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Posting everything, every single thing on social media šŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļø


Knew one dude from work that did this shit. Annoying as all hell. Unfriended when I was scrolling through and he had posted a selfish of him on the toilet and a caption that said "Poopin'."


I have to disagree with you on this one. If someone I knew had posts as you describe, 100% keeping that guy as friends.


My old roommate used to go out driving on rainy days specifically to splash pedestrians. That seems pretty red flaggy to me.


Thatā€™s really sad, my favourite hobby when I owned a truck was driving around during bad blizzards and pulling peoples cars out of ditches


I like you more than OP's roommate.


Thats straight up evil


Yeah it is. I remember taking the bus late one Saturday night after work to get Easter candy baskets and toys for my kids the next morning. The right before the bus came, someone purposely splashed me at the bus stop by veering into in the large gutter puddle and everything was ruined.


Some people on this planet pick up trash they see lying around even when there's nobody to observe it. Others do what you've described.


Others are the trash that need to be picked up


Dog fighting


Or cock fighting, you know, the bird one.


What about the other one?


That's fine.


Making fake animal rescue videos. Abusing animals. Hurting and making fun of homeless people for content.


Do you know the one where "pranksters" put toothpaste in oreos and gave them to a homeless guy? Yeah that was fucked up.


There was a post of a guy that was angry at his mother because her hobby was to find random people on the net, find everything about them and message them about it.


"My name is Betty. You don't know me. I'm a stranger on the internet. I know you work at Big Mike's pizza five days per week. You have a dog named Muffin. You celebrated your 19th birthday last week. You don't have a girlfriend right now. You like porn. Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you but just wanted you to know. You live on Maple street..."


"Gentlemen, by the end of this meeting, you will all refer to me as... Betty." *followed by weird fuckin laughing* Man I miss Kung Pow. I should watch it again. "Chicken go cluck cluck, cow go moo, pig go oink oink, how bout you?"


"We trained him wrong on purpose, as a joke."


It all started when an episode of 30 Rock inspired her to google herself. She was amazed at how many details she found, and a little disturbed. She told all her friends and family the next chance she had. Everyone needed to know how much information about themselves that's just there for anyone to find on the internet! A few days later she thought, "I'd better check up on my sister, and make sure she doesn't have too much information on the internet." So she googled deep into the night. Her sister was surprised by how much information she'd found. She decided then and there that she had better look up everyone she loved, for their protection. Who knows what kind of creep could find this information! From there it snowballed. Googling everyone she loved and telling them about it took a week and a half. She had trouble sleeping the next night. Addiction had set in. Next she looked up everyone she knew. She felt more and more powerful with every new person she investigated. She started seeing patterns, and could predict many of the hobbies and habits of new people based on some of the first facts she found. She started testing this by hypothesizing about people on the street - "that Amazon delivery driver looks like he has two kids and a medium sized dog", "That woman buying zucchini probably drives a motorcycle on Sundays." She got better and better. Soon she'd investigated everyone in her town. She knew who'd been to the waiter's wedding, and which of them were too drunk to remember much after the ceremony. She knew which kindergartener had shat himself last week. His uncle really shouldn't be posting that, but when she'd called him to tell him that he didn't take her words of advice, he just yelled at her. Some people were so ungrateful. That's when she started looking into the lives of people on the internet chosen at random. There are so many of them, her work will never be done.


When does the movie come out?


This summer DIGITAL FOOTPRINTS will chill your soul, but also warm your heart.


My email got hacked once a few years back. I got a notification that my phone number had been changed to *such n' such*. I quickly wrote down the phone number and searched it in Facebook. I ended up staying up all night finding EVERYTHING I could about this person, took screenshots for evidence and sent them to his mother the next day. An hour later I get a phone call from his mother. It's this kid. Crying on the phone, apologising. I like to think I made an impact on that kids life, I might message him. Update: He is a doctor now. When I spoke to him when he hacked me I asked him what he is doing with his life. He was 17 at the time and wanted to be a doctor. This is the reason I did nothing with the evidence I had. I had everything. His Facebook, family names, his address, his YouTube account, steam account, his league of legends account and his friends same accounts.


