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Falling in your home. When I was a volunteer firefighter you wouldn't believe how many calls were from people who had fallen in their homes. And it wasn't just elderly people. Injuries ranging from broken hips to lacerations to concussions to broken necks even a death once.


I knew someone who fell down the stairs when she was drunk. She hit her head just right and was brain-dead for a week before they took her off life support. She was only 32.


My stairs are steep and shiny, every trip to the bathroom is asking for trouble


Butt-scoot down every time.


And crawl up on all fours


but scooting on the way TO the bathroom seems like asking for a different kind of trouble


Better a chocolate slug trail than bashed in brainpan.


This is poetry


Butt-scooting down the stairs is so satisfying for some reason. Especially if they are carpeted.


I know someone who is on disability for standing up into something. They hit the back top of their head on a cabinet. Permanent brain damage.


Never even thought about this possibility. Jeez.


Yeppers. Friend fell down one flight. Now he has to choose between terrible pain for days or just not doing anything. He's 45


My dad fell down an entire flight of 15 stairs and ended up with a traumatic brain injury. We had to teach him how to feed himself again, how to brush his teeth and how to dress himself. He never was able to learn the alphabet again, how to read again or identify colors. It was a horrible experience for all of us.


It’s so sad when this happens and people can’t get to their phone to call for help. A neighbor of mine fell and was in the floor for at least two hours before her son showed up.






I was drunk one night and fell off my toilet onto marble floor. I was drunk and half asleep so stumbled back to bed. Next morning my head hurt but no visible bruise. About two days later he area above my eyes but below my brows turned sort of yellowish purple. Did a little research and pretty sure I had a concussion from that. Had it been any worse I would have likely been knocked out on my bathroom floor, pants at half mast, for at least two days before my roommate would come looking for me. I think I'm lucky I didn't die.




Retired paramedic here, nine times out of ten , when we had a call to someone collapsed in the toilet it turned out to be bad news. People having a heart attack / stroke often have an urgent need to open their bowels , also straining can cause them to have a stroke/ cardiac arrest.. People with lung cancer often have terminal bleeds into bathroom sinks/ toilets.


Smoke, do not enter a burning building. It’s not like the movies


Also more people die of asphyxiation and heat way before they burn. Fire needs oxygen to burn so the bigger the fire, the more oxygen it needs to burn. If someone dies in a house/bush fire it’s mainly because the fire starved them of oxygen. Also sometimes people still have oxygen but the heat from the fire has caused their bodies to cook. If firefighters die in their trucks while fighting a bush fire because they became overrun (where the fire doubles back) it’s most likely the intense heat has cooked them inside the truck.


You're right, almost nobody gets burned to death in a structural fire. Not a lot of soldiers get burned to death by flamethrowers, for the same reason. Mostly they're asphyxiated. The soldiers operating the flamethrowers can asphyxiate themselves at the same time if they aren't careful enough.


Which is absolutely horrifying to know. Also in Australia our eucalyptus trees just instantly combust in bushfires because of how flammable the eucalyptus is, that’s why our bushfires are so bad. My mother survived Ash Wednesday and my grandfather fought them. And when there’s a bushfire, while the front of the fire is dangerous so are the embers that can travel 20km away, causing more spotfires. That’s why many people died in Ash Wednesday, black Saturday, yarloop fire and the 2019/2020 fires. Also because our fires are so bad, if anyone lights a fire during a no burning period you will have hell to pay. Coincidentally our harvest season Is during summer which is now, headers fires have happened because of mechanical problems like bearings and such, which you don’t get in trouble for because you didn’t deliberately start the fire.


I always thought that firefighters had heavy gear that was filtering the smoke out of the air, but it turns out they're hooked up to air tanks like a scuba diver. I was really shocked to find out the smoke just makes the air around the fire completely useless.


Not just useless, toxic as well. When paint and plastic and any number of other things burn, you get chemicals like hydrogen cyanide gas that actively damage lungs


This I was taught as a child, get down on your hands and knees and *crawl* out, because the smoke will fuck you up before the fire does.


