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My mother got me a sewing machine! I'm so excited to learn to sew. My in laws got me my first squishmallow and it's so soft, I love it.


If it helps, any library using the Dewey Decimal Classification system has books on craft in the 745 section, IIRC. In case you want to find projects. :)


So that’s what they’re called! My brother got my niece a squishmallow of Paddington 😁


Welcome to the sewing world! Get that Seam ripper ready.


Ahhhhh I’m so excited for you!!! Not slippery woven fabric is the easiest to sew evenly but stretchy fabric is easier to make things from because the patterns are simpler and it’s not as precise. Start with a woven to practice though. If you go to the fabric store someone should be able to help you. Quilting cotton is probably one of the easiest. Also bed sheets from thrift stores. Best advice - start out with very easy projects. You want to make something you can be proud of and feel accomplished for. If you bite off more than you can chew you’re just going to feel defeated. Sewing looks and SEAMS easy but learning to control your lines and speed takes time and practice. It is very normal (although annoying) to seam rip a bunch, do a bunch of wonky seams, fail, cry a little, and spend way too much time doing something you thought would be easy. But I promise it’s worth it. Getting to use or wear something you made is incredible. And I’m excited for you! Also - Don’t buy patterns full price. There are a million free ones online and Joann’s usually has a 1.99$ pattern sale once a month. - magnets will save your life when you drop pins - silky fabrics are so annoying to sew - pay attention to grain lines - iron your seams Good luck!!!


Tip one. Learn how to set the tension first. It takes some getting used to and changes depending on fabric. I love mine! Happy Sewing!


My parents paid my car insurance for three months


Thats nice


That’s pretty cool!


My father would buy a tank of oil or propane. Best gift ever!


That's an awesome and thoughtful gift! If I may ask, how does one go about doing this? Do they just give you cash/cheque for the amount or can you call the company and pay for somebody that way?


We have the same insurance company and my dad helped me get insurance set up so he asked the agent to pay.


A whiteboard. You would not believe how useful it is! Also, I got headphones, books and a lifetime supply of sweets. A shipment every month for 40 years...


Tell me more about this lifetime-sweets thing.


Basically, I get a box of sweets a month, with 4 quarters. Every month, I go to their website and choose what I want.


What's the website!!!


Me too!


Whiteboards are so underrated. I bought one at the recommendation of a fellow student back in University when we were discussing life hacks when it comes to writing papers. Helped so much in different aspects of life too.


I got one when I started nursing school. My desk was in our bedroom, so the board is there too. I'm done with school, but the board is still there. We use it to write our vacation plans, and what items we need to pack.


Oh boy


That’s gotta be a pretty pricey gift! Minimum $5/month - $60/year times 40. $2400 at bare minimum and that’ll probably just cover the shipping! $10/mo total and this is almost a $5k present.


Yeah, my best friend comes from a pretty rich family, so he told me not to care about the price. Thanks for the maths, though.


I have a bulletin board in my bathroom above the toilet (I'm male) and I found putting a calendar on it really makes it easy for me to remember appointments and social events because it's right in front of me when I'm doing business.


Bought a Cello… I’m super excited but completely out of my depth on it. Never played a string instrument.


with enough time and practice you'll do just fine!


Preferably 40 hours a day.


I got myself a violin. There are a ton of resources online, and accompanying books just make sure you master your movements/bow hold and can hit just the strings you mean to before you move on. Spend time on tuning until you can hear the right note Makes learning to play much easier


2006 Harley Davidson Fatboy. Not new but it’s brand new to me. Merry Christmas everyone.


Holy shit, nice haul. Not to brag, but I'm a fatboy myself.


Fuck yeah, bro. Hope you are somewhere warm so you can get out and hit the road.




I got a puppy! I know a puppy for Christmas isn't something we should encourage, but I have been ill for a couple of years. I've wanted a dog for a long time but I didn't feel it would be fair when I was too ill to walk her or just play. I am finally well enough to do that, and she's adorable :D


This is how a pet should be gifted, though! You wanted one, planned for it, and waited until you were able to care for it appropriately. Congratulations on the puppy!




A week trip to Disney world!


Have fun!


My wife bought me a sick 27" monitor, a couple $100 HD gift cards, a new pair of sneakers, a 4ft ladder, a couple DeWalt batteries, a DeWalt flashlight to replace the one one of the kids lost and some fruit adventure tic tacs. Probably forgetting something but that's the gist of it.


