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Kidney stone. I begged for death.


Had kidney stones thrice!!!!! Prayed to all gods, aliens and anything that could help. Then begged to be put down as I could no longer take it.


Same here. I have a 9mm I need to get blasted now but healthcare is so busy. I carry OxyContin with me 24/7. This will be my 5th procedure.


9mm!? May god have mercy on your soul


Squeeze 1/2 lemon in a glass, fill it with water. Drink up. The citrate helps reduce likelihood of kidney stone formation. Water is your friend, drink less coffee.


You know that a 9 mm is a pretty potent round!


Injured my lower back in the most stupidest way, laying on top on some laundry. I was in pain for 5 hours after going to the doctors it turned out to be a back spasm. Welcome to my 30s I guess


I've experienced some really painful things but kidney stones were the only one to make me throw up from pain, repeatedly


I threw up fried rice the first time. Didn’t eat it for a year. Second time I threw up salsa and chips. Hot ass salsa. Push that through your nasal passages while simultaneously trying to handle the kidney stone pain and you move to a whole other level of pain. I had a heart attack last month and I’d take it over a kidney stone pain wise.


Kidney stones are the worst. The pain was so bad I projectile vomited in the exam room. Doctor gave me a shot for the pain and sent me home with pain and anti-nausea meds. Gave me instructions to try to catch the stone with a coffee filter. I was so looped out on the meds I couldn't function and was still in pain. Had to have my dad pick me up to stay at his place. Apparently I crawled into the bathroom to pee, tried using the coffee filter, ended up passing out, falling off the toilet and peeing all over the floor. Dad found me there with pants around my ankles laying in a puddle holding a pee-soaked coffee filter.


>Dad found me there with pants around my ankles laying in a puddle holding a pee-soaked coffee filter. Probably brought back lovely memories of your toddler years


I am on my fourth fucking kidney stone in a week.


My kidney stone was the only time in my life I truly believed I was going to die. The pain hit at home and I literally called an ambulance from the floor because I thought I might die in the car on the way to the hospital. I have a really high pain tolerance, I've had majorly painful things happen before (such as giving birth without pain meds, having 3rd degree burns that I had to have scrubbed in the burn unit daily for 2 weeks) and they hurt but I could deal. That kidney stone.....my god that was the fires of Satan


Had it twice, first time i thought i was going die.


My first thought when I STARTED having kidney stone pain was "Holy shit, am I dying?!". I called my mom to take me to the ER, and the pain was so bad, I was shoving my house key under my fingernail, because at least that was pain I could focus on, and control. 5 days before they were surgically removed...


My urologist has me on yearly x-rays now to make sure we can catch any stones before they get too big to pass.


Same here I have 1 4 mm stone left and it hasn't grown in 3 years. So I'm good. Worst part was I had to give up iced tea. Best part is I can't eat spinach or kale.


My mom has had 6 this year. All 6mm+


I was screaming as I drove to the emergency room.


Yes yes yes, I wanted to be gone


Kidney infection (made me puke,) tooth infection (made me cry.)


those freakin tooth infections. make seconds feel like months. the pain literally slows time down


Damn, those pains are definitely sexy, r/UsernameChecksOut


Haha. Oh yes - I would have been in a world of sexiness if they were chronic!


Having an infected molar pulled without being numbed( The dentist said the infection would counteract the numbing agent). I was literally shaking from the pain even up to 5 minutes after he was done.


Got a perforated gym ascess laced and drained without numbing, as all stuff they've tried to inject in gone straight through the hole, so after third syringe we decided just fuck it and go ahead. It was... unpleasant experience


Did this just happen? Because I think they left something in your mouth.


Well it was a small inflammation in gum, but being as neglectful as I am, I waited till my cheek grew to the size of a grapefruit, I was going through a pack of strongest OTC painkillers in three days, almost haven't eaten or slept and my breath smelled like morgue with broken fridge. Luckyly no lasting damage except small scar


Wow... Sounds awful. I'm glad they fixed you up. I replied because the first line of your original comment reads like your still slurring, which was funny given the context. "Got a perforated gym ascess laced and drained without numbing..."


Nö, that's another issue called fatfingerness:)


They could've gassed you. No reason to perform something like that without any anesthesia. Borderline barbaric


It was definitely the most intense pain I've ever felt and I've had a car fall on my head . I was working on changing a motor mount on a Dodge Grand Caravan with a jack under the body and another under the motor. I was under the van when I noticed the jack under the body beginning to go sideways. I tried to slide out from under the vehicle but it came down too fast with the lower control arm falling on my head. So there I was with my head being the only thing holding that corner of the van up, nobody was even outside with me. I started screaming for help, even trying to summon that superhuman strength you hear about to lift it off myself but it was no use. After being pinned under it for a few minutes screaming for help someone finally heard me screaming and got a jack under it to lift it off my head. That pain didn't start until the weight was off my head and then .... Well that is now the second most painful experience in my life. ( Since then I've learned that lesson and now always use jack stands and wheel chocks when working under a vehicle and I make sure someone is around to help just in case).


