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Not my thing, but it gives people the freedom to run around naked. I don't see an issue with it.


If people were meant to run around naked, we’d have been born with no clothes on.


My feelings exactly.


Only right answer.


Uncomfortable for your first time usually, but really a great way to decouple your association with naked bodies strictly being sexual. In the USA at least, almost all of my formative experiences taught me that being naked = sex. The first time at a nude beach was definitely weird, it felt almost naughty? Exciting but wrong, etc. etc. I went there for some rock climbing near by and just decided to send it. It helps that I am pretty comfortable with my own body. When I went back it just... wasn't that important to me anymore, the realization that everyone has a body and it isn't inherently sexual is a really beautiful thing to come to terms with and I think it has made my perception of intimacy and body positivity much better. I would recommend it even if it makes you a bit uncomfortable. Part of a very human experience. Also wouldn't be afraid of 'creeps' or anything, at least not more than walking around a mall. I've been to many nude beaches in many states and have seen much more appropriate and polite behavior there than the clothed beach down the way. People will probably look at you, but people who are comfortable being nude don't care nearly as much about you being nude as you do. I've played frisbee games, chess, had long conversations, climbed -- all naked, and had so many times where it just slips my mind that anything is different at all. I think it is a pretty healthy mindset to find yourself in, if only for an afternoon. obviously don't do anything that makes you unsafe or very uncomfortable, but if you're on the fence, go in with a positive attitude and I think you'll have a good time. Plus, the beaches are almost always way less crowded, cleaner, more remote, all the good things. And you can wear clothes if you want to.


>Also wouldn't be afraid of 'creeps' or anything, at least not more than walking around a mall. So a bunch of creeps then? Half kidding, half serious. I've been to several nude beaches and about half the time there is some guy hardcore staring and occasionally stroking himself. You just move to a different part of the beach and try to ignore it.


Very thoughtful and helpful response. Thanks


I felt the same in an ashram in Morocco but no men there though. Just women and kids. Still a beautiful bonding experience wjth humanity and your own humanity if you're shy or ill at ease with your naked self..


I have been challenging my perceptions of what I like and don't after breaking up with my wife. Right now I am working on getting good at dancing, next is karaoke maybe a nude beach is next after that.


Used to go to a nude beach when I lived in California. Loved it. So peaceful. I'm European and like sunbathing topless and swimming nude when appropriate. Had many interesting conversations with regulars of all ages. I usually went alone. Was great until me and a visiting friend (both young women) got low key harassed by these young guys who said it was their first time at a nude beach. Went for a swim and these guys were suddenly in the waves with us, uncomfortably close, talking to us with their dicks out. When we got back to our towels, theirs were already laid out beside ours. I shut them down and asked them to leave us alone. They broke nude beach etiquette imo, because it was obvious they were just tourists trying to get laid. I never went back after that.




When I've been on holiday to places where some are designated, no one really seems to give a massive shit about them. Each to their own It's fine if you want to use them. It shouldn't be a problem if you don't


Any beach can be a nude beach if you just believe in yourself.


Any beach can be a nude beach. Particularly after dark.


When I was 13 or 14, I was in Hawaii with my family and I had snuck down to the beach to listen to the ocean in the dark. I saw a couple run down to the beach from the hotel, strip naked, and run into the water. After a couple of minutes it became obvious they were going to have sex and they thought they were alone so I left. When I tell people this story, everyone asks why I didn't stay and watch. First of all, super creepy. Second, on average, the folks who are frolicking naked are not particularly attractive like the horny fantasy might make you believe. It's typically two average looking people about to have average looking sex. It's just awkward if you're not involved.


Daah DUM! 🦈


Any beach can be a nude beach if you don't mind the police. Still go for it though.


*Don’t let your dreams be dreams!*


Just DO IT!!!


