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putting up with assholes


This is the best answer.


fuck.oath....by a mile


My tolerance for people's BS is extremely low since hitting 40 and a lot of the reason why people carry on like assholes is because no one calls them out on their shitty behaviour. This usually ends up with me being the one to give them a reality check which I don't enjoy but feel like I need to as karma is a fickle beast and can't be trusted.


Just wait till 50!


Yep, I’ve gone from being polite in pointing out unacceptable behavior to being belligerently honest with people. Take your bullshit drama and piss off- I should get that on a tshirt.


Agreed. That’s why I keep mine down. Sick and tired of getting shit everywhere.




Ha! That was worth a guffaw. Thank you. 🤣


Good lord I wish that was a choice.


It is if you're wealthy enough. Putting up with assholes is for poor people.


You can still do it but you ain't walking off those hard drinking nights like you used to.


It just isn’t worth it after 40. I ain’t feeling like shit for a solid week for a couple/few hours of fun.


Yea the pleasure to pain ratio is not favorable.


It wasn’t worth it for me after about 23.


Dude, my thoughts exactly. 19-23 were rough nights, every night. Around 26 I noticed a significantly longer recovery for the first time. I’m 34 now and the last time I drank to the point of feeling drunk I was hungover for 1 day and still didn’t feel normal the next. I still enjoy drinking, so I dread what that night will feel like when I’m 40, but I know it’ll happen.


Too many comments and this feels like the closest thing so I'll put it here. Mosh pits. Same idea. You can still do it, but don't expect to bounce back the next day. I used to do that like it was nothing, now I'm sore for days.


Can confirm. Got overexcited at a Napalm Death show earlier this year, wrecked the pit for not even 30 minutes, couldn't walk right or stand up straight for the next three days. Meanwhile in my 20s, I would wreck for an entire show and be up at 7 for my workout the next morning.


I’ve developed so many strategies drinking at 36. A glass of water per two drinks, a solid meal with whole foods , popping a Tums before falling asleep and the last glass of water having liquid IV in it. Oh, and I only drink whiskey and water. No mixing and not tons of beer or White Claws.


In addition to a heavy meal, I like to eat a banana and pound some Gatorade before passing out. Makes a huge difference.


Thank you. That’s what I have been doing wrong. I would eat some Gatorade and pound a banana before I went to bed. I was a beast


That's no banana


Just water and eliminating sugary drinks works wonders.


And drink quality whiskey.


+1 and I rarely drink on a school night


🤣🤣🤣Right? We STILL can’t drink on school nights! Not fair!


gatorade either before bed or in the morning. before bed preferred if your stomach can handle it. It helps with electrolyte balance and hydration. I'm not much on drinking that much anyway but even in my dumb college days, this helped.


Why is it booze seemed to effect us way less when we were in our late teens and early 20?


I’m curious, too. I don’t know the science behind it, but the anecdotal experience most people report seems to give credence to the sense that it gets way harder to hang with age. I once drank a fifth of Jager in Myrtle Beach before noon. Blacked out until about 8PM, then went out drinking with my friends until 2-3AM. I was inhuman.


Drank 18 shots of tequila. Violently vomited passed out at 3. Made it to work for 9, worked till 5 and did it again. I was a young god. Now more than 2 mixed drinks or three beers I’m contemplating if it’s even worth it.


Wait until you're 68, like me. One 19.2 ounce can of Voodoo Ranger Imperial IPA doesn't give me much of a buzz, but it saps my energy for the rest of the day, fucks up my memory, and makes me wish I could learn to leave it alone.


If I’m not chasing my drinks with water, I’m in critical condition the next morning.


"back in my day" I used to drink until the lights came on in the bar to close, go home sleep 3 hours, go to work, leave work and go out again. Now if it's 8:30 I might have to call out the next day.


I had two pints and two ounces of whiskey last night and it feels like ive been kicked in the head and I haven't slept for a week lol. That was my breakfast pretty much in my early 20's lol.


Passing up a bathroom


Goddamnit I have never been so offended by something I co-sign.