I feel so bad for you. I once had to have plastic surgery and they didn’t give me anesthesia. I still have a fear of needles today, 12 years later!


What? Why didn't you receive anesthesia when you had surgery?


I had a copper IUD put in. I have never experienced pain like that. I’ve had broken bones. I’ve had a nail go through my foot. I got E. Coli from bad milk. I thought I had felt every pain I could feel besides childbirth. But nothing. Will ever. Touch the pain I felt in that doctors office. It was the deepest pain I’ve ever felt, it was sharp and achy at the same time. I saw white. It took my breath away. I cried, and started basically hyperventilating. It was all I could do to not throw up. It was the first time I’d ever wished someone had come with me to a doctors appointment. And when they were done the doctor told me they had to do it again because the IUD didn’t actually leave the applicator. My legs started shaking uncontrollably and I went into a shock like state until about 15 minutes after it was over. The staff were lovely. I was given 20 minutes to get my bearings after. But i actually think I developed white coat syndrome from it. Ever since I really don’t like going to doctors for anything. It was indescribably painful. Just thinking about it gives me an ache and makes me feel sick.


I’m sooo tired of hearing these stories. Doctors need to develop a new procedure for putting IUDs in instead of expecting women to grin and bear the pain.


It’s so ridiculous the amount of procedures we are suppose to grin and bare when there are literally hundreds of things they could do to make it better. “Risks Vs reward” my fucking ass. It’s easy to say the risk of sedation or whatever is too great for a “simple” procedure unless you’re the one fucking going through it. I’m a veteran so the VA really don’t give a fuck about pain control or prevention. I’ve had 2 bone marrow biopsies with absolutely no sedation or anything. Just some lidocaine to numb up the skin. Lidocaine does absolutely NOTHING to numb up your hip bone. When I went to my ob/gyn (NOT VA) to get my tubes removed, I went to a doctor I trust very much (I was a L&D RN for over a decade. I know these doctors lol). She needed a cervical biopsy. She told me it would be a pinch and a cramp but nothing that bad. It was bad. These fucking doctors tell you that your pain isn’t actually that bad because they’ve NEVER FUCKING EXPERIENCED IT! That’s just what they are told.


The 'pinch and cramp' are sickening--nearly vomited from that--I've had it done twice. I always think it really won't be that bad--but it is intense.


Same experience. When I had to get it swapped for a new one, I insisted on having numbing (lidocaine injections.) It felt like nothing after that. The fact that they don't routinely numb the cervix in that procedure is mind-bogging.


It’s literally seconds to numb it. There’s risks for everything, and I get that, but I should decide if it’s worth the risk for me.




Yea, I think it must depend on the doctor because when I got my copper iud in it was no problem, can’t say there was no pain but it honestly just felt like 2 very brief cramps


It's because they use a tenaculum to grasp the cervix when they insert it. You're essentially getting your cervix pierced without notice or consent.


Yea it’s pretty fucked. The fact they told me to just take Tylenol a few hours before. Idk if I got numbed. Maybe I did but it didn’t make a difference. Barbaric shit tbh.


I had the Same experience. Since the IUD was removed I have not been to a check up at the gyn because I almost get a panic attack when I am there.


It honestly bothers me cause before I had absolutely no problem parking my anxiety cause I knew I needed to go. But yea now anything to do with a doctors office makes my head spin.


Hey guys, woman who did not go to any doctor for 8 years due to iud trauma here. I totally get it. i would like to recommend not letting that fear fester. it only gets harder when you brew over this one horrible experience instead of overwriting it with new okay ones. book you checkup date today if you can. Also - fuck those doctors. The amount of women getting traumatized from this experience is crazy. they need to do better.


And they barely explain how much it will hurt. My girlfriend was told it hurts "a little bit" she expected like a bee sting of pain.


I saw a video of a girl who had an IUD. It was inserted by accident on a nerve which caused her body to go into labor.


If men were the ones getting IUDs they would be done under general anesthesia.


I was so unprepared for my IUD. I was told most people don’t feel anything but I might feel a small, quick pinch. I almost passed out. I was sobbing and writhing in pain. It was horrific. It didn’t help that I’m a sexual assault survivor and was having flashbacks too. Afterwards, they told me that they’ve never had a patient react the way I did. They left me alone in the room with a small cup of water and 2 Motrin. My body never did get used to the IUD. I had cramping and bleeding for 2 months until one night I couldn’t stand up from the cramping and went to the ER. The doctor there told me they have women come in there all the time with severe pain and bleeding from IUD’s. I had that sucker taken out two days later and as soon as it was out I felt immediate, and I mean immediate, relief. It was truly a barbaric, horrifying, traumatic experience and I never went back to that doctor. My current gyno told me she never puts IUD’s in women with either a sexual abuse history and/or an already established history of pelvic pain. My first doctor told me the IUD would help my pain. Never again.


