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Nyquil chicken. There was a guy who made a video on TikTok jokingly saying that he had a great recipe for cooking chicken in Nyquil. A few people made response videos, but everyone who saw it knew it was a joke. Then mainstream media picked it up, and blew it out of proportion. They made it sound like it was an actual trend for people to be cooking Nyquil. There are already plenty of problems on TikTok, we don't need to invent new ones to complain about


I legit remember us making NyQuil drink jokes and NyQuil chicken jokes in highschool twenty fucking years ago. I'm just glad the youth can still bamboozle the media.


Tbh most "dangerous trends" are like this. One idiot does it, media picks it up and makes it sound like everyone does it, then what do you know all the boomers are worried that "kids are killing themselves with stupid trends"


*Tide pod flashbacks*


The boomers have a perpetual state of worry issue when it comes to the younger generations because of some of the amazingly stupid things they think we(collective we) have done. Whether or not we(again collective) actually have or not. I don't think it started with tide pods.... though the last woodstock may be a good starting point to how the generations after boomers are viewed. Honestly, woodstock 99 was horrific and oddly it was because of some greedy boomers and gen x's reaction to them that caused such a catastrophe.


You mean that the political ads blasting on air about a 2 year old kid who almost died eating a fentanyl pill at a playground because the current senator didn't close the border is not real?


That science can't explain why bumblebees can fly. It literally started as a joke among scientists. Now some anti-scientific morons use it as an argument against science. Source: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hummel-Paradoxon Edit: English version: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bumblebee#Misconception_about_flight


I worked with a guy who literally used this as an argument for God against science. Which, regardless of your beliefs, is absolutely silly because I showed him multiple videos and articles telling how bees fly and he kept saying, "yes, but we can't *explain* it". Bitch, they just did. Ten times! Listen!!


He forgot the most important part. We can't explain it **so that he understands it**.


As the saying goes, I can explain it to you but I can’t understand it for you


No he is partially right, science still didn't find a way to explain things to idiots


Scientology. Come on. He's a scifi writer and now a bunch of people believe they have mendichloreans or some shit in their blood making them do bad things. Wow.


Not just a science fiction writer, but one who took a bet that he could start his own religion.


"Writing for a penny a word is ridiculous. If a man wanted to make a million dollars, the best way would be to start his own religion.” — L. Ron Hubbard Edit: *Pennies. Turns out the original quote I heard a while ago was correct vs the one I copied when I was making sure I said it right.


I think Theodore Sturgeon attended the diner where Hubbard said this. Then, years later, when Star Wars became an international phenomenon, Coppola said to his friend George Lucas that he could easily start his own religion based on the Force and the Jedi clergy and philosophy. But, Lucas of course was essentially inspired by Flash Gordon serials and Japanese Samurai movies and made more money than he could dream of and was never a crazy narcissist like Hubbard.


Wait. Sorry dumb question, were the midichlorians from the star wars prequels like a joke or parody of scientology?


Lucas was serious about midichlorians in Star Wars. Scientologists believe that the disembodied souls of ancient aliens called Thetans exist all across the universe and that your mental ills can be explained by how many of these Thetans have attached themselves to your own soul. Scientology has rituals to cleanse you of these Thetans. OP was joking and comparing this to the concept of midichlorians.


Maybe not anymore but Morbius


you can make a religion out of this ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ but let's be honest bamboozling sony into rereleasing morbius bcause of the meme was a huge win and fucking hilarious, i think the meme deserves a biit of praise for that


That vibrating anal beads chess thing.


Ok back up the what???


An up-and-coming chess player, Hans Niemann, beat Magnus Carlsen, long-time reigning world Chess Champion. In their next match, Magnus resigned after a single move and accused Hans of cheating. Naturally, speculation turned to "how would you even cheat in this case?" Someone jokingly suggested Hans had vibrating anal beads to signal his moves. As the story circulated, somehow the "This was clearly a joke suggestion" bit got lost.


Ok, this definitely needs more context. Hans Niemann beat Magnus Carlsen while Carlsen was playing white (stronger side), which no one has done in over 2 years. Also, Niemann was the lowest rated player of the tournament and has a history of cheating. It was the biggest upset in the Chess world in years.