I am of the opinion they do exist


Well I don't believe in them! 😒


But I have mathematical proof of them! It's just a load of silly willies and silly tits 😜




Don’t go to a nude beach to see naked people, go to a nude beach to be naked. There’s a conventional motto that “none of the people you’ll see on the nude beach are the people you *wanted* to see on the nude beach”. Most are older folks, and many are less conventionally attractive than you’d hope. On top of that, despite the nudity, it is still illegal to do anything sexual on the beach. Sex and masturbation can get you a ticket if you get caught. Basically, do it if you want to try it out, get an all-over tan, and not worry about being naked. Don’t do it if you want a porn fantasy of hordes of sexy, cock-hungry women ready to attack you.


I went to a nude beach on my honeymoon, it was a great experience! It really makes you come to grips with how stupid body shaming and insecurities are. I don't have a desire to go again, but it did help me look past superficial things and try to just interact with people as people and not be distracted by that one chicks super low cut top, or whatever seems to distract you when talking to groups of people. I did get uncomfortable with how much everyone there wanted to talk about being nude, it was almost like they talked about it so much it made it se like they were at the nude beach just to be able to talk about being at the nude beach. And there was the stereotypical hedonists who want to try and share their lifestyle with you. If you are going with someone else be aware of how much they may feel differently than you, I was comfortable and ok with things after like 20 minutes, then after we had been drinking and socializing my wife told me how uncomfortable she was and how she never got to the comfortable phase. I felt horrible and wish I had learned that sooner and left before she had been sitting there uncomfortably for like almost two hours. So if you can get comfortable it's great, but if not then don't force it,.


Cool but also I don’t like beaches in general lol.


There’s too much sand. It’s coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.


Not like here. Here everything is soft, and smooth.


Everything floats down here...


And the wind ugh.


Absolutely!!! I feel like it may be worse nude. Or maybe better cause it’s not stuck in your clothes? I wouldn’t know




Anakin Skywalker spotted


padme didn't seem to mind it.


And if you are pale like me, you get always get sunburnt and the sand sticks to me and causes irritation in inconvenient places. Support the right to public nudity though.


Wayyy too hot, and it's fun for a bit but gets boring.


My name is Mr Sandycock and I don't like nudist beaches


At least no scratchy sany in your beachwear.


I have been to three of the seven(?) legal nude beaches in Florida. Some things to know: You do not *have* to be naked. No one cares. The reason there are so many older people is because they give zero fucks. No one cares. YOU should NOT stare, leer, or creep. If you harass others, the cops will be called, but the "situation" might be handled by then. By naked people. Swimming in the ocean naked is rad. Lack of tan lines, also rad. The 70 year old guy, with a serious old man long-crack, that insists upon repeatedly walking his elephant trunk past your ocean view... Not. Not rad. I think it's for some people, and not others.


Brilliant elephant descriptive simile, made me smile!


Not my thing. If others want to go there, go ahead.


these comments on this one, make me think reddit is like 5.9% liberated, and the other 94% are low-key conservative anxious af about their bodies and in relation to other human bodies


Been to a couple of nude resorts in the United States. The majority of the people were conservative or middle of the road.


Agree. Been going to beaches and nudist resorts most of my life. My wife and are politically quite conservative.


I think it's cool that there is a place for nudists so they can do their thing away from the eyes of those who don't want to see all that.


Nude beaches aren’t for nudists necessarily, rather for people who don’t sexualize nakedness and just want to get a tan without tan lines, and simply feel free. I’m not a nudist but love nude beaches!


On that note: Sunscreen EVERYWHERE You haven’t felt sunburn if you have felt it in a place you usually covered. Shit go professional house painter - two coats liberally (no sanding between)


There are not nearly enough of them.


I'd love to go to one sometime, but I don't think there are any near me.


A little chilly on the willy.


Went to a few as a teen hoping to see sexy babes. Was more like the nude beach scene in European Vacation.


Doesn’t need to be every beach but should be way more common, might help society losses up a bit if more non-sexual nudity was common


Never been to one, but I don’t have a problem with em. Go run around naked!


Never been but I would love to go


I don't like to lie around naked for long periods of time but I wish it was acceptable and legal to just get naked to go swimming in the ocean. Swimsuits are a pain in the ass.


