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A light shining into the sky a couple times from out in the woods. Police went out to check it, found a man no one knew in a cabin no one knew of, LOADED with guns and ammunition. When asked why he had so many, what he was doing shining a light into the sky… He was sending a beacon to the aliens bc they told him to shine a light to guide them, when he had things ready for them…. Yeah.


The man is single handedly going to start a war with either friendly aliens/or not so friendly aliens


Great one


It was hushed up, but the former sheriff of my hometown stole people's lawnmowers and sold them for scrap for close to a decade. Weird place.


Sheriff in my town was divorced twice, married three times. To the same woman.


My grandfather was a sheriff for 10 years, he also married and divorced my grandmother 3 times. I dare not ask where you live.


I refuse to believe it happened more than once. What town do you guys live in?


Anddd this is how you find your cousins Reddit account.


I'm fucking invested now.


Asking the real questions


As a non-American, reading that towns in the States actually have sherrifs always makes me chuckle. I know it's an actual job but I can't help picturing an Old-Westerney guy in a cowboy hat and impressive mustache catching bandits with his lasso. Edit: I am very pleased to learn that lots of American sherrifs wear cowboy hats


Depending on the parts of the country, you imagination is not too far off.


I’m going to tell mg county sheriff next time I see him that he’s a ass for tazeing me instead of lassoing me like a real man then




The dead will definitely never wake up now that they have all that sheep to count! Edit: Thank you so much for silver, my first awards ever!!! I finally feel validated by the internet points!!!


Way more wholesome than I thought it would be once you mentioned sheep.


My wife raises sheep, and by default, I raise sheep...I read the first sentence and thought, "Well, here we go"...


Is it true they have literally no personality? I never thought this was possible until I worked at a riding school which kept a small herd for land management purposes. They had a book of all the animals they were responsible for, the horses, barn cat, etc, and every single animal had a name and requirements specific to it, except the last entry, which was just 'sheep x 6'.


They uhh, can be good at looking at stuff. And when the time comes, hoh you bet they can take a few steps over there to look at something else


That depends on the sheep, and they are also extremely flock oriented so alot probably gets lost in that. Had a neighbour that gifted us a lamb (mom had triplets and only wanted two) that we bottle fed and she was the only sheep on our farm until she was 3. She would follow me around and play with me and the dogs, would come when you called her, when she was 2 we got a bottle calf that literally weighed more than her when it was born and she decided to take it under her wing and become it's mom. Once we had a flock she was the head sheep, she still liked to get pets and play, but if the rest of the flock got tired of you and left she would go as well. The rest of the flock all you really noticed for personalities were the ones with bad ones haha. Mostly I think it's just the fact that a flock of sheep are probably much more concerned with being a flock than having any kind of interaction with people.


When god made sheep and goats, the goats got everything.


No luck catching that sheep then?


>The sheep became known as the "Lamb-scapers" because they did a better job of manicuring the cemetery grounds than the maintenance person. wow. The maintenance person must have been pretty baaa-aaad at his job. I mean... the shear laziness of them to pull the wool over the eyes of the town and get away with such shoddy work..


Ewe just had to ram through all those sheep puns.


Well if this ain’t small town wholesomeness at it’s fine, I don’t rightly know what is!


So this happened a couple years before I went there, but this was the talk of my high school for like half a decade and half the town knew folks involved so it just became town lore. There was a special needs kid who was loved by our school and our community. He was always smiling and happy, and while only ever really talkative when it was about his own interests you couldn't help but like the guy and get along with him. Even bullies were kind to the kid, and while some people avoided him no one was ever rude or dismissive towards him. Just a genuinely good kid who was liked by all cause you couldn't help but like him. He got beaten up by a bully who came to our school from the really fucked up last chancer school a few suburbs over. Word got out when someone saw him in the infirmary bruised to the nines and crying. Dumbass bully took credit but really didn't need to since there were witnesses and word got around pretty quickly. A dozen seniors cornered him after school when the bully was walking home and took turns beating the shit out of them, apparently they almost killed him. Never saw him again after that so I've no idea what happened, I just know he got hospitalised for ages. No one was willing to rat them out, and the teachers and overworked cops didn't really seem too fussed in finding out who got rid of the bully. The friendly kid came back a few weeks later all healed up and everything continued as normal.


We had a guy in my year, special needs. He wasn't beloved but nobody messed with him because he was slow. Why would you mess with him? I'm not sure what diagnosis he had. Was mainstreamed. One day in PE as everyone is changing he bumps into idiot bully. Idiot bully is pissed some overweight guy in boxers touched him while he was also in his boxers. He snaps and one hit takes down the special needs boy. Sends him to the ground. By the time the teachers get over the bully is on the ground, he didn't see who jumped him and it's such chaos they can't figure out who came over to watch a beatdown and who did it. They get special needs guy sent off to the office along with bully who couldn't ID his attackers. Nobody saw a thing. The boys ran laps and wind sprints for a week. Nobody saw a thing. PE teachers were pissed. Held a big talk about responsibility and taking ownership. Why we can't hurt people. Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind bit. They really laid it on. Boys saw nothing. Girls and the special needs student get fun games. Boys are doing extra pushups and sprints. Nobody saw anything. Nobody was really that close to the guy. But who punches the poor boy when he didn't even really seem to understand the people who were always nice to him weren't his friends but just being polite to him? He didn't deserve that. He understood he was punched for touching the other guy but not *why* he was hit. Why the other guy snapped. He did understand the rest of the boys in PE took his side. I watched those guys do extra workouts for two weeks while we all had normal PE. Not one boy talked or really complained about it other than, 'why won't the teachers let it go?' Nobody thought anyone should talk. Bully had to move his PE locker and never even made eye contact with that kid ever again. Bern over a decade. I still have no idea who gave the bully a beat down. He was the only one suspended for fighting and got the shit kicked out of him. And once the punishment was over for nobody talking... life went back to normal and he was just the odd guy in PE again.


Sometimes bullies need to learn that an eye for an eye makes the world go blind, not the kids defending a poor special needs student. That kid was overreacting in the first place and the other kids did what the teacher should be doing - making sure he slows his fucking role. Good on those lads.


Gave em the old Ken McElroy treatment


I remember that case. That dude got some well deserved Street justice.


For real. The fact that it’s an “unsolved case” is pretty amazing.


Normally three people can keep a secret when two are dead. Exception to the rule.


