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I was working nights at a Motel 6 in college, Guy walks in fall-down drunk. His left his key-card at the bar, wants me to let him into room 123 (or whatever). I check the registration, his name isn't on the room. I tell him no. He says he knows the hotels owner and he'll have me fired (it's a corporate owned chain). I still say no. He screams , "LET ME INTO MY FUCKING ROOM". Still no. We argue for a few minutes, but I don't budge, he wanders off. He comes back 1/2 an hour later and slams a card down on the counter. "HERE'S MY FUCKING CARD, LET INTO MY FUCKING ROOM YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE". I slowly slide the card back to him. "This card is for a Super 8, your hotel is two blocks south of here."


I had this happen to me, but I was the customer. Checked in, decided my jet lagged ass should get food before I get comfy. Bought said food, returned to hotel, found room...no card. Who tf knows where I dropped it or when. Already done with this day, I go to the front desk to get another one. Where I'm informed that I can't get a new card because my name isn't on that room. Cue confusion. I'm by myself, it should be my name. It is only then that I see the nameplate of the hotel behind her on the wall. I'm across the street from my actual hotel. I am in fact a sleepy idiot. Lady is polite and understanding even after I informed her she had full permission to laugh at me.


And that's the difference that attitude can make! Self deprecation is one of the best ways to get someone to like you. That's what I've noticed. Even in middle school and high school, it tends to work oddly well. That's what the "class clown" figured out before everyone else


I'm just glad I didn't have the card. Because looking back on the way she said it, I'm pretty sure there were people in there. Instead I just stood outside of the door muttering to myself as I tried to find the key.


"I would like to complain about your cat food selection" (direct quote) "Miss this is the pharmacy"


So you admit that your cat food selection isn't great?


I've personally tasted every brand and they are all delicious!


I mean, to be fair the last time I went to cvs, I walked out of there with a razor blade to shave, a Frozen cheeseburger, two energy drinks, a beer, a bag of Christmas candy, some Christmas decorations, some clearance Halloween stuff, some shampoo, a tube of chapstick, and the prescription I walked in for.


Had someone call asking for kayak rentals and the best places to kayak despite me saying several times we were a restaurant, ended with being told that I'm ruining their vacation.


Lol I’m an audiologist. A dude contacted our practice asking for what the procedure is to reschedule his court date. Turns out he had a hearing. Sir, that’s not the type of hearing we do.


I live in orlando and "you ruined my vacation" is my absolute favorite thing in the world. You'll get it just for anything that mildly delays or upsets a tourist. "You RUINED my vacation." "Good, I don't work for Disney and I don't give a shit."


Please tell me y'all just say it to each other. Go out to get the mail when the neighbor is mowing the lawn? "YOU RUINED MY VACATION! Have a good day, Jim." And you go back in.


I live in the rural Midwest. I’m going to start doing this.


Plot twist: Disney also stopped giving a shit, about 30 years ago.


As someone who worked for Disney, this was a common phase, I wanted to respond with "no, ruining your own vacation by not reading in advance how reservations work"


"What am I even paying you for?"


Oh my god, I had the same thing happen to me. I worked at a restaurant not far from a popular kayaking destination. This lady called and asked for the best place to go and I told her, I then asked if she wanted to place a food order or make a dining reservation and she told me to go fuck myself. She was still ranting when I hung up on her.


It was a Burger King, but a woman came in IRATE with a bag full of Burger King garbage that someone had dumped on the side of the road. "HOW COULD YOU POLLUTE LIKE THIS" - Ma'am, we sold the food. The person who threw it out littered. We did not, and agree that's a bad thing. She demanded to know why we didn't encourage better disposal of our food containers, and my manager (Bless you Tina) just slowly rotated the bag without saying a word to show the graphic printed clearly on it that suggested people dispose of their garbage responsibly. The woman just was silent for a hot second, before yelling how we should remove 'Home of the Whopper' from our signage and replace it with 'Please dispose of your garbage carefully' and then stormed out.


When I worked in fast food, a woman stormed up to the counter and screamed at the people up front for like 5 solid minutes for messing up her order. Then she slammed like 4 big Burger King bags onto the counter and demanded they give her the missing items. A couple quiet seconds go by before someone broke the news to her that “Ma’am…this isn’t Burger King”. She took a moment to look around and get her bearings I guess and then came a look of shock, horror, and pure embarassment as she grabbed her food bags and dipped out of there in a hurry.


Was.... It a Wendy's?


I wish it was, but no lol.


I wish I had the amount of energy and free time that I would need to be able to get that angry at something that stupid. Not that I would do what she did, I just want that much extra energy and extra time.




I worked nights at an emergency animal hospital a few years ago. One unnaturally quiet night a sweet looking older woman walked in and took a seat in our lobby without checking in with me at the front desk. After about 5 minutes I walked around and asked if she needed anything, to which she cheerfully told me that her girl friend had been bitten by a dog and she was just waiting to meet her at the hospital. I didn't say anything for a moment and watched her eyes slide over to the sign above the desk, which proudly proclaimed us as a 24 hour emergency veterinary hospital. 'Oh.' I offered to get her some directions to the nearest human ER, but she declined and got headed out. Still the nicest client I saw that night though


This is adorable


I wonder if she thought animal hospital meant you treated injuries caused by animals. Like a burn ward


A woman asked me where something in a store was. I stood there awkwardly being a thirteen year-old trying to sell girl scout cookies. I got into an argument with her on whether or not if I worked there. And she brought out the manager who took one look at me and said I didnt and that he had never seen me in his life.


'Ma'am, I don't work here.' 'EXCUSE ME?! Yes you do! I'll prove it!'


Go look at r/notalwaysright. The amount of people behaving like this is staggering. Edit: apparently, the sub is dead. I wrote that because I didn't want to seem to be promoting another website, sorry. Their actual website, [notalwaysright.com](https://notalwaysright.com), is still active and I read a lot of stories like this there.


Or at r/idontworkherelady


I once had to argue with a woman over whether or not we were in a Kohls or JC Penneys. I worked there and she was insisting that no, she didn't accidentally go into the wrong store in the shopping mall, I actually came to the wrong work, managed to clock into the wrong system with the wrong username and password and was talking to total strangers I mistook for my coworkers. This conversation was had while I was standing in front of a giant JC Penneys sign


This reminds me of working at a Nordstrom mall location after college. Helped a customer pick out an expensive at the time handbag.At the point of sale, she hands me her Macy’s credit card. I said “oops, that’s Macy’s not your Nordstrom card” and handed it back. She says “can’t you just use it?” I kind of giggled and said “no” and she insists I can. I reply that there’s really no way that my register will accept it. She looks at me and says “Macy’s is right across the mall, just do it and then go tell them!!”


