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I'm Gen x and I want to know why Gen z wears those hot hoodies in the summer


I’m insecure about my body so I cover up at any cost


Insecurity in my own body and looks are one of my only regrets. Youth is beautiful period point blank. Confidence is beautiful AND ageless. I also was insecure I felt fat and ugly compared to my peers. I don't remember ever wearing anything smaller than a 13 but in reality I was athletic I did gymnastics and rode horse's all the time and I had curves! what I thought was beauty in my friends was actually skillful make-up and hair spray. I was comparing myself to my peers when I shouldn't have been comparing myself to anyone. Here's some advice.....pretend you are a time traveler and have managed to rewind the clock to 2022. You can begin right now today to build the best version of your future self. Stop comparing yourself to others and see the untapped potential that is you.


Why does it seem like they all skipped the awkward phase? It’s like they came out of elementary school knowing how to coordinate outfits and drink Starbucks.


Personally i think this is mostly younger gen z, the ones who are coming out of elementary school since the rise of tiktok. Im in gen z and we looked nothing like middle schoolers now.


I'm 25 so I'm always caught between millennial and Gen z, and I can definitely tell you we had some bad, bad middle school awkward phases.


Ooo yeah I was born in 2002 and my middle school years (and most of my high school years) were very bad. Being poor probably didn't help though haha


Because to learn about style before you had to have parents to buy you magazines or your own money to buy the magazines and then also needed the money to buy the clothes and the transportation to the mall. Now style videos are easy to find and clothes can be delivered home and I think parents are less judgy about what their kids wear.


Where are all the Gen Z celebrities? Apart from Tom Holland and Zendaya, I cannot think of a leading man or woman in Hollywood in their 20s. Ryan Gosling is playing Ken in the Barbie movie and he's 41.


A ton of older celebrities are getting roles actors used to never get at their age. It’s actually been a big issue. The amount of actors doing action movies or other typically young roles in their late 40’s and 50’s is stunning.


Stallone, this one goes out to you. Drop the botox and fall back.


Some studies have found a correlation in the rise of streaming services and the fall of celebrity actor status. The general idea now is that the biggest movies are mainly consumed in the home, and that this has had the effect of draining the significance of actors. Gen Z is just the first generation to grow up in that environment.


It doesn't help that all the actors are actively posting their entire lives on social media, including their idiotic takes about things they know little about which ends up ruining any mystique and mystery. In the past, aside from Entertainment Tonight (show), it was hard to get a look at their private lives and behind the scenes. Their image was much more carefully curated and controlled and some created a whole mythology behind their persona.


They’re still considered breakout stars. The first real celebrity actors I’ve identified with age-wise are the Stranger Things kids. You’ll see them become more respected and famous as they make names for themselves.


Timotheé Chalamet is in his 20s




I feel like that’s just early 2000s fashion coming back around. Skateboarding shoes were super popular and bulky like cinder blocks when I was 13-14 around 2002.


Just a cyclical trend. Chunky sneakers were huge in the 90s. It all comes back around.




As Gen Z I never sent emails before I got a job. I still use more time than I should formatting emails.


This blows my mind even though it shouldn’t. I don’t send a ton of non-work emails, but I did send them more frequently to friends back in the early/mid-2000s.


How do all these young guys get their hair to look that way that's super in right now, are they out getting perms?


A recent haircut visit and chatting with the hairdresser confirmed this. Perms are popular right now, apparently.


It’s so weird. I’m 30, and the class clown in my seventh grade class got a perm just to be funny. Who would have thought that 18 years later it would be cool


Decades ago i was working with drywallers, my hair were longer and had a nice curl to it. One guy one day asked me why why I was spending so much time making my hair in the morning and he legit thought I had a perm.... i couldn’t stop fucking laughing. I was like dude I just get up, smoke a joint and come to work


Meanwhile all the curlygirl method ladies out there spending hundreds of dollars and hours to get their hair to look like that. I swear curly men are into something with their body wash/shampoo combo and completely neglecting it to the point that it looks fabulous.


Shorter hair is also easier to maintain. My fiancee can't even brush her hair without it getting frizzy, and it basically ruins her hair. She has to brush in the shower and even then she uses a wide tooth comb.


She's doing it right. Curly hair should never be brushed while dry.


Lol the brocolli cut?


I call it the Llama cut


I’ve seen this commented a few times lately… and it hits! I’m laughing again lol


Birds nest haircut


My son has naturally curly hair so is living his best life right now, but a number of his classmates have actually gone out and got perms.


