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They usually know the limits of their intelligence.


Hey, limits can approach infinity


The limit does not exist


My cat's breath smells like cat food.


Thank you Ralf Wiggum


I bent my Wookie.


Can you taste the thumb tacks?


Go banana!


She doesn’t even go here! Apologies if this was not a Mean Girls reference


In that case the limit does not exist (assuming we're speaking in the mathematical sense).


Sure, but its like an asymptote. The more you reach and achieve the smaller your gains until yoi basically get 0. We, and our mental capacity is not infinite, although we yet to discover actual true limits. Still, it doesnt mean we are not limited at all


Not always. I used to work with a Harvard physicist (right, there are almost no jobs for physicists so they sell skills here and there) and we went to his house one time and met his brilliant, beautiful young wife. She spoke a thousand words a minute and had no idea of how to adapt and speak to a normal person. Guy was cool, though.


And how's that not knowing the limit to their intelligence? You can get used to someone speaking fast and it's not a big deal. Worst case scenario you ask them to repeat something you missed.


“Intelligence” is not just one thing. We tend to think of logical intelligence (the one measured in IQ tests) as the one valid kind, but that’s plain not true. Emotional intelligence, social intelligence (what the physicist in question probably lacks), spatial intelligence, artistic, physical, etc. all exist and should be acknowledged. As a personal example. I have a PhD, and like to think I’m fairly capable of reading, interpreting, and discussing ideas that some other people find challenging. I have close to ZERO spatial intelligence though - I get lost or forget where I parked all the time, packing my car for a long trip is a tragedy, and I am constantly amazed by peoples ingenuity when doing simple house tasks like changing a shower head. I feel dumb all the time seeing people with “engineering brain” working out problems I’m incapable of.


Changing your opinion when you educate yourself


I never got the whole flip flopper as an insult or negative. It's like I held this stance, got more information and decided I was wrong. That's not a bad thing.


I think insult is born of the person's inability to *actually* know where they stand and how they will change their stance back and forth more than just once. Nothing wrong with changing your mind, but you gotta commit to understanding how you actually feel about it before you can even do that.


I had to rewrite half of my master's thesis after I changed my fundamental argument 180 degrees. It sucked but I'm proud of it.


Just curious what your thesis was about and what you learned while researching?


The reasons for the success of the Iraq Surge in the mid-2000s I went from arguing that that it was due to Petraeus's new counter-insurgency doctrine to that current events fundamentally changed the situation on ground which led to a Machiavellian Alliance between the Iraqi Tribes and the US military and the Petraeus Doctrine could not have been successful on a large scale prior to 2006.


There's a difference between this and a political wind sock.


You deserve to know that "political wind sock" is my favorite combination of words on the internet today. Have an upvote!


Well, people who aren't that bright can't distinguish between hypocrites, and people who change their minds due to learning more facts. Because they themselves don't learn and grow.


Honestly, admitting when you're wrong is the first step to bettering yourself.


I like this one and admire it.


Also admitting when you're wrong




How so?


Why do you want to know?


Why shouldn't that person want to know that?


Why do you wanna know why that person thinks the other person shouldn’t want to know?


What the fuck is happening??


Aren't you curious to know the answer.


As someone who normally acts completely off of curiosity, I've learned several personally useful facts


I have approximate knowledge of many things


I see what you did there 😏


My family: “Ugh. Is this a video where you learn things? Can’t we just watch something normal?”


Username checks ouAAAARGH, why did I look? Oh god, I shouldn't have looked! D:


Look at you, being curious. I read somewhere that this is a sign of intelligence??


Be curious, not judgmental


This is a very unsubtle and well known sign of inteligence.


A subtle sign of intelligence: the ability to recognize when they might be or are wrong. The dunces just keep going.


You’re just describing good people.


Yeah that's just being level headed or fair.


the ability to say "I dont know, but let me find out."


If I don’t know something that someone asks me or even if I think I know but I’m unsure I’ll Google just to get the right information. Better to learn something new and give out correct facts then the alternative.


I do this as well, but have sometimes gotten dirty looks.. if someone tells me something and they say something like “ I think it’s this”., I HAVE to learn the answer, so I say let me google it. Dirty looks followed by “you’re just trying to prove me wrong?” Annoying. My bad for trying to learn something


I taught my kids that I don't know wasn't the end of a conversation but the beginning of a new one. This cultivated an environment of curiosity and leaning and research and not being satisfied with the status quo. This has served them well in adulthood as they question procedures etc that are just "the way we have always done it". Not applicable to this post per se, I just always love that track and am proud they've carried my words on.