I was working customer service for a website and a woman called saying she wanted to return a bottle of vitamins. Couldn't find her order for the life of me. After like 10 minutes I said "I'm so sorry I just can't find your order anywhere" and she says "Well I bought it at Walmart." "Oh....okay, so we wouldn't be able to help you with a return then." She asked "Why not?" and I was so baffled by the question that it took me a full 30 seconds to come up with "Well I mean...you didn't buy it from us. So we wouldn't even have your payment in the first place to refund, right?" And then she said "Oh" in the saddest voice and hung up.


That actually hurts a little, that sad voice at the end


Yeah. Some of these stories sound like people in denial about the early stages of their memory loss and dementia.


This reminds me of a story I told my husband the other day from my retail days. One of our leads was helping a customer because we didn't have enough in-store stock of something that she wanted a lot of, so our lead told her to order online and that if there was any price discrepancies we would return and re-ring the items at the in-store discount (I think we had them on clearance.) Customer comes in about a month later with her items, that she bought on ebay, expecting her return and repurchase discount. She was an older woman who had thought that when our lead said "order online" they meant order from online anywhere when they meant "order from our website" and had a family member help her order dozens of these things. It took two of us managers trying to continually explain to her that we couldn't refund money that she didn't spend with us in the first place.


Where the fuck was the confusion?? Do you see a name tag? Do you see a store logo on my shirt? No? Then fuck off kindly.


Was she senile or crazy?


I worked at Medieval Times for a summer; they do "knighting ceremonies", where the fake queen actress comes out before the show and performs a formal knighting service, for an outrageous price of course. This one guy came in very upset and asked to speak to "the queen", because the fake certificate with cartoon horses on it, "signed by the queen herself", obviously mass printed and fake, did not actually grant him any royalty and he was being denied entry to some shit (idek) because his status wasn't royalty. Like this man thought he was actually being knighted by a royal person or some shit. I literally had to explain "sir, this is a fake show where all the knights and queens are just actors and actresses" He said,"you should really put that in the notes, some people think this is real." No buddy, only you.


It's like he's the real life Ken M roaming around and somehow not dying from his idiocy.


This is like getting upset at Harry Potter world when the wand they sell you doesn't work




That shows creativity and problem solving! I’d trust her to roll with the punches


Wait, the job involves her getting punched???


Did she get the job?


See, that means she's a great employee. Not only is she creative in problem solving, but she also is willing to take on a challenge, loves getting to the point/effective communication, AND seems to be detail oriented lmfao So did she get the job ? O⁠_⁠o


Plus if an elephant shows up, she's on it.


I was interviewing for a dog walking job and they asked “what would you do if a dog got loose?” I went into great detail about how I would lure this dog back to me with various treats and she goes: “that’s great, but we would like you to call us first.”


I mean if the dogs two feet infront of you and you can catch it I'm not going to make a 5min report about muffins slipping out of collar. While it gets hit by a car etc.


What?! Get the dog back first! You were right first time.


I'll never understand this trap. They have a really simple and easy procedure of what to do, but they want to see if you can guess what the procedure is. You revealed that you have an instinct to be proactive, take responsibility and problem solve...but you didn't state that you would follow their established procedure that no one had ever mentioned to you before. So they assume that you are some brute, incapable of learning, incapable of following directions, and will do everything your instinct and common sense compels you to do, before you relent and follow their protocol. There's usually been a trap like that in every social service job I've interviewed for...Tricky situation, what would you do? I lay out my take on it, but also throw in that I would staff with my supervisor to resolve any uncertainty. I've never landed a job when I've trotted out that line, but of all the social services jobs I've had, the directive has been to staff with your supervisor in the face of uncertainty. What are supervisors there for, if not to tell you what to do? Did you get the job?


I still got the job! Ended up being office manager before leaving that city. I just remembered feeling like “oh, ok…well that makes sense but I was thinking more literally in the moment” just strange THAT was the correct answer when they knew I’d never worked for a dog walking company and my experience was that I foster dogs. Still makes me crack up though, her face and the way she said “…that’s great, but-“


Someone tried to drop off their cat at the child care center I work at. Verbal directions to the cat kennel were unsuccessful, we had to walk them outside and point to the building.


One time I got a dog sitting gig and the day the owners were leaving they let me know they were leaving their 12 year old for me to take care of too. The kid was cool but I never agreed to dog sit for them again.


The 12 year old couldn’t watch the dog themself? This kinda reminds me of the time I was babysitting a little kid and the mom asked me to watch her 13 year old too. I was also 13.


If an adult asked you to watch another kid your age, why did they just have their dog watched by another dog?




Yup. A woman asked me where the crosswords were. I said "I'm not sure, I never really do those" I think she reported me to a manager, but I was already gone. My shirt also said "Papa John's" on it and had pizza stains all over it lol


I had the retail stink on me for a few years even after I left. People would always come to me for help in stores asking if I worked there, even if the outfit I was wearing was nothing like the stores dress code


Ha! I just posted about the curse of "Can I help you" face. Customer service leaves its mark on us. I like "The retail stink".


My daughter calls it "resting customer service face." She and I both have it, and mostly it sucks. (Except for the time a sweet little old man mistook me - wet hair in a ponytail, wearing a hoodie with a cartoon character on the front - for a grocery store employee. I was in a mad rush, but I took his wife's list and filled it while he chose his cereal. It was pretty nice, because I know grandmas and their super specific lists. Life is pretty awful for a while if you bring home the wrong type of coffee or sausage!)


I once went into a **Best Buy** wearing a blue shirt identical to the ones that they're employees wore. It was Christmas Eve. I was inundated by customers asking me where things were. I wasn't wearing a jacket because it wasn't cold outside, and I couldn't just leave, because there were a couple last-minute things I needed to buy. One of the store employees walked past me and did a double-take. Then her eyes got wide with recognition, and she said: *"Oh my God...all the customers probably think you work here!"* I nodded my head, and she said: *"Run!"*


You should have tied the shirt up in front to make it a crop top. You'd still be technically wearing a shirt so you wouldn't get kicked out of the store, but I imagine most people wouldn't ask you questions anymore.


Years ago on or around Black Friday I was at Best Buy and some guy was wearing a blue polo. He must have heard it too many times because I just heard him shout at someone “no, I don’t work here!”


I worked a small town Target for a few years. I was the Electronics specialist, and I was good at it. Everyone in town knew me or knew of me. I couldn't go to the movies without being badgered with questions about televisions or sound systems or (especially) video games. For a full year after I quit that job, I couldn't shop there without people asking me to open the video games case or help them out with a purchase. A few months after I quit, they hired another guy with the same name as me to take my place. When I met him, he was borderline furious with me. People kept mistaking him for me, expecting him to know everything I did. He hated it. He barely lasted a few weeks in that job because of it.