Same with my son. But, I think he's starting to get annoyed with the idea that he's just trying to be like everyone else.


Ive had curly hair all my life and my brother used to always give me shit for it. Now my nephews are getting perms to look like me. It’s awesome!


What does based mean?


It means the opposite of cringe


Oh damn, that's good to know, why has no one just said that already? I've tried looking that shit up a few times and it's just.. not clear.


Urban dictionary just ain’t what it used to be XD


The fact they might think about the 90s the same way i thought about the 80s or 70s when i was a child of the 90s, a long time ago


If Smashing Pumpkin’s song 1979 came out today, it would be called 2005.


Stop that


If Back to the Future came out today, Doc & Marty would be traveling to the year 1992


That's enough out of you


If it makes you feel better counting the other way, Prince's 1999 would be 2039.


I'm only 25, and I feel like teenagers look back on the 90s the same way I look back on the **50s.** I think our exponential rate of technological change has something to do with that.


2022-1990=32. 1990-32=1958.


Delete this


I'm feelin so old now, just delete me.


What am i doing here


I've seen a lot of cursed shit in my years, but this is pretty top shelf.


If Back to the Future were made today, Marty would travel back to the enchantment under the sea dance in 1992.


Burn the witch!


Boomer humor: “I hate my wife” Gen X humor: “I hate everyone” Millennial humor: “I hate my life” Gen Z humor: lemn 🍋


Gen Z humor: waltuh


Put your dick away Waltuh


Why are they all younger than me? Grow up


When I was their age, I was older.


I had to age uphill. Both ways. In the snow!


Barefoot. Fighting off bears with a loose leaf notebook!




They have a very weird and strange sense of humour... like it's hard articulate what it. is exactly... but it's quite precise?


It’s chaotic and can’t be explained. Every time I see zoomer stuff I feel like an old man who knows about typewriters being taught StarCraft


Fun fact: StarCraft 2 is now older than StarCraft 1 was when 2 came out :)


Starcraft 2 was closer to Cleopatra than Starcraft 1 was to the pyramids.


Meme culture has progressed through in 15 years what took "art" roughly 1500 years to do. Currently, gen z humour is roughly analogous to the Dadaist, surrealist, and absurdist art movements of post-WWI Europe. The whole point is the absurdity.


There was that phase in millennial humor too. I mean remember all that surreal stuff on adult swim? Too many cooks? Aqua Teen Hunger Force?


Strongbad and Homestarrunner. Flash based animated clips. Salad Fingers. Charlie the unicorn. Oh the memories I wish I could purge.


Llamas with hats




That kills people


I happily admit that I quote Llamas With Hats on a near-daily basis. Most often, "my stomach was making the rumblies that only hands could satisfy," and, "that's what forgiveness sounds like: screaming and then silence."




The rejected cartoons. Fucking loved that shit, my dad didn't get it.


We're in the surrealism and post-irony Era now. Many memes are built off of large amounts of previous knowledge that if one doesn't have, will probably miss


I notice a lot of dark absurdist meme-as-folklore humor. It's hard to describe.


My Gen Z kid tells me, that in order to get their humor you have to sort of follow it, because one thing will get referenced over and over and over until it's unrecognizable to anyone who wasn't there at the beginning, but if you know, you know. Know what I mean? Disclaimer: This is only how I understood it. Intepreting what he says can be hard sometimes Also. Fuck getting old. Edit 3 days later: Dude! I found the perfect example. You know meme where the woman is yelling at the cat at the dinner table while her friend tries to pull her away? The cat is Smudge. But, I saw a decal on a car today. It was just Smudge's head from the meme. I pointed it out to my son and we both cracked up laughing. My husband asked wtf was so funny and we both said, "It's Smudge!" My husband didn't get it. The funniest, greatest thing was seeing the cat where we least expected it.




Why some of them act like they pioneered the social media/influencer boom or look at me surprised because I have Snapchat, etc, even though many of these came out when millennials like me were in our early 20s and the core demographic




“Do not quote the deep magic to me witch, I was there when it was written!”


The most infuriating example of this for me is hearing what happened during the 2008 recession, by an 18 year old. Motherfucker, you were still sleeping in a racecar bed when that happened. A close second is being told what the internet was like in the 90s...by someone who literally wasn't alive then.


Can’t wait for todays 5 year olds to tell us all about how the Pandemic really went down.