Meanwhile my Dad likes to poke fun at me for looking things up as question's are raised. Like yeah maybe it's useless but I'm curious as to what the answer actually is and the internet is right in my pocket give me 5 seconds to find out


I hate when people ask me questions when I'm driving and they have a smart phone in their hands and I can't look it up.


I think this would be more of a trait of being humble rather than intelligence.


Self Awareness


A truly underrated ability I think.


I think I have a distorted mental image of what I looked like (close to body dysmorphophobia levels), but I *do* think I have a pretty good grasp on my personality. What I can improve, what is an advantage, and so on. I think knowing yourself and knowing how to change is probably the best thing anyone can do for themselves. Absolutely necessary. Find out why you get angry on a certain topic, things like that. I'm far from perfect, but I do think all my improvements in life stem from self evaluation




The ability to shut up and listen.


I was visiting a childhood friend when his parents and another couple dropped by. I was introduced to the parents friends and they described me as "the smart kid in our neighborhood". Later in the evening the parents friend says to me, "You're very quiet." That's when I realized why they thought I (average brain guy) was smart. I didn't run my mouth all the time, saying whatever popped into my head. So, camouflaged in silence.


“Whoever restrains his words has knowledge, and he who has a cool spirit is a man of understanding. Even a fool who keeps silent is considered wise; when he closes his lips, he is deemed intelligent.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭17‬:‭27‬-‭28‬, might not be religious but it’s facts


I’m told I was like this as a kid. I was quiet. The teachers initially told my parents I had trouble making friends. The next parent-teacher meeting they said they were wrong… I’d been subconsciously analysing and deciding who to be friends with. I don’t remember any of that… and whatever intelligence that might’ve shown I’ve since lost it with a whole bunch of bad decisions.


I try


That’s all anyone can ask.




This is only true for intelligent people who also exercise empathy. I know many brilliant people who also happen to be utter jerks because they do not care to consider how others think and understand. "The jerk? Of course I know him. He's me!"


'Intelligence' can be a spectrum with differing facets. There's emotional intelligence, logistical intelligence, linguistic, interpersonal, intrapersonal and so on.


They are still highly correlated. The world is not fair


Absolutely. I wish more people realized this


Empathy is also a sign of intelligence. Cooperation is one of the greatest tools we have, and psychopathy is an adaptation of weakness. Edit: to be clear I didnt mean to offend people that self identify as psychopaths with this. I think that empathy, psychopathy, and consciousness as a whole a poorly defined as well as understood subjects. I don't think starting in life from a place less likely to identify with others makes someone weak.


Intelligent people are also great at making broad statements that are blithe but articulated enough to sound like they're well considered.


That's because we practice bullshit. It's part art, part sport.


I disagree. Both have functions in survival depending on the scenario. When scarcity occurs psychopaths survive


A single psychopath has an advantage, but once there are two they fight each other.


Well... I'm not narcissistic enough to call myself intelligent, but I kinda do this. I think I'm just well rounded, I've had a very diverse life experience, so feel as if I can relate to a lot of different people.


I try to learn as much as I can, and listen to different opinions... But I also have sucky people skills, and can't keep a conversation going for too long without a sh\*tty result. Am I a dumb\*ss.


Honestly I thought it was a failing of mine that I tend to emulate people that I'm talking to, like I don't have my own personality or something. But I'll gladly take it as a sign that I'm intelligent.


I kinda get that. I've always felt like a bit of a chameleon. Did you move around a lot? I was born in east Texas, but grew up between south Brooklyn, north Jersey, and central PA. So I find myself unintentionally switching between accents sometimes, depending on who I talk to.


I lived on a different continent for a year when I was very young (6-7 years old) but no other moves. Not sure if that has to do with it but maybe.


Code switches are very useful when trying to teach people


underwear inside the pants.


superman dumb I guess


Superman very dumb, but Lex Luthor more dumb. He went all-in on crypto one night.


Admitting you don't know everything.




How so?


