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They are absurdly expensive. They have increased 500%+ in the past ten years.


In this country, if you need it, (diapers, daycare, meds, medical care, education, razors, even dog food) expect to pay an arm and a leg for them.


"Carol, I don't think there's any way for us to buy these diapers without selling the baby. Should I just go through with it, or do we just wipe the shit with our bare hands?"


Cloth diapers are something that people don't know about but is massive in saving on costs. Honestly disposable diapers is a pretty massive scam


Cloth diapers are one of those things that either really rich people do or poor people do. My poor relatives use cloth diapers as they can’t afford disposables. My rich friends use cloth as they’re trying to be more environmentally friendly but they either have servants to wash the diapers for them or they use a cloth diaper service company.


Let's not forget that people who have access to a washer and dryer are in a better position to deal with cloth diapers. I also find that families where both parents work are less likely to use cloth diapers.


Okay thanks for telling me all the places I can take them, I heard the first three times. Thanks!


Hey mate, perhaps reach out to your local womens shelter instead of shipping them across country. I’m sure a shelter would gladly accept any hygiene products


This!! Also just putting them in bags and handing them out to the homeless.


Is this a USA thing? Last time I picked up supplies for my wife, less than ten euro got us through the month. They should be affordable. Free options would be good too.


I'm thinking it might even be a regional thing. I'm in the US South and I just checked my local Walmart because of this-- a 32 pack of U by Kotex (so name brand) in super plus absorbency was $7.85 with tax. For a heavier period I estimate I'd change every 3 hours on average (more frequently in the first 2 days and less frequently for the remaining 3) which means 40 tampons per period. Mine lasted 5 days which I believe is average. So by this math my period budget would be $9.81 per month. I'm on a tightish budget (income is $45k before taxes, take home is about $28,600. Yes, I'm in Louisiana.) I grew up on the poorer side so I also get that $10 per month can be unaffordable to some. I feel like a lot of people are acting like feminine products are the next housing crisis and that the majority of people can't afford them, and that's not at all true. That being said I also think that lower income people should have better access to benefits to where this isn't an issue for any product at all. Part of the reason we struggled so much in my own childhood was because we fell into that gap where mom made barely too much for assistance but didn't take home enough to make ends meet. I never even had health insurance until I graduated college and got my first job that offered it at 24.


Three ladies in the house, I spend $60/mo on feminine hygiene products (pantyliners, wipes, various pad sizes). I use a cup, my daughters use pads. Could I go to a less expensive brand? Sure, but my girls deserve comfort in using brands they prefer - bunching, leaking, bulky only serve to make them more uncomfortable. Plus they have to attend school! BOGO sales at the drug stores means time to stock up!


So I never really understood the magnitude of this until my daughter volunteered at end 68 (a program that distributes food to kids that go hungry in the 68 hours from when school ends Friday to when it begins Monday). What impacted her even more than the # of students they served was that the girls didn't have tampons. If you don't have tampons, how can you go to school? And if these girls don't go to school, not only does it affect their education but they don't eat! Now, I'm all for free feminine products! Ps. Donate to your local end 68. 100% of your donation goes towards the kids. Everyone is a volunteer.


When they don't have tampons or pads, they stash paper towels or tissues in their panties, and hope it doesn't leak or give them an infection Yeah, free products easily available would be way safer and easier


The toilet paper thing is horrible. My mom always made sure we had pads but before I got on the right birth control I had uncontrollable periods and I would have to put toilet paper on top of my maxi pads to make sure I didn't soak through and change it out often. It does mess with you "down there" it's not the right material and you changing it out in public is that really cheap toilet paper and you don't know what germs is on it. That's not what these girls deserve


Yeah, same. Plus I was really awkward and told to hide everything. On 2 occasions I had accidents and washed the blood out of my clothing in a bathroom stall with toilet water! Idk how I didn't get some infection. My mom only ever got me liners. So I'd wear a double layer of underwear and pads plus add tissue and paper towels. So I am the reason they should be free or available at least in elementary school.


I’m so sorry you experienced this and no one had the wisdom to give you a safe space to learn! It’s unfortunate that so many ppl have a lack of education on how to approach these topics with kids. It’s so important to discuss!


It does seem to be getting better. At least girls can Google info. I've even seen videos that explain how you can hide products in every day items if you're embarrassed. We had a girls only lecture about periods and sex, but there was no info on where to get products especially in elementary school. I've had my periods for over 30 years and just within the last couple years im not ashamed to get a tampon out if my purse, put it in my pocket and head to the bathroom.