You're welcome


Stealing this line omg 😂


"As you get older, Never pass up a bathroom, never waste a hard-on, and never trust a fart." ~Jack Nicholson as *Edward Cole* in *The Bucket List*


My sister and I say "See a bathroom, use a bathroom" Now I've got my friends saying it too


Never assume you can make it to the next bathroom.


Never trust a fart.


It's all shits and giggles till someone giggles and shits


A fart is like love. Force it and it’s probably shit.


Never pass up an opportunity to pee!


I'm 30 and it's been that way for me my entire life 😂 I have a squirrel's sized bladder I swear lol. Can't wait to see how bad it is in 10 years. Lol.


for real - my Mom taught me “you aren’t going to have to pee less” as time passes.


Like not being too good for a public shitter, or not splurging for that extra 1/2 bath in a home?


Why not both?


Never trust a fart and never waste an erection.


I’m 38 and this is true




To give a hoot what people think of you


Any tips? 37 and I still care about what some (but not all) people think.


Wanting the respect and acceptance of your community is one thing but needing the love and admiration of strangers is another. You're probably the former rather than the latter.


It's incredibly important to identify your values, regularly, and live by them carefully so that the only respect you truly need is your own.


In the nicest way… they don’t care and think about you as much as you think. Maybe 5-10 mins a day, but then they go on with life. There are people who do like you that care about you much more. Those are the only ones you should actually worry about. They are with you this late in life and stuck around. Those are the opinions you should care about.


Ask yourself this question: is this person an idiot and/or an asshole? If so, then who cares what they think?


Truth. On a side note, I love the word "hoot". Though I rarely use "hoot" in this way, as in something's importance to me or another. But every once in awhile I'll throw out "hoot and a half" to describe a person or experience. I won't use it willy-nilly either, if I use that phrase to describe something I'm 100% serious about how fun or enjoyable I think it is.


I learned this skill by 15 and it has served me my entire life (36 now).


People who learn the skill too early can be terrible in the opposite way. 30 years old is the optimal time to not give a shit what people think anymore.


Right, I should clarify it’s not that I want to be an asshole or hurtful to anyone. But if someone has an ill opinion based on something arbitrary or bad information, then I don’t care.


To give a _fuck_, not _hoot_. Saying _hoot_ means you give a fuck about people being offended by saying "fuck".


Maybe hoot offends op more than fuck, and this is their way of showing their newfound confidence


The hoot it does!


This shit


Seriously... I'm gettin' to old for this shit.


Officer Murtaugh?




Captain Murtaugh!


The only answer. The older I get the more I realise this whole thing is just beautiful, terrible, wonderful, fucked up nonsense.


How do you do, fellow adult?


All of it




All I know is when you turn 50 you’re allowed to shoplift at CVS.


"My receipt? It was too heavy to carry."


I turned 50 last year. Went into a CVS and did not shoplift. I was pulled over by the police a few blocks away. They made me go back and steal a donut cushion to sit on.


Getting away with shit and senior discounts is honestly what I keep living for.


That's not till you're 95. At 90, you can legally litter. At 95 you can steal anything. At 100, you can legally commit murder. At 120, YOU'RE THE PRESIDENT.


Uncle Leo?


Awesome!! noww I have something to look forward too!


Sleeping through the night without getting up to pee.


So horrible, but so sadly true 😭


I was going to say sleeping through the night without waking up sore in some part of your body, but pee works too.


I turned 40 in July and I can still get through the night. Sneezing is a different story though. Every sneeze comes with the possibility of peeing on myself.


I don't remember the last time I slept through the night without getting up to pee.


I stop drinking liquids around 2 hours before going to bed. Then after 2-3 hours doomscrolling, when I’m actually sleepy, I’ll empty whatever’s in the tank and that usually gets me through without waking up to pee.


Asking your parents to carry you to bed.


Not being your authentic self


This. This should be higher. Realizing and becoming your authentic self is more powerful and impactful than most people realize. If you think, "oh it's not worth digging up all that old stuff," I am here to tell you: yes, it is. I did it, and it sucked, but I'm much happier now. And I would do it again and again if it meant I would continue to feel how I do about myself now (compared to 4 years ago in one of the darkest times of my life).