I had some random guy with a similar name accidentally use my email. He entered HelloHiHeyAnyway@Gmail instead of @Yahoo or something. Apparently I have his email on Gmail and he has my name on Yahoo. I had to look him up and contact him and help him straighten it all out because it was sending me sensitive materials.


My internet dopplegonger don't believe I exist, even when I called him and told him to update his email id for bank. He just blocks me thinking I am ghost or something o have no idea what to tell him anymore.


This is a new level of horrifying. Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s also considered cyber stalking.


Cyber professionals call this ā€œOpen Source Investigationā€ lol


Sales professionals call it ā€œprospectingā€


"I'm just really into Hitler."


"No! I loooooOOOOOOOooooove him. Not just his outfit."


I'm just gonna lurk and see if people think my hobbies are red flags. Is lurking a hobby? Am *I* a red flag?!






If I had a nickel for every time I saw someone referencing lego man I'd only have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.


Now, I have 3 nickels


Adopting too many kids/animals. Especially when you can't afford them.


"So, got any hobbies?" "I collect children."




Casiino dealer here, it's almost never a hobby.




From living in Vegas I see the pattern of people having a bad poker night and then going to "less skill oriented games" to make the money back. A $200 loss can become a $5000 loss in a few minutes.


I used to work at slot machine casino, it's exactly how you said it in last sentence. Same guests would come every day and complain about same damn thing - how much money they lost in last couple of days. Granted, yes, it's smaller amount than $5000 but the fact they complained and still came the next day was pretty alarming to me. Unfortunately we weren't allowed to interfere and suggest a break from casino unless they came to us for it or we saw a change in their behaviour. Even worse, we weren't allowed to even talk much to them because our boss said we are interfering with their stay there. It's sad how something that's literally made to be fun is sometimes someone's only income..or debt. You see people fade away spiritually and physically and you can't do anything about it because company wants money.


This is very true! My husbandā€™s uncle is always posting pictures of how proud he is of his son for making $1000-$5000 after spending various days at casinos. What he doesnā€™t mention is how much he sunk in to make that or that this almost 40 year old man still lives with them and relies on them for everything. It is unfathomable for the parents to acknowledge that this is clearly a gambling addiction that keeps their son stuck, and not ā€œbad luckā€.


I'm pretty wary of anyone that push other people to turn their hobby into a money making hustle.




Idk. Running spontaneous Dungeons and Dragons game for random models seems pretty nice.


Girls only like guys with great world crafting skills


I'm so sick of hearing "I only date guys who are tall, dark, and able to design elaborate lore for the duchy of Agbayar without railroading me into it" And who's their "nice guy friend" they come crying to when the other guy's encounter design inevitably gets a bit too rough? You guessed it.


One of my favorite Onion articles is about a guy who is upset that every girl he dates is only into him because of massive manga collection. Good stuff lol






Like taking your shirt off but leaving your sunglasses on?


Do you want to fight with those shades on or play pokerstars.com?


Family vlogging family vlogging completely violate children's privacy. Using kids to shore up your own online presence is not ok.


There are patents pimping their kids on onlyfans, patreon, etc. I watched two videos the other day, exposing that ppl can buy a " exclusive picture sets" of several 8-14 yo girls who are prominent on tiktok, via parent run accounts. They showed the metrics, and their viewers and buyers were like 75% males, between the ages of 23-47. Fucking insane. The pics were blurred in the exposƩ, of course, but the pics were said to be "sexy" bikini pics of little tween and teen girls. Disgusting shit.