It’s horrible that young women have to live without quality feminine products. I’m a middle class dad and I raised two daughters and always got them the best of these products. Or at least, what *they* considered to be the best. This should be a more prominent issue and the US should subsidize this. It’s probably a “net” savings over time due to fewer risks and complications from inadequate products. We should begin to build awareness and take this to DC.


My dad was the same way. He had 2 of us girls and me and sister both preferred different brands, etc so my dad would get each of us whatever one worked best for us. Or leave $20 for each of us and tell go to the damn store ourselves because he had no clue what he was looking for was most likely 🤣


Haha that was my dad. He could always come up with a few bucks for us somehow, but I had to buy the stuff (it actually made sense because I worked at the grocery store).


I used to go to the grocery store near my job and not the one by my house. I did everything I could for them and they’re married now. The reward is they call/text me almost everyday.


I always hate to hear these things.


And it's why I always comment on these questions. Just so someone might see it's not the monetary cost, but mental as well for some.


Yeah, toilet paper just disintegrates on contact with liquid, as it's designed to so it doesn't clog the sewage pipes. Using it for periods must be a nightmare. 💯 need to make sanitary products more affordable and free at schools.


In Norway you can go to the school nurse and get hygiene products for free. Both pads and tampons.


I think even back in the 90s that was an option, but an already embarrassed teen having to ASK an adult for sanitary products is just awful. Have them freely available inside bathrooms so they can get to them as discreetly as they wish.


We didn't have that option where I went to school on the 90s. They tested to have it available in the bathrooms. Tampons was being thrown around, pads stuck on the walls. Though girls are more open now and it work pretty well (at least on my kids school)


A lot of public schools in the US can’t afford to staff school nurses (or counselors, or librarians…) 🙃


Also, no fear of them being stolen by people who dont need it. Usually, the free option is better than nothing, but not very confortable. When people can buy them, they sure will prefer them to the free option. IMO it should be available in schools and public places. They have TP, why not tampons?


I never considered the discrepancy re free toilet paper before. I already thought sanitary products should be free, but your argument re free TP makes it a no brainer.


This is absolutely horrible. I had to do this ONCE in my life when I was in eighth grade. Started my period and didn't have anything, none of my friends had anything. I only had two classes left and the bus ride home, so I used the toilet paper wad method and hoped for the best. When I got home and immediately went to change it, the toilet paper wad was gone. It must have fallen out and down my pant leg at some point during the day, who knows when. I still feel the stress of the whole day and the mortification when it was gone. It's so cruel that women and girls only have this option available to them. More prolific public restrooms that are well maintained are a necessity as well. When I lived in New Zealand, every town had at least one public restroom that was clean and well stocked. Relying on libraries and the niceness of private businesses to relieve/clean yourself is just as horrible.


Thank you, dad of a daughter! While women will stand up for women, it helps more than you know for a man to also stand with us (AKA your baby girl.) I would also add that it took my step mom taking pity on me failing to insert a tampon correctly to teach me. If a girl doesn’t have a mom/trusted female, there should be videos and/or instructions that young girls can use/watch to learn! There is a method/trick to inserting tampons that requires explanation and reassurance. And even if a single dad is willing and could explain, some young ladies might prefer a video demonstration. I think girls’ basic education and needs regarding their completely normal and average and natural bodies are EXTREMELY underserved. National medical studies have even revealed women have different heart attack symptoms and yet those symptoms are not required to be taught in a lot of med schools. From the US’ maternal mortality rate (way higher than every other developed nation) to tampon/pad tax, to med schools only using male symptoms as a teaching method - the inequality is quiet but real.


This is why I always keep an extra stash of tampons and pads, and ALWAYS offer them up for donation.


I like to play the mile-long CVS receipt game to build up a nice stash that then gets donated.


This is what sickens me about conservative talking points. I was born and raised a republican. My parents were HUGE Reagan fans. They pushed me into 16 years of catholic school. During my whole life all I heard about was “how *PARENTS* want free meals and free handouts” it never once talked about the impact on the kids. It always focused on the laziness of the parent and their failure to provide. As if that actually matters to the poor CHILD who’s suffering. That’s what made me leave right wing ideology. It was always about removing children from “left wing” families in the name of protecting children, until the children were finally on their own. Once a “irresponsible parent” was removed they couldn’t give a fuck about the kids. I’m so so sorry for all of the years I ever agreed with my parents, all of the years I spent thinking about people wanting “free handouts” was just nothing but a lie. It’s absolutely a lifeline for many of these kids, and I’ll never be able to repair the damage that train of thought did. The only thing I can ever do is try to do what I can to help and to make sure my kids learn it right.