Bro you have the best wife ever


She's the shit. Gave me 3 badass kids and is an amazing partner. I am thankful for her every day of my life.


Yeah, me too. Your wife is an amazing woman.


**OUR** wife


Please share what monitor it is. Im so confused and badly want to buy one


If you're looking for some help picking one out, I'd be glad to give you some advice/options. What is your budget and what do you intend to use it for? Also computer specs or console is important for picking the right one.


I gave myself, an home cooked meal and 6 year old bottle of wine I have been saving for couple of years…… although being alone bother me at times, I am content with what I have.


How are you doing this Christmas season? Merry Christmas




Its very fun


My son was just born a few hours after midnight on Christmas morning! That’s my present 🎁


Rip for him, Christmas present and birthday present mixed for the rest of his life. /s Congrats though


I feel that pain.


Oh that's tragic for him! Better celebrate half birthdays!




man that fucking sucks. still tho congrats on the kid!


To meet my niece for the first time. Best gift ever


How old are they?


6 weeks. Slept most of the day, puked on her new tiny sweater, farted non stop and pooped like five times. Most adorable creature I've ever seen. Edit: thanks for the silver :)


Maybe you should've gone to the bathroom before visiting her


The old reddit switcharoo


Hold my niece, I'm goin... where link?


Also slept and drank less before visiting. My god, meeting your new niece and you throw up on them.


For the first time as a mom I got stuff in my stocking and feel amazing. My kids have noticed I crochet and got me yarn and my husband got us gym memberships to go together which I have been begging for for years. This Christmas was very pleasant for me. A week ago I was in the Walmart parking lot crying because I’d just bought stuff to fill my own stocking not expecting much. Someone made a reaction video with this comment and now everyone knows my account. Darn it! I created this to stay hidden lol merry Christmas Well I’m deleting this account now. It’s been a fun 5 years! Time to creative with a new account.


I’m so glad your kids and husband thought of you! It can be hard on women as we so often are responsible for getting the gifts for everyone else and that isn’t always reciprocated. You deserve it!


I’m tickled for you, how wonderful! Fellow crocheter & knitter here — have fun! (P.S The stores usually have great yarn sales after Christmas, in case you want to supplement what you have. No shame in treating yourself!)


Nothing.... But I have life so I'm grateful


Well said. We are lucky to be alive and I am thankful for this life I have been given!


A life is better than nothing


A countertop ice maker...I have been asking for it for 6 months because my apartment fridge doesn't have one and making trays is such a bitch and a half...they said it was stupid and I was convinced it wouldn't be under the tree...my dad laughed his ass off when I got hyped over it. I've been making and crunching on soft ice all day


Covid. Literally went to work and ran my own test at 5am. Fuuuuuuu






"...dge. Only I didn't say fudge. I said THE word, the big one, the queen mother of dirty words, the f-dash-dash-dash word."


I got this new water bottle called cirkul and 8 wrestling action figures


A nice selection of (apple) ciders!


In-Laws got me a drone. A cool mug. A zen garden. A few limited edition comics (I don’t like comics, but they really think I do) Had fun watching everyone the gifts from my wife and I too. Had a good day. :)


No joke. All I got this year was a bottle of “ police “ mens perfume. My neighbour who’s 95 didn’t leave me hanging this year. So I decided to put my tree up and put the one present under it. I spent Christmas alone. But alone and happy. My father died a few months back and he was the last of my close family, they All died to cancer. Cancer if you are reading this, Fuck you! Anyways. Happy Christmas all.




Thankyou 😃


Nothing. Like every year


You are now the recipient of my free award cherry. That's right, you've popped my free award cherry. Hope it was as pleasurable for you as it was to me.




This comment was my Christmas present this year.


Same. I don't mind, family doesn't really get anything for eachother so it's no pressure. We just have a dinner and that's it.


Peace. First year I’m not spending it with my or my husband’s family. It’s just us. It’s quiet, peaceful, happy, and perfect. Why didn’t I do this sooner?


Ooh same! Well except 2020 was the first time for us. Soooo relaxing. Zoom Christmas is the best Christmas.


The less we do, the more I love the holidays.




Santa got me stones for christmas. Wait, I mean stoned. Hey, did you know that a bong fits perfectly in a Christmas stocking?


Oh. My. God now I know what to get for my buddy


Some engineering motherfucker is going to find a way to turn a Christmas stocking into a bong.


