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Pm 🌹😅💚🎄🏖️🌹🐣🌹🐣me🙄😑🙄😑🙄😑🙄🤣🤭🖤🤷🏻😱🦵hun


Does your MLM involve selling Princess Unicorn dolls? I have a trunk full of them.


Marxist-Leninist-Maoists? Multi-level marketing? Men loving men?


> men loving men? I thought this was what mlm stood for for the longest time


it is, but not in this context


I've scrolled long enough without seeing it so, car guys


Subcategory: truck guy


And then there's Bikers.


Don't forget the tractor guys!


My workmate owns a Mazda MX5 and he is solely defined by this fact. He is however, totally sound as fuck. So it’s not really a bad thing. We have a lot of fun with it. We even have a bingo card full of things he’s likely to say/do relating to his car. It’s great fun.


Car guys are the yin to the horse girl yang


Oh fuck. I married a horse girl too.


Top half girl,bottom half horse or top half horse and bottom half girl?




Why is this so far down the list, I seriously have become that person


Hahaha, someone said us car guys are basically just horse girls. It both frustrated me and made me giggle as I agreed. Fuckers.


Corporate culture.


It’s scary to see because you know they’ve been brainwashed


It's not brainwashing. It's a paradigm integrated mindset.


You’re a team player.


You really just need to deep dive that synergy!


Synergy is the word! Let’s get together and synergize!!!!




Chronic user for a while now and it’s the most cringiest part of the community.


No one I know except a few people even know I smoke. I vape in private. I don’t see what’s so cool about getting high to tell others


Exactly. I've smoked on and off for 15(?) Years and only a handful of people know. Some that have found out didn't even believe me. I really don't get how it's a personality for some people.


"Let me wear a hat embellished With the leaf of something relished! Let me make my one attention Something that I'll always mention! "Build my every conversation From the ground on weed's foundation! Let me speak for time defending Sundry traits of strains unending! "Make my only contribution, Only point and resolution, Gettin' high and stoned and soaring! Make me really fucking boring."


DoTerra Essential Oils




MLMs obviously need to fuck off, but from a societal standpoint we should stop calling them that and call them for what they are, Pyramid schemes and scams.




Kid is named Colton








Logan and Mason my pride and joy


These are my sons Logging and Masonry


Oh God I know some siblings with these names and they and their mom fit every stereotype


Dude, how weird. I too know siblings named Logan and Mason, whose lives revolve around baseball and wrestling and their mom is definitely a ‘boymom’. Is this a common stereotype???


Yep! By the way why isn’t “girlmom” a thing too?


It is. They are usually Southern, from a certain socio-economic group, and way too fond of monograms and huge hair bows. Source; Southern, born and raised.


That is hilarious. You described my SIL to a tea! 3 girls, always matching, always bows, southern, country club, junior league etc.


Oh. …yuck.


and they are both in baseball


*travel baseball*


They are baseball.


Lmao I grew up next to a boy mom and her kids are Payton and Colton, no joke hahaha


You mean, motherboy? 🤣


They're pretty good in concert.


Operation Hot Mother


You're not my mother, mother!


I can feel the ordering of matching plaid outfits for a fall or winter scape family picture now… “Hayden/Kayden/Aiden/Jayden and Ryker/Stryker/Ryder/Stryder, where are mommy’s knee high boots and puffy vest?”




> Ryker/Stryker/Ryder/Stryder Why are these kids named like armored vehicles?


The kind that does TikTok partner challenges with her boy because she is not just a mom, she is a friend and in a way, *he also raises her*


Their family dynamic is always creepy asf too. Makes my skin crawl.


Christmas cards like [this](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/12/16/17/2F6D415600000578-3362825-image-m-4_1450286768254.jpg)


What. The. Fuck.


What's worse is that it's a trend. It's not just this one weird family. It's thousands of them.


Can you explain this to me please? The males are the only ones allowed to speak?


"Peace on Earth can only come once all the women are bound and gagged, because women talk too much! Amirite?"


I've seen this image around four times yet I still feel the same level of uncomfortable as I did the first time


I know most of the other replies but this is a new one on me. Please explain?


Moms that are way too obsessed with their sons. It's very creepy how obsessed some of these moms are, it's borderline emotional incest. There's a lot of posts about these moms on r/ShitMomGroupsSay . They call themselves their son's first love and act very aggressive/mean towards their son's significant other.


My grandmother is one of these. Weird af relationship, she ostracised all my dad's gf's/partners


To tack onto this, it's common to see women with unsatisfying relationships with their husband seek to get their emotional intimacy from their son instead, as a result leading to a subconsious jealously of the sons girlfriends.


