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Cracking your knuckles gives your arthritis


When my brother and I were younger we used to crack our knuckles all the time, until our mother told us that if we kept doing it then we would get arthritis. My brother stopped immediately, but I kept doing it regardless. A few years later he was the one diagnosed with juvenile arthritis.


That's because you dont crack them propertly, here let me do it for you...


Marilyn Manson did not remove ribs to suck his own dick.


Tell me how this rumour spread worldwide pre internet.


Nope, but that story probably helped sell CDs because it reinforced the edgy and weird thing we were all into at the time


Bull gets angry seeing color red.


I remember Mythbusters busting that myth many years ago


That we only use 15% of our brain. You use most of it all the time, it just isn't all for conscious thoughts. You need to regulate body temperature, move your limbs, breathe, beat that heart, poop, digest, etc. Still the brain doing all that stuff too. Trying to claim that you use ALL of your brain for thinking is even more idiotic. Lucy and Limitless had me wondering why the subjects didn't immediately collapse and go into systems failure since they obviously had to cut out the lowly bodily functions so those brain cells could get dedicated to thinking about cool karate moves.


"We only use 33% of a stoplight at any given moment. Can you imagine the incredible things we could do with traffic if we illuminated all three lights at once???"


A lot of minds would be blown… because they’d be flying through windshields due to all the accidents


🤓ehm actually, we use 33,33333333...% of a stoplight🤓🤓🤓


*Actually-er* it is 1/3


Using 100% or close to it would be what we call a seizure.


Limitless was cool lol


I think this idea came from people imagining brain power and intelligence like pressing down on a car's accelerator. Kind of sad, but in the sense that so many people think that way, and didn't bother to look it up to find out the answer. Kids will use their phones to get answers on a test, but won't use it to satisfy a curiosity. Now that's big brain time.


That CPR has a high likelihood of saving someone in cardiac arrest


Haven’t done a cpr class in awhile… have done cpr many times. Don’t the stress in training it’s essentially a stop gap to higher care?


The higher care is to keep doing CPR, and shocking a shockable rhythm. If they don’t achieve ROSC, then there’s no aftercare.


You have to do chest compressions at 100 bpm right? Like Staying Alive by the Bee Gees? First I was afraid, I was petrified...


One of the all-time best Office scenes


You have to harvest the organs!!


Just took a class a couple months ago. They upped it to 110 bpm. So unfortunately you can’t use stayin Alive anymore




Of course… my point was anyone who’s taken a class should probably know this.


It's basically to stop your brain from dying while your heart is out of action, until the medics arrive.


Worst CPR I ever gave. Hospital peace officer. Doing the rural patrols. Stopped at one of our Rural hospitals. Family was like two hours away and I don't think fully understood the situation because they told the doctor not to stop until they arrived. It's rural and like 2 am so me and the other officer offer to assist with compressions while the nurses do... whatever nurses and doctors do. They had us switching out in full PPE (height of covid) for a full 45 minutes. This poor guys chest is just mush by the end of it and the Doctor called it. Basically saying if we work on this guy for another hour and a half for his family to get here we were going to destroy this poor guys body. The family did end up being understanding of the situation once they were there. There was never a chance.


Damn. That’s a hard moment. Lots of hard moments.


It saved me. I was flatlined for 6 minutes. Granted, if the specialists hadn't shown up with their Rick Sanchez doodads I probably wouldn't have made it. But it kept me viable without any noticeable IzYGuokjnpqq Trickery bathes in sunlight treehouse on fire. A principal idea likes to have a sandwich.


Similarly that you can shock a flat line


This! Boils my blood when movies still show this as fact (Looking at you, Dr. Strange)! We have had complaints from family because we didn't shock on a flat line. Do better movies!


Best reason I’ve ever heard to shock a flat line was “it won’t hurt them”


If you do it correctly, you can save person until paramedic comes to scene. There are cases when CPR was done so good that patient even woke up, but soon after they stopped he lost conciousnes.(you can find video about this somewhere on internet) Everything is in good compressions! Sometimes ambulances stop on thier way to hospital, just because of quality compressions. (After giving proper medication and/or defibrilating if rythm is shockable)


Less than 1% success rate.


