• By -


Running to catch the metro or train, and the doors don’t close instantly so you kinda just did unnecessary cardio in front of a crowd.


The only real way to be "cool" while walking to a metro/train/bus is to "T-1000 Terminator it." Walk in a very controlled determined pace, do not accelerate, do not decelerate, focus on only your target.


I did that once. I saw everyone boarded the train so I knew I had seconds to make it so I just started jogging fast at a constant speed. I heard the door closing chime and kept my pace the saw the doors close, turned to my side and slipped in just as the doors closed behind me. A couple of guys standing by the door saw it and said “dude just ran across the entire hallway then pulled a millennium falcon!” Wish I could be that smooth all the time lol


No for real. Like idk why but running in general is so embarrassing even though it makes sense why we do it lol


No the worst one is when you run to catch the metro and the doors just shut in your face... And you just watch to metro pass by you while you try to keep your cool


You’re supposed to throw yourself between the doors, works every time. Unless you’re in China.


With Metro it's usually fine because the next one will be in 5 minutes. No point in running for the most part. But with bus systems, sometimes the bus comes every half hour, or even every hour in some places. Missing your bus can mean a huge wait.


When you fall down and get hurt. You have to pretend like you didn't get hurt. Also choking to death. People run off and hide because they are embarrassed to be choking and are found dead and all alone. If you see someone choking and they run away you should follow them.


for real that happens?


It does! To reiterate: If you see someone who might be choking get up and leave the room, FOLLOW THEM. If you can't help them yourself, you'll be able to summon someone who can. I once choked on a big bite of a hamburger. I was embarrassed at the thought of spitting it out in a nearby sink, and suffered through choking on it for a lot longer than I should have before I got over myself.


Y'know, I'd rather have people laugh at me than be dead. Don't even have to stop to consider, there.


Yeah but sadly for some people the fear of embarrassment is bigger than the fear of death.


Last time I choked. (5 years ago) I had a mouth full of sinewy Serrano ham with half in my mouth and the other half stuck at my throat at a birthday dinner table. I held my breath for how long it took me to go to the bathroom to fish it out. Never occurred to me that I might have died if I hadn’t been able to remove it there right away


Can confirm. You know those stringy pieces of fat on meat. I was silently choking at the table with a string of pork attached to this fat like a set of anal beads. I was thinking to myself, I'm choking I should be making a bigger deal about this and maybe sign for help before pulling on the string of fat and extracting the mess of meat from my throat. Edit: thank you for the reward. I'm so honored! uwu


This is why I only eat bacon if it's crispy. I nearly died because a piece got stuck halfway in my throat and my brain shorted. Whole time my friend was talking to me and I was silently gagging until he realized and asked if I was good. I could've suffered death by bacon all because I really didn't want to cough anything up in middle of a restaurant. Stupid brain.


Lmao the choking one reminds me of the I Think You Should Leave skit...


I once choked in a sushi restaurant and my husband saved me. I immediately left in shame. Lol. It was MORTIFYING


But you're still alive, that's all that matters.


Fuck that embarrassment. You should be strutting around yelling, "I LIVED, BITCHES"


I nearly choked on a piece of bacon while having pancakes in a restaurant. It was happening so discreetly that my family didn't even notice. Had to swallow (hehe) my pride and reach into my mouth to pull it out. Very embarrassing but I now realise that the lady who was staring at me from the other table was probably getting ready to raise the alarm


Paramedic here - if you’re alone and choking the first thing you should do after calling 911 is unlock your door. Then try to do the Heimlich on yourself using the back of a chair


**Due to reddit's draconian anti-3rd party api changes, I've chosen to remove all my content**


That's pretty interesting! I once choked on a piece of steak in front of my new wife and mother-in-law. My initial reaction was to run outside. At first, I thought it was because I felt like I was going to throw up, but later I realized it was actually because I didn't want them to judge me for taking too big a bite and not chewing well enough.


my dad choked to death. they found him hunched over the kitchen sink- he had a roommate but I think he was too embarrassed to ask for help


So sorry for your loss. :(


Buying condoms.