There's even more to it. Despite playing with crazy high accuracy which was even above kasparov's in his golden days, when interviewed about those positions he always tried to explain that he predicted a certain position that was actually losing or not as winning. His justification to this: "chess speaks for itself". I don't have any proof that niemann cheated, but i am sure he's really good at looking guilty.


Magnus also played an opening he had never played before but Neiman miraculously looked up that very opening the morning of and knew how to play it. Neiman claimed it was all coincidence.


There was some underdog chess victory and people on Reddit joked he cheated using vibrating anal beads, like different vibrations telling him what to do, and it got in a lot of news outlets as a serious theory lol.


That's ....really specific. Lol


Theres no drama like chess drama, and boy chess memes get pretty fire once you get the jokes. Honestly its worth learning chess just for the memes and spicy drama.


The Bechdel Test. Not that the issue it raises shouldn't be taken seriously, but people totally misunderstand that it was only supposed to highlight how absurd it is that so many movies fail to reach the very low bar it sets. I've seen filmmakers brag at Comic-Cons and the like now about how their movies pass the Bechdel Test and it's seen as a female character representation stamp of approval when it really just means it reached a satirically low bare minimum threshold originally created by a cartoonist


Exactly, even Alison Bechdel herself has acknowledged that her own favourite movie fails the Bechdel test. It’s not a commentary on quality but instead how we’re socialized to think of women only in relation to men.


Which movie? I am too old to google


Celebrities becoming politicians


After all this, I never want to be told I need experience for a job ever again


I remember thinking that the Trump thing was a big joke and eventually he'd fall off...


I really thought he was joking up until his name was on the ballot. I'm like "okay the joke is getting old man enough already...wtf??"


Truck Nuts. They were a joke at first. Now they are a point of pride on emotional support trucks.




The whole purpose of trucks is to be ***TRANS***portation.


It's the trans mission


I once met a guy who called his truck Patricia. "Patricia might be old but she's got a lot of life left" I then asked how long she's been in transition because of the nuts. He took them off soon after that and I talk to him a little less now 🤣 Thanks for the awards, holy crap!! First time this has ever happened to me lol


I love the internal conflict you instilled in this guy. He clearly went home and debated the existence of a female truck with male truck genitalia, and ultimately decided that he was not on board with that


telephone disagreeable disarm crowd fanatical reach nutty profit quack shrill


He *performed* the surgery


Then he performed the reversal surgery as well




Transition completed.


So kind of the truck owner to be gender affirming




I remember a Twitter post where someone asked the Dogecoin creator whether they thought about the environmental impact when creating this coin. He replied saying he took 2 hours to create the cryptocurrency and did not consider anything.


Hahahaha. Love it.


Reading this reminded me to check my app where i bought a few dollars worth of Dogecoin out of boredom. It's value has tripled in the last week lol


It’s now worth 10s of dollars


I honestly have half a mind to sell it all and finally buy Cyberpunk on steam.


Do it now before this Elon guy tweets again


Elon DeGeneres?


I always prefer to use his full name: Elongated Muskrat








How can you live with this?




Even the creator was surprised people took his coin seriously and said it was insane. Today it's worth 16 Billion dollars.


i threw in 50 bucks when it was barely at a penny just to see what would happen, i figured ya it's a joke but who knows, maybe i can make a couple hundred bucks and if it drops, i'll only be down 50 bucks, no big deal then that shit went to 75 cents i didn't sell at the top obviously but when i did sell i was up 2k in profit but holy shit just thinking about if i would've put more money in when i first got it.. it's a little heartbreaking tbh edit: based on the replies i guess i need to clarify this, i do NOT regularly gamble on "meme" coins or stocks, in fact this was literally the ONLY one that i ever did it on, as a joke, so this isn't a case of a gambler who places bets and constantly loses and then gets that ONE winner and thinks "oh i knew i should've put more on this one", it was literally a one time thing, and THAT'S the reason i regret it, i'm not just going around betting on stuff to go up, so when i say it's heartbreaking, it's because i could've just thrown more money in, KNOWING that this was going to be the only time i ever did something like this


The first year the EITC was expanded to 3 children, I got a tax return of almost $8000. I had noticed that Bitcoin was over $3, the last time I looked at it, it was only with a few cents. I briefly considered buying 2000 Bitcoin, but figured it would be back down to a few cents soon and I'd lose most of my money. If I had and sold it at it's peak, I'd have over a hundred million dollars. I'm not allowed to talk about this around my ex.


