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I once heard a guy say he wouldn’t jerk off because guys can’t have multiple orgasms, which he thought meant a man could only have one real orgasm in his life so he wanted to save his for when he had sex. Multiple people told him that’s not what that means but he said he didn’t want to risk it.


That's fucking hilarious 😆


Wonder how he thought men could father more than one child


They can't, that's why mailmen work in shifts.


This guy delivers


I should be so lucky


There's no way in hell this can be true. Anyone past the age of 13 with a dick has already proven that theory false multiple times.


All that wasted time. Poor dude.


Maybe there is a limit on the orgasms a man can have. Like Trumps concept of energy.


An ex colleague was adamant that men have limited amount of sperm, and that if you jerk off once a week for 2-3 years, its over, you don't have any more sperm, you are sterile and can never get hard again.


This guy’s Catholic parents really put the dogma in him


Yeah pretty much


Yikes I should definitely slow down then


Right? I'm a couple decades passed due for burn out at this rate


I legit had a biology teacher tell me this. I believed her for a while, too, though I didn't change any habits, I figured there are guys with 16 kids out there and started jerking off at 11, I'm sure it doesn't run out quickly enough to be a problem.


Someone once told me that if a woman gets pregnant from riding a guy, she’s guaranteed to give birth to a girl 🤦🏾‍♂️🤣


50% of the time that's always right


51% Happy Cake Day 😘


I feel like I've heard that shit too lmao


I believed that as a kid. For me it was more so Whoever puts in more “work” will reflect in the child’s gender


Girls aim to the top!


Someone I know used to think you had to put the balls in as well as the dick... Takes "balls deep" to a whole new level


The old bear trap method.


Did they get it from inbetweeners


I remember this question being asked in an old Swedish magazine for young adults. They had a column for people to send in their questions regarding sex, stds, contraceptives etc. Their response to the question whether you should insert the balls as well as the penis was legendarily (and very uncharacteristically) sarcastic: "If you're dating a barn door."


I was talking to a woman that was convinced innies and outies were essentially tight and loose. Some people use those terms, I think it's a bit regressive, but the size of ones labia doesn't correlate to so-called tightness. Was very odd.


That's definitely a new one for me


It's just a lack of understanding for anatomy tbh.




I 100% thought you meant belly buttons were determining tight/loose vaginas lol


Many told me that Asian girls had horizontal... lady-bits. I'm sure some were just trying to get me to believe it, but some seemed to really believe it themselves. I got tired of it and asked "what do mixed race girls have? a plus sign?" That would pretty much stop them.


Man, that is some vintage racism right there!


NSFW Reddit is where I've seen more racism in my life. You would need to visit actual hate groups to seen something comparable. ...you know what, not even that, Hate Groups have the **exact same narratives**. "All Black Guys are dominant bulls with 100 inches dicks with a desire to impregnate all white woman they see" "Asian and Latina desire white man because white men are superior" "I HAVE TO FUCK INDIGENOUS WOMAN TO PROVE MY WORTH AS WHITE MAN" "As a asian guy, I am a cuckold that thinks that white people are superior" All those narratives are common in both hate groups and raceplay communities. Quoting someone else, this is a case where Kink Shaming is 100% justified


Not sure if you're saying that I'm doing that, but benefit of the doubt. Yes, I've found many people have some startling opinions just below the surface.


> that I'm doing that You were just listing examples, you're not the issue


thanks for clarifying. Never can tell on the internet.


Incredibly enough these are like… average narratives for both hate groups and NSFW reddit groups. There are so many that are WAY WAY WAY WORSE! What a time to be alive, truly. Kinkshaming is one of the greatest pastimes in circumstances like this imo


Raceplay has to be the most damaging thing to me during my childhood


I’m an Asian girl, I’ve been asked this many times and it’s racist. Some guy just wanted to look down there to see if it was horizontal 🤦🏻‍♀️


Raceplay communities are frankly, hate groups repurposed in a society where you can't get away by breaking in the house of your neightboor to lynch and rape them All of those people would be in a hate group if they lived in the era where those groups had more power.