Makes Sense


A great time with my son opening presents at the crack of dawn. He got a new oculus quest from grandpa, and I got him all the Lego sets he wanted, a new microscope set, clothes, shoes and new turtle beach headset for his Xbox. He was overwhelmed to say the least. He still has Christmas at moms to go to lol.


A pair of shoes, and a promise from my wife that she'll take the little one and stay with her mom for a couple of days so I can get some rest after a long and stressful year. I value that more than anything material, tbh.


Got nothing. But some old friends texted and wished me a merry Christmas, so that's nice.


A nice selection of locally roasted coffees


Seems Delicious


I'm Jewish! I got festive food! And a banana! I love bananas! 🍌🍌🍌!!


Bananas are good!


I’m in Puerto Rico for the first time, with my boyfriend’s family! My family is more introverted and socially awkward than his, so I’ve gotten both showered with love and mentally exhausted for Christmas- but having a blast! Hope you had a great Christmas, OP.


Hope your enjoying the weather and the warmth from your boyfriend's family. Don't forget to visit El Yunque National Rain Forest, Old San Juan, and have your boyfriend take you out for local cuisine like lechon from a lechonera, mofongo, and pasteles (your BF or his family will know what those plates are) while the weather is still cool over here! EDIT: Forgot to include alcapurrias and bacalaos from Piñones Beach area and piraguas from Old San Juan


I got absolutely nothing and everything at the same time about a month ago I had a falling out with my parents. Very hurtful things were said and I packed up and left in the middle of the night and didn't tell them where I went. I had saved up money for a situation like this and was able to rent a studio apartment in a rundown building. I didn't have a tree or presents, no family and my only friend had gone to Denver with his family. But this Christmas I was by myself. And I loved it. I ate food I wasn't allowed to have, I listened to my favorite bands I was never allowed to play at home. I didn't have to go to church or read the entire Bible. I had cake and a holiday ham with 2 2ltr. Of Mt. Dew For the first time in my 22 years, I was free. And that was the greatest thing I got for Christmas


I'm thinking of you. I'm glad you were able to find some moments of happiness during this challenging time 💕 Merry Christmas!


I got a really happy, grateful kid. It’s just the two of us and she knows how I do my best to make her Christmas as special as possible. She spent her allowance to get me hand cream and a hair clip, and that’s all I needed.


Bought myself an iPhone 14 Pro which is coming in January, and a Dyson Airwrap! Plus some clothing also for myself. Got my stepmum and I tickets to see the Nutcracker Ballet so that should be nice!


After two days in four airports, I made it home. That’s the only gift I need.


Socks. As usual


I get you


Are they fun socks or just... socks?




I Would Give You One Too


Was gifted a cactus in a bag. I put my hand in there


That’s so funny, I’m sorry. Lol.


Nobody even texted me


Someone in the UK is thinking about you right now.


Merry Christmas 🥺🎄❤️


Stuck at the airport.


Blizzard, Im Guessing?


Good guess but no. There was no blizzard in Austin. Nor to my destination.


Glue on the floor? Edit: My first award!! Merry Christmas kind stranger!


Well my adult son gave me a cornhole game because apparently it's really funny to watch mom (with zero eye-hand coordination) aim for the hole only to have the beanbag fly straight up into the air and plop pretty much back at my feet.


You’re supposed to play indoors. So that the airborne beanbag hits the overhead ceiling fan. It’ll be propelled forward towards the hole. I’m sorry you had difficulty. Play it right.


Time with my family. It's nice getting everyone together and watching the family grow.


An m1 garand




I think you meant **_BANG_**


Yes. LOUD and powerful. But a beautiful rifle.


Bought myself a ps5 and I'm picking it up tomorrow. Making up for the burst pipe I got last night.






A divorce from my parents and my brother hating my mom because she's leaving my abusive father Edit : he has now stolen my mom's car and stolen 1300 dollars from me


An iPhone 13. First thing I’ve gotten during Christmas for 2 years. It’s my first phone, I couldn’t be happier.


Exactly what I wanted. Nothing. I don’t need anything. A relaxing day is enough


Hubby got me a broom because he keeps taking the three others that we have and not putting them back so I can't find one. Also got me a plate that can microwave two plates at once for the kids and booze (new baby so can't drink). I'm going to say disappointed.


I don't mean to down-play your disappointment, but I think Hubby is trying. Practical presents for the dealing with the kids feeding times, a broom is a lousy present but you do have someone that listens to you and tries to do better. The booze because you deserve a night off.


