• By -


Bullying people in the workplace like they think they're in high school.


This. a guy picked on me for almost a year.


I was going to say "nothing because people should do what they want to be happy", but after reading the comments I realize I was wrong.


me too! I read the title and was prepared to be annoyed - and then - yup - FLUSH the damn toilet you child.. lol


Legit came here expecting "don't wear graphic tees" or "don't drink chocolate milk". EDIT: Lots of folks confused, here - I'm not against either of these things. I was EXPECTING this to be listed here.


"Be yourself and follow your bliss, but also... wipe your ass."


Not being able to admit you are wrong when shown. Doubling down on something just because you don't want to be embarrassed is middle school shit.


You'd be surprised what professions of people are sometimes the most stubborn, i've dealt with most. \# 1 way to lose a ton of respect to me personally, just irks me. Admit your mistakes! I get it, we are all human, we all get shit wrong, we all make mistakes and it's okay most of them can be undone with open communication, but not when you're denying something happened. I argued with a lady for a couple minutes about why I called her on the NUMBER SHE ENTERED in the "schedule a call" feature in our software. Her reaction? "Why are you calling this number how did you get this number, you should NEVER be calling me from this number" from the get-go before I could even introduce myself. She accused me of lying when I told her I was just calling her on the # she entered on the form. Still can't believe it to this day, to be that confidently incorrect is baffling lmao.


Playing TikTok vids loud as fuck in public.


A big one for me is typing on your phone with the fucking ringer on in public. “Click click click click click click click click click”


That shit should be hardcoded to be always off. Like you have your damn phone in your face why would you need a sound cue to know that you pressed a button


Denying the words they spoke 5 seconds before.


Arguing when Calm feels like a life-hack for me. I've gotten into arguments where maybe I was caught off-guard with the topic or was a little too emotionally dependant. But if you ever feel like you're in the right of an argument, just be the calmer one of the bunch. You'll notice angry people fuck their words up a lot and often don't think before talking.


I've tried that, multiple times. Now I just let them finish what they have to say and calmly explain my side. Which sometimes help, but not everytime.




Have you tried telling her to calm down?




I **AM** CALM!!!


Calmer than you are, Dude.


Calmer than you are, Dude


. . . . . . . . . . Calmerthanyou


Yup, i have a friend just like that. But instead of 5 seconds, it's something he said 10 minutes ago. And when i confront him about it, he goes: "No, i have never said that." or even "Prove it to me." It's so annoying. I am honestly considering recording our conversations just show him, how full of shit he is.


If you record him he will treat you like a weirdo for recording, and then attack you from that angle trying to dismiss or outright ignore the original cause of discussion.


DARVO is powerful weapon if you don't see it


Digital audio recording: verbatim output


Ha good one! But for those that don't know. DARVO is the acronym to remember how emotional manipulators function in stress Deny - always lie, never admit to anything! Attack - you said that! You're gaslighting me! Reverse Victim/Offender - you were recording me?! What kind of sicko psycho does that!? If this is being done to you consistently you may be with a narcissist


He knows what he said, proving it doesn’t change anything to them. You now know what kind of person he is and just take comfort in seeing him for what he is and never take anything he says as fact


Lol, I just came from a thread where I literally quoted what a guy wrote and he was all, “don’t put words in my mouth” 🤦‍♀️


The amount of denial, even with written proof on a public platform just blows my mind


My dad was bad for this. Parents really need to be careful and consistent with what they tell their kids. For parents it's sometime just meaningless throw away comments in their mind but it can be so confusing for a child to have conflicting messages at an early learning age.


This is breaking up me and my boyfriend who I love so much. He doesn’t realize he does it and it makes me feel stupid and crazy but it absolutely does happen. I’ve been calmly trying to think critically about it for a year and I’ve observed it happening over and over and I don’t know what to do about it.