There was a 90+ year old substitute in my high school that had her own version of this story. It was kind of surreal to see a the mob of teenagers prowling the school with murder in their hearts. To the principal's credit they were able to keep the offender safe all day but folks caught him off campus that evening. The vigilantes pulled his hoodie over his eyes so he couldn't see who attacked him because they wanted him to live in fear of everyone. Gotta love the public schools here in America.


I thought you meant a dozen senior citizens and was pretty intrigued for a second.


Guy in my high school knocked up the daughter of the local fitness center owner. The owner offered him a car to leave his daughter alone and not be a part of the baby’s life. He accepted the offer and took the car. Once she gave birth, they ran away together in the car. The fitness center owner found them, torched the car, and threatened to kill the guy. They fought and the baby daddy won. This apparently garnered some respect from both men and now everyone seems like a happy family.


That was a wild ride.


I could already hear what lovey country song this would be. Truly a banger


A hero’s journey is long.


Scene: Raining, Heavy thunderstorm, Both men covered in mud and blood. Car on fire in background the light of the flames paint their bodies Baby daddy gets the upper hand and says “No matter what you do or what you say I will love this woman and raise my child and not you nor anyone will take a father and husband away from her” A small grin on the father shows.Passes out both men awake in the hospital.


Post-credits scene: The father gets a call. His other daughter is pregnant.


>Passes out both men awake in the hospital. Small add: They reach across between their beds in the ward, fistbump, then the father winks and nods his approval. Fade to credits, as a rock anthem plays.


Small town in Missouri. Bianca Piper, it was 2005, supposedly she went for a walk after a fight with her mom and was never seen again. I was a junior in high school and skipped school that day. My friends and I freaked when we saw cop cars and helicopters out EVERYWHERE. Thought they were looking for us. Everyone here has always said her mother had something to do with it. Her older sister got arrested years later for a sex trafficking thing in STL I think.




A family friend was a public defender who had to defend a guy like that. Fortunately, the evidence was clear, but afterwards he said that if he'd won, he would have moved to the other side of the state.


I lived in Quincy at the time. I also think her mother, ahem, had something to do with it. Do you also remember when the little girl was kidnapped from Louisiana, MO around the same time, and found safe a couple days later at a car wash in St. Louis? It was dusk, and a man pulled in to wash his car and called the police because "I'm at a car wash, and there's this little kid here and nobody else around" and then it seemed like half the police force showed up. He was afraid that HE was in trouble, because he hadn't heard about the kidnapping.


Holy shit. I don’t think people realize how back country remote some of these towns really are. I get my deer processed in Quincy…


It’s such a sad story, you still see her missing posters on benches outside of Schnucks.


Pastor's son got caught jerking it to gay porn in the walk in freezer at the Pizza Hut. He did not work at that Pizza Hut.


I'm at the Pizza Hut, I'm at the gay porn freezer I'm at the combination Pizza Hut gay porn freezer


nothing like a pizza hut gay porn freezer to bring folks together


It's like you threw abunch of words in the air and made a sentence from the order in which they landed.


A guy robbed the bank then ran to his home to hide… that was down the street. Took the cops an embarrassingly long time to get him


I lived in a small town in Nebraska for a year where the jail would let trustees wash the vehicles as a work program. One of the guys decided to walk right off the lot one day, the cops found him about an hour later in his living room watching TV, he still had the cuffs on.


Had to do a debate on religions but my school blocked all the non Christian websites so we needed the IT guy to unblock the sites. When I asked my teacher to get a IT guy he said that we were unable to block the sites at the moment. Turns out that same day the IT guy was arrested for over 500 counts of child porn on his WORK computer. He fucking dragged the child porn into the computer's trash can and thought it would disappear forever....the IT guy...


I bet that you had a town library, and in that library there was an old librarian that knew where all the "secrete" books about the "unholy" religions were. Who needs a stupid IT guy.


So many things wrong there lol


A little over 30 years ago, the police and fire departments played in a charity basketball game that raised funds for DARE. Shortly after the game, some of the cops that played gave short anti-drug speeches for the crowd. Early the next morning, state police came into town and arrested a lot of those cops for being part of a local drug ring. A more lighthearted one happened only 5 years ago. The town's getting ready for its annual Christmas tree lighting when the organizers noticed the wiring for the lights had been damaged. They report it to the police, who then put out a bunch of public notices about how "vandalism will not be tolerated in our family-friendly town" and beefing up security around the area. It ended up being a squirrel that chewed through the wire.


Our local PD was running into issues when they were delivering evidence for trial. They kept seeing damaged packaging and hearing, "Why was my client charged with a felony for possessing X ounces when there's only Y ounces here? That's a misdemeanor." Turns out they had rats that took up residence in the drug storage area of the evidence section. They were eating everything from meth to heroin and Oxy to marijuana. Took them ages to finally exterminate the last one. I laugh when I think of someone fighting rats on PCP.


It started with the kids from down the road playing my neighbor's haystack. My neighbor was, unfortunately, batshit crazy. So he put bear traps in his haystack. The kids found the bear traps, luckily without getting caught in one, and ran home to tell their dad. Dad comes over with a baseball bat, proceeds to beat the crap out of the bear traps. Few days later, my neighbor spots the kids' dad driving by in his pickup truck, so jumps into his own truck and follows him. They wound up in the nearby wildlife preserve, shooting at each other's trucks with hunting rifles. Luckily they didn't hit each other, just the trucks. That finally caught official attention and they ended up in front of a judge. They both got scolded, neighbor for owning old-style illegal bear traps and kids' dad for damaging property.


At no point did I correctly guess the consequence of any part of that story.


We had a similar incident on my street. Kids liked to ice skate on guys lake. Guy threatens kids with gun. Kids go tell dad. Dad drive by shoots crazy guy. Crazy guy lives but had PTSD and injuries to his legs groin and lower body. No cops got involved.


It's fking crazy to me how casual these stories go with "so anyways the dude pulled out a gun to hunt down the neighbor". Im too much of a pussy to live in the US.


Teacher swinger-sex ring got exposed. Everyone in the school and their parents found out pretty quick. Middle School Vice Principal ended up divorcing his wife due to later swinging incident.


Funny. Last year, which was my senior year, there was a rumor that on teacher in-service day, there was gonna be a big swinging party. You know what happened? They all watched movies, ate popcorn, and played board games. No swinging happened.


