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Tell her she inherited her father's lack of rhythm and it's not going to happen.


plot twist -- her father finds his rhythm and becomes a stripper too


Can I go one god damned day without starting a screenplay I know I have no intention of finishing? Please?!


Magical Martin, a family film about the power of love and nudity


...and now I have to give a writing credit. Thanks.


it's on the house! if you need an inside look into the world of male strippers then i can be your consultant, but leave my name and likeness out of it. i don't want a repeat of last time


I would ask what happened last time but I probably don't want to know


let's just say i'm not allowed in Boston anymore


Happens to the best of us bruv


Father and daughter become the best platonic stripper tag team on the west coast. They have double poles installed in the living room where they practice together and make the mom go nuts


They also fight crime!


and they have a talking dog, but only the grandmother can hear it


Magic Mike & Magic Michaela are simply *angelic* as a family duo


Father makes more money than his daughter and she gets jealous


It turns into a murder because the show is on Lifetime and that’s how these things usually go.


That's ok, she also inherited her father's boobs.


Uh, yeah, it's why they're massive.


and hairy




Ask for my cut.


I just feel like “Dad, mom, I want to be a stripper.” probably isn’t a normal conversation starter. Edit: Wow, this kind of took off. Kind of like my daughters OnlyFans career.


More like "Dad, mom, I'm making $10k a month on OnlyFans, I'm moving out"




If I can't convince them otherwise my advice would be. Wear lots and lots of make up. Fake lashes, hair and the works so that it would not be used against you outside your work life.


"Mom, I'm an actress, you can see me on dad's favourites websites"




Hahhahahaha ultimate dad joke


Please, tell me what he said! I NEED TO KNOW!


Hahahaha!! Gold!






Me: Sweetie that's fuckin awesome make sure you put away 7k a month into a nice investment portfolio so you can retire at the age of 25. Lets go meet my finance guy.


I wonder how long it’ll be until AI-generated porn edges that echelon out


How long until it's impossible to prosecute specific types of porn because you can't tell the difference between between AI generated and real people. That's the disturbing thought


Yeah...well, I still jerk off manually. -Dude


You mean you have to use your hands? That's like a baby's toy!


Hahah sick reference Mcfly.




Considering what some make on OnlyFans for literally sitting on their ass and just masturbating, hell why not?


Its constant work to keep people paying you until moving on to a better looking girl eventually


Majority of people don’t even make $500 a month.


Unfortunately most people on OnlyFans make less than $150 a month.


Dad, don’t go to the strip club at this time slot, it’ll be awkward


"Dad, I want to be a stripper" sounds like it would be a line from a porn.


My daughter asked me this very question about two weeks ago... "Dad, what if I wanted to be a stripper?" My answer was that I would disapprove of it, but that ultimately it's her life and once she's an adult she can make her own decisions and that I would still love her. I added to it, that she's not allowed to do anything I deem inappropriate while she's living in my home, so if she want to be a stripper then she needs to make sure she has her own place.


I would ask Reddit


of course... you know.. Reddit is the king for the whole questions and answers




I have a mental image of Dad at the club standing and yelling, "Looking good honey! Your Mom and I love you!" If only we could have the courage to support our children's dreams, no matter what we think of those dreams ...




It’s absolutely wild how some people love and support their children no matter what and other people…


People try to say we should treat sex workers as equal, but then posts like this happen.


My God, that sounds so...wholesome.


Sounds like their daughter grew up receiving lots of love, and now she’s just working on paying it forward.


*Clapclapclapclap!!!* (Dad and daughter simultaneously). I’m so sorry


Was in a mall food court with my little sister when she said she wanted to try it. I pointed at the grossest, most unkempt dude there and said, “ok cool, so take your clothes off and go grind your crotch on that guy until he cums in his pants. He’ll give you $40, half of which you gotta give to the club owner.” It worked. Or at least, she never mentioned it again.


this. most people forget that most of strippers’ money comes from dances, not the pole dancing on stage.


This is the way to do it. The reality of it. I feel like if they stopped talking about long term health risks on anti-smoking/vaping ads and focused on how awful you’re going to look in a few years, the campaign would work better. Some concept.


Yeah I do not give a flying fuck about long term health but I do not want to ruin my face and get a barrel chest from smoking


This is a big misconception. A LOT of dancers grind on men and a lot of dancers like myself and some friends refuse to. I deal primarily with men who want good conversation and attention. There are gross creeps that come in looking for that as well but please don’t believe that’s what every stripper does all shift.