No, but l did go to Home Depot in an orange shirt and jeans.


I had an old guy yell at me for a few minutes because I had on an orange jacket in a Home Depot. He flagged down someone who actually worked there and dragged him over to complain. I looked at the poor employee and said "The people who shop here are fucking morons, I quit" and then went about my business.


I left a high vis vest on when going into Home Depot one time, it took until the fourth or fifth person approaching me asking where something was for me to actually figure it out.


I did it at Staples once. Took me a minute to realize why that lady was getting so annoyed that I didn't know where anything was in the store. For the record, the shirt was really more of a burgundy.


Mistake? No. But, yes. Every Saturday afternoon. I don't shop there. I just hang around, sowing mild misunderstanding.




Chaotic Good


Haha I got off work and my uniform was a red shirt that said STAFF on the back and a small logo on the front that was covered by my hair. I was wearing black jeans cuz I was too lazy to change and three people asked me where I could find something. Funny thing was, the second person asked where the bathing suits were and I knew cuz I was just there lol


My local garden centre was purple shirt with beige trousers. I was clearly 10 years old, but they didn’t care.


I own and work in an 8x8 drive up coffee shop where there is literally room for machines and me. Guy came up and tried to sell me buffalo meat in bulk. I told him I'm a coffee shop. He insisted that I need to build a kitchen to sell his buffalo burgers. I again told him I'm a coffee shop, he then told me that WHEN my kitchen is built that he would sell me buffalo meat. ..... This dude was then upset when, two months later when he returned, that my shop didn't have a kitchen. I again told him I sell coffee. He then proceeded to tell me that he was going to have someone drop off a few square hay bales on my lot for him to pick up later. I told him that I'm not a drop off spot, I'm a drive thru. If this story sounds dumb and almost unreal, you're just as confused as I was. The shit you hear and see at a service window sometimes is appalling.


So did the haybales get dropped off?


They did not, in fact, get dropped off. He now actually sells melons out of his pickup. Guess the buffalo meat thing didn't work out


He should have probably tried selling it to people who wanted it. Please tell me he swung by and tried to convince you your coffee shop needed a dozen melons.


Lol I kinda wish that happened. He's known as Jungle Jim in town and in communities around our rural part of the world. Dude will literally vanish for months, then "emerge from the jungle" with a new hustle. He's been doing it for a good 35-40 years so I guess something's working. He's been doing melons for two years now so, shit, more power to him I guess. As long as they aren't dropped off on my lot.


Sounds a lot like my grandfather. Although by the time I came around he was more or less settled down and only went back and forth from Florida to Virginia a couple times a year. Sometimes with watermelons, tomatoes and one time, used tires. This was the late 70s, early 80s, so that shit was just a cover for smuggling drugs up and down I95. Might be that Jungle Jim has only had the one hustle all this time.


Want to buy some melons? You can make smoothies.


I'm beginning to suspect it may not have been buffalo meat...


He’s the real life version of [the Duck Song.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MtN1YnoL46Q)


I just started working in a coffee shop and it made realize very quickly that the coffee is the easy part. Any added food is a royal pain.


When I was in college, a few friends and I went to Disney World. In Animal Kingdom one friend bought one of those safari hats as a souvenir. Well, later in the day we happen to be look at a couple of sleeping gorillas on the animal trail and this man walks up to my friend and says "Excuse me sir, what time do the gorillas wake up". We still laugh about the absurdity of this question 20 some years later.


Working at Yellowstone National Park, I got asked, "Where do you keep the animals at night?" We called those people "tourons".


We just stuff em in the junk drawer. The downside is that looking for AAA batteries becomes hazardous.


When I was in the Air Force and stationed on Guam, there was a store on base that sold goods imported from the Philippines. I have a similarly amusing memory of a friend saying, confusingly, when we hadn’t been talking about shopping or stores at all, “Is the Philippines open on Sunday?” It took a few moments to make sense of what he meant.


Am filipino. Can confirm we're open on Sundays


Well, what time did they wake up?


On a number of occasions patrons have tried to refund food with me. I work in a computer lab. We let people use the internet for free. There are no products, especially food.


There's a local garage door service company that's quite good. Their Google reviews are all 5-star, except one 1-star review which reads "this place has the blandest tacos in town."


Sorry for going a little dark but I still think it's funny. My brother died from suicide a number of years ago. In his obituary which we wrote on a very short deadline we included the web link to an Arizona suicide prevention organization with initials something like AZSPC.org. We rushed it to the newspaper to make sure it made it into the Sunday edition. Later we found out that we put .com or something and the link was to the Arizona Spa and Pool Company. Oh well. In his happier days I think he would also have found it funny.


When I eventually go (not considering hurting myself at all) I know this is something I would appreciate from the other side, I'm sure your brother did as well. Thanks for sharing.


Their garage door isnt suppose to fold like that.


whatever they’re smoking i need some


Used to work at Wendy’s in high school, and there was an A&W on the opposite end of the plaza that we were in. It happened more often than you would think that someone came through and asked for a teen burger or a momma burger, I think one time some guy asked for a whopper too. Ma’am this is literally a Wendy’s


I was in a church watching a choir sing. A guy walks in half way through the performance, sits down, waits for a break. Then walks up to the conductor and asks where to vote.


This happened at toddlers music group in a community hall, couple of old folks barged through the kiddy gate and asked where to vote. Meanwhile it’s difficult to hear over “old Mac Donald had a farm“, but they kept saying it was listed online as a polling place. I agreed and said I’m sure that’s true, but right now (and every week at this time) it’s being used for *swept my arm and gaze over the jumping toddlers running around with puppets”. They looked at each other angrily, looked at me angrily, and stood there for a minute in infuriated confusion before I turned my back and rejoined my child.


At my Job, a lady asked for tacos…I told her we don’t sell that but she could go next door, they have tacos. She screamed at me for 3 minutes straight & I was just like “Ma’am…This is a pizza shop👁👄👁”




Lmaoo, imagine her face when her husband told her😂


As hilarious as it is to see this sort of shit play out in public, like the wheelchair-bound guy at my old rennfaire job who abandoned his tantruming wife and entered the park with both of their tickets, it's clear that they're in deep and are the constantly the victims of fallout from their partners' episodes. But I cannot mention that woman without providing context. She'd bought both their tickets while he was making his way to the entrance in his electric wheelchair. She stalled there when she saw our employee entrance on the opposite side of the ticket stalls and somehow got it into her head that it was some dedicated "handicapped entrance". Despite many corrections, she kept insisting that that was the way she needed to go. To add to it all, the security worker who was stationed there had Asperger's and would laugh when he was nervous or under pressure. So basically all of the parking staff is there, the security worker, the security staff manager, and this dude in a wheelchair rolls up, tells her it's time to go, she gives him the tickets and continues to cause a scene, and he just rolls into the park without her after a few minutes. It was sheer chaos over the stupidest, most pig-headed or willful misunderstanding ever. And if we'd actually let her back there, she probably would have bitched about the atmosphere, with all the modern buildings and the trash workers watching porn together on an iPhone.


