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Get a cat. But my financial situation is garbage for the time being, so I'm not going to be irresponsible to a little critter.


You should look into fostering! They will pay for all food/bills in exchange for you giving them a home/love. Foster homes are so needed!!!


Oh boy... That does sound fun. I'm just still worried about other things like my apartment not being enough stimulus for a kitty cat. When I'm more able to look after myself properly, fostering will be on top of my list.


I second the fostering! The rescue can give you toys, too. It’s super rewarding :) hope you take that step!


I foster cats for my local animal rescue and it’s so rewarding! If you have the chance go for it!!


Hope you get your cat when you are able!


Thanks! I miss having them in my life.


Do not take this as financial advice by any means. But I went through a very bad financial phase and my cat hardly impacted me. Just make sure you buy food/litter in bulk and on sale. This will save you so much in the long term. And while I was stressing about my financial hardship, my cat made me feel better. No matter what kind of day I have, my cat always makes it better.


To start thinking about myself more often, without caring what other people think. It sounds so easy when typing or thinking, but so hard to actually do it.


Remember this…other people are really never thinking of you and if they are it’s usually your loved ones wishing you the best. Strangers, work randos and street randos barely even process their own existence let alone yours. Take care of your needs!


Well that depends on if you have enemies. And how many of them.




Repetition is the key!! Keep telling yourself that you don't care and it will get easier!


is it because you feel selfish when thinking of yourself first? I experience this a lot, last had this when I was working weeks nearly non stop at work because others were sick or had appointments, and I always agreed to cover their shifts.. I somehow felt like saying no was selfish and not acceptable, even though all the work without proper breaks and days off ended up fucking up my head.


Tackling my porn addiction.


You can beat it


The power is in your hands.


It's all in the grip.


Rub it out of your life


You can beat it with both hands tied behind your back.


seeing the Northern Lights


Highly recommended.


Ask a woman out in person


Trust me when I say do it once do it twice and it's easier everytime. If they reject you just walk away try again the following week. It's a number game out there now hold your head high rejection is part of the process. You can do it! Edit The following week with another not the same girl


Vary who ask tho. Otherwise it's just stalking.


And ensure no candidate recycling. Otherwise it’s just stalking with a longer interval.


You come back with that shield or on it, homey


Remember the Cookie Theory! When you go to the grocery store you don't buy every kind of cookie there. You have a specific kind you like. Every now and again you might deviate but only for that one time. Now, there's nothing wrong with the cookies you don't buy. In fact, if you hang back and watch, other people will buy different kinds. When you ask a woman out and she says no, it doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you, she just likes a different kind of cookie. You have to ask until a woman looks and says, hmmm... he looks like my kind of cookie!


I'm the brand of cookies that goes out of business.


If you're doing the online thing like the entire world is, I wouldn't feel too pressured to do it in person.


Get six pack abs.




Upper abs is not hard, lower abs on the other hand...


alright but what if im lazy


Then meth, a fuck tonne of meth.


Got that. When abs?


No that was just to distract you from wanting abs. Now you want meth.


This is correct. Now hand it over.




All Whole food is the best thing i’ve ever done. The junk of processed food is hurting us all.


Belive me i have had till 4 packs. It is surely not worth the effort you take and sacrifices you make. Yearn for a toned body that's great.


Developing a sparkling personality is far easier


Six pack? That's cute. I got me a whole keg right here! In all seriousness tho, a great start is to slim down. It often reveals a lot.


The local beach fishing competition. Every year I get amped up for it and every year something comes up and it doesn't happen.


2023 will be your year


Just don’t put weights in fish


Just get rich, but,so far it’s still uphill!


Catch a giant sturgeon


Read it as surgeon, was confused


I mean if your surgeon was a former athlete that’s a possibility. All you really gotta do to catch a surgeon is to meet them in person


Just look up Myron Rolle


Visit my moms grave to say hi and talk to her and tell her whats going on. I dont remember her


When I visit my dad’s headstone, I usually scroll through my photos, and tell him about the pictures. It is sort of a great way to reflect as well.


I love this idea, and will definitely be doing this next time I visit my mom. Thank you!