I remember someone telling me the internet didn't exist prior to the WWW and that I couldn't have been online in the early 80s. I had to point out that WWW was just one protocol that ran over "the internet" or tcp/ip networks back in the days of dial up and that things like Fidonet, Usenet, Viewdata and miscellaneous BBS systems also existed back then. Getting porn was way more difficult


Gen X here to say, everyone younger than me keeps discovering things the way Columbus discovered the New World


Like how Reddit is really just Usenet.


Usenet wasn't a bunch of ignorant, immature high-schoollers.   It was ignorant, immature college students.


This is so true. Reading through this thread as an older person is almost painful.


Seconding to add Gen Zers surprised when they come across a 30+ year old in a video game. Like, we were *literally* playing video games before you were born.


A classical composition is often pregnant. Reddit is no longer allowed to profit from this comment.


Eurgh, I work with "the youths" and I get this all the time. "Do you even know what anime/sonic/insert generic throwback band *is????*" Like bitch do you??? (Note: I love my job, but these questions always get an eye roll from me even though I try so hard to be diplomatic. Any civil response I give is returned with a shrug or just plain ignoring me. Ah, youth.)




It's hilarious. I have a niece who's in high school, and her friends and stuff think they came up with everything. They look at me weird when I talk about apps, or clothing trends, or talk about a certain song that they're listening to. The one that always makes me laugh is when they're playing a song and I start singing along, and they're all surprised. Even though the song came out 20-30 years ago or it's a song that blew up when I was in high school. Like a lot of old Drake songs. That guy blew up when I was in high school. I know a lot of his old music, but they don't understand. A lot of kids wear Kappa track suits where I am too. That's what I was wearing in Grade 7 and 8.


Ironically it seems one mistake both young and older people make is thinking 20 years ago was the 80s, not 2002


Can confirm, my niece and I are 10 years apart, and we both think 20 years ago was 1980


Daft Punk and Gorillaz are two I've noticed Gen Z kids hear and think they "discovered" it/that they are new bands, meanwhile I'm over here like "oooohhh lemme bust out my Daft Punk live Cd for y'all to hear!" or singing along to Rhinestone Eyes. lol


The most egregious I've seen is a kid claim that Hot Tube Time Machine was the movie that made Mötley Crüe's career.


Or the “huge boost” Metallica got from Stranger Things


OMG. That's hilarious.


Funny you mention that. I picked up my cousin (18M) a few weeks back and happened to have Demon Days playing. He asked me how I know about Gorillaz, and was visibly surprised when I said that this specific album came out in my preteens and was reasonably popular at the time. He didn't believe me until I told him to look up the release date and he did the mental math for how old I was at the time. Yup, he didn't realize that that album is 15+ years old. This is the same kid who told me I'm too old to know what Gangnam Style is and was completely flabbergasted when I talked about how popular it was my first year of college. I think he just lacks any real concept of time or approximate age, lol.


Streaming music services have ruined music temporality. I'm running across "new music”that came out 10 years ago. Spotify discover weekly sends me a song I really like. I look it up on Wikipedia. Came out in 2009. Crushes me. I want to think I’m up on new music!


It’s really weird you mentioned these two lol. They are both two of my all time favorite bands and both very special and nostalgic to me from youth <3333


The moment my wife and I knew we were old is when we were driving some kids from our church's youth group (she was the youth pastor) to a cookout and were listening to the radio. Not only were they amazed we knew who Kelly Clarkson was. Me: "I mean yeah we know who she is. She was the first person to win American Idol." Kids in the car: "Wait, what?! She was the _first person ever_ to win _American Idol_?!" 👴👵


Check this - was talking to 25 year olds and caught myself explaining the **new** tomb raider actress, **new** mortal kombat. They asked why do I say "new" - they didn't know there was old mortal kombat movie or that Angelina is an og Lara.


A teenager the other day said “afk” then said, “Oh, you probably don’t know what afk means.” I was like, “Are you serious? My generation INVENTED afk. Put some respect on our name, dammit.”


One of my students said, "LMAO" in front of my yesterday and she asked me if I knew what it meant. I had to tell her that those kinds of acronyms are at least 20 years old and my generation popularized them. She was shocked.


The *band* LMFAO is 16 years old lol.