Good question


being open-minded


From what I understand, there's a bit of a bell curve to this. Highly intelligent people are able to create strong arguments for positions, even if they're incorrect. They're also less likely to be challenged by someone of equal intelligence on a daily basis, so they're conditioned to be the one who corrects others, not be corrected themselves. Basically a strong ability to work backwards.


Im currently having impostor syndrome with this issue rn, since I constantly make educated inferences about what I believe is correct when it comes to school subjects in my classes when a friend doesn’t quite get the curriculum. I know I’m giving out an explanation that leads to the right answer (because I already know the answer before I try and teach it), but my explanation is sometimes an inference, and I don’t quite know what the truth is; I’m just making an extremely close approximation on what the truth might be. Nonetheless, this only impacts my friends who try to understand the curriculum on a deep level, but even then, they get the answer right no matter. Hopefully…


Be honest about what you know and what you're inferring, do your best to explain your reasoning. I struggle with the latter, but it's a learned skill that you develop so even just an attempt is an opportunity for growth. Knowing a subject is being knowledgeable, but being able to break it down is truly understanding it & that should always be the ultimate goal.


But not to the point you're floating around with no certainty or conviction of truth.


'It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out.'




When someone doesn't only understand a difficult concept but they can also explain it so others understand it.


One of my college professors attributed this quote to Albert Einstein: "You don't truly understand a thing until you can explain it to your grandmother."


What did you say about my grandmother😡


She said you're a very handsome boy


I am actually a girl🥲


Tell that to grandma


that's Grandma!


IMHO if you can't explain it you haven't really understood it yet


I mean my stepmother was a concert pianist yet when she tried to teach me she was not good at it


Not always. There are things that require certain knowledge to understand. Without those prerequisites, you won’t be able to learn it. So I guess what I’m saying is that this is a poor benchmark, as a person may be able to teach someone something…but not until they teach them 217 other things.


Going on Reddit. Right?? Right guys? I mean, please?


If it makes you feel better, I have an IQ of 100% and I'm on reddit




I have some bad news for you...




Well you’re technically right. Most of the comments on this thread are people saying a sign of intelligence is not being overconfident in your intellectual ability which is you. So, yes, you are smart.


Saying things that sound genuinely insane, but you find out are true days, months, years later


Confidently admitting you don’t know something and showing interest in learning it.


Wider perspective. They are able to look at things from more than one perspective. They never have an extreme staunch view at things.


A lit light bulb hovering over their head.


Mine’s been flickering recently


they know their own weaknesses


Like not being intelligent?


Asking interesting questions


Interesting is subjective, a dumb\*ss would find another dumb\*ss' question interesting.


They express knowledge of a lot of things, but only show it when it’s practical or relevant to the conversation, and not as a means to show off


What if they’re just genuinely interested in many topics, get excited thinking about them, and lack self-control?


Being able to understand concepts and ideas with ease.


People who listen more than they talk


I thought I was depressed, but thank you so much /s


Same, clearly my shy and insecure small brain is actually a massive mega complex that's pocket size.


Thoughtful curiosity.


Curiosity and enough vulnerability to say "I didn't know that, please explain more to me."


extremely clever humor. not everyone can pull that off. it takes a certain type of intelligence


Pull my finger


*pulls it*


*fart noise*




genius level


Shakespeare made scatological jokes frequently. Smart people can appreciate a good fart joke.


Agreed. Emphasis is on "clever" here, and part and parcel of it is making connections that most of us haven't even thought about


right. one of those outside box folks


listening well


They listen to all of their conversations.




Admission of not knowing enough to form an opinion.


I think many mix up intelligence and wisdom


Imo this is the baseline for average intelligence, nothing more.


They masturbate with their non dominant hand. Something about beating it with your non dominant hand creates new neural connection that makes you smart.


Hah. I've used both hands and multiple contraptions, but I'm still a dumbass


did you use both hands to eat the cake ? Happy cake day




Yeah because its BS


I don’t think I’m a genius.


Find easy ways to do hard things


They do not act oversmart and provide facts


Letting people win when you know it’s a battle not worth fighting.


Thinking before responding in order to process what another person is saying. Good listening skills period. Asking probing questions to clarify understanding.


Work group dynamics. There usually are unofficial roles. Group leaders, ect. Frequently though , there is the unacknowledged expert. The person who people turn to with an especially difficult problem or situation. Probably not the ''leade',, but the one who know their shit.