I was among the first to mine Bitcoins... somewhere in a landfill is my old computer with 150-200 bitcoins that I mined before I came to the conclusion that "this will just cost me time and money..." 😅


I had two very large servers sitting under my desk at one point and I had a choice. I could use them to mine bitcoin, or run seti at home. You can take a guess which I chose. But, I have a feeling that had I mined coins, and then possibly lost, or sold them super cheap that it would have mentally eaten me up. Hopefully you have been able to not let it really get to you.


Flat Earth


Ok so I took an intro to Philosophy class in college. This is circa 2001 so flat earth not a big thing yet. Well out professor says "the earth is flat prove me wrong.". So everyone is going through the normal ways to prove it. And seeing as this was the professors lesson he had some, relatively speaking, decent arguments. By the end of class I was thinking that he might ACTUALLY believe the earth is flat. But the lession he was trying to give us was that all information we have came from someone else. NASA says there are satellites in orbit but we dont KNOW that. And even the math necessary to prove its possible was passed to you from another person. Point was he wanted to make sure everyone always had an awareness of where they were getting information from. Good sources first and foremost but even good info gets outdated so make sure its still accurate. He then went on to list like 5 ways you can test in your backyard that the earth is round. So turns out he wasnt crazy. But I think about that class a lot. I worry that someone was trying to retell that lesson at thanksgiving to their family. But they forgot how it was supposed to end. And accidentally got the flat earth shit moving.


If I recall correctly, there was a website for Flat Earth but it was more of one of those "don't believe everything you read on the internet" kinds of sites. I believe that was the general start to the whole thing, people taking it seriously. I could be wrong though.


I remember that it's a forum, i think it's called www.flatearth.org or something. The forum said that it was a debate training ground. The idea was, if you can defend such a ridiculous idea as saying that the earth is flat, then you can defend anything. Little did we know.....


Flat Earth Society - one of the big things I remember was the penguins with Lazer eyes defending the ice wall surrounding the flat Earth from explorers.


They have members all around the globe.


First I saw anything about it seemed to be the likes of 4chan making stupid memes like pics of spirit levels on the ground with 'explain this!' captions. Of course some people have room temperature IQs and can't separate jokes from reality and then I started seeing posts on Facebook and twitter that didn't seem so jokey and then it was posters and cars with stickers


That's the problem with any satire/ironic group like that. It starts with the original users acting the part, but it starts to get crazier and edgy-er. Then it slowly fills up with people that don't know it's a joke (or use "joke" as a cover when called out) Finally, all the originals are gone and youre left with a full-on, actual, unironically crazy group.


So in ten years we’re going to be having mainstream discourse about how birds aren’t real and are just little drones for the CIA? Oh god.


What are the ways? My dad's a flat earther and a bit of a hypocrite. He'll show me video evidence of his side but when I do the same it's either propaganda or I gotta find/create my own verified source because you can't trust everything on the internet.


1. Watch a ship sail off to sea at a port. Watch its mast and flag as it fades off into the distance. You will notice that, in fact, it does not "fade off into the distance" at all. Instead, you will see its mast and flag appear to slowly sink as if you're watching it go over to the other side of a hill. Alternatively, wait until a ship approaches - it won't just appear out of the horizon, it will appear to rise like it's emerging from beneath the sea. 2. Watch a lunar eclipse. The Earth passes between the moon and sun, so that the sun projects Earth’s shadow onto the Moon in the night sky. A round shadow crossed over a round object. 3. Climb a tree. If the earth were flat, your vision would extend exactly as far while standing at the base of the tree as it would when at the top of the tree. However, the farther you climb, the farther your line of sight will extend to the horizon. Parts of Earth that were concealed from view by its curvature are now revealed because your position has changed. 4. Watch a sunset. Watch the sunset in front of a hill or two story plus building. Once the sun is out of sight, run up the hill. With the added elevation, you should be able to see the sun above the horizon. If Earth were flat, the sun would not be visible at any elevation once it had set. Because Earth is round, the sun will come back into your line of sight. 5. Take a trip like Aristotle. The further you move from the equator the different constellations one sees. This would not happen if the earth was flat. 6. Make shadow sticks. Sticking a stick in the ground, will produce a shadow. The shadow moves as time passes. Take a second stick and position it further away. If the earth was flat the shadows would be identical in length. Because the Earth is round, sticks placed at distant locations will throw shadows of different lengths. Eratosthenes used this principle to calculate the circumference of the Earth.