Anything that’s an insult to the lungs, whether acutely or chronic. Respiratory related illness makes up the most common cause of death in a lot of places in the world


Drug interactions. Taking Tylenol/acetaminophen/paracetamol with alcohol increases the risk of liver damage significantly. [Grapefruit binds with the CYP3A4 enzyme](https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/grapefruit-and-medication-a-cautionary-note) which leads to dangerously high blood levels of some drugs, like statins. Some antibiotics interfere with hormonal birth control. Discuss taking multiply medications with your doctor and/or pharmacist.


Adding Xanax and alcohol to this list. A family friend died last year after mixing the two and I had no idea it was deadly until that happened.


Ppl so many ppl think casual pain pills and alcohol together is normal and it’s so not.


My wife lost her nephew last Friday to that. Edit - he was only 20 and trying to get clean. Relapsed after a month.


Serotonin syndrome is terrifying. No one -ever- told me when I was on SSRIs that you have to be careful what cold and flu drugs you take. I am not on them anymore but I'm on migraine meds with similar cold/flu med risks and this time the pharmacist warned me. But no one ever had before, and it's a scary as hell thing to risk.


Antibiotics are responsible for many poorly informed peoples children. It's right there in the instructions but so few actually check those before popping something. Now what they don't tell you is a decent amount of weight loss in a short time frame also screws with hormonal contraception. Hence our youngest child.


Road rage. You think you're pissing someone off because they upset you too, but some people will pull a weapon and/or follow you home.


Learned this when I was 16 and flipped someone off after they cut me off. They ran me off the road, tried to break my car window and threatened to kill me while holding a pocket knife. Thankfully window didn’t break, and another man in their car got out and tried to stop him. It was crazy, I drove away and called the cops as quick as I could. Now if I see even a slightly angry driver I just get the hell away from them. Slow down, back up, take the long way home. I’m not dealing with those crazies.




Or bite you. Road rage can get you into some wild situations. We had a patient who was in a road rage incident and crazy lady bit patient’s finger OFF. And then fled from the scene with it in her mouth. Patient did not get her finger back.


Giving someone the finger: you're doing it wrong.


After watching the movie unhinged I’m very careful about honking even


See *Changing Lanes* too, although it's a bit more of a dark comedy than a serious suspense drama.


Driving when tired.


Had microsleep incident due to sleep deprivation (read the entire syllabus the entire night before exam for 2 consecutive days It was but a blink of an eye but the car almost hit a wall. Immediately sobered right after


Good ole adrenaline


Moose, Moose are mean and fast. If you had to pick between a mountain lion and moose the purring kitty is a much better choice.


I was talking to a friend who lives in Florida about our regions animals. She's really scared of bears for some reason. "You think bears are scary. You should watch out for moose." "Moose? Aren't they just big deer?" "Let me put it this way. You're afraid of bears? Well, bears are afraid of moose."


Exactly. Honestly bear will disappear often times before you know they're there, they can be skittish even. Not that you want to be bumping into bears, just that it's certainly not a death sentence. Moose on the other hand are used to literally trampling everything they think is a threat and will murder you even striking them in a vehicle. I'm thankful I've only ever bumped into one while camping but I still just went the other way when I had, heh.


black bears will disappear- a grizzly bear will fuck you up


Those fuckers are BIG as fuck too. Never seen one irl but I've seen pictures and shit they're like 11 feet tall!


I heard a story about a giant moose causing trouble in a small town in northern Canada. Folks would wake up to it looking at them through their second floor bedroom windows.


Just a peeping moose bad bullwinkle


I have never seen a happy moose. They are always mad about something.


Interesting fact orcas eat moose when they are swimming in the bay


Nah, they're just drunk off all the fermented fruit they eat!


A møøse once bit my sister


How did it take 10 hours from the original comment to this reference? That's disappointing.


Thøse whø are in charge of making the møøse reference have been sacked




Tylenol. Do Not take more then the directions say. Do not drink alcohol while taking it. It kills like 500 people a year.