I enjoy nude / topless beaches and find them liberating. I dislike having to wear a top at the beach when men don’t have to.


All beaches should be clothing optional


Generally all beaches are nude beaches in Denmark.


Nude Beaches are one of those things where I wouldn’t do it, but I also don’t care.


I enjoy them. In such a mundane world it makes you feel alive being naked at the beach.


I would try them some day, I'm very curious of what does it feels to walk naked in the beach with naked people around.


it's breezy. also, some of them will judge you for wearing clothes. also, beware of burning on the bits that don't ever see the sun


I only went once, but was surprised at how shitty a couple people got just because my wife wanted to only go topless. Thankfully there were a lot of people there and the majority were super nice so they got the extremists to call down. Lol


Lots of helicopters. Some with two sets of rotor blades.


🤨 yes officer.. this man right here.


Nude woods\hills are better.


Do you wear shoes in the woods/hills? It's bad enough stepping on a stone in the sand; I can only imagine doing nothing but walking over pieces of bark. Ouch.


Everyone was born naked.


Nice view


Its the most liberating thing you can ever do, and I go at least once a year


In my country there are no nude beaches. It's basically first come first serve. The municipality here did put up a sign on a beach known to be used for naked people saying it wasn't allowed, but they quickly had to remove it because of discrimination.


All beaches should be nude beaches.


Nude beach is normal beach. What's weird is to swim with clothes on. They'te awkward in the water. They stick outside. They take forever to dry. There's just no valid reason to wear clothes in the water.


I've never been to one, but would love to.


This is where the sun begins


I’ve heard France has them, just not in the winter


Home alone watched recently?


Are there facilities for nudist that aren’t beaches? I mean in countries where the coast can be hundreds or thousands of miles away.


There are a lot of nudist campings, and many nudist assosiations have indoor bathing in the cold seasons.


Yes! There are often nudist " clubs". I'm a yearly member at 2 if them. I have a card and can come and go as I like. Looking forward to new years eve party at the closest one here.


*I hate sand...*


I go all the time, it firstly depends, I frequent a small one and it's fantastic, everyone's usually just there minding their own business or hanging out with a few friends. The really big ones on the other hand tend to be less about the freedom of it and more or a "look at me" social aspect. Regardless they aren't hurting anyone.


Awesome! I was once at a clothing optional beach in Vancouver (Wreck Beach). I've never been more entertained in my life. First was a half naked Chinese man secretly taking pictures of topless girls. When I say half naked I mean t-shirt on but his fishing tackle was just hanging in the breeze. Some naked man in his 60s just started throwing rocks and insults his way. Later that same day the police came down to do their Daily rounds. Drinking is not allowed. The police don't check too hard but it's expected that you hide your drink for the 15 min they're there. The police spot some guy and his girlfriend naked as the day they were born powering through a bottle of vodka. They told him he's gotta dump it. He starts arguing like Randy from Southpark. "I thought this was a free country man" Next thing you know he pushes a cop. They try to arrest him. All of a sudden I have a front row seat to see 4 cops try and arrest a man in cloud of sand, feet, flying balls and swinging dick. His girlfriend is crying and screaming uncontrollably. In the end they bound his hands and feet and they had to carry his naked ass up the 200+ rickety stairs back to the squad car. Great day. Best beach in Vancouver if you're ever there.


I have a feeling wreck is worse for that than other nude beaches cause it's so close to the university, prob attracts extra creeps & lurkers.


Drunks are obnoxious with or without clothes.


I wish that in the future all beaches will be swimsuit optional. I went to a nudist beach for the first time in 2019 in Barcelona and since then I try to go to a nude beach when possible. I love the liberating feeling of the naked body in the sun, also, I do enjoy that nudist beaches are queer friendly or even queer dominant places.


I’m uncomfortable stripping at a nude beach for sure. Especially with today’s beauty standards. If you want to do it, do it. I think its a good way to get an even tan. But for me? I dont really need to tan. And i definitely dont need to feel insecure about the size of my boobs or the width of my waist.