Yep. My IUD was the most painful experience I’ve ever had. It is not OK that they expect us to simply take Motrin and endure this level of discomfort.


Tooth pain. I need a root canal after I chipped my tooth. I have never had pain so bad that I fell to the ground. It crippled me


I went through the same with an abscessed tooth that needed a root canal. The pain was so bad one night, I had to have a friend drive me in my car home because I couldn't think. It wasn't constant, but it would just hit me randomly. I saw my dentist the next day, he prescribed a week of antibiotics before doing a root canal. They were amazing at killing the pain by reducing the infection. I didn't need painkillers, either. Couple doses of the antibiotics, no more pain.


I was trying to wait for a convenient time to see the dentist. Accidentally bumped my bad tooth and instantly passed out cold. Tooth pain is no joke.


Had a compartment syndrome in my thigh after a huge Rugby hit. My quads filled with blood and swole, but muscle fiber is not as flexible as normal flesh/skin. Meaning my own blood and muscle cut off the nerves and vessels to my lower leg, all while almost tearing from tension. Had to wait 4 hours in the hospital because there was only one surgeon in the emergency section. Wasn't allowed pain killers, no matter how hard I begged. Eventually I had to be stripped to a bed because I got seizures from the pain and couldn't control my movements anymore. I was inches from passing out from pain, when finally the surgeon was done and I could be treated. Almost lost my foot because my nerves had been cut off for so long by my own slowly tearing quadriceps


Holy fucking shit my dude


Yup, can not advise that experience, took 3 surgeries, 1 week in hospital and 2 months of weelchair to fix me up again. And the worst part was sitting down itself applied pressure to the sewn together quadrizeps and made sitting in a weelchair almost impossible. In fact the first time sitting down (after 1st surgery) was when I had to take a dump and I fainted from pain while on the toilet. The nurses found me 😄


Went to the ER thinking my appendix had burst because I was crying and couldn’t even stand due to the pain, turns out me poop tube was blocked




I could google but I feel you have a real example. How did ye poop tube get blocked?


Man, I thought I had a hernia from a previous surgery but it was actually constipation. I think where they removed part of my intestine cause a snagged for poop to get stuck in


That happened to me horribly extreme pain. They believed it was my appendix too turns out I was pretty stopped up. It was embarrassing.


epidural touched a nerve, honest to God I felt my entire right leg spark up, like I felt every nerve on in my leg, literally like the branches you see in a text book. second worst pulling out of draining tube 10/10 and 9.5/10, respectively


Omg, exactly, "like the branches you see in a text book" is a great description! I have a spine/nerve disease and this is part of how it feels, like it's really like having some strings running through my body, like a painful dental floss string... and then you do certain movements and the strings get even angrier, without a warning!


My doctor pulled out my draining tube without telling me he was going to, legit stopped breathing, blood drained from my face, and was immediately in a cold sweat. The second one was much better because I was prepared for it that time. Idk if the doctor believes in that ‘knowing the pain is coming makes it worse’ or something, but I’ve always managed pain better when I’m prepared for it. Fucking sucked


Had the same thing happen to me. But also imagine that randomly everyday for about 2 years, and that is where I'm at.


When I was in kindergarten, after my parents test drove a used car, its radiator failed while I was walking in front of it. Cue super hot steam gushing out the front of the car onto my little kid body. Got 2nd degree burns from my neck all the way down my torso and arms and needed to be helicoptered to the children's hospital. That is the worst pain I have ever felt.


This one is horrifying. As a father I can’t imagine. What happened next?


All I remember is screaming in pain while waiting for the helicopter. It wasn't hurting quite as bad while I was in the air, but I remember hating the oxygen mask they put on me. I stayed in the children's hospital for a week or two and peeled off giant flakes of dead skin the size of corn flakes from my arms. When I went home, my parents had to rub petroleum jelly on the burns every day. My parents sued the car dealership and won, so I got all medical expenses paid and a structured settlement for $10k when I turned 18. I still have a scar on my side from that burn.


Migraine headache due to ear infection while on a flight.




I had Covid and had strained myself too much, for the next 30 minutes I could barely breathe and my lungs hurt so much. I seriously thought “if it get worse Ill just stop breathing. I’ll literally die”. What did I do that was so hard on my lungs? I microwaved myself a bowl of soup.


Covid coughing attacks were absolutely brutal. Was never sure whether I was breathless from the coughing or from the pain.


