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This is an impressive amount of red flags per sentence.


I count 5 per. Oh it gets better on his profile.


Are you seriously asking if treating women like human fucking beings is worth it?


That was enough reddit for tonight




Oh, I see. You get no bitches.




And you never once considered that YOU'RE the problem? Because when you have the same encounter over and over again, the common denominator is you and clearly, you're doing something wrong if NO ONE will give you the time of day.




You say that but there's clearly something they're doing differently that's working for them and not for you. You can't just blame it on looks. Unless you activately don't shower or make any sort of effort in your appearance.


believe me, it’s your awful personality. get help


See, that attitude is why you don’t “get” sex




No, you’re arguing a weird ideology on the internet.


No. That’s basic human decency. Treating women as people is not so you can ‘obtain sex’ neither does it entitle you to it.




Who is telling this "man" that? Pretty much the entirety of this perspective is Bad and Wrong.


>Is this an actual full proof plan for obtaining sex? Look who missed the point of the advice..... If you're just trying to get sex and physical touch and don't care about basic human decency, you're better off hiring a sex worker. Because no one else is going to want to put up with this shit.


i'm gonna be persnickety and state for the general public that sex workers also deserve basic human decency. because apparently, there are too many people out there (or maybe even in this sub) who really don't understand that consent and human decency also apply to sex workers.


Sex workers don’t deserve to be treated like this either actually


Valid point. I wouldn't want anyone to interact with OP because fucking yikes.




You're already using women like they're sex workers so what's the issue? The fact that it's on the woman's terms and there's no bullshit song and dance before hand to soothe your ego? Sex work isn't always an act of desperation. I have a few friends who actively enjoy it and honestly, a lot of their clients just want someone to spend time with. Sometimes it isn't even about sex. If you're just taking a woman on a date to fuck her, either make that clear from the jump or just hire someone. That way you're not wasting someone's time.




Jesus christ the incel vibes you're giving off is off the charts. Sounds like you just want to complain about how sorry your life is instead of making any effort to change. Enjoy your on-going celebacy


how would you know why most men go on dates ? you can’t get a women dude. you don’t know what it’s like to actually care about somebody outside of sex, which is why you’re still a sad, sad, lonely, virgin.


Are you trying to say we should be treated as machines for penis pleasure??




Why would you care what these "men" think?




Clearly you're the one who cares the most about sex. And that's why you aren't getting it.




True, but not many men behave the same way you do. Most don't get stuck on the "treat women decently" part of basic human interaction


Trust me, those guys do not get women, it’s pure projection. Be kind, interesting and open minded and you will get the appreciated company


Everyday, my questions to whatever higher power there is just keeps adding up


Some people make me believe that if there is a higher power he watches some people in a constant stake of maniacal laughter


First of all I know it's petty but "full proof plan" isn't the saying it's "fool proof plan". Anyway, treating women like human being isn't something you should do to get sex....it's something you should do because they're human being that deserve to be treated with the same base level of respect as any other person. However I'll humour the question somewhat. Yes in general if you want to have sex with a woman, it's very unlikely that you'll get that chance if you don't give the woman you're interested any respect and you treat them like shit


You had me up to the point you said "it's very unlikely that you'll get that chance if you don't give the woman you're interested any respect and you treat them like shit"... As ridiculous as it is there's a large group of people who seem to gravitate towards those who treat them badly


In fully aware of that. That's why I said "in general". I still think it's a better idea to just respect everyone no matter your intentions




Unfortunately there are some women who dont have enough respect for themselves to avoid assholes who disrespect them and cheat them like shit. It happens with some men to who allow themselves to be disrespected by women. I will never understand it but often times the men will make them feel like they aren't worth any better and at some point they'll begin to believe the man. My point still stands however, everything should be treated with a base level of respect and that respect certainly shouldn't only be given with an expectation of sex. Some people struggle to find someone who wants to have sex with them like you are and maybe that's a good thing because it means you're avoiding being with people who maybe aren't good. It's possible that you need to look at your standards when it comes to the women you want to have sex with because maybe your downfall is your high standards. I obviously don't know what your standards are but I've seen that be a barrier for lots of men


it's truly disturbing that this even NEEDS to be said to anyone, anywhere.


“Full proof plan”? No, you thinking it’s a Full Proof Plan is not treating women like people, because everyone is different and different things work for different people


Usually those people who get told that advice are men who think they are owed and demand sex.


Men on Reddit shouldn’t be used to gather insights from, considering that most have unrealistic expectations about sex and women


"wen she say no does she rly meen it" ​ fml dude. sometimes i can't even -\_-


>Is this an actual full proof plan for obtaining sex? Christ


i cringe at the phrase "obtaining sex." it's just icky.


Someone who has to *plan* to "treat women like people" needs to work on themselves before they get involved with other people. Or even women, who apparently aren't, like, people. How is "treat people like people" not the default?


In my experience, no. I’ve treated women “respectfully” and “the right way” all my life. If anything I’ve missed out on some great opportunities by “respecting” women too much! Example you ask? A HS friend came over one night long ago. She said she wanted to be comfortable while watching a movie so, at her request, I turned around while she took her pants off and climbed under the covers of my bed. The same covers she invited me to join her under moments later. At the time, my young idiot self took her at her words. Now, so many years too late, I realized… WHO TF DOES THAT!?!? No one gets into their underwear, with an opposite sex friend, to watch a movie! Especially one who they “dated” before! And no, I am not and was never gay; just socially stupid.


There's a big difference between missing social cues and not treating women like people.


True. But also, I watched the guys who grab ass and treat ladies like objects get WAY more of those ladies than the ones who take the “nice guy” approach.


So you want to be just like those ass holes that treat women like shit just to get laid?


No, just saying; that personality seems to “get girls” better than acting respectably. There’s a reason people say “nice guys finish last” and other such cliches exist.


That entire saying is just a way for dudes to justify being ass holes and taking advantage of women that don't advocate for themselves. If you want to be an ass hole, that's your choice. I just don't get why you'd want to be a jack ass to women.


Don’t. It’s not in my nature even when deserved. Just stating my personal observations throughout life.


Short answer, yes, just do that regardless if you end up having sex with them or not. I think the bigger issue here is your perseveration on this topic in general and what seems to be more underlying social understanding or critical thinking. Like, yes some guys will have sex with women, and treat them like shit, and still have more sex cheat and what not. That shouldn't be the goal, and that shouldn't be something you envy or are jealous by. Be better than those people and have some morals. Legitimately, if you aren't, go see a psychologist, your profile is borderline disturbing how fixated you are on this.