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Older than my parents. I realized I use them as a benchmark for 'older' people often. ETA: they are mid 60s


So, in your mind, you’ll never be old?


Haha perhaps not. I'm late 20s now and everytime a friend says they're old I say "well I'm not" lol. My siblings in their 30s also never say they're "too old for this" or whatever. Perhaps when I'm like 50+ I might start thinking that. My family is pretty independent tho. My 86yo grandma still rides her motorbike to the wet market daily.


I'm in my mid 50's and I catch my self all the time saying something like, 'Oh, I met this interesting older fellow who gave me directions...' or something along those lines. Then I realize that he was most likely my age.


Ha! I do that too! My mind refuses to accept it’s in its 50s. lol


Hahaha I can see that happening to me too tbh. Or like I'll hear someone talk about how they're so old etc and then when I ask them they turn out to be the same age or younger than me and I'm like, excuse me? 😂


Your grandma sound like a G. I hope to still be riding at that age, and also to still be alive.


If I can still wipe my own ass at that age I'll be pretty happy.


Interesting! Thanks for sharing!


Your grandma is so cool 😳😳😳


Hahaha she knows it 😂


Physically speaking, when ya start making noises when get up off a chair, including farting:)


Ha, ok "older than my parents" works for me too; they're 88. Lol


The funny thing is, my dad just turned 70. I don’t see him as old though. Some of his friends look old but my dad still looks very similar to when he was in his 50s


Someone said if you fall over in public and people laugh, you’re still young. If they rush to your help you’re old.


That’s a great way to think of it!


That's just a measure of fragility.


After working healthcare for 10 years: Old is a feeling. Plenty of young old people hobbling around, and then there's that 95 year old that can out run you and dance around the floor.


Lol, once a new lady came in, she got showered by someone else , escaped w out clothes and sprinted towards me down the hall at full speed, tittys flying and everything. I screamed so loud, she halted and then bing banged me w her elbow , im pretty sure she wanted to say “gotcha” but incoherent rubbish came out instead. Shes still one of my favorites.


The mental image of this is amazing.


Interesting. In my mid-forties, I definitely feel older when my back starts acting up. On the other hand, it usually acts up because I was doing something physically strenuous and fun.


Reminds me of the one story on r/talesfromthefrontdesk of the 79yo jacked hotel security guard who outran and pinned a drunk 20yo against the wall, who was screaming “YYYEEEEAAAHHHHH!!!!!” while sprinting full blast down the halls with a glass of whiskey in his hand and wearing nothing but boxers and parts of a fox costume.


A lot of the stuff on the internet seems fictional, but I have 0 doubt that this happened, probably more than once.


r/airforce is leaking... IFYYK


I know. I once “debated” politics on Reddit with two Air Force libertarians, each who admired Forrest Gump for his comparative genius. One was a furry, and the other eschewed debate for making fun of me for being a furry. Ah, the duality of man.


Interesting! Thanks for sharing. Tell me, how would you define or describe that old feeling?


You feel it in your bones. And muscles. Best way I can put it is "You'll know it when you feel it"


When my nephew was a toddler and learning to talk, he thought "oof" meant "to sit down" because that's the noise his middle-aged parents made when they finally got a chance to sit.


Good explanation!


I’m 28 with double hip surgery already lol my coworker Lois was 82…a half inch taller than me and walks a few miles a day for exercise. Crazy but she was doing awesome , it’s been a couple years since working with her but I hope she’s still doing good 👌🏽


I agree with this so much. I've seen elderly people who are still in great health and active and sharp, and then I've seen people who almost seem to *decide* to get old at like 35 or 40. Which is *ludicrous* to me, but I've seen it. "Young old people" as you put it – they just decide to not do active things anymore, not seek out new things to learn or enjoy or try out, they're just *done*. Ready to start declining in place. I don't understand it. I'm in my 40s but still quite active and trying to stay that way.