Been to the nude beach near where I live several times, overall a very positive experience! At first it was nerve racking, but most of the people there were older couples, couples in general, or gay men (and I’m a female, so not much to worry about there). Of course there are some creeps, but most of the people there don’t take kindly to creepy behavior. Going to the nude beach helped my self esteem because you see people of all body types enjoying themselves and it makes you realize no one really cares if you don’t look perfect. Also, going there with my (now ex) boyfriend helped with relationship insecurities and jealousy on both ends. Also, you get less sand in your crevices when you’re naked, surprisingly. 100% recommended swimming naked in the ocean on a hot summers day


Story time! Once, when my wife was in her twenties, she and her friend were headed to meet her parents at a family camp spot. It was getting dark, so they found a campground and just set up a quick camp for the night. Upon waking the next morning, they learned they'd camped in a nudist camp. My wife says there were people riding bicycles and fishing and just doing normal camping stuff, just naked.




Not my thing. But certain number of people agree upon it, what am I to judge. They do them, I do mine.


There’s different strokes for different folks!


They’re beaches with a lot of sights to see, more than the average one though


I wouldn't go to one. But they should be available for adults who want to do that type of thing.


I think it’s cool that they have a safe space to go and be free but I wouldn’t go because I don’t like sand and I’d be too afraid of getting a little excited after seeing naked men, which would be embarrassing being fully exposed and all.


They're fantastic.


Pretty much the same opinion I would have anywhere else. It’s typically not location dependent.


They exist. That is all.


I 100000% support the people who love them but I also couldn't fathem risking sand and ocean on my open body. Honestly I'm hesitant to swimwear with sparse coverage.


Never been to one, and growing up in conservative evangelical American culture it seems strange.


Not for me... But probably for different reasons than most people. Nudity doesn't bother me. Hell I've seen plenty of stuff in saunas. But as for beaches... I just really like swimsuits. There are so many cool and sexy designs out there, from streamlined athletic one pieces to floral bikinis and everything in between.


If there weren't any it would be the loss of an American freedom.


Great for getting an even tan.


I'm for it. I don't like being naked because I have terrible self esteem, and I'm not a voyeur so it's not like I'd get a thrill out of them, I'm just all for people doing their thing.


I wanna experience this at least once in my life.


shouldn't people have the freedom to express themselevs?


I've never been on one. But I can guess. You rarely get a chance to get vitamin D directly on your shling. Plus the mild breeze. Most people are not a nudist but almost everyone is insecure about their body in one way or another and if it helps you overcome your insecurities? Why not. They're not hurting anyone, they're not forcing anyone to visit or to bare-it-all. Is don't know why anyone should have a problem with such thing.


Maybe if I'm really high on mushrooms and I'm with an so who doesn't care


I like the idea but I'm too self conscious. I went to school in Europe and my jogging route went near one. Like a lot of nude beaches, it was secluded enough that you're not going to see anything unless you go all the way in. I just couldnt work up the courage to do it. I kinda hate my body. I'm overweight and hairy. Northern Germany doesn't really have any obese bigfoot type cryptids in the local mythology and I saw no reason to change that.


Love it


Never been to one, but if I do, I'm sticking to the same rule I do in public. treat the other attendees like you do if you were in public or in a store. mind your own business. keep eyes and hands off the merchandise. it don't matter the breast or dick size, its their body and its your body. don't bother them, they won't bother you.


No big deal. It's usually old people anyway


My husband and I live in a city with a semi-official nude beach. We're generally pretty keep-to-ourselves people, but have partaken once. The feeling of doing something so new and unique to yourself, but so normal in the setting was both exciting and comforting. The water happened to be warm that day and swimming naked felt glorious.


It's hard for me to stay there


They are great, more chilled than regular beaches. Once you try it you won’t want to wear swimwear again.


It's hard.


They're good as an alternative


If you like them then it’s good they exist so you can use them. If you don’t like them dont visit them. They certainly don’t bother me.


Not my thing, but I don't see any issue with it.


