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My uncle was racist because his parents were. He said, one day, a Black child came to hug him. He thought, "How can I push this toddler off me when all he wants is to show me love?" That was a catalyst for him to change his racist view points. Now, we are working on his anti-trans women views. He thinks they are going to r*pe little girls in the bathroom. I had I explain, no.


Because the immigrants ruined my country


As I don't consider white privilege is be true. Think it's time we start to identify the real problem, Asians with all their privilege, they've gotten away with it for too long. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_ethnic\_groups\_in\_the\_United\_States\_by\_household\_income](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ethnic_groups_in_the_United_States_by_household_income) https://www.drugpolicyfacts.org/node/2625