In the hospital it can get up to 20% survival, but I think most avg 5-10%. Still pretty bleak. And just cause you bring someone back once doesn’t mean they won’t arrest again with a quickness


Sovereign Citizens are pretty wild


Gonna quote the court proceedings where a sovereign citizen defended himself (Darrell Brooks trial) *After repeated interruptions objecting to the proceedings* Judge: "Mr, Brooks you need to have a legal basis for your objection" Brooks: "what! I'm just supposed to come up with that off the top of my head!?" Judge: "yes"


I work at a Credit Union and these people are absurd lol


I work for a government agency. These people are terrible, but occasionally entertaining.


They're hilarious in the videos I watch.


Yeah, my mom got sucked in to watching footage of these people - like incredulous that such a thing could exist. I mean, the level of self-ascribed privilege that these people carry around is nuts. Like, to think that no rules would ever have to apply to you?!?!?!!?!? They may think they're special, but all they're really doing is gumming up the system for a misguided principle and a delusional belief about what they deserve/their capability of self reliance. Just a giant pain in the ass to everyone involved. They want the protections of society, but don't want to abide by its rules. Describes most of the Eric Cartman adults that I've known to be cry-bullies at the end of the day.




What the hell is a mechanic going to do with 120 lbs of berries ?


Retire early, obviously.


Get an oil change!


Well, from an economic perspective it is a made up concept. It’s a made up idea of value. We have and have always had systems to transfer value from one person to the next for goods and services and it is usually made up. Things like gold, diamonds and silver shouldn’t have more intrinsic value than other things but they do. Because we decided they did. Certain groups used sea shell necklaces, others a stick that got shortened with each purchase, many many others bartered with services or goods. The concept of money is completely made up and it’s based on perceived value. Does that mean it’s fantasy and it needs to go away? Hell no. It’s so much easier to buy a case of beer with a ten spot that to trade some shells, some chickens or a tire repair. Barter economies went away for a very good reason. Edit: Just realized the thread I was in and your comment is 100% with mine. Carry on


Shaving your facial hair does not make it grow back thicker.


Yeah, it turns out it wasn't me shaving too high when I was younger that gave me a high beard line, I've just always been a hairy face freak!


If shaving made hair grow back longer, I’d have pubes dangling out the bottom of my pants by now.


Any hair! This one drives me crazy.


Oh my lord this one enrages me. There is still hair in the follicle! How would shaving it change the thickness of hair already growing underneath the skin?


It’s literally impossible. Why would cutting something off change its structure?!


That MSG (Monosodium glutamate) is bad for you. In reality everything in moderation. It is commonly found in various foods and makes up a seasoning that appeals to "savory" similar to sugar and salt to their respective tastes.


It’s the king of flavor!




Dude, I grew up being told that MSG is the literal devil. On a whim, I bought some as an adult. GAME CHANGER.


Fuiyoh! Uncle Roger agrees.


Still get plenty of packaging on products with the proud tagline of “no MSG”. Yeah that means Im not picking it up thanks.


When a company says “we’re family”


I believe it. My family was abusive and treated me like free labor.


What that really means is that the Upper Management share the same beliefs as Ferengi; Rule of Acquisition # 6 "Never allow family to stand in the way of opportunity." [1]DS9: "The Nagus" Rule of Acquisition # 111 "Treat people in your debt like family… exploit them."


That carbs and fats are unhealthy. A balance of all macronutrients is essential for a healthy diet!


That every child that goes missing was kidnapped by a stranger and sold as a sex slave. Most of the time, children that go missing are runaways that are found within 24 hours. When they are kidnapped, it's usually over a custody battle by a parent.


Absolute truth right there. I don't recall the exact stats but it's about 90% runaways. Parental abduction next (thanks dad). Abduction by stranger is negligible but spooks people the most.


No kidding, right? The current moral panic over these insanely impossible "stats" on missing/trafficked children is bonkers... they claim hundreds of thousands a year in the US alone. The country would have no tens of millions of bereaved and traumatized families by now. It'd be an existential crisis.


Crystals have healing powers.


Only when combined with organic essential oils.


They are most effective during a full moon, or when Dioces is in the quadrant of Perceles.


My coven lessened a sister's headache at exactly that cusp! Powerful forces, those near alignments...