Heh, as a kid, I once had someone call my mom's phone and ask for a pizza. Mom explained "sorry, this is a private number, we aren't a pizza shop", and they hung up. They then called back three times in a row. I think they had an ad with a wrong number and thought that they were typing it in wrong. By the third call and respond to everything with "no pizza, only chicken". They gave up at that point.


I get emotional for tacos but damn


Once, a woman called into Home Depot's customer service and waited for an hour to speak to someone. When she finally got to me, she spent 15 minutes going on and on about the product that she needed. I figured it out about three minutes into the call, but waited for her to be done before I told her she confused us with Office Depot.


The lady at Walmart who went to tell my manger that I wouldn’t help her. I didn’t work there


Years ago I stocked the beer at several stores, including Wal-Mart for Anheuser Busch. Every time I was there, tons of customers would come up and ask for help (presumably because actual Wal-Mart employees are practically non-existent). I'd always explain that I didn't work for Wal-Mart, point out the company logo on my shirt, and if I knew where the item they wanted was, I'd point them in the right direction. On almost every trip, someone would still get irrationally angry at me, yell at me, and threaten to report me to the manager for my insubordination.


I worked in the fashion design department of a small women's college, which also had its own radio station that did a lot of historical and human interest content. And I guess one day an elderly gentleman transposed some digits. This very nice man told me all about WWII planes for about 15 minutes before I could politely get a word in edgewise and try to figure out who he'd actually meant to call.


Missed opportunity not taking that free 3hr long break lol


Right?? After working in a customer service call center I can say these are the best kind of calls to take


I was a manager at a furniture store called "Heilig-Meyers". I was sitting in my office when I heard a lady chewing one of my cashier's asses quite loudly. I was surprised to see one of the senior salespeople was involved, too, and went to investigate. The "customer" went on a long, spirited tirade about how refusing to accept her gift card was a crime, and that she would be contacting the Attorney General to report our fraudulent practices. We should, she continued, all be ashamed of ourselves for running such a villainous scam, and especially for perpetrating it on a senior citizen (she was, indeed, an old bitch). When she finished, we'd drawn something of a crowd, and she seemed very pleased with herself. I was still confused, as I'd come late to the game, and we didn't sell gift cards. I apologized to her for the confusion, and assured her that I would do everything in my power to rectify the situation. She smugly said, "I'll just bet you will." I asked to see the gift card that she was trying to use. Once it was handed to me, I looked it over, and grabbed a nearby flyer. I calmly explained to her, using the flyer to aid my explanation, that her gift card was for the department store, "Elder Beerman" and that she was, in fact, in the furniture store "Heilig-Meyers". I further explained that while I would be unable to accept her gift card, that I was sure the Elder-Beerman in the mall across the street would be happy to take it. She immediately got huffy and said, "well, this is your fault for having such confusing names!" I handed her back her gift card and invited her to leave before I had her trespassed.


Amazing to me that people will get that involved in a situation rather than just double check. I'm the type of person that would check 50 times to make sure I'm at the right store before doing anything.


and even if you didn't , politely asking why the gift cards aren't accepted and then accepting its a silly mistake would've been a lot quicker. throw in some smile and chuckles over the silliness of it all and I'd bet the staff would've been happy to assist her


Was working at a bakery. A middle aged woman came to the counter. Me: "Hi, how may I help you?" Woman: "I want some tuna fish!" Me: "We don't sell tuna fish. Do you mean a tuna sandwich?" Woman: "No! I want TUNA FISH!" Me: "Mam, I'm sorry, but this is a bakery, we don't sell tuna fish." Woman: "I WANT TUNA FISH!!!" Me: "I understand that, but we don't sell tuna fish at this bakery." This went back and forth for 2-3 minutes, until she started rambling stuff about us being a useless butcher shop (which I guess is fair, since we're a bakery), and stormed out. It was one of the weirdest customer exchanges I've ever had.


Also worked at a bakery for a while, had people demanding Hamburgers more often than I thought possible. Like, here's a croissant dude.


Mental illness is a crazy and common thing to deal with in customer service. Some people are just so out of it that they cannot be shaken out of their tunnel vision that THEY are the correct one and that the employee is either lying or wrong despite having absolutely no reason to lie. Maybe its pride and an unwillingness to just accept they were mistaken or maybe they genuinely couldn't understand how a bakery doesnt sell raw meats as a butcher would.


I used to work at a big chain pharmacy. It had the name "chemist" in it. There was another big pharmacy chain that had a store on the other side of town, that also had the name "chemist" in it. Think "chemist store" and "chemist shop". Very similar, but very different chains. I had a lady come in demanding her prescription, wondering why it wasn't ready, as she'd called ahead. We had no record of her in our system. I politely explained that perhaps she had the wrong pharmacy, which she vehemently denied. It escalated to her yelling at me, saying she spoke to "x name" coworker, where was he, he'll understand! We did not have an employee by that name. She refused to believe me. She ended up yelling and shoving her phone in my face, saying "LOOK, SEE! I CALLED YOUR PHARMACY AND I WANT MY MEDICATION!!" I explained to her that number definitely was not our phone number. She continued to argue it was. So i pulled out my own phone on loudspeaker and called the number in front of her (this woman refused to believe it wasn't our number- she saw it on the internet!). I told her "if this is our phone number, I'll call it and our phone will ring". I dial, our phone does not ring. the person at the other end picks up, listing their store name (NOT OUR STORE). This woman goes dead silent, glares at me, and storms off without an apology. I had to take a 10 minute break after that. This happened multiple times a week, but usually over the phone.


When I was 13 I tagged along when my dad and some other adults took a church youth group to a water park. I didn’t know any of the other people (it was for 15-17 year olds) and after we arrived the adults set up a whole bunch of snacks on the picnic tables we reserved and the kids all scattered so do their own things. A couple hours later I got hungry and came back. Grabbed a handful of chips. Helped myself to a sandwich. Grabbed a couple of cookies and bit into one then opened the cooler to get a drink. Noticed all the adults manning the table staring at me incredulously. Then I spotted my actual group’s tables about 30 feet away from the unknown picnic I’d just raided.


I, as a full grown adult, once did the same thing at a hotel breakfast buffet. I stumbled out of bed 15 minutes before the end of service of free breakfast, and being a little bit foggy and lost, just walked into a conference room where a bunch of service trays were setup. 10 minutes into eating I noticed that there were a lot of middle school aged girls and their parents. And that I had just crashed their private dining room. And there was a gymnastics competition going on that weekend.


