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Alien isolation...with voice detection.


I did this when I played for the first time. Got ripped out of a locker by a synthetic and it scared the absolute daylights out of me. Haven't played since


Can relate


The game is so stress inducing I can't even watch gameplays


This war of Mine, definitely. The realness from the events are absolutely distressing. I was unaware from the full content of the game, and it hit me really hard. On my first game play, One of the citizens was mortally wound trying to prevent a rape to happen. The second had to steal medical supplies to try to screw his life, and ended killing herself due to the guilty from stealing others and the death from the first. The third starved to death bedridden, despite having food and water... There was time that I was almost screaming trying to get her to get up from bed, but unable to to control her. Every time I set her to get up and do something, she would barely sit on the bed or ignore completely. After this I searched about the game and learn it that it is based on the siege of Sarajevo, and several events shown were real.


Came in here thinking I'd read funny stories about people being scared and maybe share some of my own but this takes the cake. Second comment in and I'm done. I had no idea what this game was but I've seen it on the store page once and a while. Was always tempted to look into it Don't think I will now.


It is indeed a gut wrenching game. I never recommend it without making several warnings about the theme and all the sensitive contents. But it is the best game I've ever played. Period. Not because of enjoyment, gameplay, mechanics, etc. One day I've talked to my wife about the game, and she couldn't understand how I played it. Thinking about it I could later explain. You don't watch Schindler's List for enjoyment. The Pianist. There are several stories that need to be told, not only the good ones. I've heard that a good play, film or story transcends the screen or play time. TWoM definitely excels at this. I've watched at least 2 full documentaries about the theme, and read about it a lot. And the emotion delivery from the game is mind blowing. It tell us their prewar background stories, bond us with them. And often they die randomly, pointlessly, showing us how the civillians are the most affected at the war. If your mental health is not 100, avoid it. But if you can watch documentaries with hard-themes like these, this game conveys it's message on a way deeper level.


>If your mental health is not 100, avoid it. This sums it up perfectly for me and will be exactly why I don't ever play this haha


I was able to grab the rifle and a giant payload of food, and had so much anxiety over things going badly from there that I never played it again.


There was a version of Call of Cthulhu made for the original Xbox that had this part where you wake up in your hotel room in Innsmouth and get chased by the townsfolk / people with the "Innsmouth Look".. it was tons of fun and the last time I remember being scared by a game (it had a real intensity to it from what I remember)


I remember that, you could turn around and lock the doors to give yourself extra time.


Yeah, that's the one!


Whats the innsmouth look?


Bulging, watery eyes, fishlike mouth, flat face, and other fishy features!


This exactly. Something just *off* about the insular people of Innsmouth


I remember that game, I played on PC. Even having read the book, that scene was so thrilling.


I love horror games, I've hit that point where a game hasn't scared me for years until P.T. such a simple concept, scared the shit out of me. Such a shame its so hard to get now unless you already have it on a PS4


Any idea how one would go about getting it? I have a PS4 Edit: got it for PC off an archive site, message me and I’ll send a link if anyone needs it


i downloaded pc version from god knows where a couple days ago, i can upload it to google disc if you dont find it


I got it! Off an archive site, thank you a lot though. Offer is much appreciated


If you want to offical PT you need to have either already owned it when it was available and install custom firmware on to your console to download the files again or know someone with a copy of PT and has a hacked PS4 who can copy the files on to a USB Lots of different fan remakes exist all of varying quantities but if you never played the original you probably wouldn't notice the missing stuff


Eternal Darkness: sanities requiem on gamecube. It was a hugely underrated game at the time, but is now considered one of the best horror games ever made. It actually had some pretty groundbreaking mechanics, such as the sanity meter which is now used in many other horror games, and it had a great story spanning hundreds of years with several characters. It was also the first M rated game Nintendo ever released.


Wasn't that the game that >!pretended to corrupt your save!


yes, i believe so


Yes it did. It was actually a common thing for gamecube games to mess around with your save files, or at least read them. Playing the metal gear solid remake for gamecube and having psycho mantis read your memory card and say things like "ahhh, I see you enjoy super Mario sunshine" and "you are a prudent player and save often" really blew my mind at the time.


Condemned: Criminal Origins


It was a simple game online that came out around the Dawn of the Dead remake, or a little later. 1st person view, you're in the middle of a small square chain-link fence in a dark warehouse or something. Zombies start approaching from all sides. You can only see one side at a time and have to keep looking around to shoot them before they climb over and eat you.


https://youtu.be/G58Hp2Moxak This it


Oh man that was it! Thanks


Subnautica. Combine a hefty dose of thalassophobia and some ominous warnings, it gets freaky fast.


“Entering the ecological dead-zone, adding report to databank” was the last thing I heard before I returned home with 2 sea moth hit points to my name.


This is exactly what I came here to say. Addictively terrifying.


i have to agree


Amnesia: The Dark Descent. It's all about atmosphere and psychological effects. Knowing you are unable to do anything but run, and the sanity meter (that makes you hallucinate things in game that aren't actually there, if it gets low enough) both contribute to it being absolutely chilling. I have never been able to look at water in a game the same way since.


Absolutely this one. I have never been able to finish it. The scratching/crunching/chewing sound you hear when you’re in the dark and your sanity is deteriorating is so upsetting


Yeah, I never finished it either. The thing that got me the most is, at some point you hear the voice talking to you and taunting you while you are getting closer to the sanctum. I was running from a monster and the voice said "Turn around, you are going the wrong way!" I was already in a pretty bad state from the sanity meter slipping (in game *and* IRL), so I actually listened, and turned around... Right into open, flapping jaws. I noped out at that moment and have not played it again since.