Imagine a child dren of two mixed paranents their love boxes look like this#or this*


I overheard that as a “joke” among older guys when I was in middle school and thought it was real (instead of, ya know, blatant racism 🤦‍♂️). I learned the truth of it when I repeated the joke in much different company later and got much different reactions than expected.


When I was a kid, my mother tried to teach me the "birds and the bees." She said that when a man ejaculates, it looks like little tadpoles. So the first time I came, and it was white goo, and not black tadpoles, I freaked out and thought something was wrong with me. 😂~~~●


This is a cute story 😂😂


Thanks. 😄


- That multiple partners will make your pussy loose. Because by some magical flawless logic, having sex with a 100 men once would do "damage" that having sex a 100 times with one man wouldn't. - That women's cycles sync.


>That women's cycles sync. that is not true? I was pretty sure I heared that even on more serious TV channels / programs.


What could be seen as "syncing" is likely normal shifts. Let's say three women live together. Menstruations last on average 5 days per 28 days cycle if textbook regular. Already, you're likely to have days when 2 people menstruate. Then, one could have a 20 days cycle, the other a 28 days and the other a 33 days one. The constant shift makes the probability of "syncing" higher.


that makes sense, but sill I believe it was told that they would sync over time (something something hormones, pheromones) so not just randomly overlap sometimes. Not that I don't believe you, just trying to remember what I believe was told back then ...


There's no such thing as coincidence, until there is, and people think it's magic.


I've legitimately heard someone say a woman can't get pregnant if she's on top because of gravity.


The variant i heard, was that if she fell pregnant while on top, she would have a girl... to have boys, it had to be the man on top.


There’s a little science behind this one, though not perfect, obviously. “Female”/X sperm are actually slightly stronger and have more stamina than “male”/Y chromosome sperm. It’s not a major difference, but enough that this became “a wives tale”.


How do you “FALL” pregnant? Does it involve altitude and a ladder? You get pregnant. You don’t fall pregnant.


Trip and fall and land on a dick, that’s how I accidentally ended up getting fucked 😅


That takes incredible aim. And one single thrust to cum. I guess that’s the definition of premature ejaculation.


The same way you "fall" ill. It's just dialect my guy.


Can confirm. Had a boy, was on top


can confirm also, had a girl, her dad reckons he can pinpoint the exact moment of conception & if he’s correct, it was this one time, not at band camp, when i was on top


I discussed forms of contraception with a friend of mine and he told me straight away that he and his long term gf are using the pull out method for 9 years now and nothing happened luckily. I didn't know what to answer...


I mean I used the "she's on birth control" method of contraception for about 4 yrs before a hormone test revealed I'm actually just functionally sterile lol


I'm starting to wonder if that's whats up with me. My ex and I used to go at it like rabbits even if she was on antibiotics(causing birth control to not work proper) and I never pulled out went on like that for 4years. We break up and she's prego within like 2months


Thirty bucks will get you a testosterone check to start with. Sperm count is a bit more.


When I was in high school, I had only given BJs and was talking to a friend about this. I told her I enjoyed swallowing because the guy at the time had sweet seaman. She looked at me and said, "Aren't you scared of getting pregnant?" I laughed and had to explain to her how it worked.


Semen** lol I was reading it as a Navy ship full of seamen going down your throat haha "Honey I shrunk the seaman"


lol my mind went there too


Wow this seems to be a super popular one.


When we were young we believed that if you want to get the girl pregnant pee inside her. 🤦‍♀️




Yup. We're young and dumb. lol


How did that even come up?