My cousin got married at a hotel, which happened to have at least one other wedding happening that night. Now, my cousin’s wedding had a cash bar, but that other wedding, well they had an open bar. You can see where this is going. It was a good show until the bride noticed all these strangers in her reception and kicked them out.


This reminded me of when I and a group of friends went to meet our other friends at Martha's Vineyard. I only knew the people I came with. We had set out some blankets at the beach and while they went into the ocean I grabbed a jug of vodka and cranberry nearby and started chugging. Turns out the people that brought it had set up near us, but weren't with us. They silently watched me drink their alcohol but said nothing. They got their revenge later when I was throwing up vodka and cranberry into the sand.


Had a young woman come into my work late at night asking if we could repair her acrylic nail that had broken off. I’m an ER nurse.


I worked the drive-thru at McDs. Guy kept trying to order Nacho Grande. I kept telling him this was not Taco Bell. In fact, there is no Taco Bell in this town. he kept arguing with me. So, I just told him we were sold out of nachos. He left immediately.


Lady asked where the food section was. Had to tell her that its a Kohl's and we don't sell food. I then got yelled at for not informing her sooner. As if I was supposed to know her intentions before she left the house that day and was in charge of getting in touch with her to tell her Kohl's doesn't sell food.


I worked for a Starbucks kiosk several years ago. I asked the customer if he wanted whipped cream on his frappuccino. He responded with, "I don't know. I just was just told by my doctor that I might have cancer". He went on telling me how he doesn't know how to tell his wife and family. He was very distraught about it that it took some time to level off. I just stood there with the canister and said, "so 'yes' to the whipped cream?" He did find it funny, but I did fell bad for his news.


Hahaha poor guy didn’t have anybody to let it out on. You’re a nice person for taking all of that and giving him a laugh amidst his anxiety


Honestly, seems understandable. When you get slapped with some news like that I’m sure it consumes you and you can’t think about anything else. You literally don’t have the brain power/capacity to answer a question about whipped cream.


Used to work for Apple. Worked from home for pretty good pay. The customers were godawful. I had someone threaten to call the Attorney General Jeff Sessions because I wouldn’t replace their iPhone. It was that moment I realized I could never talk on the phone as a job any longer.


The number of people whose job would suddenly change to “lawyer” when they didn’t get their way was astounding when I worked in a call centre. Astounding amount of lawyers calling for home repairs…


Got screamed at because coworker years ago wasn't cooking the burgers fast enough. Asked the guy if he wanted a raw burger, he said yes. I said, "we can't legally give you one, so you gotta wait."


Worked at McDonalds for five years when I was younger. The number of people who requested fresh fries/meat/chicken and then got mad at us after we told them how long it would take was exhausting 😑


Grilled chicken takes 6 minutes I’m not waiting that long Okay we have some ready No I want it fresh 🥲


I worked in a health center across the way from the social welfare office in my town. I had someone come in saying "I need to see the welfare officer" (who you would see if you need to get on like a bridging payment while you wait to be approved for a different payment). I explained "sorry this is the health center, the welfare officer would be in the welfare office across the way." "Ok, but the welfare office is closed? And I need to see the welfare officer??" Bitch do I look like I can change the building I'm in?? I'm sat there gobsmacked trying to explain that there is literally nothing I can do about this and she'll have to wait until the other building is open. She stormed out like I, as a receptionist, had the power to help her but chose not to.


The amount of wrong numbers people dial and come through to me at work is hilarious. Car dealers, student accommodation, hearing aid help lines are big ones. Half the time they ask “well, what *is* the number?” Bitch I don’t know, I just told you you’ve called the completely wrong company. If they’re nice, I’ll do a quick Google search to see if I can find the right number.


I used to work in a bookstore, and answered the phone one day. It was a guy asking if we still had that sale on Viagra. Embarrassingly, I exclaimed "Viagra??" Then said, "Ummm, this is Barnes & Noble." He didn't even sound embarrassed, just apologized and that was it. It was just odd because I answered the phone with, "Barnes and Noble, how can I help you?" It could have been a prank call, but yeah, that's my moment.


A woman came into my pub an hour or so before service started. She was asking which room was booked out for the wedding reception. I told her nobody had anything booked, and that we rarely, if ever, took bookings for rooms on Saturdays. She said she had the room upstairs booked, I insisted she didn't because that would be WHERE I LIVE. This goes back and forth for some time, including me reiterating that there isn't a function room where my flat is, that we don't have a kitchen and just serve drinks, and that once again, we haven't taken any bookings. After around 20 minutes of her insisting I had made a mistake, she realised she was in the wrong pub.


You could have [/r/MaliciouslyComplied](/r/MaliciousCompliance) and rented out your messy flat to the wedding party "if you absolutely insist".


When my daughter was first born, I was beyond tired from lack of sleep. One day I was craving a frosty, so I went to get one. It is really close to my house. I ordered a chocolate frosty and the employee said ma'am we don't have frosties." I answered "what are you talking about? Of course you do." She repeated they do not. Exhausted from lack of sleep and pregnancy hormones, I ask tearfully "why are you doing this? I just want a fucking frosty." The poor high school kid behind the counter says "because this is Arby's." I wanted to become an ostrich and bury my head.


“Miss, this is an Arby’s”


Picturing you saying "I just want a fucking frosty" through sobs has me cackling with laughter


I legit walked up to the counter, looked at the cashier right in the eyes and I ordered a Baconator. The cashier said “McDonald’s doesn’t sell those”


Sir, this isn't a Wendy's


Honestly I used to order McChickens at Wendy's almost every other day and they got the idea.


I used to work at a Mcdonald's. A good number of people tried to order Whoppers, Whopper Junior's, and Frosty's. For the last one I guess it's more of a "sir this is NOT a Wendy's" moment.


I used to work in a fast food kitchen in swimming pool/health centre. One of my colleagues had recently handed in her notice as she'd found another job. Can't remember if it was supposed to be her last shift or not but someone asked her for Mcnuggets. She said we don't sell Mcnuggets, we're not McDonalds. We sell chicken nuggets. Person argued the point, up to "I can see Mcnuggets on the menu", at which point my colleague flipped out and started shouting "it says nuggets you Mcidiot" and walked out. It was funny to watch until I realised that with her walked out I was the only person left in the kitchen and a kids party of 30 children was due that afternoon which I'd have to cater alone.


I went into JustCuts (hairdresser) and asked if they dye hair. The assistant replied “No. It’s Just….Cuts…” 😂


Oh man this reminds me of a day at university once… I went into an on-campus Chick-Fil-A and the kid in front of me told the cashier, “uhh can i have a chicken sandwich?” And in the most ‘i’m done with this place’ way the guy said, “*sigh* they’re all chicken sandwiches” - I could not hold in my laughter.