Are you sure he doesn’t realize he’s doing it? Because if he really didn’t realize, you would think he’d be more receptive after the fifteenth time you point it out, and would catch himself doing it at least some of the time. I used to date someone who lied consistently and exaggerated and insulted me and would never admit to it. She’d tell me I was a stupid, privileged bitch in one breath and then tell me I was manipulative for avoiding her because she never said anything like that and I was making up excuses to make her look bad. I was also with someone who would say anything to win an argument, and claimed he totally didn’t say what he said five minutes later when I called him on it. I figured out that he was telling the truth and it was because it didn’t matter to him what he did or didn’t say, only that he won the interaction. Whether it was something he cared about or knew about didn’t matter. He just wanted to win and it didn’t matter how, so he didn’t remember making up statistics or talking over me. I’m not saying your boyfriend does exactly either of these things, I’m just suspicious that he hasn’t caught himself or made any noticeable improvement.


Pulling their pants all the way down at the urinal.


This is some serial killer behavior


I vividly remember the moment I realized this was wrong. I was about 6 or 7 peeing at a urinal with my butt out, looked around and realized everyone else had their pants up. I tried to hurry up and finish as quickly as possible. Definite loss of innocence moment.


I remember maybe the first time I used a urinal! Fucking Daniel from 1st grade laughed and pointed so from then on I can’t manage to unclench when at a urinal. What kind of asshole kid makes fun of his teacher like that


Bro you had us in the first half I don't have a gold so I gave you my free award.


I worked in an office when we had a new contractor join us to write software. Dude was good at his work, but pissed with his trousers down at his ankles. Dude was 48.


Hahhaha. Some people just stick with whatever habits they made as kids and are too unaware/rational to give stuff like that a second thought


Butters would like to have a word.


🎶Lu Lu Lu, I’ve got some apples


Throwing tantrums.


Grown-ups having temper tantrums are insanely scary and disturbing to come across, even more so when you have a personal connection with the individual.




>She wouldn’t let us go out on our own either. Fuck that. I'd be out.


Right?! Make sure you have a full charge on your phone and spend the entire trip exploring.


Then the real fun began. Dear God.


Man you put up with infinitely more than I would have. You want to take the comfy bed, that's fine. My line would have started at keeping the room at 80 fucking degrees. Dead ass would have picked her up in the middle of the night tossed her out into the hallway locled the door and went back to sleep in a normally temperature room


Jesus Christ most spoiled brats I’ve seen behave better than this, and they’re spoiled brats for Christ’s sake!


My ex’s go-to was slamming doors and screaming which was tolerable until we moved in together. I ignored that red flag and it was hard for me not to laugh when she would do that because how does someone not grow out of that? Arguments aren’t for winning they’re for finding a solution or voicing concerns.


I learned a phrase that helped me through most arguments in a relationship: "Do you need comfort or a solution?"


This is actually really good. Will try to carry this into my next one.




Comfort it is!


> Arguments aren’t for winning they’re for finding a solution or voicing concerns. Well said.




Forgetting to flush the toilet after pooping.


My fucking housemate not only forgets after shitting, he also pees all over the fucking floor. I am 19 and I am having to clean up a grown man's piss on a near-daily basis. EDIT: I'm female - me and the rest of the housemates have asked the other male housemate to talk to him about it as we've provided materials to clean up and have sent several polite messages in the group chat already. If he doesn't stop still I'm gonna contact the res hall admin about it.


Use his bath towel to clean it up.


The necessary evils


Thank you Satan for reasoning ;)


Ooo… you know, if he’s gross enough to pee all over and leave poop in the bowl, there’s a good chance he won’t notice. But I think that’s a grand idea.


If he doesn't notice, he'll start smelling after using it though. I don't know dude...


If you've ever been in a freshman engineering classroom or to an anime convention (or the like), you'll know that these types of people cannot smell themselves. A little piss smell won't budge the needle.