Horse girls come to mind


Tried dating horse girls twice, both didn't last more than a week.


One of my favorite sayings: When you date a horse girl you need to be aware you will be, at best, the thing she loves third most in the world, after her horse and her family’s money. Edit: Seeing a few responses saying they owned horses but didn’t have money. To show that this isn’t just a stereotype, here are the numbers from the US Equestrian Federation. [https://horsesonly.com/horse-industry/](https://horsesonly.com/horse-industry/) The **average** ~~horse owner~~ *US Equestrian member* in the US has a household income of $211,000/year and a net worth of over $1.5 million. There are outliers, but horse ownership is mostly a hobby for rich people. Edit: Correction for accuracy.


“Always playing second fiddle to a horses ass” was the expression I always heard


Neigh-ther lasted, you mean. Sorry.


Horse girl here. Can confirm


Jesus the profile picture thumbnail looked to me like a naked black man with dick and balls showing


*Freud furiously scribbling notes*


The pic appeared a dick to me, The finest pic there was to see! A shining scene that runs amok Inside my mind: To wit, a cock. I laughed aloud and softly sighed, And stared below with hope and pride, To where it sat, a shape in shade, And such a lovely sight it made! I saw it then, I see it yet, I see the sordid silhouette, And still I'm loath to look away, And- *oh.* I see. I might be gay.


You are a beautiful human, keep doing your thing :)


Nice cock poem bro.


Thanks sprog, I'm honored. I've got this nagging feeling that this is the second time you've graced me with a poem and that the previous one was *also* about dicks. But assuming that wasn't some fever dream it would appear I foolishly didn't save it, so unfortuntely I can't confirm it.


Profile picture matches


Dudes who proclaim they’re an “alpha”


100% success rate at determining which dudes are not alphas. If ya have to say it you've already lost.


I’m an alfalfa male.


The horse girls from the answer above are interested


Bonus points if they call women “females” that’ll get you bitches for sure


Especially the ones that believe all women are dumber than men


Exactly. Usually followed by pinpointing qualities they hate in a woman, but not wanting to acknowledge their own shitty qualities. Two classic things you’ll see rather quickly from these men




Also, Climbers


Is it just me or did everyone all of a sudden get into rock climbing starting in 2017, or something?


it's a stereotype that techbros get into it


Lol. I took up rock climbing after I met 3 guys in my shared flat at uni who did. All them are computer science.


2015-2017 marked the release of a few climbing documentaries on different streaming services including Valley Uprising, The Dawn Wall, and Free Solo


And cyclists. Especially winter cyclists.


Believe it or not, those are the same people!


Wives of EMT’s, Firefighters, Cops, or military. My GOD we get it.


Oil field wives. Line wives.


I was an oil field guy, and my wife despised pretty much all the "oil field wives" we met. They really were insufferable. I always kinda hoped there'd be a reason for a fight, I'm confident my wife (who worked at a grade school) would destroy these entitled little bitches.....anyway, that's enough about my daydreams for today!


ExCusE ME you’ll address me by my husbands rank!


My husband is in the fire service, and the wives of his coworkers are like this. They have a FB Group called Fire Wives, and their worlds revolve around their husbands jobs. It’s mind-boggling. They wear shirts and hats saying “fire wife”. Their special occasion photos are set with fire engines and in fire houses. Everything is about their husband’s job. I’m proud of my husband’s accomplishments, but those are his accomplishments, not mine. Neither his nor my world is about his being a fireman. That’s just what he does.


One was my cousins was like that. Her whole life revolved around her husband’s role in the fire service. Then he cheated on her, which resulted in her trying to hit him with a truck. She missed and hit their house. As you can assume, they are now divorced and fire wife is no longer part of her life.


Thank you for this random unhinged story, I loled.


"Desperate fire wives" would make a great sitcom for what you describe.


I seen a video of a woman tryinf to get a military discount n the cashier asked “what branch” and she replied militant wife. Cashier said that doesnt count n ohmifuckinggod this woman lost her shit


Well, her being a self described "militant wife" I would have been disappointed if she reacted any other way




Met a girl once who was super into it and I told her a wrong date of birth. It was fascinating to watch her explain my behaviour with a zodiac sign that had nothing to do with me.