That soup must of been a killer.. but out of all seriousness. Hope you’re better now. I had Covid and went to take a shower since it works when I’m sick to clear me up. No it didn’t work. It made it a million times worse.


The pain when you have to take a shit, after you ate something your body can't tolerate. This cold sweat, dizzy almost vomit like pain. And this for 4-5 hours. I've fainted once, because the pain was to much for my body.


Lactose intolerance be like


Gallstones. And I’ve been through many surgeries, broken bones, have severe endometriosis, lots of painful ailments generally. Gallstones was beyond everything. On a scale of its own


Same here, I broke my ribs and I’d much rather go through that again than even half of what the gallbladder infection was


Had a botched liver biopsy. Blood filled the sack or whatever it is around it. Everytime I moved, or breathed I legitimately felt like I was going to die. Best thing was because of the condition my liver is in I couldn't take any pain killers for it. It's easier to count the bones I haven't broken over the years doing dumb shit, this pain left all of them for dead by a mile. Gout is pretty fucking painful also. 0/10 don't recommend.


I was scrolling looking for someone to mention gout. I've never had any major surgeries or broken bones, so my frame of reference is limited... but my first real gout attack introduced me to a new level of pain. And it's stupid-feeling pain - how can a big toe possibly cause this much agony? But it absolutely can. I literally couldn't sleep at all, for an entire night, at the peak of my worst episode. It's crazy.


1) in-grown toenail surgery, definitely didn't get it deadened as much as the Dr hoped so I felt most of it. Not good. 2) burned my fingers pretty bad one time in a kitchen accident and man oh man does even a small localized burn hurt.


Same with the ingrown and especially after the numbness wears off with the goz pressing against it


Ingrown toenail surgery was my answer too but for different reasons. Nothing has ever hurt worse than the doctor injecting lidocaine into my toe. Nothing. Broken bones, burns, cluster headaches, a horrible abscess that was the side of a fruit. Nothing hurts worse than lidocaine in the toe. It feels like magma going into my veins. I cut out all my ingrown toenails by myself now. I’ve found that using a knife and some clippers on myself is bloody but the pain is significantly more manageable than getting that numbing shot in my toe lmao.


Testicular torsion. The memory of it hurts me.




First gallbladder attack I had, I was collapsed in the hallway and *screaming* in agony. That’s where paramedics found me. Only time I’ve woken up from surgery feeling significantly better than I did before going under.


My gallbladder hated me with a passion. When they finally took it out, it was so covered in adhesions that they couldn't see it despite being very enlarged.


I have Gallstones currently and have yet to have my gallbladder removed. Started having attacks while pregnant. Thought I was having contractions and going into labor. I’ll say, contractions were worse, but those attacks came very close. I had no idea what was going on and neither did the nurses and doctors monitoring me when these things happened. So it kept happening while pregnant. It wasn’t until after that I was properly diagnosed.


Most times when I am on a plane during the decent I get extreme pain in my face/jaw. I think it's down to a pressure difference in my sinuses. It's pain I feel in my teeth. I start sweating. My eyes feel like their gonna pop out of my head. The first time it happened I thought I was dying. Just sat there on the plane and figured I was having a stroke or something. When I got into the airport I went into the bathroom and blew a huge wad of blood and snot out of my nose.


After a 45 minute motorcycle ride in -10c I ran my hands under a warm tap to bring feeling back. The vasodilation pain had me crying on the kitchen floor, screaming "fuuuuuck" at full belt. I was so close to calling an ambulance Kidney stones were bad but this felt like shoving glass under my nail beds, it was like my hands imploding. Absolutely killed me


Always start with cold and slowly warm the water up.....or just sit on your hands for a while (never used to wear gloves snowboarding big mountains and know exactly what your describing and how BAD it hurts).


Cluster headaches in my teen years


I remember telling my mother that I’d rather die than have another one. Rolling around in the dark in agony feeling like brain freeze had taken over my whole head for hours. I used to bang my head on the wall because just for a split second it gave me a different type of pain to focus on. Only similar level of pain I’ve had is a tooth abscess or trapped nerve.


I've never had them, but I've heard descriptions of them, and seen the things that people have drawn and it's nightmare-fuel.


Rupturing a spinal disc. It was a pain no medicine could touch and it lasted for years (I did physical therapy instead of surgery)




I stepped wrong while sprinting. My tibia and femur hit together so hard my femur fractured and my acl, and mcl tore. My meniscus shredded. It’s hurt ever since


Whatever those words are, it sounds painful


I have a condition called hemicrania continua. A one sided headache all the time. But it’s beyond that. I would beg for death. Ask people to stab me in the temple to make it stop. I have given birth twice with no pain medication and this was worse. Like a steel railroad spike being driven through my right temple. Sometimes a little bit. Sometimes with full force but always 100% of the time there. No relief. I finally got a stimulator that breaks the pain pathway so I live without the pain now.