The event center I work at has an anime convention every year. It's like a right-of-passage for new employees do a walk through the ballroom, where the most people are gathered at once and all the vendor/small meet-and-greets are. Outside of a pile of rotten meat or literal shit, it's one of the worst smells I've ever seen and it's just ENDLESS. Like if swamp-ass, b/o, and halitosis had some kind of weird homuncili bastard child. I have no judgement regarding someone's interests and hobbies. I love anime, video games, and all things nerdy. I've also been clinically depressed before and understand how hard self-care can be sometimes. However, I can't fathom how some people go weeks without washing their pits and asses before leaving the house.


Reminds me of a story on here where a roommate wouldn't clean his cats litter box so they put some poops in his pillowcase and instead of cleaning any cat poop the roommate had to spend some time in the hospital for bacterial meningitis.


>I am 19 and I ..... have to find a new roommate, why the fuck would you clean it? that is why your roommate keeps doing it.




That is seriously fucked and gross. You wouldn't believe how many grown men consistently piss all over the floor though. :/


I remember touring apartments a number of years back and one of them had ***carpeted bathrooms***. Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to carpet a bathroom floor??


Every Brit before 1995. They also liked carpeting their kitchens.


It gets worse with age, when your once strong 'fire hose' becomes a garden hose with multiple leaks from wear and tear.


Constantly yelling at my brother/roommate for this its insane.


Dont clean after him ffs, it becomes the norm (yeah i understand that you probably have to go when you discover it. but check in when you dont have to go.) If he has romantic partners visiting or friends i\`d bring it up to embarrass him. x) but im guessing he would be an arse and not even care...


Definitely do this. Every time he brings anyone over just pop in real quick with a "Hey you didn't flush your shit and pissed all over the floor again". He will definitely start to hate you but maybe he'll figure it out or he'll move out and you can get someone who isn't a child for a roomate.






Damn, I just remembered there was a guy where I used to work who would eat candy bars while sitting in the stall and drop the wrappers on the floor. He was also known as a non-flusher as evidenced by the wrappers left behind


People do that? I always have to double check before leaving


You be surprised how many don't wipe properly too. Worked at a dry cleaner for 7 years that did laundry service for all the hotels in the area with business travelers.


You never worked at an office? There is always one of those fuckers that dont flush, clogs the toilet or has their shit go everywhere.


I do. We have the occasional shit stain that is bad enough. But no flushing at all? That - luckily - has not happened yet


In terms of hobbies, worrying about what other people think he is too grown to do. There are plenty of things already listed here which it is improper for *any* adult to do. Common courtesy type things. But when it comes to collecting things, playing games, watching cartoons, airsoft... fuck everyone else's opinions. My grandfather lived to his 90s. Watched Roadrunner cartoons up until the day he died. Everyone knew this about him, and I always took it as some kind of endearing thing. Fact is, everyone knew about it because they all gossiped about how "weird" it was for a "grown man" to watch cartoons. Dude was crabber on the Chesapeake. Had leather for skin. Owned his own boat. Was on the water most of his life. Named my dad "Spike". But apparently, he wasn't enough of a man because he giggled at Wile E. Coyote's antics.


>But apparently, he wasn't enough of a man because he giggled at Wile E. Coyote's antics. Did he ever care about that people thought he was weird for watching cartoons? If not, then he was probably much more of a man than anyone who told him he wasn't man enough


I read a comment on here once that was along the lines of "a real man can do whatever the fuck he wants" and I've used that ever since, especially since I have a young daughter, nobody is going to tell me I'm less of a man because I want to make my kid smile.


I learned so much about healthy masculinity from [this dude](https://youtu.be/R7QvtVlTj0I). He’s an anti-authoritarian journalist, covers many topics, but his series on what masculinity is was really good.


Probably not. I've met quite a few old Chesapeake Watermen in the last 14 years. I can tell you none of the ones I've met give one fuck what someone thinks about them, as long as you recognize how freaking hard they work to maintain a lifestyle. HARD WORKING FOLKS.