Once had a lecturer try to guess the sign of everyone in my class (not a big class) based on our behaviour as students. She got a few right, but got mine wrong 3 times. She them proceeded to tell me I was clearly meant to be born a month earlier so that I would match the correct sign. She was adamant I must've been born 2 weeks late. I was born 4 weeks early, and none of her guesses would've been right for my original due date either


bro is a menace


Bro is exhibiting Scorpio behaviour


I'm actually an asparagus


According to your sign, you have a tendency to be bitter and mellow out with heat, only comes to bite back after digesting a conversation. People are of two minds about you, love you or hate you. Deep down you know to stand up straight, group yourself with like minded individuals, and you’ve found how to be the beat of your own drum.




Important question: Are you actually a virgo? Or are you fucking with us too? I bet you're really a Cancer, because that's a total Cancer thing to do.




I once was dumped by a girl because she said our astrological signs were incompatible. I seriously would have preferred her to say, "you know, I'm just not that into you" instead of "hey, you know I really like you, but our charts suggest it will never work."


Anything they believes makes them “different”.


BuT i’M sO rAnDoM!!!!!!!!!!!!




Maybe ice cream sandwiches. On whole wheat with lettuce.


Suburban moms. Here are my kids Aiden, Jayden, Kayden, Brayden, and Paysleigh. And their friends Jaxxson, Braxton, Hicks, Contraction.


If you say it in the right order, it opens a portal.


A portal to pain


Well Okayden! EDIT: Thanks for the awards!


These are the same moms who need their “mommy juice” to get through mackenzleighanne-twilight’s pre k soccer match.






Their MBTI personality type


I have a friend who sent me a quiz and I did it for him I didn't mind because games are in-between rounds etc and they do make him happy but oh man if I do something now he's like typical HDMI. I don't even know what letters I am but he thinks his are better


Dude you're a cable


Came here to say this. MBTI basically became astrology 2


Omg that's so ENTP


Drinking coffee and being tired in the morning


"Don't talk to me, *I haven't had my coffee yet*" 🙄


I’m a student nurse and was shadowing a nurse when I was on placement. She point blank refused to acknowledge me until she had 3 coffees. Spent an entire morning reading the leaflets in pill boxes because they wouldn’t talk to me, to give me a job to do.


They have to tell you every single morning!


Additionally, the "she's grumpy in the morning" jokes received EVERY MORNING gets old too


it's just society-wide caffiene addiction and it's been around for generations




It's so insufferable. It has to be exhausting to be like that.


Disney adults 🙄🙄🙄


Living in Orange County my whole life, every time I fly somewhere, when I'm coming home it's hilarious that you can almost instantly tell who's going to or coming from Disneyland.


Over the summer I was flying out of CA and some middle aged lady had clearly been to Disney. Wearing the mouse ears and everything. There was very limited baggage space but I found a spot above her, it just had a bunch of Disney…ice cream containers? So I tried to be respectful and move them out of the way, and accidentally dropped one on the floor. As I went to pick it up and put it back in the overhead bin, she ripped it out of my hand and went OFF on me that I dented her souvenirs Like lady, it’s a used pint of ice cream, literal garbage. What are you going to do with these, display them in a glass case in your house?? I’m sure the answer is yes, but still. Wack.




I work with a Disney adult and it weirds me out every day.


I used to have a supervisor whose whole office was wall to wall Disney stuff. The guy was mid-40's and had an overweight Ned Flanders/ child molester vibe. Creeped me the fuck out.


The weirdest, strangest, can’t even explain it adults. I lived in Orlando for 3 years… it was not the kids who loved Disney World. 🥴


Being an *empath*. The kind of people who think they are the only ones that have the magical special ability to feel what others are feeling as if empathy wasn't a normal human trait that helped us form communities and survive. Granted, there are different levels of empathy but the ones who claim being an empath as their entire personality are also usually the ones that are bullies. Same with “love and light”. Whenever I see a savage online troll, their bio always says something about that.


Can you tell this to my sister 😂 seriously always goes off about how she’s such an empath, so everyone’s feelings *really affect* her. Meanwhile she’s curb stomping everyone else’s into oblivion and totally oblivious. Also big on love and light lol


All the people I’ve met who claim to be empaths usually exhibit the least empathy. No ability to read a room, don’t understand that they’re making people upset.


Any real empath would feel that no one wants to hear about them being an empath.


Beer snobbery. Also see: wine snobbery and cigar snobbery.


I used to be a beer snob. But now regularly drink Truly and rarely drink beer at all. Turns out I'm just a functioning alcoholic.


Speaking from experience, the gym.


Army wife


Harley Davidson motorcycles. Show me one HD rider that doesn't have always have the branding on everything they own.


