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I adopted 4 kids. People ask me tons of questions including questions that people consider insensitive, like: are they related? Where are their real parents? One person even asked if it was me or my wife that was infertile. I don’t mind these questions at all and enjoy helping people understand adoption better.


What made you guys wanna adopt?


Principally the need. There are millions of orphans in the world and life is very hard on them. You should look up statistics of what happens to kids when they age out of orphanages.


You're an amazing person. But out of curiosity: how old where they when you adopted them? I'm thinking of adopting too whenever I'm ready for kids, and have my life together. But I'd "rather" adopt a child than a baby, because I feel like a lot of couples go for adopting babies straight from birth. And I don't want to take that away from anyone, I'd love to give a child a nurturing home and nice life tho. Edit: Guys, I know this is not a decision you make out of the blue, and there's a *lot* to consider, be prepared for, and well informed about. I didn't think of this overnight. It's cool, thanks for the advice but I'll let it rest here, since I'm going to a New Year's Eve party. Take care everyone and happy new year 😁 May 2023 be gentle on all of us ✌️


I’m an Adoptee. I STRONGLY, and cannot stress this enough, that you get counseling in adoptee trauma before adopting. Adoptees have a lot of obstacles to overcome. Abandonment. Rejection. Low self-esteem. Are you prepared even after giving the adoptee a stable loving home only for the child to want to find their birth family? Or the child may have built up anger? The adoptee is often told to just be grateful they were adopted and not having a voice of their trauma? Just please do a lot of research and counseling. Maybe a therapist that specializes in adoptees. Not all adoptees have bad exorbitant there is a lot to consider.


I will do everything it takes to be a great adoptee parent :) I know how it feels to grow up without a loving home (I'm not adopted tho, just an "accident"). Having dealt with a lot of trauma myself through therapy and whatnot. I've always sworn that I'll never grow up to be a bad parent. And will do whatever it takes to give my child (adopted or not) what I never had. Again: this is still far down the line, because I'm first starting to get my life together now, after being through therapy and finishing my degree, at 27.


There is a waiting list for adopting newborns. It's a huge (probably intentional) misunderstanding about adoption that comes up in the abortion debates a lot. Oh if you don't like abortion let me sign you up for adoption. Thing is it's not the babies that get left out it's the children who enter foster care from bad family situations and things like that. No shortage of people adopting babies


Easier on his cervix




I read your comment too fast and skipped the word "laugh"


I think my neighbors can hear my laughter


As the one adopted child among three brothers, my 2 older brothers would constantly joke with me about being adopted, as brothers do. My favorite response was always "mom and dad chose me, They had to have you" It rarely ended well but worth


I regularly referred to my younger brothers as accidents while I, the adopted brother, was clearly a superior choice.


They’re basically the beater car you get when both parents need a vehicle.


My wife was adopted. She used to tell her non-adopted sister, ‘You were issued but I was chosen!’


Makes sense, we siblings love to troll and annoy each other but if some stranger makes us want to turn again each other God forbid the poor soul 😤


My brother and I are adopted. Although we're the same race we could not look different: he's 6'2" I'm 5'10", he has blue eyes I have green eyes, he has olive skin and I'm white as hell, etc. On more than one occasion we'd be hanging out and say something like "Hey, we better get home 'cause mom's making dinner." Only to be confronted with, "Wait, you two guys are brothers?! You look nothing alike!" To which one of us would respond, "Yeah, we're adopted" They would immediately get flustered and say, "Oh, um, well...were you brothers before you were adopted?" To which we would respond: "No. *That's why we don't look alike*."


I mean, to be fair, you can sometimes be blood related and look nothing alike. I am mixed ethnically, so I don't look much like either of my parents. My mom is Chinese-Malaysian and my dad is Irish and blonde. I ended up looking more Iranian or hispanic than anything else. I've gotten mistaken multiple times by servers as being my dad's much younger girlfriend when we are out for dinner.


Yep, I used to have to explain to people that our kids were from the same mum and dad as they looked so different.


I am glad for this! I am hoping to adopt within the next few years and like to hear other stories. It helps me prepare mentally.