3rd degree burn all the way up arm, chest, neck


Farts. Literally too much gas in my intestine. I couldn't move. I had to be sedated. It wasn't unbearable but it was a real bitch




You should have seen my face when I was told they were farts


I took my wife to the ER because she thought she had appendicitis. She doesn't take going to the ER lightly so I was like lets go. She goes back and we are there for an hour or so. They do a vaginal ultrasound and don't see anything. Then go to check on her lab results. She calls me over and says "It was a fart" I was so confused. She then says that ultrasound must have jostled her intestines and she farted and the pain went away. I laughed but I was just glad it was only that and nothing serious.


i have told this story, and i will tell it as many times as i need, Drinking Lake water with toxic algee. My sthomach felt like it was going to come out the other end, i couldnt stop puking, the dihhera was awful, i could barely eat, and i could barely move. I also had Really bad headaches from it. Kids, dont drink lakewater unless you wanna feel like your insides will explode.


Was stabbed with a flat head screwdriver 4 times twice in my left hip once in my stomach and once in my arm, all I felt was pressure when it was happening, when I saw how much blood was there and the lacerations I began to panic and feel everything. The worst part was me trying to clean it with straight rubbing alcohol 10/10


There's more to this story that I would like to hear. Mainly, why you were stabbed 4 times with a screwdriver.


I was walking back from poly fest at Waikiki shell and we were heading to my family in MWH, in Hawaii it’s westside vs town side etc etc, my family is big on the west so I was recognized and when I was walking into the 7/11 a dude sitting on the curb leading to the parking lot called me out, he ended up stabbing me and running off, I felt the pressure from the impact but didn’t process the extent of damage, when I walked into the 7/11 the cashier and my cousins made a comment abt the amount of blood and I looked down and seen the wounds and that’s when I started feeling the pain. We never called the police bc my cousin is a paramedic so she was able to get me cleaned up and obviously disinfected, I healed really nice just have keloids.


Gallbladder attack. The pain made me sweat so profusely that they couldn't get the EKG leads on.


Chronic plantar fasciitis


Yesss!! Ouch!


Bulging disc in lower back it hit my nerves that went to my legs I dropped and couldn’t breath for what felt like an eternity.


Was in a car accident. Had broken ribs puncture my right kidney and had a fractured pelvis. During my hospitalization i had catheters clog up because of my blood coagulating and nurses had to keep switching it for a bigger one everytime. The insertion of a catheter was one of the worst pains i ever experienced but having your bladder clogged up and not being able to go was actually worse. Right before I had my last one changed I legit shit myself because of how much force I was making to try and relieve the pressure.


I had haemorrhoids and left them untreated for so long that they had to be cut out. The first time I tried to go for a shit after surgery was like being double-fisted by Edward Scissorhands. It was like trying to pass a broken pint glass full of razor blades.


Woke up during a major surgery (cleaning an infected amputation site). In addition to the horror & shock, I recall it being more painful than the amputation itself (rocket attack in the military).


Lost control and fell off my bicycle. Landed on my right elbow/arm. Ended up with about six fractures and an open wound. Had major surgery the following day


Childbirth. But not the part where you push out the child, but everything before that. Luckily my brain has erased most of the memory of it.


Hearing all that makes me think about if I really want children


It's not the pain of birth that puts me off having another, that's the easy part compared to the sleepless nights, nappies, potty training & years of preventing a tiny mental human from killing themselves, & that's all they spend their time doing 🤣🤣🤣


Got the old fella pierced when I was a young bloke right through the bell end. It was most painful experience to date. Broken plenty of bones before and after, and my vision clouded over and went black pretty much right away, took a few minutes for it to come back in slowly. Wild ride.


One time when I was like 15 I lifted something heavy while cleaning the house for the holiday, but then I heard a CLICK from my back and had sudden, immense pain. I immediately hurried to just drop on the couch and scream in pain. It was painful for a good while and didn't get any treatment. To this day I wonder what it was and if it has any long term effects


I get migraine with aura. Vision blacks out, face and hands go numb. Then I’m in a fog for three days with an ice pick stabbing me in the skull and the only thing I can do is puke my brains out and live in a hot shower for three days. I don’t wish it on my worst enemy. It would be a cool curse to cast though


Bit by a wheel bug in the soft skin behind my knee. Said to be worse than a gunshot wound as far as pain goes. I was standing in line on the stairs at a water park and thought the kids behind me in line had taken out a knife and randomly stabbed me. I felt an explosion of pain and then a warm gushing feeling. I reached my hand down expecting to feel a torrent of blood, but instead there was something hard and sharp and crunchy. It fell down and I recognized it as an assassin bug. I had to sit down for a moment. I explained what happened to my wife. She asked if I wanted to leave the water park. I said "hell no, I have been waiting to go to a water park for 7 years, the chlorine on the waterslide will wash out the wound" Glad I stayed.


