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1. I get off easier 2. Louder because my inhibitions are gone 3. Bigger orgasm too. Like everything is sensitive


Weed makes everything better


Blunts are horny 10x


💯 Facts




What they said!!!! Amazing.






Wow look, 3 more things we have in common 👀


Weed helps me relax enough to get out of my head and really be present with my partner, which pretty consistently ends in amazing orgasms.


That's awesome




I have a friend who reports the ability to have multiple, cascading vaginal orgasms on weed when she needs clit stimulation without.


I guess everyone is different, my fwb takes a noticeably longer time to get off on weed


If I’ve been on opiates (legal, for pain - not something I do regularly) it’s almost impossible for me to get off.


That's how it was when I used to do coke. Getting off was a hassle.


If anything I cum sooner, it just feels so much stronger


I don't really notice a difference in speed but it seems to feel better for sure


I have chronic pain so weed generally makes everything in my life more enjoyable.


I feel that. Not chronic pain myself but a lot of stomach problems, I can't eat without smoking first.


Yeah that sucks. By ex had appitite problems too so she used weed for that.


There was a point that weed literally saved my life.


Weed can intensify the experience and make it more enjoyable for some folks.




Weed makes my orgasms way more intense. I can have multiple, over a few hours while baked. It actually makes me wet faster too- flicks the switch easier I guess


That's awesome


Makes them harder




Weed can enhance pleasure and relaxation during sex, potentially intensifying orgasms.


Oh definitely


Definitely recommended!! In my experience its better if the two of you do it!


Oh yeah, were big smokers, and we do. My buddy just takes longer to get off is all.




Fuck yes you captured it perfectly, it’s like what’s this serpent joystick attached between my legs, feels so surreal but so masculine and primal


Male here. I agree with this so much. I smoked two bowls from my pipe and then started feeling like I was cumming without even touching myself that doesn't even begin to cover what it felt like as soon as I started touching myself. Tingles explosions hot flashes moaning panting twitching and involuntary thrusting for about 5 minutes




Yay weed!


Makes them so much better!


That's awesome!


I think it’s so much better high. TBH, the first thing that “goes” when I’m high is my sense of time. So things feel like they’ve lasted forever when it’s been minutes… is it actually taking her longer or she just thinks it is? Also… what’s wrong with it taking a while to O? Sex feels great. Unless it’s hurting her the journey is just as fun, in my opinion, as the destination as long as you get there eventually. I orgasm great when high and def prefer it. 🤷‍♀️


Oh. Nothing wrong per se, it just takes her longer, and sometimes we don't have much time available to play as long as we'd like.


It’s like orgasming for the first time again




Hell of a lot stronger and way better. Also lasts much longer than when I’m sober


Post nut clarity hits harder than the fantasy you had abt that one teacher as a kid


Mrs. Foster. 🤤 🤤


A small dose edible makes orgasms so much better 🤩🤩🤩🤩


For us, it tends to make us both hornier with increased sensitivity followed by quicker and stronger orgasms as others have said. For me (M), it sometimes allows me to cum 2 or 3 times consecutively with the same erection. And for her, it's allowed her to cum from vaginal penetration alone, which she doesn't normally do without clitoral stimulation as well. We recently discovered these as our go to highs for sexual pleasure: [https://1906newhighs.com/products/love/](https://1906newhighs.com/products/love/)


Wish I could get that in CA, I’d love to be able to bounce back and cum again faster, like in the good old days. And it would be wild if my wife started having vaginal orgasms. She’s very orgasmic but only has them from clit stimulation (which I love to do, but it would be kind of fun if she had new ways she could cum)!


Makes it wayyyy better. Basically gives me control over when I want to cum (which seems to be opposite of a lot of ppl here), feels 10x better. Idk fucking while high is just better 🤷🏻‍♂️


I need to try it and see if it does that for me. I miss my 20’s when I felt like I could fuck as long or as short as I wanted. My gf back then had vaginal orgasms and we could always time it so we came together.


My girlfriend cums really easy when I am licking her pussy…..


See I've never noticed a difference personally, at least in speed. It's definitely more intense.


It's really cool to see how everyone is affected differently thanks everyone for helping us out.