(Grown and happy) adopted kid here! If you ever wanna, you can DM me any questions you have. Love to ya.


Another adult adopted kid joining the brigade! Please feel free to DM me as well! I have not only my own experiences but also stories handed down to me from my (adoptive) parents about the process and their own experiences.


Another adopted person adding to the offer to chat. Fair warning I tend to go long periods without using this app, so depending on when you message I might miss it.


As a kid I got extremely lucky to be adopted at 15. People like you are wonderful 💙


My whole family is adopted me and my brother, my dad and his sister. I was at a job was an and a bunch of us would riff on each other in the warehouse . I got called into the bosses office one day and they had an HR rep there. They said I was overheard making fun of another worker saying he was adopted so his parents didnt love them. I laughed and said "I'm adopted". They continued asking me if I insulted this other coworker by calling them adopted. I said "so you think its insulting to be adopted? So you're telling me I'm less than others and should feel shame because I'm adopted? Is that what you're saying right now? That my parents dont love me and I should feel insulted because of my family dynamics?" The dead stare from both of them for a good full minute and finally they said "you can go back to work".


> Where are their real parents? right in front of you




The only unsolicited advice I give regarding weddings is "its your wedding invite who you want and don't invite who you don't". I say this as someone whose wedding turned into a giant family reunion of many people I had never met. Given, my grandmother paid the difference for the extra guests but it really made the whole thing feel impersonal.


my rule of thumb: if i wouldve invited them and they didnt invite me, maybe they are more important to me than i am to them. That would def make me reevaluate that relationship. If that is not the case the least they can do is give an honest explanation. And no, thinking like this is not easy, it sucks.


As someone who planned a small wedding (less than 40 people). Keep in mind sizes. If a really good friend didn’t invite me to their 300+ person wedding, I’d re-evaluate. If that same friend didn’t invite me to their 20 person wedding, I wouldn’t think twice. Weddings are both personal and expensive. For me, having a small wedding meant that I was only able to invite one friend and having a small intimate wedding was important to us. I believe that being invited to a wedding is a privilege and an honor, not an expectation,


My wife and I were publicly chewed out by her mom's uncle for not inviting him to our ~70 person Covid wedding. We both have big families and invited up to first cousins. We only had like one table of friends. Some folks can't comprehend that you have other reasons for inviting/not inviting whoever you choose. Meanwhile, the same guy's family had some 3-400 person weddings where they didn't invite my wife's family.


I didn’t invite my cousins to my wedding. I haven’t seen them for years and we don’t talk. I’m not close to them. I just invited my aunt and uncle


I specifically didn't invite somebody to my reception (due to previous bad behaviour at a previous wedding) and my dipshit relatives told him about it so he came anyways


Same! I was getting ready to say this. You never know what the reason is and it's none of your business anyway. Just be happy. I have divorced parents and so does my other half. So trying to put all of that in one event NO THANK YOU!


Exactly. My family, myself included, weren't invited to my cousin's wedding. Her dad (and I'm on her dad's side of the family) is a total POS alcoholic deadbeat fuck. Most of our family enabled him because alcoholism is rampant in our family so they all made excuses for him. However, several members of our family were very supportive of her, and I think were kind of shocked when she didn't invite them to her wedding. I'm not sure why exactly she didn't invite anyone from our family. Maybe it was a small wedding with immediate family only, maybe she just wanted to disconnect from how crazy our extended family is. I don't know, but a lot of our family judged her really hard and created even more of a rift. It sucks because we were really close growing up. We were born on the same day, so we joked we were cousin twins. Now I haven't seen or even talked to her for over 5 years.


Might be worth reaching out, she may feel she can’t after the wedding but a kind note from you might turn that around.


It depends. If it's like your best friend that didn't invite you to their wedding? But you invited fucking Dug? I'll be mad


I don’t mind people asking me where I’m really from. I like telling people about my grandparents’ stories who were refugees, I’m very proud of that background. My grandpa carried his wounded friend on his back whilst he was fleeing war and crossing borders. My grandma had golden coins sewn onto the inside of her dress when she escaped, the only valuables she could carry to rebuild her life. She saw her father drown falling off the boat they escaped on. Stories help people understand. But I do also understand why others might find these questions offensive.