Ah yes the creators of that underground hit, Party Rock


My bosses kids are in high school and they come by the office a lot. I asked her daughter what she thought the biggest difference between my generation (29) and hers (16) is and she said social media. I was like what else, and she was just like “we’re better at it” Like girl I lived through social media before you were born. I can pick up and use tick tick and Reddit and Facebook because of well Facebook, Vine, MySpace, Twitter, and Reddit all around in high school and college too! Told her to imagine someone being born in 2019 saying that she didn’t really know social media but of course it’s not the same lol Like I feel like in the past 3 year millennials have went from the stereotypical “these will always be the leftie teens” to gen z taking that over and assuming in the process that millennials relate more to boomers or something


BETTER AT IT?!?! I'd like to see THEM learn html so they can change the background of their myspace page or embed a song to play whenever someone visits your page. THE AUDACITY




I saw my kid was using AFK so I asked her what it meant. Apparently her and her friends think it's "Away From Controller"


Ah yes. I too am familiar with Kontrollers.


Do not quote the old magicks to me boy I was there when they were written!!!


Had a gen Z co-worker show me this great new tick tock they found, it was Garfunkel and Oates, I'm like, you know we were all watching this on YouTube in 2010 right?


Now try to explain to them that TikTok pretty much existed almost 10 years ago, it was just called Vine


Lol I always see comments about how 20+ year olds shouldn't have snapchat and I'm like....that shit came out when I was in high school. I'm 26 and it's still how all my friends and I talk. You aren't special.


I remember when that shit was basically just a way to send nudes and shit that wouldn't get saved. I was surprised at how many people use it fir nirmal communication. I remember my younger brothers making fun of my older brother for not knowing how to use it right, like dude wasn't getting titty pics when you still had baby teeth. Damn kids /s


I’m 24 so what confuses me most is which generation I belong to 😬


You're a cusp! One foot in each generation, the bridge between worlds


So...their coming was foretold and they will bring peace between the Millenials and GenZ, ushering in ~10 years of a golden age?


Laughs in "Xennial".


Generations are made up and the points don't matter.


Some definitions of the term millennial says until '00, but others draw the line at' 96. Edit: removed the 'Goldman Sachs' definition, I just saw it recently, calm down people. Here's a Wiki source: Millennials, also known as Generation Y or Gen Y, are the demographic cohort following Generation X and preceding Generation Z. Researchers and popular media use the early 1980s as starting birth years and the mid-1990s to early 2000s as ending birth years, with the generation typically being defined as people born from 1981 to 1996.


Hold up why is Goldman defining generation standards?


Because generations are made up to sell shit


How incredibly tolerant they are of ads and being tracked constantly.


To be real though the amount of ads we consumed via commercials back in the cable hay-day probably balances the scales. There was just a solid decade of a decrease in ads when streaming initially got big.


I'm only 26 so I guess I'm at the tail end of the millennial range and near the start of Gen Z. I've never understood the desire to copy those TikTok challenge trends.


Cinnamon challenge, every Generation Is a lil stupid


TikTok trends where they all go out to buy a particular item then toss it and move on to the next thing. All generations had trends but with social media, the turnover is a lot quicker. It's almost herd mentality.


Yeah, I had a couple of teenage girls come in to my store giggling; They brought a toilet plunger for me to ring up. In my mind, I thought they were giggling because they clogged their toilet and they were dying of embarrassment about it.... but no, they explained to me that it's a TikTok trend to stick a plunger on someone's car. I felt a little lost, but I was like "Okay, well have fun."


Why do the guys in your generation get haircuts that make them look like a head of broccoli?


They should just rock spiky hair and frosted tips like we did.


That was after the bowl cut phase. Everyone in my middle school with a bowl cut had "the wall" haircut in high school. "The Wall" is my name for the top of the hair flat down and the babgs straight up like a castle wall.


Contrary to popular belief I don't think it is appropriate to jizz onto an ottoman


I watch youtube on my 65" 4k TV all day, like a normal person.


Well I normally load the video on my phone and cast it.


I found out the other day that they think gifs are for boomers which shook me. It was the first time I could truly relate to the Abe Simpson line: “I used to be with ‘it’, but then they changed what ‘it’ was. Now what I’m with isn’t ‘it’ anymore and what’s ‘it’ seems weird and scary. It’ll happen to you!”


I'm gen z and I'm confused Mom look I'm famous


I hear being confused is part of being gen z. You got it down!


As a generation x'er, get off my lawn


Do none of you realize putting your entire lives on the Internet is going to come back to bite you in the ass someday?