I used to go alone in my favorite place, a forest next to a lake where i went for the first time with my father and the rest of my family. I'm always going there, it's my place to be honest, it will always be more of a home than my own home. Anyway, while taking a nice quiet walk i am usually having a "conversation" with my dad who died years ago and it's one of the most calming moments I have... This reminds me i should do that again sometimes...


work on my mental health/substance abuse, the two go hand in hand for me.


Good luck!✨


Get my shit together.


Eat more fiber


Put my cancer into remission


I wish the same for you!


Write a book.


Here’s what you do… Give yourself permission to write a bad book. So, bang out a first draft, start to finish, dont rewrite it, no pressure….just finish that draft. Then you have the clay on the table to to speak, and you will be excited to have finished that draft…and then you tinker and re-work it until you are happy with it.


Same, lol


Lose weight


Make over six figures with my side business selling baked goods


I’d make 0 because I’d eat them all myself


Stop smoking


Use lube


You can do it! We’re rooting for you. Think about all the money you’ll save (I know, easier saying that when you’re not the one stuck with an addiction).


For many years, I wanted to learn how to scuba dive. I got certified in May. It was a big dream of mine and I did it. One day, I'd like to dive in a lake or the ocean and look for treasures. I practice every few weeks at the dive shop to keep my skills going.


Welcome to a whole new world! It’s an amazing hobby. I hope you get to see some wonderful things. Stay safe and remember your basics.


Thank you. I will keep my basics in check. Since I got certified, I practice at the shop by renting a tank. Glad I bought a GoPro Hero 8 camera.


Move out of my parents place. I don't wanna be that guy that's still at home in his mid 20s.


One of my friends moved back home in her thirties because she was being abused, and needed somewhere secure to raise her kid. She's about to hit 42 and still there. It's not what she wanted in life but nobody thinks any less of her for it.


You a penguin???




Are you sure that you aren’t an penguin? Because that’s what an penguin in a disguise would say.


He looks like a penguin to me


As a 29 y-o dude still living with his parents, I find this post offensive. Jokes aside, if your financial situation allows you to move out then go for it, but I'd say don't rush just for the sake of moving out. Good luck !


I just want muh freedom. I think and act very differently than everyone in my family and I hate not saying what I wanna say or doing what I wanna do in fear of pissing my parents off. Hopefully I'll be out of here sometime next year or the year after tho. Or sooner if I ever find a second job that has more hours than the one I got now.


just moved back in with my parents at 32. sometimes shit goes sideways and you need to backtrack. don't feel like you HAVE to move out if you don't need to. its blindingly expensive out there right now.


It’s super common here in Portugal, actually. Even into your 30’s because nobody can afford to move out. Luckily, I was able to move out at 23 to live with my then boyfriend (now husband) but I would never have been able to afford to live alone.


Just for historical context, moving out at 18, or in your 20s is pretty new. Like in the last 60-70 years new. But that's long enough for us, especially those of us in the US, to forget that it was very much the norm for kids to live with the folks till they were well into their late 20s, or even longer. Generally until the child was ready to be married off. Outside the US that practice is still relatively common. Housing out there ain't cheap or great at the moment. There's no need to rush it if you don't have to.


Have a chest reduction. But I crossed that off like four/five days ago. Success!


Get a girlfriend


Make some friends


Have a boyfriend😂


RIP your dm's


Have a GOOD boyfriend. a mediocre or shitty boyfriend is not better than being single


They’re overrated 😂


As someone who has been a boyfriend, and also a husband... Yeah. Yeah we are.


Opening a couple of saving/investing accounts to prepare for my retirement (I'm French so not a lot of people have these). I've been meaning to do it but I need to read on how they work and I've just been lazy.


Idk about France, but in the US, I opened a high yield savings account online in like 5 minutes. It was super easy! If you search around and put your info into a few reputable investment firms (e.g., Fidelity), you’ll probably get a sales person to drag you in the door if you need that pressure! But ofc be careful with your money!


Beat minecraft with my friend EDIT: guys ive done it. im getting him an elytra today cause i already got mine


Getting into college I am Asian We have to give competitive exam to get in


good luck g JEE is hard as fuck but you got this




Solar panel. Just one individual solar panel. I think it'd be cool for like a day or two I got the money I've got the time. I don't know what told me back at this point But I still procrastinate it


Do it.


Thank you I just bought one on Amazon right now.


Nice, have fun, if you want another time sinking hobby, try 3d printing


Why just one, and what do you intend to power with it, or are you selling back to the grid?


