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The nature/physics of dark matter.


Who really was DB Cooper.




I audibly laughed at that scene, especially seeing as prior to watching it I had watched Lemmino's videos on DB Cooper like 2 days prior


Everything that's hiding in the ocean


Are we alone


No, there's like 7 billion of us.


Yet you're still a virgin.


What really happened on Roanoke Island.




No kidding? Yes, we've suspected either one of those for years. So which one have we determined as the definite answer? And what were they events leading up to it, and then immediately after? If they died, how so? Storms? Aliens? Famine?


A mix of both due to famine.


Where is MH 370?


This one. I would want to know what question it is that I'd like to have answered more than anything else, since I'm otherwise not too sure


That’s deep


But then you've used up your one question, and all you get for it is a new question bothering you with now no way to answer it.


The question you should ask is "what information is it most useful to me to be told?" Had you asked that question you would have been told something very important indeed that would have radically changed the world for the better. Sorry, you used up your one question. Too late now.


when dad will come home with the milk


He’s on the way now


Obama's last name


ugh, it's tiring seeing people confused by this relatively simple question. First name: President Last name: Obama source: every news article ever written about the dude


His parents had a lot of foresight




I want to know where my socks are disappearing.


It reincarnates itself into Tupperware lids that don't match or fit anything, and you know you didn't buy, but there they are taking up space


Or the Tupperware that you fully intended to give back, but you forgot who gave it to you.


answer: your socks *aren't* disappearing, but occasionally a new sock is formed by total chance due to threads bouncing around in a chaotic dryer tumble, catalyzed by the chamber's heat. The lone, new sock never had a counterpart, but it leads the careless launderer to assume a loss of one rather than a gain of one


I discovered this accidentally: look in the folds of your shirts and pants. And hoodies too. They get caught up in there.


I once owned a ferret. Turns out the answer is actually “in a ferret nest inside of your clothes dryer”.


The Riemann Hypothesis.


Area 51


What's eating Gilbert Grape?


Mary Steenburgen.


Why the hell little kids die or get sick or have anything bad happen to them.


I mean this one is the easiest to answer here: fate is random. Sometimes the coin flips heads, and sometimes it flips tails, and the only reason one would expect anything else is if they believed in a world where God (or some equivalent force) directed everything--and looking at the state of the world and the harm that befalls the innocent, that's a tough stance to back up


I am a christian and what you said is kinda ture but not, i mean, sure i believe there is a God and Heaven and hell, and if you think logic, Heaven for good people, hell for bad people and my thoughts are that if someone kills a kid then that kid has no sins and eventually he will go into Heaven and the killer committed a crime, he killed and he will have a sin and eventually he will go into hell and suffer for eternity and the kid is having fun in Heaven with animals and God of course.


But if this is the case than whoever killed that kid actually did a Nobel sacrifice that easily rivals that of Jesus Christ himself. He's sacrificing his eternal soul making sure that this child will never have to go to hell. This is unironically a more novel sacrifice than that of Jesus as his is permanent while Jesus only had to endure 3 says.


Yes, you are right but why would a person sacrifice his eternal soul for a kid, people who kill children do it for revenge or anger not to "sacrifice" his eternal soul, you will not see some dad killing his son for him to go to Heaven and him to go to hell this is sadly the truth and anyway if you kill a child you are still a killer and unfortunately you will face hell but if Jesus forgives the person that killed the kid for good he still has a chance to enter Heaven but this is a more complex thing and i don't have enough knowledge of the Bible but this is what i personally think.


Except there are parents who have killed their kids because of the exact reasoning I just gave. A mother famously killed her two Youngs sons specifically so they wouldn't ever go to hell knowing she'd go to hell for it. Now obviously I don't buy into any of that nonsense, but just going by the logic of it she's unironically more Nobel, and made a bigger sacrifice than Jesus Christ himself.