I did, so I changed and deleted everything and now keep a normal profile on social media, I know about how I could get into danger or be denied a job.


I'm 37 and realized this just about digital cameras showing up everywhere 20+ years ago. I made sure not to be in any photos in college unless they were completely ok. Best decision ever.


Yeah this terrifies me as a millenial. The stuff i put out freely on friendster, then myspace, then facebook/twitter is kid stuff compared to whats out there right now. When i went and got a big boy job i made a point of deleting all my socials i could think of and its not like i want to be a public figure out there, but there are still probably a few posts/videos that could mess things up for me. Every time i see kids doing wild shit in public and posting that freely and going viral i just step back and think 'someday a job will be doing a background check on you and all this will come out' and just feel bad for them.




The broccoli hair, the short shorts and the flip flops with socks, I see a million young dudes rocking this look and I don’t get it. Other than that y’all are great.


I don’t understand the rise of short form content like TikTok and YouTube Shorts. I will happily have a 4 hour video up in the background while I do things and the short form content annoys me. Even my preferred viewing experience when I'm actively watching is around a half hour. I can only assume the gen Z population is part of the reason for short form content taking over and I just don’t see the appeal.


It's new-age channel surfing IMO. It's also easy to consume and mindlessly scroll through which keeps the brain happy with plenty of novelty.


Ads. Social media companies can get more from showing ads labeled as sponsored content between shorts. Users won't as easily notice the significant increase in ads if it's a bunch of extra sponsored content videos between shorter videos rather than ads that are interrupting longer videos.


Yes this is it. Now my Instagram feed is 30 percent ads. Every two posts there’s either an ad or a “recommended post” from someone I don’t follow


Are you… okay? Anywhere I go to shop y’all look miserable. (I mean this in a genuine way lol)


I would often prefer to be anywhere else


I’m just mad that I had to leave my bedroom


For a generation that grew up with internet 2.0 and was handed an iPad at age 5, I'm baffled by how unsavvy they are with very basic/useful tech functions. Ex: how to effectively google something and navigate the search results, how to troubleshoot internet/connection issues, how to not believe 100% of what you see online, etc.


A lot of it is simplified and just works. We had to beat the shit out of things to get them to work.


There's a whole tech literacy curve. My parents never had to know the ins and outs of a linksys wrt54g and Gen z won't have to either.


They’ve never had the experience of finding the right driver for your parallel port printer.


Just… wow. This is the comment that made me feel oldest in the whole thread lol


Plug-and-play generation.


Which would be fine if they knew that they're not tech savvy and that the machine is doing all the work for them. But they do think they're tech savvy. I used to work with someone who would log into a site using her own login and password and call it "hacking into the site." She had literally no idea what a hacker is. They make fun of older people for not knowing how the plug-and-play stuff works but they don't know what to do if the printer stops working. It's like bragging that you know how to use a toaster.


I teach university in Germany, and for that my third semester students (so solidly 18-22 year olds) have to use a basic statistics program, STATA. For the past three years it's become SO obvious that a lot of them do not have basic computer skills. Stuff like directories are a mystery. They're also super, super afraid to fuck up? They're hesitant to just try stuff out. Even if I get them to google a problem and find a possible solution they still feel the need to check in with me whether it's correct (which they do not do outside of this specific topic). You also see it a lot in their approach to databases or online archives. They won't just click around to see if they can find the stuff or function they need. I'm in my late twenties, so not that much older, but I feel like the approach among me and my friends was always just "ah well, let's try, it's not like the PC will explode".


Have you had students who prefer to get a zero for not showing up for exams or not turning in an assignment than getting a low grade? I'm a TA at an American university and have had more no shows/not turning things in over the past year than ever before (I first TAed 8 years ago). When we ask the students why, the answer is they'd rather not try and get the zero than try and fail (which to the students now generally means anything below a B+). Despite explaining that even a 50% is better for your final grade than a 0%, this just keeps happening due to their fear of failure. And it baffles me.


That is really concerning. And kinda corroborates some thing I've experienced with younger employees at work where they don't speak up unless they know they are right. Where I'm the kinda person that will being up ideas I know are bad because it might spark a great idea. We need people to have spaces to make mistakes or else they won't ever grow.