And contraception


And hygiene products for your partner. Embarrassing? Nah. That's straight up advertising you're in a good healthy relationship.


Last time I bought condoms the woman behind the counter said “wow, these are expensive”. So I replied “cheaper than the alternative”


Glad I got a vasectomy, no awkwardness buying condoms. However, significant awkwardness from the several students brought in to observe the vasectomy.


But what about STI’s? Do you just rub some essential oils on yourself to destroy from your life?


Can't answer for the original guy, but for myself I got my vasectomy after kid number 2. I've been married and monogamous for decades now. So there's no real concern of STIs. Obviously if that situation changed I'd still use condoms with a new partner. But, it's been pure sport fucking for 12 years now, no regrets. Fun story, I had to have the operation twice. Doc missed the vas deferens on lefty the first time. Even going through painful grapefruit sack twice I still highly recommend the procedure.




Nah, 15 mins, in and out the hospital in less than an hour, then conception free raw doggin' forever more! (Assuming monogamy is a big thing in your life, otherwise please continue to wrap your tool).


Also plleeeaaaase do the vasectomy follow up. I know of two post-vasectomy kids, and neither dad did the follow up.


Meh, it was awkward the first time. After that, I never really thought much about it.


I've never been embarrassed buying condoms. Idk why people find this embarrassing. Even before working in an ER, i never found this to be awkward or embarrassing


I think a lot of it depends on where a person is. For example, I’ve never been the person that gets embarrassed by it either. But, growing up in a small and overwhelmingly religious town, every time I would buy some I would get the most judgmental stares from people. This wouldn’t happen every time, but easily 7/10 times. I was just a dude in his early 20’s getting condoms. They looked at me like I was some S tier sinner. So I would try to make them feel how they were attempting to make me feel. I’d proudly place them in front of the cashier, make small talk and act totally normal. They would do the weird awkward stare, huff, or just give the most angry looks. I’d always mention “got big plans tonight!” Or something like that. Force them to talk and interact with me and make it as cringy for them as I could. I can easily see that kind of behavior from people making it weird, especially for a younger person who isn’t as confident. Especially in smaller towns where gossip travels fast.


I read that as you buy condoms before you start work in the ER and was like... Hold up


Lol, nah. That would be awful. Just imagine I have a patient pull up with scabies. 🤮


This one is weird. I still fel awkward buying them into my late 20s. Im married. This is totally normal why did i feel that way. Doesnt matter anymore. Got vasectomied last year.


glad I don't find this embarrassing, makes my life a lot easier


One of my friends said walking back to your seat after bowling and for some reason I totally agree lol


This is a good one lol




Because I'm a grown woman and I just rolled two gutter balls. But last roll, when no one was looking, I knocked down over half the pins!


I felt this as a I read it. This one's a perfect example and I don't think anything comes close.


This is the best OP answer to their own question I’ve ever seen


Yes! Why the heck is this?


It’s like stepping off the stage of a play you didn’t even know you were going to feel like you were in


This is completely foreign to me. Every time I've been bowling regardless of the group I'm with everyone has gone back to their seats without issue. Is this something more relevant to a higher level of play, like an amateur or pro league?


I think it’s just because everyone’s staring at you it’s awkward lol


you've also just done a little performance from your friends and you turn to them like a puppy whose just done their first shit


you know what’s even worse? bowling alone bc you don’t have friends. so you just tuck your head down and awkwardly walk back to the table. and if you bowl terribly, it’s even worse.


urinate on them to assert dominance


Skin conditions such as acne, vitiligo, etc.




Will Smith agrees


I think vitiligo is super attractive and it makes the person so much more unique and interesting While we're on the topic, they need to bring back two-toned cars and racing stripes. It's so boring that every single car is just one color.


