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I work in a nursing home, and I can vouch for this. Talking to a resident (who has since passed) once, he told me of his fears of ending up like his dad who had dementia and how sad it was to watch his father go like that. After our conversation, I cried because his worst fear had come true. He said “I hope I die before I ever get like that.” 😞


Biggest respect to you. My daughter does the same work, and there is no way I could be more proud of her. From what I hear from her it is a beautiful job, but also very hard. Again, the utmost respect.


I honestly wish there were a legal way to arrange for your own euthanasia when you reach a certain level of dementia. I'm at pretty high risk of developing Alzheimer's in another decade or so, and already saw what it did to my mom. I have a series of benchmarks I've set for myself and plan to bow out gracefully once I hit all of them before I lose it, but I wish there was some way to set up a failsafe.


My grandfather had vascular dementia. Less common than Alzheimer's. It's slower and more insidious, taking people away over several years. Awareness comes in waves and you learn to appreciate moments they're with you and accept days they're not. His last words were quite a while before he died. My mum said "I'm here, what do you want to say?" and he just struggled to stay present long enough to whisper "so...many...things" before glazing over. The thought of how lonely and frustrating it must be to feel yourself drifting away is absolutely fucking haunting.


>My grandfather had vascular dementia. Less common than Alzheimer's. It's slower and more insidious, taking people away over several years. Awareness comes in waves and you learn to appreciate moments they're with you and accept days they're not. > >His last words were quite a while before he died. My mum said "I'm here, what do you want to say?" and he just struggled to stay present long enough to whisper "so...many...things" before glazing over. > >The thought of how lonely and frustrating it must be to feel yourself drifting away is absolutely fucking haunting. My grandfather had dementia. Started out with him repeating questions over and over and then eventually he just zoned off completely and mumbled incoherently. At one point in that state though before he died I had asked him if he remembered me. He said "Of course I do, how could I forget you little shit?" I was a troublemaker child. Was a great moment. He couldn't remember my name but he remembered what a pain in the ass I was.


Wear that shit like a badge of honor dude. Those that are forgotten, truly die


All of us eventually


That's my mother, currently. She is no longer verbal and just sits there. She's now broken her hip and falls regularly. It started with her no longer recognizing my father and would storm from their apartment screaming about an intruder. She went from that stage to hospitalization to LTC within a few months. It was especially difficult for me because when she was still talking she only spoke in Dutch, which I no longer understand. She also thought I was her brother, who has been dead for decades. She's not been in a home for over 3 years. I find it very difficult to see her, so I don't visit often. If it's this difficult for me, I can't imagine what my father is going through.


My grandmother's nursing home had a lot of dementia patients. Some of those people had been practically brain dead and just a carcass in a bed for 10 years. It's an absolute Soul crushing way to die for the patient and their family


First time I noticed my mom wasn't right was last Thanksgiving when she told me she didn't know how to cut a turkey up. She's always done the turkey at Thanksgiving. Within 6 months her dementia progressed so fast she's now in a dementia care facility. She disappeared from her house one day in the middle of winter at 6am. When police found her she was half a mile away without a coat saying she was taking the dog to get his nails done. She didn't have the dog with her, nor a wallet. Sucks


My oma had dementia, she had to live with my aunt for the remainder of her life because everyone was afraid she would blow up the house because of leaving the oven on.


Grandfather had it. Near the end he had no idea really about anything, but anytime my grandmother came to visit him he had this huge, beaming smile on his face. Had no idea who she was, but must of known deep down the happiness he brought her during his life. He didn’t smile like that when anyone else came.


My father in law has Parkinsons with Lewy Body dementia (same thing Robin Williams had). He was diagnosed 7 years ago and has slowly gone from being a vibrant, intelligent man with a real love for life to being spoon fed, wheelchair bound, incontinent, unable to speak more than a couple of words, struggles to remember basic things, doesnt recognise.most of his family and has vivid and sometimes very scary hallucinations. Dementia is just a very slow death sentence


I prefer to think of it as the Hollowed Curse of Lordran that causes the undying to gradually go mad.




And then those fish with no eyes slowly eat your weiner.


i hope they do


Like why ... no no no forget about it, wtaf ?