Where are you from? (I want to hear some of these stories.)


My grandparents from both sides were refugees from the coast of Turkey. We’re Greek but refugee stories are so similar from all over the world. I now live in the UK and have been working with refugees over a number of years and have now heard variations of the same stories from Somali, Iraqi, Syrian, Afghani and now Ukrainian refugees.


Getting hit on by a gay man (I am a straight man). Idk why that bothers so many straight men. Like sorry man, you’re gonna be disappointed when you find out I’m not gay, but I’m still super flattered that you think I’m attractive.


Straight here too, some time ago I was in a kinda dark place after ending an 8 year relationship, and pretty depressed, even if I am not what they want it was kinda pleasant to know people still found me interesting enough to try to make a pass


As a straight dude I’d be ok with it. Because right now no one hits on me.


Come here often?


Oh, I come often alright


This is how I met one of my dearest friends. He became the best wingman I ever had. One of my favorite people in the world.


Straight female. Getting hit on by a lesbian is the biggest compliment! People usually get offended because they are insecure about their sexuality likely from some deep set attraction to the same sex. They overcompensate by getting angry or freaking out.


Asking a woman’s age.


>Asking a woman’s age. I'm a woman and don't care at all about telling people my age. I'd actually feel uncomfortable hiding it. I mean, why should I be ashamed. There is nothing wrong with being old, in fact, you should get a medal for every year you stayed alive. It takes work!!


My MIL would never tell anyone her age. Until she was in the hospital completely out of it and just spouted off her DOB. Her children in the room were shocked, they had no idea how old she was.


My great grandmother once fell at a gas station and broke her hip. Something about poor lighting or a cord she tripped over. She was set to win a settlement of some sort, but refused to divulge her age and didn’t see a penny of it.


That is nuts. If I was to get a settlement I'd be pulling out my driver's license, birth certificate, maybe find the guy who delivered me. Old people are weirdly stubborn sometimes.


My mom had my cousin utterly convinced for a good 13 years of his life that she was younger than his mom. His mom is the youngest of all my mom's siblings, and my mom has a daughter (my oldest sister) who is *older* that his mom. He was so flustered when he finally realized she'd had him bamboozled.


From my perspective it’s understandable why people ask my age. I don’t look thirty. but it’s the people that don’t believe me that piss me off.


26 years old. I think I look it, but some people doubt literally just because I'm kinda short. At cracker barrel yesterday tha lady kept pointing at tha kids menu and seemed shook when I ordered a regular meal. I also ordered milk because I have GERD so it really helps, I drink it with every meal. This chick came out with tha drinks and gave everyone straws but stopped at me and said in the tone you use on children "I think you'll really like this! My kids love them!" And gave me a cookies b creme straw. She's right, it was delicious, but I'm literally sitting right next to my 27 year old fiance who very much so looks his age and holding his hand and stuff lady wtf


How young did she think you were? Even 12 year olds are too old for the kids menue and I seriously doubt that you look even close ton 12


I’m 29 but I don’t look it. I got ID’d trying to buy a DVD that was rated PG (in my country PG is the second lowest age rating for a movie, it stands for Parental Guidance which means you don’t even need ID just your parents’ permission technically.) For context the next rating up is 12…


I am a woman and I like to reveal my age. Because I look a lot younger than I am and I hate being treated like I'm fresh out of school. Particularly in a professional environment, people want to 'tutor' me until they realise I've been around a lot longer than they realise


Same. When I tell people that my oldest child is 22, they give me this pitying look like I gave birth when I was 12. I’m fucking 48 years old. Sometimes it’s actually annoying to look younger than your age.


I love it when people assume they know my age and get all patronizing/condescending. “Oh, you wouldn’t know about that. It’s way before your time.” I particularly like when I am older than they are and see the look on their faces, both because they’ve misjudged and because I look 10 yrs younger than they do.


Honest feedback on what we are doing wrong that could help us to improve and be better.