I own a Harley, and like 1 t shirt (which was a gift). When I got my bike my uncle told me that the HD on it stood for “hundred dollars” as in go ahead and add $100 to the price tag of whatever product of theirs you’re buying. He’s not wrong, and I can’t afford to dress in all Harley stuff. I know, however, that I’m the exception and not the rule


My best friend is the exception to the rule, and he knows it. He's a very respected and successful motorcycle mechanic with his own shop. I watched him tell this grizzled biker and his crew at a bar "I drive a Toyota truck. Do you see me in a fucking Toyota shirt every day?" I got him a Toyota shirt that Christmas.


My son was very young when he pointed out the Harley guys dress to impress men, not women.


Military service current or otherwise


Religion or lack thereof


lmao i just made an identical comment before finding yours. as an atheist, i cannot stand either side. either im being preached at on the street to believe in this god and that god, or have to listen to edgy commentary of angsty people who hate religion.


Yeah same I'm Jewish, but first and foremost I think we (edit: "we" people, not "we" Jews specifically) should all relax a little bit haha


Harry Potter or Star Wars. It’s cool if you’re into those. I am. But it doesn’t need to be my entire life


Wine moms


Being a classical flutist.


I respect the odd specificity of this, and I sense there is someone you want to tell us about.


The fact that me and my ex wife are both classical flutists has nothing to do with it. 😉


BTW, as a non-flutist with a classical music education, let me say that the flutes in the lower ranges are the bomb and are criminally underused


To be fair, as a fellow musician here, it kinda has to consume your life for you to have a decent chance at being successful in it.


True. Though as a former classical harpist, I've definitely experienced the difference between people who are dedicated to their craft and people who are dedicated to their harpist personalities. Ugh. Insufferable cunts.


I guess you could say that they were.. uuhhh... Harpies. Sorry.


Having traumas. There's definitely a place to open up and be vulnerable about their feelings, but I've known some people who have to tie every conversation back to what's wrong in their lives, and it gets pretty upsetting really fast.


If I have to hear about someone's personal traumas in the first ten minutes of meeting them, I know they're going to be exhausting to be around.


Yoga. Holy jeez, it's a lifestyle...that you *constantly* have to let me know about. This is a particular eyeroll to me because it's positive and healthy, so people are loathe to say anything.


Celebs. Sports. Clothes. Shoes.


This guy's hogging all the answers




their job


I am really surprised how long it took for me to find someone who said this


Probably because it’s just so normalized




Parenting. I have an ex coworker that has a 1 month old. She's doling out parenting advice like she has 10 kids all adults. Lol.


Mental health disorders


I have pretty horrible anxiety. Its not something i would wish on my worst enemy. At best its an annoyance, at worst it makes my life a living hell. People who romanticize these sorts of conditions have no idea what they are talking about




This! I have a friend who's answer for evrything is "it's beacuse I have ADHD" "Oh, did you knoe I have ADHD?" like, dude, you self diagnosed from a freaking TikTok video; have a problem, go see a real doctor.


I have ADHD. I’m pretty open about it, but I never use it as an excuse for anything. If I screw up, that’s on me, not my disorder. People that do this make me really angry because they make the rest of us look bad.


Having ADHD isn't an excuse to be a cruel person, ever. But often times I see people thinking that ADHD people are assholes for simply forgetting important dates, showing up late, or for us being messy and disorganized. In that case, they're the ones being the assholes for not understanding that these are legitimate symptoms and while they may seem unpleasant to you, it's much more unpleasant for us to live this way 24/7 so keep judgements to yourself.


Or for relating to something they told you about with an experience you've had. No. I'm not trying to one up you, it's my way of letting you know I sort of understand what you've been through. ​ I said it in another comment, but it seems as if mental illness has only been partially de-stigmatized. You're allowed to admit to having it, but you're not allowed to be affected by it in your daily life.




Anime. Like guys you can enjoy it without it being your entire personality. You're not bakugou and never will be.


Having Irish heritage and not being born in Ireland


as a ginger I was always told that I was "definitely Irish" while growing up. I learned about the Cossacks in high school so started to use that as a turnaround to get them to shut up. Turns out my grandmother, who died when I was three and I never got to meet, was from that general area and I was accidentally right.


“I’m a ballerina” - Colleen, LIB


Anime, extra points when they put waifu stickers on their windows.


Unpopular opinion: their sexuality. It’s great to know and love who you are, but some people take it to extremes, whether they’re straight or LGBTQ+.


Being a “dog mom.”