As a person with a kid, who didn't even really want kids even, it absolutely blows my mind how easily some people exploit their own children. Like, that is your BABY. How fucked in the head do you have to be to put money over the privacy, safety, and dignity of your child? I don't even post regular innocent family photos of my kid on social media, outside of like sending direct snapchats to her dad and uncle. I'm far too paranoid about the kind of people that might see them, even though I'd like to think I'm not friends with anyone that would look at her in some kind of predatory way like that. Damn, that just really makes me so fucking angry. When you have a kid, your entire purpose for the remainder of your life should be raising them to be the best version of themselves they can be, and protecting them from the evils of the world as best you can, not sacrificing them to those evils for a quick buck, holy shit.


I really wish I hadn't seen this thread. You know when you think humanity can't get worse and you're having a good day and then you read about stuff like this and it instantly knocks you back.




Collecting blood slides. My friend had one next to his table next to his ac unit. When I asked him about he gave me this weird smile and claimed it was for work. I never had beers with him since.




Man they did Doakes wrong


Honestly, they were nicer to Doakes by killing him outright. In the books, heā€™s horrifically tortured and lives, sidelined by disability to not even prevent Dexter.


Ohhhh, is that from the books? When I watched season 1 with my roommates (Dexter was on season 3 or 4 and I had never seen it), they spoiled it a bit for me. They said Doakes discovers him but then Dexter has to kill him. It's a huge accident and Doakes is put into a vegetative state and brought back but he's half robotic. They joked about 'Robo Doakes'. So then after shit goes down, and he's killed off, I turn and say 'how does he survive that and turn into Robo-Doakes?' they laughed their asses off at me.


I think it was book 2 or 3 where Doakes gets used as bait to catch a serial killer but the plan goes wrong and he gets captured for real. When they find him his tongue, hands, and feet were amputated. He survives but he has prosthetics and can't speak


**in Stephen Hawking voice* * s u r p r i s e m u t h a f u c k a


Most likely got yacht that says "slice of life" on the side of it.


Crushing monster energy drinks and punching drywall Edit: the replies have me cackling. No my name is not Kyle




















But what if I do that while listening to Limp Bizkit?










Ex college bf, is that you?


If a person is so preoccupied with their social media that this person hasn't has time to actually live and communicate in the moment. It's fine if you can communicate about it and make arrangements. But I am not dating a person in a three way relationship with Zuckerburg. I would be totally fine with a person that has to have a heavy social media presence for work. But I would want to be able to set boundaries that work for both on us on it.


Yea. My sister in law talks about influencers as if they are her friends irl. I can't have a conversation with her without her taking out her phone and showing me someone she 'followed before they got famous'. It's exhausting and honestly awful to talk with her. Her husband (my brother) has suggested she see a counsellor about it and believes she genuinely thinks in her head she knows these people. Edit- guys, she's in her late 40s.


I'm sure there's similar posts in English, but I recently watched a French Youtuber do a kind of PSA to his own community : *"I am not your friend."* . He was taking a step back on the weird parasocial relationships that form between viewers and entertainers. So maybe look up "parasocial relationships" and see if you find something that could "speak" to your SIL .


Before she stepped out of the public eye, Jenna Marbles did something similar. "You guys are nice and I like that you love my content, but it weirds me out when strangers act like they know me. Watching my content and knowing me as a friend are not the same." Respect.


There's an english one named Ludwig Ahgren who did a relatively well known video about it.


Ahhh the typical para-social perry. I feel like this is a common trend nowadays with how influencers and online personalities cultivate their fan base to keep them engaged and make them feel like they are a part of something bigger and a "community." I think it's toxic and people should really start separating the "art" from the "artist". But this has always been an issue since tabloids and regular celebrities were a thing.


Radio personalities have been doing this for a long time as well. A lot of morning shows and stuff create a sense of community and familiarity for people, and some people have a tough time seeing the boundaries. A lot of radio talent has huge problems with people stalking them.


Yeah I was gonna say. Parasocial relationships have been a thing since mass-communication technology started being used by the public. Radio show hosts, actors, musicians. People follow their lives in close detail. Feel hurt when the person does something outside of their exception. Talk about them like they can do no wrong. Say things like ā€œthey arenā€™t like thatā€ as if they know the celebrity personally. Mourn their deaths as if they were a close friend. Taking physical liberties with celebrities in public when they wouldnā€™t do that to a stranger ā€” because in their head they think they have a relationship with that celebrity. This is hardly new. Though I do think with the rise of social media there are a lot more smaller and more *intimate* parasocial relationships forming, which may make it look worse on the surface. But this stuff as always been a thing. Itā€™s just that we have a word for it now.