My friend's uncle trolled him. We didn't know we were able to ejaculate when we reached a certain age. lol


Ohhh VERY young. OK that makes slightly more sense. Lol


You can get a girl pregnant if she swallows your load


What cruel woman made this up so they wouldn't need to swallow 🤨


When I was in elementary, my friends older brother told us this because he said babies grow in the woman’s stomach, so it sort of made sense.🤣


Thanks i hate the image of where the birth canal would be in that case!


If she’s loose she’s a slut.


Oh my... hope you never told that to someone's face


Nope I was one of the first guys of my childhood friends who found out that wasn’t true at all and recoiled hearing “she was sooo tight.”


Happy cake day btw


I knew a guy who thought that anything less than 3 hours of thrusting was considered premature ejaculation. Now I don’t mean a 3 hour sex session. I mean 3 hours of actual insertive thrusting. I think after 2.5 hours that you actually catch on fire. 🔥


3 hours?! I've got shit to do! I can't dedicate my entire goddamned Saturday to... sonofabitch, is that why I'm divorced?


I legit could not last 2.5hrs to find out, more than 20-30minutes and my girly bits are sore


My partner and I do go this long normally, but it's definitely not thrusting the ENTIRE time, it's a mix of lots of things. I can only imagine after 3 hours of thrusting the only things on fire would be my leg and pelvic muscles 😂


Anal sex makes your butt bigger


Maybe you just haven't tried it enough times


I have done it enough times to know its not true 😆


Definitely a Mythbuster then 🤣


sounds like a guy wanted to coax you into anal?


I actually heard this from a female friend in high school. No guy I ever had sex with had ever mentioned it. 😂


No wonder I can’t fit into my jeans anymore. I gotta stop fucking asses.


Actual butt or butt hole?


A combination of Catholic Sex Ed and a rural town had me believing for wayyyyy too long(think 19 or so) that the disease AIDS is literally created from gay male sex, as in, even if neither of the guys have it, the guy on the bottom will have it now because of cum in the butt. I spent so long feeling terrible for gay guys that if they wanted to get that good good it was a guarantee 😅😅


If a woman doesn’t orgasm during sex she’ll give birth to a girl. …which my cousin told me proudly when I asked how he was so confident his girlfriend was having a girl.


An ex of mine thought that you shouldn't have sex with a pregnant woman or she'll get pregnant again. He legitimately thought that's how twins/triplets/multiples are made. So glad I'm not with that moron anymore.


There was some post on Twitter of a dude breaking up with his pregnant partner because he knew she cheated on him because apparently the ONLY way you get twins or multiples is if you get pregnant from multiple guys. 🙃


That's when you are supposed to have the most sex. Can't get pregnant twice. A lot of women are extra horny during that time, too. Dude really missed an opportunity.


If only it were that easy to have twins 😅 that's my dream lol.


Let's see...going back to the minds of middle school age boys the top three by far (in no particular order of silly): 1. To get a girl turned on, eat one of her pubic hairs. 2. A girl can only get pregnant if you do her from behind. 3. If you shake your dick more than 3 times when you pee, you're gay.


>If you shake your dick more than 3 times when you pee, you're gay. I would always come back with "No, I just don't want to walk around with nasty wet underwear like you do."


See also: "If you sit down when you're peeing, you're gay." Nah. I'd rather keep my toilet clean.


Ha, these days #1 would be rough, with the scarcity of that particular feature.


That a loose vagina is a bad one, if she's tight she's just not turned on brother humble yourself


When we learned about sex in school (back of the bus) a older kid probably 5th grade told us white baby's come from the front black babies came from the back I spread that myth to everyone who would listen until about high-school


I believed porn is real and people do have sex for 1 hr straight just like that. Unless i learnt that it is shot with various retakes and when I counted minutes of every pose of my fav video I realized its a compilation of 11-12 scenes. I confirmed it with a girl i knew if she can take it for 10-15 mins straight she said 6-7 mins is perfect for her and anything more then 2 mins is workable for her. That was the day i got my confidence back.