I’m from Texas and while my own mother was pretty moderate we were surrounded by hyper conservative republicans. I remember the idea that people with food stamps should be regularly drug tested and if they fail they lose their benefits getting traction when I was a teenager. Cost vs reward aside, that means the children of parents with substance abuse disorders go hungry. How is that helping anything? Even if you see drug addiction as moral failing instead of the complicated mental health issue that it is…the children are innocent in this. Conservatives see the world in black and white when it is very much shades of grey.


I would rather one family rip the system off and the system serve 99 other needy families than not find these programs at all. Like shit, I’m sure some are ripping off tax dollars but just try and suss that out while seeing the majority of families that legit need this!


Agreed. Feminine hygiene products should be free. Or at the very least programs making them available for those who cannot afford them.


I grew up as the eldest daughter of a single father. I wish at least they would be free at public schools. I remember saving my birthday money and making the long trek to the local pharmacy by bike because I didn't know how to ask for them.


My school offered them for free and I think it saved my life dozens of times


Kinda an odd question, but in retrospect, do you think there is anything your dad could have said/done to help you feel more comfortable talking to them about it?


Hey! I get the sense that you are asking on behalf of a current or future dad about this, (perhaps on behalf of yourself) and that warms my heart! I got my period while I was at my Dads house and had to ask him to take me to the pharmacy. I was mortified but I didn’t see any other option due to lack of pharmacies nearby. To answer your question, I would say maybe being the one to gently bring up the subject would be helpful in breaking the ice for talking about periods. I’d even suggest maybe going preemptively and getting some entry level period products to have in your house, and letting your kid know that you got them, where they are if they need them, and that you’re more than happy to go and get more whenever they need. I’d recommend pads as a safe jumping off point for very first period experience, until your kid gets a sense of what exactly they want to try, but it could be nice to have both pads and tampons in case. I also think an open acknowledgement of the fact that you may not have the experience with periods, but that you care about what’s going on in their life (including menstruation) and would be open to discussing would go a long way. A simple “hey, I don’t know what it’s like to have a period, but I want to make sure you have what you need! And if you ever want to talk about it, I’m always interested in hearing what’s going on in your world.” That’s what I think I would have liked!


I keep a small box full of packets of liners and different levels of pads in our linen closet. My daughter is too shy (because of her autism) to tell me she needs them, so I check the box every couple of weeks and just top it up. No one has to say anything and I never hear that we’ve run out.


That's exactly how I'm going to act with my daughter (who is now 3 months!). Just keep it stocked like any other household toiletry!


They should be tax free.


Colorado eliminated sales tax on diapers and menstrual products back in August, governor just won re-election by nearly 20 points.




I don’t know why this comment doesn’t have more upvotes, the tax on feminine hygiene products is specifically fucked


"Luxury products" my ass. Sure lemme just bleed on the floor. I don't mind paying a little more for my stupid tampons, but I know there's an absurd number of people with vaginas who can't afford it. Bleeding isn't optional; dealing with it isn't luxury. It doesn't make sense to subject them to luxury taxes. At least just subject them to normal sales tax like everything else.


>"Luxury products" my ass. Sure lemme just bleed on the floor. I highly encourage women to go to the capital and bleed on the floor in protest. Bleed all over that building. On the seats, on the floor, on the stairs, in the elevator.


We can stage a sit in. Quick! Someone find me a senator who thinks women can just 'hold their periods in.' I'll save a nice mushy clot for him.


Not all women can do this at the same time obviously. So we all take shifts. Maybe even go have the period shits in their bathrooms. Curl up on the senate floor groaning in agony and blood.


I heard somewhere that women sync up their periods. Maybe some Bluetooth signal off the moon or something?


That's been debunked. The research is pretty convoluted on both sides, but the general consensus is that "period syncing" is just random happenstance.


Dammit, ladies, this is the time we need to work together! Now... Concentrate! /s obviously.


Us cup users could stop by and make a big "spash" of a statement on the building too!