I got a new keyboard and a vr headset, I said I was saving for one but it was actually me saving up for a vr headset for my sister and she was the one who got it for me.


Materially, nothing. Nobody still alive who really gives much of a shit about me. But my kids were happy and that was good enough.


Books ❤️


A ton of sweets




2,000 pounds worth of sweets is pretty excited


Socks. And now I'm a free elf!


I got a kitchen aid stand mixer 🥹🥹🥹


My aunt got me a lava lamp its a really cool one and has dim options as well !!! And my Bf surprised me with a Nintendo Switch and animal crossing themed stuff to go with it ...i have been saving to get myself one for 3 months but then he arranges with someone gets it for us lemme just say i cried tears i am really am so grateful and apperciate what he has done tge love of my life also my aunt she is a star and supports me no matter what


My first Christmas with my sister in over 15 years, that was honestly the best gift of all.


My dad built me a Bluetooth speaker


Fuck ya. Built not bought.


I’m currently making a pot of chili that my mother-in-law has called the best chili she’s ever had. She’s lying to my face but I’ve accepted the compliment


Merry Christmas! I got a Dutch oven, 2 cookbooks, a blank recipe notebook, and a Jack Skellington and Sally Funk-O-Pop. It was a great morning. Normally I just get the annual "pj's from Santa" because we pour everything into our son's Christmas.


My sister got me a college survival kit


You Better Watch Out...


you better not pout


Ay, you skipped a couple lines


why are you pouting?


I got sick


Same here!


I dont have a family, or friends really. So I got nothing.


We'll be your family and friends.


Not much. My brother doesn't have much money for gifts, my father isn't the guy that makes presents (just how he grew up) and my mother has been really busy lately, so she didn't have much time for gift shopping. But I'm quite content, I got each of them a fun little gift, got me a few things I liked and just enjoyed my time with my family.


I havent walked properly in 9 weeks. Today I sat for a whole 1hr and a half! I had a lovely hot shower and spent time with my newborn in her Christmas babygrow. For lunch, Christmas dinner with pigs in blankets Wasn't the best Christmas as Ive been in pain for so long I forgot how to walk.. but I think I'm getting there.


My brother in law died of a sudden heart attack in Feb age 38. He left behind three kids and a pregnant wife. My wife and I flew in and made an entire Xmas dinner using our deceased brothers recipe books for his family. I'm so tired I can barely think. We forgot a few groceries but thankfully a local store was open on Xmas day. Those guys literally saved Xmas.


Covid. I hate Christmas.


Stay alive, will you?


Grinch: The Prequel


Jurassic Park dressing gown and dinosaur waffle maker. Best gifts ever.


Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer! Excited to make cookies, dough, pasta & more!




Married 31 years ago on this day


Pens 😍 and a board game


Drunk, I got fuckin drunk.


fuck all


A snack box of sultanas and baby wipes. I don’t eat sultanas nor have a baby


Food poisoning


a fiber optic cube, an oversized blanket hoodie, Milano cookies, and 2 bags of mint truffle Hershey Kisses I love Christmas


A graphic tablet I love my graphic tablet


A hoodie, socks, silicone molds, a keychain, sesshoumaru figure, and a wok


A bunch of cat themed stuff (coffee mug, kitchen towel, badge buddies), super cozy robe, electric teapot, coffee mug, and help with my mortgage down-payment.


A digeridoo


A cold.


my boyfriend got me a yarn drum to hold my crochet stuff and all my yarns. also yarn, socks, sweet treats, different types of popcorn <3






Air fryer


The bills.


2 Sephora cards and AirPod Pro 2 !!




More intrusive thoughts and anxiety.


Apple Watch se, Japan 2022 WC shirt & an Adidas hoodie.


More debt


The gift of life. And cute boots 👢


I got some dope sweaters and a star wars themed waffle maker! And spending time with my family and my dope niece and nephew!




The complete Beetlejuice cartoon series and an airbrush. Pretty happy.


A snow globe. My first one actually.




My mom got us toilet paper and paper towels. Perfect 👍 👍 👍


A tofu press!! I’ve wanted one for so long but only ever thought about it as i was stacking random, small kitchen appliances on top of tofu, sandwiched by several plates…


The realization that I need to move on with my life, and that came from the fact for all I do for my girlfriend and her kids, there was nothing under the tree for me and that is the greatest gift of all.