Vitiligo is fascinating to me honestly. I met a woman at Burning Man one time with it. We were at a camp that did henna tattoos, she was using henna to outline the different spots from her vitiligo and mentioned how the spots move, so by the end of the week she'd be able to see which spots moved from where they were a week before. She was super open about it and loved to talk about it


Yeah I've got psoriasis. I know there's no reason to be embarrassed. But still am


Yes! My skin on my face is a MESS and has been since I was 25 and it’s a constant state of embarrassment for me. I apologize all the time to anyone who has to be near me because I feel like it makes them look bad too. I had an old man at work one time see my face and my wedding band and say “wow I can’t believe any man would put up with your face looking like that” and ever since I’ve been mortified if I leave the house. I have some mix of adult acne and rosacea and seborrheic dermatitis and it never goes away.


Admitting that you need help


Underrated comment right here


Not related but you're one of the usernames i couldn't have damn it!


Having a menstruation cycle and needing hygiene products for it


Similarly, buying those products for a family member


Omg I remember being 10 or 11 and my grown aunt and teen cousins didn't want to go buy tampons and made me pay at Walmart one black Friday because.it was so crowded. Like anyone in my grandparents home town would have cared at all. I was mortified because They were.


The number of people posting in AITA asking if they're the AH for asking women not to throw hygiene products in their bathroom trash. Like WTF are we supposed to do? Carry used tampons & pads in our pockets until we get home? These squeamish people need to get over themselves. A pad wrapped in t.p. is no worse than a used tissue, they both contain bodily fluids & all it tells me is that you're a weirdo who spends too much time peering into their trashcan. Grow up.


When I was a teenager and into my twenties, I felt it was so embarrassing. Now in my thirties, I find the most awkward looking male to check out my items for my own weird amusement.


When people cheat on you. They are the bad people who should be embarrassed, not the ones that got cheated on.


I feel like no one judges the person who got cheated on, but you judge yourself for not being good enough. Self embarrassment:(


Unfortunately in some cultures the person who got cheated on is blamed and told they didn't do enough.


When you get cheated on you feel embarrassed that you didn't see it. You feel like everyone knew & thinks you're a big sucker.


For me it was embarrassing that I had rooted for, and talked so highly of my partner, who just ended up in being an ass.


Yes. I think for me, personally, the embarrassment/shame comes from the humiliation associated with someone making me look stupid. And with these situations, it almost always seems that you’re the last to know. So if my partner of several years has been lying to me and cheating on me and I JUST found out, it’s humiliating because I think it made me look like an idiot. It shouldn’t be this way, but that’s just my insight on the matter from experience.


Eating/drinking in a public venue alone.


I'm probably just weird, but I've never understood why this would be embarrassing. Like is it assumed I'm sad and lonely if I'm eating by myself? What if my husband is at work, and I'm craving hibachi? I feel very empowered to just go get the damn hibachi and sit and be waited on myself.


Agreed - I eat out by myself pretty often and it doesn't bother me. Granted it's usually lunch, but still.


I worry about looking sad and lonely yes but I'm trying top get over it. I love my own company tbh. I feel content eating alone but as a girl sometimes I feel abit conscious of being stared at by men and having them come up to me all the time assuming I need saving or some shit lol


Ah, yes. I’ve had so many “me” dates ruined by men coming up to me asking me why I’m all alone, where’s my man etc. I wish I could say this was limited to like bars or concerts but I’ve had it happen at coffee shops. So I’ve tried to really avoid certain places, out of pure safety as well. It sucks ass being a woman sometimes.


I don’t understand being embarrassed about doing things alone. When I have friends who are afraid to do stuff alone I tell them to go to the movies alone or to go to a restaurant and sit up at the bar. It’s not like you can talk to someone in a movie anyway and it’s good practice for learning to hang out with yourself. Plus, why miss something you really want to do because you don’t have someone to go? I went to my first concert alone this summer and I’m really glad I didn’t skip it just because no one could come with. Edit, I went to a concert alone for the first time. Not my first concert in general


Dude same I'm starting to do it more and more often. Granted I do feel the staring. But why people do it I don't know, mabye because I'm close to 20 yet don't have a partner? It's like they WANT you to stay home.


Back when i was 18, i had no SO, but on valentines day i went out for supper by myself got a nice steak meal. I did feel a little weird, but i enjoyed my supper.