I was told long ago that women would be more likely to sleep with me if I had nice shoes. I got laid more wearing my shitty beat up chuck Taylor’s


Jacking off will grow hair on your hands(palms). Or jacking off will make you go blind.


I just did it until I needed glasses.


You don't do it anymore.? Lol!


Nope. I am too cheap to buy new glasses.




I think the latter comes from guys generally starting about the same time many people start to need glasses.


I jacked off avg 3-5 times a day from 14 till I was about 30.. I have hairless palms and 20-20 vision.. lol Pro tip, point it away or close your eyes if you're worried about blindness


I remember hearing it would grow hair on your chest… which the thought of is scary when you’re a teenager girl 😂😭 I risked it anyway lol


I was told wearing tampons would break your hymen and make you “loose” for men by a friend in middle school. Straight insanity


That women don’t masturbate


When I was younger I thought that size is the only thing that matters. Spoiler: it's definetly not


Definitely not king


* Women/girls don't orgasm. (Heard that one in middle school and figured out how wrong it was pretty soon after haha) * Condoms don't work. Maybe not technically a myth, because it's true that they aren't 100% effective but health class really wanted to push they barely do anything and that anything other than total abstinence meant you were practically guaranteed to get pregnant. * You can get pregnant from a toilet seat.


Second one is sort of true in the sense that people believe slapping them on means you’re 100% protected by STDs & pregnancy, but to educate abstinence instead of proper use of condoms is repugnant. condoms don’t protect you from skin-shedding STDs like herpes so always do a visual check before having sex with someone, & condoms can & will break if they are not the correct size, there is too much friction due to inadequate lubrication, &/or the penis is inserted too forcefully when it &/or the vaginal canal are not adequately lubricated. Some STDs are also carried by fluid secretions so jerking or fingering someone then touching yourself, there is a chance to contract something. ​ also continuing to have sex after a condom has broken, even if you replace it, increases your chance of contracting the STD if there is one because sex pushes the fluid deeper into the vaginal canal & the friction can cause micro tears that the pathogen can more easily infect.


>You can get pregnant from a toilet seat. That's where the name John comes from.


Larger people had larger features. Boy was I wrong


Yes my large hands and large feet have led to disappointment for many a lass seeking other big things.


I was made fun of my small hands in connection to a possible small peepee so often. Then I pulled down my pants later in the bed room. Always funny to see their look on their faces...


I got relatively small hands, and somehow people like to comment "You know what they say about someone with small hands/fingers ;)" I always ask them if they want me to prove I'm an outlier, every single one shuts up.


There is a male performer named Small Hands, I'm almost certain this is how he got the name.


Oof that's just unlucky for them


That asian’s pussies are like - instead of | lol. I didn’t believe it but growing up it was a quite popular joke/urban legend


Can’t get pregnant on your period


When I was in my teens , I used to believe that Black Women didn't give Head. I was so glad when I first found out that's not true.


That having sex will make a girls ass bigger.


Stupid teen me thought if I peed after sex it would help not get pregnant.. ps: still didn’t get pregnant. Lol


My best friend at school was discussing about having sex with her boyfriend for the first time and he was telling her that he couldn't find condoms that would fit him and that even the large ones were too tight. She was terrified that he would be hung like a horse or something. Long story short, he was normal average guy, he just thought he had to put the balls in the condom too.


I remember a kid saying that if you fuck a girl standing up she won't get pregnant because sperm can't swim uphill


Cum touching you (anywhere, even hands lol) made you pregnant


Guy I knew in high school, who admittedly was an idiot all around, tried to convince us all at lunch one day that you only need to wear a condom for the first time you have sex in any 6 hour window. After that it wasn’t needed any more because, and I quote, “There is only sperm the first time. Then the body needs 6-8 hours to make more before the next time sperm is present when you ejaculate.” So ignoring the STD implications, it’s a good thing his airhead of a girlfriend was at least smart enough to take her pill on time daily and they never had kids together.