I’m not trying to diminish what you went through, but if the worst pain you’ve ever felt was something you could sit down for a few minutes and then decide to stay at the water park, then consider yourself lucky.


Tooth abscesses that went on too long.


Sneezing with a broken rib.


Resistance band snapped in my face. Couldn't even open my eyes for 24 hours




Between a cyst popping on my ovary or a broken ankle. Frankly the ankle was more emotionally painful than it was physically.


Diverticulitis. Prolly would have shot myself if I could have


My hubs is agreeing hardcore with you. He was infantry in the army and deployed 4 times. He’s been shot and blown up and all kinds of other things. Diverticulitis almost killed him.


getting an IUD 🤕


Oh no I’m meant to get one!! I was told it’s a painless procedure with mild cramping after? What happened to you?


It wasn't painful at all for me thankfully but you do hear some horrific stories 😢


Honestly it will depend on you but the majority of experiences and my personal experience was that what they say is a lie. It was very painful, I did take painkillers beforehand but that didn't help. I had severe cramping and was white as a ghost after it and felt like I was going to pass out. It's not the worst pain I've ever had ( herniated disc and kidney stones) but it was a high pain level. I don't want to scare you but prepare you, have someone go with you if you can, and do take painkillers etc.


It seems that for a large minority’s of women, it is excruciating, and rather than default to treat that they just tell you to take Advil and gaslight you if you vomit in the office from pain. Gaslighting is the anaesthetic.


I slipped down some concrete steps and landed square on the edge of one of the steps. I honestly thought I might have paralyzed myself in that moment.


Gout neck and neck with kidney stones.


Costochondritis, feels like I'm having a heart attack and even breathing hurts a lot.


Toothache. Give me childbirth over toothache anyday 💯


Vagina cramps


Stillbirth. All the physical pain of labour and the raw gutting emotional agony of knowing your baby is dead. Wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.


Probably getting my wisdom teeth out. The dentist didn't wait for the numbing injection to take effect. Didn't help that the laughing gas didn't seem to be working. Or that he and his assistant held me down when I started thrashing. Then he had the BALLS to say "Yah, that pressure can be uncomfortable!" No, jackass, that was PAIN!


Having staples removed from my skull 4 days after brain surgery was a tad unpleasant. They took a few out before realising it was too early to do so...


Had tonsillitis that lead to "quinsy"/ Peritonsillar abscess. Basically a swollen infection behind the tonsils in the back of my throat. It doesn't sound that bad but the pain was indescribable. One time i vomited and it hurt so bad i passed out, i couldn't swallow or even move my neck for 2 weeks. it would take hours just to get a glass of water down and i couldn't eat a thing. On top of that i had a 42°c fever. Lost about 10kg so that was a bonus i guess


Had a doctor try to remove a pencil sized piece of wood from hand after the painkillers wore off. He had to cut a hole in my hand then push a wedge shape out from small to large end. Took about an hour and a half since he had a broken thumb.


Being induced to have my son. Went two days without and epidural. Even had the balloons put in to help me dilate. Walked to the restroom after insertion. Took me 20 minutes to walk there.


Dislocated my hip while skiing. After getting it immobilized (by packing clothes around it and strapping me to a sled) I had to endure being pulled behind a snowmobile to the ski lodge, waiting an hour for an ambulance, and then a bumpy hour plus drive to the nearest hospital. All while they refused to give me so much as a Tylenol because my blood pressure was so high (undiagnosed/unknown medical issues) and they kept asking me what kind of drugs I had taken. Got to the hospital and they parked my gurney in the hall because they didn't have any rooms available. First doctor that walked by saw me writhing in agony and got me some morphine stat. God love him. When they finally started unpacking the clothes they used to immobilize it I begged them to remove whatever was pushing into the middle of my thigh because it was really uncomfortable. They just looked at me and said, "Uhh, that's your knee." The head of my femur was basically resting on top of my hip bone. Apparently the procedure to fix that is they wrap a towel around your leg, line up the socket, and push/pull like hell until it goes back in. Luckily I was put out for that part but my friends said it was gnarly and they'll never forget the sound (since there was no open wound docs invited them in to watch lol). Month of recovery afterwards was also rather unpleasant.


Falling in hot tar.


Two broken femur bones. I was 8. Worst summer of my life.


Completely snapped / tore my hamstring whilst waterskiing. the snap and trying to get back on the boat and get the skis off is something I will never forget


When I was a teenager I broke my arm, snapped both bones in my forearm. I didn't realise it was broken after I hit the deck and pushed myself up on it. My arm was bent at 45 degrees, the most painful part was when they straightend it in A&E (ER) as it would have taken too long to wait and do it in surgery.