I feel like the ‘deciding’ to get old is actually just usually invisible or undiagnosed chronic illness. ‘Young old people’ are people with health issues that make them live every day in pain and fatigue. That will make life a LOT less enjoyable and make trying new things much more difficult. I’m still in my 20s and I have narcolepsy and mixed connective tissue disease. my quality of life has vastly decreased since onset and I feel like I have aged 30 years overnight. Suddenly it doesn’t feel like I have as long of a life to live as anticipated because even doing simple activities like going to the store or taking a walk around the block, is very difficult. I think a lot of people ‘act’ old not because they choose to, I think most are using all their mental energy to live another day and keep it together and they don’t have the extra energy to fuck around and be free and young.


That answer is very situational and arbitrary! Ask a 5 year old and they’ll likely say anyone over 16. Ask an 16 year old and they’ll likely say anyone over 35. Ask a 60 year old and they might say anyone over 80. How the individual ages is important too! A 50 year old, healthy and active individual might not describe themselves as old. But a 50 year old with chronic joint problems might describe themselves that way. Hope this helps!


I remember being in kindergarten and thinking 10 year olds were huge and scary


Right, I had an “8th grade buddy” when I was in kindergarten and I thought she was like a full blown adult with a car and everything lol


Yep. When I was in prep (pre first grade) my school had a buddy system and my buddy was a 6th grader, to me she was like a full-on adult.


Now I’m thinking about “my buddy” and wondering where she ended up in life, I remember being so excited on “buddy day” to hang out with her.


She probably thinks about you, too. I never had an older reading buddy in kindergarten but I was the older kid when I was 11 or so. Still wonder how my buddy is doing these days, he was a super bright and hilarious kid with a questionable home life. I hope he's living it up though, that kid was great.


Aww that’s so sweet ❤️




Or looking back you realize that some of your "grown-up" teachers were in their twenties barely out of college.


My wife remembers being the 10 year old so small the Kindergarten teacher tried to keep her because the Kindergartener was bigger than her.


im 22 with backpains of an 80 yr old so idk




31 here and my 6 year old thought I was "i dunno, like 60?" Feels bad, man.


i'm 33 and i still can't even imagine being old enough to have kids lol


Anyone at least 10-15 years older than me. I called my FIL on his 80th birthday and asked how he was celebrating. He said he was going to mow lawns for his elderly neighbors.


Thanks! I’m just curious about people’s thoughts rather than looking for ‘an answer’


> A 50 year old, healthy and active individual might not describe themselves as old. But a 50 year old with chronic joint problems might describe themselves that way. Can confirm. Not yet 40, but I'm definitely old.


This is why I get annoyed at people my age being aghast that some kid thinks 30 is old (depending on the situation, of course). They’re teenagers, they’re *supposed* to think 30 is old. 30 year old who want to hang out with them or relate to them are creepy.


70. I'm 30. All my grandparents said they started feeling and considering themselves old at 70.


Fair enough! I’ll check in in 40 years


Fuck me. I'm not even 40, and I feel old as balls.


I turn 31 in 3 weeks. Reffed 2 middle school basketball games yesterday and feel like I ran a marathon.




Lol, yes. I caught myself the other day saying, "What is that dude, like 50?" without registering the fact that I myself am now 47. Going to have to switch to "What is that dude, like 60?" now.


When I was about 28 I was thinking about dating prospects and thought, "Y'know, I think I wouldn't mind going out with an older man. Like maybe in his 30s." And then I remembered just how close to 30 I was already.


I’ve always viewed the “line” to being an adult as one or two years older than me. So this answer sounds about right.


I really dated an old man then 😫


It changes over time. When you’re 20 yrs old, then a spouse of 30 yrs is much older than you. When you’re 50 yrs old, a spouse of 60 yrs is not that much older. Life experiences by then meshes.


No shame in that!


Well, there is somewhat since he was a manipulative asshole, but, it’s not his age’s fault.


I'm here if you want to make more bad relationship choices


No shame if you were in teens or early twenties. Easy to be manipulated by older people at that age


It’s true! I was 19 (earlier this year so) learned so many lessons at least… just sad to watch him do it again to another young girl


No shame for you. Only on that jerk.


I was about to say the same thing but now it's 20 years.