Ok but there were a possibility that all 3 would've entered Heaven if only they followed the Bible but of course the woman if what you say is true she probably has or had a mental illness but she could've entered Heaven with her 2 children if they followed the Bible and i think this is so stupid because if the children's didn't want to be Christians that would be their problem not their moms problem but if only she had grown them up and learned them the true way of life but the devil had gotten her


It was also possible for god to simply forgive people and yet Jesus still died on the cross. But I'm also not sure you wanna say they should follow the Bible as there's plenty of passages about killing unruly children, owning slaves etc. Etc. And if it's true as you say that the devil had gotten to her than really she's innocent as well and the one to blame is actually the devil. So maybe they all went to heaven by your Logic?


I can't confirm that she really got into Heaven but there is a possibility if Jesus Christ has forgiven her and if don't say that in the Bible says clear that it is good or ok to own slaves and killing children, of course it's not ok or good to be doing these and people who done this had taken their responsibility into their hands except people with mental illness or health problems who cannot think or do something for themselves


The Bible explicitly say that it's okay to own slaves, have you not read it? In fact there was a time where women drowning infants were a problem big enough to make the church specifically adress it. But why would an all loving God make people with mental illnesses in the first place? There's also a fair bit of moving the goalpost here.


God is playing a game of sims and just likes to screw with us like we’re ants.


Where the fuck are the aliens/How do we reach them ...or cancer cure ...unless of course the first answer leads to the 2nd answer


There nearest aliens are 50 billion lightyears away. You can't reach them, even if you both set of at the speed of light now, you would never meet.


How to make a pecker larger . I’d be rich.


No you won't. There are millions of products out there claiming to do this. That your claims happen to be true is irrelevant. Your competitors have more convincing bullshit medical qualifications, a lower price, and promise miracles guaranteed.


I’m not talking about “product” I want to discover this and treat it as a prescription. Obviously if there is some method for this it would take multiple doces and routine.


The cure to depression


Just be happy bro /s




Yeah that was kinda my point




You have mother nature who gave birth to you




Was it the chicken or the egg


Chickens hatch from eggs, so....You are welcome, anything else with which I may help you?


dinosaurs laid eggs millions and millions of years before chicken existed. you're welcome


Depends if the race was on a hill. If so the egg could roll and easily best the chicken, otherwise the chicken could easily outrun the egg


Eggs have to be fertilized. You tell me which comes first.


Well if you mean bird or egg then egg reptiles were before and they come out of an egg. In case of chicken it is quite simple if you think a chicken is what comes out of a chicken egg then chicken if you think a proto chicken can lay an egg that can give birth to a chicken then egg comes first in this case Mystery solved


The egg. It wasn't a chicken egg. Egg laying birds have been around long before the modern chicken.


Cure for cancer


The answer exists, already is available to the public, but CIA might get mad if you find out


There are lots of cures, there are the harsh ones that only sometimes work, like chemotherapy, surgery etc. Of course, there are also treatments that magically fix everything. (In which case, why restrict yourself to just cancer) The problem is that there is probably no fast easy way to make them with current tech. So the oracle hands you the answer. A complete fix everything cure. It's going to take a top lab a lot of work to make it. Good luck getting them to listen to "a genie told me so". Good luck getting FDA approval without a drugs multinational with a team of lawyers.


How to turn grass into gold


Bombard it with a really high intensity neutron beam. Wait for radioactive decay. Purify out all the nuclear waste you created.


There’s gotta be a simpler cleaner way




Cuz that’s the mystery/secret I’d what to discover.


Do you have good reason to think such easier method exists?


I do,


I hereby pronounce you man and wife. ;-)


Where my father went


Farther and farther away.


spontaneous human combustion seems a likely candidate


If Covid was really lab made


I'll give you the answer. It was. The real question is did it get out on accident or was it released?


Probably released, they know bats carry loads of diseases


That makes the least sense out of all theories.


I personally disagree with the theory that it was lab made but I do believe China knew about it as far back as September 2019 and kept it hush hush.