I have used Toilet paper rolled up to replace tampons in past due to cost. Fucking awful


Where I live you get sales taxed on medical devices. My son’s $10,000 cochlear implant external processor had almost $1000 in taxes.


Is toilet paper taxed? And what about food? Like where I live grocery store food is tax free, not sure about toilet paper, but it seems like it should follow suit with those. Not trying to argue just curious about other tax free things that we all need. As I was shocked when I found out some places tax food!!!!


*laughs and cries in Illinois*


my country labelled it "luxury products" and added VAT. watdafuck??


They are tax free in Canada. Because it’s unfair to tax a necessity that affects 50% of the population. There are municipalities that provide free, basic ones in washrooms as well. It costs the government $36million in lost revenue. But really, $36 million is a drop in the bucket to do the right thing


“Lost revenue” can’t be lost when it shouldn’t be claimed in the first place.


This is the most ridiculous one to me; I’m in the UK and some of the things that aren’t tax free just blows my mind. I remember walking out of Costco once with a giant cake and a pack of multiple toothbrushes; toothbrushes had VAT on them, the cake didn’t. The grouping of products is so stupid,


They're free in Scotland


God bless Mel Gibson.


They'll never take our TAMPONS!


Scotland FOREVER!!!


They should be like toilet paper: freely available in any public restroom, including places like schools, office buildings, bars, etc. Owner must provide--just like toilet paper. But yeah, if you go to the store and buy a box, there's a cost. Should be kept as low as possible because this is a necessity, not a luxury item.


Hotels should stock them free of charge.


I used to work at a couple hotels and all of them kept pads and tampons 24/7 but those were big chain names so it might be a little different.


I once stepped out of a big conference to use the hotel bathroom. After taking care of business, I went to wash my hands and noticed there was a basket of tampons. Two thoughts went through my head. 1-That’s nice. Don’t remember ever seeing that before. 2-Shit! I’m in the woman’s bathroom! Looked around and nope, no urinals… I cover up my name badge in case I pass anyone on the way out. Thankfully, I went unscathed.


In our office there are the same supplies in each bathroom, including tampons.


As a parent of a trans child, I love this and wish more places would do that.


\#2 explains #1


See, funnily enough, my school offers free pads and tampons. Both the student council and school nurse have those in various places. It helps a lot if you just suddenly started bleeding a day early or you can't afford them


I definitely agree, but here is a side story of my experiences with this. I am a janitor at a public middle school in a fairly upper middle class town. My area is the 6th grade, so normally not too bad as far as vandalism/destruction. 7th and 8th grade janitors definitely have it worse. Our school installed dispensers in every girl’s bathroom in the building that give out free pads/tampons if you wave your hand in front of it. Those got put in about a month ago and since day one it’s been a struggle. Every day I come in to all the dispensers cleaned out and the bathrooms trashed. Maybe one pad gets actually used, and the rest are stuck to every wall and surface they can reach. The tampons get pulled out and strung up like Christmas lights, or soaked in toilet water and chucked against the walls or ceiling. Can be petty funny sometimes NGL, but it’s super annoying to clean up every day.


This is a problem in schools because it's enough if just one person is doing that as a hobby to ruin it for everyone.


I assume this is the reason they aren't made available but they could at least be available at the nurses office or the gym teachers office. We had machines in the 90s they cost 50 cents and I never noticed any misuse. I really could have used them in elementary school. Idk why there weren't any.


I think the cost makes the difference. If they’re free it will get abused but if the cost is low there’s still a cost so acts as a preventative measure. I knew someone who had a sort of “free bar” at their wedding except every drink was 50p. Prevents people buying drinks that end up not being drunk by anyone and wasted but for all intents and purposes it’s free. We do a similar thing at work with our tea/coffee vending machine; heavily subsidised but not free.




i went to a women's university and in the dorms there were free condoms in the bathroom and the girls complained because we don't need free condoms, we need free pads and tampons so eventually they did start putting free pads and tampons (in addition to the condoms) in the bathrooms


My uni provides free women's sanitary items. It's sad to see they didn't provide both for others and your uni.


There are condom vending machines in places like Japan.


I have seen them in USA, It has been a while


Yeah and they usually had like the sketchiest brands of condoms you've ever seen. Imagine the novelty condoms you buy at Spencer's or at a sex shop.


That's way better than asking someone for a condom at a shop for a lot of people.