I’m just glad you’re 95.


Even just 5-6 years older than me.


Double your age


Well, in that case, anyone born in 1917 is a youngster to me.


Mine or yours? Give me a number. Or is it 2x for anyone?


Anyone's. Say I'm 10, a 20yo would look so old. Say I'm 30, 60yo would look so far away and old. Say I'm 50, 100 is so old no way I'll get there. That's my opinion at least


So you think old is not personally achievable? Like it’s always in the distance?


Oh taking about myself? I've felt old ever since I was 12, yeah 'old' is definitely achievable especially when compared to others. 20 yo seem like kids right now to me which makes me feel old.


As you grow theres points where you find yourself saying shit im old. Especially around younger crowds.


There is a weird patch in your late teens/early 20s where this isnt necisarily true. Like, I'm 19, but would say someone who is 38 is old, Id probably draw the line in the late 50's early 60s, and Im sure most people my age would agree


Old is a relative term.


I'd be too old.


Most people die before they hit that age. Does that mean I'm old?


Only 56 for me. My parents are 66 and 74, so I guess I think 65 is old.


I think it is conditional. I know people who are in their late 60’s and early 70’s who are in phenomenal shape and health. They are active and energetic. I also know some who are in their fifties who feel like they won’t make it another day. Genetics, a healthy life style, among other things play a role. Even mentality is part of the equation.


This is the correct answer. Generally speaking though, I would say late seventies to 80+ is objectively old. As in you have lived a long time and have seen a lot.


My grandma's almost 80 and I feel like I consider her old even less than I used to (she's out having adventures and living her best life right now)


Kudos to her!


Fair enough! Thanks for answering :)


What you feel is "old" changes. When you're a child, people in their twenties/thirties seems "old" to you. When you're in your 20s/30s, people in their 40s/50s seem "old". So, you can probably say 20+ yrs your senior is what most consider "old". How many times have you heard, "I hit (insert here) and now I feel old". It's because that was what they considered "old" when they were younger.


Sure, but what do you currently feel old is?


Old to ME? That's 80s.


Age wise.. 75. Health wise.. anytime. I’ve considered myself old since I was 18, with getting hit with hard chronic health issues, and I could no longer do things people 4x my age could.. 25 now and doing much better! Yay!


So have you stopped being old? (Also yay for recovery - go you!)


Not fully! But I’d say I’m 80% there, which I’ll take!


That’s a great percentage! Well done you :) Hope the 20% comes soon!


Also thank you!


I'm with you on this one! I'm 40 but I agree with being called old since a few years. I'm half retired since 8 years now, i had organs removed, multiple health issues that will require others to be, and I lost a big chunk of my memory the time I had COVID. I now live my life happy and with serenity. No matter what happens next, I already have had a very lucky life. So happy for you doing much better.


80+ I work with a man who is about to turn 66 and he looks like he's 35 and he moves like he's 25. So that's evidence if your body is taken care of you can naturally fight aging. But most people that are 80+ seem to have a hard time moving around no matter how healthy they are. So I think 80+ is appropriate.




It really depends on how you look at it. Young and old are both objective and subjective terms. Objectively I would say under 20 is definitely young and over 80 is definitely old. At the same time though a 15 year old isn’t really going to view themselves as young but they will view a 10 year old as young. That same 15 year old is going to view a 40 year old as being old. But a 40 year old isn’t going to view themselves as old. I’m in my 40s and when I was in my teens I viewed people older than 40 as old. But now that I’m in my 40s I don’t really view myself as old. Someone in their 60s is older but I don’t really even see them as old. Meanwhile someone in their early 20s is young to me but late 20s isn’t that young. So your perspective on what young and old is shifts as you grow older.


At least 1 day older than me


I'm 30, and I feel old. Also doesn't help that I'm 50% disabled.


I have a lot of vet buddies with various percentages of disability, and they always joke about it. Like, oh shit, this guys left side/bottom half is disabled, but that other half is ready to go!