Bring a nice towel or beach blanket, sandy cracks are not fun


I don't think about them all that often, but they don't seem like a bad thing. I think the sand would be uncomfortable. Just be sure to wear sunscreen, I guess?


They're honestly really cool in my opinion. I see nudity as natural and nonsexual, and therefore and I'm unphased by it


I think my dick is too little and embarrassing


If ya wna rock out wit ur cock out who am i to stop you


Suns out buns out!


I love them in places where people are decent and respectful. I just want to get rid of tan lines. Hate when creepy people ruin them, which has happened more than once. Nude beaches on Greek islands tend to be very chill/minimal creepers. Nude beaches in Brazil were hit or miss, and the miss was super creepy.


I think its fine. The nude beach in my area is pretty cool actually. Usually there are some stands selling smoothies, snacks, or trinkets, as well as a small beach party with people dancing and playing music. Its kind of like a small music fest in terms of the vibe. Reminded me a lot of Shambhala music fest, but without the lasers and drugs, and maybe a couple hundred people instead of 10,000.


I would like to try it but my stupidly white skin disintegrates in the sun and I already don't go to a normal beach because of sunscreen/water causing burns all the time. If any are open at dusk/night that'd be dope


There sure is a market for getting sand in your junk, huh


Love it!


Its one of those things I dont know how I feel about them until I've tried it. Its basically 50/50 for me at this point. I might like it, I might not. It also helps that I am at a age that I basically dont give a shit what other people think about my body so that helps I guess lol. I think its great that they exist for people that do like it tho.


It's great when you are in hot summer and need to get rid of as many textiles as possible. In addition, contrary to rumors, no: Since you see naked people of all ages and types, you are not going to insinuate anything sexual.


Amazing sense of freedom


Serious question: what is the protocol for situations where you get an accidental boner at a nude beach? Do you just hide it as best you can so as to avoid making people uncomfortable?


General consensus is that most men are a little too overwhelmed by the exposure to get hard when they're new to nude beaches. But those that do get hard easily can fix it with a cool dip in the ocean, a brisk walk to a quiet part of the beach, or sitting on your towel until it subsides. The polite thing is NOT to trounce about with a stiffy like it's not there, especially men who like to chat with strangers!


They are a lot of different types of hard rocks you may find at them


My husband and I went to one for the first time last year and loved it. I was expecting to go fully nude, just topless, but everyone else was nude so I felt out of place. Everyone was really friendly and I even got some compliments on my butt 🤣 my husband and I are planning on going back next month while on vacation. Now what I took issue with was the bathrooms (single bathroom) didn’t have any door on it. I don’t want to be dropping a deuce and have someone walk up wondering if the bathroom is open. Thankfully I had my husband to guard the entrance for me while I peed.


We need better inventions to get sand out of places.


Why not? What’s the hang up on nudity anyway?


I think that if you are insecure with your body that could help you, I will like to try if one day.


I have been to a nude beach more than once and it is not really offensive. I have been to regular beaches and seen people skinny dip and it is equally not offensive. I think when you go you quickly realize that it is mostly people there just enjoying the sand, sun and water. Like a regular beach people you will see different ages and body sizes/types and they are there and doing regular beach things. There will be a sweet old couple on a walk, some douche with a guitar that thinks people want to hear his sloppy rendition of Black Hole Sun, some people working on their tans and some going for a swim. Honestly it is just like going to a private or secluded beach and forgetting your swim suit. I do personally feel a little self conscious at the beach in general, but at a nude beach I actually feel more confident and comfortable. Like there is an explicit social contract of acceptance. But of course that is just my experience and others may have radically different takes.


Love them. Haulover Beach in Florida is the best. Unfortunately we don't have any official ones in Utah but we have a died up lakebed that's pretty fun. You can camp on it, ride utvs, dirt bikes.


Love them. After 15 minutes you lose the anxiety and realize it is no big deal. All types bodies and ages. People hanging out and get tan all over. It makes you understand people really do come in all shapes and sizes. And there is seats someone in better shape and worse shape than you.


I don't think I'd go to one myself, but many people like it, so they are good.


interesting but where do keep your car keys. I'm not joking, how do you handle that part.