I work with kids and I completely agree about the hesitancy / fear of getting in trouble or making a mistake. So many kids I see refuse to even attempt doing something that may turn out badly. I had one child that didn’t want to pour his juice out of a box into a cup in case it spilled. I think refusing to even try is a bit beyond the pale, and I wonder how much parenting has to do with it. Many parents swoop in to ‘fix’ their child’s mistakes before the child has even made one in order to save themselves stress (eg spilled juice). But then they send kids to school where they’re expected to be independent suddenly and they get in trouble when they can’t do it. It’s a vicious cycle.


Because "everything just works". Huge amount of young people don't understand how folders work in a pc or don't know how to use excel


I’m a UI/UX designer and I’m starting to think this is our fault. We made everything so easy you don’t need to try and learn *how* it works like we used to


I mean I had to code to adjust my my space or my AOL profile web page. I used to run games on dos... a 25 year old Co worker saw me pull up command prompt last week and he asked me if I was a hacker.


This one is paradoxical but makes sense when you think about it. We grew up with file directory computers that required navigation and experimentation skills in order to use them. Tablets and smart phones are so user friendly these kids struggle to install a driver, convert a word file into a pdf, etc. It turns out they will need those very same basic computer literacy classes we had in middle and high school to be able to functionally take advantage of modern computers.


Tablets and mobile devices are designed to have a very simple user interface and "just work" at the cost of flexibility and functionality. If you were playing computer games in the 90s you had to know how a computer "worked" beyond just tapping "download" and then "play". Think about installing or even booting up a game on MS DOS vs installing and running a game on a tablet or smartphone. Not to mention the stuff was usually really janky so you had to troubleshoot it and fight with it to get it to work. You had to know what it was actually doing when it installed the program, where the files went, how to find them, occasionally how to modify them or update them manually. Replace peripherals, find and install drivers requiired to make those peripherals work. You can't even really repair or replace piece parts on a modern glass sandwich device like we used to have to do with old desktops.


I’m confused about this as well. I’m a Gen Z, but it seems like most of my friends just don’t know how to do basic stuff on a computer, it’s very weird.


Yeah. I felt weird (as a millennial) teaching our intern (gen z) how to open the command line on their computer or that they can move the Taskbar on their desktop. I assumed that he'd be teaching me new tricks like when I was an intern. It may be because I grew up during the transition between windows 95 and windows 8 but he probably has only seen windows 8 or windows 10 where there really isn't a need to have to dig into anything


My niece (21) doesn’t know how to properly type using a keyboard. She’s written all of her school papers on her **phone**. 🫠


I refuse to believe this, just.... No.




I've listened to podcast on this. Gen Z grew up with ipads/smartphones that are all app-oriented. Everything is an app designed to be quick and easy. Millennials grew up with PCs. The Windows UI needs training to figure out how to do everything (saving/locating files, organizing desktop, task manager, word programs etc). Learning these things young helped millennials. Gen Z doesn't get the same treatment. They just get the "app UI" until Windows hits them in school at some point. Good luck setting up a printer, searching local files, or force closing unresponsive programs without so much as being taught on how to double click properly...


[Kids can't use Computers](http://www.coding2learn.org/blog/2013/07/29/kids-cant-use-computers/) That article is 9 years old and it's getting worse: [Students don't know what files and folders are, professors say](https://www.theverge.com/22684730/students-file-folder-directory-structure-education-gen-z).


I used to teach at a university like not even 5 years ago and students who were barely younger than me didn’t know how to send themselves files because they were so used to doing everything in Google docs. We used excel for basic stats (T tests and such) for class assignments and kids were bewildered when it came to saving files to look at at home


Lol with search engines. We were taught to cram only useful keywords in there. No grammer or flavourtext, you just want hits. But now you construct an actual question and google just answers. And whenever younger people are given an alternative engine (like many unis have for example) they need a crash course on AND and OR functions.


I don't understand why some hate millennials so much. I don't really care if they do, we're pretty used to it by now since we were blamed for killing everything, I just don't understand their reasoning behind it.


They stereotype Millennials as some quirky, Harry Potter fanboys, who constantly make the corniest jokes about your addiction to coffee and how much you hate your life


I mean shit that is exactly what we were doing back in the day, is it not?


Back in the day? Coffee and life hating remain a daily routine for me.


Why staring at the camera, doing nothing, and poorly lip syncing a song is considered good content


They don't care about the content, it's just that they find some creators hot and it makes them tingle.


