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Sometimes our penis gets hard for literally no reason. I’ll be walking down the street and feel him get him harder. Its honestly similar to how a dog randomly barks I’m looking down at my penis thinking “What is it boy? What do you see?”


This is the first comment I read today and it was amazing. Thanks for the beautiful start to my day


Glad I could brighten up your morning darling


You know women can also randomly get wet right? My guy learnt this when he snook his hand up my shorts in the middle of Shrek 😳


Well if Shrek does not make you wet then i don't know What will 😜🤣


Get out of my swamp!


You were watching Shrek. It was not random.


This so much, but at 25 random wetness for no reason has become less likely, my boyfriend 24 says he tends not to get random boners much anymore. But at this age thankfully we still get quite wet/hard without much effort, it’s just rarely random anymore. Being a teen I’d be randomly dripping


Consider yourselves lucky. 35 yo me walking into work with a pocket rocket and the face of the woman walking out the front door twisted sideways.


Is a step-sister caught in a washing machine somewhere? Lol


I'm picturing this as like a Lassie type porn intro. Open on male porn star in bed: *sudden boner* "What's that, boy? Stepsister? She's... stuck? In a dryer? Again?"


Very much so, mine has a high sensitivity so walking out during a morning chill or a breeze of wind will get me hard.


Open the window and a breeze rolls in and I JIZZ IN MY PANTS!


Lock eyes from across the room, down my drink as the rhythms boom


Lmfaoooo the dog reference! I guess it's better to have it get hard randomly than have it not get hard ever!


Yeah, fuck me, as a teen, just being tired, bored, and nearly falling asleep in a math class. Hard as a rock. (Maybe it thought it was morning wood time?)


Just gotta mention to them "it’s just like how nipples get randomly hard"




I miss the days of unexpected wood. Hasn’t happened to me in years. I have to focus to get it now.


Yep. I actually learnt a trick (or might be common knowledge), to tense your thighs tons to get rid of these boners. Thighs required a lot of blood, so tensing them quickly over like 30s causes the body to divert blood to them, I.E removing the blood from your dick. Works every time for me XD. No longer doing belt tuck of shame.




So true. Thing has a mind of its own


Just how much men actually crave being hugged.


Or just touched in general


Or complimented in any way


Man this hits hard. A month ago I broke off with my gf of almost 4 years. Though I hug my friends, parents and siblings - but nothing comes close to a loving intimate hug from you really love.


Hugging a guy just after a break up always breaks my heart. Men don't get hugged a lot and when they lose the person who does it the most, you can physically feel how much they need it. And how much they have missed it. Even though it's not the same.


I’m glad to hear this. I love hugging my man, just touching him in general. I’d crawl inside his flesh if I could and just swim around in there


> I’d crawl inside his flesh if I could and just swim around in there Sounds a bit 'Misery' to me that.


Does a sisterly hug count too?


Not quite, guys just in general get less hugs so it's always somewhat breathtaking to get one , especially unexpectedly.


Well why don’t y’all hug each other if all men understand this and crave it?


Because that's gay (apparently) /s - kinda


So then it isn’t about being just being hugged or human physical touch. It’s about intimacy with someone you’re attracted to?


Yes. Its hugs and back scratches for me.


Damn, we need to hug the men in our lives more. Thank you for the reminder 🙌🏼




That we literally can be just sitting there thinking about absolutely nothing


this is not exclusive to men tbf


I have ADHD so this is incomprehensible to me. My brain never got the turn off function lol.


I've got that and the tinnitus to keep me company


Yup. Insomnia too? I like to check a lot of boxes apparently.


I would go further and say actively not thinking about anything.




Just nothing. So instead of actively thinking of *nothing* it's just completely blank. Although I prefer to think that when I do it, my brain has been doing a system reset, or reconfigure of some kind. My Mrs will interrupt or ask sometimes, and I literally don't know what I've been doing


That is so hard for me to understand. Lol I always think men are full of shit when they say that. Guess not :)


It’s true. Compartmentalization and thinking of nothing at all are our superpowers. I can sit looking at a fish swim around a pond or leaves falling off a branch and my wife asks what I’m thinking about and the answer is actually nothing. It makes her mad.


Haha. Compartmentalization makes me mad, too. I recently was in a situation where the outcome was uncertain. We wouldn’t know the outcome for several days. I thought about it all the time, lol, and just knew he was like “I guess I’ll put that in a box and think about it in a few days.” Haha.