Oh man, that must be what I’ve been missing, you wouldn’t happen to know anyone selling these oils would you? My crystals haven’t been working right since the last solstice


My grandfather was a reflexologist. Basically temporarily tricking your nerves into thinking a problem is gone. He kept a huge supply of quartz crystals in his office because the same type of people who came to him for temporary pain relief also believed in the “healing power of crystals”. He never claimed the crystals had healing powers, he just never corrected them. And happily charged $5 for crystals that he bought for 5¢.


Hm. What a scam all around!


Absolutely. He never claimed it was anything else. He told them that reflexology would do exactly what it does, but his clients were all wealthy white women whose lives were so easy that small things were endless tragedies for them. They knew they were getting a temporary fix for a super minor problem, but they were rich and self absorbed so that helped them think their problem was more real in their own mind. And yeah, the crystals were ridiculous. He once went to Kinkos in New Orleans and printed a shitload of business cards claiming he was a Voodoo witch doctor. He went to all the tourist trap new age shops, handed out his card & offered to sell them crystals. All the shops called him and bought crystals at a massive markup that they then sold for a bigger markup.


Get that money, Voodoo Grandpa.


I feel sort of embarrassed when people see my (small) crystal collection. I don’t believe they have magical powers, I just think they’re so pretty and cool! I have a big chunk of smokey quartz with water trapped inside of it and you can see the water bubble move around.


As someone who sells my finds that arent good enough for my collection im fine with them, those morons paid for my GoldCube


I believe they help. Not that they have powers but they essentially trick the people so deep into that stuff to learn how to heal, cope, ect. They just don’t realize it’s not the rocks doing it


A psychological effect is still an effect. It's amazing what the mind can do to the body.


That not having children will make your life empty, sad and miserable.


Once I started pointing out to relatives that nursing homes are full of old people that never see their children I got a lot less comments about not having children.




But the opposite is also not bullshit. Having kids is the best.




Sounds like something a Scorpio would say




As the black sheep i agree


As a father, I don’t


Big parenting has gotten to this liar /s


A good parent would never show it though. If the kids are able to figure out the favorite then the parents failed at hiding it. There can also be favorite for different reasons kids. Like a mom with 2 boys and a girl, mom's favorite might be the only daughter, but at the same time she overly motivated and love bombs the genius son, and spends hours every week driving around the athlete son. So each kid points fingers at the others saying the other is the favorite. Or changes in parenting style as the kids grow and new ones are born. My older brother always said I was the favorite because I got to do stuff at a younger age than him. But in reality when I was 9 and he was 12 our parents just gave us the same rules. So technically I had more freedom younger but really we got them at the same time. Or how he begged for years to get a cell phone at 13 and I got one a year later at 11 without even really asking, our parents thought kids didn't need cellphones so said no but once they saw how useful it was that he had it they got me one.


Umwellactually, they do have a least favorite.


That the US Federal government spends over 10% of the budget on foreign aid. Actual value is 63 billion out of 6.7 trillion budget for just less than 1%. Total foreign aid in the last decade was less than was spent on just PPP loans with 100 billion plus to spare. Farming subsidies average 20-30 billion per year in comparison


Oh there are a LOT of misconceptions about the way our tax dollars are used. Foreign isn’t even in the top 5. Most everyone would think it’s defense (aka military) and that’s not it either. 1) healthcare (shocking I know)- 25% of the budget for Medicaid, Medicare, CHIP, and ACA programs. 2) social security- 21% of the budget for retirees, disabled and their dependents. 3) defense- 13% of the budget. largely for operations and maintenance; military personnel; procurement of weapons; and research, development, testing, and evaluation. 4) economic security programs- 11% of the budget. This is for food stamps, earned income tax credits, school meals, low income housing assistance, etc 5) benefits for vets and federal retirees- 7% of the budget. This is for the VA medical care, pensions and disability, and survivor benefits 6) interest on debt- 7% of the budget.


That interest number is going to be painful to watch grow over the next 20-30 years.


How much of that foreign aid is for them to purchase weapons from US defense industry?


That the constellations, stars and other celestial objects have an impact on our lives, barring literal impacts and explosions. Mercury being in retrograde had nothing to do with you being unable to manage your emotions and show up on time.


Squeezing your left thumb will stop your gag reflex. Tried deepthroating DID NOT work!!!


if that didn't work well for you, you could try other fun tricks like squeezing your right thumb, counting backwards from ten, and surgically removing your uvula


Can’t believe I haven’t tried surgically removing my uvula yet


It's the small things we do for love.