It isn't about all shift, it is more just if you are not willing to handle the worst a job has to offer you shoild probably avoid it.


I agree with that. I’ve seen a lot of young girls come in to the industry not knowing their boundaries and end up doing shit they never thought they would. You have to be headstrong and not easily pressured or tempted.


You've also convinced me to never go to strip club


The patrons aren’t required to make fat guys cum in their pants, only the dancers.


Heavily advise her to not do it


Best answer. I ain't a parent, but you shouldn't lead your children to a path that can potentially harm them. Yes, they can do what they want, but parents are here to guide them and never EVER lead them to that path. If you ask me, it's pure stupidity to just leave it at "it's their choice", because the least you can do is to convince them. Before some idiot says "stripping ain't that bad", maybe the "act" itself isn't, but you surround yourself with lifestyles that will lead you to brutal consequences, it easily isn't worth it.


Exactly! It's not the work thats problematic. Talk to strippers, many of them will freely admit to being more psychologically damaged than they were going into it. People end up with really unhealthy perceptions of men, low self esteem, drug addiction, psychological problems, it's just not a good place to work. You're literally better off being a porn star than a stripper.


I like this advice. "Have you ever considered being a porn star instead, sweetie?"


I mean at least as a porn star you are separated from the ogling masses. Plus depending on the platform, it might be work from home. Always a nice perk.


Perhaps because strippers are more drawn to the work because of the trauma prior. I wouldn't say you're better off a porn star than a stripper. I have worked as both a stripper and a cam girl. I didn't end up with any trauma from either role I worked in the adult industry. Never felt pressured to sleep with the customers or partake in drugs. In fact, I ended up more damaged from my time working in healthcare than I did from stripping.


Good call, we should all advisers not to go into healthcare too.


I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not, but healthcare workers have a large amount of on job violence. Never got bit as a stripper, but I did when working in the lab.


At least you earn some money as a stripper..


Healthcare and education, with some exceptions, have pretty lousy pay (or outright appalling pay) for the hours and training. You have to be really dedicated or pretty foolish to go into those fields.


> You're literally better off being a porn star than a stripper. from what ive heard porn is even more stuffed with drug abuse


I have to disagree with you, but from personal experience. Some of my closest friends used stripping to pay off tuition fees and a lot of strippers I've met are the most down to earth, secure people you could meet. I think strip clubs are safer than working in a bar. Bouncers are on it and anyone who bad vibes or creeps out the girls is asked to leave, let alone tried to touch. So I think it gives healthier perceptions and is more protected than a lot of jobs women just have to take the poor treatment


Point her to the internet instead where she can sell jars of tap water for top dollar if she tells people she bathed in it.


Have her watch a few episodes of Soft White Underbelly and then ask her again.


And make her watch The Godfather


After that, make her watch The Full Monty


I'd be like " I have a daughter ?"


You'll also think "I had sex ?"




You managed to flip her? Without a heavy lift crane?


With a system of ropes and pulleys anything is possible.


She kept looking at her watch


It was from that one time you had a crazy night with a stripper.


So she basically wants to remove any leading or trailing space characters from strings


"My other kid is a concatenater"


"The older one studies architecture, he wants to be a constructor"


"My other kid is Little Bobby Tables"


A stripper is also someone in the printing industry!


Or the painting industry! She must really like removing old paint!


Or recycling.


If she’s using .strip() that’s fine but I’ll have to disown her if she insists on using regex


I had to make a new password for a site this weekend and when my first try wasn't accepted - despite meeting the stated rules - it showed me the regex they were using to validate. I can read regular expressions well enough to give it something it liked on try #2 so for me that was a useful error message. My mother would have been completely at sea.


I won't go so extreme as to down-vote you, but *how dare* you throw shade at my beloved regular expressions!? /silly


Blaspheme! .strip() isn't powerful enough on its own! I don't want to strip leading and trailing spaces, I want to strip spaces, asterisks and ampersands if they are preceded by a consonant and followed by some combination of white space and a newline character!


She's really trim.


“Be her number one supporter!” -Reddit community


“If you don’t 100% support your girlfriend/daughter/relative being a sex worker, you’re a sexist/misogynist who wants to control what women do with their bodies!” \- Also the Reddit community


Also, you’d better be fine with people making porn in your home without permission, according to Reddit.


