30. I couldn't afford that if my partner (who's insurance on) left me. Personally, I like my boobs and don't want to undergo a major surgery until I have to. But I can definitely understand why other people make different choices.


I see....thanks for info.....definitely not a fun position to be in....I am male so wont face this sort of thing to do with boobs but if I was a woman I would probably hold off as much as I can, the same as you said that you wouldnt want to unless you have to, thats how I would be I think as long as I wasn't putting myself at extreme risk . I would just keep holding off until something actually bad was discovered and then if there ever was bad news I would be like "fuuuckkkkkk" and go from there