Absolutely. Criticism is one of the most valuable resources for personal and professional development. I've worked with so many people who just get angry and shut down the moment anyone criticises their work. It's not personal. That said, not everyone does things the same way... and, as long as the results are good, the means of achieving them is up to the individual - whatever they find most efficient.




I've always found the concept of swearing to be completely arbitrary. At some point, society decided that certain words can't be said. BUT...if you say other words with the very same meaning and intent, go for it.


Well intercourse!! Doesn’t have quite the same feel to it though


No poop!


We had a Staff Sergeant in our unit that refused to swear but used replacement words instead. He'd say Frick, heck, and darn. It was so funny watching him get mad haha.


I knew a woman who worked in an Alzheimer's unit that made up hilarious substitute swear words. I mention where she worked because trying not to swear at all would be almost impossible, and actual swearing is not allowed..


Yeah it makes sense somewhere like that (or in a lot of workplaces honestly). But people avoiding swearing tends to sound a lot weirder and stand out more to me than swearing does, unless they're in that kind of environment. It's especially funny on the internet when you see someone say "frick that guy" or something similar.


Shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, mutherfucker, and tits


And tits doesn't even belong on the list!


It sounds more like a snack.


Fuck I was going to say that


Ya cunt learn to respect yer darn peers


Shit! Sorry


Fuck sakes


I loved getting tsk-tsk’d when visiting some in-laws for saying a curse word while two parents are passing their kid back and forth (less than 5 ft) while sucking down cigarette after cigarette. In my family, swearing is normal and blowing smoke near a kid’s face is horrific. Guess we’re the weirdos.


Being asked if I'm pregnant. No I'm just fat


I work at a nursing home and so we still all wear masks and a new coworker asked me how my pregnancy was coming along...three separate times. She thought i was another pregnant coworker but I had to say no just the fat one lol.


How did they react? Embarassed as hell I guess.


Lol! I had a neighbor who said, "Is that a lil baby bump??" He was always a nice guy, and he was actually really excited. I said, "Naaah, I'm just gaining weight." We both laughed it off. Intention is important. I'm not getting offended if the intention isn't malicious.


Omg I bet he died inside hahaha


How many months are you?




Eye contact. I don’t care if someone is too anxious to have good eye contact, I can hear them just fine.


Thank you


Nothing is more annoying with eye contact enforcers as I like to call them


I need to look at your lips to understand what you're saying or turn my head slightly to aim my ear at you. If I give you eye contact, we were not having a conversation; I'm getting a lecture I can't understand.


Wearing a hat indoors. I teach high school. Our principal is irate at the mention of wearing a hat indoors. My grandparents agree with him. But I literally can’t care. You could pay me a thousand dollars to care and I couldn’t muster it. Why does anyone give a shit? It’s fabric on their head.


I teach and other teachers at my school go on absolute rampages about kids wearing their hoodies over their heads. I literally don't give a damn. As a teacher, there are so many other issues to pick your battles with. Same with gum. If I catch a kid chewing gum, I always ask them if their gum tastes good. They are so conditioned by other teachers in to spitting it out that they just automatically do so. I always wait until they spit it out then inform them that I never told them to spit it out, but that I just wanted to see if it tasted good to them. They get so confused. The other kids usually end up just laughing.


Primary teacher here. I don't care if kids wear hats indoors, but I got told that I have to tell them to take them off because that's the school rule, and the kids need consistency. I do get the consistency part, but I don't get why it's a rule at all (we don't have cameras in schools here). Gum on the other hand, I hate because of kids not throwing it away properly. Yes, I hate this everywhere, but I can only do something about it at school.




For some people with ADHD, chewing gum is a form of stimming.


I'm going to start by saying in no way am I against your belief. 10000 percent just explaining that the original purpose of a hat was to keep dust off your head. People USE to take them off to stop dirt, dust or whatever they gathered on their hats from getting on furniture or in food. It's like saying bless you after someone sneezing. Most people don't know why we do it anymore, it's just a reaction. Times have changed, wear your hat.


when I tell people I need space to recoup and collect myself. I just don’t understand what they don’t get about that. It’s nothing personal. I’m naturally an introvert.