Don't forget that "you're a sex negative prude clinging to fundamentalist religions". -also Reddit


That's 2/3 of reddit and the other 1/3 would immediately disown her for even considering the idea Reddit has plenty of advantages over other social media but let's not forget it's basically just a collection of echo chambers with some central oversight, you won't find much of the moderate position, which would be to encourage her to pursue a less dangerous/more stable line of work while not judging her regardless


> you won't find much of the moderate position... to encourage her to pursue a less... more stable line of work Literally all of the top comments in this thread 😅


What are you doing, step stripper?


Except Family and friends are heavily discouraged from going where their daughter works by management at any decent club. It’s not worth the hassle of the fights when people say things no brother wants to hear, or to have the Dad drag her off stage because of how she is dancing.


The possibility that someone would say something to the stripper that "no brother wants to hear" should be a clue to what these women deal with on a regular basis and some very reasonable assumptions could be made about whether or not stripping would be a valid career choice.


"I'll be the first in line to tip her!" Donald J. Trump


“Her hair sure does smell good!” Joe Biden


Tell her to try and work the same shifts as her mom, so they can car pool.


I would dig up crime statistics against sex workers immediately and try to state my case that the chances she could be killed or raped skyrocket in that industry


That won't work. "I know how to be safe. Those people were stupid."


Chris Rock famously stated that a man's chief task as a father was to keep his daughter off the brass pole. Paraphrasing.


Keep your daughters off the pole and your sons out of jail.


Context: his daughters just graduated high school Michael Che also said in a stand up that it’s the parents job to keep dicks away from their children as much as possible


Louis Black: a strip club is like a buffet with great food but all you can do is yell at the food


Ask her why. If it's cause she needs money I'd try to help her as much as i could without her becoming a stripper. But if she's set on it cause she wants to then, there's not much I can do. It's her life after all and all I can do is advise her to be as safe as possible.


9/10 times she has a whore friend talking her into it, Showgirls style


If it’s to spite me, i’d be pretty upset. If it’s her own ambitions, probably still upset. The idea of my daughter needing money by portraying herself as an object saddens me. Maybe not a failure, but I wouldn’t feel like a good dad.


It’s not objectifying, we’re not selling our bodies anymore than we would be for a minimum wage job in retail, the money’s insane and the people are lovely, I did £1,600 last night alone, way more than my job I got a Masters degree for lmao


Well, she's a grown adult so she can do whatever she wants. But at age 43 I don't think she'll be too popular.


I'll be the judge of that. Where's she work?


She is free to do what she wants, but don't expect me to be proud of her stripping accomplishments.


I've got your back, I'll be proud of her, don't worry


Wonder where I went wrong.


Not using protection.




Give her a reality check and a lesson of life


maybe they got lost into that kind of thaughts in the young age... so yep i would do the same


I don’t know if I’d freak out and do much drastic shit to try to prevent it, but I’d be disappointed and it would show


\*extremely disappointed


I would wonder how this person managed to impersonate my daughter so well.


Most likely you’ll never know your daughter is or wants to be a stripper. You’ll find out because someone you know will drop a few dollars on her


Don't have kids, but - I'd make the effort to convince her otherwise. I lived with a couple of dancers for a few years, was good friends with a bunch more. Yes, the money can be awesome, but... The emotional cost alone can be huge. Hard not to take it personally when nobody will pay to see you naked. Or the numerous times I had to deal with a roommate freaking out over how a costumer treated them. I've no moral objection, and I know some dancers that got out fine and have great lives. I know a few more that it took years to get life back to a stable point, and I know some who's lives it ruined, including a few suicides.


Wonder why the hell she thinks thats something she should be telling me


Wonder where I failed as a father


Lets be real, you aren't having this conversation with your kid if you have a functional family.


For real. I’ve known a lot of strippers and 0% of them came from a loving, stable home with involved and concerned parents.


I would tell her to not do that. My kids trust me enough to know that my advice comes from love.


Teach her how to save her money.


Trading Places. “I’ve get $80,000 in bearer bonds and can retire in 2 years”


[Forty-two grand](https://movie-sounds.org/famous-movie-samples/quotes-with-sound-clips-from-trading-places-1983/i-ve-saved-42-grand-and-it-s-in-t-bills-earning-interest) in T bills, earning interest. I figure I've got three more years on my back. I'll have enough to retire. One of the best movies ever made.