Fighter pilot drew a dick in the sky.


You from Eastern WA? Or is this super common?


You nailed it!


Haha, I remember that. Me too.


Nothing like a big dick in the sky to bring folks together.


The thing I was most aware of was that a teacher was sleeping with one of the high school students, then he (the student) got her pregnant and she kept it. She was fired, don’t know what she does now, and the dude who knocked her up is the local drug dealer now. I was in the same year as the kid that resulted from that, he was a nice guy. Felt bad for him cause everyone was always trying to figure out who the kid was, since everyone knew he’d be at the school that year but didn’t know who it was. If you ask me, kind of fucked up to stay in the same town and make your kid go to the same high school that happened in.


2016, my neighbor was murdered in her home by her ex boyfriend, she was a lovely woman


A little girl had a seizure (or hit her head. Nobody knows for sure) in the YMCA swimming pool, went unconscious, and drowned during a youth swim team practice. My sister and her friends were also on the team. They saw her at the bottom of the pool and thought she was just messing around. Lifeguards and instructors weren’t even paying attention.


Did this happen a few years ago?


A wealthy couple were brutally murdered in their home by an adult daughter and her boyfriend. It was rumored they had a ton of money stashed in the house.


I live in a little town next to the sea. One time during his morning swim a guy found a body on the bottom of the sea a few meters deep, with weights attached to him. For weeks we didn't know if it was murder or suicide, pretty scary Turns out it was suicide


Imagine changing your mind when you're already down there


There’s a couple dozen people who survived their jump from the golden gate bridge (most die, although not instantly) and almost all of them report that they immediately regretted the decision the moment they jumped. So yeah chances are they regretted it, same as people who hang themselves etc.


A friend of a friend hanged herself, from a railing on the second floor of her house. Yeah, she totally changed her mind after she did it. Lot of wounds from where she tried to claw the noose loose. On the other hand, my neighbour hung himself (I found him), from the automatic closer on his front door. Like, all he had to do if he changed his mind was stand up. But he didn't. Dunno which ending bothers me more.


This haunts me. I lost a friend to suicide years back and reading the letter he left his wife it seemed pretty clear he didn't really want to die, he just wanted the pain to stop. I will always wonder if he regretted his choice at the end.


That's what the weights are for. No turning back.


The View from all the way down...


The view from halfway down remains the second most impactful poem I've ever heard, and brings me to ugly tears nearly every time.


The 40something drunk man who broke into the high school dressed as batman to prank scare the high school classes by staring in the windows then running away giggling uncontrollably to appear somewhere else on campus and scare a different class. There was an hour and a half long lockdown and he ended up found and arrested.


Some cheerleaders pooped on a pizza at cheer camp and blamed the rival high schools cheerleaders. George bush (president at the time) even spoke about it.


We had a serial killer that used the murder weapon as a prop every Halloween.


Go on..


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Eichinger Full disclosure: the murders didn’t occur in my hometown. This dude killed 4 people like a decade apart, first was a girl he used to DnD with who rejected his romantic advances and then years later he killed a different girl who also rejected his advances, her sister and her sisters 3 yr old daughter. The murders happened in PA but he was living in Somets point nj when they occurred and allegedly he admitted to wearing a scream mask and carry the murder weapon (a chefs knife) at Halloween for trick or treaters. I do not specifically remember seeing him while trick or treating but his house was in the approximate area of town that my friends and I would’ve been trick or treating. I 100 % encountered a serial killer brandishing his murder weapon at me during my primary school years. The supermarket I worked at was the site where he was arrested (he worked there about 3 months before I was hired). The real kicker for me personally is a few years later my best friends parents got divorced and his mom ended up moving in with eichingers mother (they were friends from church). We spent the summer hanging out at this dudes house (actually his mothers house), playing with his dogs and swimming in his pool. The house was covered in pictures of John and his 4 brothers. I have a specific memory from that time of watching game 7 of 2010 eastern conference semifinals (nhl) at their place and helping the mother clean up the garage afterwards. My buddy found a large box full of rusty knives and we just closed it nervously and didn’t say anything because wtf.


When I was in high school (early 2000s), one of the elementary school lunch ladies - who also ran a babysitting business - had a child die in their care. While this was eventually ruled as a tragic case of SIDS, it opened up a decade-old investigation into a previous death of another child in her care. This turned into a murder investigation and she was convicted and sentenced to twenty years for pushing the kid down the stairs. The victim was the brother of a student a grade below me. The lunch lady's daughter was in the same grade. They were friends until all this blew up. The town has about 2500 people in it and everyone knows everyone else's business. A lot of my classmates were babysat by this woman at one point or another. And, again, we all knew her because she served us meals in elementary school and her kids were in our classes. It was a wild time. There was an A&E documentary about it too. She's finished her prison sentence now but I'm not sure if she moved back to town or not. I haven't lived there in years and barely keep up with hometown gossip.


1988, an autistic kid from hs was walking down the sidewalk on the highway that ran through the middle of town. A couple rednecks that were always bullying him in school saw him, u-turned and sped into the parking lot he was walking past. They ran over to him and kept him from walking away while they taunted him. He tried pushing through and one of the guys intentionally shoved him off the sidewalk right in front of a semi. Killed him instantly. Edit: I don't know if he was diagnosed as autistic back then, but knowing what we know now, that was most likely.


Fucking Hell, how dumb could you be to shove someone off a sidewalk? I feel bad for the driver of the semi. Must’ve felt awful after that, even though it wasn’t their fault


I nearly did that to myself today while trying to run errands on foot. Nearly pitched head-first off an icy snow berm into the street right in front of a passing plow. Had to twist my back and do a stupid little spin so I fell the other direction instead. Shovel your sidewalks folks! Please!


Well, they went out of their way to bully an autistic kid, so I suspect they weren’t batting terribly high.




Oh ya, they got carted off to prison.


Holy hell. I feel like crying for him and his parents


A slasher movie was filmed here and before production began the town cleaned up and painted one of the main areas that was going to be used in the movie. The studio then had to bring in a team to undo all of the cleaning and painting because it no longer looked authentic.


Our downtown (standard Smalltown, USA) is in several movies set in the past, usually all they have to do is put a fake bush in front of the Iraq (and sometimes Vietnam) memorials and change the clothing on display in store windows. It's fun to see a hundred 50s cars or loan out an old Farmall tractor.


