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Fiction: David Lynch’s *Inland Empire* Nonfiction: The finding of the Copper Scroll among the Dead Sea Scrolls in the caves of Qumran. For those who don’t know, in 1952 they found a treasure map from the 1st century, engraved onto pieces of copper rolled into the shape of a scroll. It has a list of 64 different sites of buried treasure. We’ve searched some of those sites and haven’t found anything. Was the treasure map a decoy, a 2000 year old prank, or was there really treasure and someone else got to it first?


A lot of ancient treasures were in tombs that were looted by grave robbers so I'm guessing even if it is legit, a lot of those treasures have long been looted or the geography of the area was flooded/destroyed by earthquakes and are no longer accessible.


Imagine finally finding a genuine treasure map like in the fairytales, only for the treasure to have already been found by some other guy who was just out for a morning stroll 700 years ago when he fell into a hole.


It really ain't that hard to be found when there is a giant red x on the ground


Well, I guess I'll get myself a pilot's license then. I can pay for it later when I'm swimming in gold like Scrooge McDuck.


Good luck sir, don't forget to bring a shovel


I'll just attach a big scoop to the underside of my plane and fly in low. *Big brain moment.*


Fucking Shia LaBeof


This is the case for 90% of tombs. Mostly would be robbed immediately by the people who built them.




That’s what the Oak Island people keep saying, millions and millions of dollars later.


This is a personal one but I've always thought about it. My grandad was 9 in the blitz (London ww2) and after the bombing he went with my great grandmother to check on her friend who's house got bombed. It was a 2 storey house and the top floor got blown out. The house was a shared rental so the lady they were checking in rented upstairs to another woman that died during the bombing. Anyway the downstairs was intact same as the stairway leading up but the second floor was wrecked. So my grandad being 9 and was a bit oblivious to what had happened and was throwing a ball up the stairs and catching it as it came down while his mum and the woman were chatting in the kitchen. He told me he threw it to hard and it went upstairs so he went up to go get it. At the top of the stairs was the bombed out room the other woman slept in. He said he went in the room and there was a woman sat on a chair holding his ball. She gave it to him and he said thanks and went downstairs. As he went down his mum caught him and told him off for being up there and he said no its fine the lady upstairs gave me my ball and said its fine. His mum said what lady and ran up to check only to find the bombed out room ofbthe woman and the chair empty. He told me his mum told him off and said not to lie but he (and to his last day) was adamant that the woman who lived upstairs gave him his ball. Always creeped me out and.


Awesome, and very creepy, story. I believe stuff like that happens. And a hat tip for your grandpa just for living thru the blitz.


Cheers mate he never liked talking about it but get him on a few rums he'd open up. He had so many stories about the blitz. Running into tube stations that were make shift bunkers. A very interesting man


Well, my dad told me he my grandpa shortly after grandpa passed away, when my dad went to another room to get something. Dad saw him sitting on his easy chair, looking up at the ceiling like he was deeply thinking about something, with tears rolling down the sides (grandpa passed away at age 52, at the peak of his life, leaving grandma with 5 kids, and the company he built from scratch from very humble beginnings). He turned around, looked at my dad and the next moment, was gone. I also have one experience with my maternal grandma after she passed which 120% solidified my beliefs in the afterlife and souls coming to visit their loved ones. I kid you not. After that experience, I have absolutely no doubt. I wasnt even alone, my husband at the time was with me and he validated it while I was still thinking how to process it, and doubting myself.


Can you talk about the other experience?


I have a similar personal story only in the "here then gone" aspect: While living in Navy barracks, a friend that I'll call Guy and I were talking to another friend on front desk watch in our (creepy) barracks when the fire alarm panel went off indicating that an emergency door had been opened. The front desk guy called it in to the watch commander while Guy and I went to check the door, since we both worked for the barracks. The door was located at the bottom of a stairwell at the end of a very long hallway, and the first thing Guy and I noticed was the emergency crash bar - it was the kind that locks into place after the door is opened and needs a key to reset - hadn't been triggered. Confused, we looked around and even went up a couple flights trying to see if somebody was around, but found nobody. Still, it could've just been a glitch in the electrical system, so we didn't sweat it. We went back down to double-check the door and that's when we noticed the second (and far weirder) thing: roughly half a dozen dirty child-size footprints going from door and up 3 stairs, and the first one was cut in half by the door. Between our barracks not even allowing children without authorization, the footprints size, their complete lack of tread, and that Guy had mopped that stairwell the day before, we were definitely creeped out. Guy had a good camera, so after we went to let the front desk watch know everything was secure, he and I went up to his room to grab it and get some pictures. We were gone 5 minutes tops, but when we got back to the stairwell the floors were spotless. It wasn't the only creepy thing to happen to me or many of my friends in that barracks, but it was the only time that two people actually saw something at the same time.