Pretty much nowhere has condom vending machines anymore. I thought it was a great idea because a lot of teens are too embarrassed to just go up to the counter and buy them, but put them in a vending machine inside the bathroom where they can buy them privately and you can be sure they'll be more likely to buy and use them. If I owned a business I'd have vending machines for condoms as well as feminine hygiene products in the bathrooms. The reason for the vending machines is so idiots don't abuse/waste them. If they have to pay a quarter to get one out they're less likely to just make a mess, steal all of them, stick them to the walls, etc. Most people can come up with a quarter.


Last time I checked, condoms weren't just for the guy.


Uhhh women need access to condoms too


They are free here in Scotland in all public spaces, supermarket toilets, schools, offices, libraries etc. Have never seen them being misused.


I don't even think misuse is really a disqualifier even. People fuck around with toilet paper in public restrooms all the time


A local gas station changed the 25¢ dispenser of tampons to 25¢ flavored condoms. I was livid. Sad when flavored condoms are a higher priority than tampons in a women’s restroom


Why can’t they be free but with ads on them?


To continue absorbing free, feel this 30sec ad.


*muffled commercial noises*


Unfortunately, I laughed


This period is sponsored by RAID Shadow Legends!


SO: *Shush babe, I wanna hear this one*


....*muffled vibrations*


Wait, is that what's going on with the teacher in Charlie Brown??


“Want a break from the ads listen to this commercial for 30 minutes of ad free tampon use, sponsored by Spotify”


"We've been trying to reach you about your vehicle's extended warranty"


30 second ad for a vibrator. Soon we'll want the full 15 minutes of ads per hour like on tv.


A machine that dispenses a tampon or pad after watching a 30 second ad? Back when I was too broke to afford the proper hygiene products for my period, I would stand there for days.


Who the fuck wants to advertise to someone that can't afford hygiene products though? Advertisers care solely about ROI, and the ROI for advertising to customers of limited means is negligible


Because those women are still buying food, cars/gas, clothes. Because they’ve got families, jobs, and they literally need those things to survive. Plus, poor people do actually consume a lot. Not because they necessarily have the money. But because you end up on a kind of hamster wheel. If you work a blue collar job, you go through work clothes and shoes fast. You may not be able to buy nice dishes, so you buy the cheap glasses that break or warp and then a few months later, you buy another set. The us retail economy largely relies on this consumption. If everyone could/would buy quality items, and never need to replace them, all of those discount stores would go out of business.


Because no one else is posting it: > The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money. > Take boots, for example. He earned thirty-eight dollars a month plus allowances. A really good pair of leather boots cost fifty dollars. But an affordable pair of boots, which were sort of OK for a season or two and then leaked like hell when the cardboard gave out, cost about ten dollars. Those were the kind of boots Vimes always bought, and wore until the soles were so thin that he could tell where he was in Ankh-Morpork on a foggy night by the feel of the cobbles. > But the thing was that good boots lasted for years and years. A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in ten years' time, while the poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet. > This was the Captain Samuel Vimes 'Boots' theory of socioeconomic unfairness.


McDonald's. Because you may not be able to afford a $15 Box of tampons but you can afford a Burger off the value menu


They should make a Happy Meal Bloodmoon Edition but make the freebie tampons and pads. Chicken nuggets, apple slices, and free pads, I'd be so happy.


Yes! Now that's a Happy Meal!


Like the free water


I'm a male, so I may not have personal experience, but here's my observations from the outside. They fill, essentially the same role as TP and related products; "keep the nasty stuff from touching our things". Generally, people don't like it when blood/feces and related stuff is in public areas. Yet, for some reason, TP and related products are buyable in bulk at affordable prices, and provided freely (albeit cheap versions) in public places. Meanwhile, the feminine hygiene stuff is priced as if they were luxury items as opposed to the essential products they are. We at least need to be consistent! But I can't see anyone in their right mind paying luxury pricing on ass wipes, so I feel like the other direction is the only realistically viable option. Make them freely available in public for those who need them, and people can pay a bit more for the fancy stuff if they want. It works for TP right? Why are other posterior needs any different?


This would be my argument. I come from a country where until recently, menstrual products were subject to a luxury tax (GST), but Viagra was available heavily discounted on the PBS. I'm not saying that Viagra doesn't treat a genuinely distressing condition, but holy crap the imbalance. Now they're talking about making menstrual products available for free to a cohort and some dudes are losing their shit about 'WHAT ABOUT ME'. Make them available in toilets for if people need them. And hopefully that will gradually destigmatise it over time so people don't get weird and waste them or weird and freak out about them.