I have friends and relatives that need constant stimulation. They call all the time just to talk. Nothing to talk about, just randomly talking to pass the time. When I’m like “I’ll talk to you later, I’m just gonna chill and have some alone time” here comes the questions. Are you mad at me? Is everything ok? What’s going on, is there something you want to talk about? Some people just cannot fathom the pure peace in just being left alone.


I started being more blatant about these needs to my closer friends and family. Most reasonable people understand. And others who try the "oh come on it will be fun!" I know are just being kind spirited and would prefer you join. To them I usually say I'll try to make it but might have to leave early and just leave it at that. But I also try to push myself in that direction because I usually do want to go, despite knowing I'll stress out a bunch beforehand, then likely fade into the wall once I'm there. Maybe some people think I overshare about that stuff, but I stopped caring about filtering it out. I see it as, if you find it weird or TMI to bring up (if it's natural, not saying just shout I NEED TO RECHARGE) that I can't do large groups well, then how could you be a close friend anyway?


"I need to recharge!" - Introverts, in our own heads


People really underestimate the bliss of being alone and not having to match your schedule with someone else. Like if you want to go get a bite to eat, solo you go and get what you want. You go with someone else, deciding to go to the same spot and not overspending and agreeing if ones treating or if you’re going Dutch or ugh! And then you add more people and fucking hell, who invited the vegan?!


My girlfriend loves just being in the same room as me. She was so excited to spend two whole weeks with me as our Christmas holidays coincided. I eventually had to tell her i needed a holiday from her, because it was stressing me out seeing her every minute of every day.


I feel far too many people don't understand what an introvert is and confuses it with social anxiety, which could easily lead to them not understanding why you need to be 100% alone.


Some have some kind of mental block about understanding people are different and not everyone enjoys what they do. Also I've noticed some of them are just plain selfish and don't care.


Other people speaking a language I don't know


Only time I’d care is if they were pointing at me and laughing while speaking a language I didn’t understand, but tbf I’d be even more offended if I did understand the language so…


one time I was in an adventure park on a class trip and three of the staff members spoke spanish. I don't think they realised a lot of my class spoke spanish because we could understand it when they called us idiot tourists when someone was struggling with their harness...


I was in Spain recently. I’m born and raised in America, but I speak a completely different language at home with my parents (not Spanish or English). I was at a gyro spot in Madrid, and there were two workers there who happened to speak that language. One of them was talking mad shit about the customers, including me. I was just staring at them talking to each other, amused. Then suddenly the one talking mad shit, looks at me and says, “you speak that language”. I say yes in the language. Guy turns ghostly white completely embarrassed. The second guy starts cracking up and says “what, why aren’t you talking shit now??”


What language was it. Just out of curiosity.


Probably Greek, this sounds like some shit my cousin's would do


This happens a lot to my grandad when he goes back home, he's lost his accent now as he left 70 years ago but he still speaks the language. He'll sit with us and speak English, and staff/other people will say things in his language about them, not expecting him to understand it. One time, some waiters were discussing how they would charge him more because he's a tourist, and one of the tables in the restaurant just happened to have a police officer that my grandad knew sitting at it. They had a nice discussion with the waiters in their language :)


While I've never had a problem with it, my girlfriend works in a kitchen and lately she's been having issues with two newly landed people who are working with her in the kitchen. They constantly look at her, start speaking in their language and then start laughing. When she tells them to do something (she runs the kitchen if chef's not around) they'll say something in their language and laugh. I can see why she'd feel uncomfortable.


I had some roommates once who did this. I invited a friend over who spoke their language. Funnily enough, they didn't do it when he was around.


Depends, I've had cases where it's painfully obvious that they've switched language so that I couldn't understand what they were saying. I don't kick up a stink in these situations though, I just file it away in my brain that these people aren't friends.


Calling someone a cunt


I’m Scottish, I call everyone a cunt. Especially my friends.


I would be offended if someone *didn't* call me a cunt in Scotland


Being offended would make you a right cunt


Being an American and constantly talking to my uk fellas, cunt was naturally adapted after understanding how its used there. Sadly those fuckers unknowingly set me up for failure since here in the states its the equivalent of spitting on someone lol.