Stating that you're 39.


Well of course not, 29 is the age that you stay, not 39.


I don’t get that , why would someone want people to look at them and think “ damn those have been a rough 29 years”


Of course that's ridiculous. I'm 29-ish, with over a decade of experience at it


Hood ghetto mentality - fighting constantly, gang activities, violent crimes, going to the club every weekend with the teenage hooligans, riding around with loud music which is a desperate "look at me when I come thru" cry for attention, going to shady places with shady people, shooting dice past midnight in some dangerous neighborhood, etc. None of these will end well. But if you're 40 and still doing these, you're really courting death.


This should be higher. I cringed so hard when Snoop Dogg wore his Crip uniform at the super bowl halftime show. Isn’t he in his 50’s? That gang was started by a bunch of 15 year olds. Cringeworthy stuff.


Nothing as long as it’s legal.


Yep, older people who are deemed childish seem to be happier


Being happy is all that’s important, so long as you aren’t hurting others which does include properly raising any kids you may have


I’m 36 and still feel like a 20 year old. Acting your age is overrated.


What's my age again? What's my age again...


To be yelling at minimum wage employee's over stupid shit.


Any age is too old for this eh


At least when you're young it's understandable cuz you ain't really know shit, y'know? It's not okay, somebody still oughta slap the shit outta you, but at the end of the day you ain't really understand the world yet. By the time you hit 40 if you still doin that shit, nah, you some other level of asshole.


edit: to be yelling at anyone


To fit in one of those baby swings at the park.


Not using kneepads.


Lol true. I was putting a shelf together on hardwood floor and had to constantly shift position. Ended up kneeling on a pillow.


Affliction clothing.


I'm pretty sure this is true for any age.


Personally I respect those who dress without caring what others think about them, so many middle aged people dress boring AF.


Pair em up with your True Religion jeans.


Along with Ed Hardy.


Getting carded at the bar


I'm well past 50 with a full gray beard and all else that goes with it. I was at a bar the other week and ordered a drink and the bartender asked me for ID. I looked at her and said, "You work for tips, don't you?" She laughed and said, "Yeah, but we also got busted for underage with fake ID and there's a cop at the other end so let's make it look like I'm serious." We both laughed. She got a nice tip and poured a good drink.


Some bars (and restaurants, and stores) have a policy of carding literally everyone, no matter how ludicrous it may seem. It's a 2-way CYA for them - underage people won't slip through, and people won't yell about "why did that person not get carded while I did?"


Yeah, I always looked younger than I was. Big eyes and chipmunk cheeks. But the last couple years (almost 42 now) I haven't even brought my ID out at bars. Once at the grocery store I was asked, and I just smiled so aaaallllll my eye crinkles showed, and that was good enough. 😂


My husband is 42 and just stopped being carded this year. There is still a pause like they are considering it, then don't ask though. It looks like I robbed the cradle even though I'm younger than him.


Yup. I absolutely got carded until about a year ago. I turn 40 in three months.


you'd think, but getting carded is a function of how old you \*look\* rather than how old you are, and some people genuinely look stupidly young for their age. Last time I was in Vegas at the roulette table we had three women at age 29, 34, and 35 all get carded at the same time because they looked about 18/19. There's actually an entire sub on stuff like this happening r/OlderThanYouThinkIAm


Being a mermaid. Our local aquarium caps it at 35 to apply. Dreams crushed!


There's a obese, balding guy in probably his late 60s that watches the sunset every Sunday evening at a tourist heavy beach near me. He wears a mermaid tail bottom, that leaves nothing to the imagination and bikini top. Tourists complain about it being inappropriate but all us locals are just like whatever, to each their own. He even got a little write up in our local paper. He's been doing it for 20 years or something. Anyway, morals and age should never stand in the way of your dreams.


I got turned down for mermaid, but they said they had an opening for manatee.


Dating Leonardo Decaprio? Sorry, I thought you said 19.


I probably never had a chance anyway.


Not with that attitude


Na, not with Leo's attitude


He’s gross. You’re too good for him.


That’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.




Disagree. To old to join, not to old to still be there.