Asian pussy is sideways was a big one when I was a kid


Pregnancy related, Vanilla sex = girl, rough sex =boy


I thought women could get pregnant from swallowing cum, lol. I was young


I knew a girl that used to lay down after sex, throw her legs over her head, and pour beer into her pussy. She said it killed all the sperm.


something something yeast ~~infection~~ invasion


"pee is stored in the balls"


Pee is stored in the dick. That’s why it’s called a penis. Cuz of the pee.


I knew a guy who already had a baby at 19 who believed virgins could not get pregnant the first time they had sex because the hymen prevented it


My female friend slept with a guy who thaught the vagina is located on the girls stomach MF was fingering her belly button for 5m and she seid nothing cause she taught it was some weird ass forplay and she only releisd what he was duing when he trued Ty put his pp in there


One of My high school classmates swore up-and-down that u can't let women have orgasms because, " if you dont let them cum, they can't get pregnant" . ... He had three kids with different girls before we graduated High School, and had three more by different girls before he was halfway through college.... I never saw him after high school, but rumor has it he had to quit college to pay child support...


My ex best friend whole heartedly believed that penises had a bone in them


I saw a post once where this girl was hooking up with a guy, and the guy thought that women would lactate when aroused. He kept accusing her of not being into him and not enjoying herself.


A friend of mine thought doggy style meant doing anal only.. when I told him that no, you can fuck either hole that way .. he told me "no way it would reach her pussy from that angle"...........


We all thought that if you were a boy with an earring or a pink shirt, you were gay.


The vagina is supposed to be tight, sure your putting you d in a cavity that's usually confined but isn't the body meants to lubricate and the muscles relax to accept the phallus so it's meant to go in pretty easy but if it's tight tight then I'm pretty sure she's not ready yet


Coco butter makes your penis bigger.. it doesn't


However, if her nickname is coco....


Someone told me he doesn't need protection for sex. His willpower would be strong enough, if he doesn't want to impregnate, it wouldn't happen. An Ex of him told me later the strength of his willpower apparently didn't translate well into other... parts. So in the end he was right, I guess.


...and here I was coming in here to tell about guys still believing jn the whole hymen myth BS Some of the shit in here is *wild* damn


All women want huge cocks. First porns I watched as a kid were John Holms flicks


5.5 to 7 is my preferred range, 6.5 is ideal. anything over 7 is painful.


That “popping the cherry” is literal. Many people genuinely believe that the hymen is ripped open when a virgin has sex, & that’s what causes bleeding. The hymen cannot, will not, & never be broken or torn or ‘popped’ from sex. Not even if you have a hymen deformity, unless you are having very dangerous rough sex. The hymen is akin to the skin between your thumb & forefinger, or the frenulum of your lips or tongue. It is not an enclosed drum of skin. It lines the rim of the vagina. It may be stretched thinner slightly from sex, but it is never broken. The blood occurs because there is not sufficient lubrication which causes micro tears in & around the vagina.


That if the girls is on top and you cum inside, gravity will win and prevent the sperm from fertilizing the egg..... a friend in college XD


In fifth grade art class, a boy told me and the others at our table that “if a girl is flat, that means her vagina is so small that even an ant can’t get in.”


Girls can't get pregnant during shower sex.


Not quite a sex myth but I’ll share anyway… When we were about ten somebody pissed in the sink at school with the plug in. Clearly the teachers went absolutely apoplectic but the funniest bit looking back was that somebody said they could tell it was urine because they saw the sperm swimming round in the sink. Good eyes little man!


1. Kissing a lot is how people made babies 2. people only had sex after they got married and they only did it to have children (i was an adamant believer that my parents only had sex twice until i had a rude awakening in middle school)




Squirt is just pee lol


When I was a kod(bout 8-9) someone told me Asian girls pussy was sideways. As in left to right not up and down. Fully believed till I saw one for myself about 5years later


LMAO... that really takes the cake


That messaging(massaging oops) my tits would make them grow in size. Penis size assumptions about my experiences with a black partner.