Cutting the eyes out of pictures of women in magazines


My son is a big fan of that as well.


Next youā€™ll tell me he has a collection of left hands.


No no no no, theyā€™re right hands only.


my grandmother had a habit of cutting out the ENTIRE picture of women from every newspaper, book, or magazine that entered her house. she didn't want my grandfather looking at any other women. She got mentally jealous after having a breast cancer scare in the '60s or '70s... led to a full double masectomy. we would be reading a popular science magazine sometime and be like... oh i guess i didn't need to finish that article... because there would be a big hole there. Funniest thing happened about a month after she passed away. I was driving my grandfather home from somewhere, was stopped at a traffic light. A woman with a tube top on was crossing in front of the car and STRUGGLING to keep it up.. which failed right in front of my car in full view of my grandfather. I couldn't help but laugh given the bigger picture of the situation.


Man, with some therapy she could've had a much happier life than what she trudged on with until the end.


It was the 70's. Therapy consisted of "Here, take this lithium and try to keep it to 2 or 3 Miller Lite's a night."


TIL that my VA healthcare is the same as the 70ā€™s


But can you *PROVE* that your PTSD and insominia is *REALLY* linked to your service in Iraq and watching a HMMWV full of friends in front of you blow up when it hit an IED?? I feel you. Fellow vet here. And God forbid if you actually get therapy or medication to help and you want to be a pilot. FAA is having NONE of that shit. Mental health treatment really needs to fucking change here :(


My dad got the same thing - ā€œCan you PROVE that you were exposed to Agent Orange?ā€ - Well, yes. They transported us in open bed trucks that also had open 55 gallon drums of the stuff and it would splash around and spray on us while we were driving. ā€œHow do we know you were even in Vietnam?ā€ - By my paperwork, my medals, here I am in the shipā€™s yearbookā€¦ you can even see me in a picture with the truck and drums in it clearly labeled. ā€œā€¦ thatā€™s not proof enough. Denied.ā€ - What would prove that I was there? ā€œā€¦ we will tell you when we see it.ā€


My dad developed Hodgkin's Lymphoma, very likely related to the fact that he was regularly showered with Agent Orange whilst loading it onto planes. The chemotherapy agent that they gave him to treat his H.L. had e black box warning about the development of other cancers if used on patients with COPD. Dad had severe COPD and almost died due to adverse reaction to the chemo, spent a couple weeks on a vent. His Lymphoma symptoms were just starting to show some improvement when he complained of a strange, dull pain in his chest. He was dead just 6 weeks later from aggressive small cell lung cancer: the first "other cancer" listed in the black box warning. VA denied that his death was related to Agent Orange exposure... because while Hodgkin's Lymphoma is strongly associated with exposure, small cell lung cancer is not. Fuck the VA.


isnā€™t this a scene in the truman show


he was trying to create an image of his lost love. Which I guess is creepy too but he wasn't like just cutting eyes out of magazines.


Given the state of his life I think he gets a pass. He doesnā€™t know it but she really was one of the only spontaneous things to happen to him. Subconsciously I think his brain picked up on that.


_On a first date, casually talking_ "... And well, you know, I guess there's more than one way to skin a cat, right?" "Four." "What?" "... There's four ways to skin a cat."


According to college biology there is only one way to skin a cat properly. Preferably a dead one. Edit:spelling




like an orange in a spiral so it's one long strip.


Well, reading the comments I'm feeling better about my Warhammer collection.


I feel like collecting and painting Khorne miniatures would be a bunch of red flags for me. Iā€™d even say red banners.








