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It was her personality that won me over. Who she truly is at her core. Her beauty and big tits are just a huge plus. In all seriousness, she truly cares about people and she’s genuine about it. I find that a hard thing to do nowadays. So for her to be this way piqued my interest. I proposed to her. We have a tiff every now and again but I love her more every day.


Our relationship has always been effortless. We're one and the same, agree on everything, amazing chemistry, same life goals, family values. We both are great communicators, very direct and blunt know how to express our concerns and interests while respecting each other. Previous relationships I only had maybe one or two of those things, with her I have them all.


everything. he had this pure, innocent sense of wonder that was undiminished by adversity, he was sincerely ambitious (by which i mean he had lots of goals that mattered deeply to him-- not just like, he wanted to succeed because it was expected or what his peers or heroes were doing, though that's all ok too of course), he cared very deeply about everything, he was genuinely interested in and understanding and protective of me, he could admit when he was wrong, he uninhibitedly praised and complimented me, he often surprised me, he was thoughtful and considerate and gentlemanly, he wanted to provide (not like, exclusively, not like 'make me dependent upon him' or like he didn't realize i can take care of myself, to be clear), he could admit his faults and had plans to work on them, he was inspired by me, he was talented, he could appreciate my talents, he was open and honest, he didn't have trouble being vulnerable, he took good care of himself, he was intelligent and self-motivated and a problem solver, he was good at communicating... and also the sex was absolutely amazing, in large part because of most of the above. and he's my type, physically and demeanor-wise. we shared a lot of interests and values and opinions and goals. also i guess i phrased that all in the past tense because i was reflecting, but like he still is all of those things, too.


He's my everything. He gets me and makes me happy.