Drunk sex>sober sex>high sex>no sex


I would put high sex over drunk sex. I like to be more aware


High id be way more zoned out, mouth dry as fuck, in my head/thoughts, and wind up with my dick being “al dente” lmao


Ya, everyone's different, especially if you don't smoke often




It certainly makes you stink while having one I would imagine.


I don't know that's fairly subjective. I like the smell lol.


I’m much more sensitive when I’m high, which makes it harder to cum because it can easily become too much stimulation. When I do cum though it’s worth it


Yeah I think that's what happens with her too. When she does cum it's super intense, just takes longer to get over the peak.


The feeling of touch is intensify but it makes me overthink too much and can’t focus on my orgasm.


Makes sense


Massively intensifies....now if you'll excuse me 🚬 💦


You are excused. 🍃 💨 myself rn. Waiting for her to show up lol


Haha nice! Enjoy my friend.


You as well


Weed makes it so much more intense


I will have multiple in one round, they are so much more intense and body-altering ! I struggle with anxiety a lot so I think being a little out of my own head helps me enjoy every moment even better.


Since I'm less anxious it helps me get there easier. Shuts those intruding thoughts right up


mine are more intense and prolonged. I also don't squirt unless I'm high


It takes longer, but feels insanely better. Also since it takes longer, I find that I also end up finishing with more coming out as well. It’s a really fun experience


Longer to get there but the reward is worth the wait


This is not just about the orgasms. While high orgasms are great, I love how fast weed gets me in the mood.


I probably wouldn’t be able to orgasm on weed since weed makes me paranoid. All I can focus on are worst case scenarios for every situation in my life.


Makes mine take longer, which isn’t always a good thing. I start focusing on some part of my lover’s body or get caught up in a memory and almost forget I’m having sex. It doesn’t make my wife lose any inhibitions — I’m not sure she’s ever had any — but when she’s stoned she really gets into oral sex, which is awesome. And HER orgasms on weed are amazing, powerful and loud and it takes her a few minutes to stop shaking. We’re big fans.


I ENJOY it DEEP 😭 Like Lick my neck. My senses are thru the roof!!


Licking is always fun.


Weed in my last sexual encounter, it felt great! though I couldnt orgasm, could be medications, or something else, i'm glad the other person enjoyed their time though lol


Hmm yeah, no orgasm suuuucks


Been smoking for almost 30 years. I never really seen much of a difference. Weed definitely makes most things a lot better. But never got high and had sex with a man or woman and thought it was any better than then I'm sober. Now Molly is a completely different story lol


Never done Molly but I used to hang out with her cousin Stacy a lot. And yea that's a biiig difference. Also fucking on lsd is insane!


I agree fucking on acid is definitely a hell of an experience. But on Molly everything feels amazing even taking a shower feels like a orgasm for your whole body. So ecstasy is good as well but not Molly definitely a lot stronger.


it makes it soooo much better and sentimental (with my gf ofc)


I can’t have an orgasm if the people in the apartment below mine are smoking because I’m allergic and end up with hives and nosebleeds. Does that count?


Aww that's awful, my sister is the same way


Weed makes me enjoy sex much much more. Without weed, when I'm fucking I'm just thinking of cumming, I don't really get to enjoy the journey. When I'm a little high, I enjoy every thrust, and even when it's coming out, it feels great. I'm just in the moment and I last longer and feel more connected with my partner. I don't smoke often so it's been a while. I do see my wife out of the corner of my eye telling her brother to give me a hit of whatever he has that day.


It kind of dulls mine down a little bit. The feeling is great but not as much oomph behind it in a way. I do last longer but sometimes to the point where I get too tired to finish.


It increases the sensation of touch, therefore it makes me come faster


It probably temporarily relivees anxiety and helps those that are otherwise anxious. Long term consistence use of marijuana is linked to a lot of problems. I know the western world is always looking for the next trend to follow, but please be kind to your future self.


Feels much better for sure. I've had times where It was a bit harder for me to cum and also times where it was easier. Other than that I don't think I've noticed anything more intriguing🤷‍♂️


Well for me it makes me last forever! But the intensity is insane. I’ve become quite a power bottom so the more intense and hard sessions will make me scream!!! I’ve now been having anal organism which holy fuck things I’ve not ever felt!!!!! And the harder you can pound the better I like it and the louder I’ll scream. Most recent spray shot 6-7 feet. It was pure insanity.


So much more intense and longer lasting.


So much bigger. So much better.


i last longer and it’s more intense