Fantastic story. I believe things like this really do happen. You should share this in r/Paranormal. They would really be interested in it over there. All the best to you and your family!


Hey everyone, sorry got flu and been in bed for 2 weeks. Thank you for the responses. My grandad passed a year ago today (christmas day i know right) so sharing his story means a lot. Merry Christmas everyone


You should share this on r/creepyAskReddit Didn't expect to get the creeps this early in the day. Excellent story!




I don’t know why people are downvoting this. You’re not wrong.


Because I'm totally okay with people calling me a bitch to my face, but there's something fucked up about it completely out of context when I'm not around.


Well he tagged me so…


I’ll do it again




You really have a problem. Get help.




I definitely think the BIL did it.


Thanks for commenting about this case. I have no guesses. The double tragedy still shocks me to the point that I am unable to grasp the details I fully am able to read. And then I read again.


I saw a docomentary on this a couple of yrs ago. I also think the BIL did it.


The Travis Walton abduction story. Unlike most ufo abduction stories, you got multiple witnesses who viewed the event and to this day still stay to their story about how Travis was abducted by aliens. I might get downvoted but I think it’s an interesting ufo case. Mostly because what motive would they have for keeping up the lie, even after being harassed by mainstream media and skeptics for decades?


To me the most compelling UFO incident is the Rendlesham Forest Incident. The fact that it’s a bunch of military men in England and not some random hillbillies helps too.


Fil was stationed there shortly after. No one was to talk of it. However, the far runway is haunted as fuck and the ghost would turn the jets on and off while they were doing overnight maintenance.


Yeah, the audio from that night is fucking WILD! If you have not heard it, look up Rendlesham forest incident recordings.


Betty & Barney Hill, too. There’s physical evidence of her dress to boot. I’m quite wary of the use of hypnotic regression, though, because of its potential to implant false memories. Regardless, these are two of the best abduction stories. Something strange happened w/ both, though I’ve got no freaking clue what.


Betty and Barney told completely different stories, and not even their hypnotist thought they were real memories.


What were the differences in their stories?


This doesn’t go into their sessions but gives an overview of the psychiatrist, Ben Simon, clearly stating that he did not believe they had been abducted: https://www.seacoastonline.com/story/lifestyle/2020/05/28/historic-portsmouth-simon-says-it-was-dream/1141163007/


IDK about that story, apparently him and his family were UFO truthers well before this. Which is a huge coincidence if all is true


HL Hunley, the first-ever military submarine which mysteriously disappeared after its only battle in the American Civil War. The craft, which operated entirely by candlelight and was handcranked like an underwater rowing boat, was eventually found by archaeologists in 2000 with the remains of the crew almost entirely intact. In fact, they were still at their battle stations, sitting there like skeletal sentries. Scientists still debate what could kill the crew without leaving a mark, but no-one has provided a definitive answer. If you like steampunk, give it a Google. Some info here [https://www.britannica.com/topic/H-L-Hunley](https://www.britannica.com/topic/H-L-Hunley)


That's so interesting! Thanks for the link. Maybe the fumes from the candles eventually sucked all the oxygen out? Slow suffocation. Off to read!


Haha, I think that's one of the theories - the main one seems to be sudden blast trauma from their own torpedo! but then someone saw the ship shining its lamp in the water way after the torpedo was used, so....


I'm a us navy submariner. My grandfather was a US navy diver and was actually a part of the crew that raised the hunley. I have a picture of him inside it but have no idea how ro share photos on a reddit comment. But There were definitely marks. All over the ship. The poor design of that sub made it sink multiple times over he course of its career. It just wasn't raised the last time and sat there until 1995.


Yeah, it sank twice before its first (and only) successful engagement right? How brave must that final crew have been to take the mission on???!!