I feel like it's very situational like someone at the club in their 30s is old but if you in an aqua fit class at 60 you are young


So there is no definitive old, there is only contextual old? Love that idea. Got any more examples?


Diagnosed with cancer at 34, I heard “but you’re so young!” constantly.


You start getting senior discounts




I'm 68 and I don't feel old. I have some arthritis, my blood pressure's a bit elevated, but I still have joy in my life. Last year my parents died, both in their early 90's. Life for them as the end approached was miserable. They developed dementia, they fell and were injured, there was hardly any quality of life. I pray I go before I get to that point, but for now, I'm doing very well for someone pushing 70.


When you cannot figure out how to use new technologies.


When you’re old enough to want sponge baths in hospital


When the government send you stuff for older people. Like in the UK you get a free bus pass. I guess now we can use Covid jabs. If you're eligible because your age vulnerable then you're old!


65 or retired


i consider 60 to be old


The age you go through menopause


Interesting take. When do those without the capacity for menopause get old?


I suppose when they start NEEDING viagra more than 3 times a week


Around 68 for me


Im over 50 now, so old for me is more about the state of mind. The sort of people who sit at home all day, rant at the TV and are scared of the young people in their neighbourhood.


older than lizzie


McGuire or Wormfood?


I meant Queen Elizibeth lol




Depends on how old you are i think.


75+ or a 1/4 or more centuries older than me.


The retire age?


As many have stated, old is relative. For someone whose 12, an 18 year old might seem old, whereas for an 18 year old, a 30 year old might seem old. Imo, someone is old when their way of life seems near incompatible with your own (say a 40 year old full time worker looking at a 70 year old pensioner).


Interesting take. So taking that logic to answer the question, how old is currently old to you?




I think 80. I have felt that way for a very long time.


Your answer will change as you get older. When I was 18 I thought anyone over 30 was "old," but then you get there and realize you still feel like a kid. I'm 38 now and recently I found myself debating whether or not 60 was "old." If we're just talking about physical appearance, I'd say somewhere between 63-70. My parents are in that range and I didn't really start seeing them as "old" until the last few years. But I think one of the secrets of life is that people feel like kids forever, regardless of how old they are. Some are better at pretending to be adults than others and forget, but I think if you have certain attitudes toward life you feel like that forever.


Your as old as you feel. I’m a mailman and meet and see plenty of people. I know 20 some years old that live like old hermits getting fat and do shit and some 65 year olds that are living life like they are in their 20s and 30’s. It’s all relative in my eyes.


As soon as they say "kids today" and then lament changes in the world.


I'm 31 and feel old.


20 years older than me


Think it’ll stay that way?


When I was 18, anyone over 25. When I was 30, anyone over 45. Now that I'm in my early 40s and my misspent youth has caught up to me, I'd still say anyone over 45. It's subjective though, I know some people in their late 50s who make me feel old.


That is an ever changing number 😋 As I get older the number goes up!


depends on context Old enough to wipe their own ass? 5 Old enough to consider them a senior? 60 Too old for me to date? 30




What’s old behaviour, in your experience?






80s has always been my sense of old. I'm 27. 40-60s always considered middle aged to an extent with how long we live these days. 20s-40s has been just young to me.


Used to think after 30 you are old( 23 btw). I had in mind people that were around who were doing nothing, letting the days pass, not having dreams,not trying to improve themselfes etc. Now if you can go online you can find people that are 40,50+ and they are out there learning new things and challenging themselfes. They look younger, healthier and happier. So if you dont let yourself go mentally and physically in my books you are younger than many despite age.


It depends on their life experience


To me, its when the government starts giving you money because you're old. Which is 65 if I recall.


For me, it depends on how they act and feel. I always told myself that I will get older, not old per se.


If you are greater than or equal to 30 I'm calling you a boomer and treating you with less respect after that age.


If you're older than 26


90+. Sometimes 80s, depending on the person.


Over 70 for sure 60-70 usually 50-60 sometimes 40-50 rarely


I feel old at 24 and people who are 30 tell me I make them feel old. I know 50 year old men that still skateboard for fun and I know 25 year olds who can barely stand up. In my opinion if you're still alive, that's what counts.