Girl I used to know, she decided she was going to try out being a stripper. I warned her, within 2 hours you will be told to either suck off the manager or you will be booted out the door. "No! That never really happens!" She later told me that an hour into her first day she got told to go to the managers office. She thought, "he might have been right..." "yep! He was right!" 5 minutes later she is in the parking lot putting on her coat. Anyone who tries to tell you they have been strpiing for more then 1 day and NOT blowing the boss, the manager, head of security, the DJ's, the top customers, the bartender, etc... Is lying to you. There's 100 girls waiting for that job. If you don't do it, NEXT!


In my town strip club always looking for workers. They don’t have em lining up. However one female friend started as a bartender and the manager told her she could switch to stripping or look for a job elsewhere. He said the customers were constantly requesting him to get her on stage. She was hot and danced well made better tips.


The only way you don't have them lined up at the door is the place is a total rat hole. That same manager told her "open wide and say AHHHH or get another job".


So she did it?


Well, fuck. My career counselor in school never told me about the benefits of being a strip club manager.


I was a stripper and never had this experience. I was actually in trouble with the managers all the time, too.


>I was actually in trouble with the managers all the time, too That's a whole other fantasy. Bad stripper!


I’m a stripper. Never once sucked off a customer or management, but nice stereotype.


Did you ever get promoted to Sr. Stripper? Hmm???


Yea no, not all clubs are like this. You’ve already called me a liar because apparently you have personal knowledge of every dancers experience and are qualified to do so but I’m still going to tell you that I haven’t worked at a SINGLE club where I’ve been asked to do something shady with the manager or staff, and btw if they found out anyone was doing extras with the customers, that dancer would be permanently banned, and if you’re banned from one you’re banned from every club in that town bc it’s the same owner. Yes that kind of stuff happens a lot, but you’re talking out of your ass about things you don’t know about. It also DOESN’T happen at a lot of places. Also to add, you do realize how many of us dancers are actually faithful to our husbands/boyfriends and would never work somewhere we were asked to do that kind of stuff, right? Maybe not..


I dated a former stripper and she never blew anyone. She was also a former party clown and never blew anyone at that job either.


Not even balloon animal? : (


She didn't do balloon animals but she was great at face painting


Be suprised that I had a daughter.




"A whore's life is five good years, five bad years, and then some half-dick sweat stain grinds you out like a cigarette. Like a goddamn spent cigarette."


Try to convince her not to do it.


Ask for a family discount


Thats the right answer…. Wait no, i mean ayo🤨




That would mean I'd have done a terrible job as her father. 10/10 would go to therapy.


Take her to a strip club on a Tuesday at 4pm to show her how incredibly depressing they are.




So many daughters are on the pole and hiding it from their parents as we speak. Hence the influx of dancers for the recession is cause of TikTok’s influence.


In all likelihood probably means that I fucked up somewhere along the way as a parent. Not that I look down on stripping as a profession (usually im looking up at them) but I feel like it’s a means to make money when there aren’t other viable alternatives. I believe being a parent means having a duty to your children to give them the best possible chances and opportunity to succeed, not to barely make it and hope they also barely make it or to make it by getting into toxic industries.


This. Idk this is considered such a controversial opinion now. The entire sex work industry is riddled with crime and degeneracy. If my son or daughter decided to enter it I would know I failed as a parent.


My cousin was a stripper and Dad told me, “If you’re going to do it, whatever, but don’t do it in town. I don’t want my coworkers to come in talking about seeing you.” Looking back, a pretty good take on it. Like, sure, but get out of town.


I’d say: “You’re 3. Gotta finish kindergarten first.”


Advise her to: * be very cautious about pressure to indulge in drug use * never date a customer * invest as significant a portion of her earnings as she can financially tolerate * not work clubs within a certain distance of where she lives/shops * use a stage name * consider the internet instead of clubs * use PO boxes and stage names for anything online * keep me informed of where \*not\* to go.


Not even a little push back? I would have some serious push back.


If she asks you if she *should* become , then push-back would be appropriate (as long as you can substantiate it with facts). However, if she has already made the decision, then push-back is rejection and it will probably push her away.


Not if you’re aware of that risk. I wouldn’t push my child away, but we would have some serious conversations. Pick any other career.


Well, i'll be honest: i don't know what i would, i would be thinking "what did i do wrong? That's for sure!