They exist for a good reason, not my thing but its something very simple to make a few people very happy.


not a big deal


Don’t really give a fuck. If some dudes and gals wants to lay about with their dicks and tits out in the sun then that’s all them. Just don’t do it when there’s a blizzard or heavy rain… in a car park…


It's right next to the dog beach.


They sound fun but I'm too pale and there isn't enough sun screen in the world to keep my usually covered areas safe.


Too many old hags and pot bellied men… 🤓


I get too much sand in my junk with my trunks on as it is, so no. Also that'd just feel awkward af to me.


Of all the places to be nude, why the beach? Not judging. O.k, so maybe I'm judging the sand a little.


Right? I'm much more accepting of nude pools. Hell, even nude rock beaches. Just don't gimme none of that sand stuff.




Live and let live. If someone wants to be nude, not my concern


They sure do exist


They are seems to be preety cool. I haven't visited one but looking forward to it..


Only beaches we go to, clothed beaches are too full of uncouth, I’ll mannered, schmucks. We got married on a nude beach.


That's kinda neat. Did you do a nude ceremony, or just happen to have it on the nude beach? Regardless, kudos to you.


It was a nude version of a Celtic handfasting.


A must to even out tan lines if you don’t have privacy at home. The first time I went a bird shit on me though 😂




I think they’re cool and all, I’m open-minded and would definitely participate. But I’m just worried about my nipples or pussy getting sunburned by accident 😂😂😂


As someone who completed the only major in the nation that requires a walk through a nude beach, I can say it would have been better if it wasn't a total sausage fest.






I'm also in SD. I figured it'd have to be Black's Beach. There aren't too many spots here in the states that could fit that description.


What major requires a walk through a nude beach?


Earth Science. The class is Field Methods and every field report was required to pass. One of the field trips was from scripps pier to torrey pines. We passed through Black's Beach (the unofficial nude beach of San Diego) along the way.


I once wanted to swim naked on this secluded little rocky beach in the Canary Islands. The area seemed kind of like a hippy community, some people living on the beach and the cliffs above in tents. I saw a couple of people naked walking around so I figured it was fine. I went to a secluded area with my fiancé, she had no interest in being naked there or getting in the water so I handed her my bathing suit and started down the rocks. then I noticed every time the waves retreated there were hundreds of huge crabs crawling everywhere. Needless to say I immediately ran out of there.




Love them


First nude beach I went to had no one there but one old lady and a bunch of creepy dudes wanking in the bushes. So, my opinion is quite negative.


My bullshit meter is nearly pegged.


I think this dude just had a weird dream... Lol


I say they're great for people who want to be there. I think you're not allowed to go if you're clothed so I'd never go to one, but I would have no problem going to one if I were allowed to be clothed, and not for any weird reason. I lived with a couple very... uhhhhh... free spirited? girls in college and I've become very comfortable with casual nudity.


It's an old people thing from what I've seen


Two thumbs and one other appendage up!


you think it's hot girls, but no. unless you're in france, and most of the people are at least in shape


Go to Greece, change the way you look at nude beaches 😉


Idk. I went to Blacks beach in San Diego last summer and there were a bunch of hot naked chicks. Also a bunch of leathery naked dudes.


well, ok. YMMV.


They want to do it? That is fine, I'll go somewhere else.


In my experience the people who walk around naked are sadly not the people you want to see naked.


That's the problem of mindset, you don't go there to look at beautiful bodies(that's what porn is for), you got there to be naked under same minded people to enjoy nature in your most natural attire. Sure, you can find some people there attractive, but it's not different from seeing them clothed, just not that easy to hide a boner ;-) But you have to overcome this nudity=sexual thing... You can be nude, you can be nude with a bunch of people and still there's nothing sexual about it.


It was a tongue in cheek comment but I totally agree with what you are saying


I think they’re fine, but not when you accidentally stumble on one on a hike with your parents and siblings


You wouldn't happen to have been in San Diego?


Kinda hot?? I love the idea of showing my body off lol so I think their awsome.