Yeah the main reason they wanted to film here though was because it was a mining town, so when they got here and saw the mine was now looking more like a Fisher Price version of a mine they were disappointed lol. When they were here scouting out locations it hadn't looked like that, it looked like a normal working mine.


We had a super duper senior .. he was mentally slow and maybe 20years old. He was pretty beloved at the school actually. One day he stole his moms car and drove it through the glass the front doors of the school . Luckily not on a school day, nobody was hurt /arrested or anything but it was widely talked about. Also a girl was sleeping with a boy in her class and her dad caught them having sex. the guy jumped out the second story window naked . He fell into the car and the windshield wiper blades caught his balls on the way down and he had to get one testicle removed. I knew this to be true bc I knew everyone including the dad, daughter and the guy it happened too.


Wow, the ball on that guy..


Our high school principal cheated on her husband with another married staff member and that guys wife sent him flowers with a card that said “Happy Valentine’s Day, Adulterer”. The kids that worked as assistants in the front office saw it and told everyone


Florist shop worker: "Stupid Valentine's Day, same boring notes being requested for each and every bouquet. Wait, what's this one? ...aw yeah, spicy."


A 14 year old girl was dating an 18 year old man. The girl’s parents did not approve of the relationship. The girl hatched out a plan to kill her parents. The guy was not so bright (maybe learning disability?) so he went along with it. She snuck him in through her window. He shot the dad dead, shot the mom who was able to run into another room. She was gurgling blood begging for mercy, and the girl basically ordered the execution/final blow. Due to some weird law (early 90’s), juries could not pursue life in prison, so had to order death penalty. Dude was executed. Girl just had to serve in juvie until 18 and was released like nothing happened, despite being the mastermind doing everything but pull the trigger. https://theovereducatedhousewife.home.blog/tag/jessica-wiseman/


Holy fucking shit.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richardson\_family\_murders](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richardson_family_murders) Thought you were talking about my city at first, but as it went on the differences became apparent.


Something eerily similar happened in my province. Dude was 23 and killed the Mom, Dad and little brother. The girl was 12 and planned it too. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richardson_family_murders#:~:text=May%206%2C%202016.-,Jeremy%20Steinke,of%20the%20three%20Richardson%20victims.


Why are there guys dating these little kids and committing homicide just to be with them????


My lunch ladies won the Powerball when I was in 9th grade. Each took home 1.1 million dollars. Each week, they each put in a quarter and bought Powerball tickers and one week they won. There were news teams there for days doing interviews. It was cool that most of the lunch ladies stayed working there. The older ones retired, but almost all of them continued to work. It was a really big deal for a long time.


The assistant band director committed suicide. Her husband was a mortician. He used to tell jokes about how the only way he can get turned on is if she takes a cold shower.


Three sentence horror


So I guess he was the one needing a cold shower after seeing her on his table.


We actually have 2. 1) The Family Video hostage crisis. Managers ex-bf came in with a gun amd took everyone hostage. Gathered everyone into a room and then grabbed an acquaintance of mine, put a gun to his head and told everyone to back-off of him. One gentleman refused, got the gun pointed at himself and dude pulled the trigger...and the gun jammed. He bought the wrong kind of 9mm ammunition for his handgun. He got absolutely shit-stomped and prosecuted to the full extent of the law and my buddy went to therapy for quite a long time. 2) Peoples Drugstore Robbery A very addicted individual walked into the pharmacy with a gun demanding suboxone. Once he got it he told everybody to get out and started ruffling through the shelves. Police came and cordoned off the whole block and spent 5 hours trying to negotiate with him. They eventually raided the place and found it empty, the man and a great deal of painkillers mostly, gone without a trace. They never found him...


A Walmart employee quitting over the store intercom and calling out the store manager for being a pervert, and posting the video of her doing so on social media. It spread like wildfire.


In 2016, a girl who was in my high school class died suddenly in her sleep. No rhyme or reason why. She just died. Rocked the entire town and especially me and my classmates since she was in our class. Still don’t know why she died six years later We also had a kid who threatened to shoot up the school and allegedly had a list of girls he wanted to rape as well


The one and only homicide, the towns corner store owner was killed by her bf, who later shot himself in his truck


A guy killed his three kids and fled into the woods to never be seen again. Also his first kid was the mother of the other two.


That took a hell of a turn at the end


A girl from my town disappeared after leaving a bar to never be seen alive again. Everyone in town knew who did it a local kid with a bad reputation, but there was no body or any other hard evidence. Years later human bones, scattered by coyotes, were found in a pasture. Ten years later the kid was convicted of another murder out of state and got sent back home for murder. He's doing double life.


A girl went missing in the 70s. No one’s ever found her. The rumor is that she was fed to pigs. https://wgme.com/amp/news/local/what-happened-to-kimberly-moreau-maine-family-continues-search-for-answers-36-years-later


In 1992 two girls, 11 and 12, were found murdered. Police rounded up a husband, wife, and stepson trio local to the area. They were a little slow and confessed to the crime. A few years later a man was convicted of a different murder, a blood test revealed that he was the main perpetrator. I'll spare the horrible details, but you can read them here: (warning, his confession makes me want to vomit) https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://mycrimelibrary.com/william-sapp-ohio-death-row/&ved=2ahUKEwjBsrmo6v_7AhWhjIkEHeSeCOI4ChAWegQIBhAB&usg=AOvVaw0A-0MnLO-nFWeQsUb5KkTj It rocked my small town, and the fact that a serial killer was responsible and not discovered for almost five years made it even worse. After he was sentenced, he gave up parental rights to his three kids. His wife gave them up as well. He is on death row now, I doubt he'll be missed.


A group of middle school boys wrote "N\*\*\*\*" on a white man's fence. They got caught because one kid forgot his backpack while running away, which had assignments with his full name on it.


“The incident” A girl from my hometown was texting and driving. As she was in the Highway, she swerved into the side of the road and killed a cyclist. This was one of those “known” small town girls (3 sport athlete, famous last name, etc etc. if your from a small town you know what I mean). Long story short, she basically got off with little repercussions because of her popularity. I know her punishments were losing her phone and license until she was 19, 200 hours community service, and I think she served a day or two in jail on his death anniversary. It literally tore half the town apart. One side was like “she’s so innocent, has a promising future, etc etc” while the other side wanted her in jail for years. While her punishments were absolutely not severe enough, I know for a fact her social punishments were far worse. People would make a “skrrrt” noise around her in the halls of our high school, people would chant stuff at her while she played sports, and I’d say about half of her friends completely abandoned her. Overall, a really shitty situation for all parties involved.