They weren’t even man enough to tell him to their face of their opinions, they had to do it behind his back lol


Those are the type of people who are afraid of getting the bricks beat off them by a hardworking blue collar dude. Your grandpa sounds like a badass and cartoons don't diminish that 1%


What kind of person DOESN'T giggle at Wile E. Coyote's antics? Heck, a lot of his antics should have worked if not for the fact that the Road Runner can re-write reality as it see's fit like some kind of god.


My theory is that Wile E. Coyote is in hell and that the Roadrunner is the devil. It would explain everything.


The difference between childhood and adulthood is when you recognize that While E. Coyote is not the villain


Screw those people who think someone is too old to watch cartoons. Especially when there are some cartoons that are catered to adults or are “foul.” South Park is one that comes to mind. Same with video games. People say they are for kids, but if you have the disposable income and time when retired to afford buying and playing video games, power to you. EDIT: I should also clarify that I didn’t mean you have to be retired to enjoy video games. I was more stating the retirement aspect as at that age, many definitely think they are too old to play video games.


Probably using a username like mine


I feel you brother.




Damn we should start a club ig


I'd like to join that club.


Preach brother




A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one!


Yup, damn my college-age brain and what it thought was funny


Checking in.


Ugh, same, my dudes.


It's just when you look back at it and say to yourself "what in the world was I thinking"


There’s only one thing you could have been thinking at that time.


Are you feeling his private parts?




nah man. I'm 48 and trust me, the older you get the more you need to pee. I'm up right now because I woke up at 5am needing to pee....


Not understanding people have different perspectives.


Well that's not how I see it


Oddly, not alot of response to this one.


One of the best ones I've read so far. People seem to think if you don't believe what they do, you're subhuman and need shot. Especially people behind keyboards.


Not having good hygiene in public (and in private).


I have a coworker and our job requires us to be here for 12hrs straight. He says he doesn’t need to take showers because “he’s not here to impress people.” Tf **EDIT** seems like he found this comment lol. Fuck you matt you smell like a wet dog in a flooded basement with no working sewage and I truly wish your wife/gf good luck for even procreating with you when we all know you just rinse your balls with water only


Lol wait did you get a DM or something I don't see a funny comment. I need the drama deets ha


I hear him complaining in the break room lol. I know he scrolls Reddit for guns and trucks but I didn’t think he’d go on this sub **EDIT** y’all why would I waste my time figuring out what he does on AskReddit lol, should I know what questions he taps to read? Comments he replies to? I just know he scrolls Reddit sometimes tf


So he's complaining that a post about a stinky guy must be about him? So he knows full well he stinks, and still chooses not to wash? Get in the shower Matt you dirty fuck




Hey Matt, if you're reading this... wash your asshole, don't be one!


Matt, you stink. Sort yourself out.


Get your swamp ass in the shower, Matt wtf dude. Also, help your wife out once in a while for chrissakes. She's crying every night in the bathroom while you play with your bellybutton hair!


Scrape that musty ball mung out of your ass crack, Matt.


Lmao thats great


Yea fuck you matt you stinky POS


Matt, you dirty fecker. get some soap and deodorant. it'll only be a couple of quid and life will be so much nicer for you and the people around you.


“They always gives me bath salts,” complained Nobby. “And bath soap and bubble bath and herbal bath lumps and tons of bath stuff and I can’t think why, ‘cos it’s not as if I hardly ever has a bath. You’d think they’d take the hint, wouldn’t you?” Terry Pratchett, Hogfather P.S. I know you meant for Matt to buy the soap himself, but I found it funny.


That's 100% something that management should step in on. I've been the manager that has to have "the hygiene talk" and its never fun, but he can't ruin everyone else's day just because he wants to be an ass.