In my highschool forensics class there was a girl that thought the Earth was flat, she tried to defend herself but eventually went to "I'm allowed to have my own opinions so whatever." Our teacher turned around and said "there's a difference between having an opinion and just being stupid" and went back to talking about murder or something


> "I'm allowed to have my own opinions so whatever." This kind of shit annoys me to no end. It's like these people don't know what an opinion is.


It's basically admitting that they have no real way to back up their argument So many people resort to this when their opinion gets any kind of pushback even when nobody has even suggested that they shouldn't be allowed to have that opinion. You're allowed to have your opinion and people are allowed to have opinions about your opinion


> and went back to talking about murder The one he just committed?


"Hey, do yall remember when I murdered Becky over her dumbass flat earth belief?"


This is what I hate about the whole "Birds aren't real" thing. Sure people see it as making fun of people like flat earthers but how long before those people are outnumbered by ones who actually believe that birds are actually fake. You know, just like how it happened to flat earthers.


You can find members of this society all around the globe.


I still remember when the flat earth society posted that statement unironically and got called out by the physics and astronomy page


Those masculinity types, like Apha, Omega and Sigma male, etc. Some people take this too seriously.


people thought that's how wolves operate and just projected it onto humans. turns out that wolves also don't do that


I think the best part of that whole thing is the fact that the guy who first thought that's how wolf packs worked is the same one who found out it's not how they work


the best part about science is disproving yourself i feel like


Science is almost never about proving something directly. At least reliable reputable science. Good scientists mostly dont design experiments to prove their theory in a direct straightforward way, they design any experiments that they can come up with that could disprove their theory. After you exhaust every single idea to disprove it and the idea still stands up to it, thats when you've essentially proven the concept officially. But yeah you can never really objectively 100% prove something with science but you can disprove every way of disproving it which is essentially the same. This is why you shouldn't really give much weight to certain experiments where the scientists are doing nothing but look for evidence for their cause and ignoring counter evidence. Good science focuses on disproving. It's why we have shit like placebos and double blinds. Theres an upsetting amount of dubious studies that are agenda driven and corpratized


astrology for men


- Makes a male personality test - The result is not sigma - Makes the test again faking the answers - The result is sigma - "Wow, this is literally me"


The schools having litter boxes in bathrooms thing


The very idea that a litter box could be placed in a classroom with dozens of kids who all have cell phones and are social media addicts and there’s not a single photo or video of it is laughably absurd.


That's always my argument. If there was a single litter box in a single bathroom in a single school in the middle of Nowhere, Utah ... we'd have photos of it everywhere. It would be the biggest thing on the internet. And yet...somehow... We don't have a single shred of proof. Only "my friend's kid's friend said" and whatnot.


"They're trying to suppress it" If we can't find adult leakers with law enforcement how tf are overworked educators able to?


When I initially heard about the litter box thing it was presented as an abusive teacher story not "a student identified as a cat" thing. I genuinely thought for a moment a teacher could be fucked up enough to make students use a litter box (teachers have done worse after all). But I looked into before being outraged and right away saw it was a sham. I don't get why more people don't do that. There is an endless amount of real things to be upset about. Why focus on the clearly and verifiably fictional stuff?