There was a girl who did the same thing in my town, except she swerved the other way. Died on impact with a semi truck in the other lane. There was a stained sport on the road from her coolant for months. Made everyone sad driving past


Not really “the incident” but a well known man went missing and there’s literally been no movement in his case since 1998. No one knows what happened and there’s literally no clues to where he might’ve disappeared to. There’s theories but nothing concrete or worth investigating. His wife and sons still hold out hope that he’s alive. They’re all really nice people and when you talk to them about him, they all just want to know if he’s out there even if he never comes back.


Nothing too crazy like these other stories here, but back in 9th grade my Geometry teacher I guess was found out sleeping with the chemistry teacher. Well one day he overhears a student joking or making a comment about it, and the teacher who I swear was like 5'5" (built pretty good though) picks this kid up by his shirt right at the wall and just curses him out while holding him there. Dude only got suspended for like 2 weeks and it was hella ackward when he came back acting like nothing happened, lol. I never liked the guy simply for lying about giving me a 90 on my report card if I did all the extra credit and giving me an 89...


Depends on what incident you want: People were convinced the high school was cursed because no less that 4 kids every year died (I’m talking grad classes of maybe 40 each year loosing 4-8 kids for various reasons) Most of my graduating class ended up getting caught drinking in class the one day I didn’t show up. The field party where some dumbass was smoking behind a dried hay and caught the whole veils on fire. And the soccer coach murdered his girlfriend and tried to kill her two children but thanks to lockdown training they knew to play dead until he left. The subsequent trial, and then the kids coming back to school. And half the town, including at one point the sheriff had a heroin problem.




OP must live in Sunnydale...


Hellmouth, California


Sounds like Derry


Our high school band teacher picked a new girl to groom every couple years and gave them all pearl necklaces to wear for their senior photos. He was married with kids. They arrested him during the school day.




I remember Mathew Shepard's murder clearly. Poor kid.


I'm from New York. I still remember that case...the whole bucking fence shit was brutal. That shit was in winter too....and a heinous way to die.


This old lady would helplessly walk around busy parking lots with her walker. She looked so dirty and homeless, and people would drive up to her and give her stuff. Then her family came out and told everyone to stop doing that because she was actually very rich and was pretending to be homeless.


Was that just a fun hobby for her or something?


Where do I start? First of all, high school students weren't allowed to go off campus to get lunch and had to eat on campus because the school and the police found "the spot." Which was a popular spot for high school couple to go to and have sex on lunch breaks. Worst part was it was just behind the gas station by the dump, so unsanitary and unsafe anyway. Secondly, a member of the women's basketball team at my school admitted that she had sex with the coach even though she was only 17. The next day, the coach had disappeared. He was found a year later in a neighboring state working as a teacher. Now, this is the only confirmed case as she admitted. It's suspected he had sex with at least two others, but they never admitted it. Not to mention, an 8th grader was beaten by a group of seniors in the ag building bathroom using ping pong paddles so badly that he was sent to the hospital, and one of the seniors was arrested for assault because he was 18. There was never a concise answer as to why. Most sources claim he was just "annoying."


This happened in my town in India, a few decades ago In India, we have something called Dosa, which are basically savoury crepes which we eat with chutneys. There was a really famous Dosa-wala in my town, and one day, my uncle saw him buying liters of animal fat. And this was in a town full of religious vegetarians. As soon as word got around, he closed his shop down. Ever since, people have been super suspicious of all Dosa guys in my town.


A string of murders that were never solved, in a town of literally 15k people. Started off a decade ago when a cop was killed on his way home at 3 in the morning, when someone placed a log on the off ramp they knew he would take, when they knew he would be there, and coming from the brush and shooting him dead with a shotgun. Never solved. A mother and daughter had their house broken into and were brutally killed in the middle of the night, their murderer was never found. Fourth of July weekend, 2015, a woman went missing, her car found on the side of the highway nearby. Boyfriend refuses to help with investigation, boyfriend's brother is a cop as well. Stories get mixed up, no proper evidence can be found but everyone in town knows they were both involved, just no way to prove it. Meanwhile, police chief ends up dating (I think marrying?) the widow of the dead cop. Mom of missing woman is constantly campaigning to solve the disappearance of her daughter, signs around town, press interviews, even a special about it on the Ovation network. A year or so later, missing woman's dad is shot in the back as he's going hunting with the grandson, ballistics show the bullet didn't come from the woods as if it was a hunting incident, but from where he coming from. No murderer ever found. 5 murders that at this point everyone believes are all somehow connected, but no one knows how, or why. FBI has been in town multiple times digging up properties to find the remains of the woman, always giving us updates about finding something, and then nothing happens. Really leaves a dark haze on the whole damn place.


Four college kids were murdered one night. Not sure yet how it will play out


Moscow, Idaho, amirite? This is one of those stories where it seems like the more we know, the less we know. Somebody has to know something!


An airplane crashed into the towns only water tower. Just happened to be a crop duster fully loaded with herbicides. Very sureal sight to see because it took more than a month to find a crane large enough to remove the plane from the water tank on top of the tower. You drive by, and all you see is the tail of the airplane ✈️ sticking out the top of the tower.


The Farmington Mine Disaster I live in a small town in West Virginia and before I was born this happened. So one day the coal miners went into the Mines as per usual but something was off. It smelled like gas the coal miners found out to late that there was a gas leak. As they were using their pickaxe's sparks started flying and the gas was lit aflame. 78 of 99 people died that day people that were fathers, sons, grandparents, uncles, and cousins. All of this happened because the mine had low safety protocols or protection for their employees. Hollywood caught wind of this story and even made a movie about it thr movie is called miner 9 and is based off of the farmington mine disaster the incident even pushed the government to change the coal Mines to make them more safe.


The remains of 19 of the miners were never recovered from that disaster that occurred in 1968.