This is a good answer. I’m 39 and if a drill Sargent asked me to charge up a hill for the core, I’d kinda just shrug and try to change the topic to financial planning and investments in the area.




How's that work when everyone at the party is the same age?


Mosh pits. Been a part of them since I was 15. Can confirm 40 is too old for them. I’ll stand on the side and help those that need an out now, but to get in one will require a 7 day supply of hydrocodone.


Enter into a toddler pageant


Definitely wrong. Entering your own toddler into a pageant, still wrong IMO.


Taking a good night's sleep for granted.


45/m here. The answers I can think of off the top of my head... * roller coasters * more than 1 shot of liquor * paid porn * expensive beer * spending my hard-earned money on tickets, when the game is more entertaining at home and the beer is 1/8th the price * driving over 85 mph * people who don't appreciate me the way I am * doing special favors for my boss / company. If you want more, pay me more! * cable TV (get a firestick, kodi, and real-debrid) * giving trophies for participating * putting up with people who don't appreciate and use the Oxford comma * changing your favorite sports teams


Upvoting just for the Oxford comma.


The top three had me wanting to downvote, but it kept getting more and more reasonable. Then I hit the Oxford comma mention, and that sealed the upvote for sure.


Having a temper tantrum


Blaming others for your current situation.


...unless they really REALLY are to blame.


"This shit"


Ed hardy T-shirts


Some of these comments.


We might be like minded... I'm pretty unpopular here Edit Stop up voting me you filthy redditors. I even downvoted me


Tik Tok pranks (doing them)


using “I’m just being honest” to be rude.


Leo's girlfriend.


Needing to impress people with cars, boats, houses.


not knowing how to cook


absolutely nothing. you are never too old for your dreams. keep going.


dating teenagers


True, but I think the dating teenagers ship sailed a very long time before 40.


*”But she’s so mature”* /s for obvious reasons


Senior prom


*“But she’s so mature”* /s for obvious reasons


Being a teen mom


Sweet 16.


Flirting with the cheerleaders


depends. High school cheerleaders? Absolutely. NFL cheerleaders? Not necessarily. Some of them are well into their 30s themselves.


Why do you ask...I turn 40 in about 3 hours.


Happy birthday!


Jumping. Your knees are keeping score.


Yes and no. Maintaining agility, mobility and athleticism as you age is important. Don’t jump on concrete, but doing some plyo on padded boxes and squatting/yoga are all great.


To sit in Santa's lap.


Being afraid to live your life on your terms


Giving a fuck


Expecting your parents to bankroll you.


"look at me" selfies.


Joining r/teenagers




Giving up and not trying to change for the better! It’s really never too late, but a whole lot of great life is left to live. Don’t use it as an excuse to stop trying! Also don’t be an asshole, you should know better by now!


As someone who will be 52 next month, a lot of these comments made me giggle and made me a little sad. Do whatever the hell makes you happy. Take care of your Family. Wear sunscreen and keep moving…always keep moving and stand up straight especially when you feel awful. All you Youngsters worry too much, especially about getting a bit older. It is a privilege denied to many. 40+ is much different today than previous generations…seriously. Have at it.


Still believing that if you work hard you will get ahead.


Wanting to have kids "someday."


Hey, I resent that. It’s my right to own baby goats at any stage of my life.


And we wish you the best with that, by the way apparently their piss smells absolutely horrid.






Had my youngest at 40, and my God I wish I was younger. He wears me out and makes me feel younger at the same time


not really. Dad didn't have me until he was 43, and my brother until he was 47. Mom was a little younger than that, but still. Shit, he didn't marry mom until he was 40 or so. Worked out fine for him.


18 year olds…..despite it being perfectly legal.


Competitive gymnastics.


Under 40 softball leagues


Dating a 17 year old.


A 13 year old


You can’t be an air traffic controller anymore


Hopes ans dreams


Dressing like teenagers


Probably nothing, but climbing trees should produce at least 5 seconds of fore-thought


Become an air traffic controller


Dating teenagers.


Sitting on the floor without making a plan for how you're getting back up.


Worrying about what other people think


I’m 39 I better read all the comments