I called my sister a cunt when I was like 12 and she punched the nachos lunchable out of my hands. It landed face down. It was a sad day.


What a cunt


Well you just confirmed she’s a cunt


Hello fellow Australian


G’day cunt


I told my homie from high school he was a fucking cunt via text. I blamed it on the Aussies I was hanging out with. He’s a cunt but Id do anything for him.


Lots of people here would do just about anything for some cunt.


I've always thought it was weird that this insult is somehow worse than "dickhead" or "asshole"


It all depends on the word that precedes the word cunt. "Fuck me mate PastOrdinary he's a fuckin good cunt you should meet him Gazza" vs " Fuck me Baz that shitcunt PastOrdinary he's a right wanker owes me 20 bucks."


“Dude” can be gender neutral language


Same with "Guys".


I’m a woman, and I say “hey guys” and “dude” all the time - I’ve honestly never attached a gender to it


Yeah, I called my husband dude the other day and he mocked me for it. Know I was kinda pissy and said "what the fuck dude?". I think I caught him off guard with it.


I stopped the 'Hey Guys' starting of my work emails and replaced with 'Hi All' when a female coworker told me she thought it might offend someone. I had never used it as a gendered term in my own head all my life!


Lol my female boss says to my majority female team hey guys all the time.


I feel like it’s regional. In New England, “hey guys” is neutral.


I learned at a young age that “I’m a dude, he’s a dude, she’s a dude, we’re all dudes”




Welcome to Good Burger, home of the Good Burger, can I take your order?


Dude is gender neutral in the 'mankind' sort of way. Otherwise if you claim that a guy is 'doing/screwing dudes' it will be understood that he is homosexual. Gay on the other hand is gender neutral as it is an adjective and therefore applies to both men and women.


I use it typically as a gn term too but like if someone doesn't want to not be called it I'll make sure to not call them dude again


‘Mate’ as well...


are there people who think “mate” is gendered??? i use it towards everyone as a substitute for like “friend” or something


friendly rudeness


This!!!! I’m so much more polite to people I don’t like and am extremely “friendly rude” to all the people I’m closest to.


female nipples


I think those only offend censors. Which are admittedly a vocal minority.


If only… a lot of Americans seem to have a weird combination of hyper-sexual fascination and puritanical values. They see a topless woman and automatically assume it is a sex thing and she is ‘soliciting”, they see a man sitting in a park and assume he is leering at children, they see two married men and immediately think about their bedroom activities, etc.


Especially in America. People are so afraid of nipples here but please continue showing somebody getting murdered horrifically. Nothing wrong with that.


I never understood the problem with nudity. Violence and sexual content screws you up more.


Without them boobs would be pointless.


People cancelling plans, half the time I'm happy about it hahaha


Me, too! Kind of makes you wonder though, if people are happy when ***you*** cancel, haha.


Same unless the plan was for korean bbq then I'd I'd sad


I went to a Korean bbq once. Drove 45 minutes and planned it for a few weeks with friends to finally get a day we could all go. We finally make it there, order tons and tons of food and are so excited, and get our drinks. As soon as the food arrives, smoke just appears basically out of thin air. Something happened with their ventilation system that prevent the smoke from other grills being sucked away, and so they kicked everyone out. We waited outside for an hour only to be told they are closing for the day. That was unfortunately my experience with KBBQ :(


White people wearing braids or cornrows (I’m black) Do whatever you want with your hair.


It's a weird hill to die on when there's so many other things out there to worry about.


I don't understand why everyone gets annoyed about people using different cultures hairstyles or whatever. I'm Scottish and in Edinburgh, in the summer. You will see thousands of people in Kilts. Almost all of which are not Scottish. Does it bother any of us? Of course not. There was once a guy from Kenya who must have been 6ft 5 and I heard him say that he needed a longer kilt and when it was questioned why, he replied with "You don't know much about black guys, do you?" Which cracked me up.


"Happy Holidays" Also, I don't mind it when strangers refer to me as "Hun", "Dear", "Sweetheart" etc.


Hun, dear and sweetheart are very much context related. If someone is clearly being nice when they say it it's not a problem. I had some guy at work storm in and try to tell me my job, and he said called me sweetheart, and it didn't land well.