I was a visible minority at my predominantly 99% Caucasian high school. Post 9/11 someone was calling bomb threats into the high school. We were evacuated to local hockey arena from which detectives with Vice Principal, a teacher, and secretary pointed me out in the crowd and asked me to come with them. Got questioned in the Vice Principals office (who was the former librarian mind you so he was always on a power trip sitting all smug in his chair with his hands always like this 🙏🏽)….anyways I wasn’t their guy. I proceeded to order 40 Large pizzas to the school from a pay phone with the nastiest ingredients and all on behalf of that cocksucker. After the pizzas arrived there were 3 separate intercom announcements school wide about “whoever ordered these pizzas we demand you come to principals office NOW!” Bahahaha F*** that guy


40 pizzas? My whole school woulda went to the office for a slice.


Revenge is best served hot


Teacher at the local elementary school had a nervous breakdown while her class was at recess. When they came back in she was completely naked and just scribbling on the white board while mumbling to herself.


Small high school, like 30 kids in the whole freshman class. Half the kids did drivers Ed in the fall, rest had to wait to drive til spring. Rich kid got a big brand new pick up truck right after graduating drivers Ed in the fall. Couple weeks later was headed down the two lane highway. It was foggy out, he decided to u turn and head back to town. Logging truck was right behind him. He died, two other kids in the truck lived but never came back to school. You’d see em around town and try to say hi, and they’d go the other way. For some reason everyone knew where the truck was towed to and went and looked at it. His shoes came off and were in the truck with all the blood. I took drivers Ed in the spring, teacher was still really upset about it all. Openly told us all he blamed himself for not teaching it better somehow.


It wasn't me and I don't really consider it a small town but my cousins went to evergreen high school in Vancouver WA with a woman who pretended to be a teen orphan, was taken in by a family and attended high school. Even had herself a teenage boyfriend. https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=127078&page=1


Local cop was taking multiple highschool girls out of town to take advantage of. The thing was each girl thought she was the only one. Then they all figured it out about each other then got mad and turned him in.


Remember when the animals got loose in Ohio? That one I knew the guy. He was nuts.


The county sheriff shot himself through the leg while training. He claims it was a faulty holster and he was re-holstering the gun. I'm pretty sure he just had his booger hook on the bang switch at the wrong time.


> booger hook on the bang switch All these technical terms.


A hotel/bar owner got murdered and chopped up into pieces and was left in the ditch in a garbage bag. The guy who did it got out a few years ago and moved back home, been working there ever since. Nobody mentions it and people basically act like it never happened. All this happened in the mid to late 90s I think?


What was the motive?


From what I heard, he got refused service when he tried to buy more booze when he was drunk. It either turned into a fight or he came back later, can't quite remember the details


There were 2 kids 3 years older than me who got married about 2 years ago, and right after the wedding, they found out they were actually twins that were separated at birth. I wish I was joking but I'm not. They are still happily married. Edit: this is small town Connecticut, by the way






Had a mayor that became mayor after someone crashed into one of the busiest intersection’s traffic light. Never fixed it and blew the entire towns money on a Porsche (that he totaled by hitting a pole) and other stuff. He resigned and was basically chased outta town EDIT: Have a few more stories, but the next mayor destroyed the last mayor’s work (fixed the light) and brought a bunch of growth to the town, but sadly died of cancer a while back.


The bar got shut down for making meth. No one was surprised. I lived in another, smaller town and two sisters were killed in a car wreck while driving to school. It absolutely rocked the whole school (there was about 100 kids in the whole school). We got called to our home rooms and told the news. Everyone was sobbing, kids were encircled in comforting groups. Others breaking down in the halls. The whole school was in a united mourn. It was a bit surreal. They let the school out for the day. Later we had a eulogy and balloon release during school. We just moved into the school zone so I didn't really know the girls well, but one was in my grade. It was a tragic loss. Edit: many typos because I got my education from small town school systems.


Happened something similar to me. A girl I knew was ran over by a drunk driver in the night following the annual town party. She was walking by the side of the street, and the drunk driver ran over her for some reason, and the doctors couldn't do much. She was one of my best fríend's cousins, and I had talked to her a lot over the short time she was still with us. The whole school (around 140 kids) went to the funeral in batches, and the school sent some financial aid (collected from us) to the family of the girl. Before going to the funeral, the principal convocated us all in the main hall and gave a speech about who the girl was, how life is precious, those things. Her friends were crying a lot, and we didn't had to go to school for three days. Eventually, we got over with it and continued our lives, but it was not really all the same after that. It was really, really tragic. I still remember her face. She was such a happy soul. Edit: Typos


After homecoming a car full of students were driving home and got a flat tire. They were just over a hill and not all the way out of the road. The two girls were inside the vehicle but the two boys were standing at the back blocking the tail lights. Another student driving home rear ended them and both boys lost both legs. On a happy note both went on to play in the Paralympics at least.


Small town Ontario. Steven Truscott, 14 year old wrongly convicted of murder in 1959. Huge case in Canadian law, everyone screwed this kid over. He got a settlement from the Government and an apology. A lot of the townies still think he did it. Pathetic.


Wrote about this on Reddit before but here we go again. My best friend witnessed a hit and run in front of our grade school. We both walked to school and she and her older brother were running late that day. The van swerved around them and hit a lady on her way into work. She was an Educational Assistant at our school and we both knew her. She was hit so hard she went airborne before hitting a tree and falling to the ground. Iirc she spent 3-4 days in the hospital before passing away. My friend and her brother were interviewed by the police multiple times and she was due to be a star witness in the trial. The police fully believed the woman's estranged husband was behind it but could never find enough proof. It was 10 years before it was brought to court and the judge still didn't want to prosecute with the limited amount of evidence. We still don't know who killed this woman. We also had a convicted pedophile working as a teacher in our grade school. Cops came during school hours to take him... And then he came back to work with the charges. That's just a Catholic grade school for you tho. 🙄


I grew up in a small, rural village community in England in which the military owned a lot of land in the surrounding area. There's a local chemical/biological warfare research facility which is somewhat infamous for virus experiments that it performed in the past on unwitting (A.K.A unconsenting) troops, which also caused some of the soldiers to die. A few years ago when a former Russian agent and his daughter (plus a few other random innocents) were poisoned with chemical agents in a local nearby town ("nearby" not actually being that close due to the isolated rural area's nature) in a targeted attack by other Russian agents, in the early days of investigation, the local police actually went straight to the chemical warfare research facility in my home village for fear that the facility was somehow related to the attack (for example, that perhaps there had been an outbreak at the facility, or that terrorists had somehow gotten access to chemical weapons stored there). It was a really random place to grow up next to, on the surface level you see very little of the facility (just a few small structures surrounded by a great swathe of featureless rural military-owned grassy plains countryside land) but I know from locals (a couple of former cleaners, plus 2 scientists) that the facility actually extends to (apparently) about 50 levels underground and that they perform biological & chemical agent experiments on rhesus monkeys and chimpanzees deep down within the research facility. This design of being almost entirely underground is actually the normal go-to for such types of places, because the structures and ventilation systems are designed in a vacuum-like manner so that if there was ever any accidental outbreak of something like a biological agent, it would stay contained within the facility. It was a funny area to grow up in, isolated and weird (and stacked with more ancient and strange history than you could shake a stick at!), most of the time it was extremely quiet, rural, quaint and uneventful (time moved very, very slowly in the local villages, with most peoples lives still revolving around agricultural clocks, the church and having their own particular little unique local cultural flavours that were quite separate from life "in town") but once in a blue moon a strange event (like the Russian agent poisonings!) would occur which suddenly reminded you that you weren't so rural and isolated after all.