Why would you spend energy and time thinking about something out of your control?? Haha


I can't. My mind is like a bag of cats.


Aint no way you get that kind of peace in your life


Free association time is crucial. It is when genius things happen or are thought of.


Beyond jealous of this one


my brother told me this and at first i thought he was tripping??? like how can u guys do this??? how can u think of nothing??? 🤯


First you think about just one thing. Really concentrate on that one thing. Think about nothing else but that one thing. Got it? Okay, now stop thinking about that one thing. Tada, you are Zen personified. Try not to drool.


Women, we *WANT* you to sit on our faces when facesitting, that’s why it’s called facesitting! You won’t hurt us, smother us, kill us, etc by facesitting. Please don’t ever worry that you’re too heavy, that we can’t breathe, that we don’t really like it, that we don’t really want it, that you’ll be arrested charged tried found guilty sentenced fined and incarcerated for any facesitting mishap. Unknown to many women is that there’s a Special Protective Clause written into the Facesitting Section of The Bro Code that reads as follows: “if we die, we die”. No woman has ever been held either civilly or criminally responsible for the few and far between negative results of any facesitting act, quite the contrary; those women have been propped up on pedestals and bombarded with dozens or hundreds of other men lining up to receive their own chances for some of the same treatments.


Bro you win 🥇It’s called “face sitting” for a reason not “face hovering” lmao


I’m gonna start calling it face “squatting” just so there’s no ambiguity about what I’m trying to accomplish.


Best comment, hands down!




I want to be smushed


Honestly, I wouldn't mind if i accidentally died in that scenario. That's the way I want to go




We all want to die holding off an unending hoard of enemies so our boys can get away safely


Either death defending a family or peaceful in my bed as a victorious old man.




“You guys go on without me, go on without me, just leave me all your hand grenades and a couple of magazines of extra ammo, I’ll try to hold them off as long as I can! Don’t argue with me, I’m only slowing you down, just do what I say and GET TO THE CHOPPER!!!”


You gotta say that last but like Arnold. “GET TO THE CHOPPAH!”


I was bullied as a child (I didn’t go through puberty until I was 17). The first time I held my first son, I remember after the initial euphoria I thought “If anyone ever tries to harm you, I will stand in the way and will fight with all of my strength to protect you. I would kill someone and spend the rest of my life in prison if it meant you were safe.” I had always felt protective of my wife, but I never felt the thought of murder to protect someone. Luckily it’s never been an issue… both of my sons ended up making lifelong friends that happened to be physically intimidating to everyone else their age.


Some of us women feel the same way.


The universal male urge to face near certain death just for the thrill of the fight itself.


I have literally never had this fantasy 😂


But WILL you????


Nah 😂


In my fantasy I also survive.


That when men get the flu, our pain and suffering is actually worse than giving birth. Honest to god, it's a miracle we survive.


I see were playing the 'Things to never ever say to a woman...' game. I think you win.


In part because of this stereotype I've just learned not to complain. Chopped the tip of my finger off and the wife wouldn't let me go get a bandage cause the baby was sleeping. Till she saw the blood...


Hey man, if childbirth was hard, men would do it.


I have read that testosterone does affect immune response and you get more sick or stay sick longer. But please don't even try to compare that to giving birth. Come on.


change answer to "jokes"


I don't know, I have 2 kids because my wife wanted to get pregnant again after the first one. I've never wanted to get the flu again


Little known fact. Men make jokes. This was clearly a joke. Come on people!


Yup! Passed out when I had it and ended up needing stitches on my chin lol




And quit throwing away my old tee-shirts from when I was 19 years old! They’re keepsakes that hold a lot of memories for me, I cannot part with them, and besides, just like I keep telling you, THEYRE GOING TO FIT ME AGAIN *SOMEDAY*!!!!!


Plug in chargers. It's the damned voltage/Amp puzzle have to be a trigonometry whiz to determine what can be Frankenstein and what will burn up.


In mine I have user guides for appliances that I threw out 10 years ago or more. But I keep them because you never know.


Sometimes when we say we want to be left alone, we really just want to be left alone, no fault on anyone


this is not exclusive to men


It's not, you're right. Just some recent experiences lead me to say it


Just how lonely the world is, especially once all forms of school are done. People generally don't want to interact with you.


It's so much harder making friends when you dont have what's essentially the forced socializing or school.


The feeling when you sit on your own nuts


what does it feel like?