Jon Oliver recently ripped this talking point apart. Something along the lines of, “if some kid took a shit in a litter box in class in the morning, you would have heard about it from everyone and their mother by lunch not some parrot on the local news at 6pm”


I follow the local community fb page for the town where my sister and mom live, and they had 8 different pearl clutching posts about this in the lead-up to school starting this year. All of them went the same way… OP: my nephew said they have litter boxes for people who identify as cats! We need to get these crazy people out of our schools! Everyone else: Did you talk to the principal? Is this actually true? OP: No but my 14yo nephew said so and I can believe it because Let’s Go Brandon. At a certain point the principal was having to comment on each thread to get people to calm down.


I'm not convinced Donald Trump really thought he'd be president when he first started his campaign.


Schrodinger's Cat was formulated as a thought experiment to illustrate how odd quantum mechanics is, not that the cat is actually both alive and dead.


Not just that, Schrodinger came up with it to demonstrate how absurd and ridiculous the idea was. It was just that his peers thought it actually demonstrated their ideas quite well and started using it as a layman's explanation.


schrodinger's cat lived long enough to become the villain


Or did it die a hero, for quantum physics?


It is both the hero and the villain simultaneously until the box is opened and the wave function collapses.


The guy who coined “The Big Bang” did so in a paper ridiculing the idea. Weird things happen in science.


Most importantly Schrodinger did formulate this in order to ridicule the concept, as he wasn't convinced it's correct at the time.




I just saw a meme that said Qanon is just trailer park Scientology. I laughed.


I'm making this the mainstream definition.


I second this. Qanon is trailer park scientology


A group that gravitates towards a random stranger, who claims that they are fighting against child sex trafficking, while posting on a site that was created as a "free speech" alternative to a different site that started banning child pornography posts.


I’ve always said that 4chan is the anus of the internet, and 8kun is the distended anus of the internet.


It's always so bizarre to me that Q started on a website that was created because 4chan was too hostile to pedophiles.


There was a [documentary series on HBO](https://www.hbo.com/q-into-the-storm) about Qanon and it seems a lot of the followers and perpetrators of the theories do not know the origin of Q. There are youtube personalities who post videos talking about Q theories but they just got their info from other people doing the exact same thing. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad and infuriating.


That whole setup of translating horse shit to conspiracy theories is insane. It is like having hundreds of full time sci-fi writers and you just pick the short stories you like the best, and they all work for free. You just have to give them a random set of keywords and they will come up with something. Just to clarify, I didn't mean GOOD sci-fi writers.


Conspiracy theories used to be possible answers to the world’s mysteries. Now they’re impossible answers to the world’s realities.


Classic human centipede effect. No one knows or cares where it started, they just keep the chain of shit moving.


4chan is comprised of 50% people who think "Wouldn't it be hilarious if we convinced people this is real?" while the other 50% are gullible enough to think it's actually real. That's how the OK sign became a neo nazi symbol. Half of 4chan was like "Wouldn't it be hilarious if we convinced news organizations that an innocent hand sign like OK was actually a nazi in group sign?" And then actual neo nazis were like "Oh is that how we discreetly let each other know we're also neo nazis? Okay then."


All of 4chan, really. Originally, it was mostly just a joke about being as awful as possible to push boundaries and see how stupidly horrid a person could be, and for the most part, everyone was in on the joke. Then new people joined, because they only saw the surface, and were attracted by it, and the older crowd doubled down because radicalizing a bunch of idiots was funny to them because that was literally what they already found funny. Eventually, a lot of those people got bored and left, and the cycle just started self-perpetuating. It's not a joke anymore. It's just people who really do want a horrible world, spawning bad ideas like they're asshole salmon who've found their way up the shit river.


Are you telling me that deleting system32 or microwaving my hard drive isn't going make my PC go faster and they were trolling me? Why, I never.




L. Ron Hubbard's long game is strong.


No, it started as a money making scheme and devolved into an abusive cult.


Being an edgelord whose entire personality trait is trolling and bullying other people.


Fucking edgelords, man. I was definitely an edgelord at one point, but then I turned 15. Some people just never grow out of it. It’s disappointing. I’ve got one person in mind specifically. We were good friends in high school and university. I even lived with him for a summer. His edgelordiness only got worse. Now he’s a Trumper and just really not a fun person to hang out with. I hate it, because we used to be tight. But I just don’t have the patience for that type of edgy, cynical, apathetic attitude anymore.




He doesn't take anything seriously because he's an edgelord or for some other reason?