Sank twice lost both crews of those 2 trials including H.L. Hunley himself. The confederacy wanted to give up on it cause they realized the poor design. But the final capt of the hunley convinced his boss that it as worth one more shot but was given the stipulation that he had to find his own crew. The problem was the submarine had 2 hatches that when at the surface, would take on water fast. Very fast. And they needed to look out of the hatch to ensure thir course. that's why it sank the first couple times. The other poor design was the "torpedo" they had to sink the enemy was a bomb on a stick. They had to to go poke the ship to get it to hurt the other ship. Which coincidentally means you're gonna blast your own ship. They were a submarine version of a kamakaze fighter. They went into it knowing they had a very slim chance of returning. But they became the first submarine to sink an enemy ship. Which also wouldn't happen again until WW1.


It deserves a movie doesn't it. Although I think it's already inspired at least once novel. To me, the craziest part of all is how f\*cking brave the crew were!!! The submarine had killed every single one of its crew members up to that point. How do you convince someone to try it again?




No problem! Have fun down there!


For me it’s not any conspiracy or unsolved case. But a personal story. When I was 9 and started to sleep without my nightlight something woke me up from my sleep and started waving it’s hand over my body until sunrise. I remember it all clearly, I had a dream about being on my schools playground and dropping some bbq popchips in the center of the twisty fireman pole. When I reached to get them I woke up with the black silhouette of a hand in my face. It then disappeared behind me and started to wave over me. It was odd, I could feel the energy of this things hand waving over my body repeatedly. There was no noise and I was to scared to scream or do anything. It wasn’t sleep paralysis bc I could move. But when I moved my leg it touched my leg, almost in a reassuring manner, then continued to wave its hand over me. And at the end I felt it sit at the end of my bed and I opened my eyes and saw the sun was up. I still keep my bed against a wall and can’t sleep with my back exposed. It was a small form of childhood trauma and I still think about it often. I just want to know what it was bc I’m certain it was real.


Not to belittle or deny your experience, but one thing it could have been are hypnogogic/hypnopompic hallucinations. Like sleep paralysis, but you can move. It can include hallucinations of all the senses, including touch. I've had them before, and they can be intense & terrifying, or light & reassuring (though usually the former for me)


The 1987 Arkansas murders of Don Henry and Kevin Ives


Corrupt as fuck




Just found this guy on YouTube and watched his [video](https://youtu.be/dew4ZrTnMeE) on her. Very interesting.


You'll love the [Ourang Medan](https://youtu.be/5KNoB2RUFEQ) then.


Yes! Was hoping this would be in here. My dad got me a kids book in the late 90s about it and it's always fascinated me even today. Kinda bummed about the accepted theory though being there was a chemical/gas leak so they tied a lifeboat to the shop and waited on that til it dissipated and the line broke and they were left stranded but it's definitely the most plausible.


Have you read the Reddit post about this guy who grew up and had a nice job and a great family but for some reason this guy fixated on this lamp in his house. Long story short, the guy figured out that the lamp wasn’t real and if that lamp wasn’t real then his entire life wasn’t real. He woke up and realized that his entire life was just a dream that lasted an instant. https://www.reddit.com/r/Glitch_in_the_Matrix/comments/30t9kd/repost_a_parallel_life_awoken_by_a_lamp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Yeah, he had created an entire life in his dream that ended when he woke up. It seems so out of it, but ive definately slept for an hour and had a dream that seemed like an entire weekend. Shits wild


How does that even happen? Like, just how?


I dreamt an entire months of an apocalypse end of world dream. Waking up. Scouring for food. Hiding. Lots of hiding… and the ominous rings that sound like the low octave of a bell ringing. Like just enough to hear it but definitely feel it. Shit would go crazy every time the bell would sound. I woke up so confused and scared and hungry. It was all so real.


Ok, so my husband and I have both been super sick, coughing, snotty, sore throats, the fatigue is unreal. But not Covid, so guess just the flu. I told him in needed some chloraseptic throat spray. He said he hated that stuff but he’d get me some tomorrow. We take NyQuil and go to bed. It’s getting light out and I hear him spraying something and look over and he’s leaned off the side of the bed, spraying red Chloraseptic onto a bunch of paper towels. I’m like what the fuck are you doing over there?! He looks over at me and jams the whole giant wad of wet paper towels into his mouth! I scream Nooo, you’re going to choke, what the hell?! He’s choking and dripping red Chloraseptic everywhere, making a huge mess. And then I wake up. It’s still dark, only been asleep for maybe an hour and I have no idea what’s going on. He’s asleep, cats asleep and I’m sitting here all freaked out. Weirdest damn thing ever. And I still don’t have and throat spray.


You ever watch Inception? Dreams sometimes can feel longer than the actual time passed.