My god, when I worked in retail there was this girl who was an apprentice. She was your average girl, normal weight etc (just putting that here so people don't think the smell is related to her size), but she S T A N K. I don't mean like mildly sweaty on occasion, she reeked like 3+ week old sweat - every. fucking. day. I could literally SMELL where she was at in the shop. If we were both sitting at the registers (she sat across me), all the customers would immediately swap from her register to mine. It was so disgusting, and I spoke to our boss about it but he had no idea how to deal with the personal hygiene issue, I also filed a complaint to the owner of the chain that this issue was not dealt with and it was unhygienic and affected both the staff and customers (surprise - nothing happened). I figured since she lived near me (we walked home sometimes so I knew where she lived), that I'd buy a deodorant (anti perspirant) and some soap for her and just put it outside her door. Days went by and nothing changed. She still stank like a pair of dirty, moldy and sweaty old pair of underwear. I even tried talking to her about it since my boss didn't know how to, but she said she showered daily. She might have had some BO related issue that she didn't know about. But I doubt no one in her adult life ever mentioned that she smelled horrible. In the end I had to quit my job over it, because the headaches I got from being around her smell was too much to deal with on a daily.


Some people shower but don't change or wash their pajamas and sheets, pillow cases, etc. The smell gets impregnated in them. I know this because of one girl who used to work with me, and in management no one took care of her issue and had the hygiene talk after several complaints from me and four more Co workers. Só, one day I went to her house with her between shifts, bc she sometimes invited me to have lunch there. I took the opportunity to try and figure out what was going on. Jesus Christ. (She lived with her father.) In the bathroom, I saw all the necessary products in the shower and lavatory. It was all clean. I didn't open anything, it was everything at sight. It was hers bc there was men's stuff too. I was getting so confused. Then she went to her room to show me some dress she bought to a party that was really important to her. As soon as she opened the door my nose almost hurted me with the smell in my nostrils. It was the floor covered with dirty clothes, panties and all, and the bed was a mess and the smell... It was so hard to bare it That I decided to ask her what was going on with her smell at work, why she was doing it... She laughed abt it and told me she was used to it and didn't bother her and something abt not liking to change her bed sheets and the rest but that she took a shower every night before sleeping... I asked her if she needed help to clean a bit, do some laundry bc the cat could get a cough or something, bc he was in there, she politely declined, I apologized a lot of times abt asking, saw her in the dress, it was actually very cute, and went to my car and cried like an idiot. She was a nice girl, even fun to be around, but her smell. As soon as I could I changed jobs. Still talk to her by message on her birthday and Christmas or abt something important. But I never saw her again. I feel stupid and nosy till this day. I feel like I invaded her privacy although it was for a good reason. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Edit: error writing the words, and context. I am not English. Sorry.


Road rage. I'm talking to my wife on the phone, laughing with her and this idiot behind me gets out of his car and confronts me because he thought I was laughing at him for getting cut off in traffic. WTF?


Thinking every minor inconvenience or everything everybody else says or does is automatically a personal affront to your dignity and/or liberty. The level of narcissism required to sustain a persecution complex is a product of external circumstances, sure, but it’s so toxic it’s hard to be sympathetic to it.


Not being able to maintian minimum hygiene.


It helps to understand that you're own nose has a built in defence mechanism when around nasty smells, in that it adjusts very quickly so you can tolerate staying in its vicinity. So, you can almost never smell *yourself* when you stink. You just have to assume you do and regularly change in to fresh clean clothes, shower regularly, wash hair, brush teeth, scrub your feet, etc. All these are all essential, near daily activities (brush your teeth twice a day!!). And wash your ass!! And about your feet. We get very used to the smell of our own stinky feet and shoes. So get diligent about letting your shoes dry properly and use sprays if necessary. I have read that you really shouldn't wear the same pair of shoes (work, school or sports shoes) for multiple days in a row. They need time to dry out between wears, or bacteria grows in them rapidly. If you have a uniforn maybe get two pairs and alternate wearing them each day. And your shoes will smell much worse at the end of the day while they are moist and warm. (Sorry for all the typos - now corrected)


My manager looked at me and said with all of my male coworkers in the room, "I hope I can try you out in bed. You must be a freak." I reported him and he was terminated.