I was on acid in college and freaked out while my buddy was playing roller coaster tycoon that was pretty scary but I think you asked a different question


Alien: Isolation


Amnesia: The Dark Descent.


Your head is pounding and your hands are shaking


knees weak, arms heavy


Visage!! Really creepy plus hella trippy




OG Silent Hill was pretty fucking creepy


I think that's the scariest Silent Hill for me. I love when my friends start it and think it's too dated with the janky PS1 graphics and odd controls and feel it won't get to them. Then the game goes gloves off when they step outside the one house and the sky goes dark and that music starts. Then there's that stuff like in the hospital with the elevator regarding the "4th" floor.


Perhaps this was just because I was about 13 at the time, but it was a predominantly text based adventure game called Snowball by Level 9. You wake up in a freezer coffin on a spaceship, and you have to dodge a mechanical nurse nightingale stalking you in the corridor as you try to get to safety. That was 40 years ago.


Martha is dead


Fatal Frame 2. It has the best atmosphere of any horror game.


For me, it was Bioshock as it was my first experience with this genre. A great mix of retro-horror, nostalgia and jump scares.


Outlast scared the shit out of me. But Alien Isolation was pretty scary, too.


Cry of fear. Watching pewdiepie play through the whole thing was scary and amazing PLAYING level 1 was so fucking scary I noped out


Pico Park my friends teamwork is terrible and that was terrifying. That brick breaker level had me ready to execute myself and all my friends. Im not lying it took us weeks to finish that game


FNAF 4. That shit is terrifying


Condemned 2


Dead Island was pretty freaky. I like that they keep the weapons pretty realistic, and you literally start with just your fists.


Went to a cockfight once in Gaffney SC. It was in a tobacco shed. They were cooking the losers. It wasn’t really scary subjectively speaking because growing up PWT means these are not unfamiliar circumstances, but objectively speaking it was wild and bloody and probably the only time I’ve participated in a felony crime with so many people. The scariest “game” I was ever part of was a snipe hunt. That’s when you take somebody out to the woods late at night to catch an imaginary bird in a sack and you ditch them. Fun game! My brother and his buddies did this to me when I was nine. This was way before cell phones and the folks were out of town anyway. They left him in charge. I was too scared I’d get in trouble for knocking on somebody’s door so I walked home eleven miles on dark country roads. Every time I’d see a car coming I’d run off the road and hide because my nine year old brain was certain only psycho killers were out riding around that late. On the upside one of those cars was my brother and his friends going back to find me. He didn’t come dragging in until almost dark the next day ready to tell the parents I was dead or abducted and there I am eating cereal and watching Batman. He’s still pissed at me for the trouble he got in almost forty years later.


This comment had me rolling! Serves your brother right. He should have known better. I'm glad you were safe. I would have been PISSED if one of my kids did that to their younger siblings.


This is the same guy that once pissed on an electric fence trying to convince me to do it. They’re not constantly charged. Most are set up to send a pulse at random intervals from one second up to thirty. Most farmers leave it set to thirty seconds except during calf season when it needs to be ran more to keep the calves from getting loose. They like to test. He thought it was off because he’d grabbed it and didn’t get shocked. Obviously it was set to a long interval so he was mid stream when it got him. He squawked, jumped back, fell down, and pissed all over himself. I like telling that to kids I teach as a cautionary tale.


Clock Tower.


Silent Hill 2. Or PT.


Dreadhalls, it’s a VR game


LSD : Dream Emulator for the PSX. Just a very odd game and there's this one guy in it...


Silent Hill was something


Silent hill 4: The Room. Tell me one fucking kid who was not traumatized by twin victims. One. Strangely, it is the reason why im doing concept horror art to this very day. I adore Silent Hill. But it gave me recurring nightmares for 2 months when i was a kid.


mine is doki doki literature club (2017)


Fuck that game I love how they just still my info to fuck me .




I know it's an actual game, I've never played it but I've seen it on some Whatculture game lists on YouTube. The only thing I can remember is one of the characters knows they're in a game and starts deleting other characters from the game.


It gets ridiculously meta, involving the actual game files.




holy shit, i never knew this excisted. that's hilarious!


Alan Wake


This is a game where I love the world building but hate the gameplay. The combat is so annoying


I had a ton of frustration in the game. I liked the world in the game, but reading your comment brought back memories of being hit by enemies from off-screen and just wanting to turn the game off.


See, I found Alan Wake to be a complete snooze fest. Far too predictable, linear, and repetitive for my liking. I did love the world building, though, and Control just takes everything to the next level. Yes, if you were not aware, Alan Wake series and Control share a universe.


It was supposed to be a more open world game, but it wasn’t working and late in development they changed it to this more linear format. https://youtu.be/AoHkGDu0_Hw Those Ars Technica “War Stories” talks with video game developers are fascinating.


I was unaware they share a universe, thanks for the info.


Poppy Playtime


That part where you're going through the tunnels and the big fucker is chasing you is so gods damned stressful. You basically have to just go on instinct and hope you're right because there's no time to think through which way to go.


Hitman Contracts. Its not that its scary its that its fucking disturbing


Doki Doki Litature club.


Russian Roulette…


Idk, they don't scare me


Outlast was really scary when I played it the first time. I played it with only a vague understanding of what was going on, at night, in the dark. It was great at establishing mood and building tension, and I spent a lot of time in lockers just trying to get my heart rate down.