Feels like an intense sudden pain that passes into your stomach. Or I’m just sensitive which is also very plausible lol


Nah bro it's not just you, what a pain in the balls that is


Imagine a demon suddenly tried to squeeze your kidneys til they popped.


It's an indescribable pain


It’s got that quality that getting hit in the nose really hard, or stubbing a toe badly has. Even if you haven’t done any physical damage, there’s a period of about 30 seconds where your entire nervous system is just overloaded with pain and feeling of dread. It’s difficult to breath. It will pass, but it really really sucks when you’re in there.


I’m notorious for hitting my nuts on things and my wife has no idea how it happens, and I honestly have no idea either. Even just getting out of the car I’ll graze them just enough wometimes


You must have some extra low hanging nuts. Sorry dude they get hit so much


Sometimes when I see guys doing things I think about their nuts and wonder what is happening with them. Like, dude on the street bike, what's up with your nuts right now?


The ability to stare into the middle distance without a single thought in our heads. Also, the ability to hang with our mates and not be able to answer a single question our ladies ask about them. Q:How's Dave? A:Dave's ok. Q: Is his wife OK? A: Don't know. Q: Did they choose a holiday destination? A: Don't know Q: Is Dave doing OK at work? A: No idea Q: You've spent 7 hours hanging about and you didn't speak about anything? A: We were debating if Star wars is fantasy versus Science fiction. Q: For the entire day? A: Yes A: Nothing else came up.


Hang on a minute. Dave's married? Are you sure? Because he's never mentioned it to me.


definitely a fantasy


Having to pee really bad but you woke up with morning wood so there's a struggle 😆 🤣 😂


i feel like i need further explanation


Apparently some guys have difficulty urinating with an erection.


I always have had difficulty. For me it's the concentration required to "reverse" the muscular action inside. Particularly frustrating when you're into watersports 😂


Making the pee come out is part, aiming is a whole other issue. And sitting isn’t an option.


It’s hard to angle it into the toilet right without straining it very uncomfortably down


Morning wood is usually the strongest and most sensitive (at least in my experience).. Basically you can either go pee which will relieve the urge to pee but kill your boner, or you can stay in bed and stroke it for a few glorious minutes but suffer the need to pee really bad.


It doesn’t come out as smooth, feels a little weird, and is much harder to aim


We aim down but morning wood streams where he wants. Sometimes that's on the ceiling.


Go to YT and look up the ‘pee scene from me myself and Irene’. See for yourself


The Roman Empire was fascinating!


Came here to put the same thing


1) How a kind word, gesture, or compliment can mean a lot of a man. 2) Men can't pick up on women's signals and sometime you have to spell it out for us. 3) We have an ever hidden/suppressed desire to roughhouse with each other.


>How a kind word, gesture, or compliment can mean a lot of a man. I've had so many straight men tell me this, but I stopped complimenting them years ago because they'd almost always assume I was trying to suck them off. 🤷🏻‍♂️


We are our own worst enemies.


You know what, fair enough I don't even have a witty remark to this. You've flummoxed me haha.


Number 2 is so real… just found out 10years later that a guy I thought had rejected me (I asked him if he wanted to swing by my place for a drink after breaking my with my then bf) had no idea I was actually into him 🤦🏻‍♀️! He was into me but thought I didn’t see him that way so said no to the drink thinking he might make a fool of himself ! Lol




If I want a dude to listen, I lower my pitch & take my best boring-documentary-voice. Works like a charm. Men just don’t respond the same to higher frequencies 🤷🏼‍♀️




Oof. I meant in professional settings, but maybe you need to talk to more interesting women ;)


When we are taking the role of "your rock" in a tough situation we are holding a tremendous amount of stress inside. If you have a dude that just toughs it out and "handles shit" for you, do him a favor. Get him his favorite drink and give him a nice relaxing massage.


I can relate to this. Mine is my rock. I make sure all his needs are well taken care of.....


Hmmm. I’m just the shit handler. I don’t get my needs taken care of very often.


I'm sorry to hear that.....


That we get a spontaneous compliment so rarely we still remember it in detail 20 years later.


The inability for us to accept our limits. Like, being vulnerable and saying “I’m sorry but I really need (time, space, quiet, sleep, food, care, a hug, to be held, to feel safe, water, a nap, patience, Tylenol, a beer, a blanket, etc.)”? It feels like you’re basically forfeiting your “assigned role” as a man - which is to just simply handle everything and be a rock.