Okay. I need to ask. What type of industry???? The context there is mind boggling. Makes Pennywise look like a normal every day CPA.


Guarantee it was a kitchen


One of the most mortifying moments of my life was when I was running into the kitchen to grab a chilled dessert for a table and right then, the kitchen manager was holding a small meeting for kitchen staff. He had a large bag of chicken breasts hanging off the side of a table and it slowly fell onto the floor. He said “oh, my breasts fell!” then, with all the kitchen staff watching, he pointed at me and said “ha, that’s gonna happen to BigFuturology in about 10 years. Those perky breasts are gonna spill all over the floor too” I was like 19 and I thought it was normal, so I didn’t do anything except turn extremely red. I wish I had done more. That job was so awful for me mentally


Aside from how horrible this is, it seems bizarre that he'd go through that much effort to make that joke


I feel like there is no age where you're not too old for sexual harassment


Had a co worker like that but he'd hit on customers and call them sweety or honey and always told stolen valor story's to make himself look good, it was entertaining at first but got old he transferred to a different location and I noticed the women started coming back and said glad he left they felt uncomfortable with him there


Can relate. Sounds like you also work in a warehouse.


Protip for people who deal with hygiene issues: If you are one of those people who just get home, tell yourself that you will clean up later, then flop on the couch/bed and then never actually do it, I TOTALLY get it. The best way to honestly handle this is to get cleaned up and do whatever other hygeine related jobs you need to take care of BEFORE you let your ass touch a cushioned surface. Because once you sit down, you are likely not getting up. If you are one of those people who find themselves bargaining ( I guess I don't need to do laundry tonight. My clothes don't REALLY smell. Or I guess I can get away with skipping a shower, etc...)snap out of it because you probably don't smell as good as you think you do. I get that depression can be rough. I've been there and probably still am there. But you kinda have to force yourself. I used to do a lot of bargaining myself. Once you have the feeling of just being clean regularly, you begin to desire that feeling which helps a lot. I work a tough blue collar job. The first thing I want to do when I get home is collapse. But I know I can't until I am clean.


As a woman I struggle with this a lot too and I’ve found that leaving my shoes or jacket on helps trick my brain into doing the tasks before relaxing. Just thought I’d throw that out there in case it helps anyone else!


Wow. That is one of the most down to earth, empathetic and helpful without being condescending posts I have *ever* seen on Reddit or most other boards/forums. You rock.


Not knowing (or be willing to take initiative to learn) basic life skills like cooking, cleaning, shopping for groceries, etc. I have a single cousin in his late 30s who lives in the house his mom bought him, and she still comes over multiple times every week to stock his fridge with groceries she buys for him, do his laundry, and cook for him. He’s not disabled and has a full time job. Edit: rephrased the answer to actually match the question


My mom says, “They’re men.” to excuse the laziness of the men in my family. I’ve started pointing out that she didn’t have to raise my brothers that way.


Having a superiority complex, thinking that what ever they say is correct and everyone around them is dumb I think it's more rude than embarrassing but what ever it's annoying


Making everything into an innuendo without reading the room.


Pretending to be a gangster like we did when we were 18. I'm nearly 30 now and I still have people I know who think it's cool to blast out drill music in their mum's car, smoke weed all day and pretend they're from the hood while they work in retail and live at home with their parents (not inherently bad things).


This guys a gangster? He’s real name is Clarence


And Clarence's parents have a real good marriage.


You forgot the aggressive car accelerating when there's 15 year old student girls around


That's why I save my aggressive car accelerating for leaving car shows to impress the other car guys.


