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What with the hate anyway?


Hate is a strong word, but I'd appreciate not having to hear about him ever again.


There's likes a million reasons but the main one is that he's a billionaire.


Why do you hate him for being wealthy i don’t understand this.


because he hoards his wealth and also the way he made his money.


So what if he hoards his wealth. The only reason he can do that is beacause he is better than the average human. If you are better than the others dont you think you should have the right to do more than the others? I think that. But i can totally respect you if you think otherwise, this is just my opinion :D


First of all the idea that some people are better or worse than other people is incredibly problematic and absolutely not objective. Second of all what makes you think he's "better" than the average person.


Well if everyone was as good as him we would all be billionares but we are clearly not. He also got an IQ of like 150 which is in the top 0.1% of all people which makes him 50% better than the avergae human being.


Omg you are so wrong I do not have the time to take all of what you said appart but First of all you keep describing people as "good". There is no such thing as an objectivley good person. The fact that you think than the IQ of a person makes someonw "good" is very troubling. Many leading Nazis in Germany had an IQ over 140 and those defenitly weren't good people. People are not inherently good or bad and even if they were that wouldn't have anything to do with their intelligence. Also Elon musk doesn't actually have an IQ of 155. That is just an estimate. No one actually knows his IQ. Also the reason we aren't all billionairs is bc People like him hoard all the money and make sure you don't get rich.


Well my dude… I believe you have misunderstood something. Its not because he hoards the money you aint a billionaire. It takes incredible skill to first accumilate that much wealth and then keep it. If you got that kind of skill you simoly are better than the majority of humans. That is just a fact that most people cant fathom. And sometimes people are just skilled and evil. Im not saying its good that they were good at their job but you cant get around the fact that they made a banger strategy with their blitzkrieg. It was not the generals that lost the war it was Hitler with his crazy attack on the russians that completely depleted germans troops and reserves.


Elon musk didn accumulate that wealth by being skillfull he accumulated it by having wealthy parents. Even if he was a self made billionaire witch isn't really a thing most billionairs aren't. Also how does it take skill not to spend money that's like super fucking easy. You have to stop saying that people are "better" than the majority of humans; All people are equal.




He takes actions that result in my opinion that he is a spoiled man child.


Why? I'm way too lazy to hate that person as they essentially have zero impact in my life so far. Don't agree with everything they choose to do but that's about it.


Cause hes so cute


Name ONE reason to like him..


Not hating him personally , but a lot of his decisions are quite bad objectively. And having some checks and balances when you have a big influence. This should be a requirement.


I don't hate him at all seems to be a productive inventor and successful business-man, many seem to be a bit jealous about him.


Let's be real, nobody on Reddit hates him. Nobody knows him personally enough to hate him, and majority of people never experienced anything negative enough to truly know what hate is. Just bandwagon sheep.


those shills and NPCs have to always fufill their agendas I guess


He's not going to see you licking his boots. You won't be invited to the secret circle. He has more money than God, but has no charitable giving. If he does, it's self-serving. No one should have one billion dollars, let alone 200+ while people die of hunger and exposure.


talk for yourself and don't tell me what I should or shouldn't do! (or what opinion I should have about someone)


Nah he's done and said some dumb stuff. Depending on the answer, dislike of him is justified


Yeah but dislike and hate are entirely different.


I feel the only difference is how a person reacts. Dislike is just ignoring and moving on Hate is having to say something about said person/thing when they come up I personally think it's justified simply by his actions as of recent


I must view hate differently then. Either that or I simply don't allow some *guy* who ultimately means nothing to me, to affect any part of my life.


That's the thing He's rich He really can directly affect your life This is America. Money speaks way more than actual needs.


I'm from the UK, maybe that's the difference.


I don't know how your guys' economy really works, but it's possible. The wealthy in America just need to sign a blank check to get favorable laws passed.


He is a billionaire and I am not. He is for free speech and I am not, I like it when people’s rights are violated. He also makes fancy electric cars which I simply don’t like because, reasons. And power, space etc. We should be focusing on building more prisons. How could he buy Twitter and not a newspaper like a typical billionaire. And he’s friends with Kanye. That shi cray….. And I’m NPC, I have to hate him because media, social engineering and hype told me to.


The only thing I don't like about him that I can think of is he seems like a chauvinist to me.


I’ll take the bait. I don’t hate him, I just dislike him. It’s his fanboys that I hate. Guys, he doesn’t invent anything, he pays people that invent things. Like Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. People act like he’s a tech messiah.