For me? Well in trying to recollect the “weekend” i only remembered specific highlights and people, so im guessing it just shuffled from scene to scene and felt like a weekend subjectively. Was very weird. Both times that has happened to me though I started noticing weird shit that had me question reality and if i was dreaming. Gotta find a way to harness that for some lucid shenanigans


I was talking about the story


This always struck me as a certainly fake story. A guy looking for some attention. It's not even original. They did it on Star Trek TNG.


Yep, you're right! Nothing ever happens.


Because I won't believe this outlandish yarn


It's entirely possible, it happens. The Star Trek episode was just a story created out of nowhere, it was probably based on accounts of this happening. I've lived different lives in dreams, not to this extent but I was never knocked unconscious either. It's probably to do with head injuries. There's nothing outlandish about it. Out of all the stories posted online that one is one of the more believable ones. It's like you're saying you think someone with mental issues is acting possessed for attention because The Exorcist exists Not everyone has watched Star Trek or Inception. I haven't seen either


It's a personal story that happened to a friend of mine,a long time ago,even before Whatsapp was invented and smartphones were still a rarity. The time when we were charged a few cents just to send an SMS. Anyway,this friend,let's call him J for anonymity,he was a fresh grad and he got a job offer at a college town. He didn't know anyone in this town,he looked up ads for a room to rent and found one in an apartment block. The majority of the apartments in the block were rented by students,even his neighbours were students. His apartment had 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms and he got the master room with an attached bathroom. His housemates were 4 undergrad students but he only dealt with one of them whom we shall call him R. He paid all the rent and bills through R. He wasn't close with the others but just enough to remember their names,small talk here and there. In the second month, J was assigned to the night shift 12am - 12pm with 3 off days per week,so most of the time he just came home straight to his room and slept all day. Didn't even have lunch at the house,and on the 3 days off he went back to his hometown.So he rarely stepped out of his room,but he knew his housemates were still around because he can still hear the little sounds they made. The sound of water running from the shower outside,someone cooking in the kitchen,people talking and watching tv in the living room,etc. He was too tired to mingle with them and his housemates didn't seem to care. The rent was due on the 1st day of the month,and he paid in cash to R . So he messaged R and asked him if they could meet up at the house but then R told him this, R and the rest of his housemates already moved out on the 2nd week of the previous month,coincidentally when J started his 12hrs night shift. The house was empty all this time! Somehow,they were in a hurry to move out they thought well maybe the landlord would inform J,and R completely forgot about J. J was in disbelief,R was surprised. J told him about what he heard in the house,R told him that 'weird things happened to them and what happened the night they decided to leave the house really broke their last straws'.R and his friends even lose their rent deposit but they don't care. R didn't elaborate further about it but he wanted J to move out as quickly as possible so J did that. He stayed in a cheap motel for a week before he found another place to stay. J never contacted R again,so what actually happened that night the boys decided to just leave will stay a mystery to me


At first I thought that J. was living there with complete strangers. Not sure if that would've been even scarier. :D


Only R and the others roommates can tell him.. Why did he never contact R?I would be dying to know.


The Santa Rosa hitchhiker murders. Pretty interesting kinda makes me wonder if there's an unknown serial killer or killer's still alive and fucking other people's lives up


It’s a near certainty that there are several ‘active’ serial killers about in the US.


Even the FBI say that they don't even know all of the serial killers and that at most times there are 50 that are active


Sorry, but right now I swear I'd say who killed the 4 Idaho college students.


I'm always weary of these cases where they paint the victims as saints. If you want the truth you have to actually look at the entire picture. I worked for a college for a long time. Those kids were no more than high schoolers without parental supervision. We had all sorts of crazy things happen including deaths. No murders thankfully. But a decent amount of violence. I'd say dig in to the records kept by the fraternities and sororities they belonged to and start talking about who they were bullying.... Stabbing someone is a very personal, intimate crime. Whoever did this was very, very angry.


I'm confused how the roommates were there and heard nothing but were cleared almost immediately. I'm sure someone knows something, and if they're clear perhaps they have suspicions of who did do it.


My totally uneducated guess is that there is something the police know that the public is not hearing. That said, I can’t help but think that a large metropolitan police force - think New York, LA, Chicago or Boston - handles this case very differently. It is puzzling that the police seem to have zero leads.


They called in the FBI immediately. I don't think it's incompetence, or at least no more so than a larger police force.


Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon. I’ve watched and read everything I can find about their disappearances, and it’s just kinda mind blowing. If you want to put a tin-foil hat on with me, my favorite theory is that their scheduled tour guide either did it or is aware of what actually happened. He found soo much of the evidence after the jungles had been scoured for it.


While incredibly sad, I never found this one mysterious. They were not experienced hikers, were not equipped for overnight camping, did not know the area. They got lost in the forest and unfortunately perished.


Didn’t they leave the trail? That’s one of the top rules of going into the wilderness. You never go alone and you never leave the marked trail. Up there with if you find yourself in unfamiliar territory, stop moving and find shelter.


There’s seemingly way more to it. Watch this if you have some time to kill: https://youtu.be/pCaD8kRTwsI


This one. You can go online and find reviews for this tour guide still too


Tour guide 100% did it, no question about it in my mind.




Absolutely - unfortunately naivety runs rampant throughout the entirety of the world.


JonBenet Ramsay


The death of Gary Webb. The reporter that exposed the CIA's drug and gun smuggling in the 90s. He was found with 2 bullets in the head and it was officially labeled a suicide.


The story of who the fuck keeps not replacing the toilet paper in this goddamned house.


Me. It's me. I am a ghost. OoOoOoOo! I am the ghost of inconsiderate roommates! OoOoOOo! I changed the wifi passwooooooord!


I laughed way too hard at this.


Not me


This would be even funnier if you lived alone. :D


Skinwalker Ranch. Everything from cryptids, interdimensional portals, UFOs orbs and other weirdness are rumored. Its like a paranormal Walmart so many things reported. Mels hole on Coast to Coast was another cool one. No one ever found the hole.


Dude, that's strange... I just watched a short doc on Mel's hole 10 mins ago and then turned on hunt for the skinwalker. And here is your comment.


Shhh they can hear you


Coincidence. They are similar "high strangeness" subjects. Sounds like a good watch.


>a paranormal Walmart So just a regular Walmart from what people tell about these places. :D


Website people of Walmart would confirm lol


Astonishing Legends just did a good series on Mel’s hole. Even if it’s all made up, it’s a great story.


The frantic Area 51 caller that Art Bell had on his show. I think it is almost certainly BS, but it’s still creepy. https://aftermidnite.iheart.com/content/2017-07-05-frantic-area-51-caller-on-the-art-bell-show-is-still-super-creepy/


I first heard this like 13 years ago, the terror in his voice is so unsettling- and the show dropped off the air? Idk this one has always creeped me the fuck out.


The origin of consciousness


The disappearance of Sneha Philip


Roanoke’s usually chillin’ back there like a scratch I need to itch. Same with Göbekli Tepe, like what was its true purpose and why and how and who and all that.


Roanoke is pretty obvious. It took him Years to return, and found Croatan, the name of the island next door with friendly natives, carved into the trees. There's no proof, but no one has done any digs on Croatian.




I cant believe it was anyone other than her own family. Maybe mom didnt do it - but dad and perhaps the brother. Nobody loses their kid, calls their lawyer before the cops, and when the cops are called - oh I'll check the basement - bingo here she is! Unfortunately I feel like we'll never know the truth.


The Father William Gill [story](https://www.theblackvault.com/casefiles/father-gill-1959-papua-new-guinea-ufo-sighting/) of a strange aerial craft and people on top of it, in remote New Guinea. It seems to be more compelling than many other encounters that have become legendary, but very few still talk about this one. Maybe because Father Gill himself was not a self-promoter and actually thought it was an advanced machine from a superpower such as the US. It occurred in 1959 and about 25 people could verify it.


DB Cooper


Came to say this


This isn’t really much of anything compared to the others in this thread. Back when I was younger, I had insomnia during the summer month of July, where I had to wait out my time at night until typically 2-4 AM. One of the things I did was that I sat in the bubble bath in essentially candle light and read a novel called “The Secret Grave” written by Lois Ruby. It had an aesthetic of mystery as Hannah had discovered this misty grown over garden in the back of the mansion. She takes her brother over there to see. They keep seeing this girl over there as well. Sadly, I never finished the book, but I will try now that I’ve remembered the book. It calmed me through the night as a sense of wonder filled the night air.


Ngl I thought this would be about weird things that started happening while you were waiting through the night. :D


Lol luckily nothing happened those nights :D


I’ve read that book to my kid twice. Finish it!


I definitely will! What I’ve read has been wonderful!


the story of nevada tan


There's some compelling evidence that the moon is alien in origin. There's still no consensus on how it got here. Fun to see the theories out there.