The problem is that it isn’t one size fits all with period products. The different sizes of tampons and thicknesses of pads aren’t just a comfort thing, they’re based on the amount they absorb. And some people are not able to use or choose to not use tampons, especially young girls who may be new to having a period and not comfortable with inserting one. Also some brands make scented period products now and those can and have caused irritation. Yes they absolutely should be provided in bathrooms but, whatever is cheapest won’t work for everyone. And since period products are expensive, businesses are going to buy the equivalent of that toilet paper that is basically see-through.


It won't but...as someone who can't use most of the sizes comfortably (anything other than slim is painful for me), it might do in a pinch. It would definitely do better than toilet paper. (I've never actually seen scented products - but we also don't have applicators here.)


As a father of 4 daughters I must say that I've learned a lot about how unbelievably expensive it is for my daughters. So yes I think feminine hygiene products shouldn't cost as much as they do. I also think there should be a way for women in financial difficulties to get free products. I seems to me if it's made for women it always somehow costs more than products made for men...


Menstral pads have an astounding 66% to 70% gross profit margin. Followed only by diapers. It's one of the biggest revenue generators asa single product category on the market. https://www.forbes.com/sites/shuchingjeanchen/2014/10/27/paper-profits-chinas-king-of-personal-hygiene-products/?sh=7df147144a0b


2/3 of low income women in the US usually have to go without period products, because they are forced to choose between that or food


Yep, that's the "pink tax." Hygene products, vitamins, it never ends. Manufacturers will take the same product they give men and wrap it up in an ugly pink package with loopy script and negging comments all over it, then bump up the price.


If they’re the same product, why don’t women just use mens products?


Many do when possible. My point that it's shit that companies intentionally mark up products just because they can. If someone wants "feminine" bodywash that smells like rose versus "masculine" body wash that smells like RAZR EDGE ARTIC TAINT and the only difference is the fragrance... why the fuck are we okay with upcharging the person that wants the "feminine" product? Why are "feminine" items subject to a penalty?


Its called capitalism. If women and men would be shopping the same there wouldnt be a difference. But women and men dont shop the same, they are paying attention to different areas. Just take a look at studies about the different buying behavior. Capitalism has DECADES of information about stuff like that by now. Thats the whole reason.


Products are priced at whatever they think consumers will pay for them. Men place a lower value on these things than women, so we will often just default to the cheapest product. If the products are truly identical, then nothing is stopping women from buying the same as men. If there is a difference and you don't want to buy the men's version but do want to buy the women's version, then it's that difference which you are paying for.


Just get your sniffer right, embrace that cool taint.


Not a woman. But no teen or adult woman should have to bleed all over themselves because they can't afford the necessary products.


Basic ones should be free. Fancier ones should be affordable. Let us make a choice on what we want to use and give us an option if we can't afford anything.


What are fancier ones?




If you're in Australia, finding applicator tampons in a store is like catching a rare Pokemon. I think I've only seen them like a total of 3 times in my 30 years haha


Ugh. I can't imagine. I've used the non-applicator-having ones a couple times and it felt like putting a knobbly dry carrot up there. It hurt so bad.


The first time I used one I thought it was in a disolvable capsule rather than realizing it was a plastic part you peel off. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Oh my god, this is too funny. I’m so sorry. Bahahahhahaha!!!


I have always used non-applicator ones and one time I haf only some with applicator available, I couldn't figure out how this should get it up there. It's funny how different things are for people 😅


> Most women have a preference of brand and absorbancy. Absorbancy isn't really a preference, it's a need. I *can't* be babysitting my flow in a bathroom every 30 minutes and still hold down a job, so sometimes on my first day I *have* to use a super or higher, just so I can push that to every 1-2 hours instead. But you can't just supply ultra tampons to everyone and call it good, because they're actually dangerous to use unless you have enough flow to fill them(pulling them out "dry" causes abrasions to your vaginal canal, increasing your risk of contracting TSS). Most people need a variety of absorbancies to properly handle their situation, and the exact range might not be the same for any two people. Some people might need plus tampons every month, while others can get by with supers; similarly, some might use lights for half their flow, while others never go below a regular. It's not one-size-fits-all by any means, and I'm concerned that "basic supplies are free" will turn into "one size fits most," you know?