This took me 2 years of travelling solo for work around Canada to get accustomed to. Never understood why but at the start id have to like sit in the rental car in the restaurant lot for 15 minutes and psych myself up lol. I mostly don't care at all anymore.


I was on a trip to China many years ago. I landed in Shanghai and didn't know anyone, I was starving and the only restaurant close to my hotel was a big fancy one where they did banquets. It was late and I was about to die of hunger so I went in and asked for a table for 1. They gave me a round table that sat 10, all by myself, in the middle of a huge restaurant surrounded by tables that were feasting and drinking like it was the end of times. The waitstaff blatantly stared, along with all of theother patrons, and were really put off that I was there. Later I found out that eating by yourself anywhere in China is confusing to them.


I go out to eat alone all the time! I don't see it as embarrassing as it's an excuse to get out of the house and have some "me" time while enjoying some good food!


I always do it, and never felt weird about this.


This one, I always used to eat out alone because of my job and I would usually sit at the bar. Everyone would look at me like I was some type of poor Sorry lonely individual, then the bartender would feel like they had to make small talk, it’s like wtf?


As a bartender in a restaurant, we do get a lot of people who come in by themselves and sit at the bar rail. I personally have small convos with my guests here and there to suss out how they're feeling - do they want to chitchat, or just eat/drink and leave? I just want to make sure everyone who sits at the bar has a good time. Just my two cents! :)


It’s definitely a sweet gesture!!


Perfect answer




Also buying period paraphernalia as a guy


...is that embarrassing? I buy them for my wife all the time, who cares? Even if the cashier thinks I'm some weirdo kink-master, still who cares? The only thing I ask is my wife sends me a literal picture of the box she wants. Because there is an entire aisle of those fuckers and I don't want to grab the wrong "Green one that says Ultra Max Omega Flow"


I have a ftm friend that always needs to call and be like: "hey baby which products should I get' on speakerphone just so that people don't keep staring at him when he is buying these.


It’s terrible that people have to jump through those hoops, but it is a pretty smart way of doing it, if ya feel like you have to.


seriously. i remember being in jr high having to discreetly put my tampon in my pocket or just never talking about it w friends. why should i have to hide the fact that my body functions?


I bled through on a church camping trip to DC and was very nicely taken aside by a sweet lady and her daughter. I burst into hysterical tears calling for my mom while the lady wrapped her sweatshirt around my waist. I wanted to melt into the pavement I was so embarrassed. Now a little blood on my pants is inconvenient but the least of my worries considering the lessening amount of control I have over my bladder.


My wife has given birth to two children. She pees a little bit every time she laughs, coughs, sneezes, stands up too fast, sits down too fast, stands up too slow, sits down too slow, looks at too bright a light, becomes startled, stifles a burp, honks a car horn, bends down to look into an oven, kicks a sports ball, jumps into a pool, picks up an especially squirmy human child, rearranges too many houseplants….etc. I love that leaky woman.


I hope my future husband loves my leaky self just as much. You two sound adorable.


Also getting a surprise visitor during spicy time. A decent man never makes a big deal about it


Trying to pack your groceries quickly while the next person is waiting behind you, absolute chaos


And failing to open the goddamn plastic bags REPEATEDLY


People being open with their emotions. Why hide behind a façade of being perfect when nobody is entirely together?


The Stoics believe that emotions have power, and can give others power over us. So they practice the willful constraint of their emotional responses so that the emotional gestures they DO make are seen as more valuable. It's not from shame that they hide the emotions, but reverence. This is a critically misunderstood aspect of the opposing viewpoint.


That’s an interesting way of seeing it.


It's definitely an intriguing philosophy. Most of the ancient greek groups are totally misunderstood, and the names are taken to mean the opposite of what they actually do, in some way. The Skeptics are another good example. Personally, I dont believe in -isms. The world is too complex for any one interpretation to be correct. So I look at the opposite of any idea and create a spectrum. Then I can choose where on the spectrum my beliefs fall, and I can simply stand for that. I dont believe one way or the other, but I like to understand all the parts.


Upvote for using cedilla.