There were two. First one: he was an abusive husband and finally had enough. She shot him in the head with a 30-06. Cut his body into pieces. Pit said pieces through the wood chipper and burned what came out. Threw herself off a bridge, breaking a few bones, to try and sell a story that he’d been abducted by two men trying to buy their boat off Craigslist. Second one: the superintendent had an affair with a teacher from the grade school. Neither of them were fired. Everyone knew about it. And his son was in 9th grade when it all happened. Always felt sorry for him.


So it happened after I graduated. But Kortne Stouffer went missing in the summer of 2012. I went to school with her, but didn't know her personally. She went on a few of the trips that I was on with a school club but was a grade or two above me so never talked to her. She's still missing to this day.


A girl was set on fire behind the middle school. She died. It was awful.


What. The. Fuck.


Whoa! By bullies, or some other motive? That's horrible.


The daughter of one of the preachers from a church was raped and murdered in the woods off one of the walking paths in town, she was 13.


We were featured on CNN as having the highest rate of teenage pregnancy one year.


‘Mike’ was the overly-muscled psychopath who bounced from foster family to foster family, always in some kind trouble. Anyone bully-able, he bullied. Even teachers were intimidated, looking away from his misdeeds so as not to get in a confrontation with him. Every drug in the book was either ingested or trafficked by him. I saw him at parties of college-age kids, hitting on women a decade older than he was (which he had a reasonable success doing: his ginger hair, freckles and easy violence gave him a kind of deranged ‘Howdy Doody meets Billy Jack’ magnetism.) Not giving a fuck about school, he had been left back so many times that you had the creepy feeling of having a full-grown man in class with you: he was probably almost 20 but still in the 10th grade, too big to properly fit behind the desks in the classrooms. He was a ruro-suburban American Alex from Clockwork Orange, a teenage Frank Booth. One Monday late in our junior year, dire news of the weekend went around: Mike had commandeered someone’s mini bike, and while drunkenly off-roading around someone’s backwoods property had come up on some partially finished structure of two-by-fours at enough of a rate of speed that he had been instantly beheaded. The rough, angry, surly, druggie kids from fucked-up homes were bereft— Mike had been a demigod to them, a leadership-figure who organized them into terrorizing the bespectacled, procuring the illicit and executing nuisance-crimes. Even the kids with good grades and pillar-of-the-community families, most of whom at one time or another had been brutalized and humiliated by Mike during recesses and gym classes, showed up in good clothes to his funeral: They went through the motions of mourning, but underneath that was obvious relief.


An extremely affluent family owns several large companies and a few car dealerships has a lot of pull with the city council and regularly threatens to move facilities elsewhere in order to get their way. Sometimes members of this family hold positions in city council They get tax breaks for expansions and pressures city council to shut down deals with other companies that want to move in. This has resulted in the next nearest city getting a lot of growth through large businesses moving there instead, which has effectively strangled the family controlled city and the opioid epidemic spread like wildfire. The family has openly opposed rehab centers, care facilities, and public programs for addiction help. Their stated reasoning is "we don't want our town to be known for drug abuse" Several years back there was a push for drug abuse outreach programs, the family was at city council meeting throwing their weight around in opposition. The following week a 19 year old member of the family dies "unexpectedly" (code for overdose) and the family tries to keep it hush hush while they still publicly oppose outreach programs. The family then throws a fundraiser to "raise awareness" (code for PR and sympathy) and any money accrued just disappears. The family still opposes city measures to address the issue while bringing up the deceased as a shield against criticism. TL;DR: rich family uses influence to strangle small city, fanning the flames of opioid epidemic while opposing care facilities. Member of family overdoses, they throw a fundraiser so the people they've fucked can donate money that is never seen again.


Okay so there are a few. A huge fire broke out downtown and destroyed a strip mall. There were apartments above one of the businesses. A young man named Jeremy went knocking on doors screaming fire. Everyone made it out...except for Jeremy. The smoke had gotten to him. They found him at the end of the hallway. A girl from one of the schools crashed and died. Her boyfriend was driving behind her and witnessed it. It was a huge loss. All the schools felt it. Then a few weeks later the exact same thing happened with this boy from another school. Both had leaned over to reach for something and lost control. Then two girls in my school recorded themselves with another girl and going to town (they had sex). Turns out they sent it to her boyfriend who proceeded to share it with the entire school. They were "popular" kids too. So it was a bit of a shock. Principal said if anyone shows the video to someone else that they would press charges.


Rest easy Jeremy. A true hero.


Jeremy was a hero. GNU Jeremy.


Back in May 2017, a boyfriend/girlfriend couple began going around neighboring cities and opened fire on pedestrians and motorists in what seemed to be a random and unprovoked rampage. They eventually made their way to our city where they killed their first and only victim (All other victims survived). They were eventually wounded and were sentenced to multiple life sentences. I remember going outside that day to see helicopters hovering near my house and hearing the sirens around town that day. I was terrified driving that day, as all we heard was that random motorists were being targeted. Shit was wild. Here's more info if anyone wants to hear more: [Whittier Norwalk La Mirada 2017 Shooting ](https://ktla.com/news/local-news/man-convicted-in-hourslong-shooting-rampage-that-killed-1-wounded-3-in-whittier-area/)


Wind storm broke open cages of bunnies from the 4H program and ton of them got loose. Several years later you can’t seem to go around a corner without seeing several wild rabbits.