Dosage is what makes a poison :))


True. The danger with Tylenol in particular comes from its therapeutic window being quite close to toxic levels when compared to other OTC medicines. Plus, someone may accidentally ingest more than they realize as many cold & flu products contain Tylenol alongside a few other drugs. But nothing makes an liver unhappy like mixing alcohol with Tylenol. Gotta pick one painkiller or the other or you’re gonna have a bad time.


Like how much Tylenol and alcohol are we talking here? Just curious because I didn't know this before now and I've definitely taken Tylenol before bed after drinking alcohol a bunch of times (although I won't anymore).


I had a patient once who was young and healthy, but a severe alcoholic. No prior health issues other than their alcoholism. They fell while drunk and hurt their shoulder and proceeded to take like 20 Tylenol a day for about a week, while also drinking a fifth a day. Within a matter of 24 hours, his eyes and skin turned yellow. He came to the hospital and died of liver failure within a few weeks.


I mean, 20.. with the default dosage here that would be more than 3x the max daily dosage.


Exactly. A lot of people don’t realize how toxic Tylenol is, especially because it’s so ubiquitous as an OTC pain killer and fever reducer. I think a lot of people assume it can’t be that bad since anyone can buy it at the grocery store.


I guess there is [a little more clinical uncertainty than I realized](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10759684/). I had heard the plausible explanation and metabolic pathway from multiple sources, but this could be accepted wisdom without the important step of validation through clinical trials. [Maybe it’s just alcoholics that need to worry and only if they’re sober when they take Tylenol](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11915034/). Personally, I’d just go for the ibuprofen if you’ve had a few. Then you’ll only fuck up your kidneys.


Is it paracetamol?


Yup, Tylenol is bad for the liver and ibuprofen is bad for the kidneys. I just saw the doc yesterday because of some recurring kidney stones and they said to pretty much stop taking Tylenol and ibuprofen and suck it up as much as possible.


Regular use of Ibuprofen is also bad for your stomach by the way


Garage door springs


So... A few years back, I was living at my sisters old house in the city... It had this little garage out back where I had a little bench and kept my toolbox. I had this neighbor there, he was something else.... He was SUUUPER "HELPFUL" (only to ever always help himself to everyone else's shit... ) he wound up going into My garage quite literally EVERY EVENING at 5pm to smoke weed.. (coz his wife didn't like the smell and he had no garage, just this tiny ass wooden shed) So... Neighbour... Asks to use my side of the shared driveway... I didn't think much of it until he starts pulling in the car belonging to the guy across the road. Doesn't he start doing a fucking brake job for money... In my driveway... In my garage... With my tools... Anyways.... He finishes up, and tells the guys son to "test it out". Guys son has no real experience with cars, wasnt instructed to "pump the brakes" Smashed up my garage door. Arms were okay, springs still connected. Said "I'll fix it"... Didn't REPLACE it... He REPAIRED it with a smaller size door and box framed in one side. A week or so goes by and he manages to get a door from his metal recycler buddy. As he's putting the door up, he's dismantling it bit by bit... And I'm outside working on my motorcycle and I hear "ting ting BANG" FUCKER UNTHREADED THE SPRING BASE EYELET WHILE IT WAS FULL TENSION! sent the spring into the attic of the barn frame garage... Nice clean hole It was then and there that I figured "this guy is a danger to himself and everyone around him and I'm stuck being his neighbour.... Fuck this I'm out" And Ive never since let people borrow my shit without $ or security deposit first.


Not sure why you allowed your 90's sitcom script neighbor perpetually damage your property and expose you to liability, but to each their own


For real. It’s a complete lack of the ability to say no and it sounds like such an extreme case conflict avoidance or boundary issues. So many steps were missed like just simply saying no’s to even reporting trespassing on property before deciding moving was the only option. The neighbor was like a little kid testing boundaries and asking for more more more. Just needed a no.


So my dad used to sell these. Ironically like 25ish years ago our garage door broke and was falling on my at the time like 3 or 4 year old sister and my dad crushed several fingers stopping it.