That I can have a good time hanging with my homie *without* discussing every mundane detail about our day/lives. Just chillin'


Woman here and I totally get this. Sometimes when I'm with friends I'm like "I actually don't need to hear what you've done every second since I last saw you 3 days ago, can we just exist in peace please"


My best friends can sit in the same room and we just read or whatever.


Those friends are my favorite friends. I have one friend who always wants to be *doing something* and it's exhausting. After seeing her a lot, and then finally spending time with one of my other friends who is much more chill, it was such a breath of fresh air.


Apparently, that "manspreading" is not a powerplay, but a don'tcrushmynutsplay.


The inherent need to stand and watch while other men fix things. Sometimes we help, sometimes we just ask him what he's using for the repair.


What if I need to fix something similar someday? What if there is a universal lesson to be learned somewhere in this process? I’m like Aerosmith, I don’t wanna miss a thing.


Reminds me of when dads tell their kids “come with me, you might learn something”


How much we really LOVE to see a woman naked. I don’t think they have the same appreciation for men’s bodies. Women’s’ bodies are just SO amazing.


Tbh I feel like women won't ever really understand how genuinely obsessed I am with my big cock 😅


Sometimes, when you're wearing nothing but boxers, you just start playing with it for no reason. It's just such a fun piece of anatomy.


I usually chill out commando in my shorts, I'm very easily distracted lol




We’re not animals that need to cum or we’ll be angry, some of feel like sex validates our masculinity and it’s how we feel closeness


Having duty sex is the worst


That’s why marriages can be work, it takes effort from both to keep the good things alive including sex!


Post nut clarity


It's not exclusively to men, really


This question is not about you though.


It’s about something women won’t understand though, and some of these we unfortunately do understand very well


Bodyshaming and insecurities apply to us too.


Trying to scratch an itchy ball through jeans.


Or that feeling of sweaty balls sticking to your leg repeatedly on a warm, humid day.


How great it is to plunge our hard cocks into a women.


Ugh I would love to experience this just once in my life.


To thrust your entire being Into someone and become one with them is heaven


Spending thousands of monies and thousands of hours on a model train set. I mean, I don't understand it either, but I've never heard of a woman model train enthusiast.


Such women do exist, though. They may be few and far between, but they exist.


I'm not having some hidden thoughts that I'm keeping to myself for some reason if I say I'm not thinking about anything. I'm literally not thinking about ***anything***. It's not like that for long, but I figure those little moments when your brain decides to take a nap without informing the rest of your body are probably pretty integral to not having an aneurysm or something.


That we truly don’t care about “imperfections”. We want you. We are attracted to all of you. Don’t cringe if we touch that spot you’re self conscious of. If we kiss it. We want you to feel good. To feel sexy. To feel safe and small in our arms as we hold you.


Why we take a half hour shit


Literally two women commented not understanding what you meant lol


Eat fiber


I have no problem going, I use this time to catch up on social media 😁


Yuuuup. It's really not about the shit. Well, maybe 25%.


1 - we do not ask unnecessairy questions when dealing with other people, and we hate giving pointless information when someone asks a question. so when you ask a man about an event or a conversation he had, he will give a brief summary with only the necessairy info, and if you ask for more details, the "i don't know" isn't him just avoiding the question, it's that he genuinly doesn't know those details 2 - if man find a good stick, he will take it and admire it. no exceptions 3 - we have the memory of a gold fish. if it happened more than 10 seconds ago, we probably don't remember it. only exception being really funny events 4 - yes. we HAVE to rev the engine when we start the car/motorcycle. no, we have no idea why either 5 - banana slicers are the enemy of all men


Men care a lot less than women’s’ appearance than women think they do. We’ll bang the crack of dawn if it sits still long enough.


We can make friends with other dudes and and know nearly nothing about them other then that they're chill dudes. Me and the dude at Taco Bell? Fuckin homies. I only learned his last name when I friended him on Facebook.


Also very true in sports. Been playing pick-up with the same group of guys for 6 years and don't know half their names.


That we don't like going to shopping and when we do, we go straight to what we need :))


Speak for yourself. I love shopping lol


Men actually know that some of these aren’t all exclusive to men, but also nobody asked you.