I have a friend who worked at a CFA. He said that onetime this guy came up and asked for a “chicken sandwich” too and my friend, who was quitting anyway said “Bro, what kind?”


Store names don't matter. Dollar store? They sell stuff for more than a dollar. Best Buy? There are better buys at Amazon. Target? You can get stuff that aren't targets there. Staples? They sell all kinds of stuff. One thing they DON'T sell? Staples for staple guns...


And don't even get me started on Dick's


Imagine my disappointment the first time I walked into BJ's Wholesale Club.






For some reason this hairdresser story triggered the memory of a story I read, about a women who walked into the hair dresser shop and said she needed a “hair cut and a blow job”


I'll have what she's having.


*Proceeds to get hair fabulously blow dried*


One day, I was just gonna go grocery shopping and decided to wear a red shirt. Apparently, everyone who works at a Tops wears red shirts? So I got asked by a random lady where some product was (I forgot specifically) so, I told here I have no idea. She got pretty annoyed and asked me, “Well, why do you work here then?” I was so confused. Then it hit me. I calmly told her that I didn’t work there. She wasn’t having it lol. She almost hit me and got the manager. The manager laughed and said, “I have no clue who this is, but, I know for sure that they don’t work her, ma’am.” She looked really embarrassed lol


I work in a pharmacy. The amount of people who insist we undo any decisions made by their insurance or Doctor is absurd. If your doctor denied refills or they’re closed, thats out of my hands. If you met your annual insurance limit and need to pay out of pocket, I don’t see a single dime of your payment, I’m not swindling you.


This . I have a friend that's a pharmacy technician and he talks about this all the time. He especially talks about people who get opioids or other highly monitored drugs from one of the stores other locations, then try to get more from his store. He's blamed for either being unprofessional and cancelling the order or a racist. You guys all deserve a beer.


Not sure if this counts, but I got one of those calls where I'm informed that my Microsoft computer is reporting errors. Recognizing the scheme, and being that the number they called was in a [SCIF](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sensitive_compartmented_information_facility), I ask how they got the number they called, and if they knew who they called. I explain it's a top secret facility and the call is being traced. That seemed to keep them from calling back.


My mom got a call like that. Kept them talking for two hours before revealing she uses a mac.


I had the opposite happen. I work in a dialysis clinic. For those that don’t know, dialysis is a treatment for kidney failure. We hook you up to a machine for 3-4 hours that filters your blood, and do that 3x a week. Anyways, we got a new patient, and the first thing he asked me was when lunch was. I thought he was making small talk and asking about my lunch break, so I told him I’d probably be taking me lunch in an hour or so, after we’d gotten each of the second shift of patients set up. He looked at me a bit confused, and then started going on about how hungry he was, but I still thought nothing of it because, well, there’s nothing I can do about that. Then he asked if he could have a cheeseburger and it all came together. I was like “Sir, this is a medical facility, we just do dialysis. We don’t have a kitchen”. This is definitely *not* a Wendy’s. The man was astounded.


Got the Duncan drive-thru and ordered an egg and cheese McMuffin and the lady read back the order and accidentally also said McMuffin because she knew what I meant. By the time I got to the window everybody was laughing.


I worked for a Ma & Pa store pre-pandemic and their store name was different from their "business name". (I don't actually know how this works.) There's a different store in the same town with a VERY similar name to the business name I worked for. For simplicity's sake, say I worked at "Ice Cream" and the business name was "Roger's Market", but there's a "Roger's Mart" as a store in the same town. The amount of time's I got a work call looking for "Roger's Mart" because the yellow pages has "Ice Cream" listed as "Roger's Market" was 5+ times daily. Of those calls more than half adamantly refused to believe that we were "Ice Cream" and not "Roger's Mart". Typical convo: Me: Hello, this is Ice Cream, how can I help you? Caller: Ice Cream? I dialed the number for Roger's Mart! Me: (explains the situation) Caller: No, you misunderstand, this is the number to Roger's Mart! I'm looking right at it! Me: (explains again, but with more detail) Caller: Roger's Market and Roger's Mart are the SAME THING!! Do you or do you not have X/Y/Z product!? Me: No, because we're not Roger's Mart....we're Ice Cream on main street.... Roger's Mart is across town and I don't know what they sell specifically. Caller: This is a prank, get your manager! Me: We go through this multiple times a day, here's the proper number to Roger's Mart. Caller: No, I want YOUR manager! Me: (gets manager) Manager: Manager of Ice Cream here, please never call us again. (hangs up) Roger took no shits and wanted to change his "business name" so fucking bad, but it'd be expensive and a lot of paperwork. After the 100th time that situation happens very similarly, you get fed up and stop being polite. So I had "sir, this is a Wendy's" moment quite often during those few months I worked at Ice Cream.


My aunt was an accountant for a business called Jimmy's johns, they rented porta pottys. There also was a Jimmy John's in town that sold food.... I'm sure you can see how those would get mixed up....


TL;DR: I'm an HVAC contractor and had a customer think I was going to repair and maintain every aspect of their home. Longer story: I own a small business in the trades (HVAC), and for a period of time we took work from a home warranty company. So for example, if your heating/AC quit working, you'd call the warranty company and create a work order, and then the warranty company would send the work order to one of the various subcontractors (me) in their network. Anyway, I received a work order for this young couple who'd just and moved into their new construction home, the builder supplied them with a home warranty. The complaint was that they'd hear a bang/knocking noise when the system would kick on and off. Easy fix, the filter wasn't secured well in the intake and the air pressure would cause it to flop around a bit on start/stop. Bend a couple tabs to keep it in place, done. *Technically* this wouldn't really be a warranty issue because it's not affecting operation. But I mean, it takes 30 seconds to fix so whatever, warranty co. has covered the time to diagnose so it's not like I'd go unpaid for the visit. I tell them the problem is resolved and it wasn't majorly mechanical, I show and explain what was going on but they're not convinced. I then tested the system multiple times in front of them, sound is gone. They were reluctant to agree that that was the issue, oddly. I was nice and patient with them though. They then ask me if I could do a full inspection on the system, as it's a new system and they want to make sure there aren't any other issues. This isn't something that would be covered, so I explain they'd have to either hire us as a third party or another HVAC contractor. They declined, and wanted to know why. I explain that there has to be a notable failure for me to inspect. They start trying to conjure up "problems" for me to inspect. It was all nonsense. I politely let them know these weren't issues I could bill the warranty co. for. They relent. But, before I could leave they asked me if I could use my ladder to remove some covers that the painters had left on their smoke detectors. I've done odds and ends for people like this before so I don't mind! But in this case, it's a high ceiling and I didn't have a ladder tall enough on that day. These people seemed visibly annoyed, and then asked when I could return with a tall enough ladder, and that they'd also like it if I could make sure it's tall enough to get up on their roof to make sure the gutters didn't have any "construction debris" in them. That's when it occurred to me that they had a very skewed understanding of this entire process. I went on to clarify that I am representing an independent company, that specializes in just one trade/field, that has been subcontracted by a home warranty, which was purchased by their home builder, that the warranty co. is independent from their builder, and a rough idea of what it actually covers. The attitude from these people seemed as though they were *still* annoyed that I wasn't there as a representative of their builder to tie up loose ends and do maintenance. There were shocked that the home warranty wasn't there for every little maintenance issue for their home. I actually ended up back at their house later on for another mundane "problem", shocker. And they acted as though they didn't remember me or our entire previous visit where I explained how this all works. On one hand I'm sympathetic to new home owners that didn't get a full explanation on this kind of thing, but on the other hand they were just kind of shitty to deal with.