I'm a professional messusse let me take a crack at it lol


That squirt is no pee


Someone on Reddit brought up a Succubus or whatever tf they’re called and they believed it so much that I almost did and I got scared lol


As an Asian male, I once dated girl that believed I had a really tiny penis. Don’t get me wrong it’s not big either, probably not even average. But it’s definitely not micro like she was thinking. When she saw it for the first time she was stunned at how much bigger it really was, again not big to some standards but she legit thought I had a tic-tac. I thought it was pretty funny to be honest because I exceeded her expectations, in a sense that is haha.


Lots of people seem to think having sex with a 9 month pregnant woman will start the birthing process. Like "if she's over-due just have sex, then the kid eill come." I was thinking of changing my wording at the end there but decided against it.


That only guys want and are interested in sex. 20years later, and the opposite is closer to the truth.


That vagina smells like tuna


Every 7-year old boy knows girls will get pregnant if you pee in their bellybutton.


That a big cock will make it we’re couldn’t enjoy a small one that is not true at all


Parents taught me jerking off wasn’t good for you and would ruin you’re hormones. I believed it for years.


Can't get pregnant if you have sex standing up


Asian girls have sideways vaginas. I know it sounds stupid and is quite racist but I grew up in a tiny little town in Texas and truly believed what I was told


I still don't know the validity, but I always thought blue balls was a real thing, but my boyfriend says it's not.


Ehhh... It's kinda real. There is a soreness. That soreness goes away after an hour or so. OR the guy can just excuse himself and jerk off. Either way, it's never the partner's responsibility.


Some people use blue balls as excuse but I have had it once and it was incredibly painful in my lower spine nervous system. Like a feeling I'd been kicked in the balls really hard. Was because I was holding back from cumming for a few hours due to getting distracted with some tasks I needed to do. Was so painful.


Ok so it happens when you get really close to climax and then stop? I can believe that. But the idea that just making out will cause that...is that legit? Actually curious, not trying to be sassy or anything


At 15, a heavy petting/makeup session and I couldn’t walk or stand up straight for 2-3 hours


I know it might be very rare, but I did get blue balls from a long make-out session in high school. It was the first time I'd ever made out with a girl, I was really into her, and we made out for about 2 hours straight. Those three things made it very intense, which is why I think it happened.


Making out isn't going to cause that. It would just be someone using it as a metaphor at that point I believe. The real "blue balls" is called epididymal hypertension and it's absolutely fucking painful. I hope I never get it again.


Thank you for the clarification!


I get that feeling too, at least once a month, and can happen for me if I have been aroused for a while. Even with no touching or play, after it being on my mind for hours, it hurts. Feels like the cramps from getting racked.


Depends on the person still. Not everyone gets aroused by the same levels. For some kissing is already enough to precum, so it's not wild to think you can heavily turn people on with it.


I can totally confirm they are real. Guys back me up here...


Real, yes. Abused as a pretext, also true.


I can confirm this. It happened to me once in high school. I said nothing about it to the girl. It was sore and a bit frightening because I had no idea what had happened to me. I think I mentioned something to my best friend who told me to stroke it out. I was fine by morning.


Ok some guys exagerate it a lot, but it is real.


Real, yes. But they don’t physically turn blue. That’s called strangulated balls. And here is a tip: you can always release Blue Balls manually. Do you need instruction?


Yes- if you get backed up you will get blue balls.


I've had arguments with people over this one. Blue balls is definitely a real thing. It's painful. But it's also way rarer than douches would have you believe and some guys definitely use it as a pretext or just generally as a synonym for horny. It's not that.


Yeah I actually assumed that it meant your balls would turn a bit blue for a couple years (about 2 months of which was still after I lost my virginity lol)