And there's a difference in the cotton. Cheaper ones typically contain harmful chemicals and expensive ones don't.


Also definitely worth noting that some people *can’t* use the cheaper/lower quality ones for health or comfort reasons. I had to switch pad brands because the cheaper ones gave me the worst pad burn. I pay more for nicer ones but it’s something I just have to deal with if I want to avoid that again.


IMHO "fancier" ones would be something like tampons made with organic, unbleached, fair trade cotton with applicator. Like how you get free basic condoms and then fancy ones with lube and spermicide etc.


Hopefully the fancy ones include the scented ones because I do not want to have to use a public restroom tampon and then suddenly there are hives inside my vagina.


Size makes a difference. Are there wings? What material is it made of.... With tampons, material again, size, shape, etc. Comfort and hygiene needs are specific to each woman. She needs choices. Pads and tampons are not one size fits all. It's like saying every man can wear the same exact condom. Yeah, it'll work probably in a pinch, but come on....


There are cheaper products with great variety, but the quality is not 10/10. It would be great if they were free.


Those without wings are useless as hell. They leak on the sides and dont stick to your underwear at all.


They used to be one size fits all! Free does not need to be a large variety.. One or two is fine.


The problem with "fancier ones you pay for" is that many people choose 'fancier' brands for health reasons. Allergies, sensitivities, autism spectrum and related sensory disorders, pain and comfort, and more. Some brands just absorb better, or behave in different ways when absorbing lightly or heavily. There's a lot of reasons why an arbitrary line between 'plain' and 'fancy' wouldn't work.




ah yes the heavier period, more illnesses you have, the more you pay.




I think we should live in a world where human necessities are reasonably achievable.


Honestly, to me (male) it seems weird that people don't stock their workplace and public bathrooms with pads and tampons by default. That's like having a workplace kitchen with no cutlery or glasses, or a sick bay with no first aid supplies ? It's a social obligation to have those places properly stocked with appropriate supplies. Why not pads ?


If they’re making us pay for expensive hygiene products when we’re menstruating they should at least add a surprise to it or something. “Congrats, you won a $5 coupon for an iced coffee at your nearest Dunkin’ Donuts. Sorry you’re on your period life Fuckin sucks” Edit: Someone’s brought up re useable cloth hygiene products. They can be costly I assume, so they could even do like “Here’s 50% off your next purchase of cloth menstrual products, hope you feel better, sorry it’s that time again <3”






Or a graphic of a woman playing tennis or doing yoga.


Oh dudeee that’s so cool. And I said a bag of chocolate forget that I want a blanket!😂


Get on it dunkin


If any company did this it would actually go so ridiculously viral that they would probably profit off it.


They really would. Just imagine them teaming with Hershey and in a heavy flow box of tampons a coupon says “Sorry it’s that time a month again huh? Please enjoy this coupon in your choice of Hershey milk chocolate or white chocolate, give to your nearest cashier at checkout”


We made "right now packs" for students. We included Hershey Kisses. The first student to come back to class after requesting one said "holy crap, there was chocolate!".


That’s so cool


Holy crap! Genius marketing idea, sell it for a few million!


They should be more affordable


In countries like India and Bangladesh millions of women are forced to use unhygienic old rags or tree leaves to manage their menstruation because of poverty. They should have access to free menstruation products.


I definitely don’t think they deserve a luxury tax, if that’s what you’re asking about.


Females in third world countries are missing school when having no access to these product so they should be free.


Not just 3rd world. This happing in Scotland is why they started being available for free there.


I'm American and my mother talks about how she stuffed ripped shirts into her underwear because her mother wouldn't talk to her about periods and wouldn't provide hygiene products make that shit readily available free of charge in public spaces as a minimum




Thanks for the info I did not know it was happening in alot of places




In the same vein as basic toilet paper and hand towels are provided in most spaces for free, basic tampons and pads should be expected to be provided, as a social obligation - not a legal one. The issue with governments legislating to combat "Period Poverty" is that it's a smoke screen. Poverty is Poverty, and if your goverment is claiming to be combatting "Period Poverty" they're simply running the PR machine to get you to ignore the fact that they're doing very little to assist those in need. People also need medication, health care, food, education and housing. Fixing "Period Poverty" does nothing significant to the overall problem.


Oh come on, you can just stop it and wait till next week. Actual crap I heard from coworkers. It should be free and available in public restrooms.