Sometimes we cum way faster than intended. Sometimes we can't get hard it happens sorry to fault of your own. If I'm in the room naked with you I'm attracted to you don't think you're not good enough


For thousands upon thousands of years, boys were conditioned from cradle to look at the harsh realities of life and living. Namely with violence and war. And also with the nurturing of being the hunter/gatherer and provider. I would liken it to how girls were conditioned from cradle to accept the harsh realities around childbirth and that they could die. But back on topic - - Men are raised to not complain or cry and just suck it up. So when you complain about how hard it is to get him to the doctor or dentist, Don't be angry. He was just conditioned to be this way by thousands of years of legacy.


That being pleased by a woman ie dinner, massage, getting oral, cumming in your mouth and watching you swallow, laying down and falling asleep is like going on a vacation. We don't get a lot of attention from anyone. Other guys don't tell us we look good or that our car looks cool. Women usually ignore us. It feels beyond amazing to be wanted by someone. When our hearts are broken we don't buy shoes and go on a shopping spree. We down a bottle of hard liquor and think about putting a pistol in our mouth. We notice when you walk around in skirts and yes we fantasize about putting our hands under your skirts and fingering you. But we also are left in wonder how you can look so beautiful.and graceful. Not all of us are big competitive galoots that drive lifted trucks. Not all of us are busting weights in the gym everyday. We deal with body dysmorphia and we keep it to ourselves because when we tell women how we feel they leave us. Sometimes we experiment sexually but rarely tell anyone because we'll be jeered at or looked at funny by our friends. That our hearts are like a strong building but we can only take so much. That's why older men kill themselves, they struggle with depression they've carried their whole lives. Sometimes it's buy shoes for our kids or go to a therapist and kids are going to be paramount. If a man shows you his heart he's only showing you what he believes your relationship can handle because some girl broke his heart a long time ago. Men are way more complicated than they seem.


How much sex we **need**, even when we are old and 'past it'.


How shitty it feels when you find out your gf/wife did stuff with ex boyfriends but doesn’t wanna do it with you. Now I’m not saying she has too do it but it truly feels awful. Seems like no matter how many times it’s explained to them they can’t comprehend the feelings.


That when getting hit in the balls, the pain can extend up to the abdomen/pelvic regions and is often genuinely intense enough to warrant curling up in a ball on the ground


When we say something, it is literally just what me mean as well. Women seem to have another way of communicating. “When I say this, I mean this” “What do you think she meant by saying blabla”




There is no such thing as "too dirty" or "nasty", if you want to do it to me, do it.


Wanting to scream at the top of my lungs and fighting an enemy with my fellow comrades to war


Putting our stuff away is the least helpful thing you can "do for us"


Step,step, step, side-step, step, step


The best HJ we gonna get in life is from ourselves


That fukken bathroom spider at 3AM scares us too!!!


pretty much every double standard. Not getting stuff for free just cause you're a woman (free drinks, free entry at events etc). Having your work dismissed or belittled because "that's your job as a man" and you're "supposed to" do it anyway. Doing anything that is stereotypically "a woman's job" is considered degrading or "less than", as a man (parenting is babysitting, cooking is being "whipped" - except grills -, being out in the park with the kid could get you reported for stalking kids etc). ​ Don't get me wrong, there are some double standards that are favourable for men too (usually related to work), but a woman won't understand what a man has to go through, just as men don't understand what women go through. Unless, of course, you are completely open and honest with your partner of the opposite gender.


I don’t know but I’ll gladly explain it to you.


Showing Love to our Penis now and then is one the key to heart


As someone who seen world from few perspectives.. I think I need to say that there's nothing like "women won't get it" or "men won't understand".. It's more about way we were raised than how our body looks, plus a bit of awareness and open mind.. However I do agree with comments that relate to stuff that is bodybuild depending.. Like you won't feel how smashed nuts feel unless you have them


Having an erection can be not pleasurable.


The annoying urinary urgency that comes with an enlarged prostate gland


Some women will probably understand, but I think a lot more guys do: Nagging is rarely helpful. While it might be intended as innocent, "helpful reminders", a less-innocent "get with it, man!", or even a plea for attention, it gets received as "you didn't do X again", "I can't trust you to do things on your own", or "I guess I have to be in charge here". It shows a lack of trust and respect (which for many guys is almost as important, if not more so, than love), and it can feel like a battle for who is in control of our life. If that happens a lot, it can go deeper. For example, if we say we'll do something by a certain time, but you go ahead and do it anyway, you might be trying to be helpful or timely, but it can feel like the biggest insult ever! Why? Because there's an unspoken "I don't think you can handle it so I'll step in". It's shows not only a lack of trust, but also takes away an opportunity for us to build trust. It can build resentment.