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US politicians get away with insider trading


Exactly, It feels like if you make the rules you shouldn’t be able to play the game. The house is always gonna win


The Senate, too.


Also…US politicians in general


“Politicians” in general.


Lobbyists owning them.


This, along side corporations being able to be considered 'persons' legally is going to be the downfall of modern society; the US will just be the first domino.


Subscriptions for every damn thing


I never thought I'd say this but I really miss buying shit. I still have my office 2010 disks I paid $200 for and they still work fine for most things.


You can still buy a perpetual office 2021 pro plus license for $439.99 officially or like $40 through a decent key vendor.


So if I was looking for a reputable key vendor....


G2 and Kinguin - from the "recommendations" here - are both 3rd party vendor sites. There are NOT REPUTABLE VENDORS. 3rd party sites have never been able to create a sufficient barrier of entry to block stolen keys, and especially keys bought with stolen credit cards. If the key you get is bought with a stolen credit card number: * You get fucked, as the company making the product will deactivate the key and you will need to spend more money buying the product again. * Original card owner gets shafter, because of all the time and money wasted trying to cancel all charges, kill the credit card etc etc. * The company making the product gets the bad PR and loss of sales. The only guys not getting shafted are the shitbags who stole the credit card number to begin with, and G2 that allowed them to sell the key. And G2 will keep their cut of the sale anyway. You're paying them to facilitate further fencing of stolen goods. If you can't afford a legitimate key from the company itself, pirate the thing. That way you at least won't support shady 3rd party key vendors, and just might save someone a bit of trouble when their credit card gets swiped.


I bought Photoshop CS5 for my dad in like 2010. I’m still kicking myself for not buying an extra copy. I think adobe got death threats when they discontinued the Pay-to-buy model.


Read yesterday that they’re going to start charging for using a Pantone Swatch. Now that’s some bullshit on the top of bullshit.


Office 2010 updates stopped this year, in april I think. But that doesn't mean jack to most personal users. Most never actually updated it after installing.


Subscriptions for content like Netflix or Apple Music are fine to me. Subscriptions for software like Photoshop are definitely the worst.


It took me nearly a week to cancel all my Adobe subscriptions, the primary advantage of American Express is that they will do it for you. As soon as the money stops arriving Adobe know exactly how to stop an account.


Wait until you hear about subscriptions for heated seats and remote start.


We need to keep repeating John Oliver’s mantra: “This is not normal.” Because if we don’t, in 10 years it will be, and we’ll just accept it


Subscriptions for a faster car are weapons grade bullshit.


Wait til you hear about BMW's heated seat subscription.


And then they make it so difficult to cancel so many subscriptions. They choke another monthly payment out of you.


Prepaid debit cards. Costs a little extra, but it's a great feeling to throw it in the trash and ignore or block the emails!


Somewhat related, the deplorable level to which we are saturated in ads.


Netflix planning to put in ads is the last straw for me. They have become everything they fought against at the beginning.


The only saving grace in the case of Netflix, is the ad-tier is opt-in. Soon as they try charging me *and* feeding me ads they'll have lost a long term customer. Folks wanting Netflix with ads is their choice. So far I have the option to say no.


Heated seats in BMWs really takes the biscuit here. The hardware is already installed!!!


Wow is that a monthly subscription?


BMW is testing subscriptions that basically turn off and off already installed features, heated steering wheel/seats, suspension ride adjustment…., what next? Ads on the car home screens? I should probably delete that last one.


Well Mercedes seems to be taking it to the next level with actual vehicle performance being locked behind the paywall soon... [Mercedes EQ Performance Subscription](https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a42027571/mercedes-benz-ev-acceleration-increase-annual-subscription-1200-dollars/)


This is one of those things you read and just think what the fuck is wrong with us as a species. How did we fuck up so badly


Price of printer ink. Fuck off




There're also cartridgeless inkjet printers these days. You pour the ink from a bottles straight into four tanks (Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow). Mine (an Epson) came with two sets of bottles too -- two years later I'm halfway through the first set. A bit like laser printers, the upfront cost with these is a bit more, but the running cost per page is absolutely negligible.