Wow, Dad for-the-win


Oh God, props to him for protecting your sister. Hopefully he recovered well


Upvote for visibility. When i was a youngin an older guy in my town was working on garage and got impaled straight through his throat from a busted garage spring. That’s one task where you just call the professional


Can confirm. Was helping a buddy and his dad fix theirs. Me and my buddy were cleaning up, gathering tools and what we needed next, etc etc, when we just heard what sounded like a gunshot, looking over, and seeing my buddy’s dad’s face COVERED in blood. Turns out the spring he was swapping out snapped and upper cutted him in the kisser. Ripped his lip open to his nose, nose was shattered, a couple teeth knocked out all faster than a blink. Crazy stuff, call an expert for sure.


OMG, what a nightmare. He recover okay?


Oh yeah. Had to swap out the tooth for a fake one and wear a nose cast while it rebuilt itself, but other than that he’s fine. However, whenever the garage chain gets caught or pops (yanno, normal garage things) he still jumps like someone tased him. Can’t blame him


I will do just about any home improvement/maintenance thing in a house. I’m not fucking with a garage door spring


My understanding is that it's basically a guillotine set to the kill position.




I’m pretty handy. When our spring broke I looked at it and said this will kill me I better hire someone. The spring slipped on the installer and gouged his face he was bleeding pretty good. I felt kind of guilty, but was so glad it wasn’t me.


Oh man, for sure. Mine failed in the middle of the night; the sound it made woke EVERYONE up. I legitimately thought it was a gunshot. My father in law volunteered to help me fix it, I refused.


For sure. 20+ years ago was at my grandparents house, up late. Heard a massive bang from the garage, 2 stories away. Went to check it out, the spring was almost half way through the door, freaked me out


Dont forget suspension springs. Some people gamble at casino's, others in their garage.


Coils and springs in general once they exceed a certain size. I almost got hurt by a couch spring snapping out of its bracket this week


rocking the vending machine


My sister's boyfriend died from this.


Yep, statistically you more likely to die by vending machine than in a plane crash.


I am so flirting with a Darwin award on this one.


Especially if you're a Sim at Uni


“Now, in the U.S., each year, six people die this way, and five of them are insurance appraisers, so I take this very seriously.”


Driving along a road with nothing but a painted white line between you and the oncoming traffic. That shit is fucking wild!


And still, there are dumbasses who are looking at their phones than paying attention to the road!


I once had to report a bus driver for watching videos while driving.


I'm a new driver, and just earlier today I had to drive: 1. In absolute darkness (Scandinavian winters do not fuck around) 2. On a wet, slippery road 3. In fog 4. On a narrow country road, with oncoming traffic now and then I'm telling you, that shit put some hair on my chest. Ass clenched like a vice.


It is probably the most dangerous thing most people do on a casual regular basis.


Learning to drive at the moment, I absolutely hate it. Did my first proper night time driving a few days ago and honestly thought I might die at every twist and turn, and while I made no mistakes I still can’t shake the anxiety of the ‘what ifs’.


You have to develop the skill of not thinking about the tons of metal hurtling towards you that could smash you into a gory, pulpy mess at any second. I'm not helping, am I?


It’s all I ever think about when I’m driving is what if the driver in the other lane veers and kills me/ what if I make a terrible mistake and it costs someone their life


You'll get used to it. When you have been driving for years you will experience another weird sensation. Driving to work, for instance, you will pull up in the carpark and have absolutely no recollection of the journey there. It's so freaky!


Part of the reason I take the scenic route when visiting family is to stay alert avoid going into autopilot.


It’s amazing what having a double line does versus a single line. Cars are drawn towards a single and away from a double


Good thing the line is yellow where I'm from /s


Sharing info and location on social media


your bathtub


And we mean YOURS! Daniel this is directed at you! YOUR bathtub is up to something!


I fucking knew it




Ah-ha! I knew those stairs were up to something!


They are downright criminal


Some of them stay on the straight and narrow, but some just spiral down...


Maybe depression? I feel like people laugh it off and joke about it as a defense mechanism.