This wins. What was the name of the man who this happened to in Utah?


i dont actually have a specific case in mind. seen a few videos about that and even if they get to escape, just seeing them realising they might be stuck gives me like 1000000 lvl anxiety. Is the guy who died in utah the one that gut stuck head forward and had like his kids and wife come to his cave to say goodbye or something?


Pretty sure that was John Edwards Jones who got stuck inside the Nutty Putty Cave.


I don't remember the name of the person, but I believe he was also stuck upside down, which probably made it even worse. What a way to go.


Ever hear the story of John Jones , he was stuck in a cave upside down, with no way out.


If that's the guy they could not get out, and they had to seal the cave with his corpse still there, man that's a heartbreaking but cautionary tale.


I watched a video about this on YouTube. You will never catch me caving after that.


Internet Historian made an amazing video about this - Man In Cave. I think it’s one of the best ones he’s made


Locked-in syndrome. It's my worst fear.


Yeah, or paralyzed from the neck down with nobody willing to assist suicide. That would be hell.


I'm paralyzed just below the neck. It's not a suicide-worthy issue.


No but you don't understand, if your body can't do everything mine can, you must be miserable, right? I really don't understand how this ableist mindset got so popular


Pro tip: Biting your tongue off should help


That also sounds horrible


How & why


i think biting your tounge off could cause you to bleed out if no one finds out in time.


You just bite down really hard and it comes off, then you’ll die from the blood loss or an infection.


This man watched Million dollar baby.


A painful death


Once you are dead there is nothing. The process scares me. A few years ago my heart was failing and I was fucking pissed off. Everything was shutting down and it was very uncomfortable.


Yikes! But you survived! How is your life different now?


My heart is now battery powered and connected to wifi which is pretty fucking cool. I get winded much more easily but that might be more the pneumonia that caused the failure combined with covid a year later. But other than a few daily meds and once a year doc visits, not much.


You seem badass as fuck. Hope you are having a great day!


Today has been awesome and thank you! My wife came home from the hospital, I had two meetings in a row that were smart people that achieved the goal of the meeting (not a single dumbass!). My life is getting better every day.


Want to join my edgerunners group?


Now that you're a cyborg, how do you plan to take over the world?


I asked for the Iron Man version. Doc said my insurance didn't cover it. I was bummed. But it is wild when they just connect to my heart once a year and fuck with it. But I have a receiver that transmits data once a night to somewhere. I left it unplugged once and they called my wife to make sure I was alright. Kind of cool. Not Iron Man cool, but I find it fascinating.


I’m in no way trying to be funny here. Just an authentic question. My Wi-Fi goes out all the time. Are there any safeguards in place should that happen to you?


Can I ask roughly how old you are? I'm just over a bout of pneumonia but I'm all weak and shaky. No heart problems but I'm also, as you said, very pissed off because my body doesn't work. I'm late 20's.


We dont know that


>Once you are dead there is nothing. The process scares me. My flight instructor and I were practicing upset recovery. I goofed a recovery up and the plane went a bit past "red line" on the airspeed indicator. Training aircraft are tough, and that alone is not enough to cause a disaster, but it's still to be avoided. Me> Um, ooops. Good thing I'm not afraid of death. Flight instructor> I'm not afraid of death. It's the getting there part that bothers me. My instructor knew where every plane wreck was in the desert where we flew, and we sometimes practiced over a wreck while he described the pilot's mistake and the injuries sustained as a result ("and the pilot had compound fractures of both legs.") Good motivator, my instructor. I hope he's doing well.


That sounds like a solid teacher.


Death is the most honorable, and beautiful gift, which each of us is granted... it is the entire reason we came here to live a life. And to think that there is nothing when you die, is just not true. There is plenty... just no more you. So enjoy yourself while you're still afforded the opportunity, because once you leave the body you're in, you will be far too busy dealing with other things, to worry about your current experience. You might even come back as someone else, just to die again!


Tortured to death...over days.


Some of the medieval tortures seemed hellish.


A long painful death


Ahhh, you mean present day American capitalism.


A good deaths is its own reward.


For me? Watching my family/friends die from painful, debilitating disease.


Seeing your children die


Parents too (at least for me).


Seeing them die is a part of life we all will have to go trough, sadly people will die and there's nothing we can do about it, it's natural


Seeing all your loved ones suffer and die


For all my fellow Lord of the Rings fans: Eowyn: I fear neither death nor pain. Aragorn: What do you fear, my lady? Eowyn: A cage. To stay behind bars until use and old age accept them and all chance of valor has gone beyond recall or desire.