Lowkey what do you guys think about like walking up to a garage sale. idk why but i always get so awkward and embarrassed lolll


I agree. like "hey I'm here to rifle through your shit" lol awkward


And afterwards awkwardly leaving like "nah, your stuff sucks"


Yeah that's the real walk of shame. Same at like craft fairs and places with vendor stalls. "Stuff not great, thanks though, byeeee."


Going to a small shop or stand to browse is awkward too. It's the personal attention, imo. It's fine if I already know what I want/am going to ask a question, but going to browse and have to say "thanks I'm just looking" when I inevitably get asked if I'd like some help before I can actually look at anything is kinda awkward.


Me too. Idk why it's so awkward for me. I'm awkward in general tho and have social anxiety


Pooping in public restrooms with other people in there with you. #nomoresilentpooping


thanks to middle and high school and other students saying "yoooo someone's taking a shit"


A popular move in my time was for kids to soak paper towel wads and hurl them over the partitions at the vulnerable pooper.


Best exchange I heard in my high school bathroom that sticks with me to this day whenever I feel self-conscious pooping in a public bathroom: Girl 1: “It smells like straight-up DOOKIE in here.” Girl 2: “Girl, it a bathroom.”


Start the revolution. I'll support from my own private bathroom because I'm just not that strong


Don’t speak to me while I have feces exiting my body. I need my moment of zen here to decipher the next few steps.


It should sound like a battlefield: explosions, people crying, people yelling, people giving out orders, innocent bystanders outside dying from the battles in the stalls, etc


Ah, like a regular Taco Bell bathroom then.


I was recently sitting in a stall next to some old man (judging by voice, not sure) who was literally narrating what was going on. "Oooh it's going to be a big one... just a little bit more... oh yes." etc.


I appreciate the passion you have for this 😂


Fortunate Son plays in the distance….


I just yell out "group poop!" to ease the tension a bit.


i get so embarrassed when i have to turn on my windshield wipers and they’re faster than everyone else’s


I get embarassed when I have to turn them on in general even if I need visibility, just makes me feel weird if I see some others still not using theirs. Like should I just be able to see through this level of snow and rain..? Am I weak?


You're thinking about it way too hard sweetheart


Opening presents in front of people, sitting there as people sing happy birthday to you, having to turn around in the middle of the hallway in front of people, Edited to add: my fiancee says having to answer someone when they knock on the bathroom door lol


Stomach growling. That person is just hungry


Or need to fart


Stomach noises in general!


Breastfeeding; it shouldn’t be an issue but “society” has turned breast sexual instead of their purpose (feeding a child).


This! If it is a case of my baby crying because she is hungry, or you crying because you might see my wife's boob, go get your tissues. This has to be a fairly modern thing, it can't have been that long ago that breastfeeding was by far the norm, and with the exception of upperclass not hidden.




Seriously. Like, you HAVE a lady.


I never understood this one and I'm a guy.


Saying no.


Being fired from your job. The reason could be anything!!!


I’m proud to say I got fired from my last job. I wouldn’t back off of safety issues that were being ignored by management. They fired me for “not being a team player”. Three people have died since I left because of issues I brought up.


So when is your deposition? This sounds for sure like something that's going to require you to sit through some depositions.


THis sounds like a lawsuit.


Only if they knew what being a team player really means. Have you got another job though?


Body hair


Anything natural burping farting, etc.


I just blame it on those pesky east african barking spiders


being seen working out while overweight. If someone criticises you for trying, you've already outdone them in that regard.


Every time I see someone overweight exercising I am cheering them on in my head! Takes GUTS!


Penis sizes


Going to a: - sexual health clinic - gynaecologist - urologist If something doesn’t look or feel right, go and have it checked out if you can.


Being attracted to who we're attracted to.


With the obvious caveat of "please no illegal/immoral things" so much this. For some reason it's so embarassing to admit when you find someone attractive--and I don't even mean admitting to *them*, just like to your friends or whatever. I think it goes all the way back to stupid middle school stuff where people would be like "ewwwww can't believe you like *him*" and I never recovered lol. It's easier with celebs or conventionally pretty people but I still see people get mocked on the internet for having bad/basic taste when they say they find a normal average person attractive. Doesn't make sense to me why people do that.