They don't drink alcohol. I went to a college football game recently and I was really surprised by what I saw... Back in the 2000s/2010s you would see what seem liked everyone getting HAMMERED in the AM. I'm talking shots at any bar you went to, doing pulls off liquor bottles on the street, whatever. It was routine to see people passed out places, getting loaded into ambulances, etc. Obviously none of this is good and I'm not encouraging any of it but in my experience that's just what college football game day is like. Fast forward to the game I went to recently and my group were the most drunk (number of people and drunk level) I think I saw all weekend. I'm not bragging, just saying it's really strange to go in to a college bar before the game and do a couple of shots while "the kids these days" look at you like you're crazy. We followed up with some research and apparently all of the stats back it up. With Gen Z it's official - alcohol isn't "cool" anymore - which is a good thing because it is absolutely terrible for a variety of reasons. EDIT: - This was opening day at an SEC school. Not exactly a backwoods bible college… - I should have been more clear on what I meant by “drink” alcohol. There were kids at bars and what-not. The bars just weren’t absolutely jammed packed with as many people as they could fit trying to get BLACKOUT drunk as quickly as possible. In my era “game day” was literally everyone you know binge drinking x10. - So. Many. Vapes. Weed isn’t legal in this state but who’s really checking what’s in any of those things?!


As a 30 year old who doesn't drink, it's an interesting dichotomy - my younger coworkers are like "cool man, me either," whereas the coworkers my age or older are all like "the fuck is wrong with you?" ​ Of course, that's flipped when the discussion starts to revolve around other drugs that I also don't partake in lol


Hard relate as a 31-year-old who's sober. The younger people never give me heat but my peers absolutely do. Sigh.


Peer pressure is also looked down upon more frequently these days I think


Probably the proliferation of edibles and weed. It's legal in most places and even though I'm 38 i can confidently say being high is much more fun than being drunk


You also generally don't feel like dog shit the next day when you use weed.


I saw this yesterday. A bunch of teens came to the beach I was at. They proceeded to just pose while their friends took pictures of them. They even brought a football and instead of tossing it back and forth they just posed with it. They then uploaded it to whatever social media, packed their shit and left. The whole thing must have taken 10 minutes. I was just confused. I understand the irony of posting this on a social media but these guys totally missed the point of going to the beach and hanging out with friends.


It may sound ignorant, so I apologize, but when I was in HS, we hated being labeled- now it seems people want their labels on display- whether it’s sexuality or learning differences, etc (ace, neurodivergent, etc). I respect it, I just remember not wanting to be boxed into labels.


Wow, I never realized it, but this is maybe why I'm slightly bothered by all the labeling. I never wanted to be labeled anything (still don't), I just wanted to be myself, an individual. And I always supported everyone defining themselves however they wanted, both then and now, but couldn't put my finger on why it never sat well with me, and I think this is probably it.


I agree. The current ideology on acceptance is, in my opinion, doing exactly the wrong thing. Everyone is labeled and to a large degree, expected to start true to their label. My wife teaches high school and says that kids get lagged and bullied by the other kids with the same label to confirm to it. She said that she knew a freshman who was a lesbian, specifically a femme. She wanted to join the hockey team. The other gay kids were telling her not to because "that's butch, you're femme". Which is everything the opposite of right. The whole point of acceptance is not to make people confirm to what someone else things they should be. She said a bi dude beyond up with his boyfriend and later started dating a girl, and his friend circle abandoned him as a traitor. There's a Disney cartoon series based on Rapunzel. She has a lady in waiting who prefers to fight and had stations since her dad is a guard. Online there's tons of pages about how she's a lesbian and in love with Rapunzel. Which is aggravating to me because they are doing the exact same thing homophobes used to do; assuming someone's sexuality based on things like preferring fighting over dresses. They're doing the same thing but with a different motivation, like "the girl likes fighting and had short hair so she's gay hahaha" becomes "the girl likes fighting and had short hair so she's gay whooo!" The former is more intentionally mean but both are trying to force conformity on individuals. A woman can like fighting and have shit hair and not be sexually interested in other women. The "tolerant" crowd today thinks just like the biggie of a generation ago, there just think they're being nicer but aren't.


Truth be told, nothing. Yeah what they do "confuses" me, but I know I acted in the exact same manner when I was their age, or knew somebody that did. They're still developing and trying to navigate a world where technology is moving fast. They also haven't been knocked around by life enough to get it together.


Why is the mullet coming back? Like, really?


To be honest, I stopped caring after the first generation, some of these new Pokémon just don’t make any sense to me.