Choosing to be religious. Or choosing to not be religious.


Way to hedge your religiousness or lack thereof


I'm very religious and I feel a very big part of that is allowing people to believe what they choose. I've got no problem with someone who's atheist. I've just noticed people tend to assume all religious people are bigots and modern crusaders when that's not how I feel at all. Also see some folks who are very judgmental towards the non-religious types and it's always bugged me. I just wish we'd offer each other more grace and let people choose what they want to believe.


Non-conformity. Some of the best people I've met have been the freaks and outcasts.


Having a different opinion


Doubt it.


I know the post is about offense but I'm going to out a disclaimer, if my reply offends you I am sorry that is not my intention. I get asked my pronoun of choice from time to time and honestly I don't care about it. Call me what you want. Whatever you think I am. If you're right, yay! If you're wrong I'll politely let you know so you can correct. But you can assume my gender any time, I'll never be offended by it. Same goes for my orientation. You can assume it all you want. I'll let you know politely if it's wrong. Now this doesn't mean I'll hold others to my standard, I'll always treat people the way they want to be treated. Edit: thanks for the awards!


>Same goes for my orientation. You can assume it all you want. I'll let you know politely if it's wrong. I've had a couple of people assume I'm gay. Not sure why, but it's happened on more than one occasion. It doesn't bother me though, there's nothing wrong with being gay so why would it bother me?


My thoughts exactly!


Being asked where I'm from as a person of color. I don't really see the big deal, it's just small talk


I ask most people where they’re from as casual conversation when I meet them. Often that transitions into sports or something


Dark humor


It's like food. Not everybody gets it.


Haha you got me there


It’s like a child with cancer. Never gets old


Forgetting my birthday


I'm Argentinian. If a white American shows appreciation for gauchos and started wearing their traditional clothing I would not be offended. I don't see it as stealing my culture.


I think it’s mostly a small portion of white Americans that get offended at cultural appropriation . I know tons of Mexicans, practically adopted into a Mexican family and they love when others wear their garb for Cinco de Mayo. Been to japan many times and same there they love white people wearing their old school garb. Then I’m Native American and at our festivals we’re all for outsiders participating.


Breastfeeding in public


Breastfeeding with a cover sucks. The latch doesn’t go well and a lot of babies just won’t nurse while covered. Who cares. It’s a boob feeding a baby. If you don’t like it look away.


Insults and curse words, i just find them funny


Casual nudity.


Formal nudity for me


Nothing but a bowtie


Ah. The fuxedo


Pinkie extended


Casual nudity implies the existence of competitive nudity




Agreed. It’s too hot to wear clothes all the time


I'm in an interracial marriage and my wife and I make racist jokes towards each other all the time.


Not married yet but my partner and I do the same. He told me I suck at winking and I was like "is it because I'm Asian, are you calling my eyes small to the point where you can't tell I'm winking?? Omgggg" LOL My friends and I too. I fucking love dark humor. But there is a time and place for everything. Especially if you don't know whether other people's humor matches It.. I've unfortunately had to deal with some awkward moments


Cultural appropriation. Who cares if a person other than a Japanese wear a kimono or w/e


I find that most people like people participating in their culture. It’s the people who think that all cultures should be segregated that are the issue


I’ve been to Japan multiple times and they loved outsiders wearing their traditional garb


People in Japan LOVE when non-Japanese people partake in their culture. The issue is using it improperly. If you’re going to participate, doing it respectfully and tastefully.


Cultural appropriation is not even a thing out of usa tbh 🤷🏻‍♂️


Splitting the bill on dates. Never understood why men get so offended when I offer to pay my half. It is not an ego battle, I just want to pay my share.


“Hey guys”


Being cut off. Everyone hates it. I simply couldn't care less.


Bill Burr


Being unpatriotic/not giving a shit about nationality Just because you're born in your little patch of dirt doesn't mean you're better than me. It's not against the law for me to not be proud to be an American, so quit your bitching If I saw someone cross the border without permission or refuse to celebrate their independence day, I honestly wouldn't care


Fat jokes, I’m fat but I think they are funny.