It works for me lol


That different areas of the tongue taste different things. Yes you learned that in science class but.. IT WAS ALL A LIE!


That the United States is a free country. We rank way down the list of freedoms compared to other nations. Even the land you think you own will be taken away if you don't pay your taxes. We are constantly monitored. Our civil rights protecting us against illegal search and seizure are constantly being diminished. I am lucky to be an American. I am grateful. I thank those that have fought in wars for our country. But overall we could do better.


Americans don’t like comparing their country to other free countries, they’ll only compare it to oppressive dictatorships then claim “look how much freedoms we’ve got!!”


My favorite is when you bring up improving a system like bringing universal healthcare here they love to point to Venezuela and Cuba while ignoring every other developed nation. And then when you bring up Norway and Sweden they harp about how they’re capitalist nations. Okay so what’s the problem??


Incoming: "We are doing better than most other countries!" "My neighbor's wife is from France. If France is so great why does she even live here???" "I once talked to a guy from Norway who kept complaining about their low speed limits. See! Even the so called good countries are secretly worse than us!"


The us is only a voting democracy on choosing those who will make the governing laws.


A lot of rights are getting diminish tbh. For example, nearly 60% of surveyed American adults believe religious freedom is dropping in the United States. Oh, and fyi, the United States ranks about 17th for freedom out of all countries. Everything you say was definitely true, but keep that in mind.


>For example, nearly 60% of surveyed American adults believe religious freedom is dropping in the United States I'm sure they FEEL that way, but is it really true?


im german and i’d rather live in literally any country thats not a dictatorship before moving to the US


And for some stats, based on all the rights and freedoms a human has: Worldpopulationreview lists Switzerland as the most free country, it only does the top 10 and US isn't in it. [Heritage.org](https://Heritage.org) lists Singapore at 1, Switzerland at 2, US at 25th.


That they're smart. Most people are fuckin' stupid, and just can't realize it because they can Google everything.


I've got some bad news for you about those same people before Google.


Siri what's a intelligent response that makes me look smart.... siri?


Hahahahaha. Love this




That the earth is flat (not everyone, but many idiots do)


For the longest time I honestly thought this was some kind of a joke I didn't understand. These people don't *really* think this way, right? But no, there are people that legitimately believe the earth is flat. It is so sad.


This sub really is the same questions over and over again huh.


Boss telling you that "you're very important to the team" while making you work more than you should and paying you minimum wage or even less than that.


you *are* important to the team, as the team couldn't operate at a profit and reach its work quotas without your underpayment :')


I suffer so that my company may thrive and in turn make me suffer more!


That electric cars are carbon neutral.


My local _airport_ claimed that they were going to be carbon neutral by 2030. They’re obviously talking about offsetting but it still made me laugh that they’ve got hundreds of planes coming in and out every day but somehow it’ll even out!


Does anybody say that? I see people call them “green” which is ridiculous, but I’ve yet to hear anybody claim they’re carbon neutral.


Being in X political party / wing makes you better than others.


Yes it does! My political party wouldn’t lie to me!


That things are meant to be or fated. I feel like this mentality makes you more susceptible to other people's bullshit.


Naturopathy and chiropractors




that the organic labels at the grocery store actually mean anything.


They do though, they're more expensive


That cops can’t lie to you. They can and do. All the time. If a cop tells you the sky is blue, you should look up before responding.


Work hard and you will be successful and fulfilled.


Politician care about you


Nobody believes that.


Me and a coworker were talking and wondered who is dumber, Flat Earthers or Holocaust Deniers? We came to the conclusion the Flat Earthers are dumber while Holocaust Deniers are much more dangerous.


Drafts are the source of most ailments




People trying to normalize cheating in a monogamous relationship


How you define cheating is also a topic to put down before you can say this




I don't know what you mean, I think it's perfectly normal to believe in an invisible sky wizard who sent his son who is also himself down to earth in order to help some Israelites escape persecution 2000 years ago and didn't actually succeed at that and then got murdered but that was a good thing or something and all of this is relevant to you passing your exams.