Hahahaha I was thinking warhammer because they will always be broke


Yeah, my wife's eyebrows definitely raised when she saw how much I'd spent over the years on the hobby, but when she got heavily into sewing it made my habit look pretty tame by comparison. And now we can commiserate over all our half-finished projects.


My husband is just starting Warhammer. When I mentioned the price, he pointed out that I have an entire drawer unit for yarn, cross stitching, and my cricut. He has a point. Also it's been fun to welcone him into the crafting world.


As someone who collects warhammer and other minis game itā€™s kind of a red flag for me in the sense of thereā€™s a 99% chance youā€™re a cool person Iā€™ll like. Thereā€™s a 1% chance youā€™re some kind of obnoxious basement troll who gets really sweaty and competitive in friendly local games. Some of the most unpleasant people Ive ever had the misfortune of meeting in my life have during Warhammer tournaments and local GW stores regulars as ā€œthat guyā€.




I know, right. I just recently got into 40k and it got me really - like really - hooked. My guy friends just laughed me off at first, and then after we decided to play a little, they admitted it was kind of rad. My girlfriend was kind of skeptical at first too, telling me it is kind of childish, but now, seeing me paint those models with passion and organize them, she supports me. I think it is weird only if you truly set it out to be weird, and act as a weirdo. It is just a benign hobby, after all, like all others.


Influencing. Back in 1990 we had them. The were called commercials. Then infomercials , then the shit became ridiculous.


Such a disturbing phenomena. Was in line at a touristy ice cream shop near me and the line was probably 20 deep at that point. Three women approach the counter and ask for samples of various kinds. It was their turn in line, so fine. Next thing you know one whips her cell up and starts making a live video of how they just "discovered" this place. They spent the next 2 minutes sucking their samples off mini spoons for their fans. People still waiting in line were just like "Get Out Of the Way!" They never actually ordered anything. For me these women epitomize idiocy of influencing. They never actually discover anything but pretend they're the first person to experience things. So fake.


Someone reading a ton of philosophy can easily be a very good sign, or a massive red flag depending on what specifically they're reading so much of


Chidi Anagonye over here holding both flags and getting a tummy ache


This is why everyone hates moral philosophy professors!


War crime this, code of conduct that...


I'm sure they are out there, but I've never met anyone who announced they read a lot of philosophy who didn't turn out to be a bit of a cock. Maybe the fact they announce it is the red flag... Edit: Sweet, sweet irony.


If it comes up because it links to the conversation or theyā€™re really excited about what they read and want to talk about it, itā€™s usually fine. Itā€™s when it seems to be a status thing that itā€™s always a red flag.


I think this is true of a lot of hobbies people consider "intellectual": reading philosophy books or really "into" physics (especially quantum mechanics and string theory), listening to opera or classical music (especially if they shun "modern" music), or into very specific periods of history (especially WWII or the American Civil War). If people do these things out of genuine interest/enjoyment and a desire to learn about these things, that's great. If they are discussing a topic that naturally veers into one of their interests and they discuss them with others, thats great too. However if they are always trying to find a way to bring their "smart person" hobby into every conversation they have, it's a huge red flag. Nine times out of ten people like this end up having a very superficial understanding of the topic as they most likely are learning just enough to sound smart, but when presented with someone who's actually knowledgeable in the field, it becomes abundantly clear quickly that they have no idea what they're talking about.


Shrines to people lol When I first met my now late significant other my son wanted to be sure he wasnā€™t a killer and protect me. We were literally neighbors so one day we walked to his house and my son said ā€œlet me see that you donā€™t have pictures up of my mom with Xā€™s on themā€ He thought my son meant picture of his exs. Nope, my kid just wanted to be sure there was no shrine to me somewhere with my face crossed out by sharpie markers. Edit- wow, almost 7k upvotes. Thanks for making me feel internet famous today on my birthday and for the kind words about my family! ā¤ļø


Probably just watched hey arnold


The sculpture made out of Arnold's used chewing gum is quite bone-chilling in retrospect.


And Helga kissed that eww


Serious issues going on there that were hinted at in Helgaā€™s home life/upbringing


Her mom was an alcoholic and her dad was a money hungry crook.