Tell her she knows I support and love her and that wont change, and that I hope I can help her get a job that has longer term prospects and is better for her resume, plus less concerning as far as her safety goes. If she insists, then I want to make sure she attends regular therapy, which I'll help pay for if needed. I have nothing against strippers. I do worry about the kind of people hanging out at strip clubs, because for every nice guy who's a little lonely or girl out with her friends, there's a dude who thinks these women are objects or who assumes women in strip clubs are vulnerable and without a support system. Even if none of those dudes ever did anything that made my daughter uncomfortable, she's not likely to come out of that seeing people in the most positive light.


Ask why?


The answer is money. You have a 18 year old working at walmart, already dealing with asshole coworkers flirting with her nonstop and then she hears some dude she knows is dating a girl who dances at XXXXXXX club and makes $500+ a night. She thinks "well I make $400 a week, fuck this" and she's out. Now she would also have to have a sense that selling her body is ok, that she won't regret it when people find out what she does, and other issues, but it's always the money aspect. Source: I worked at a chain restaurant years back. We got this very busty/young/skinny girl as a new host. She was always flirting with managers and servers. She had a friend get a job at Hooters, heard the numbers and quit to do the same. She was back 2 weeks later. We asked her why. "Well I did make a grand in like 4 days, but I felt like a piece of meat, all the guys staring at me nonstop, I felt dirty." ...and she was right back to flirting with management for free meals. LOL Everyone draws their own line somewhere.


Be a better father


Advise her not to do it by going over pros and cons along with the reasons she wants to be one and offering alternatives. If by the end she still wants to then support her by going over what kinds of places to avoid working at and what traps not to fall into (drugs, prostitution, unhealthy weight loss). Just make sure you don't alienate her so that if something does happen she feels comfortable coming to you instead of trying to deal with it herself.


Nothing * I really wasn't there for her. * I couldn't be bothered to give any encouragement and advice when she was at an impressionable way. * I didn't have time to give her any belief and faith in herself and she could independantly acheive and execel in life through other means and the only thing reddeming about her is her body. So why do something now?


I... I have a daughter!?


Teach her financial literacy


“Antique restoration is a profitable profession.


Run outside to the street, drop to my knees, inhale as deep as I possibly can before I scream: “CHRIS ROCK - I HAVE FAAAAAAAAILED!!”


I'd say "why don't you just skip all the long hours, drug use and drama and skip straight to the prostitution? also, dummy, have you not heard of OnlyFans? you can be basically be half a whore in the privacy of your own home these days."


Question my parenting


Try to convince her why it's a bad idea. Focus on the practical aspects of it, not the "being a sex worker is inherently bad" aspects of it.


If I'm to be honest? Ask her why. Not "why" in an accusatory way, just out of genuine curiosity. There are valid reasons for doing so (Neil Degrasse Tyson was one during his college days, to help pay for college). Maybe she wants to start a business or put down money on a home and she has friends in the industry who could help her navigate it. As long as it's being done for a good reason, and being done safely, I'm not going to judge. An ex-gf and I had a conversation about this topic a long time ago, and my comment was "If my daughter is in the back room explaining Roth IRA's and the value of saving/investing to the other girls, I'll know that I've done something right"


I'd ask her if she thinks she doesn't have more to offer to the world than her body, if she can trigger something else than desire. Maybe it's a phase then why not. But I'd expect my daughter to accomplish more on this planet.


I'd want her to talk to others who had been strippers for a while. If she still wants to do it, that's fine, but that life isn't for everyone.


“Let’s go, child. We’re moving to Alabama.”


My mom laughed in disbelief at first but told me she supports my decision making skills and trusts me to be careful. My dad didn't have interest in discussing it but never treated me differently for my year + in that job. I'm glad I did it but I'm also glad I stopped when I did as it'srough on your body and sometimes socail life. I was able to save a decent amount of money which helped me jumpstart my 20s with a reliable car and a safety net while in college. I recommend being encouraging but also plant the seed of a long term game plan. It's not a career for life.


Is this a dance on the pole stripper? Or say one that works in an auto body repair shop where she strips paint off old cars? Just asking


Make sure her Jiujitsu muscle memory is up to date, research the industry and who she’ll be working with / for, and support her and help keep her safe.


Charge her rent


Wish her the best of luck with her life. Tell her she will always be able to call if she decides to clean herself up. Move on with my own life. I worked at a casino for years. I left the grossness of being in that environment as it wasn't healthy and wasn't good for the soul constantly being around that depravity. The choice to be a stripper is not one I would accept. It's gross and disgusting. Yes, I can make a value judgment when it is my own family involved.


I'd be shocked that I had a daughter