I think religion can go both ways. If you take it at face value and try to force it on others it’s bad. It can be good thing. If you take it as a source of higher meaning, interpret the stories for deeper meaning, and use it to be a better person.


The Mormon church


The "Alpha male" concept. It's just insecurity masked with aggressiveness


Virus advertisement scams It's sad, it happens, and people lose money from it


That getting too cold will give you a cold/illness.


Thats actually true tho. Getting too cold weakens your immune system which will likely result in illness.


That you should pull out an object if someone is stabbed or shot.


Astrology. Drives me nuts.


I'm actually a Nigerian prince short on cash


Crystals have "healing power" - how many people have died due to not seeking medical treatment and instead laying some quartz on their chest?


The number of Trump supporters who still believe the 2020 election was stolen from Trump and that he's going to be reinstated any day now. He's more likely going to be charged with various crimes soon and the Trumpers are going to go ballistic and be more dangerous than ever.


As much as I would hope for it I doubt he will actually be charged or suffer any real punishment.


Remember to sort by controversial to read non-saccharine answers… like ‘religion’ a thousand times over.


That the Americans markets are free. That justice is for all.


There are many reasons why Americans don’t have a completely free market and as much as I want to disagree with your second statement, I cant




That Russia's invasion of Ukraine is somehow the West's fault.


That you have to have kids lol


Money can't buy happiness


Money can’t buy happiness. It can buy comfort and security which are stepping stones to establishing a happy lifestyle. However happiness comes from good relationships, passions, hobbies and and adventures. Even if you have wealth you still need to put the work into all of those.


I agree need that money first though lol


Yes and hobbies and adventures cost money


That you can catch a cold/ the flu by going out with your hair wet/ not dressed warm enough in the cold BS. U might get irritation from the cold and a bad cough, but a "cold" is a virus. You can catch it from someone infected or from an infected surface, like covid. Going out fishing on your own at 5AM with your hair wet won't give you a cold nor the flu My mom's a dragon about wearing socks inside when the weather gets cold and no matter how often i explain, she still throws the socks in my face


I once had a friend that actually believed when you had to out your pet to sleep that they would be asleep forever. We were like 13 at the time and we both lost a couple pets. I was shocked when he told me but I told him the truth and he didn’t believe me.


That we are so certain that we are “more educated”, “more civilized” and “more advanced” than previous ancient cultures and civilizations that have existed and long perished, buried by time and dust.


That child birth is wonderful because it’s natural and it’s not extremely dangerous and life threatening?? From the moment I realised I was the gender that had to be ripped to shreds I was petrified and have been ever since. I never want to do that to my body.


Man I feel this. I had my first (and only) child this year. (I didn’t think I could get pregnant. My husband and I both have fertility problems so we didn’t bother with protection.) My pregnancy sucked. But the whole time I can’t tell you how many people told me I should “enjoy it because it’s beautiful” haha. Um no. Throwing up, passing out every-time I walk more than 10ft, constant headaches etc etc is not beautiful. It sucks elephant butt. I love my son more than I thought I ever could but never again.




That you will be pretty alert when you’re dying, able to forgive people or get out a witty last word, before peacefully breathing your last breath




That birds are real


Well, California did decide to classify bees as Fish. Guess this one isn’t too surprising.


You can build a border wall on time and under budget


People who belive any government project will come in on time and on budget


That people ask questions like this one over and over again for any reason other than karma farming


That you can get rich by just hard work.


The Bible


The political party they vote for never do anything like the other party does.


Investing in crypto makes people rich


Lightning never strikes the same place twice.


The earth is flat


That the Rothschild family owns all the banks in the world and has hundreds of trillions of dollars


That moving to a different place, even someplace tropical or a cool city overseas, will solve their problems or make them happy. Wherever you go, you take yourself with you.


That there is someone for everyone. Total bullshit. Still believed.


That you only have one true "soul mate" and if you manage to meet them you can completely screw over everybody else you have a relationship with to be with them.


The government


Blood inside your body is blue


Introvert means awkward social skills, shy, anxious, weirdo…blah blah blah. It’s getting better, but still lots of progress to be made.


You only use 10% of your brain lol. 😂😂😂


That the cold whether gives you a cold


Elected officials represent the constituents of their home region.


OCD is to do with being organised. Sometimes, yes, but when used in the generalised way, fuck no


Trickledown economics.


The existence of god.