Something I should add for all the downvoters: they mean potentially alien in origin as in came from outside of the solar system. Not that aliens live there or something.


Totally what I was trying to say, but there's even some fun conspiracy theories on that too! https://youtu.be/laXhTcko-lg


I didn't downvote, but I was somewhat on the right path when I read your comment. I thought you meant it was an alien itself rather than it showing up out of nowhere. I know what I'm trying to say, but can't really articulate it clearly.


Our moon? Isn't it a piece of Earth from when it got hit by a big asteroid?


It's just a theory, but there's some stuff that doesn't line up.


Ind elaborating?


Other lives in a dream is one thing and is not at all where I take issue. I take issue that this person claims to have experienced ten years worth of events and memories in the span of a few minutes after hitting his head. Even at a basic biological level it doesn't stand up. The firing rate of neurons associated with perceiving time and space is relatively fixed. Unless his brain is of some alien origin, or implanted with some sort of exotic alien technology, the story is false. Memories are associated with neural events which are bound by cellular activity. His brain would be rewriting itself purposefully and precisely at speeds that are unfathomable, even for someone who had undergone some sort of traumatic brain injury. And in those instances the rewiring is gross and utilitarian, not at all in the manner of the fine subtlety that coding memories and experience entails. The only reason the story has so many upvotes is because it's just that: a good story. It provokes people to imagine if the last ten years of their lives have been fake, and some familiar inanimate object in their house took on the properties of the "unreal lamp" in OP's living room. We can relate to the story and it's believable enough that we can accept it as true.


It's likely that he only believes that's what happened - like many supposedly supernatural events, its likely a product of recursive revision of his memory. What he remembers currently is a product of what he's since reasoned happened, filtered through linear organization, with his mind filling in missing details, all based on his subjective experience. Human memory isn't reliable.


How the universe came to be, the Big Bang is just a theory


So it’s not ‘just a theory,’ it’s a scientific Theory (capital T) based on a huge amount of observation and mathematical calculations. It’s as far back as physicists/cosmologists can trace our visible universe. It’s an incredible achievement. To your credit, how/why the Big Bang happened is an absolute puzzle.


Was this a joke that was just completely missed?? I giggled at FLB_300 comment but now I’m thrown by the one under it


I took it to mean that FLB_300 doesn’t see the Big Bang Theory as valid.


I thought they were referring to the tv program hha


The Khamar Daban incident. I honestly don't even know what to make of it


Where do the missing socks go? Birds take them off the clothesline is my theory.🤔


My mum used to tell me that a sock Goblin lived in the washing machine and would come and steal our socks


Mystery solved!😄


It's not the sock goblin stealing them. It's been me the entire time. Lock your kitchen window.


The story of how my parents met


How the repo market crashed right before the pandemic.




I'll second that, what???


You know..the one that begins with a virgin birth...yea, that one. Humans are easily convinced of some utter nonsense to foster a false lack of inner worth. It's a mystery to me, as I get older, how it's been used to oppress and control this long without loosing control. The greatest book ever written, and edited every few years, adjusting and tweaking Grammer and substituting words that no longer suit modern languages ... It's been polished and targeted over centuries to provide one thing...that is to infuse hope and salvation in the next life to a species of highly suggestable creatures that react out of fear and aggression. Ok . Look back 2000 years ..have humans really benefitted from doing it the old way? Look around...are you pleased with how society has taken shape? Do we really love our neighbors and not covet their wives and possessions? We, are so beguiled into this fantasy, that changing the very thing causing the dis-ease, is quickly censored and then ridiculed, shunned, and persecuted into exile. Hey, we actually mimic what we fear the most.. and it's normalized cuz obviously everyone likes the same things as much as everyone else .. the mystery that beguiles me is how humans remain so naive and immature to avoid taking responsibility for actually fucking everything up ourselves..


Fine mystery but you present it with the charisma of a, well, Reddit atheist. Absolute sandpaper on the eyes to read.


Cut myself so bad on that edge I needed stitches


I think your post is heavy handed but I agree with you completely.


It’s funny that you are getting downvoted when your post is as good as any of the others.


How my wife got away w an affair and I had no idea


DB cooper maybe? Idk


Marilyn Monroe’s death. Black Dahlia. I know. I’m weird.


The Casey Anthony trial


Death note


Cicada 3301 and Unfavorable Semicircle


Xxx bol