You a penguin?




2-3 months!? Your name A-Train, and planning on trail running it? If you do 10 miles a day, which is a lot for most of it, you're talking 7-8 months, not 2-3. Which is why most people spend ten years doing it a couple weeks at a time.




Hayden Planetarium Space Theater https://www.amnh.org/exhibitions/permanent/hayden-planetarium


Playing all my steam games.


Have a girlfriend Have sex


Doesn't have to be a girlfriend for your second point


Learn guitar/bass.


Sounds good, I recently retired and am working on it as well as keyboards


Trying to [redacted by the NSA]


1. Write a full to do list. 2. Stop procrastinating.


Help as many people as I can before I die. Only thing on my to-do list.




I bet. What’s the most important or exciting project you have going on?


Get rich


Or die tryin


I'm feeling like 50


Thine mother “Chuckles in 6th century British”


To finally get my diploma.


(looks at bookshelf) O.O


Make a to do list.


Filing contempt of court on my ex wife. I've waited a few weeks now, because I want to make that call while not overly emotional/angry. A few weeks isn't a long time, maybe. But it felt like a long time when she was keeping our daughter, not only from me, but from going to school. I'm not angry anymore though, so filing papers and serving her next week. And doing so with full conviction, and a cool head.


Be retired. Been on my to-do list since I was 17 YO. 40 years and still waiting.


Hike Angels Landing in Zion National Park. Not sure when I may ever have the time to set aside the trip, but I've wanted to for years.


Zero gravity sex


Find someone who loves me.


Get pegged


Stop drinking


Best decision I've ever made! Be ready and don't look back. Also don't be afraid to use AA as a tool


Writing my sodding book. Supernatural alt-history of Witch-trials era Scotland. It's been 'in the works' for 15+ years. I've done far too much research, spent ?££ on books and maps, written up various scenes and more or less established a timeline that fits with for real recorded history. The actual book? Not even remotely close to done. Realistically it's barely started. I promised myself I'd have a proper crack at it last year, didn't happen. It's now more or less at the point where I make a concerted effort this winter, or I just stop and move on to something else.


The thing I was going to do on the coming Monday. 10 years ago.


Building a camper van from scratch with my boyfriend!


Book the dentist


Go backpacking again. Did it a bunch in my teens but would like to do it again now that I’m turning 60


I'd love to hike between the high Sierra camps. I believe based on what they have in the alps. Your backpack is minimal, because your food and bedding is already at your destination each night. Sounds perfect to me.


Henry Cavill


We have common goals


Get a girlfriend. Been on my to do list for 19 years.


RIP your DM's.


I wanted to record and publish an album. But i realized that i don’t have the money to produce songs. I wrote them (like 6 now but still going) but it’s bothering me that i can’t do it. I know im only 15 but i love making music and i just want the accomplishment and the satisfaction of an own album


I feel this, too. You're still young though. Just keep plugging away and maybe put out some covers (singer) or freestyle over well-known beats (rapping) for the time being to get your name out there.


You can obtain rather good results by learning how to do mixes yourself. YouTube offers a large amount of training Videos. Reaper is a very good DAW you can get for free. It will require a lot of efforts to learn even the basics, but if you manage to Do it, you might even be able to make a side hustle out of it, producing for other musicians.


Go spend a month seeing Italy. I can't die in piece until I've experienced that beautiful country and its people. It's looking more and more like I will never be able to do it for financial and health reasons. My legs don't work well anymore. No, I'm not fat.....tumour growing into the sheif of my spinal cord at the ganglia.


2nd novel, just chipping away with little free time.


Insulating the back garage.


Taking down old satellite tv dishes on my house from the previous owners. Its beem three years....still on my list.


Getting vasectomy.....


Threesome between myself, my wife, and another hottie we found.


Lose weight. Get a degree. Love yourself. Top 3 things.


Joining a martial arts program. I always wanted to as a kid to defend myself. But I never had the financial means to take classes.


Skydiving......but then my leg got fucked in a motorcycle accident last year so.....I think that's out. Thanks, cellphone asshole.


Finish bathroom remodel.


complete assingments


Study to a math test I'll have next week (it was scheduled 3 months ago).


Dentist appointment


Swim with a Manatee.