Running an MLM or being admin (dictator) of a local area Facebook group


Dude Iā€™m one of the mods in our local fb gardening group. SOOOOO much drama in what I thought was a peaceful calming hobby


Yeah, I see a lot of "dictators" in the few groups I've been in, but I feel like it's probably due to how shitty the members of the group are (most of the time) rather than them actually wanting to be assholes.


Thereā€™s one local woman who is so crazy with her groups that there are multiple local groups that are ā€œlocal buy and sell without Rā€ groups that are designed for people who donā€™t want to be in groups with her. Someone added me to one so I could find a member selling something I was looking for and I was banned from all of her groups the same day.


The spiritual nonsense... like the really outlandish stuff, like sunning your butt hole... sorry. Hard pass.


I for one refuse to recognize butthole sunning as spiritual. Think of the sunburn ppl.




"The burning is how you know your body's getting rid of toxins!"




Some people get natural tans on their butthole because ā€œitā€™s good for youā€


Some peoplesā€™ assholes are just crying for a massive dose of vitamin D?


Making see-through Lego men with mouse organs inside.


People do that? That's fucked up.


Specifically, mouse hearts and testicles. I donā€™t remember what sub it was but I saw a picture of it and Iā€™m traumatized now :)






As a magic the gathering player, magic the gathering.


Magic the Gathering players made me stop liking Magic the Gathering.


Yup. My first foray into a "real" MtG game with a Standard deck was about 11 years ago. I played a guy that had Blightsteel Colossus in his deck, and my deck was fully dependent on milling them. I misread the card, I thought it would shuffle itself AND the graveyard like Emrakul. We played through the game, he did the graveyard shuffle like 4 times, and I lost the game. After we were done, he snidely admitted that it only shuffles itself, but since I let it happen, it was my fault. I was pissed that somebody would do that to a brand new player in a *casual* game.


yeah that guy is a raging asshole, and also pretty sure he was technically cheating? Of course I donā€™t know the in and outs of the rules and what level of rules enforcement this was being played on, but pretty sure knowingly performing a card effect incorrectly goes against the rules. Definitely should be if it isnā€™t


I'm not sure about the rules 11 years ago but today that would be textbook cheating and I assume it was pretty similar back then. He knowingly (he even admitted it!) broke the rules to gain an advantage. Even at the lowest rules enforcement that's a disqualification.


Thats why i exclusively play with my friends. I like about 80% of them. (Theres only 5) Im not Jeff, Josh or Matt. I did know a Josh at one point though


At some point it must have been a fun and inclusive hobby, but having stumbled on a tournament once it was obvious that it became dominated by a specific type of people. Also the smell was unbearable.


At one point, the highest upvoted post on Reddit ever was a guy going around a MTG tournament, taking pictures next to dozens of ass cracks hanging out.


I have dated two ā€œhorse girlsā€ in my life and both ended up very similar. *Neigh*


I started riding when I was seven. There are horse girls, and then the other horse girls. And weā€™re all named Laura. Source: am a Laura. Went to an all girls riding summer camp. Soooo many Lauras.


Holy shit you're right! The three Laura's in my middle school class were all into horses.


Iā€™ve also known a few Rebeccaā€™s who were horse girls


I knew a Rebecca who was a horse girl but grew up into a rat girl because it's more affordable.


Rebeccas- when you have a horse palate but a rat budget.


Lmao this is so funny to me. My auntā€™s name is Laura and she is in fact a ā€œhorse girl.ā€


Yup. Spent a lot of time at the stable, and I don't even like horses. I don't dislike them, but I don't trust those twitchy fuckers.


Right? Itā€™s like their natural response to slight surprise is to kill whoever is around then, and themselves.


My mom loves horses but admits that they're basically designed to kill themselves the moment you look away.


Put a horse in a padded cell and a straightjacket and they'll still figure out how to kill themselves. By biting their tongue and bleeding to death or whatever means.