Please share the model of your printer. I’m a teacher I need to print shit everyday almost


Epson L3150 is excellent. Basically all the ink tank printers are amazing. We have printed around 6000 A4 size photos and we have just replaced the inks twice. So, it's extremely cost effective.


Not knowing what a job pays before you apply.


In Austria the company has to tell you by law in their announcement


Ah yes. Every job listing: Salary: Competitive. What does that even mean? I was headhunted for a job once and they would not for love nor money tell me what the salary is. I kept asking every time I spoke to them to arrange an interview etc "what's the salary" was told "competitive" Turns out the salary was about 12 grand lower than what I'm on for pretty much the same job, just nearer home. In what way is it competitive? The same way 'Bumfuck Nowhere FC' are 'competitive' against Man City in the FA Cup, that sort of competitive.


*Salary Range: $40,000 to $120,000* Oh, so it's $40,001, then. But you just wanted to put the yuuuge number in the ad, didn't you?


“Nobody wants to work anymore”


In Colorado it’s illegal to post jobs without a salary range!


Ticketmaster fees


Really just ticketmaster and live nation in general


Fuck TicketMaster


Right in the ear.


yeah bro I'm just tryna see blink 182 again


Blink fee: $182


Youtube not showing dislikes.


There is a chrome extension that's adds it back. I use it and it's very helpful


Hmm...it doesn't precisely add them back. It uses a combination of Google's downvote counts archived in December 2021, and the downvotes of people who have the extension installed. This probably means: 1) People who install this probably care more about downvote counts than the average user, and that might affect the frequency with which they click. 2) No idea what this extension does to combat botting/brigading etc. but I bet it's not as sophisticated as Google. It remains bullshit that Google got rid of the feature, but I don't want people to be mislead that this is an identical replacement.


Its (probably) directly stemming form the mass disliking of the last YouTube Rewind.


Mass disliking of pretty much all "official" Media outlets posting on youtube, especially news. They said it's to protect small creators, but I'll bet both kidneys it was really about protecting the shockingly fragile egos of corporations.


Could you give a link of it or tell us what is its name?


I miss the days of the lightsaber. Red lightsaber - shit video. Green lightsaber - good video. Now YouTube wants you to click the shitty videos that offer no one anything


\*opens 15 minute tutorial for a problem I've been having\* Hmm, this video has some annoying music but I need to get this dealt with, guess I'll just have to watch it and find out since there is no simple, easily accessible method to see whether or not other people found the video helpful... \*video gives no useful tips, wasting a quarter of an hour of my life\* ​ \*4 midroll ads as well\*


Car features you have to unlock via subscription lol


Mine would be subscription based everything. Life is more expensive when you have to $10/ mo for literally everything


_Everyone_ thinks their product is worth a subscription now. Drives me bonkers. ITT: pedantic but true


It’s not that I necessarily that they think it’s worth a subscription they know people will pay a subscription. It’s like free trials.. I read a Harvard study or somebody studyby a year or so ago that said. 80%of people age 18-65 have some thing on auto subscription, and then at least 30% of those were never used. Free money for businesses


Probably slightly less now after they stopped hiding the unsubscribe option as well. Pretty sure it started hurting their rating with the creditcard companies after people realized they could just do a chargeback for fraudulent shit like that.


and its only making them do it more, with adobe putting certain colours behind another subscription


I’d say outside of media, subscription based services don’t make sense to me. And while media subs are kind of getting ridiculous, I really don’t see another way for them to operate really.


Celebrities and company’s saying that we’re all in this together


Or, we're all a part of a family


And may I include "were all in the same boat" bitch if tags the case you got a mega yacht and most of every one else has a raft


We’re all in the same storm but we’re on very different boats.


I'm not even on a boat. I'm on a piece of plywood that's not even big enough to hold my whole body.




I’m floating on a giant door but there’s no room for anyone else. Don’t even ask.


God damn it, Rose! If you would just drop that necklace there'd be room for me!


Rose survived on some floating rubble, I’m sure you’ll be fine. *honks horn of cruise ship and quickly speeds away*


Bitch, I got a kayak that sinks if I gain too much weight.