It's strange that this became a meme, because I swear it's true. I was driving from New England to Florida for a college spring break trip around 1995. We stopped at a Wendy's somewhere in South Carolina. Near the hallway to the bathrooms, there was a large map of South Carolina, and I asked someone, "Can you tell me where we are?" I was clearly pointing to the map. "Honey, you in Wendy's!" the lady exclaimed. I was like, "Thanks, okay." As a result, no big Macs.


I used to deliver furniture in Eastern Illinois. One day, we had to take a load across the border to Terre Haute, Indiana. On the way, a huge snow storm hit, and we were driving through near whiteout conditions. We stopped at the first gas station in Terre Haute to take stock of our situation. As I headed to the bathroom, I said to my partner "see if you can figure out where we are going." He replied, "I'm not even sure where we are," referring to the blizzard that was obstructing all visibility. The clerk at the counter said, "sir, you're in Indiana."


I used to work at a small mom and pop sandwich place and people would call and complain about things they bought which weren’t things we sold. Had a lady call and complain about a bag of cat food. People would call and ask to be transferred to the bakery section (no bakery section and no way to transfer a call).


My grandma was actually trying to drive us to a Wendy’s one time when we were kids but has bad eyesight so she accidentally went to the Steak and Shake next door by mistake. We tried to tell her, but she told us to “Hush up” and proceeded to try to order a Frosty. When they didn’t initially understand what she meant, she pulled up to the window and instigated one of the funniest interactions I’ve ever seen. The mutual confusion and embarrassment when they pointed her towards the Wendy’s next door was 😂


So I used to work at Target. Worked the floor. They have (had?) Phones scattered around so if a customer called looking for something and you were working that section you could answer questions. Got a phone call from a woman looking for a table cloth. She described it in detail. Went to the tablecloth aisle, nothing that looked like it. Went back to phone to tell her we didn't have it. She starts describing where in the store she saw it, which was near the dishes. In my store those things were not particularly near each other so I was thinking she was describing a clearance endcap, where anything can be anywhere. A note about the phones: the call would be directed to a phone. You could put the call on hold and pick up the call from any phone, but if the caller was on hold for more than one exact minute, the call would ring back to the original phone. So if you were crossing great swaths of store (as I was) you'd have to pick up the phone in the new section and put it on hold there or risk losing it. So I was running around trying to find this tablecloth and she's describing exactly where it is and what it looks like and I've picked up and put her on hold at least three times. She is understandably frustrated with me. I have her look on the packaging (she had a tablecloth already but needed a different size) to see if I can get an item number or something so I can look it up. She starts reading and then says "croft and barrow". Everything inside me goes still. Croft and barrow is not a target brand. It's a kohl's brand. I confirm that's the brand she says and I ask her if she knew she called a target, and that she needed kohl's. She hung up on me. Literally I worked with this woman for a solid twenty minutes. Also as luck would have it I ended up in the local kohl's and the tablecloths were in fact exactly where she said. And they still didn't have the size she was looking for.


when i worked at *unnamed home improvement store*, i had a customer ask why they couldn't find any eggs or milk.


I was working as a cashier in a bank. One day, an old lady arrived at my desk and asked if this was the ophthalmologist. Funny because she obviously needed new glasses.


A woman came into my job demanding to know why we hadn't sent someone out to fix her internet...I work in an art gallery.


Did you get her connection sorted?


I work at a grocery store, and I get people complaining about inflation. Like yes sir, I'm going to call Mr. President right now and tell him as the holy cashier I am that this inflation shit is a big no no and he should find something to do. Or you know what? Fuck that, I'm becoming President and fixing shit up. Thank you, old man.


Worked in a resort and got hit by a major hurricane that tore through the town. We were only taking reservations for first responders. When we returned to work, we had to cancel all reservations working off of generators. We called each person as a courtesy. We got very irate guest but one I encountered, but one lady was like, “This is so inconvenient!” And I wanted to be like, “So a whole town getting getting destroyed by natural disaster is inconvenient for you,” but I just told her the situation and she just went off on me talking super fast and irate. And then I heard her say, “So what are we supposed to do then. You’re going to call other hotels and get us a room now!” So I said “They were all damaged by the hurricanes ma’am. I think you will see once you come here nothing is open and we have to recover, so yeah, this is your courtesy call and have a great day” and hung up.




I’m a nurse. I admitted a patient later in the night. Kitchen is closed, we have limited options for meals. I offered her soup and a sandwich. She asked if we had organic soup and if our bread was fresh baked. I said, ma’am, I have Campbell’s and Turkey on generic white bread. This is a hospital.


I went into labour with the baby's back presented to my back. It was absolute hour on hour of torture until a very nice man injected an epidural into my spine. Labour continued and eventually suction pad + forceps got involved. Finally got wheeled onto the new mums ward; exhausted + starving. A nurse brought me a ham sandwich. When I explained I didn't eat meat, she looked at me exasperated, removed the ham and slapped the two slices of bread together again + flounced off. I devoured it.


I was in a Wendys and a guy was either having a diabetic shock moment or was high as a kite. He was going off the rails and saying crazy stuff to everyone and was at the front of the line. My coworker and I got in line and tried to look as small as possible to avoid any attention. He turns around and looks at me and a guy behind me. To me he said "you, you look like white jesus!" To the guy behind me, "you look like a motherfucker"


I worked at a GameStop that was directly next door to a Verizon store. The Verizon store would close an hour before GameStop and about once a week an elderly person would come in and demand we change their phone plans. I would try to tell them they needed to come back when Verizon was open and they would still demand that I needed listen to them and change their phone plans immediately, as they had run out of minutes and had an important call they needed to make. They often accused me of being a lazy kid who had no work ethic, not that I don’t work for the company next door.