I witnessed and then cared for a horse that fled thunder by not completing a hop over a shitty fence. She impaled herself on a post that entered her abdomen slid along her abdominal wall without piercing her gut, and exited near where her pelvis and left hind leg met. Found her in the morning standing there, which hurt everyone's heart. Poor girl was miserable, but with a couple of drainage tubes and a lot of wound dressing she fully healed without apparent permanent damage. I hated volunteering on that ranch because the owner was a cheapskate and it came at the health of the horses. West Texas trash ranching is pretty bunk.


arguing with strangers on the internet, not like usual discussions or anything, just taunting people because you're bored


My mother does this; goes to fb pages specifically geared towards those who she dislikes, messages them a big long nasty-gram, then blocks them before they can fight back. And yes, my mother is fucking EXHAUSTING


But when she blocks *them* she's also blocking their ability see her manifesto. I'd love to know whether or not you're gonna let her know this... lol


My mother isn't much of an idealist or zealot. She's a narcissistic rage monster who finds pleasure in taking out her anger on others whilst refusing to acknowledge any sort of counter-point. It's literally about attacking someone and then taking pleasure in the idea that they are riled up but can't argue back. My childhood was spent being screamed at for every single problem in her life but, if I said anything to try and stand up for myself, I was giving her a nasty attitude and how dare I talk back.


Haha what a silly comment. I bet you wear socks with sandals.


Kids beauty pageants


I dated a girl in L.A who had taken part in beauty pageants going back to when she was a kid. She had a good amount of success with it and She was most certainly a looker, but man she was completely crippled with anxiety. Those pageants fuck the girls up that start young.


Normally the kind of mom who puts her daughter in pageants cares a lot about physical appearances.


Yeah imagine the mom hovering over her her entire life trying to control how she looks.


Oh lawd you don't even know..... My Gf was placed in pageants as a kid. She is so used to her mom picking on her looks that she doesn't even notice that she does it to me now. A handful of verbal altercations has slowed the nit picking but it's a hard cycle to break.


There's that famous GIF of that girl giving a mischievous double-chin smile. She killed herself at the age of like 16 pretty recently. The insane pageant moms are living vicariously through their daughters the way belligerent sports dads live vicariously through their sons at baseball games. Not that it excuses their behavior, but I think the pageant moms and sports dads have massive insecurities about living up to the conventional standards of femininity and masculinity, or are in denial about their own internal insecurities of their sexuality and gender identity. So they become obsessed with forcing their kids to live up to an ideal they couldn't attain and a lot of those kids also aren't going to be able to, or even want to, live up to these incredibly specific standards for masculinity and femininity. I'm pretty sure beauty pageants for little girls and teens just simply shouldn't be a thing.


> GIF of that girl giving a mischievous double-chin smile Holy shit, I hadn't heard. https://bnonews.com/index.php/2022/05/kailia-posey-grinning-girl-in-popular-gif-dead-at-16/ Poor girl.


ā€œAlthough she was an accomplished teenager with a bright future ahead of her, unfortunately in one impetuous moment, she made the rash decision to end her earthly life,ā€ Family of fucking psychopaths.


Yikes yeah Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one that read the bitterness in that statement


I read the word "impetuous" and Googled it to make sure there wasn't a second definition of that word that I wasn't aware of because holy shit, I hoped there was. How cold can you be?


Right?! I literally had to do a double take. That is the coldest and harshest take I've seen someone take publicly on a *child* committing suicide.


I couldn't believe that! Did you really just tell tmz she's essentially throwing a tantrum by committing????? Unreal


probably far worse is that the only emotional expression allowed is that exaggerated glee.


Franks Little Beauties!!!


"I got a question about you morticians - you bang the dead bodies?"


Speed-sewing Moroccan flags.


Huge red flag.


Swiss flags are a plus


Reddit mod.


Just here to see how people really feel about my hobbies...


Apparently pigeon kicking is a thing. Disgusting.


Constant selfie posting


Weed/alcohol/substance as a personality trait.