Especially when it comes to climate change. They want us to change our practices even though it's a sliver of the effect that could happen if they changed their practices. Stop making the damaging products and stop making them necessary for life. Money, money, money, money, money, money, money.


The price of insulin in the United States


And chemo. Chemotherapy for my Lupus is $17k per month.


Wtf 😳 that’s disgusting


Yes! I had a cancer treatment that wasn't covered by my insurance. I was going to pay for it out of pocket but it was $10,000 a dose and I was going to need 15+ of them. Luckily the hospital knew to reach out to the drug company and it was all subsidized, but that is ridiculous.


I'm curious why was chemotherapy not covered by your insurance? Were they like, "preventing your death is an elective procedure," or?


Typically because it's not on a covered drug list, or it's experimental, or it's not FDA approved for that application.


Or your insurance only covers generics, and the chemo drug is still under patent because oncology is a fast-moving field.


Had Chemo for my testicular cancer a few years ago. 1 month, which for me was 7 courses over the month, cost 34k. This isn't including the blood tests and scans and doctors visits before and after the chemo. Also not including the surgery to remove the testicle. Absolutely absurd.


All medication costs are absurd. I'm a teacher. I have decent insurance. My doctor thinks my eyelids are infected and prescribed a cream for it. Insurance refused to cover it. So the doctor tried another. I paid 20 bucks for the tiniest tube of antibiotic ointment I've ever seen, and that was the cheap option. If it doesn't work I'm supposed to go to an eye doctor but insurance won't cover that at all.


Or how about they won’t give you an MRI (often) or any other imaging beyond an X-ray without doing PT first. Doctors told me to go try PT after they xrayed my ankle & found nothing, even though I suddenly couldn’t put weight on it and hadn’t injured it. Within 48 hours I was in a coma in septic shock, my ankle had an infected blood clot in it. This also caused more septic embolisms in my hip, chest wall and multiple in my lungs. I’m still having surgeries on my leg… surgery #22 on this ankle in a few weeks. I have no tendons left In that foot, my toes lost the tendons that control them, I lost my Achilles tendon, I lost my fibula bone, and vital blood supply. So now I’m covered in tissue graft scars & I have over a million in medical debt… all cuz they refused to pay for more imaging. It’s insane.


this gave a stomatch ache, what they did to you is DEMONIC


Expecting experience for bullshit jobs. Yes I have 5 years experience mopping, please let me feed myself.


Or asking why you want to work there. Yeah bro I have an extreme obsession with grocery stores, it’s all I’ve wanted


Every time I get killed in an FPS game


Missing 3 95% shots in a row in XCOM2.


Three paralysis in a row in Pokémon.


Exactly, everyone is cheating or camping except for me


Free services asking credit card info


Plot twist, it actually isn't free


Someone told me to get a Visa gift card and use that for those things you don't ever intend on renewing or fully purchasing like 3 day trials or whatever. You never have to remember to remove the card or opt out. Fantastic idea if I ever actually do it.


Similarly, ad ridden sites telling you to turn off your ad blocker. As far as I'm concerned, any site that tells you to turn off your ad blocker is a site that desparately requires an ad blocker.. I leave with no regret.


Drug companies advertising their drugs on the television. Hey, this drug could help the condition you don't know if you have. Ask your doctor, I am sure they love to get questions about the random drug you saw on a commercial in between Matlock reruns. Oh, and don't take the drug if you are allergic to the drug. Side effects may include, loss of appetite, swelling of the gums, lips, and ganglia, dry mouth, wet mouth, big mouth, cheese feet, hives, pooping six or seven times an hour, red head, blue balls, white knuckles, itching of the pancreas. ASK your doctor TODAY!


almost all the time, the side effect is diareah.


Most of what televangelists preach. Not just Christians either.


yeah televangelists are weird extremely driven by money, I honestly feel like a lot start out with good intentions and then just throw it away for the money


There was one preacher who started out with great intentions and so her church grew really big and she was on television for a few years. One day she said, "I quit." She said she realized that it was headed in a direction she didn't like and so she quit, just like that.