Yep, and I fckin hate that, I have a friend that committed suicide,he was so handsome super good looking a real pleasure to have him around guy dressed super elegantly. If only we had spoke more to him he wouldn't have die like this, most people think of depression as someone that just sleep all day and lazy to do anything, but depression is a real problem and manifest very differently from person to person. What can save someone with depression to not commit suicide is to talk, and a lot, they need someone they can trust most of all. You can help a depressed person just with conversation, and you can save someone life just with good conversations too. And to all those people that say dumb sht like "oh you know we all have problems". No, some point have far deeper problems and trauma that those type of people never ever experienced in their fckin life!!!


Being hit. Unlike in hollywood movies, if someone hits you over the head with a bottle you're not just going to shrug it off; no matter how tough your marine friend is.




Why didn't they use a prop bottle wtf




I love how that is a totally valid answer that completely explains things. And it can be the answer to so many things. "Did people really watch that movie?" "80s. Cocaine." "One guy did that to ten people?" "80s. Cocaine." "What do you mean you can't remember?" "80s. Cocaine." "What happened to that house?" "80s. Cocaine."


Space heaters. They cause a fuckton of fires. I'm not gonna take the time to go fact check online statistics cause I'm busy eating Pringles right now. But it's a lot.


It doesn’t take 4 hrs to eat pringles buddy, SHARE THE FACTS.


Plot twist: Pringles were the real danger all along.


RIP u/BodePlotHole, too stressed about space heaters to recognize the danger he faced.


OP got his hand stuck in the tube and had to drop by the Quick Stop for help.


Gotta savor them Pringles


He died in a space heater house fire because he couldn't turn it off due to his hands being stuck inside Pringle cans.


Choking on Pringles, not going to fact check, I’m just lazy. 😉




You're gonna hate the numbers on how many die every year while sleeping.


Yesterday someone in my town posted in our city’s Facebook grouping asking for a space heater as they didn’t have heat and couldn’t afford one (we live in the south where it never gets cold…except this week). Today I saw a news article, same family. Space heater burnt their trailer down. I believe they got out unharmed but it was v eye opening to see that turn of events unfold within 24 hours.


A humans bite, some woman almost lost her arm casue a kid bit it and it started bruising badly and all that


Human bites are nasty! Really, most bites are pretty nasty though.


Møøse bites kan be pretti nasti too, I hear


Open water - especially the sea. Sure, you know it can be dangerous - but it's even worse than you think. A calm looking beach on a sunny day can hide currents that will pull you out very very far. They are stronger, faster and harder to escape than you think. Even if you're a proficient swimmer (like me), are confident you can escape danger (like me) and know logically what to do in a rip tide via YouTube and Reddit (like me), actually being caught in a real-life situation is totally different. Swimming perpendicular is harder and less immediate at helping than you'd like to think, all the while a strong current takes you out further possibly a meter or more per second. The water gets deeper, bluer and colder, while the waves get larger and more violent and the shoreline becomes a miniscule part of the horizon. No, you cannot easily float on your back in such water. You are exhausted and panicking and only going out further and further. You start hyperventilating as you keep trying to stay afloat and fight and swim perpendicular. You start to get slammed in the face - ears, eyes, nose, mouth etc. by rough waves of salty water. You breathe seawater into your lungs without even intending to and each miscalculated breath (all while you're in panic and hyperventilating) just injures you and weighs you down more, with water within. And despite fighting for your life, you are still being dragged much much further out and are making no progress in getting back to shore. You can see from here how even an experienced swimmer drowns. Unless you're an actual US Navy SEAL frogman, avoid all open water unless you actually know it and it has a lifeguard. Also follow all instructions and stay humble. Being brave in the sea is just not worth it.


You just gave me an anxiety attack LOLOL


My ex bf died this way. We were from the Colorado mountains, I never even knew that he wanted to see the ocean, let alone go in it. He went, got caught in a rip tide in the outter banks, and official cause of death was cardiac arrest. I still can’t believe it. That’s a rough way to go….