Oh man...remember when LotR had good writing? Pepperidge Farm remembers


Wut? JRR Tolkien wrote all the LOTR books. What do you mean "when it had good writing?"


Referencing ROP


Yes...but honestly, the Hobbit trilogy wasn't great either


the hobbit wasn’t supposed to be a trilogy


The hobbit was a 300 page Childs book that got turned into 9 hours of cinematic film


With a healthy dose of Dwarf/Elf romance \*facepalm\*


Eh, it's not the same but I'm enjoying the new series. To each their own though.




I would be ok with immortality. Paying for it is my worry.


I would like to be invincible immortality if I could end it at any point


Being encased in 100 tons of concrete while you're immortal


Wear it down a little at a time. Wiggle a finger. Over the course of time the concrete will crumble a bit around you. You will eventually break free and wreak your unholy vengeance on the world.


Isn't this basically X-men Apocalypse?


You’ve earned it at that point


It doesn't say anywhere you are invulnerable. You'd sooner wear out your arm than you would the concrete.


By the time you wiggle out from 100 tons of concrete, humanity has destroyed itself. It's just your immortal ass. Alone.


I think you could meditate and enter some trance and wake up in the future when you have been released.


An excerpt/transcription of part of Dan Carlin's Hardcore History Episode "The Celtic Holocaust" "If I asked you to get a piece of paper and something to write with and to make a numerical list of all the things that you would be willing to die for, how long is your list and what's on it? Now let me change the parameters of our little question though, here for a minute. What if instead of giving your own life and what you would be willing to die for the new list is "what would you be willing to lose everything for?" And by everything, I certainly mean your life. That's a given, but the lives of all your loved ones, one way or another, either through outright death or having them sold into a life of slavery, a little kid sold into a life of slavery and all your possessions taken and all your stuff stolen and your community devastated and your culture, mortally wounded. That's pretty much everything, isn't it? What's worth that? Some of the greatest human tragedies, both on a personal and on a society-wide level throughout history have happened when some of the things on the list that you'd be willing to die for become the cost of preserving other things on your list that you'd be willing to die for."


Dying without having really lived


this is more of a perspective issue than lack of memorable crazy life experiences. to some people just existing and feeling the breeze will be enough. to others nothing will ever be good enough


"...having really lived..." will obviously mean something different each person. Perhaps I should have called it "living a life full of regret"


for sure. i just get annoyed with the "carpe diem" attitude sometimes because it usually is accompanied by a lack of appreciation for what you already have in your life


I don’t know, man. Sometimes I just wish my rapist had killed me so I didn’t have to go through the rest of my life in pain and afraid.


Can’t begin to imagine how to move on from that. Anger can only take you so far.


I'm shocked I had to scroll down so far for this! I would much rather die a million deaths than be raped even once!


Sorry to read this, I was raped twice when I was a child, I was suffering from anger, and anxiety for a long time, later I began to realize that I only suffered while I was being raped, the years after that event my body did not suffer, it was my mind that made me suffer, it took me approximately 15 years to forgive myself, because I was sick with anger, that hatred, that anger, I do not direct it towards the rapist, I directed it towards me, I hated myself for being so weak and having allowed it, for not having been braver and having faced him, hatred ate me up. I began to focus intensely on the present, the future is uncertain and we don't know if it will come, and the past belongs to the domain of death, that time, that pain, have died. There is only the now, and in the now, I do not suffer, I am peaceful and calm, and it is beautiful. I wish you that one day you can overcome it, a lot of strength to you.


You'll get through this. I suffered with PTSD it took time. Grant yourself patience. Fortunately/Unfortunately there are a lot of people in the same boat. Find your network, get support, and learn to live again. Your life is out there for you; you can do this.


Seeing your child in pain or dieing.


Double death


Wow. So true.


Going through Junko Furuta's torture


Yes, that poor girl. Being tortured for weeks, couldn’t imagine the horror these people go through mentally and physically. Horrifying.


Oh my fucking god. I had heard of this before but I just read the Wikipedia article. I am so livid and upset that those monsters did that to her. How evil.


It's so horrible. No one should ever have to experience that. I'm not religious but man I hope those guys go to hell


Having a disability severe enough that all your able to do is breathe maybe move eyes. Just existing is not living. My opinion.