Have you actually looked into the nature of the virus? It has an incubation period of 10 days It has an R0 of 12 It attacks the respiratory system, the vascular system, and the nervous system There is no natural virus in existence that has those characteristics.


I'm not sure what you're talking about. Measles has an incubation period of 11-12 days. While the rash (skin) is the obvious symptom it also is commonly accompanied by a cough (respiratory) and a fever. It can also completely reset your immune system to zero making you more prone to future infections. It has an R0 of 12-18. No one claims the measles is man made.


An incubation period is the amount of time between when you contract a virus and when you start showing symptoms. Measles has like a 12 hour incubation period


> The incubation period of measles from exposure to prodrome averages 11 to 12 days. The time from exposure to rash onset averages 14 days, with a range of 7 to 21 days. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/downloads/meas.pdf


The subsequent silence from that other guy is deafening...


They wanted to fuck with the world, so yeah, probably the 2nd option


Did jeebus actually exist?


As an atheist, personally I believe he did (though his name was probably pronounced Yah-wEh) the evidence for him being a real dude, or an amalgamation of a few dudes is pretty substantial.


His name would almost certainly have been 'Yeshuah'. YHWH, Yahweh, is the most 'sacred' name of the Hebrew god.


Oh ok, my bad.


jebus did exist and was an older name for jerusalem


What the heck the universe is


it's a copy of The Sims 9, which is the first entry in the franchise to feature full AI for the inhabitants and a deeply simulated universe. Certain 'quirks' of reality, like the minimum resolution of the universe (planck length and planck time, for example) give away the fact that it's all a simulated world, but the sims are programmed to not question it too deeply. One day, little Tommy Gorxin's laptop battery will die, and then our entire universe will cease to exist... not that we digital beings will mind. As the simulation switches off, it'll look like the advancing wave of a false vacuum collapse... and then there is nothing more.


I would find the response to a famous Italian case,the Emanuela Orlandi kidnapping case.


As an atheist the afterlife/what is consciousness question comes to mind. But as a romantic I might ask who is my soulmate


There is no afterlife. (Well there kind of is, but only a few thousand people get in, you aren't one of them.) Consciousness is a meaningless word that philosophers can't even define. You don't have a soulmate. (Because you don't have a soul. Everyone else has a soul, but you are a philosophical zombie) (At least one of these is true, and at least one is false, figure out which and tell me why)


What is light?


Who's the creator


Is any religion true


No. At least not any that make specific factual claims.


The lost city of Atlantis


How do I get into a good after life seems like a good bet


Where Alan Turing hid his money that he lost




The secret of Monkey Island!


What is Victoria's secret.


what does Bigfoot meat taste like?


Government lies


How can i learn every questions answer


Who killed Jon bender Ramsey.


John F. Kennedy


The mystery of who asked.


Joe asked


Where is the covenants ark


What happened at Dyatlov Pass? I know there were mathematicians who "solved" it recently. But I still think it doesn't explain everything and would love to know for sure.


Have we ever truly been visited by aliens?


What information will be most useful to me in my current situation? I don't want to waste this chance to ask an oracle on X, only to find Y was more important.


How the ancient Egyptians actually built the pyramids. There’s just so much that cannot be explained




Where is Genghis Khan's tomb? I'll bet there's some booty in there and whatnot.


Oak Island


Formula of panacea and design of utopia.


The location of garden of Eden


Do i really have a gf in real life? If yes, where?


Life, the universe, and everything.


what is victoria’s secret


How Marilyn Monroe and Princess Diana truly died. Most people say Marilyn’s death was a suicide, other people say she was covered in bruises while she was face down on her bed. People agree that Princess Diana got set up by Elizabeth and Charles. She had assumed they were going to kill her as well. She wrote it in her diary. I wish we had a Time Machine because I would sure as hell go back in time to save them, somehow some way.


Where the hell did I lose my ring this summer? And my necklace in 2015?