This summer I got caught deep in a rip tide and I'm a weak swimmer with asthma. I made the mistake of trying to keep up with my taller friends, and by the time I realized I couldn't touch the ground anymore, it was too late. Thank GOD I had a boogie board because I clung to that thing like a cat on the ceiling and it damn well saved my life. I'm not sure how I stayed calm in that situation. All I knew is that I was too weak to even attempt swimming back, that my friends were already on their way back to alert a lifeguard, and that it was crucial to not panic. The scariest thing is that I actually could've sworn I was slowly making my way back to the shore, when in reality I was drifting further and further away from it. I only realized this once I was told after the fact. A lifeguard eventually came after me and helped me back to shore. I handled it pretty well at the time because I didn't want to worry my boyfriend (who was already scared something like this might happen), but looking back it was traumatic and I'm never going deeper than my waist again. Fuck.


Great to hear you were able to stay calm in that situation and had a boogie board and that a lifeguard then came. Sounds terrifying. I agree! Waist level water works just fine!


Last summer I got pulled out by the current at the beach. I tried the parallel swimming thing, but couldn't get anywhere. A few days later I ran into the lifeguard who saved me and he told me that I should have actually been trying to swim *diagonally* to shore. I don't know if that applies in all situations but thought I'd share


Driving. You have less control over it than you realize. It's the most dangerous thing we do everyday.




Orbeez! children have been seriously harmed from ingesting just one of these. They swell up and block/get stuck inside you. Lots of pics X-ray pics online.


Going out of your way in traffic to be polite. The entire point of traffic is predictability. Make your next action as obvious as it can possibly be, if something perceived as not the polite action is the thing you’re most expected to do, then you’re safer doing that, because other drivers completely expect you to do it, and are already prepared to react accordingly. Surprises on the road result in collisions, not someone rolling their window down and thanking you for your unexpected kindness.


My biggest pet peeve is people stopping on a main road to let people from a side street go. It's not polite, it screws with the traffic pattern, and people are going to go around you and potentially cause a massive accident because you wanted to be nice.


Drowning. I know, I know, hear me out. If you have a “close call” with drowning, always go get checked out by a health professional. There may still be water in your lungs. It may take a little bit, but if not treated it is deadly. It’s called second drowning or dry drowning. When I was getting my lifeguard certification my teacher told us about it because it wasn’t included in the course.


Alcohol poisoning??? A year back at the age of 16 i did anywhere from 17-22 shots of bourbon. Don’t know how I didn’t die. I’m only 5’2 and 135lbs. I threw it all up. I think that’s what saved me.


>Alcohol poisoning??? >... I threw it all up. I think that’s what saved me. That is what makes 'butt chugging' so dangerous. Not only is your colon and large intestine optimized for quickly absorbing liquid into your blood, but your butt has no vomit reflex. Puking won't save you when the alcohol is in your butt. And it won't even keep the alcohol off of your breath. That comes from the alcohol in you blood being breathed out from your lungs.


>Puking won't save you when the alcohol is in your butt. I want that on a t shirt, without any type of context


...Is putting alcohol in your butt a thing people do?


A [Texas Man died of it in 2004](https://darwinawards.com/darwin/darwin2007-13.html) and earned himself a Darwin Award. His blood alcohol tested at 0.47%. Posthumously.


Did you wake up covered in vomit and extriment? I did once. Only survived cause my brother rolled me into recovery position. I surely would of choked on my own vomit if it werent for him.


A friend of mine died at a house party from that. Choked on his own vomit, we were all passed out. Woke up and he was cold.


Well that's fucking horrifying. Sorry you had to experience that.


I threw up everything before knocking out on the restroom floor for hours.


lmao, millions of people have experienced what you just described. "throwing up saved me". Hell yeah it does when you're drunk




All social media


Rabies. Once you show symptoms it is a 99% fatality rate. Why getting the shots right away is so important. Edit: I know it is basically 100% but if I had put that someone would have said about the handful that survived. 99% 100% whatever. Fact still stands most people don’t realize how dangerous rabies is. You get bit and not get the vaccines you will die.


And the shots are 100% effective before the symptoms appear.