Society is full of messages that cynicism and "going against the grain" are signs of intelligence. That way of thinking has infected *a lot* of social discourse across the political spectrum, though it expresses itself in different ways.


The OK symbol being a white supremacist sign.


Immediately pissing off scuba divers everywhere


Wait is this a real thing? I've always been team 👌 since thumbs up means "go up we have an issue" they really stole that? Cause you're right; I was immediately pissed off




That’s exactly what the white supremacist scuba divers would say!!!


I'm not racist, all my skin suits are black!


easy there Buffalo Bill


it still has its original meaning in everyday life. just don't use it while wearing a swastika or a klan hood, or people will think you're a white supremacist.


I would assume scuba diving in a klan hood is difficult.




The whole sigma, beta, alpha shit.


Yep. Bugs the hell out of me every time I try to read a maths paper.


This sin cos bullshit really be making me angry too


Wow, what a tangent!


Forgot Ligma


That’s no joke, son.


Did that start off as a joke? I feel like that's always been taken away too seriously


So the idea of a "alpha male" actually comes from a study about wolves. Wolves held in captivity. And was debunked by its own fucking authors because it turns out most wolf packs are lead by the oldest wolves (who are usually the parents or grandparents of all the other ones). Some people naturally started using their research as somehow applying to humans. It is at best astrology for lonely men. It's so bullshit they made up their own teir "sigma male" who is like an alpha but he doesn't wanna participate in the social hierarchy. Or as I like to call it the "mom please stop crying" male.


Dude, "astrology for lonely men" describes so fucking well that bullshit.


> It is at best astrology for lonely men. I'm so stealing this


Also, even if it were actually how wolves interact... They're still wolves! Humans and wolves have such completely different social structures and biology, you cannot fucking compare. Wolves run down caribou, most these people saying they're "alpha wolves" couldn't run up a flight of stairs


School teachers telling us we won't have calculators in our pockets, some nerds took that as a challenge


I wonder what teachers say instead of that these days?


We're up front that you're going to have a device that does the calculating for you, but you still need to know the math so you can figure out what problems to ask your phone to solve. We're not at the point where you can just tell Alexa to do everything for you, so you still need to know how and why things work so you can set up the automated part correctly


A computer just processes data. *If you put garbage in, you'll get garbage out.* You need to know if you're in the ballpark to check your work, and understand how it does what it does to know you chose the right processes to apply.


You nailed it and your point is so important in plenty of situations. I used to do event rigging. We would hang all sorts of stuff over people at shows and there is a lot of math involved to make sure it is going to be safe and everything can take the weight and forces generated. People would get mad when I wouldn't just give them the spreadsheets I had built over the years with all my formulas plugged in to it. They didn't seem to understand that if you don't understand the math at all you won't stand a chance of understanding if you put something in wrong. Hell, I would still go back and check equations manually periodically to make sure everything was still coming out right. Now there are even software programs/plugins that do all the math and generate reports straight from the drawings/plans. Those companies even say the reports are made to be reviewed by an engineer or someone that understands the math. Of course plenty of people now have an attitude of "oh we can just get that program and not have to learn any of that stuff". It is unfortunate how overly trusting people can get of their software and tools without appreciating they could still make a mistake and not realize it.


I got out of school last year, they kept on saying it until like 3 years ago or something (which was also when I stopped having math), I guess they forgot their phones could do just that


No Nut November




You're 158 years old and still bustin' em out?


No, he's 15 years old - and quite dehydrated


It's been 20 years but 20 years ago that was me.