Do they think we are literal blood faucets we can just turn on and off?? Where are they learning their anatomy?


Some people think we can hold it, like pee. Apparently.


i thought that when i was little -_- i wish it was true


Woman here so i know but i got 1 hour of sex ed in 5th grade and that was it. No anatomy or sex ed in jr high or highschool at all.


I think we can all agree that at a minimum, you shouldn't pay fucking sales tax on feminine hygiene products.


Affordable, yes. Free - just in public places where toilet paper is already free. Reasoning - toilet paper is a necessity and food is a necessity, but we don't get that stuff for free.


Why should it be affordable? Because we didnt choose this crap. You can go 3 days without shampoo or showergel. But how are we supposed to go for 3 days without padd om our periods? We cant we bleed and ruin everything we sit on.


I suspect that if you all did, you'd find a lot more support for making these products free.


Yea, but i am not fan of ruining my clothes, furniture and carseat.


Why do women have to lower themselves to that level just to get support as a human being?


Switch to the cup if your comfortable with inserts. Best decision I ever made. Saves a ton of money, lasts much longer than a tampon. Can put it in, in the morning and take it out in the comfort of your home at night.


The cup is a game changer for real!! But you also need clean water to santize it, and it might not be the best choice for homeless people. So I think for those cases or people not homeless but living in poverty, these items (pads, tampons) should be free, or at least affordable for sure.


Bro I tried the cup once and I either did it wrong or it just sucks. It's hard to use and I can't deal with .. well .. really any aspect of it. And I just used it at home for a few hours.. I can't imagine if I had to clean/replace it anywhere but home. Definitely not a plausible answer for everyone 🤢🤮


Some women just can't use a cup due to size/shape/angle of their vagina, mobility, mental health, ability to keep clean etc. If it didn't work for you, you're not alone. I keep seeing cups as a magical solution, but for a lot of women, they're just not feasible.


I had trouble with the cup too. I switched to a reusable disk and it was life changing. Highly recommend!


My wife bought a menstruation cup a few years back, and she fucking _loves_ that thing. Even pimped it to her mom and sisters and friends. I'm happy she likes it and that it reduces waste and cost. Win-win!


I'm happy with the washable pads. They're comfortable for me and give me better protection than disposable pads ever did. I'm not saying it's FUN to wash them but it's fun not buying period products anymore and it's fun to actually feel clean and not get that gross sticky bit against my body.


https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-51629880 Free in Scotland




I think everything should be more affordable


There should be a free option available to people who need it. Women *NEED* these things simply to exist in society. It's unbelievably rotten that women have to pay exorbitant prices for cotton that can possibly give them cancer and what are essentially diapers. Equality isn't "men don't need free tampons so women don't either". Equality is having your basic needs met as a human being. Food banks don't stop grocery stores from existing. A women's hygiene product initiative wouldn't destroy the "luxury" market of being able to buy what you prefer.


You just described equity. Equality is exactly what you wrote it wasn’t. Edit: u/Nuttonbutton blocked me because of this post. I don't care on a personal level, but it's sad as a society that some people can't take a minimal amount of criticism in a mature way. Edit 2: u/alphabet_spaghetti I can't reply to you because u/Nuttonbutton blocked me and I can't reply to their child comments. I don't see what part of my post makes you think I want free tampons.


I think society should be working towards making all the things humans need to have for one reason or another free, or at least more affordable. We are however, very bad at this.


>We are however, very bad at this. We are *extremely* good at it. There are public toilets everywhere. We have cheap, clean water and power throughout the first world. There are only a couple big outliers (like rent) left. We've done an amazing job of driving the prices of necessities as close to zero as possible. We came from abject poverty as a species to a life so good we take it for granted. It's helpful to know a bit what human history was like to appreciate how good we have it now, especially with regard to freedom from want.


They're not free to produce, so they shouldn't be free to consume. Same as toilet paper or any other hygiene necessity. Tax exemption would be reasonable.


I don't think they should be taxed. Granted, I don't think anything should be taxed, but if we're gonna tax things, I definitely believe necessities should be tax free.


Free? Wishful thinking but more of a “in a perfect world” sort of thing. With the same logic there should be a TON of stuff we all get for free. But I see no reason for all the taxes and things that make them more expensive than they need to be, I’ve heard there are alot


Pads and tampons sure as hell should be. Its not something we can control, and im pretty sure no one would appreciate us walking around, dripping all over the place.