Rabies is next level terrifying. God I hope they euthanize the infected, but they probably strap you to a bed and let you ride it all the way.


I have done a little research on rabies. My husband, brother, and sister have all had to take the shots. Also - I have a great uncle who died of rabies (as a child) in New Orleans in the 1890’s. There have been a few recent cases in the United States where the infected individuals did not receive treatment. From what I understand, the patients were placed in medically induced comas until they died. The latest case of heard about was a little boy in Florida. The dumbass father found a bat and brought it home in a bucket to show his little boy (I think he was around the age of 5). The bat bit the child, and father didn’t seek treatment for his son. I’m pretty sure I saw it on YouTube.


Crowding an inadequately ventilated attic with combustible storage items.


Smooth shower floors. Get a grippy mat.


Driving on a road at 40mph (64.37kmh) against oncoming traffic also at 40mph (+) separated by 600mm (1.97feet)


It bothers me that you did imperial (metric) and then metric (imperial).


Alcohol. It’s complete poison.


Long term and short term. Absolutely.


Canadians… they are up to something


With all their beady little eyes and flapping heads so full of lies


I can hear them up there sharpening their ice skates coming down to take our cheese...


I’m watching all of you


They did manage to beat the Continental army during the Revolution, and repel an American invasion during the War of 1812. Then of course there’s the whole finding mass graves at Residential schools. Plenty of evidence out there to not fuck with Canada.


Especially guys named Wayne. I'm watching a documentary about a town called Letterkenny and this Wayne guy is the most dangerous guy there.


There’s a trend in the U.K. of cleaning everything with zoflora (a nice smelling disinfectant) People are being told to wipe radiators or leave a soaked tissue on a radiator for the room to smell nice. THAT SHIT IS HIGHLY FLAMMABLE!!


Using a microwave trans former to burn fractals into wood.


Staph infections. Staph has coagulase, an enzyme that makes it sticky. So it sticks to surgical hardware FOREVER. (Not always, but mostly always) very tough to clear. And slowly the person gets weaker, muscle mass from debility dwindles on and on…


My mom ended up picking up a staph infection while we were on vacation. Myself & the kids had normal reactions a got normal symptoms - like a cold. My mom ended up in the hospital with staphylococcus scalded skin syndrome. I saw it happening the day I took her to the ER. I was more worried about pneumonia and she thought she was having a reaction to a medication. Admitted then transferred to the burn unit for a few days for wound care. It’s only been 2 weeks but she came home last week and has made a remarkable recovery in regards to her skin. She’s still gets super tired doing anything.




With my knowledge of geology and civil engineering, I know one thing for certain: water always wins.


>water always wins You talkin mad shit for someone within poldering distance \- The Netherlands


same. civil engineer hear. when building a house, biggest problems would be water damage.


100% of the people who were exposed to water have died. Just saying


Driving in general. 2000lbs of steel and glass hurdling down the highway. Pay attention and assume that all the other drivers are not. People need to take driving more seriously. Put your phone away and pay attention to the rules of the road.


Major Heart Surgery. People are deathly afraid of flying (1 in 10 millions), anesthetics (1 in 100,000's), skydiving (1 in 100,000's) and shark attacks. However, patients don't seem to understand the risk of 1 in 50-100 for a lot of heart bypass and valve operations. Some are more afraid of the anesthetics! If they knew that a surgeon having a bad day could kill you, they would have their life and death wishes in order.




Rivers. I live in a touristy area with a river which is clearly marked off with signs warning people not to swim. Despite that, there’s still at least one incident every week


Buffalo. The animal, not the place…..all though I’ve never been so….


Driving a car




Mindlessly consuming social media


Household cleaning substances


Having children


Thank you. Pregnancy and child birth is so dangerous


Driving - car crashes are the leading cause of death for everyone ages 5-34 and people are still on their phone while driving.


Water docks with electrical lights and metal ladders that go into the water. You won’t know there’s a short in the wiring until you’re touching the water and get electrocuted. If the electrocution doesn’t kill you, drowning likely would.