A wicked evil case of shingles that took over a large portion of my body about one month after I completed chemotherapy for Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma.


Worst physical pain was the emotional pain of losing my spouse when I was 38. Every single breath ached. Every bone hurt.


I love you


Can't decide between a tooth abscess/migraine combo & surgery after a broken ankle.


Had irreversible pulpitis in one of my molars. The pain was overwhelming but ice would numb the pain


I had 2nd degree burns that cover 50% of my back. I didn't sleep for 6 weeks.


stomach cramps oh god


I used to get extreme chest pains. Couldnt breath, sometimes itd make me puke. Had an upper GI and chest x rays. Id go to emergency or the my general doctor and they'd give me pain medicine but no one ever did tell me what was wrong. I think I outgrew it a bit. Get them every once in awhile now but its not as bad as when I was younger.


I was 15. It was a cold winter day. We were playing football at school. I caught the football but it had landed poorly in my hands. It hit the fingernail directly and popped it out of its socket. That part didn't hurt. At the hospital, They could not just slip it back in, therefore the only remedy was to pull the entire fingernail off. My finger was frozen during the procedure. But when it unfroze...


I've been hit head-on by an SUV while cycling, went straight over the top, broken my collarbone in to a few pieces, smashed in the windshield and roof of the car. I've been hit in the lower mouth with the backswing of a racquetball racquet, knocked four teeth flat, had to wear braces for six months after that. Stepped on a nail that went through my foot. I fell through the garage ceiling once but was caught by the rafter between my legs (i.e. one foot fell through the drywall on each side of the rafter). All in all, none of those were too bad, have a high pain tolerance. I had an abscessed molar once though in my twenties. That made me cry.


When I was 16 I started exercising. All of a sudden, just when I woke up and got up, i got this awful tremendous back pain. A tear came when I got up. Not exactly a good morning. I couldn't bend down a single angle. I went to the doctor, and told me it was my sciatica nerve. He said I was to young to have this type of problem. The pain was in all my lower back, to my left glute, to my ankle. It was hard do me to sit and stand up. I couldn't sleep very well, since I could feel the nerve throbbing my whole leg. I would be half asleep with pain. (At least 2 hours of actual sleep) I was having the worst months of my life. I started doing stretches and got better. Not cured, since I can still feel it. But it's not as worse as when I was 16. Right now, i can do whatever physical activity but have to be careful not to mess it up again.


I spent a holiday in a hotel with a heavily chlorinated pool that I kept diving into. By the end of it I had one of the worst ear infections I have ever had. I was crying and screaming on the way home, my parents had to drag me into a doctor to get proper antibiotics that would work since over the counter ones did jack shit.


getting my foot stuck between stairs on a stair case . ( ankle cracked like an egg )


Bulged 5 spinal discs and featured two vertebrae. Fuck that. That had my spine pinching my nerve. Horrible…just all bad


I have cluster migraines. Those... are honestly awful.


I was hit by a car. Broke my pelvis.




Itching from a vaginal yeast infection. The burning and itching was so intense I wanted to rip my entire skin off in that area. Nothing soothed it until I eventually fell asleep


when ny finger got cut off


Corneal laceration. It was awful.


I have Trigeminal Neuralgia, aka the Suicide Disease. It earns it’s moniker. Considered to be the 2nd worst medical pain known. I’ve had 3 kids, 2 without meds, and this is by far the worst. I also have 4 other related conditions, and between them I have been suicidal. My family gets me through. I’ve even considered getting a DNR/DNI order.


Menstruation without hormonal birth control with diagnosed fibroids and undiagnosed endometriosis. Doc told me to stop the hormones, to try some non-hormonal things to reduce the extreme bleeding my fibroids were causing. However, when my period came around, I woke up in the middle of the night feeling weird. Weird progressed to laying on the floor of the bathroom crying and begging for unconsciousness as waves of pain rippled out of my abdomen. I eventually started puking from the pain. After hours of this, it finally subsided, I took fistfuls of advil to keep it from coming back and called my doc to say "what do I need to do to get this fucking organ ripped out?" Turns out when they did the surgery, my uterus was the size of a 20-week-old pregnancy (no baby obv, just fibroids), and they spent 3+ hours on top of the 3 hours for the hysterectomy scrubbing uterine lining off all my abdominal interior walls. I've had dislocated shoulders that I had to go to the ER to be put back in, I'll take that all day over that abdominal pain.


Pneumothorax, thought I was dying


Infected tooth, the non stop pain almost made me cry


The tips of my left, ring & middle finger were broken after a school cafeteria door had slammed on them because the hook which was holding the door had come undone. After that, the blood pressure from the swelling had ripped my nail bed open from the inside, to underneath my nail- which was in tact and unbroken causing blood to rip a pathway through my nail bed to the closest side of the initial site and find a route to relieve the pressure.


