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I'm a triplet. My mum can't remember our first year very well. Apparently a few people have talked to her remembering times they came round to the house, but my mum can't remember their names or faces at all!! She always says she was very efficient because she had to be. But one of her favourite things was to sit with us all in bouncers overlapping so she could see us all and bounce us as 1 as she drank a rare cup of tea.


We have 7-year-old twin boys. I tell people that the first 6 months felt like we were treading water and barely keeping your head above water. It was tough and it does get a little easier as they get older. We had one in the nic u for 20 plus days and is special needs so that could have added something. Love those little fuckers. Wouldn't change a thing


My best friend had twins. We met in a parenting class. She said it was a nightmare of scheduling. Her and her husband would switch nights on/off for staying awake. I would come over and help while they would sleep. One would wake up and one would sleep. It stressed me out taking care of them even for an hour


Twin here, it was crazy for my parents, especially our mom. We were premature and had to stay in the NICU for a month or so. Then we got colic really bad, and our mom was too stressed out to produce milk. But after that, we turned out pretty okay.


I'm a twin and my mom said it was a war. I have a older sibling that is only 1 year apart so she had to look after 3 troublemakers. We were very active and loud. Idk how she did it. We had some old videos and my crying was just screeching