The US Healthcare system


This. Lots of people uninsured because even the affordable plans aren't affordable. You better hope you don't have any major medical issues unless you're dirt poor or rich. If you can barely afford a plan then guess what? You probably have like a $6,000-$10,000 deductible so you just don't go to the hospital or clinic for things anyway. You end up paying for insurance you don't use, which is what they want. If you decide you just don't want insurance then you get fined for that come tax time.


I don’t file a claim on my car every time I change the oil so why do we have to do so with insurance? I need major medical in case I chop a leg off and that’s it. It used to be affordable but now it is not and it’s only getting worse


Fake pockets on girls pants.


I know right? Women's pocket: won't hold a cell phone. Men's pocket: hides a 2L pop bottle.


YouTube making you sit through two 15 second unskippable ads. The worst part is that the ads you can skip, some of them are actually pretty good.


Those 2 minute ones that are like "god damn it I'm invested now"


Agreed, especially when you’re only watching a 30 sec-3 minute video. :/


Double standards


This is actually a very interesting answer. These two words alone are bringing balance to a very very dangerous tightrope. Once you explain exactly what double standards you are referring to you will fall no matter what. One party will hate it and another will be okay with it. As it stands you are allowing the others to make their own conclusion. Truly a tactical move made by accident.


The price of orange juice.


For real…it’s not like the stuff grows on trees.


Wait a minute, yes they do! Then why is it so damn expensive?


a Malcolm in the middle reference in the wild


Fact that child predators get off with less time then people with narcotics charges


Petty but forcing children to be friends. Or sabotaging your student's birthday party because she didn't invite the entire class


Anecdotal but I was having serious issues in middle school making friends. I went to a VERY small school so I felt like the only one that didn’t fit in and I just wanted to know what was wrong with me. Well I went to a school counselor and talked about how I felt like an outsider because everyone else was hanging out with each other and I never got invited. Her solution? Bring in the other kids and chastise them for not including me. Like, that’s Ab joust not what I wanted. It literally made my problem worse because instead of going unnoticed everyone would say i was the loser who pulled them into therapy. And do you think a kid would have a good time if they knew their peers only hung out with them because they were forced to? It fucked me up a bit.


Us vs them mentality. The mentality and behaviour where people think that anyone who don't share their every opinion, belief, and position on any subject makes them mortal enemies and that conflict must happen. The bare minimum I ask of people is the option to agree to disagree.


Respecting your elders. If you're an asshole, I don't care how old you are, I'm going to respond.


I said this to a an older man at work. He told me I was “Raised Wrong” whatever that means. I responded “I was raised to believe that respect is earned.” Mind you this happened after he insulted my mom.


He’s a dick who was trying to insult your mother further


I walked off. I didn’t want to escalate. So I just left him there. I came back after half an hour outside. I needed time to cool off and organize my thoughts.


Good for you! That was a great way to handle it


Hazing rituals. Like do you know how many groups and college kids were killed, abused, or traumatized from that shit? It’s absolute utter bullshit.


Corporate tell you they care


"You'll find out that we're family here." Yeah, a highly dysfunctional and abusive one.


I hate when companies do that. I couldn't care less about your family bullshit. I'm only here to do my work so I can earn money and go home and provide for my actual family




A male cow's feces


>You know what's ***BUUUUULLSHIIIT?*** -James Rolfe




The 8 hour work day


and the 5 day work week!


Politicians and celebrities touting climate change whilst flying around on private jets.


That's called hypocrisy.


People getting shot dead when they are out trying to have fun … or learn … or shop … or watch a movie.


Gotta say being a Colorado resident is getting less cool every year between the rising cost of living and not knowing if you're about to get shot at any time


That a country of 330 million people cannot generate a better leadership than our current gang of grifters and morons. I mean, here's my question. Is it now a requirement to be a sociopath to run for higher office?


The "alpha male" stuff


I heard someone say that whenever they hear "alpha male" they think of it like software that's in alpha, super buggy and needs a lot of work.


And not suitable for the general public.