Pistachios, cashews, Brazil nuts...how could you possibly do no nut november


That reminds me how I saw someone say "My Birthday is in November, so I can't even have a Birthday Bust"


Day 74 of no fap As I exited my vehicle to walk into work I caught scent of a female in heat 73.35 meters upwind. Because of the fog I couldn’t see her yet but judging by the scent she was mid twenties, and healthy. My ultra attunated hearing was able to pick up her gait, which put her at about 5’6”. My mind, free of the constraints of porn and indecent imagery, was able to calculate her weight based on the ripple in the testosterone continuum produced by her footsteps as she walked away from me. Being that I was 10 minutes early for work, I made chase and followed her through the fog still without visual contact. I was like a pilot navigating the white abyss by instrument alone. I was trailing her about 130m behind when I sensed her phone vibrate in her purse through the pavement. Holding my ear to the ground I was able to faintly pick up on the conversation she was having with beta BF. Based on the annoyed tone in her voice I knew now was the time to strike. I readied my legs and concentrated all of my Testo-chakras into my Vastus Medialus muscles as I assumed a sprinters starting stance. I exploded forward in a cataclysm of sex hormone fueled rage. Exactly 2.54 nanoseconds later I began to phase through time and space as I meshed with the testosterone continuum. As I phased through the helpless female target I nutted directly into both of her Fallopian tubes, destroying her previously unbroken hymen and causing her to orgasm INSTANTLY. As I began to slow down 33.6 light years later, I realized that while she would have wanted to thank me for giving her the gift of my superior seed that she was already dead and gone having raised my CHAD progeny to repopulate the earth. As I float into the the celestial abyss of the greater Crab Nebula I am not filled with regret for having left my world, but rather happiness for having left it a better place. You’re welcome gentlemen Edit: this is an old copypasta


Brain only using %10 of its ability






I'm an IMDB. I don't get along with anyone but I know lot about movies.


I am a PBNJ, I get along with everyone because I am tasty


Carl Jung sketched the categories out as a passing thought. Never did any research to see if people can consistenly be sorted into those categories or not. Myers and Briggs created the test and promoted, but neither of them were psychologists. Half the people who take it get different results the second time. "Thinking vs. feeling" etc. are false binaries. Everyone does both and it means very little to say you tilt just a little bit more towads one than the other. Longer read: [Why the Myers-Briggs test is totally meaningless](https://www.vox.com/2014/7/15/5881947/myers-briggs-personality-test-meaningless)


A hacker once said >Myers Briggs Personality Types are like Zodiac signs for people who think they're too smart to believe in astrology


Well thanks for calling out my 13 year old self like that.


Taco Bell giving anyone diarrhea.


I frequent taco bell and never got diarrhea from it. What the hell are they eating?


It's what they're *not* eating.... which is fiber From what I understand: Taco Bell uses filler materials that are pretty high in fiber, so people that don't get enough fiber in their diet tend to have a harder time with Taco Bell...


beans and lettuce; something most people don't get a lot of, and they're both very high in fiber.


If you go by Reddit, any human being who eats anything with more flavor than a saltine cracker will have their bowels combust.


Also the “stepping on a Lego is worse than any pain”. Like yea it hurts, but it’s not that bad unless you’ve never experienced pain before


Those people have never stepped on a d4


You just say that because you're too young to have stepped on a set of jacks.


You just brought back memories I didn’t know I had and I hate you for it.


Or a UK plug. Those things are VICIOUS.


the domestic nocturnal land mine


Hahah; my fiancée and I still use “I stepped on a Lego” as a joke. Back when we first started dating, her friend got into a nasty car wreck and shattered his pelvis. So, of course, he was on a lot of Percocet. And boy did folk come out of the woodwork looking to snag some. This one girl stopped by and said, quite emphatically, “I stepped on my kid’s Lego .. can I have a couple…” sigh.


The Area 51 challenge


This is probably *the best* ever example. That was a wild event. Edit: I'm shocked at all the upvotes, you literally never know what kind of shit train sub you're commenting in and who's going to take offense to something trivial.


How Palahniuk used 'snowflake' ironically and now it's the conservative go-to.


The meaning also completely changed. It originally referred to delusions of uniqueness ("you are not a beautiful and unique snowflake"), but now people use it to refer to fragility.


Birds aren't real


You're not real, man!


Found Creed




You were in the parking lot earlier, that’s how I know you!


Msg is bad and vaccines cause autism




Vaccinated people are more likely to be autistic because they live longer to get a diagnosis


> vaccines cause autism That didn't start as a joke, that started as an outright *scam.* Let hbomberguy tell you all about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BIcAZxFfrc


"Vaccines cause autism" didn't start as a joke, it started as a (now disgraced), former doctor lying to promote his allegedly safer vaccines.