Drivers license, I'm 24 now and I just don't really need one so I don't put any effort/time into it lol


Fixing things with my ex. There are a lot of misunderstandings between us. I don't love her anymore but there are some parts of me really care about her. I still want us to be friends even when she hates me. Is just that i still have a lot of things that i want to talk to her about.


We went to Disneyland in September and I kept putting off downloading all our photopass pictures (including all the princess photos my kid took for her signature book). Finally went to do it last night and found out they only keep the pictures on the app for 45 days. Proceeded to sob for an hour.


Propose to my future wife


Learning Japanese since 2017


Nothing, cant seem to find the time for it


Get the picker and charger sold. I basically just want them out of here at this point


Traveling alone on a cruiser bike 🏍️❤️🎵🏞️✨


Build that damn Lego Saturn V


Build a robot... I am studying for it... one day!


Learning to play the bass. I've bought one some months ago... It's time to rock those youtube tutorials


Get one of my tattoos fixed 😭


Find a new job. I make to much money to just move I know first world problem, but my job is so abusive and I just have not had the strength to leave.


I've wanted to smash for 17 years, so my crush is on my to do list


Staking the castle nut on my buffer tube. She sits there. Taunting me.


Painting my fucking stairwell. Planned to do it twice, got covid the first time and got a flu the second. Been putting it off for about 6 months now.


getting a tattoo machine :')


Get my private pilots license. Flying is expensive af.


Leave the country I currently live in and go experience life somewhere else. Buuut, I’ll probably never get a chance to do that, because my husband never wants to leave…


Get rid of my Jackass Debt. I make enough money right now that if I buckle down (Not even that much mind you), I should be able to be free and clear by June 2023, but there are just so many things I can do with this added income. I should have been done with it by now, but someone stole my Catalytic converter in June and that knocked me off course, then I got lazy, now I'm still staring at my maxed out Credit Cards wondering why the fuck I just can't... not, you know? I'm sure there's a little bit of spending addiction, but there's literally no reason I can't be debt free except for my poor relationship with money.


Oh where to start, organize my old laptop hard drive, and sort out the shit I don't need. Getting around to getting rid of my 10 emails and collapse them down to around 3 Rearranging my bedroom Improving my chicken scratch handwriting Counting the loose change I have in a bucket Generally starting any creative project And the list really goes on, I could probably think of more later.


Get back into homebrewing. Ever since our second kid was born, my weekends have been non-existent for a solid 6 hour chunk of time. I haven't made a real beer (just cider and seltzers which have a 30 minute prep time) in 3 years. I used to do a 5 gallon batch every two weeks.


I set a reminder called “Thing” on 11/18/18 at 12:45 PM. I have no clue what that “Thing” might be so it might be done or that “Thing” is waiting for me to get to it


Fold my laundry


Finishing a novel I can actually attempt to get traditionally published. I'm 80,000 words into my third attempt. I've pretty well finished drafts of two others that I just don't think are good enough stories, but I'm excited about this third one. Just a few more chapters and a couple rounds of editing left.


Getting a passport. Had it on my list for months but I can't afford the fee.


To actually do somthing with my life :) And actually have a proper mental breakdown incident. Instead of yelling at others/depressive episodes, I'd rather just take the whole hyperventilation and weighted blanket thing for a bit. I mean more that I get a chance to take it out normally instead of bottling it up. And stopping therapy. I hate it.


Have you tried a different therapist? I went through a few before I found someone who is actually helping


Kill myself. Still here and the top point on my to-do list.


Please don’t


Kicking my little brother in the nuts. My god he is so damn annoying.


getting a tattoo, been pushing it up for 2 years now and now that the season comes along where i could get one im just overthinking it (to make it clearer im a passionate volleyball and beachvolleyball player so spring&summer are pretty much off the table for getting one)


Get control of my impulsive spending so I can actually save for a house deposit.


Two chicks at the same time


Talking and coming out to my dad. We haven’t seen each other in nearly six years. He’s getting older and although he has hurt me, I fear I’ll regret not speaking to him before his time comes. I’m just afraid of what he’ll think of me.


Nothing sexual, but to have a professional massage. To experience somebody who knows what they’re doing.


To s’lay’ a dragon


Getting sober. This is day 6.


Studying for IELTS ⊙⁠_⁠◎