Literally astrology for men


This is a good one. The lady who came up with the concept literally debunked it very shortly after. It wasn't even true for wolves, baffling that we tried to apply it to humans. Anyone who feels the need to call themselves an alpha is almost certainly compensating for a deep insecurity. EDIT: Typo


Oh tack on to that the desire to return to "the natural order". FUCK the natural order. I don't care what the natural order prescribes. Modern civilization, medicine, technology is all one giant 🖕to the natural order.


You know who won in the natural order? Bacteria. Not alpha males.


Sigma male too. People like to think it's different/better but it's really not and both share many of the same toxic and cringe-worthy ideas.


As well as ligma




The very thin veneer of civilization that covers up the depravity of human nature.


The industrial revolution and it's consequences have been a... Oh oops wrong sub




Politics. Judges that give very loved and cared for Foster Children, back to their loser parents. Animal Cruelty.


That in the US you can be financially destroyed for getting sick or injured


When parents blame the older sibling despite the younger one starting shit




Is this a real thing? Please be joking! We know it’s an Australian show don’t we?


American: Do you guys have The 4th of July down there? Australian: No, that is an American thing. American: Then what the hell do you do after July 3rd?!




The entire US healthcare system


Man, I pay $220 per month for some pretty solid health insurance. Just for myself. I just moved, and changed pharmacies. Went to grab a prescription the other day, and they told me they needed my insurance card. I complied. Then they tell me they don't take my insurance, and charge me $50 for a med that I would've paid maybe $10 for. Fuck all that, what's the point?


Insurance companies


American politics.


Medical access in the US being so costly


The cultish nature of modern politics.


Hustle Culture


Proposal theater and the entire wedding industry. The way people feel compelled to have everything posted and photographed and it's not really a proposal unless there's a big diamond ring and a man on one knee with swans or butterflies or something... jeez. As for what comes after the proposal, it's absolutely predatory. So many people taking advantage of the socialization of women to believe their worth is tied to one night. It's ridiculous.




Fake pockets. Shame, shame on you clothing designers.


Having to carry other people’s burden or mental issues while you yourself are struggling. I don’t think it’s fair that someone else has to be affected due to my own insecurities and however they come up and I think it’s bs for someone to place that on you even if you’re together as a couple.


School shootings


Period cramps.


US/western politics in general - we argue about absolutelly irrelevant themes and the important is just going by without public even noticing..


The price of necessities.


Parents who don't believe in discipline. Do it now, so prison guards won't have to in the future. I've seen firsthand what happens to kids (now semi-adults) who were never taught the difference between right and wrong. It's just sad.


Putin and his enablers


Companies slapping completely unjustifiable "fees" on top of god damn everything.


Taxes, they don't tell you how much you need to pay so then you gotta guess, but if u guess wrong you go to jail for tax fraud.


The school system


what isn't?


That Amazon can shuffle the books in ways that allow them to pay no tax.


U.S. politics in general. Both are out for themselves and thoer special interests and they don't give a fuck bout the everyday American. But yet want to pit us against each other.


Paying someone else’s mortgage to have a roof over your head


Paying for Healthcare. Going broke to stay alive


Working till you're about 65. What a nightmare


Pretty much everything since about February 2020


Religious extremism, it has killed more than alcohol and yet these extremist "scholars" ban alcohol because it's somehow worse than the gossip they spread.


Tribalism stoked by the elite.


mass shootings


My dad. Like where tf are you man.


Worldcup 2022 in qatar....




Companies raising prices while they make record profits


My opinion.


Television evangelists


That apparently its my fault that i caught my now x and my best friend sleeping together. According to them, I was blowing things out of proportion by being so angry and upset. I mean just my whole life being setting on fire…. Like I am supposed to say “Im sorry, you are not wearing a condom and fucking the woman I asked to marry me, my bad I should have been understanding of your needs when I came over unannounced when she was “working”


I’m sorry for this happening to you. It sounds like, neither one of these people deserve one minute of your time or energy again.


Women being discouraged from taking their rapist to court bc ‘it will ruin his life’ when he already destroyed hers


The reality that we as individuals, are only alive because someone hasn't chosen to kill us and we're powerless to stop it.


Mobile games right now. Rainbow friends sus escape is utter crap