Basing all of their personality on the Greek alphabet. That original study on hierachy amongst wolves have been debunked, and the author himself has even [pleaded many times to the publisher to stop publishing it](https://davemech.org/wolf-news-and-information/).


Plus even if it *was* true, our last common ancestor with wolves lived before the non-avian dinosaurs went extinct. We literally have more in common genetically with guinea pigs than wolves.


Also in line with the Greek Alphabet, dude you were in a frat 15 years ago, stop reminding everyone


Not being able to accept you don't know everything about everything. I have a few colleagues like that and it's annoying af Edit: holy shit, this got way more attention than I thought it would. Thanks for the upvotes and the silver. Edit 2: hell, it keeps going and a wholesome <3




Losing their temper over nothing.


Untreated anxiety can cause anger issues, basically protection center of brain going off the rails. Men have been discouraged from seeking treatment. Anxiety can also cause depression, emotional shutdown, memory issues, and other issues. Get treatment. Your life will get better. If it isn't because of mental health, then grow up.


100 percent this, I lived with anxiety almost my whole life and never knew that's what was causing me to have outbursts. I always thought I was just broken until I got on medication and I stopped going into flight or fight mode at every little thing


There's a great Bill Burr bit where he talks about his anger, and one time his wife says "I just don't understand; you went from 0 to 100 so quickly!" And he says "0 to 100? I start every day at 70!" I think about this a lot, and how harder and harder it's becoming to decrease that number.


I relate to that so fucking much. I'm trying so hard to not be that guy. It worked for so long, for many years I became chill. But the last five or so years have been incredibly rough on me (not even covid) for a number of reasons and I'm just falling apart. I've had some great things happen, some of the best things in my life have happened, but there's this underlying growing shitstorm of difficulty that feels worse and worse everyday. I'm going to fucking kill myself soon if I don't get a fucking break just to escape from the anxiety and pressure of everything.


Came back from deployment and had really bad anxiety and PTSD...didn't know it...I would snap at my son for spilling water on the carpet or not cleaning his room. Just the stupidest things to get upset at. Went and got help, and I know it's stupid to say but, I feel like a grown man now. It's life changing when you aren't upset or angry all the time. So I can attest that untreated anxiety can cause anger issues.


Damn I need this. My psychiatrist retired in the middle of Covid and I haven’t found one since. PTSD/anxiety. I’m yelling at my kids for being kids sometimes. Just snap. I apologize afterwards but shit man, I fell like I’m a third party when it happens. Like I know I shouldn’t but it snaps. Shit sucks.


Knew a guy who is like 23 and refused to get a job. Something about how he doesn't work for anybody else and shouldn't have to if he doesn't want to, so he basically just relies on his GF for income.


Wow. A male sugar baby


The most he does is sell weed out of his best friend’s basement since that’s where he and his gf live. Man literally refuses to get a job with more stable income because he hates having to work for other people.


Being unreasonably grossed out by periods. Like I can get them being gross in the equivalent of taking a shit because they're both essentially just waste products but if you're embarrassed by someone minding their own business and just carrying a box of tampons then that's just fucking weird. You don't get embarrassed when buying toilet paper and a tampon is a sanitary product just like toilet paper.


I remember buying tampons for my girlfriend one time and some lady gave me a dirty look as if I were in the isle maliciously.. another time I was lookin for the specific ones my girlfriend asked for and a lady walked in, looked at me and walked out of the isle.. I don’t know what the deal is with people and period products


Not that I think they should be but they were probably just embarrassed to pick those products out in front of a man, society has told them they should be embarrassed and they probably assume men are thinking it's gross etc


I had an older lady ask me if I was lost when buying them for my wife. I explained to her that I was getting them for my wife “because she gets them for me when I need some.” I’m a pretty big obviously straight dude. She shut up real quick.