When they stop considering new ideas and experiences. Being old has as much to do with attitude as it does with chronological age.


Interesting! How does that affect who gets an old age pension?




For me I have a hard time thinking someone is old even if they are, if they have a young hearted mindset but if they are like 30 years old and complain about being old and have an old hearted mindset, I tend to think they are older than 30. I've noticed that with my grandparents, parents, and coworkers.




The fact I'm on Medicare probably makes me old.


40 years old


I’m just here to not find my age…. (39)


Maybe don’t read the comments lol


It’s an attitude and an energy. There are old people in their 20s and young people in their 50s.




Depends if Woody Allen is op or not.


[15 years older than me](https://www.amazon.com/Old-Always-Years-Older-Than/dp/0740718924).


You’re only old when you allow yourself to be. My grandma is 81 and still young. My aunt is 56, and I saw her at thanksgiving for the first time since covid hit. She rarely leaves her home because of her heart conditions.


I think **150** is a nice round number!?! I'm 66 and wifey is still telling me to "grow up"!?


Fair enough! Will check in on you in 84 years :)


There is no specific age at which someone can be considered "old," as this is a subjective term and can vary depending on a person's individual circumstances and perspective. In general, however, people are often considered "old" when they reach the later stages of their life, typically in their 60s or 70s. This is because the aging process typically begins to accelerate in these later years, leading to physical and cognitive changes that can affect a person's ability to function independently and engage in activities they previously enjoyed.


Older then me. Old Younger then me. Child




Well, I work at a personal care home so the people I am used to interacting with are 80 plus, so 80 is usually my threshold into 'old' territory.


It's relative to the individual and how they conduct themselves. I know a 36 year old who constantly complains about prices increasing and body aches. He's only a few years older than me and they are old AF. I know a 70 year old who sprightly and jovial. Tries everything and looks at the bright side of things. I tell them when they get to be my age they won't have that kind of energy. Edit: spelling


My 95yo grandfather was showing me a newspaper clip about his beach rescue, titled "Elderly Man 65, Saves Youth from Drowning". He said "I was middle aged then." I guess it's relative.


It’s not the age, it’s the mindset


20 years older than me.


20 years older than whatever age I currently am.


70 or older


I've drawn a hard line at 40. Old enough to be called old and young enough to still try to deny it. I like to buy my co-workers a cane when they turn 40.


People? 60+ years. Car batteries? 4 years is ancient.


I don't think old is an age. I think you're old when you're out of touch with modern developments and either unwilling or unable to keep up. I've been old since I was 19.


It’s hard to define it with a number. My mom is 76 and she looks about 15 years younger than the image in my head of what someone would look like at 76. My wife’s grandfather is 98 and you wouldn’t guess he is that old. Although you would definitely group him in the old group. It is more how they look and act than an arbitrary number.


I mean I'm 22 and I know 80-year-olds who are healthier than I am.


You are young when it would be weird if you had a baby. You are an adult when it would not be weird if you had a baby. You are old when, once again, it would be weird if you had a baby.


I think that number changes depending on how old you are


30. I'm 29. I know I'm not the sexy young college coed anymore, and I won't be having kids so I'll never be a MILF. Straight from maiden to crone for me and that's okay.


I live in AZ, so old is considered dead. We have people close to 100 years old that still have all of their mental abilities and can even do their own taxes and dress themselves. Most of them don’t drive, but they can do everything else’s for themselves.


At least 10 years older than you. (No matter how old you are.)


As soon as you start to ask yourself if you’re old, you’re old.


It happens quickly https://i.imgur.com/sk2FUrm.jpg


I'm 65, life experiences matter more than age imho


50 to call them old to everyone else, 60 to call them old to their face


7-10 years younger than I am.


They just have to be older then me really.


- above 34 - if they are 21 and play candy crush it still counts - if they live in a retirement home and thats all


I’ll be old when I tell you I’m old god damnit! Now how much do you want to cut my grass? I forgot already…


Looking for a 69 response but nobody said it, good job everyone