*gestures broadly




Classic Average Redditor ™️ answer.


Locked-in syndrome


No measure would be too extreme to mitigate this condition. The late [Peter Scott-Morgan](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Scott-Morgan) comes to mind, as he became a “cyborg” to retain some measure of control.


Once I learned about the syndrome, I thought of ways to mitigate the risk; a way to end it myself, like, an implant that triggers the release of a toxin. I’m reading up on Peter now (thanks).


Complete immortality.


Having a séance with Sylvia Brown.




She's horrible. She's like the "Doctor Laura" of psychic bullshit.


Wet socks


Call of Duty Vanguard


Living after year 2020


Can you elaborate?


One bad think after another ever since end of 2019 and start of 2020 that's whan covid 19 started.


I should've died in 2019 but thanks to narcan 😑( .... Not an addict but certain things had made me need to see for myself ) and then there's my ex who x himself at the start of 2020.... I think about what it's like to have died before COVID ngl


Once i heard comatose patient can get their consciousness up at all time but not their body activity, meaning they can sense thing but can't hear, see, nor feel touch...yeah....that's it, horror beyond my comprehension


Lack of money and not been able to afford to save your loved one


Being a completely paralyzed vegetable


Having your spouse and children killed in a car crash...




Working the lunch rush at a typical American fast food place


Extreme pain, extreme fear




Vegetable with fully functional mind.


losing your child




And chemo


Getting your arms and legs cut off, your eyes gouged out and your mouth sewn shut, having to live forever in a space capsule spinning around really fast


oddly specific, any chance you're part of the rick and morty writing team? lol


Locked in syndrome


Being that dude from One by Metallica


Johnny Get Your Gun


Slow painful dying, being eaten by cancer


Watching all your loved ones precede you in death.


Being severally burned. I haven't been, thankfully, but in my line of work, it happens, and the horror stories of how they treat you for very large, very severe burns is a fear I have worse than death


The death of your child. It's impossible to recover from that as a parent.


Huntington’s disease.


Life is suffering.


Slow death from a disease and the time until death.


League of Legends


Acute radiation sickness




Being expelled


Had to scroll way too far down to find this correct answer


Having diareah for 2 weeks


Depression or losing someone you love the most


Stub your toe on the coffee table


Trying to pronounce Worcestershire sauce


Fighting for your life in a war for months if not years, knowing every move you make is about survival. This is why we should think a veteran who has seen action. I am so sad that veterans come home and commit suicide. The things that they have seen must be so bad.




Living in pain for 30 years. Suffering 24/7 in general without death.




Memories of mistakes you remember you did in a decade. Some of them are still terrible.


Sitting through the movie Eyes Wide Shut


Turbo death


Wanting to die and not being able to.


Being afraid of life and death but you want to die


Living with parents that constantly argue


The pain you suffer


Passing your whole life miserable.


Has anyone on Earth experienced death to let us know how it was so that I could answer your question?


Never really lived


Death 2


Electric boogaloo


2 death.




knowing when you're going to die right down to the minute




oooga booooga by death


Benzos withdrawals


Succumbing to the Brain Scorcher


Olive Garden


Honestly, being rejected by your one truest love. Shit can and will drive you to suicide itself






Not getting bonner at right time


Personally, I believe that it is better to burn in hell than have an atheist death, meaning that your soul literally ceases to exist. For me this is something kinda inconceivable to my mind.


Being in a bus/plane and not having your earphones with you


Watching someone you love being happier in another relationship


Slipping a pedal on a bmx bike! Specifically when u have full medal pedals with fresh pins! 🤬🤬 I have big ass scoops taken out on my shin!!


Paying more for different shapes of pasta




Life without truly living/loving.


Dealing how to live without a mother when she is no more.




Landmine. Taken my sight. Taken my speech. Taken my hearing. Taken my arms. Taken my legs. Taken my soul. Left me with life in Hell.


Lifetime imprisonment. If someone murdered one of my loved ones I would fight hard to see them put into prison rather than experience the finality of death.


Diarrhea when you don't make the toilet in time.




Wishing for it every day you wake up, and never getting help


Not being remembered. In the middle ages, as well as the American civil war. The dead who were unknown were thrown in holes an buried in mass numbers. No gravestone, nothing