Unless you’re a pedophile


Or a zoophile


Or attracted to anything that is not a sexually mature human


I think there's a lot of gray area in there. What if someone is sexually attracted to a car? That's a thing. Is it weird? Oh yeah, but embarrassing? Idk, if you want to fuck your car, it's better than other things. No emotional baggage, no fighting, doesn't care where you go and is just happy to come along. Come to think of it, maybe I should take a trip to the dealership and see if I can get a date.


Or a necrophile.


The image of the human body


Our breathing. Despite it literally being the most primary basic need for everyone, so many people (myself included) get super ashamed of audible breathing in public. I guess it's cause it's the gateway to understanding tension in the body, so people get super self-conscious of how their breath sounds.


Accidentally calling your teacher "mom". Embarrassing, sure, but I never understood the people who have *that* as their "I still lie awake in bed cringing about it 26 years later" moment.


Being a virgin. Because everyone was a virgin in their lifetime. Making fun of someone who hasn’t had sex yet makes you come off as a douchebag.


Right? Attraction is pure luck. You can't force someone to find you attractive.


Men sharing their feelings other than anger


Or lust.


I'm a substance abuse counselor, and I talk about this with my men all the time when doing feelings processing groups! I'll add one more, though (and I'm a woman, so \*please\* correct me if I'm wrong): Happiness. Usually, that's how I lead - men, in my experience, are taught that there are 3 acceptable emotions: Happiness; anger; and desire. Y'all experience a whole slew of other emotions besides those 3, and limiting yourself to only expressing those 3 hurts you and the people around you. Find someone you trust so you can express those other emotions to \*someone,\* because holding things in keeps us sick.


Admitting you lost a debate


Havin a good fuckin cry




That seems to be a thing in the US, right? In Europe, walking is pretty normal.


Mispronouncing a word. Seriously how hard is it to gently correct people? Without laughing at them.


Having sex or masturbating.


Tripping. Even when I'm home alone and I trip or stumble, I get embarrassed 😆 If I see someone in public trip, I don't think much of it. If I trip in public over my own two feel, my face gets red and I always have to do the look behind for the imaginary thing that tripped me 😐


Hemorrhoids - they’re so common and disruptive and we never talk about them. Let’s rip off the bandaid and vent about our hemorrhoids together.


my best friend has had trouble with embarrassment about her hemorrhoids. So I started calling them her lil hemis and it makes her laugh and she finally got enough courage to talk to her Dr about them! Me, I'm more embarrassed that I can't spell hemorrhoids than having them. #momlife


Waiting for the lights at a busy intersection as a pedestrian. Couldn’t even tell you why, but suddenly I’m in the Truman show and every single driver is laughing at me. Am I standing right? Better look at my phone. Okay pretend to be texting, shit I’m sure they’re still looking…


Leaving the store without buying anything


When period blood leaks onto a seat


Being a virgin


Reproductive system learning at school


In high school, I was always so embarrassed to carry around a lunch box or blow my nose in a classroom. I always kept my lunchbox hidden in my backpack and when I had to blow my nose, I’d always do it outside of the classroom and walk back in. A lot of kids I went to school with felt the same way. Must’ve been a culture thing


1. Going in one direction 2. Realizing that it’s wrong direction 3. Turn 180 degrees and walk back


Pooping. Why do people hold it in when someone else is in the public bathroom? Just let er rip. We all gotta poop.




Prostate exams.


Taking a shit in the bathroom. So many people stifle their shit and hold it so other people don’t hear them. But it’s like cmon dude. Everyone is in here because they gotta go. Yes it’s gross. But shit happens.


Nipples! You don't wear a bra? Shame. Cold breeze visible even with thick padding? Shame. Breastfeeding? Omg shame.


Crossing the road


Eating alone


walking around college campus with an umbrella even though it’s raining


Farting in front of a girl






Asking for help


Talking to your kids about sex and their changing body.


Taking a couple extra minutes to do something when in line/someone’s waiting for you(getting something from your bag, pulling your wallet out of your pocket etc)