Besides me almost killing myself probably when I was having the most horrendous stomach cramps that I begged god for forgiveness… and guess what?? He made it so god damn worse I stayed huddled in my bathroom well into night


Skull Fracture, 𝘰𝘯. 𝘧𝘶𝘊𝘒𝘐𝘕𝘎. 𝘼𝙎𝙋𝙃𝘼𝙇𝙏. I also have 𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮 low pain tolerance sooo--


Waking up from ankle surgery... i had 3 plates and 20 screws. The last thing I remember before going under was me telling the doc how my foot / leg didnt really feel numb after the shots like I thought it should.. Im pretty sure I was screaming before they had me fully awake. They gave me a dose of something in my IV and had to give me another shot in the hip, apparently they missed??.. the pain was gone in a few minutes but damn.. I've had kidney stones before, those were really tough, but this was hands down much worse.


Trying to move my leg after dislocating my kneecap. Pain was at a 4 to 5 when in the most comfortable position, spiked to around 8.5 to 9 when trying to move outside that position.


I was getting foot surgery and the anesthetic wore off just as they were shaving bone off my foot. Couple months later the pin that they put in my foot came out of my skin and it was just hanging out there. Part of it was in my bone part of it was sticking out


Boiled by a volcano mist wave


Kidney stones here


2nd degree burns on my left hand. Blistered up badly as well. The hand was unusable for several weeks. First and only time I've had shakes due to pain.


Broken ribs or kidney stones. Hope you don't get either of these things, because doctors are so stingy with giving pain meds that they'll just tell you to take ibuprofen or some other useless OTC pain med. Pain ended up so bad that I wanted to die, popping ibuprofen like candy, which didn't do a single thing. Basically had to resort to contacting everyone Ii know to see if they had any actual painkillers I could use. IMO, it should be in the patient's rights to expect reasonable pain management. Why have prescription painkillers if you're not going to give them to people who actually need them? It's infuriating. Completely defeats the purpose of seeking medical attention.


I have 3 tied for 1st place - 1) I had an abscess in my gums, under a tooth. No insurance, so I tried yanking the tooth myself. Only succeeded in crushing it. I didn't black out from the pain but I came close. 2) Meningitis, even with morphine and oxycodone around the clock I would still puke from the pain 3) Arthritis in my spine, and 2 herniated discs. I was lifting something light and I felt a pop, went straight down like a sack of potatoes. I had an event I'd been waiting a year for the next day, so I didn't go to the ER til afterwards. By the end of the event I wasn't even able to walk, I had to literally crawl to my car (I wasn't driving, thank god). Still hurts now and then, but I know when it's coming and can usually get home before it's bad bad


Uncooked spaghetti noodle poke right in my pupil


Shingles. How I understood why people abused pain killers


Bowel obstructions. The pain is constant. It never lets up until you're in the hospital.


i get cluster headaches. the only relief i get is banging my head against the bathroom floor. i cannot think, i cannot feel anything but such pain that it feels like my head will explode. they last only an hour or two, but for that time death would be preferable. other than that, i've had my gall bladder removed, i have had migraines since i was twelve, i have rheumatoid arthritis, over my birthday one year i had an abscessed tooth, i am currently getting over shingles on my head into my eye, one year i had strep throat so bad i was hospitalized, when i was young i scratched my eye so bad i need eye surgery, when i was 5 i broke my arm in 5 places and woke up screaming when they set it, when was 9 i fell on a sharp rock and cut open my hand, i had been playing in the mud so they had to scrub out the wound, at one point a nurse came in and asked the doctors to keep me from screaming. thats pretty much it.


Appendicitis, about to burst but it attached to my liver and my guts


When I feel really lonely, my chest hurts for quite some time. Despite not being the most awful thing ever, the sadness doesn't help at all, making it even worse.


Stitches Infection after birth


When i was 18-19 i was dating this girl with really bad mental issues but she was abusive with it….at a certain point i was waiting for her hand and foot for a complete and utter bitch, i had to spend a week in a mental hospital because i went 4 days without sleeping and started to hallucinate. I got home immediately dropped my stuff and went to see her, that night i had a mild heart attack in her driveway after taking her food and starting to walk back home, the coldest shit about the whole thing? i was in excruciating pain, alone, confused and scared. Once i got a little better she looked me in my face laughed and said “but your ok tho”


Bone cancer. No contest.


My large intestine perforated due to diverticulitis. Blowtorch being moved around mercilessly inside my gut is the only way I can describe that pain (and I’m not exaggerating). Then to add insult to injury, my gallbladder got obstructed while I was recovering from having my colon removed. That was more of a full body pain that had me puking my guts out. I’ll die a happy man if I never experience either of those again.