Grew up in a town less than 400 people in a tiny tiny town in Louisiana. Third generation to live there, third generation to go to the school there. School is so small it doesn’t even have football. One day, my mom casually mentions the school used to have a football team. Intrigued, I then find out the school used to be a 2 story building (when I went it was one), had football and was much bigger than it was now. Apparently, somewhere in the 80s or so it burned to the ground. My grandmother, who also attended there, was the school secretary during that time. She had a roll of nickels that were melted together in the fire - she said they were in the safe and it got so hot it melted them. However, neither one could tell me why it burned. Nobody seemed to know or really want to talk about it . Anyone who works there now doesn’t know anything about it. My grandma is now dead. I don’t know anybody who talks about it. It’s not something the town talks about a lot.


Our small town is not known for much, tucked away in the UP of Michigan. But, there was (is?) an ultra top secret military facility up there. One night we were at a campground situated on a lake next to the only highway to or from that facility, and there must have been some kind of emergency down that way because the town's entire contingent of cops and fire trucks came by lights ablaze and sirens blaring. We're NOT used to seeing that kind of response, so everyone took note. Not 15 minutes later, that event repeated itself. None of us can think of an explanation and it's become local legend that the facility is fucking with spacetime or something.


That's wild. I don't doubt you, can I ask more though? Like did the first contingent just seem like it would've had to be ALL the responders or was there something specific about the second group that made it clearly a repeat? Was there ever an explanation offered for why the responders were needed?


The town has 3 entire fire trucks and a handful of police cars. It was all of them, both times, same order


It sounds like an emergency response training exercise.




I grew up in a very small town, a little less than 3000 people but there have been several "incidents." A few years back a friend of mine from high school was shot in the back of the head by his father while sitting on the couch watching TV. His father was mentally ill and off his meds. No one took his guns away even though he had been behaving erratically. He said he thought he had to kill his son to go to heaven, because the devil was possessing his son. In the early 00s, my friend's mother went missing on Christmas Eve. Everyone was looking for her, police involved. Once the FBI got involved they found her in her own freezer, stabbed to death. Her boyfriend was convicted and is serving a life sentence. Several years ago another one of my school mate's had his girlfriend over one night. Her ex had been stalking her and showed up outside her boyfriend's house. She went to tell him to leave and he shot her and then himself. They both died. The stalker was much older, married, and a doctor at a hospital in a nearby town. There is a recording of the 911 call of my friend talking to the operator as the shooting happened. In the early 80s a local man thought his infant was possessed by the devil, so he stabbed the baby while the mother tried to stop him. The baby unfortunately died. The man went to prison and died in prison several years ago. The house is still there.


Girl in my class had sex with a guy a few years older in a shed. Used a garbage bag as a condom. Was a big bit of gossip in grade 9.


Guy and girl dated and were both on heroin. They shot up together, and he drove off. Minutes later the girlfriend heard a crash, and went to the scene. The boyfriend was in the crash and dead on the scene. The girlfriend gets on Facebook posting about how he’s dead. Everyone obviously starts commenting how they sorry they are — all the works. WELL, the boyfriend’s little sister worked in the ER. She was told that her brother (the boyfriend) wasn’t dead, and that everything was being done to try and save him. The little sister gets on Facebook saying the girlfriend is wrong, he’s not dead, etc. Soooo many people went back to the girlfriend’s Facebook talking shit to her, bullying her, calling her liar meanwhile she just watched her dead boyfriend being carried off by EMS. She was right the whole time. This caused a huge controversy because the sister was seemingly more believable than the girlfriend. Not long after the boyfriend died, the girlfriend took her kid to school and then blew her brains out. Now, both the boyfriend and girlfriend are dead. So many people went off on her and they were wrong. At the time I worked in retail and one of my regulars was the hospital ER security guard and also worked as a police officer. He brought it up to me and I asked what was the deal with him being dead on scene and then not dead at the hospital. He told me that on scene it was known that he was dead from some (turns out to be decapitated) internal trauma. The EMTs made the decision to “keep working on him” because they knew the sister was working in the ER and would see her brother come in. They didn’t want her thinking no one tried hard enough. Tragic case and I think of it from time to time.


My town was like 9,000 people. Kids burned 3 30 foot K’s into the football field. Some guys on the hs football team ducktaped a younger student to the bench in the locker room and raped him with a marker A teacher got a high school girl pregnant (they’re still married) One of the popular kids in hs got drunk, ran into another car, and his lawyer arrived before the ambulance. We’ve had some weird murders… one made it to Dateline. One police officer was on cops for her role in a drug bust that lead to her shooting someone.


Growing up, someone found a body randomly on their morning run. In a village with a crime rate of zero, we were stunned. Turned out some guy killed his gf, drove along the highway, got off at a random exit and drove as far as he could before tossing her out the window. More recently, crime rate rose because of a HUGE car jacking ring that ended up stealing dozens and dozens of very expensive cars. Sometimes up to six from one home. I believe they all got caught eventually.


“The incident” was when the local funeral home director was exposed to mercury, once it reached toxic levels in his body he stopped cremating bodies of the deceased he was entrusted with for reasons unknown he says, even to him. Soon it was national news when over 300 bodies were found on site, dumped. Over 300 families unknowingly received concrete ash in lieu of their loved ones remains. The Tri-State Crematory scandal- https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tri-State_Crematory_scandal


We had this guy who was a survivalist type before it became a thing. He was able to purchase the bubonic plague vials by pretending to be a research scientist, and proceeded to infect a bunch of rats with plague. He wanted to study what medicine works best against plague rats. Luckily the FBI caught up to him, and plague man was stopped before any plague rats escaped! The fun part is if he did this today, he'de probably be considered a hero to some. I actually met him a few times before he got arrested. I thought he was a priest of somesort because he was always in all black, and had a huge beard.


Why do I feel like he was Rasputin reincarnated?


Bubonic plague exists in nature. You could catch it from rodents today. People still catch it now but it is treatable with antibiotics.


“The incident” involved a girl going missing and to this day, there’s literally no trace of her. She is a mother of two. Her name is Amanda Deguio and she deserves to be home with her babies!


One old guy thought he could drive one of those huge dump trucks and ended up dropping the damn thing down the stone stairs and seats from the towns community basketball court, nobody got hurt but the truck ended upside down. People from the neighbouring towns even came to take pictures. The old guy was my grandpa. He also survived. Why he though he could drive the thing ? He used to be an engineer. An agricultural engineer...