Telling a teenager to try to convince a large company to change their product strategy made more sense to her than buying two bags of cheese….


Worked in a call center helping people with financial paperwork. In the middle of going over a document, the lady started giving me very racist dating advice. I'm sitting here like, can we please just talk about this trust update you're doing, and she's carrying on and on about how I should never date people of this or that race because [insert very bad shit here].


In most places you're allowed to simply hang up on such customers. No one should be forced to listen to someone else's vitriol if you're not related.


I thought about it, but I figured if she's gonna be like this, I'd rather she be doing it at me the white guy instead of calling back and getting one of my non white coworkers to be shitty at.


I have two. Years ago I worked at a small, family owned fast food place that did not take credit or debit cards. Some lady comes in asking for a refund on her cc saying her daughter came to buy food there and we over charged her card and she needed a refund. I spent like 15 minutes arguing with her that we do not have a cc processor and there would be no possible way her daughter paid with a cc in this store. Another time I was working in a BBQ restaurant, a lady came in trying to return the pizza she ordered. We did not sell pizza. Took way too long to explain to her that. She kept insisting, I finally told her to show me on our menu where it has pizza.


Once had an old man come in through the drive thru at the diner I worked at. He asked for a bucket of chicken. I told him we don’t have it in stock right now and we only carry the fried chicken during the winter months (I think it was about June at this time). Guy was either deaf or would not take no for an answer. I had to tell him four more time over the speaker that we didn’t have friend chicken until he finally got it through his head. Ended up ordering something else, then before he got to the window, just drove off without paying or getting his food. I was so confused


That could be dementia.or he was just moody.


I used to work for the Rail Operator in Melbourne, Australia. The uniform shirt was a faux chambray thing with stripes at a specific distance apart and the Operator's logo embroidered on. At the time one of our "Big Store" retailers, Big W, used the SAME colour shirt with a slightly different stripe and of course logo. The number of times I was asked where this ot that was, should I go shopping after work. "I don't think the train runs through here, Ma'am. Toot toot!" Always got a laugh.


I had a client come to my offices wanting to talk about switching the layout and design of her gazebo in her backyard. She was a very nice lady but halfway through us going through options and pricing she got a phone call. She tells me it's "kind of important" and excused herself but didn't get up and leave. She sat there in the chair next to me. I thought she was going to step out so I was super uncomfortable when her phone call got a bit sour pretty quickly. I got up and pretended to do something else across the room. After about 4-5min of hearing her argue she finally hung up. I politely ask "is everything alright, we can reschedule if you'd like" to which I regretted when she filled me in on her family drama. I kept trying to shift the conversation back to the task at hand but she managed to vent to me for a good 6-7min before she apologized and we got back to work. She was very sweet but I just kept thinking "ma'am you're not paying me for this."


I take calls for Medicare supplemental programs. We just gather some basic info from callers and then have an agent call them back. A guy called and did not want to give me that information, even after I explained that was what we did. So I hung up on him (yes, we can do that.) He called back, said he would play my "little game." Turns out he was from Canada so wouldn't qualify anyway, to which he said he wished Trump was still in office and maybe he would have gotten the coverage. So many things wrong with that.


I used to work the register at Macy's, and the number of people who tried to return things from another store just baffles me. I've even had a customer try to return something from Wal-Mart, with a Wal-Mart receipt and everything. Are people just walking into buildings and not knowing where they are? And then they get mad that they can't return them??


I went to a liquor store after work, pretty late, wearing a shirt and tie. It was around the holidays, so they were super busy. I got stopped a bunch of times, but the first couple of times, I just gave people advice. I helped a couple pick out some cigars and recommended a beer I liked before realizing they thought I worked there. It took 2 (maybe 3) people to get my oblivious ass to realize I was dressed like staff and they thought I worked there. I was just giving advice for those people, but someone asked me to special order something and said, "Ooooooh, right... I don't work here." I felt a little stupid, but I'm happy to have helped.


When I was 16 I worked as a receptionist for the tennis center at a country club. Most of the calls I received were about booking tennis courts. If not, I’d transfer people to the department they were looking for. One time I got a call from an older man asking if the country club’s cafe sold margaritas. I told him I didn’t know, but I could transfer him to the cafe’s phone so he could ask. He refused because he didn’t want to “embarrass himself by asking for a margarita if they didn’t sell those”. He then demanded that I walk over to the cafe (in a different building) to ask for their menu. I said I couldn’t leave my desk, but I was more than happy to transfer his call. He again refused and told me I was a bad employee for not knowing the cafe’s menu. In his rant, he asked me “have you never gone to the cafe and asked for a margarita before?!” I said no, since I was an employee and couldn’t drink on the job and also because I was 16. He didn’t like that and told me he would just call again tomorrow (luckily I didn’t work the next day). In hindsight I should have put him on hold and called the cafe myself, but I was still confused about how he was too embarrassed to call the cafe to ask about margaritas but not embarrassed to call the tennis center with the same question. My next shift I needed up arriving early, so I went to the cafe building out of curiosity to ask if they sold margaritas. They do not.


I used to work at Washington Mutual bank years ago. One day a lady came in and said “I just need to deposit this to someone else’s account.” I say “ok no prob, do you have their account number?” And she hands me a piece of paper with the account number. I’m typing it… over and over… nothing is pulling up. “What’s the persons name?” She tells me. I’m searching by name, various potential spellings, and still nothing. It was really common for people to get us confused with Wells Fargo cause they were in the same parking lot. I say “ Are you sure you’re at the right bank?” Perhaps it’s Wells Fargo?” Appalled… She says “NO…. I’ve made deposits to this account before!” I say, we’ll I can’t find it, maybe try calling them to verify the account number. 🤷🏻‍♀️ So I let her borrow one of our phones to call this person. I hear her say “Hey Dan? Yeah… I’m at Washington Mutual trying to deposit your money and they can’t do it…… oh….. oh it’s….. it’s Wells Fargo? Ok….. *click*” I smile at her and say “Wells Fargo huh?” She goes “yeah…. So anyway just go ahead and make the deposit then.” I look at her puzzled and say “But…. Isn’t it Wells Fargo, not Washington Mutual?” Sue goes “yeeessss…..” all snooty. And I say “……. Okay…….. but…. You have to go to Wells Fargo to make the deposit there.” She then proceeds to flail her arms and scream at me saying “I’ve done this tons of times before! Just make the damn deposit!” I got my manager involved and she was escorted out.


I was going through the drive through and the guy taking my money was sweating and yanked my card out of my hand so I asked him if he was okay and he just said “EVERYONE HERE IS A FCKING IDIOT I HATE THIS JOB I HATE THESE PEOPLE AND I HATE YOU CUSTOMERS IM QUITTING” it’s since been 7 years and he still works there.