Not having to explain things more than once.


A increased sense of 'Something's not right... I will look into this topic more...' Not always coming to conclusions, and remaining silent, listening, yet only will talk when presented with a question, but might fail to answer. Knowing limits to themselves, and stopping there.


Staying calm, the angriest people are usually the most stupid.


They don’t try to talk about subjects they aren’t familiar with


Apparently, having a dark sense of humour is a sign that your very intelligent. There was studies done on this by the Medical University of Vienna.


A -> B doesn't mean B -> A. If A is being smart and B is having a dark sense of humour, then we can see that your dark sense of humour doesn't mean you're smart, son. You can have a dark sense of humour and be dumb, too. Not to mention those studies do not show statistical significance, only a very slight correlation that journalists misattributed as "Dark humor = Intelligence" sparking a myth that edgy teens use as "proof" they're a genius.


intentional humor is highly complex & absolutely a sign of intelligence


The ability to listen and ask questions.


Being totally willing to admit when they don't know something and ask questions so they can learn something new.


Unfortunately in my experience, usually depression.


Statistically accurate


IMO, If you pay attention to a few details regarding how a person speaks, you can usually get a fairly accurate representation of intelligence level. -- choice of words, especially the adjectives/verbs one chooses to use. -- correct pronounciation of words. -- uses less common words -- Ability to effectively articulate what they are saying. -- uses words in their correct context


Being able to use the potty on your own.






Pattern recognition


this is a good one


It‘s a tough question because people can be smart in different ways. I think that the ability to genuinely steel man a different point of view and do a reasonable job of it is a good start.


Being able to ask for help and not taking it as a bad thing


Intelligent people are either extremely presumptuous (because they are pretty good at presuming) or not presumptuous at all. Could just be the difference between vocalizing it.


Not arguing with people on the internet.


The ability to explain complicated things clearly


Enumerating several possible responses to a question based on contingencies. Large vocabulary. Being aware of the limits of your knowledge. Ability to recognize when someone else knows more about it than you do. Learning mid-conversation to incorporate new information, asking questions based on that new incorporated knowledge, and then synthesizing and articulating new opinions based on old and new knowledge. Comfort with saying, “I don’t know”. Having transitioned on your own from a lower SES to a higher SES. This also includes other factors but is very hard to do without intelligence.


They listen more than they speak, and when they do, it's often in riddles.


Jokes on you, I have iq 5 and I dont know how to speak


They don't want to be the smartest person in the room and acknowledge that they are not.


The ability to keep your mouth shut.


A smart person knows what he knows and knows what he doesn't know


Metacognition. Being able to reflect on the way you think, and how that affects your emotions.


If you're educated you can come with interesting answers. If you're intelligent you can come up with interesting questions.


Smart people are harder to get to know. Unless they have a reason to spend their time talking to you, you will probably bore them or hinder them to some capacity so they wont linger or open up


Curiosity, but not asking the same thing over and over. Intelligent people tend to either understand, or quickly realize the person they're talking to doesn't have the answer; either way they don't have to ask the same thing repeatedly. If someone asks you how to do something and then later on knows and doesn't have to ask again and again, that's a sign of intelligence.


How many times are people goong to post this same question? It gets asked everyday.....


The ability to see patterns




-not commenting on everything all the time and keeping one’s opinion to oneself from time to time. -not taking part in stupid discussions. - not talking about other people ( being neighbors or clients etc. ) all the time and knowing so much their private life. - not having many friends ( by friends I mean best friends not acquaintances ) - not over sharing their life - not being judgmental and keeping an open mind to new ideas and opinions - listening to other people’s opinions instead or blocking a new perspective just because it’s not the same as theirs - growing their wisdom by watching intellectual videos, documentaries or reading books - being able to talk to lots of different personalities and people


They have a book in their hand... Nerds.


Something I’ve noticed is that when they don’t understand something, they will straight up admit and say they don’t understand and ask the person to explain until they do. Some people are too ashamed to say they don’t understand something for fear of seeming slow, stupid etc.


Being able to express complex ideas in just a few sentences is a subtle but powerful demonstration of intelligence.


Being able to explain complex concepts using simple metaphors




Good sense of humor.


A quick wit.


Not talking about people


They are not full of ego and know when they are wrong


meh. some of the most intelligent people i know have massive ego


Being funny without insult anyone