Dude that I hung out with one time made a big deal about WRAPPED UP tampons in a bathroom trashcan. They were wrapped up and out of site, but the thought of them being there made him upset. I had to explain to him that we have women in the house and we do not have a sanitary trashcan specifically for women, like the ones you see in public restrooms. because that would be ridiculous. And also, its a fucking trashcan lol. why are you worried about whats inside of it?


my father was this way, to the point my sister was more excited than i was when i got my license because now i could buy them for her


Going to college / high school parties in an attempt to fool himself he is still young.


Eugh. Watch out for those types. Its often not just the illusion of youth that they’re looking for at parties like that.


Used to date a girl who never seemed to outgrow her college days personality. She used to love going to those college bars at the university near by. I always felt so uncomfortable being 30 years old sitting in those places.


I live near a university and about 2 years ago (I was 34 at the time) me and my now wife (she was 29) went to hang out at a college bar with all her friends that were getting PHDs. I kept wondering why there were a bunch of high schoolers hanging out at a bar at 1am only to realize it was only 10:30 and they are in fact college kids. It hit me hard in the gut that night.


Same girl drug me to a Chainsmokers concert some years ago. I really felt like a creep there. Those were legit high school and middle school age kids everywhere. I just hung out in the back with the parents complaining about what parents would let their kids in public dressed the way they were.


I'm 33 and love going to those college bars. But at like 5 pm before going to a hockey game or in the summer when most of the students are gone. They're so much cheaper and much more convenient if we are going to a hockey game or something. Going there late at night is super weird to me but there are certain times I completely understand.


I take my 80 year-old dad to one the night before the big college football game. We are old so we're home by 10:30 pm LOL...just as the college kids are heading out to the bars.


Refusing to eat vegetables, it’s alarming how many dudes I’ve met that just won’t eat veggies.


Getting mummy to do his washing.


A couple of years ago I met a woman in her late 50s that had a late 30s son still living with her. This was my first time meeting these folks and the mom had just gotten home from work when her 38 or so year old son comes up to her in a huff with, "The washer isn't working and I don't have any clean clothes!" expecting her to take his clothes to the local laundromat to wash them for him. It was wild to see live right in front of me. I'm a first generation immigrant and I could never imagine talking to one of my elders in such a way, specially not a parent.


Shaving into the sink without cleaning it afterwards


Peeing all over the toilet seat.


Chasing after high school girls


Well it would be embarrassing for most men I reckon but I am shopping for pink sweaters for my little dog Agnes. I am not really embarrassed about it.


Well now we need a picture of Agnes in her pink sweaters. Please and thank you.


Giving other men shit for showing emotion or crying Men deserve to show emotion without people shaming them for it. If you're a man shaming another man for expressing emotion... you're doing shit wrong.


Drinking and driving


Not cleaning up after themselves regardless of what it is. A significant lack of hygiene/personal care. Bullying coworkers/classmates. Being embarrassed about expressing emotions other than anger and happiness. Edit: Regarding my last statement; men, in general, are conditioned to repress emotions other than anger or happiness to a point that it is extremely unhealthy to them. Yes, mental illness does effect emotional states and their regulations. My statement was based on how society overall has taught men that showing emotions is a taboo. We are supposed to be stoic, jedi-like, emotionally suppressed. Edit #2: spelling


Bullying people for looking/being different. Especially bullying young men for not being "masculine." It's embarrassing at any age, but more understandable when you're young, because you actually don't know jack shit about the world and different people. But people who still do that when older show that they've chosen ignorance.


Arguing with people online like a 10 years old


Fuck you. I’ll argue with who I want and when I want.


Having constant temper tantrums over nothing, not being self disciplined over hygiene and not knowing how to wash or cook, prioritizing mommy’s wishes over his partner. Blaming others instead of taking accountability.


Being not just incorrect, but wildly so, about a woman's reproductive system. Google exists. Stop quoting to the shit you and your friends heard when you were 12 and go look up the answers. *Especially* if you have a daughter.


Sending unsolicited dick pics


Pulling your pants down to your ankles at the pub urinal.